Saturday, March 28, 2020
More Random Rants From Michigan's Resident Rocker
Well; all of yous are in for a Treat because Once again Michigan's Resident Rocker is in the Cockpit Under the Beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of us Know is Canada; and of course since I cannot go to the Rink and do what I Love to do on Saturday Nights which is Play Hockey; I figure why not Entertain and Educate yous with even more Rants from deep within My Twisted Mind? Now I know it's rather Early in this Posting; but Once again since some of yous are either illiterate (Meaning yous Can't Read) or because some of yous simply have nothing better to do than express Self Righteous Indignance Over something I said in My Postings. Again I Post this Disclaimer: If yous are the Kind that Easily "Gets Offended" by the things I say or the Fact that I don't have a filter and I use rather Colourful Language; or I drop an occasional F-Bomb; STOP Reading this Posting from this very Point! I mean who the fuck are yous? Don't ANY of you Self Righteous Pricks have any fucking better thing to do than to "Act Offended"? I mean do yous Look for things to bitch about? Ain't yous the same fucking Prudish assholes who Claim that "Rock Music has 'Subliminal Messages' That Promote Sexual Promiscuity, Drug Use, and The 'Worship of Satan' as well as Bringing a Culture of Evil"? I mean have yous ever heard the Old adage "If yous don't Like it; don't Listen?" Sure I grew up around some Paranoid Motherfuckers who attempted to kick that shit into My Head! Naturally; Once I began to think for Myself; I Rejected that fucking Religious FEAR MONGERING! Now for a Little Background; I began "Throwing the Horns" the very Moment I Made My Debut into the World on November 30, 1969 in Port Huron, Michigan. The Doctor smacked me in the ass and of course I simply Gave him, the Stone Cold Salute! Now for those of yous who don't know what the fuck "Throwing the Horns" Means; I shall explain it; it's simply holding out both the first and Last Fingers on either hand at the Same time. The Late Great Ronnie James Dio Often did this; because it was something His Grandmother did when he was a Child since he Came from an Italian Family this is how he explained it "That Gesture is believed to Ward off Evil." Good enough for Me I say! I dare say that some of yous actually LOOK to be "Offended" so yous can bitch and Complain about something that "Offends" yous! I mean these So-Called "Evangelical Christians" are among the fucking Chief Offenders in this fucking Category! Personally; I think you fucking Pricks NEED TO be "Offended"! Because Most all of yous; Especially those of yous who base your "Christianity" SOLELY on CHURCH ATTENDANCE; who are Looking to have the Very fucking Laws of this Country Based on the Bible, I hate to break this to yous; but the UNSILENT MAJORITY of us say take your fucking "Moral Compass" and wipe your fucking asses with it! Now this Never fucking Ceases to amaze me as to How fucking Gullible these "Evangelical Christians" are. Why do I say this? Please follow along because I shall serve up another Slice of the REALITY Cake to yous! That's correct I am getting to the fucking Cheeto-Toned, RACIST DICTATOR ILLEGALLY Occupying the White House; that's Right I am talking about None other than the fucking LYING CON MAN known as Donald John Trump! Do you Brainwashed fucks HONESTLY in your Cold, Black Hearts believe that Trump is "Honest, Upstanding, and Grounded in the Fundamentals of 'Christianity' and was sent to the White House by God, Himself"? Am I fucking Missing Something? And don't NONE of yous tell Me that yous ain't ever Had Sex with People Other than your Spouses; because that's an Out and Out fucking LIE! I Dare say at Least 90% of these "Christians" have had at Least 1 Extramarital Affair if not More! I Openly Admit when I was Married to My Now Ex-Wife; I fucked at Least 22 Different Women since I said "I do"! Of course that was AFTER she "Went for the Upgrade". Yet; I Never sought to Justify these things; but I ain't the Least bit sorry for why I did it, either! Now this really Galls Me because back in 1998, the fucking Republicans, Led by a Slimy Snake of a Shitpile, Newt Gingrich, Impeached President, Bill Clinton, because he got his dick Sucked by somebody other than his Wife and then Lied about it! Yet the Last Time I Checked we don't Live in the fucking "Puritan Days" of This Country's History having Sex with somebody Other than your "Spouse" ain't no fucking Crime! Yet you fucking HYPOCRITES Labeled Bill Clinton as everything Other than a fucking White Man over that! Now back to the Present Day; Trump has had Several Extramarital Affairs; and yet he COERCED these Women into Signing Non-Disclosure Agreements into Keeping these Affairs Quiet; what I really don't fucking Understand is how they can Slam Bill Clinton Over Lying about getting a blowjob from somebody Other than his Wife; but they can Claim that Donald Trump is a "Fundamentalist Christian", what fucking Planet do yous Live On? Are yous for fucking REAL? Now I ain't a Gambling Man; yet I woiuld be willing to Place at Least a $100.00 Wager that If the United States has a LEGITIMATE "President" in the White House; this Coronavirus; WOULD NOT have become the Problem that it now is! Now that the Coronavirus has become a fucking Reality here on the North American Continent; Once again old Cheeto-Christ (Trump) is once again Looking to Convince the Gullible fucks who Voted this LYING Sack of Shit into the White House that he and his CRIMINAL REGIME are doing a "Fantastic Job" of Handling this Crisis! Well here's a fucking REALITY CHECK that you Trump Supporters are Not going to Like; and whether yous Like it or Not I don't give a flying fuck! Allow Me to sum up the Trump REGIME'S Handling of this Crisis; and I can do it in 2 Words; EPIC FAIL! Now I especially know this will "Offend" My Trump-Supporting Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly; yet if she gets "Offended", well, Mission Accomplished! Now as we all Know My Saturday Night Hockey League has been Put on Hiatus until I dare say April 18th at the Very Earliest (and that's a Conservative Estimate) by Executive Order of Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. As Much as I don't Like being Told that I ain't gonna be Playing Beer-League Hockey on Saturday Nights for at the Very Least the Next 4 Weeks (and trust Me I don't Like it at all). I do have to give Credit where Credit is due; if she did this because she felt it was the Right thing to do in her Heart and Mind for the People of the State I have Called Home for My entire Life, which is Michigan; well then who am I to argue? Now I ain't saying these things because she's a Democrat (and Mind you, I Voted for her in the 2018 Election). I believe she did this because she felt it was the RIGHT THING TO DO! Yet what does the fucking DICTATOR who's ILLEGALLY OCCUPYING the White House doing? Firing off Stupid fucking Tweets attacking Governor Whitmer for showing LEADERSHIP that Trump ain't Capable of showing! Now that fucking Doughy Framed shitstain is accusing Governor Whitmer of "Not being Appreciative"! For what? You fucking DRAFT DODGING COWARD? Not Placing her Lips into the Crack of your fat, doughy ass? Now allow me to submit a Metaphor Equal to what "King Donald" has been "Tweeting" Now as History shows; Former Iraqian Dictator, Saddam Hussein, was a Very Evil Monster; who sprayed Mustard Gas all Over the Kurdish Inhabitants of Northern Iraq! This shit is Rather Well Documented! What the fuck were the Kurds supposed to do Say to Saddam Hussein "Thank you for Spraying Mustard Gas on Us!" Yet you "Evangelical Christians" still say "Trump is a 'Good, Wholesome Christian' who was sent to the White House by God" Wow! I don't know what more I can say along that Topic? Now as we all know even though I am an Independent Voter with No Political Party Affiliation; I have already made up My Mind as to who will get My Vote on November 3, 2020 and it sure to hell ain't gonna be Donald John Trump! This fucking Shitstain Claims to be a "Stable Genius"; well if that's the Case then tell me something, "Genius", what the fuck is the fucking CURE for this Coronavirus? I mean didn't somebody else describe himself as a "Genius"? Why absolutely; this Character was known as Wile E. Coyote! Despite Declaring Himself as a "Super Genius" how the fuck is it that he Failed in every attempt he made to Catch the Roadrunner (and in a few other Cartoons, Bugs Bunny?) Trust Me; Offending My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly will be among the Least of the Reasons I will be Voting BLUE No Matter who; Mostly because I don't want to see the "America" I was told that it is become Extinct! Of course I will Happily Take My $1200.00 Economic Rescue Checque (assuming that will occur) however I WILL NEVER Refer to Donald John Trump as "President" Let Alone, "My President"! Yet have yous Noticed that the fucking CORPORATE MEDIA NEVER Calls Donald John Trump Out on his BLATANT LIES? Now speaking of Kelly; I have been asked what touched off this Falling Out I had with My One Time Sister-In-Law? O.K. Allow me to address that the Way Only I can. Back in 2014 she ended up Buying Me a Car that I has Specifically asked her not to do because I feared a Falling Out Like what happened in 2015; which in essence was when My Last Marriage had ended. When I wanted to get a Loan for the Car that I NOW OWN Outright; I asked her to Co-Sign for me so that I could get a better Interest Rate and a Lower Car Payment; she Called Me "Abusive" Insinuating that I HIT WOMEN! Which Let me make this Point 1000% CRYSTAL CLEAR; I NEVER ONCE Raised a Hand against ANY Woman in My Life! Period. End of Discussion! But then she went behind My back and told her Aunt BJ to Leave a Voicemail Message on My Then Wife's Phone "The Reason Kelly Won't Co-Sign for your Husband is because he will Lose his Job." What the fuck? After all I ever did was try to get along with her! I mean if she wanted me to fuck her; all she had to do was just ask! Now whether it's because I didn't come from Fabulous Wealth, Like My Former Wife's Siblings did (I assume that's the ONLY Thing she ever had against me). Yet My Then "Loving Wife" BETRAYED ME and REFUSED to tell Kelly to APOLOGIZE for Calling Me "Abusive" and Talking that kind of shit behind My back; Holding Previous failures Over My head! That turned out to be the final fucking Straw! I KNEW I couldn't Stay Married to somebody that I knew did not have My back! Now My Ex Wife and I still do get along Rather well, all things considered and Yes; I still fuck her as well! May I add that My Kids still consider her to be another Mother to them. But as has been consistent with My beliefs that Humans Being ain't Meant to be Monogamous; I admit I will fuck Most any Piece of Pussy that is willing to Offer it to me! Now for some of yous being Monogamous works rather well for yous and to that I say "More Power to yous." It simply doesn't Work for me! Now speaking of HYPOCRITES who PRETEND to be Monogamous to their Spouse; abd I think yous KNOW who I am referring to; oh trust Me; did yous Honestly think I was going to allow this fucking DRUNK Off the Hook; by Not Continuing to Challenge that Sack of Shit to Put Up or Shut the fuck Up? Come On! That fucking Pile of Human Excrement has been SLANDERING My Good Name by Calling me a fucking "DOPE DEALER" for the Past 4 fucking Years! Yes; I am referring to My Mother's Husband, Paul; the very fucking Pile of Water Buffalo shit that My Mother has been Married to for damn Near the Past 33 fucking Years! Now I know I have mentioned this but it does bear Repeating; this DRUNK is a fucking Biological Relative of Mine; whom I NO Longer acknowledge as such! Yet this DRUNK is still Referred to as "Grandpa" by Not Only My Kids but My Brother's Kids as well! Now My Kids refer to this "Man" and I apply that term to this DRUNK Very Loosely" Because they don't know who My Biological Father is (Not that I would have allowed him to be anywhere Near My Daughter & My Son; when they were Growing Up)! Now if My Kids want to get to know that Son of a Bitch (assuming he's still alive to this day); well I No Longer have a Say over that! After all, My Daughter, Marjorie is Now 25 Years Old and My Son, Jonathan is Now 23. That Decision is Entirely theirs! Now how's this for the Pot Calling the fucking Kettle "Black"? Once I told him to Go fuck himself He Called me an "Adulterer", yet you NEVER ONCE Called Out My Then "Loving Wife" after she "Went for the UPGRADE!" Oh Boo Hoo! Am I supposed to Keel Over and Die from being Called that? Son of a bitch; he had the fucking Nerve to say "You're NOT SUPPOSED to Have a Girlfriend when you're Married!" Oh Really? O.K. Assuming that's even remotely true; then why the fuck did YOU; Paul, fuck YOUR OWN GRANDSON'S MOTHER? How is that even REMOTELY O.K.? Now keep in Mind I don't Give a fuck whether it Happened or Not! But that DOES NOT Give yous the fucking RIGHT to throw Rocks at Me! With that being said Tell Me something, Paul how did you and My Nephew's Mother Conduct Foreplay when you fucked her? Did you Snort Lines of BLOW Out of the Crack of her ass? Then Drink Tequila Out of her Pussy? Oh! Am I "Offending" you? Good, I Hope I am! Because what My Mother STILL Sees in you aside from Making YOUR UNCLE, Roger Jealous; I have NO Fucking idea! Yet since My Mother will be Turning 71 Years Old in July; I Can't tell her what to do, nor WILL I assuming I could! You Keep Denying the FACT that you fucked My Nephew's Mother; well then why the fuck don't you take a fucking Lie-Detector Test? Please tell me that? Yet it's all too Clear to me that you're attempting to HIDE that shit from My Mother just Hoping that My Mother will remain Oblivious to that! Now I Challenge ANY Member of My Family to Copy this Manifesto and send it to that DRUNK, Paul; because I would Love to see that Piece of shit come out to Mt. Morris, Only to have his Carcass Left in a Limp, Bloody heap after I Crush his Country Singer Look Alike Face! And trust Me; I don't need no fucking GUN or KNIFE to do My Dirty Work for me! Not Only will I Break your fucking Jaw; but you WILL BE COMPENSATING ME for Calling Me a fucking "DOPE TRAFFICKER" and or a "DOPE DEALER" when you KNOW fully Fucking A-Well that I have had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH DRUGS IN MY FUCKING LIFE! I don't Give a flying fuck any fucking More what yous think of Me, because News Flash, "Almighty Paul"; I DO NOT FUCKING ANSWER TO YOU! In Fact the ONLY People I "Answer to" are the Ones who are PAYING ME to "Answer to" them! And the Last Time I checked; YOU Ain't the One Signing My fucking Paychecques! So if you have the fucking BALLS to Leave Bloodied and Humiliated; then bring your COWARDLY, YELLOW Carcass out to Genesee County! Otherwise; you best Shut your fucking Mouth about Me "Dealing Drugs" when you KNOW DAMN WELL that there's NO TRUTH to that Statement whatsoever! You know what I did when I discovered My then Girlfriend, Brittany being Cuffed and Placed in the back of an Eastpointe Police Department Squad Car? I Broke the Relationship Off; because I have Committed Myself to Living My Life CLEAN & SOBER! Yes; I admit I made a Terrible Miscalculation in Judgment; by forgetting in the 18 Year Span from the Time My First Wife, Carrie and I had Divorced to the Time I got Mixed Up with Brittany; Just How fucking Manipulative Drug Addicts are; and How Good Drug Addicts are at LYING! I Take FULL OWNERSHIP of that Mistake! Yet I would Like to know Mr. KNOW IT ALL, Paul; if I'm a fucking "Dope Dealer" why was I NOT ARRESTED that Fateful Night? Why wasn't I even Handcuffed? Why wasn't I Lodged in the fucking Macomb County Lockup? Why did I NEVER HAVE to Appear in Court in Relationship to that 1000% FALSE CHARGE you have Levied against me for the Last 4 fucking Years? Where are all of the Arrests Under My Name? Where are all of the fucking, Fines? Where are all of the Court Costs? Why am I not Carrying a fucking GUN? Who are My "Customers?" Who are My "Suppliers?" What am I supposedly "Dealing?" Why is it that every fucking Time I took a fucking Piss Test; it ALWAYS Came Back as "NEGATIVE?" How about answering those Questions TRUTHFULLY, you Delusional DRUNK fuck? As I said, Paul the fucking Challenge has been issued to your Coward ass; do you Accept? Personally, I don't Blame yous if yous don't! But allow Me to forewarn yous that if yous bring your fucking GUN to Challenge Me; be advised that you WILL Be Leaving MY Home with that fucking GUN Wrapped around your head, or shoved in your ass! In other Words: WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PROOF that I am a "Dope Dealer?" You know what Telling LIES about somebody solely for the Purpose of Defaming Your Target's Reputation is? That's Right, fucking SLANDER! And News Flash; Jackass; You CAN BE SUED for that; and if I am Not Mistaken the Statute of Limitations HAS NOT Run Out on that! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Together we will get through this Covid-19 Crisis!
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