Sunday, April 26, 2020

Trump Stoops To Newer Lows; Even For Trump!

Yes indeed it's that Magical Time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit; under the beautiful Flag of 1 God's Country; which as all of yous know is Canada. Now Perhaps yous Must wonder "What could Possibly be on his Twisted Mind?" Well; I'm glad yous asked; things that Naturally Piss Me off! Now of course every time I sit down in the Cockpit; I channel My Inner Stone Cold Steve Austin; and say "I was born Pissed Off!" Now for those of yous who may not Know; Stone Cold Steve Austin is a Retired Heavyweight Champion Of the World in the ONLY Legitimate Combat Sport; which is Professional Wrestling! Now I am aware there's a Group of People who follow the UFC. Exactly how anybody can follow such a bunch of fucking PHONIES; I don't have a damn clue! I mean think about this; The "Fights" if yous want to call it that are all Staged to "Look Real!" As most every fucking Moron knows the Outcomes in every UFC Event are Pre-Determined; and the "Hitting" is Completely 1000% FAKE! Allow me to elaborate; The Pre-Determined "Winner" in every UFC Match tells his Opponent "This is where I Pretend to Punch you in the Face and you fall down Like you had been shot." Then the "Bout" ends and of course you have Morons who act Like it's all "Real!" Whereas in Professional Wrestling everything is ALL REAL! No Need to thank me for dropping that Nugget of Knowledge on yous; just Providing a Public Service! Now if yous want to follow that shit and Plop down $35.00 or whatever the Cost of an event of that sort is; then that is Your Buisness; Just don't expect Me to tune into that shit, because that shit is Not what I find to be entertaining! Just Like when a Woman asks me to "Rough her up" before I proceed to fuck her! If ANY woman asked me to fucking "Punish" her before I put My dick inside of her; well then I ain't fucking Interested! O.K. I have been asked aside from Playing Hockey; what do I Like to do in My Spare time; when I ain't Running the Roads of the Great Mitten we all know and Love as Michigan (and every Other Week, Northwestern Ohio). Well this may come as a surprise to yous; but I Like to Cook! That's correct! I didn't fucking Stutter! And since I Live by Myself; I really don't have a fucking Choice, now do I? This is a Case of "Sink or Swim". Now for those of yous who are starting to Overcome the shock of me saying that I enjoy Cooking; now I don't think anybody will Mistake me for Bobby Flay or Emeril Lagasse; or any other World Class Chef who Owns a Chain of High End Restaurants; but In My Own Kitchen; I Like to be a "Mad Scientist". Now I have been asked "What would you say is your Signature Recipe; one that you would Like to Impress a Date with?" Ah! Excellent Question; Well; in essence; My Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo is Probably what I call My "Signature Dish." It's so Simple to Make; and since I Live alone; I can make it Last for at Least 3 to 4 Days. In essence I can also make any Pasta Recipe even with a Tomato-Based Sauce Last Equally as Long. Now the beauty of My Recipes is that they are Very Versatile; meaning yous can use Any Pasta yous want, yous can use any Protein yous Like. Yous can even make Vegetarian Versions of said Recipes; and if yous want any of My Recipes; simply hit me up on Facebook and I will give a Specific Recipe that yous ask for. Now another Dish I Like to whip up; when In essence I Can't decide what I want to Fix for Dinner; is a Dish I call the Elegant Mess. Now the Name of this Dish comes from FBI Agent, Elegant Mess; who Led a Group of Law Enforcement Officers, known as the Unmentionables. Now of course Agent Mess Gained Nationwide Fame during the Roaring 20s (The Time Frame from 1919 to 1933) when Al Capone Terrorized the Streets of Chicago, Illinois. Agent Mess and the Unmentionables Brought Down Al Capone's Bootlegging Operation and sent Capone to Alcatraz. Now the Unmentionables Got that Name because they could not be "Bribed" into Allowing Capone and his Cronies to Operate without any Kind of Law Enforcement Interference! Now for the Dish I Nemed the Elegant Mess; it's a Combination of Ground Turkey; Mixed with Rice and Corn. Now the beauty of this Recipe is it, too Just Like My Pasta Recipes is it is very Versatile. In Other Words; yous Can use any Ground Meat yous Like, yous can use any Variety of Rice that yous Like; and yous Can use any Vegetable yous Like. In fact yous can make a Vegetarian Version of this Dish by substituting a Portobello Mushroom or 2; for the Meat Component. Now I have been asked "Is there any dish you can't Cook to Save your Life?" Tragically the answer to that Question is "Yes". I admit; I can't Cook a Steak to Save My Life; (1) Those damn things are very Pricey; think about this if a New York Strip Steak Sells in your Local Supermarket for about say $7.99 a Pound. Well if yous fuck that up; that can get Quite Costly! Second; I have a very hard time telling the Degrees of "Doneness" of a Steak! Now My brother on the Other hand if yous ask him to Cook you a steak; he can Cook it to Your Exact Specifications. But One "Food" I try to avoid at all costs is One that a Lot of People Like to eat and Quite Frankly; I cannot for the Life of Me Understand how or why; Hen Grenades; a.k.a. eggs! I cannot stand those fucking things! I don't Like ANYTHING about them at all! Taste, Smell, Texture; makes me want to fucking Puke! Ugh! Just Like a Woman asking me to Perform "Rough, Kinky" Sex; which I consider as a Major fucking TURN-OFF; well eggs are the food equavilent of being asked to perform BDSM, Bondage or any of that fucking "Kinky" shit! I would rather fucking Starve than be FORCED to eat eggs! Those fucking things are so fucking Gross! Just Like being asked to Perform Bondage, BDSM or "Rough Up" My Partner before or during Sex; I would much rather Carry a 500 Lb. Anvil by my balls! Alright. Now we get to the fun Part the Part where I say if yous get "Offended" by what I am about to say; then stop Reading this Posting from this very Point! Now the Corporate Media keeps finding New Ways to Piss Me Off more every fucking Day; How so? Now are yous that fucking illiterate or are yous that Tone-Deaf see how the United States is being fucked in its Collective ass by the fucking CRIMINAL Trump-Pence REGIME? Son of a Bitch; this is Like fucking somebody in the ass without Using any kind of fucking Lubrication! Yet the Corporate Media Keeps referring to this fucking NARCISSISTIC, SOCIOPATH who is ILLEGALLY SQUATTING in the White House, Donald John Trump as "President." This is a Slap in the fucking face to Me considering Myself as an "American"! Now for those of yous who say to me "Go Back To Canada." News Flash: I was Born in Port Huron, Michigan; which the Last Time I Checked; is still in the United States (Personally, I wish Michigan was a Province of God's Country which as all of yous Know is Canada). Yet I have Dual Citizenship; because My Mother was Born in Windsor, Ontario; which is In Canada! So I think I will stay in Mount Morris, Michigan; where I have been Living for the Last Couple of fucking Years and Aid in the Revolution to Make America "AMERICA" again, by Calling for the Overthrow of the Trump-Pence REGIME! Now for those of yous who accuse me of being a "Pinko Liberal Commie; who Hates America" I shall drop another fucking Nugget of Knowledge on yous and show just how fucking Ignorant youa really are! Now during My Lifetime, the United States has been Directly involved in 4 fucking Wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq (Twice). All 4 of these fucking Wars were all based on LIES!  Now I was very Young when The USA was Entangled in the Vietnam War which was Started by Lyndon Baines Johnson, a fucking Democrat! Yet when the fucking CROOK, Richard Nixon, a Republican, who Campaigned to End the USA'a Involvement in the Vietnam War in 1968, Assumed Power in 1969 (Now Keep In Mind I would enter the World, Throwing the Horns 11 Months Later). That CROOK went back on his fucking Campaign Promises to End the Vietnam War; and he ESCALATED Tensions that would Rage on in Southeast Asia until the Fall of Saigon (The Capital of South Vietnam) in 1975. Yet where was Donald John Trump? Well; of course that Chicken Shit DRAFT-DODGING fucking COWARD was at some PHONY "Doctor" Getting a Diagnosis for "Bone Spurs" to keep his COWARD ass out of Vietnam! Thus taking a Steamy fucking shit All Over the Memories of those who Paid the Ultimate fucking Price for the LIES that Precipitated the Vietnam War! Meanwhile the fucking CROOK, Richard Nixon, Ordered a few of his Cronies to Break into the Democratic National Headquarters at a Place Called Watergate; and Did Up Dirt on his Democratic Opponent, South Dakota Senator George McGovern. Nixon Easily Won a Second Term; but in 1973 stretching into 1974 it was Discovered that Nixon had Ordered the Break-In at Watergate and the fucking Cover-Up of ALL Criminal Activity; and Ultimately Facing Impeachment; Nixon Resigned in Disgrace; because that fucking CROOK Knew his ass was as good as a "Dead Man Walking!"  Now this during a Time when Congress Usually Placed "Country Over Party". Fast Forward 42 Years Later and what the fuck happens? Donald Trump with the Help of Russia a fucking SWORN ENEMY of the USA Moves ILLEGALLY into the fucking White House; even though he LOST the fucking Election by More than 3 Million fucking Votes! This PROVES How fucking CORRUPT and CROOKED the fucking "Electoral College" is!  Now Let's get back to Present Day; when we have this fucking Scourge known as the Cronavirus Plaguing the entire fucking Globe. Now this was first Reported in Wuhan a city in China. Now I Generally take Most everything I hear from the fucking Corporate Media witha Grain of Salt. Now there are Reports that this Pandemic did not Originate in China after all; yet because we have this fucking RACIST, XENOPHOBE in the White House Calling the Coronavirus the "Chinese Virus," Millions of Innocent People of Asian Descent; are now being subjected to Harrassment and Physical assaults; because this Xenophobic Piece of shit in the White House is stirring up the Flames of Racial Hatred and fucking BIGOTRY! It's a Crying fucking shame that Racism, Xenophobia and fucking Bigotry ain't gonna be exterminated in My Lifetime! Now I don't discriminate against ANYBODY! I don't "Hate" somebody Unless I have a fucking REASON to do so! I'll give yous a couple of examples: My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly is somebody that I HATE; because she seems to think that because she was Born into a wealthy family and that she STOLE My Late Father-In Law's Vast Wealth that she is somehow "Better than everybody else; because of her and the family's Wealth!" Now it's No coincidence that this is someone who did everything she could to avoid Working at ALL Costs; That she Devoutly SUPPORTS Trump! This is somebody who Sucked and fucked her way to the Top at any Employer she was on the Payroll of! In fact she would spend ALL of her "Working Hours" on her knees or on her back with her Legs in the air! Another Example is My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband; yes that same shitball who has been Calling me a "Dope Dealer" for the Last 4 fucking Years even though he KNOWS FULLY FUCKING-A-WELL that I have had NOTHING to fucking Do with Drugs in My Life! In fact I am STILL WAITING for even 1 fucking Shred of Evidence that PROVES that I have been involved in ANY kind of "Dope Trafficking!" So to that I say, Paul Brown, Jr. Get Ready to SCratch Me Out a Checque for at Least $5000.00; because I WILL Sue your ass for fucking SLANDER! Now wiat a Minute are either of these Targets I mentioned, by any Chance, Black, Asian, Latino, Native American? No they are BOTH White, Like I am! Now about a Week and a Half ago a Bunch of Gun Toting, Trump Supporting Jackasses (whom Kelly was Marching In Lockstep with) marched on Lansing, the State Capital of the Mitten I have Called Home for My Entire Life; to Protest Governor Gretchen Whitmer's "Stay Home & Stay Safe" Order. Yet these tweedledicked shitballs fucking BLOCKED Hospital Entrances and threatened Health Care Workers All at the fucking behest of the fucking DRAFT-DODGING, NARCISSIST ILLEGALLY SQUATTING in the White House! Instead of showing something Called "LEADERSHIP" what does this Mr. "Big Balls" wannabe do? Post Stupid Tweets saying "Liberate Michigan", "Liberate Minnesota" States that have Democrats as Governors. Threatens States such as Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois with Federal Aid being Withheld from them if they "Don't Kiss the FAT, DOUGHY FRAMED ass of Dear Leader!" Now get ready for a fucking Shock; who bankrolled this fucking Right Wing Hit Job? Why the fucking DeVos Family! Now Dick DeVos; who at One time Owned the Orlando Magic of the National Basketball Association Unsuccessfuly Ran for Governor of Michigan in 2006 against then Incumbent, Jennifer Granholm. Now I wasn't Jacking Myself to a Screaming Orgasm over How Governor Granholm Ran Michigan; but the Thought of Dick DeVos Running Michigan makes me want to rip my dick out of its socket! Yet his Wife, Betsy who resembles the fucking Scarecrow in the 1939 Classic the Blizzard of Oz; Now has a Position on the CRIMINAL Trump-Pence REGIME! Talk about fucking Cronysim and Corrpution being Rewarded! Now back to Governor Whitmer'sOrder it just got fucking Extended to May 15; which really Pisses me off, because I can't Play Hockey until at Least May 16; no thanks to these asshats who are out to suck Trump's dick which I dare say Looks Like a stack of Rolled Up dimes! Now I shall use a Quote the Late ABC Sportscatser, Howard Cosell said in an Interview he did shortly before he Passed Away; now for those of yous who don't Remember who Howard Cosell was; he was a Sportscaster with a distinctive Bulb Shaped head and a Pair of Ears that if he had muscles in them he could Literally fly; as well as a Voice that well, depending on how you heard it either Annoyed the Piss out of yous or it was the Voice of a Man who "Tells it Like it is", his Quote which I will use to sum up Governor Whitmer's Order goes Like this "What's Popular isn't always Right; what's Right isn't always Popular." By the same Token; these Gun Toting Piles of shit were Perfectly O.K. with Rick Snyder, a.k.a. Satan; POISONING the City of Flint; by Forcing the Residents of that great City to Drink Lead Tainted Water! Yet Chances are if we had a LEGITIMATE "President" in the White House; chances are we wouldn't be in the fucking Mess we Now are In! Even Hillary Clinton, who I was Really No fan of, would have at Least done Something to get Out in Front of this Thing Rather than "Playing the Victim" Like Trump has! Now Just when yous think that Trump Can't stoop to an even Newer Low; wait for it; this is a real Good One; Trump Suggested that the Way to "Cure" the fucking Coronavirus is to Have Someone Inject Patients with Sanitizer! Yes this is a Quote Trump gave at One of his Coronavirus Rallies! Now as we all Know Sanitizer is Mostly Alcohol. Another Word for Sanitizer is fucking Bleach! Now as we all know, Bleach which is Mostly Chlorine; Kills Germs, Viruses, and Bacteria on Surfaces that it somes in Contact with. Yet Trump suggested that People fucking Drink Bleach; as well as shove an Ultraviolet Light Up your asses! Now if this doesn't Convince yous as to How Dangerously Not Qualified this Piece of shit is to Hold the Highest Office in the United States; then I don't know what will! Now I don't expect you Supporters of this fucking AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR; to Listen to Reason and Bring a Merciful END to this 4 Year fucking Nightmare known as the Trump-Pence REGIME! Does the Term "Jonestown" mean anything to yous? Now this had Occurred in 1978; when this Cult Leader by the Name of Jim Jones convinced his Followers of a Religious Cult that had Relocated to Jonestown, Guyana (a Small Country on the South American Continent) to Drink I think it was Kool-Aod Laced with Cyanide. Now I dare say it was estimated that at Least 916 People had died in that Mass Suicide! Yet here we are the fucking Coronavirus has Claimed Damn Near 3000 Lives in Michigan Alone, and Over 50,000 People have Died here in the United States as a Result of this  Pandemic; and Yet the ONLY thing Trump can advise is to Drink Bleach? And yous all thought Trump couldn't Stoop to even Newer Lows; even for himself! I mean this Piece of shit STOLE Vince McMahon's Catchphrase "You're Fired," and Now he has McMahon in Charge of Re-Opening this Country's Economy! We all Know that Trump has been in full blown Cover Your ass Mode ever since this fucking Crisis Started! One thing I can honestly say is Once Trump LOSES this Election, the Top Priority should be to Escort Trump and ALL of the CRIMINALS in this REGIME Out of the White House in Handcuffs; Fast Track their asses to the fucking Electric Chair; I will be Happy to throw the fucking switch! It's even been documented that there are a couple of Trump's Devout Supporters who did exactly that! Drink fucking Bleach! Trump is Now attempting to say he was being "Sarcastic." Blow it out your FAT, DOUGHY FRAMED COWARD ass! As I have said before there will be some of yous who will support this fucking AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR Regardless of what I say or whatever FACTS are Presented to Counteract the Narriative that yous so blindly stick to! So Let's simple agree to disagree; or I can sum it up this way; apparently yous see this Issue from the Opposite end of the Spectrum than I do; and yous know what? I am Perfectly O.K. with that! It's the Old saying "Opinions are Like assholes, everybody has one."I guess Old P.T. Barnum was Right when he was Quoted saying "There's a Sucker born every Minute." I wish I could say that he's wrong but when I see those who will Blindly Support this Authotitarian DICTATOR; who are willing to Go Down with this Sinking Ship; well as and I don't know who Coined the  Phrase "The Proof is in the Pudding." Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying. May God send a Doctor that can Eradicate the Trump-Pence REGIME Quickly and Permanently!

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