Is it at all true that Michigan's Resident Rocker has yet even More on My Twisted Mind to where I will take My Position in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of us know is Canada? Well it sure to hell is! And some of yous must be thinking "He sure Must be Bored out of his Mind without Hockey!" Oh yous damn right about that! Now before we get to the Main Topic; I usually Post a Side Note based on events from Earlier in My Twisted Existence. I also Must Post My Customary Disclaimer that if yous are the Kinds that get Offended Easily By a Liberal Use of 4-Letter Words; and or Graphic Talk of Sex then stop Reading this Posting at this very Point! How Much More can I simplify this for yous? Alright; It's been Rumored that My Now Former Girlfriend, Brittany is Now a Mother; well I can Honestly say that I sure to fuck am Glad that if this is True (and Personally whether it's true or not, I Personally don't give a flying fuck!) Because I can Honestly say with Complete Confidence that this Child ain't Mine! Because If I can help it; My Baby-Making Days are a thing of the fucking Past; and I want to keep it that way! Now this ain't the first bullet I dodged as far as some Drug Addict Possibly trapping me into Being EXTORTED by the Friend of the CUNT! After all My First Wife, Carrie; was (and as far as I know STILL IS) a fucking Drug Addict! Now during the span of time between the Time I Divorced Carrie; in 1999 to the Time I Got Mixed Up with Brittany; in 2016, I forgot exactly How fucking Manipulative Drug Addicts are! I forgot How Good Drug Addicts are at LYING to get what they want! During that span of time the TV Show, Intervention, on A & E TV became rather Popular; yet I was Guilty as Charged of Not Paying attention to the Content of that Show. If I did; maybe Brittany may not have done the Kind of Damage to My Life that she had done! Yet Brittany was able to use her Beautiful Physical Appearance and her Manipulativeness to get whatever the fuck she wanted out of me! Now I know somebody will ask Me "How could you have fallen for a Drug Addict?" O.K. For those of yous who don't know who this Young Woman is; if I were to show yous a Photo of her; then yous could easily see How ANY Man could Fall Victim to her! She is Now 30 Years Old; yet Most any Man would refer to Brittany as a "Trophy Girlfriend" I Mean her Physical Appearance is what Most any Man at Any fucking Age would Dream of Having on his arm! As I said her Physical Appearance is something she used to her advantage! She is a Blue Eyed Brunette (which yous don't see very many of them) in fact a Beautiful Looking Blue Eyed Brunette is almost as Rare as an Asian Chick with Blonde Hair! May I also add that she has the Most beautiful set of tits I have ever seen on any Woman(and believe Me I have seen My Share of Women's Breasts) yet something about Brittany's tits were something I know I will Never forget! Yet despite her beautiful Physical Appearance Brittany was a fucking Monster! What the fuck am I talking about? I was Hoping I wouldn't have to Re-Live this; However; any Time I could not Come Up with Money so she could score a fucking fix; that would be when she would display her Ugly side! And believe Me I saw that ALL TOO OFTEN for My Liking! She would get this fucking Murderous Look in her eyes in where it Looked as if her Blue Eyes turned Black! Now I ain't never Looked into the Eyes of the Worst Stone Cold Killers that have ever been documented; but Looking into her eyes when she got Pissed Off (and trust me it didn't take a Great Deal to Trigger an Outburst from Brittany at all) was Like Looking into the eyes of Charles Manson (Not that I ever Met that Infamous Motherfucker). But I'm sure yous get where I am going with this! Now that I Look back upon this Mistake; the ONLY Time I didn't Have to Worry about her was when she was Lodged in the fucking Macomb County Lockup; because at Least I knew where she was and I Knew that she couldn't get into any Worse Trouble than she already was in! I Guess sometimes the Most Difficult Person to save is someone who is Hell Bent on his/her Own Self-Destruction! Because as it turned out Brittany was in essence her own worst enemy! Although I made it 1000% CRYSTAL CLEAR that if she Uses Drugs while she's with Me that she WOULD NO LONGER BE IN MY LIFE! I simply have a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy when it comes to Women I get Involved with! Drugs are a DROP DEAD DEALBREAKER with me! Even More so than Infidelity! What the fuck am I saying? After My Then-Loving Wife went for the UPGRADE; I did a Great Deal of Soul Searching and I discovered that My Long-Held Beliefs that Humans Being ain't Meant to be fucking Monogamous were true! Now I wish I had Realized this when I was with Carrie, My First Wife! After all; she Slept Around on Me More than a Dort Highway Hooker! Now Carrie is definitely what I call a DOPE WHORE; because all Most ANY Guy had to do to get that FAT, LAZY CUNT to Spread her Legs is Offer her a Hit of Most ANY Hallucinogenic Drug or Alcohol! In Fact when she said "I do" when I Married that fucking WHORE; I should have asked "With Who?" Now I know somebody will tell me "You saying these things is not very nice at all." Well since when has anybody ever Accused Me of being a "Nice Guy"? Little did I realize that I would fall into the Trap of being in a Relationship of being with a DOPE WHORE again 16 Years Later! But as I said; if I paid Closer Attention to the TV Show, Intervention; More than Likely; I would have Dropped Brittany Like a bad fucking habit; the first time she had me take her to this fucking Dope House On Alcoy Street on the East Side of Detroit! I wouldn't have Wasted Nearly a Year and a Half of My Life SUPPORTING This DOPE WHORE trying to Save her from Herself! Now I would be Remiss if I didn't Point Out the HYPOCRISY of My Mother's Husband, Paul, the fucking DRUNK that My Mother has been Married to for the Last Damn Near 33 fucking Years; to this Day I still have No fucking Clue as to what she still sees in this BOOZE BAG! Aside from that fucking "Security Of Married Life" that Most Married Women Crave! It's Kind of fucking funny to Me that this HYPOCRITE thinks he can fucking Throw Rocks at Me for Having a "Girlfriend" while still Married; yet he fucked his Own Grandson's Mother! But as I said; whether he fucked ANY Woman other than My Mother, I Personally don't give a fuck about that! Because I don't believe that Other People's Relationships/Marriages ain't My Place to get Involved! O.K. I know he used to Drive Truck and of course at Most Truck Stops there are Hookers Often Referred to as "Lot Lizards" that Congregate there and have Sex with Most any Trucker that invite them in. Now as I said; I don't Give a fuck whether he Put his Shriveled Up Old Schlong into the Holes-O-Skank of these "Lot Lizards" or some Chick at one of his Office Terminals who showed him her tits; again I don't give a fuck about that! But what's really Interesting is Right around the fucking Time My Nephew's Mother Got Knocked Up with her Now 12 Year Old Daughter, Brianna; word was goiung around that Paul was Boinking My Nephew's Mother. Now I KNOW Paul is too much of a fucking Chicken Shit to take a fucking Paternity Test! This Cocksucker had the Nerve to Call Me a "Deadbeat Dad" without Knowing the Dirty Little Secret that the Friend of the CUNT (That's the Family Court System Here in Michigan is Referred to as). This Pathetic DRUNK Who has Never "Fathered" a Child in His Life! Yet I would Love to see the Look on My Mother's Face when the fucking DNA Test PROVES that HE is Brianna's Biological Father! I wonder How he would explain that shit away to My Mother? May I also add that in the Case of Parents who were NEVER Married to each other that Child "Support" which in Reality is fucking Child EXTORTION can be Made RETROACTIVE to the Day that Child is Born! So Let's assume He was Named as the Father; and he was Ordered to Pay about $500.00 a Month; Multiply that by 144 Months as well as Interest and Surcharges that get fucking Tacked On; and Pal, yous would be in a fucking World of Shit! Now who's the fucking "Deadbeat Dad?" And may I add; when a Man is Named to be the "Father" of a Child in the Friend of the CUNT System; it doesn't fucking Matter what the fucking Results of a fucking DNA Test says; you're on the fucking Hook for 218 Monthly Payments and Quite Possibly More than that! All I can say is I am Glad that Both of My Kids are Grown and I No Longer have to deal with that fucking NIGHTMARE known as the Friend of the CUNT! I Just Hope and Pray against all Hope that My Son, Jonathan doesn't get tied up in that fucking CRIMINAL System! Now Onto the Main Topic; I know I have beaten the fucking Drum of How the CRIMINAL REGIME of Donald John Trump and that Bible Thumping Cock Socket, Mike Pence NEEDS to be REMOVED From Power at ALL COSTS; and for Good fucking Reason! Because this DICTATOR has all but RUINED "America" as Most of us has Learned what it's supposed to be! Which Leads Me to Mention My Uncle Keith; a Career Soldier in the United States Army (Despite the Fact that he was Born in Canada), Uncle Keith has Proudly and with Distinction, Honour and Valour Served his Adopted Home Country (By even doing a Tour of Duty in Iraq). Yet for the Life of Me; I simply Cannot Understand why or even How he can Defend Donald John Trump, the DRAFT-DODGING COWARD, for those of yous who Wonder how I draw that fucking Conclusion, I shall Give yous a brief History Lesson. Now I admit when the Vietnam War was Raging On; I was too Young to even Comprehend what was going on Literally Half a World away in Southeast Asia. But Daddy Trump Paid some Phony "Doctor" to Say that Donnie-Boy had Bone Spurs; thus Making His COWARD ass Ineligible to be sent into be sent to Vietnam! Now I shall Make this Point Perfectly Clear; I Never Served in the Military; so therefore I don't have a Clue as to what the Men and Women who have Served in Our Armed Forces deal with on a Daily Basis. Yet; I Looked Up to Uncle Keith ever since I was a Little Headbanger, Myself! And Make No Mistake about this; I am Very Proud of Him for Serving his Adopted Home Country Like he has; just as I am Proud of those who have Put On the Uniform of ALL Branches of the Armed Forces. With that being Said; I have to ask ALL of You Active Duty, Reserve and Retired Military Personnel this Question; and I Really Hope those of yous who Stand Behind this DICTATOR can answer this Question Honestly. Is having a DRAFT-DODGING COWARD; who used a PHONY DIAGNOSIS of "Bone Spurs" to Keep his COWARD ass Out of a fucking Combat Zone as your "Commander-In-Chief" Deciding on whether yous Get Sent into War Zones a Slap In the Face to all of yous? I know if I was a Member of any Branch of the Armed Forces; I Know that would be a Slap in the face to Me! Now it's been Said that the Commander of a Navy Battleship was Unceremoniously Fired by the DRAFT-DODGING COWARDLY DICTATOR, Trump for Looking Out for the Sailors on his Ship in the Wake of this fucking Covid-19 Outbreak! What the fuck Country do we fucking Live in? Russia? North Korea? Now before I share an Article which Documents Donald John Trump's EPIC FAIL in his Handling of this fucking Coronavirus Epedemic; I shall send a Special Shout-Out to My Other Former Sister-In-Law, Debbie; who is a Nurse @ McLaren Pork Huron Hospital along with her Husband, Jim, who is also a Nurse, for Placing their Lives on the Line in the battle against this Unprecedented Pandemic! This Article can be found on the Website of the Daily Kos; yous can access this Article by typing in Every day seems to bring another round of the great national Question: “How is it possible that Donald Trump missed so many chances to stop this?” In fact, Trump so consistently veered in the pro-death direction that it’s hard to believe he’s not #TeamCovid.
But because that evidence is piling up, and going past, with such regularity, here’s a Quick catalog of some of Trump’s biggest screw ups and moments when he so tortured competence that everyone screamed. The Nation is lurching to the end of a week from hell, and it’s headed toward months in hell’s subbasement. It only seems right to make another review of exactly who put us here.
Trump canceled the PREDICT program
PREDICT was a global program bringing together American scientists and foreign scientists in an effort to spot new threats in viruses making the leap between animals and people. Among the labs that were part of the PREDICT network was one in Wuhan, China that was looking specifically at SARS-related Coronaviruses as a potential source of a pandemic. Both SARS and MERS had demonstrated the potential threat behind these viruses, and it wasn’t difficult to imagine a virus that was a little less deadly, and a little more contagious, turning into a massive global threat.
That program had identified over 150 such viruses, and that lab in Wuhan was the first to identify the virus behind COVID-19. But two months before that moment, Trump chopped the funding and dropped U.S. involvement, despite being repeatedly warned about the value of the program—an action that blinded the nation, just at the critical moment.
Trump ignored a “Black Swan” warning from the Army
Throughout January, as the 2019 novel Coronavirus exploded in China and experts in the United States and around the world warned that the threat of pandemic was becoming all but certain, various agencies took a swing at trying to explain to Trump just what that would mean. Among them was the Army, who on Feb. 3 assembled a presentation showing that COVID-19 was potentially a massive “black swan” event that would completely disrupt the U.S. economy and result in over a 100,000 deaths. Even though many aspects of that Army analysis have turned out to be optimistic, the impact projected made COVID-19 the biggest threat the nation has faced since the Cold War. It didn’t matter … because Trump completely ignored it.
Trump dismissed a CDC report showing America unprepared for the next pandemic
In 2018 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention commemorated the 1918-1919 flu pandemic by conducting a review of America’s current standing. The outcome of the seminar that capped that review: A talk co-hosted by Dr. Nancy Messonnier, warning that the U.S. was completely unprepared to face a repeat visit from a pandemic respiratory disease. Warnings indicated that the health care system would be overrun, that the supply chains—both for medical products and consumer products—would be strained, and that deaths could actually exceed what was seen a century earlier. Similarly blunt assessments got Messonnier sidelined from handling the novel Coronavirus response and kept her off the Coronavirus response team … even though she is the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Messonnier’s co-host for that event? Dr. Luciana Borio, who was a part of the National Security Council pandemic response team that … well …
Trump dismantled the National Security Council’s pandemic response team
After 9/11, it seemed only reasonable that the National Security Council (NSC) expand to look at a broader range of threats. That included threats such as biological weapons and pandemics. But Donald Trump, and his then National Security Advisor John Bolton, weren’t interested in dealing with novel threats. They were concentrated on the old-fashioned “who can we blow up today?” sort of option. So the entire global health security team was disbanded in May 2018. That included firing Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer, an expert in dealing with both disasters and organizing a response to epidemics. However, before they were all gone, the pandemic response team produced a playbook on how to handle these emerging threats. And that playbook … well …
Trump developed the nation’s first serious defense against biologic attack
Psych. In 2017, Trump announced that it was “about time” that the nation have a coordinated plan for dealing with biological attacks—at about the same time Trump’s team was warning against the threat of disease spread by “Central American caravans” and pondering if “prayer rugs” left on the border might be sprinkled with Ebola. However, this was a twofer screw you, America. Because not only did the U.S. already have a plan for both pandemics and biological attack, but the guy who was supposed to be heading this effort was, yup, Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer. Who Trump then canned.
Trump failed to follow playbook on how to handle pandemics
If there is anything that Trump hates more than competent experts, it’s competent experts who worked for Barack Obama, which is a large overlapping set since Obama didn’t share Trump’s fear of people who might know more about a specific topic than he does. So it didn’t help that the NSC’s pandemic team completed their pandemic playbook in 2016 and handed it to an incoming Trump. That book took everything that had been learned in dealing with H1N1 flu and with Ebola and distilled it down into rules that made it dead simple to understand the weak points in the system and determine appropriate first steps when dealing with a new disease. If anyone in the Trump team bothered to read it, they certainly didn’t use it—particularly the part that emphasized the importance of testing, testing, testing.
Trump shrugged off his own team’s failure in a simulated pandemic
Maybe no one on Trump’s team read the pandemic playbook, but multiple members of the incoming White House staff were brought into a simulation of a pandemic as part of their training during the transition. That simulation explicitly dealt with a flu-like illness that emerged in Asia, spread around the world, and threatened the planet with the biggest pandemic since 1918. It warned that the United States could face “shortages of ventilators, anti-viral drugs and other medical essentials, and that having a coordinated, unified National response was 'paramount.'" But Trump’s team seemed as uninterested in this exercise as they were in every other thing that had to do with the real threats facing the Nation.
Trump scrapped the annual DHS review of pandemic preparedness
Every year from 2005 to 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) conducted a review that included modeling the effect that a pandemic would have on critical infrastructure across the nation. After that many years of effort, the DHS simulation was robust, and modeled not just the spread of disease but the effects on transportation, the economy, and how America could shift its workforce into work-from-home situations. In fact, it anticipated an amazing number of the issues that have appeared during the current crisis … so it might have been a very good thing if Trump hadn’t killed the process as soon as he came into the White House, putting all the results three years out of date.
Trump blew off a warning from a simulation that came just last fall
Operation Crimson Contagion (CC) has to be right up there in terms of spy game coolness. But that didn’t seem to help anyone in the entire Trump White House either pay attention to the results or refer to the results of the pandemic simulation that happened just weeks before COVID-19 emerged. CC was actually a whole series of exercises that tested every aspect of the government’s response to the outbreak of a novel disease, and the end result was a report stamped “not to be disclosed.” Not shockingly, it’s been disclosed. And what’s inside is a report that says … Honestly, you can guess what it says. It says the Federal response was nothing short of terrible. It says that different agencies weren’t clear on who was responsible for various aspects of the response. It said there was no clear Federal guidance. It said that hospitals were short on ventilators, and protective gear, and overrun with cases. Without necessary Federal coordination, States and Localities were left on their own when it came to determining things like school closings and other restrictions. The whole thing was a fair description of chaos. Or an incredibly accurate simulation.
This doesn’t even start to look at the ways that Trump has screwed up the real thing since it started. This is just how many times someone tried to wave a flag in the face of his team and get them to pay attention to what they were repeatedly told was the greatest potential threat facing the nation. It’s an amazing catalog of not just failures, but deliberate failure and willful ignorance. Can somebody Please Explain to Me how the fuck this Kind of Malfeasance is somehow allowed to Justify this fucking CRIMINAL REGIME Remaining In Power? Well I shall Give yous My Explanation: When Senator Mitch McConnell-No Surprise here a fucking Republican from Kentucky RIGGED the Impeachment Hearings to Make Certain that Donald John Trump would be ACQUITTED; well the fucking Coronavirus was well On its way if Not here in the USA already! So Not Only do we Need to Vote this CRIMINAL REGIME Out of Power; we Need to Make Certain that This CRIMINAL REGIME'S Enablers; Like Mitch McConnell, Linsey Graham and so on MUST Also be Voted Out of Office! Yet; I KNOW My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly will do everything in her Power to Keep this CRIMINAL REGIME In Power as well as the Republican Enablers of this REGIME! I have to admit I do Hope that Our Next President, Joe Biden does Pick Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer as his Running Mate; even though I, Personally would Miss her being in the Governor's Mansion in Lansing. Why? Because Much Like Nancy Pelosi; she KNOWS How to Stand Up to a BULLY Like Donald John Trump! I mean even when Adolf Hitler Rose to Power in Nazi Germany, back in 1933 Hitler took advantage of a National Crisis to assume Power! Trump being the fucking PETULANT CHILD that he Truly IS; is Now Withholding Desperately Needed Medical Supplies from States Like Michigan whose Governors STAND UP to Trump and REFUSE to KISS his FAT ass, which Looks Like 300+ Pounds of Chewed Bubble Gum! Ugh! What a disgusting Visual I gave, eh? I really do wonder wonder what the fuck Stormy Daniels and or Karen McDougall saw in the FAT, COWARDLY fuck? I mean didn't they and Melenia have to use a fucking Magnifying Glass to find his dick? Now Much Like Trump, Hitler had his share of Loyal Followers who fed the German People the fucking GRUEL of Nazi Propaganda to the German People as Hitler Led Germany to complete Ruin in 1945; thus Leading Germany to be Split into 2 Seperate Countries for about I dare say 44 Years until the fucking Berlin Wall was Demolished in 1989! Trump, Like Hitler REQUIRES 1000% LOYALTY to the DICTATOR or else in essence if you're somebody who has the fucking COURAGE to OPPOSE this fucking TOTALITARIAN DICTATOR; then in essence you're fucked! Didn't the same apply when Saddam Hussein was in Power in Iraq? From what I Understand the "Butcher of Baghdad" (and he didn't get that Nickname just for Laughs, My friends) anybody who showed any Disloyalty to Saddam wound up in a fucking bodybag! Well in essence this Holds True with Trump; Only Difference is any Federal Government Employee who has the Courage to STAND UP to this fucking BULLY, Trump ends up being Shitcanned in a very Humiliating Fashion! It's for "America" to Wake the fuck Up!" Before it's way too Late and the "America" we all know and Love will Cease to Exist! I Personally Recommend that everybody who Reads this Posting to see a Documentary Film Made by Flint, Michigan Native and National HERO, Michael Moore Titled Farenheit 11/9 (Named after November 9, 2016) the Day Donald John Trump STOLE the 2016 Presidential "Election" with a HUGE Assist from RUSSIA! How yous Vote on November 3, 2020 will Determine whether "America" will Continue to Be what it's supposed to be or become a Third World Country Like Iraq! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Do your Civic Duty on November 3, 2020, which is Vote and get this CRIMINAL REGIME Sent to PRISON where they BELONG! Otherwise we're all fucked!
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