Sunday, April 12, 2020
Michigan's Resident Rocker Dishes Up More Reality!
Is it at all conceivable that Michigan's Resident Rocker has even more on My Twisted Mind? Now what a Question; of course I do! And believe Me yous thought I dropped a Bombshell when I called Out these fucking Bible Thumping Pricks a Couple Nights ago. Well trust Me, I ain't Out of Ammunition to use against these fucks! Now of course I Must Post the Usual Disclaimer for those of yous who are functionally illiterate (Meaning those who can't Read). Of course I use some rather Coarse Language; but how else can I deliver these Manifestos from deep within the Chasms of My Twisted Mind with such Brutal Honesty? I told yous I don't sugar coat anything I say! And if yous get sand in your pussies over something I say then stop Reading this Posting from this very Point! It has been suggested that I take these Manifestos Viral (meaning I say what I say in front of a Video Camera and Post it on You Tube. I say to that; I don't know how good I would be in front of a Camera. But It's something I wouldn't Mind taking a shot at! Because I ain't afraid of speaking my Twisted Mind at all; and of course I ain't a very hard Man to find! Now before I get into what's On My Twisted Mind; I Owe a Long Overdue Apology to this Young Woman I Recently Reconnected with after 31 Years. O.K. Let's not get ahead of ourselves; I ain't saying I'm Involved with her now. But I was in the Process of getting Involved with her 31 Years ago, but when I was 19 Years Old; I had a habit of Not Thinking before I would say something and Let's face it at that age; who is Mature enough to really think clearly. Now I called this Young Woman a Rather Nasty Name that in essence could be used to describe a Car or a Light truck Equipped with a 4-Speed Manual Transmission. Now of course I didn't think of this, Myself; it was a Girl that I used to date, Named Diane; started a Rumor about this young Woman that I was going to Possibly date. Now yous talk about an episode of the Jerry Springer Show in the Making! But nonetheless; it appeared as if this Young Woman was expressing Interest in being Involved with Me; yet back then; I was more Prone to believe Rumors than I am now! I wish I hadn't said what I said to this Young Woman because she Clearly didn't deserve it! And all this time; I thought I would Never get a Chance to Make it Right. Now whether she forgives (or will for that matter) me for that I don't know. But I figured the Right thing to do is to apologize for that! I realize that it may be a case of too Little too Late; but that Remains to be seen! Yet, I openly admit that I was CLEARLY in the Wrong! Yous see; Unlike the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the fucking White House as well as My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, who Devoutly SUPPORTS the Piece of Shit who has the fucking audacity to Call Himself "President", I can OWN UP to when I fuck up! I often wonder what if I hadn't said those things to this Young Woman; would I have established a Relationship with her? I don't have any clue at all! But at that time; I was too concerned about this CUNT named Diane (That's the Name of the Little bitch I dated, and to tell yous the truth, I had No Business being Involved with, now where does this sound familiar?) It was at that Point in Time where I had to do a Little Soul Searching and Realize that if I Kept being Preoccupied with giving a fuck what anybody who ain't close to me thought of me; that I would Never get Jack Shit accomplished! I don't know if Diane was Jealous of the fact that I was Moving On from her and her fucking LYING, MANIPULATIVE ways to a More Mature Young Woman (Now Mind you, Diane was 15 Years Old at the Time and I was about a Month from what would be My 20th Birthday) Now Imagine if I fucked Diane; well her Parents could had me charged with Statutory Rape (Now the Reasoning behind this is the Legal Age for Sexual Consent here in Michigan is 16). Now if I were to Reconnect with Diane (not that I would want that, in fact I don't know what the fuck became of her) now; well then the State Looks at it as a Case of "No Harm, No Foul". Yet if I were to do that back then; I know this was before the Laws to Create a Sex Offender Registry were Passed; yet I would have to Live with the fucking Stigma of being a Statutory Rapist! But, I have an all too Vivid Reminder of Diane in My Nephew's Mother; because she and Diane were in essence Toxic Twins! But to that Young Woman; I Needed to sincerely apologize for what I said; and I hope that you don't end up hating me for saying those things that I said. Nowadays; I Generally don't take any Chances on Most any Woman Younger than 40 Years Old. And of course Experience is My Main Teacher. Think about this; Brittany; who is 20 Years Younger than Me as well as Jessica who is in essence only a Year Older than Brittany; are a Good Reason I do everything I can to avoid getting involved with Women who are in essence Right around the Ages of My Kids (for those of yous who haven't been Paying attention My Daughter, Marjorie is 25 and My Son, Jonathan is Less than 6 Months away from his 24th Birthday!) May I add that if I were to go after any Young Woman who is around My Kids' ages possesses some kind of a fucking Creepy Factor to it! Of course I admit being the Unrepentant Male Whore that I truly am; I have fucked Women that are Old enough to be My Mother. In fact I fucked this 1 woman who My Brother Worked with at the time; and Wow! What a fuck she threw! I have been asked out of the 50 Different Women I have Nailed which one was the best. Damn! Yous are gonna Put me on the spot with that One? Good God! Every different Woman Offered me something Different and or New. I guess if I had a Gun to My Head; I would have to say it was the first One; because for One thing I didn't see it Coming! Second it gave Me Credibility as to being a Stud (and at the age of 16, when I first had Sex) that it's Looked at as a Milestone of sorts (Not an Official One, but it's also a Status Symbol). I suppose I kind of got Carried away about Concerning Myself with when My Son was going to get Laid. I Guess (and I ain't real sure that Most any Father who has a Son actively Roots for his Son to Score in the Sack; but I Openly admit that I am one of them). But I would NEVER Cross a Line of fucking ANY Woman that My Son gets Involved with (In fact; only 1 Motherfucker that I know, Personally HAS fucked somebody that 1 of his Own "Sons" Nailed. That being My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband, Paul!) I Know for a FACT that My Brother would NEVER Cross the Line of Fucking My Nephew's Girlfriend (the Mother of My Brother's 2 Grandsons). Of course I am now Leading into the Main Topic; in where I Lay into these Bible Thumping, Pro Republican Anti-Freedom Motherfuckers who I have grown to strongly dislike; because I will talk about a fucking Topic that fortunately, I have NEVER HAD to Make a Decision on and that's Abortion! And Oh am I about to Open Up a fucking Can of Rattlesnakes over this; but of course there's a Couple of Rules I have about My Views on this Topic: Rule 1: I don't give a flying fuck if yous don't Like My Views on Abortion! Rule 2: See Rule 1! Now why does this Topic cross My Twisted Mind? Well as we all Know this fucking Country has been fucking Hijacked by a fucking "Christian Revolution" Now what the fuck is that? Yous May ask. Well this all started in the fucking Reagan REGIME! But Now that we have the fucking LYING, THIEVING CON MAN, Donald Trump in the fucking White House, along with his Bible Thumping, Woman Hating Christian TALIBAN LEADER, Mike Pence! Now I realize that there are some, no I take that back, MOST of these So Called "Evangelical Christians" who are going to be "Offended" by what I say; to that I say GOOD!! Rinse the fucking Sand out of your Pussies and Wipe your fucking asses with your So-Called "Right To Life" Beliefs; because you know what I say to that? Abortion is GOOD! NOT "MURDER"! So suck My dick with that fucking "I'm gonna Impose My Beliefs down your throats whether you Like it or not!" Allow Me to apply a Little Reverse Psychology on yous! If I was a Woman (which as we all know I am not) and some fucking Swinging dick LOSER knocked Me Up; do yous think I'm going to Carry that Little Rat bastard inside of Me to Term against My Will? Fuck NO! If I were a Woman; My attitude would be "It's MY fucking Body, it's MY fucking CHOICE!" In fact I firmly believe that Parenthood SHOULD be Planned! It's that fucking Simple! That's why I support Planned Parenthood! In Fact; I believe that NO Woman SHOULD Be FORCED to become a Mother against her fucking Will! By the same fucking Token NO Man should be FORCED to be a Father against his fucking Will! These, and Let's Call a fucking Spade a Spade, COMPULSORY PREGNANCY Cocksuckers ain't about "Preserving Life"! Like fuck they are! In Fact in Order to Point out the fucking HYPOCRISY of these fuckers these "Pro-Lifers" actually support the fucking Death Penalty (IN States where Capital Punishment is the Law). Now I admit I Support the Death Penalty in a Lot of Cases (for Example the Murder of a Child, Murder For Financial Gain, as well as fucking CHILD MOLESTERS; to tell you the Truth, I am in Favour of Bringing the Death Penalty to Michigan). But I also believe that a Woman has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to Terminate an Unwanted or Unplanned Pregnancy; No Questions asked! In Fact these COMPULSORY PREGNANCY fucks are all about "Protecting Fetuses" But once the Little Bastards are Born do these Bible Thumping Cum Dumpsters Give a fuck about these "babies" after they're born? Get ready for another shock because the answer to that Question is a Resounding fuck no! In Fact I don't see ANY of these Bible Thumping Shitbags Stepping Up to Take ANY of these "Babies" into their Homes! In Fact here's How CRUEL the Likes of Mike Pence TRULY ARE; These Parasitical fucks will Stand if front of Abortion Clinics and attempt to COERCE Pregnant Women into Carrying their Pregnancies to Term! Now they have the Idea of "Life Begins at Conception". And they Consistently HARASS Women that the ONLY thing they are "Good For" is being a Storage Unit for "Fetuses" That's Correct a Lot of these Chauvinstic Motherfuckers believe that "The Woman's Place is in the Home, Barefoot & Pregnant!" I have ever Read Things on the Internet that say "Abortion should NEVER be Permitted Under ANY Circumstances" Yet by the Same Token; these assholes turn around and tell these Women who were FORCED to Carry Unplanned Pregnancies to Term; when they Apply for Food Stamps, Medic Aid and every Piece of Assistance from Mr. Government you know what these CRUEL Cocksuckers say? You should have thought about that before you had a baby you can't afford to Raise!" Where the fuck do we Live again? Russia? China? North Korea? Saudi Arabia? I thought this was the "Land of the FREE!" Doesn't Sound Like "FREEDOM" to Me! In fact I shall take this a step further; as I have mentioned My Daughter, Marjorie is My Oldest of My 2 Children; and of course the Debate Raged On between Melisa (the Now-Late Mother of My Kids) and I; before Marjorie Reached what was her 18th Birthday; and of Course My attitude was once I met any boy she got involved with that I have Only 2 Rules for Dating My Daughter (Now I only have 1) but they were 1. Do Not Put your Hands on her in a Physically Assaultive Manner. And My Main One DO NOT Knock Her Up! And when I Mention that Rule I would slap a Condom in this Kid's Hand and say "I know you're Sexually Active, as I was when I was your age (who are we bullshitting? I STILL AM!) so if you are to fuck My Daughter; put this thing on your dick before you enter her Happy Zone, because if you knock her up, the Cost of an Abortion is coming out of your ass!" Now that she's an Adult (She's exactly 8 Months away from her 26th Birthday) that Choice is Out of My Hands, Thank God for that! In Fact I say we should take this a Step further and Make Abortion MANDATORY in Quite a Few Cases such as: Teenage Pregnancies; now this One is All Too Obvious as to Why Abortion should be Mandatory; Teenage Mothers are Not Mature enough to Know the Responsibilities of Raising a Child, because they, themselves ARE fucking Children! Pregnancies that Result from a Sex Crime: Now Since I am not a Woman; I can't Relate as to How fucking Traumatizing being Sexually Assaulted is! Yet why add Insult to Injury and FORCE a Women to Carry a Reminder of what happened to her to Term? And Finally Pregnancies by Welfare Cheats to Fatten their fucking Welfare Checques: Now this is a fucking No-Brainer. How many of yous have gone to your Local FIA to see some Skanky, Nasty SLUT who has at Least 5 Children from at Least 4 Different Men; who the fuck wants to Support somebody who Obviously ain't Responsible enough to Stop Reproducing; when she Clearly Cannot Provide for these Children? I know I sure the hell don't! Yet by the same Token, the Father should have a say as to whether he should be Saddled with 218 Monthly Payments as well. Once the "Father" is Named as such in a Paternity Suit; he SHOULD Have the RIGHT to Decide whether he wants the Responsibilities of Supporting this Child or Not. If not; he should be Allowed to Sign His RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES away! Just Like if a Mother can Drop Off a baby at a Firehouse, Hospital, Church and have No Questions asked of her; then Let's Level the fucking Playing Field! So if yous feel as if My Views on Abortion are such a fucking Affront to your "Religious Liberty", well yous DON'T HAVE to be a Friend of Mine! In fact while we're talking about "Religious Liberty" I will say this: Your "Religious Liberty" ENDS at My "Liberty" to Not Have to fucking Listen to it! How do yous Like that? Another thing that Pisses Me Off is how these "Pro-Lifers" always say "Adoption is an Option." To that I say there are Millions of fucking Homeless Cats & Dogs Looking for Homes and to avoid being Euthanized; yous want to Push "Adoption" there's your fucking Solution! In Louisiana, a State I have Visited a few Times has among the Most fucking Ridiculous Abortion Laws that I have ever fucking Heard of; yet they also Devoutly Support Capital Punishment; Now allow Me to ask yous this: Ain't a fucking Execution a "Murder?" I Mean if yous want to say "Abortion is Murder" well then what the fuck is an Execution? It's the taking of a fucking Human Life; even if that Motherfucker has NO fucking Redeeming Qualities whatsoever, ain't Execution a fucking "Murder?" Now Most any Prisoner in the State of Louisiana (especially at Angola) Probably wishes he was Dead, because of how fucking Oppressively Hot it gets in Louisiana! Trust Me; I can Relate! It's all too easy to get a case of fucking Swamp Ass in that State; Mostly because Louisiana is Mostly Swampland anyway! These Anti-Abortion Forces ain't about "Protecting Life" far from it! They're all about Controlling Women; Pure and fucking Simple! And I would be Remiss if one of the faces of this "Movement" to have Roe v. Wade; the 1973 Supreme Court Decision Legalizing Abortion Overturned is a fucking Domestic Terrorist by the Name of Eric Robert Rudolph! Now do I need to explain why this Motherfucker doesn't belong In the fucking Colon of the United States (Meaning he should be a Prime Candidate for the fucking Electric Chair) This fucking Right Wing Whacko went all Over this Country setting fucking Pipe Bombs at Abortion Clinics and Murdering Doctors as well as Women who Made a Personal Decision Concerning their Own bodies! Of course most of yous Remember this fucking Waste of a Human Life as the Bag of Shit who set a Pipe Bomb off at Centennial Park in Atlanta, Georgia, during the 1996 Summer Olympics. Now what the fuck do I mean by Eric Robert Rudolph Belongs in the "Colon" of this Country? Think about this: How Many of yous Remember Timothy McVeigh? This Guy Rigged a Ryder Truck Up with a Few Tons of Fertilizer and Fuel Oil to Explode at the Alfred E. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; when all was said and Done 168 People in that Explosion wound up Dead! 8 Years Later McVeigh was Executed! Now the Late George Carlin said this in one of his Hilarious Monologues and I ain't certain that these are his exact Words, but they're similar to what I will add: "My Immune System is so strong that the Moment any one of these Invading Motherfuckers is detected; it Annihilates that Motherfucker with the Force of a Marine Platoon; then sends it Straight to My Colon! No begging for Mercy, No Speedy Trial, just Straight to the Colon! In fact why don't we apply this Logic to the Shitballs who have No Redeeming Qualities, whatsoever; Straight to the Colon!" May God Rest Your Smutty Soul, Mr. Carlin; I'm certain that George Carlin is Making the Almighty, Himself Laugh his ass off with the way Mr. Carlin Put his Words together! In fact why this hasn't been applied to Eric Robert Rudolph; I am at a Loss for Understanding of that shit! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying It's Time to Take Back Our Freedom from the Very Forces that are Out to Install the fucking Christian TALIBAN!
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