Friday, April 10, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker Dishes A Dose Of Reality To Bible Thumping Conspiracy Theroists

Here it once again time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to take My Customary Seat in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as we all know is Canada! And wouldn't yous know it; there's Plenty on My Twisted Mind! Now what else would yous expect from Your Favourite Manifesto Writer? I mean a Lot of things go through My Twisted Mind when I am thinking about My Next Manifesto. Now before I get any further; I Must Post My Customary Disclaimer that if you're among those who get easily Offended; then Stop Reading this Posting right after I finish the very Next Thing I say. Yet In all Honesty; Most of the Targets of this Posting NEED TO be "Offended"! Because that would Make My fucking Day if I "Offend" somebody who Desperately Needs to be fucking "Offended"! And of course I Honestly don't Give a fuck if those of yous who get easily "Offended" don't Like the Language I use because; well, get Ready for it; I don't give a flying fuck! I mean I answer to Not a damn Soul who ain't PAYING ME to "Answer to" them! So how does that grab yous? Alright; before I get to the Main Topic; because I aim to Please; A Lot has been Made of this Covid-19 Pandemic; and I have been asked "Are you fearful of contracting this deadly Virus?" My Answer is: "Is there a Reason, I should be afraid of this Virus?" Here's My Rationale: We all are going to Die Someday; and Let's Be Honest a Majority of us ain't gonna have a say as to when this happens or what the Circumstances are surrounding it! Sure; I wouldn't Mind being around for another 25 to Maybe 30 Years; but I will continue to Live My Life the way I have for the first 50 Years! Now of course I touched on that fucking DRUG ADDICT, Brittany, and for Good Reason; because she in essence Turned My Life Upside Down; yet I did Learn a Rather Valuable Lesson from it. I Learned who My "True friends" Really are! And believe Me; that can be a real Hard Lesson to Learn. It was then that I Learned that not Only can yous not trust a DRUG ADDICT; but I Learned that yous cannot trust a fucking ALCOHOLIC! And Little did I Realize or Maybe I didn't want to Confront a fucking Reality that a "Man" (and I apply that term to this fucking DRUNK, Paul, very Loosely.) I Looked Up to for My entire Life and Credited with being 1 of the 3 Men In My Family Tree who got me into Driving Truck for a Living; yet I am Glad that I am a 4th Generation Truck Driver in My Family Tree! Because Driving Truck has given me a sense of Purpose in My Life. Of course before I got into Driving Truck; I was Relegated to Useless fucking Bullshit Factory Jobs and believe me I fucking HATED Working in a fucking Factory! Think about it! In a setting Like a fucking Factory; if yous Go to Work, Do your Job and Not Make any fucking Waves, yous should be able to "Get Ahead", right? Massive Bullshit! The ONLY People I Knew how to achieve in a Factory Setting is to be a fucking Brownoser, an ass kisser, a Gossip, a backstabber, or be Like My former Sister-In-Law, Kelly who by the way is a Devout Supporter of the DICTATOR, who's been Turning the United States into a fucking 3rd World fucking Country; that being the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the fucking White House, Donald John Trump! And simply do Like she did which is Suck & fuck her way to the fucking Top! Every time she wanted a Raise; all she had to do is get her knees dirty; and suck the "Sweet White Stuff Out of the Boss' dick!" Any time she wanted a Promotion or to Get Rid of a Potential Rival who Is More than Likely "More Qualified" for the Position she's vying for; well, very simply put all she would have to do is get on her back and Spread her Legs! (Unless she Preferred Doggy-Style). Now Let's face it! Money is a rather Powerful Incentive for anybody in any kind of Work environment; However; in Most every Factory a Promise of a Piece of Pussy is also Quite a fucking Motivating factor! Yet Most every fucking factory Job I Lost was because of some backstabbing, Gossiping Suck & Fuck her way into getting what she wanted SKANK! Allow Me to give yous a Great Example; In 1997; I was Working in a Factory in Marysville, Michigan called Britax-Rainsfords, Inc. (This Place has since Changed Names a Few Times since I Last Punched a Clock in that Facility). But anyway; there was this fucking Brunette who Worked on the Same Line that i did and she was a fucking Nasty CUNT! I forget what her name is (Not that I Care to Remember it anyway) But it was a Sunday; and I did not want to be there as it is! But My Line was Scheduled to fucking Work that day (and Back then the Plant was on Rotating 12 Hour Shifts) Now do yous see why I didn't want to be there? Well this CUNT (even though, you know what, Brittany kind of Reminded me of that CUNT). Anyway, that day she started in on Me Right away and kept Calling me "Cocksucker"! Now first of all what Gave this bitch the Impression that I am Gay (which by the way I CHOOSE NOT TO BE); I don't have the slightest Idea! Now Let's Backtrack about a Week before this Incident which Spelled the end of My Employment at this shithole. She started another Argument with Me (Over what I don't know) so just to shut that CUNT Up; I told her to "Blow Me"! And of course she whined to My Then Supervisor (who was a Woman Named Alicia, who was a fucking CUNT in her Own Right; and Personally I think was a Closet Bull-dyke)! Sure enough she Gets In My face and says "Did you tell that Nice Young Woman to Blow You? And call her a Bitch?" My Response was "No, but if you Prefer, I can accomadate that Request!" Believe me I KNOW for a FACT that My dick wouldn't be enough to Clog that Open Sewer under her Nose! Then I confronted Alicia and DEMANDED to Know when the Accusations of Me "Playing With Myself were going to End?" She then Replied "As soon as I Fire your ass!" So I knew I wanted off that fucking Line Right then and there! As I tried to be Transferred to a different Department; My Request was Met with a Flat Out "NO!" Which Pissed Me off! I mean when a Man is trying to do his JOB; and wants Nothing but to be Treated as an "Equal" Member of the "Team", and is doing everything he can to avoid Confrontation; and yet Management is doing NOTHING to Alleviate the Problem; then a Man KNOWS that he has No Choice but to Plan an Exit Strategy! So back to the Day in Question; Our Line had Returned from Lunch; and I was Facing another 6 Hours of Putting Up with this CUNT and her attempts to Provoke Me; and sure enough she came up to Me and Said "Hey Cocksucker, are you going to keep talking shit about Me behind My back?" Well, that did it! I figured I Needed to Give that CUNT something she would have No Answer for. So I finally said "Listen; I'm going to Explain this to where even YOU Can Comprehend what I am saying, I haven't said Jack fucking Shit about you behind your back; and trust Me if I had something to say about you; believe me I would say it to your fucking FACE you Rabbit Eared Cum Dumpster!" That bitch developed this Horrified Look on her face; I then said "He Shoots, He SCORES!" And of course she goes to the Line Leader (Alicia was Off that day) and of course Informs this Old Hag (who was in Charge for that day) what I said; and of course this Old Crow tells me to Report to the HR Office! So I did and of course I was sent Home for saying that. Now I KNOW for a FACT that this CUNT was Giving Hummers to Men in Management at that Plant; because when I Demanded to Know why My Requests to be Transferred off that Line were Denied so I could not have to deal with that CUNT; I NEVER Got a fucking Straight Answer! Of course I was Suspended and I was to Return a Couple Days Later; so Alicia could have the Pleasure of Firing Me; well in 1 Last act of Defiance and a big "FUCK YOU" to that fucking Shithole, I NEVER Bothered to go back except to Pick Up My Last 2 Paychecques! And I NEVER Looked Back! Fast Forward 23 Years Later and I am at a Job that I Love doing and I am at My Happiest; sure the Pay can be Better; but I don't have anybody Looking Over my fucking Shoulder; I for the Most Part don't have to Worry about anybody attempting to get me Fired! All I have to do is Do My Job and Go Home! I can Work as Many Hours as I want or as Few as I want! Not to mention I Work for Perhaps One of the Best Companies in the State of Michigan! Alright; Now that we're at the Main Topic; Today is Known as "Good Friday", Now I ain't no Bible Scholar; but I fail to see exactly what's so fucking "Good" about Today! I mean didn't some Guy Get Beaten, Whipped (and I ain't talking about being Whipped with an Ordinary bullwhip) but More than Likely with a fucking Cat-O-9-Tails! Which,Today Qualifies as a fucking Medieval Torture Device. Then FORCED to Carry a fucking 5' what appeared to be a fucking Railroad Tie; then this Guy gets what appear to be fucking Railroad Spikes driven through his Wrists to this Railroad Tie then these Trojans Hoist his ass onto what appears to be a 10' Wooden Pole; which has I dare say has a Hook to Support the Railroad Tie that this Guy's Wrists are Literally Nailed to; then the Trojans Nail this Guy's feet into the fucking Wooden Pole! What the fuck is so "Good" about this Guy being subjected to what amounts to be fucking Worse than Chinese Torture? Somehow I fail to see the Logic in that! Yet as a Child My Biological Father Forced My Brother and I to see a Couple Movies which depicted these Horrible acts of Mindless fucking brutality! Now this fucking Never Ceases to amaze me as to how these Bible Thumpers seem to think that a barbaric act Like that is somehow "Good and Wholesome"; but a Woman exposing her tits in Public is Somehow "Traumatizing to Children"? Excuse Me what fucking Planet to we Live on? I have to admit Images of that Brutal Act that is said to have Occurred about 2020 Years ago is an Image I cannot get out of My Mind; yet it's something I Hope I never have to see again! So, I have been asked why do I attack My Ex-Wife's "Conversion" to "Christianity"? Well Let's face it! I have seen this fucking ACT so many fucking times before I KNOW how to spot it and KNOW that it's ANYTHING BUT Authentic! In fact it's designed Solely as Leverage in the Divorce Hearings so she can Use her "Conversion" as a Means of Gaining the Court's Sympathy so she can Score a Large Judgment of Alimony against Me! Apparently she Never Read the Passage in the Bible that says "A Wife is to be Completely Submissive to her Husband" Now I Openly admit I don't know where in the Bible that this Passage of Scripture appears in! What I am referring to here is the very Falling Out I had with Kelly (Her Sister) yet, My "Loving Wife" who Took Vows to "Love, Honour AND OBEY" me at ALL COSTS and show Me the LOYALTY I Needed; went COMPLETELY AGAINST the very fucking "Vows" she Made before God and a Couple Hundred Other Witnesses who should have Talked Me out of Going through with the Wedding; and ALLOWED Kelly's SLANDEROUS ATTACKS against My Good Name STAND! But of course this Story Dates back to whan I was 9 Years Old; that's when My Biological Father-Roger suddenly "Converted his Life to Christianity". Among the first things this fucking CULT attempted to Drill into My Impressionable Young Mind was How EVIL Rock Music is! Alright; I have Grown Up Listening to Rock Music; in Fact I Entered the World Throwing the Horns; and when the Doctor smacked Me in my ass; I gave him the Stone Cold Salute! Of course I Resisted every attempt on the Part of both Roger and the CULT to Get me to disavow My Love of Rock Music! Now what if they actually Succeeded? Would I be the foul minded, Gutter-Mouthed Rocker, that yous all know and Love, from the Great Mitten known as Michigan? I honestly don't think so! In fact I would Probably be Zombified in the CULT'S Brainwashing! Yet, because I Rebelled Like a Normal Teenager at that time; and I Stayed True to who I am! In fact I started Growing My hair Long from the age of 14 to Present Day and I still have Locks that are Past My Shoulders; Now How could I be a True Rocker if I had My Hair Cut Short to Look Like fucking Ward Cleaver? Now after Breaking away from the CULT that Roger was dragging Me off to for at Least 5 Years; I in essence really didn't have to deal with anybody Telling Me what to do. Well; after My Kids' Mother and I Split Up for Good; about a Year Later I meet this Girl Named Carrie. Now I have to admit; I wasn't expecting a Lot from her; and of course exactly 1 Night after I met her, you guessed it, I fucked her! And of course a Little Side Note before I Put My dick inside of her; I taught her the Pleasure of having somebody eat her pussy; so I'm Glad I was the first for somebody in that Category! And after I fucked her at Least 20 different times; all of a sudden; she gives me this fucking Schpiel about how"I'm a Christian and My Parents won't allow me to see you Unless you Start Going to Church" Alright Let's Recap; at that Point in Time; she's 19, I'm 28. And Let's Not forget; she had already Met My 2 Kids which she KNEW about right on the Very fucking Night I Met her! So I thought "Alright, I guess I have to Humor her, Maybe after 14 Years of Not being Preached at, Maybe My Life is Missing Something." So I accompany Carrie to the Church she was "Raised in", right away; I can already see that I am Looked at as an "Outsider"m these People are already Staring Holes of Judgment through Me; as if I was considered as "Evil Incarnate"! I'm already thinking "Well; this ain't gonna Last for very Long." Because I wanted to get the fuck outa there and NEVER Go Back! But I figured if I wanted to Continue to fuck Carrie; and Perhaps convince her to Give me a blowjob or 2; I figured I'd better Play along! Even though I Only considered Carrie as a Friend with Benefits; rather than a Matrimonial Prospect! Well, I Propose to her at a Pork Huron Border Cats' Hockey Game (and yous talk about a Wasted Proposal) but I did Pull Out all of the Stops to Make sure it was a Moment she would Never forget! The Day after she Tells the "Class" that I asked her to Marry Me! Yet I felt Like Puking when she said that! This 1 Woman was just Glaring at Me throughout the time the Pastor was Conducting the Class; so after the Class Let Out; I asked this Woman whether she had a Problem with Me and what her "Problem" was. She then said "I can Tell you're Not a Christian, and Carrie is Making the biggest Mistake of her Young Life by throwing it away with a Dope Smoking Degenerate Like you!" I said "Alright, Honey; first of all Let Me Clear something Up. Yes; I admit I ain't a Christian, I NEVER SAID I WAS one! Second; what gives you the RIGHT to ASSUME that I Use Drugs at all? I have 2 Young Children; what Kind of a Father would I be if I Used Drugs?" I finally said "News Flash, Honey; and I don't Give a Damn; who knows this or not but Carrie and I Regularly Have Sex and NO, we ain't Married!" I could see the Horrified Look on this Chick's Face! Yet by the same token; I wanted to Jam My dick down that Sperm Resivoir's throat, I figured a good fuck was something that she sorely Needed! But from that Point on; I made it Clear that I was NEVER Going back to that CULT because I discovered that I was NEVER Going to be ACCEPTED for who I Really am!  Which is a Beer Drinking, Hard Rocking Father of 2 Children! I KNEW I didn't want to subject My Kids to those Kinds of Narrow Minded Bigots! But I wound Up Marrying Carrie and Right from the word "Go" I Knew it was a Mistake! Hell; shortly after Our "Honeymoon" in Thunder Bay, Ontario; I began to Regret that Choice I Made! In fact, when Carrie went Upstairs in the Rooming House I was Living in at the Time; there was a Skinny Crystal Meth Whore Staying in the Room Around the Corner from Mine; I wanted to fuck her rather badly; because I KNEW Carrie wasn't Honouring her "Good Wholesome Christian" Values; because I could tell that she was Having Sex with this LOSER who Lived on the Second Floor of that Building! Problem was I didn't have a fucking Condom to fuck that Crystal Meth Whore; so I simply settled for Getting a blowjob from her and I have to admit that she sucked dick better than Most Chicks I Nailed Prior to that! Anyway; I'm drifting off Topic. Fast Forward to Present Day and who's the very Jack Off that is Only a "Heartbeat Away from ascending to the Top Office in the World? A Bible Thumping Snake Oil Salesman by the Name of Mike Pence! Now this is a frightening thought; even though the Thought of Donald John Trump being the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the fucking White House (Notice I will NEVER Link the Term "President" Next to Donald Trump's Name) Makes Me want to PUKE; the very Concept that this Bible Thumping Cock Jockey is something I really don't want to even give ANY Consideration to! I mean this VILE PUKEPAIL; when he was "Governor" of Indiana; he would Conduct "Gay Conversion" Therapy! Now Make no fucking Mistake about it Gays CHOOSE to be Gay! Don't give me this fucking BULLSHIT Argument that "Gays are BORN Gay!" Let Me ask yous something; have ANY of yous EVER Met a Man who said "I was BORN to Suck Dick?" Have yous EVER Met a Woman who said "I was BORN to Eat Pussy?" I don't think so. Yet by the same Token; What 2 (or More) Consenting Adults do in the Privacy of their Own Homes ain't NOBODY'S fucking Business? I mean what the fuck did "Reverend Pence" do when He was in the Governor's Mansion in Indianapolis; Install Closed Circuit TV Cameras in the Bedrooms of Gay Couples so he can catch them buttslamming each other? Now what's all the More frightening is if somebody does Put Trump Out of Commission (before the Voters throw this CON MAN Out of the White House, on his FAT, DOUGHY Framed ass) and Pence ascends to be DICTATOR; he (Pence) would declare "The United States is a Christian Nation; and I hereby Issue a Proclamation that Church Attendance in MANDATORY; throughout this Country and will be Strictly Enforced!" How in the name of a 4 hour fuck would he Enforce this "Law"? Would he Hire a Band of fucking Jack Booted Government THUGS, and anoint them as "Church Cops" who will Bang on everybody's Door and say "Church Police; it's Time to go to Church!" Wait a fucking Minute! We already DO have "Church Cops"! That's Correct; they're Called "Vice Cops!" These CHURCH COPS DO NOT fight Crime; they're Only Out to fuck up the Party for those who Live in the fucking REAL WORLD! If Pence was to send One of his CHURCH COPS to My Door and Tell Me that I either go to Church or Go to Jail; well I would simply Blast him in the face and then I would Check my happy ass into the fucking Genesee County Lockup! Because I sure to fuck ain't gonna be Coerced into Attending Religious Services against My fucking Will! Yet the Trump-Pence REGIME Announced that they would PAY Every Pastors' Salarieds to Violate "Stay at Home" Orders in every State that has one in Place and Michigan is No Exception to that Rule. As if Skunks Like Joel Osteen NEED to be "Paid" because the ONLY "God" these shitbags "Worship" ain't in Heaven; the ONLY "God" Snake Oil Salesmen Like Joel Osteen "Worship" is the Almighty DOLLAR! How's this for a fucking Coincidence? One of these Megachurch "Pastors" his Last Name is "Dollar!" In Fact Crefolo Dollar is the Pastor of a Megachurch in Atlanta, Georgia! Yet Despite having a Net Worth of Well Over $2 BILLION Combined (ALL of it TAX FREE) how Much of these Charlatans' Salaries been Sent to Research to Wipe Out the Covid-19 Pandemic? Not a fucking Penny! How is this doing "God's Work?" Someone Please explain that shit to me! And these Bible Thumping Self-Righteous HYPOCRITES Continue to throw Rocks at those who don't agree with their BIGOTED, Pro Republican Views of the fucking World! Wait a Minute is this the Same "God" They Claim to be "Serving" by advocating for Programs that Punish those who don't have MONEY and CONNECTIONS Like My Now Late Father-In-Law Had and was PILLAGED by Kelly and her thousands of Attorneys; before he dropped dead? As well as Voting for Corrupt Politicians that Ram these Programs Up the asses of Working Class Citizens Like Me! I mean I thought the "God" that I Know of doesn't Possess ANY Kind of Hatred, Bigotry, Anti Semitism! Unless there's a Different "God" that these Bible Thumping HYPOCRITES "Pray" to! And think about this; what's the #1 Motive for a Vast Majority of the fucking Wars fought and the Murders Committed? Get Ready for a fucking Shock; RELIGION! I mean Let's backtrack to 9/11; the Worst Commission of Mass Murder on American Soil; what was the Motive for the Slaughter of Over 3000 Innocent People? Why, did yous say Religion? Give yourself a fucking Gold Star for that! I mean and I don't give a flying fuck about the Reasoning this Happened there ain't no "Justification" for Slaughtering Over 3000 People who didn't do a damn thing to yous! I mean these fucking Hijackers were nothing more than fucking COWARDS! And that's what I refer to White Supremacist BIGOTS as; because they Use Religion as a Means of Justifying the VILE, EVIL Hatred that Poisons their Cold Black Hearts! Yes; I'm referring to the Ku Klux Klan, as well as the White Supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia who drove a Car into a Crowd of Anti Neo Nazi Demonstrators Murdering an Innocent Woman and what the fuck kind of a Point did yous Prove? That your fucking Bigotry will Drive every Kind of Racial and or Ethnic Minority Out of "America"? Keep Dreaming you fucking Shitballs! Before I wrap this Posting Up NO Religious Group is going to be spared My wrath! I mean take for Example the fucking CULT known as "Jehovah's Witnesses"' Now I wonder what the Premise of this "Religion" is? Do these Delusional fucks say they saw a Character Named "Jehovah" and say they "Witnessed" Him? After doing a Little Research; by watching a few Documentaries on these Guys I discovered a Secret that the Jehovah's Witnesses do not want Exposed; that being that they Actively PROTECT Pedophiles! That's Correct you Heard it straight from My Twisted Mind and for those of yous who don't believe what I say then I fucking Challenge yous to go to and Type In Jehovah's Witnesses Protectction of Pedophiles in the Search bar then be Prepared to be appalled! Now I Learned this because this CULT has what is Called the "2 Witness Rule". Now the Jehovah's Witnesses claim that this is Based on Scripture (where in the Bible this Passage appears; I have no fucking idea!) Yet Usually when Child Molesters strike; Quite Often it becomes the Accuser's Word against the Word of the fucking Child Molester! Because usually a Child Molester will Not Attack More than 1 Victim at any 1 Time! And the Problem with that is it's a Case of the Pedophiles are Protected and the Victims Continue to suffer in Silence! The More I hear about shit Like this Makes Me Glad I don't have anything to do with ANY "Church". One final thing before I Put a Bow on this Posting; I allowed a Woman to Move In with Me before she got her Own Apartment; and of course, I fucked her; but after the 4th Time I fucked her fat ass; in essence the Pussy was cut off for Good then she started this Relentless Campaign of Preaching at Me. Now I am all for "Religious Freedom"; However, your fucking "Freedom of Religion" ENDS at My Desire not to have it Jammed up My ass! So as a Member of her CULT is Giving her things for her New Apartment this Chick accuses me of "Staring at her in a Lustful Manner!" And Naturally Sally, My Former Roommate said "Because of you doing that; My Membership in the Church may be Denied!"Now, Of Course I had to Deliver a dose of REALITY to Sally and told her that I DID NO SUCH fucking thing! This is in essence the final Justification for My NEVER wanting to Join ANY Church at all! Because these CULT Members are so fucking Closed Minded; why the fuck would I want to Join ANY Group that Can Never and or Will Never Accept me the way The Almighty, Himself Made Me? After all I was Born as a Foul Minded Gutter-Mouthed Rocker from Michigan; that's How I will Live My Life and More than Likely I will Die this way! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying an Open Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste; Let's take Care of each other!

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