Sunday, July 14, 2024

Michigan's Resident Rocker Will NEVER Stop Exposing Family Courts............

Here it is; another Manifesto from Your Favorite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten, that's Right, Michigan's Resident Rocker is about to strike again! And May I say the Privilege is ALL YOURS! Now what could possibly be on My Twisted, Tormented Mind? Where should I begin? Well; something I Never would have Imagined Occurring ended up Happening; which is the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR Wannabe, Donald Trump was shot! This Occurred in the Western Pennsylvania Town of Butler; which appears to be about 60 Niles North of Pittsburgh. and believe me; as Much as I HATE Donald Trump; and trust me I HATE only 1 Motherfucker more than I HATE Trump; and that's My Family's version of this Wannabe DICTATOR; 1 Paul Brown, Jr. Or should I say Paul PUTIN? Now I KNOW MY Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly is in TEARS Learning that her Beloved "President" Donald Trump was shot! While Trump was Spouting his usual Barrage of LIES; somebody Fired 4 shots at the very Stage Trump was spouting his Vitriolic Hate Filled LIES; 1 of the 4 Bullets fired sawed its way through Trump's Right ear; yet the REAL Tragic Part was 2 Innocent Rally Attendees didn't get to Go Home, Last Night; in fact they will NEVER AGAIN get to go Home. Now I ain't Really Surprised that Trump was Targeted for an Assassination Attempt; I'm certain that Most ANY Politician; Regardless of Party Affiliation has a Target on his/her back! I assume it's safe to say that if this Gunman; was seeking his "15 Minutes of Fame," He Got it before he got his Lights turned out for Good. As I have said in a Previous Manifesto; I ain't a Huge Fan of President Joe Biden; yet Violence is NEVER a Viable answer for ANY Kind of Problem; whether it's Political or Otherwise. Personally; I STILL want to see this 34 time Convicted FELON headed for Prison where Trump BELONGS! Now Allow me top ask all of you this, My Friends; If I Had Gotten Convicted of 34 Felonies; for LYING about Paying Off an Adult Film Star that I fucked; while My Old Lady was in the Hospital Giving Birth to My Son; so that the Voters would not hear about something so Scandalous; so I could STEAL an Election. I would be Rotting Away in a Prison! (Let the Record Reflect; among the 62 Different Women I have had sex with in My Lifetime, so far) ANY NONE of them happened to be an Adult Film Actresses. Sorry, I Can't seem to get THAT Lucky! Not to mention had I been found LIABLE for Sexually Assaulting ANY Woman; I don't give a Damn who that is; and furthermore; I don't give a damn if she happens to be someone who has a History of Inventing accusations of this sort so she can Drag Me into Court to attempt to Win a LOTTO Lawsuit against me; why the hell would I take that risk? It simply ain't worth it! So by No Means am I Celebrating an attempt on the Life of even perhaps the Most VILE Excuse for a Human's Being; Regardless of whether it's Donald Trump or Paul PUTIN! Now don't get me wrong; if either of these Piles of Rat Shit were to drop dead; I wouldn't be in a Celebratory Mood! Yet, with Paul PUTIN; I would go to the Funeral Home; Pull My dick out and PISS ALL OVER his Dead Carcass! And I simply won't give a flying fuck; what ANY Member of My So-Called "Family" thinks! Now of course His Sister, Kim; seems to think she can bar me from the Funeral Home when he drops dead! Well, "Cousin" Kim, you and whose fucking Army is going to STOP ME from Giving this DRUNK the Disrespectful Sendoff he so Richly DESERVES? Challenge ACCEPTED! Because Now that My Mother's Life could Possibly Drawing to a Close (and I HAVE TO be Honest with yous; I have NO WAY of Knowing this at all) since Paul PUTIN, CONTROLS the flow of Information from 3534 Teeple Avenue in Fort Gratiot, Michigan. Even IF My Mother were to Pass Away; I Probably have NO WAY of Knowing that until Long since after the fact! Yes; I will be Upset if this is the Case; however since she CHOSE the DRUNK (Her ALCOHOLIC Husband) over her 2 SONS; I Decided that I can NO LONGER Maintain ANY Kind of a Relationship with My Mother; because she Wouldn't Stand Up to her Husband and DEMAND that he QUIT DRINKING ALCOHOL! Not to mention that since she had Decided that Getting DRUNK was FAR MORE IMPORTANT than being With My Kids in their Time of Need (Little Backstory; this was in December of 2017; when My Kids' Mother, Melisa Scramlin, was Laying in a Hospital Bed @ McLaren Pork Huron Hospital, dying from a Ruptured Aneurysm) Yet; despite the Long Negative History between Melisa and I; all the while as My Kids were Growing Up; I SHOWED UP and I said My Final Goodbyes to her; what the hell is Paul PUTIN'S Excuse? Was it because he KNEW he wasn't getting any Pussy from her? What's My Mother's Excuse? At Least I DON'T HAVE TO Come Up with an "Excuse" for why I wasn't "There" for My Kids in their Time of Need; even though I had a Long, Negative History with their Mother. Which Leads into the Main Topic; which is not all that Unusual, in where I Rail against a foe that I had been at War with for 20 Years of My Life the Friend of the CUNT! Now here in My Home State of Michigan; which is what Family Courts are Known as are the Most CORRUPT, Most EVIL Organized Crime Syndicates; that Most ANY Family has been Plagued by! Now What Makes Family Courts so VILE? Well, it's very Basic; Title IV-D. This Law, Introduced in 1970; Provides Federal Funding for EVERY Family Court Unit in all 50 States; for every Child "Support" Case they "Enforce." The Friend of the CUNT Solely Defines the "Best Interests" of Children; the Most INNOCENT VICTIM of Divorce and or Family Breakups in terms of MONEY! Family Court Units Encourage Plaintiffs (Usually Single and or Divorced Mothers) to LIE about Domestic Violence, Stalking, Child Abuse against Usually the Fathers of these Children; and this Secures More Title IV-D Federal Funding for these Family Court Units! Now Of course I Resented My Mother Divorcing My Father, back in 1979. Now she would spoon feed My Now Late Brother and I a Gigantic Scoop of Pure BULLSHIT of "I did this for you both." Come on! Let's Cut through the bullshit; My Mother did this for her Own SELFISH Reasons! Sure; I did Witness My Father Physically Assault My Mother during a Couple of Their Numerous Arguments however; My Attitude is If Yous have NO INTENTION of Staying Together "Till Death Do Yous Part;" then why in the Name of a 4 Hour fuck are yous Bringing Children into a TOXIC Relationship and or Marriage? I wish I could ask My Parents this Very Question. Of course; when I was with Melisa Scramlin; I Made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that I DID NOT want to have Children; unless We were going to be together to Raise them until My Son, Jonathan (My Youngest Child) Turned 18. Because once you Bring Children Into the World; there ain't No Turning back the Clock; once that Happens! Now, of course I expect Paul PUTIN to chime in with LIES of how I'm a "Deadbeat Dad" because I Resented up to HALF of Each My Paychecques over that 20 Year Span would be STOLEN and Awarded to Melisa Scramlin with NO HAVING TO ACCOUNT for where that Money Goes! In these FEMINIST KANGAROO COURTS; Defendants, Usually Fathers are Treated Like ATMs, and Quite Frequently are Demonized as "Deadbeats." Now of course This is a Buzzword that Family Courts Use to Make Plaintiffs appear to be "Victims!" Now Since My 32 Year Old Nephew, Cody has 2 Sons of His Own; I Hope he NEVER Get's Caught Up in the CORRUPT Friend of the CUNT System! Because he would End Up Learning the Hard Way; the Very Nightmare of what His Now Late Father Dealt with as well as what I dealt with as he and My Kids were Growing Up! Dr. Phil Mc Graw often says "NEVER ask a Child to solve an Adult Problem!" Quite Often as My Brother and I were Growing Up, My Father would Complain and Demand to Know where ALL of the "Support" Money went. Fast Forward to When My Kids were Growing Up; I would often wonder that Myself. As a "Child of Divorce" and or a Family Breakup; I can Tell yous I CERTAINLY to HELL NEVER DID "Benefit" from My Parents' Divorce in 1979? Do any of yous Honestly Think I "enjoyed" Going from the Home I Grew Up In to a Foreign Space for 2 Days a Week? Do yous Honestly think My Kids "enjoyed" that? Do yous think My Nephew "enjoyed" that as he was Growing Up? From My Own Perspective; I can Tell yous I CERTAINLY didn't Like it at all! Now to Paul PUTIN; I fucking CHALLENGE you to Read a Copy of Friend Of The Court Enemy Of The Family Written By Carol Rhodes a Former Kent County, Michigan Friend of the CUNT "Support Enforcement" Officer. But since you CAN'T READ ANYTHING above a 3rd Grade Level; Perhaps that would be simply a Waste of Time; so on that Topic I say SHUT THE FUCK UP! In fact Let's Just say that a Scenario that My Nephew's Mother CONFIRMED Never Did Occur, you DRUNK! Because since Every Word that Spews Out of the Filthy SEWER under your Nose ain't NOTHING BUT LIES! Why the fuck should I Believe a damn word you say? But Let's assume that You Actually DID end up being the Father of My Nephew's Half Sister, Brianna? How the fuck would you Explain that away to My Mother; whom you KNOW is so Damn INSECURE about her Place in the Life of ANY Man she was Involved with? I Mean first of all an Affair; then Being Named as the "Father" of her Child and being Slapped with a Paternity Suit? Now what would you say? And Most of All; the ONLY 2 People whose Opinions of what Kind of a Father I was and for the Most Part I STILL am that REALLY MATTERS; are MY Daughter and MY Son! I DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE a Damn Thing to you at all! Anybody else can state their Opinions about whether I was a "Good Father" or not doesn't Mean a Damn Thing to me at all! Are you simply JEALOUS of the FACT that MY Kids Resisted YOUR efforts to POISON them against Me? Or better yet; what if 1 of the Many Lot Lizards that you PAID Several Thousands of $$$$$$$ to have Sex with while yous were away from Home found you and Slapped your DRUNK ass with a Paternity Suit? How will you Explain that? Would you Change your tune? I HIGHLY Doubt it! Especially since you NEVER Fathered a Child in your Life! In fact you ain't even FIT to Raise a DOG! Let alone a Human Child! I shall share an Article that Spells Out the FACTS about Family Court Systems; It can be found at the Foundation For Victims Of Family Courts which can be accessed by going to Here it is: Corruption, fraud, racketeering, and child trafficking—these activities have overtaken the functioning of family courts over the past 50 years due to the false narratives fed to the courts via the concept of Parental Alienation, a counterintuitive, anti-scientific concept concocted by Richard Gardner, MD.
Court actors including Judges, officers of the court, attorneys, and court-appointed professionals regularly promote corrupt practices not because of a failure in their understanding, but precisely because they do understand the personal benefit of the cottage industry created by parental alienation and all the opportunities to generate fees that come along with it. Courts have weaponized child support and created a new rich pipeline of child alimony payments forged through regulations that incentivize child support payments.
When hundreds and thousands of dollars are given as retainer fees, the money operates not as a retainer, but as a slush fund for excessive payouts to influence the court.
One key way court actors gain the payouts they desire is by using the protective order as a sort of poison pill in the documentation of a case. Evidence of criminal activity on the part of an abusive parent can be rendered inadmissible if critical documents are altered or by controlling exactly who signs protective orders as witnesses or who signs the affidavits that expose the heinous crimes committed against children.
In many cases, protective orders are not signed off by the author of the statements but are signed by an individual who was not only not the author but was someone who specifically could not have attested to the crimes reported in the protective order.
An incorrect signature can silence the voices of children who are fully capable of providing credible, detailed, compelling testimony. This signature manipulation is often used as another ploy in the arsenal of criminal activity enacted by juvenile, dependency, and family courts.
While there can be useful theories in understanding Domestic Violence and abuse, it is the opinion of the experts of the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts that these distract attention from the real horror of the trafficking of children through family courts. By trafficking, I mean specifically that children are regularly being transferred from protective parents into the custody of abusers—not simply abusers—but unqualified individuals whose unconscionable behavior would have exacted long-term criminal incarceration if these cases had been brought to criminal court. Instead, their crimes are not litigated because of no-fault divorce in family court.
Medical, psychiatric, legal, and forensic providers work in a symbiotic relationship to protect the real predators in the Court, namely Judges. Corrupt Judges are served by a cadre of corrupt providers who pretend to be unaware of the damages they are inflicting on helpless children and protective parents. In a legal system held to be sacrosanct and revered as part of the United States Constitution, the corrupt collect their winnings and leave the victims to howl in torment, stripped of credibility, character, careers, reputations, their financial resources, and often their sanity.
Others like me who speak truth to power have suffered greatly but continue to fight and to write about the atrocities that have occurred and continue to occur in courts across the United States. We are fully aware of similar atrocities in Canada, the UK, and other countries around the world. While we have prior success in other countries, including the Ivory Coast and Russia, our focus is on calling out the corruption in American courts.
Among the issues that contribute to the problem is the willingness of intellectuals and professionals to act as apologists for courtroom corruption.
The Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts does not hesitate to call out names in dealing with the fraud, corruption, racketeering, and multiple cases of abuse of specific individuals. This is vastly different from the hypocritical virtue signaling of the social dilettantes who simply sprinkle words like “Coercive Control” and “Domestic Violence,” as if that verbal fairy dust will make a difference in forces at work in family court corruption. The rich and famous reveal only narcissistic hubris when they seek to enhance their celebrity status by standing aloof from the needs while trotting out the tragic stories of rich and famous professionals who have committed suicide or sought assisted suicide when impacted by the transfer of custody of their children to the isolation of a horrendous abuser. Dilettantes abuse the tragedy of suicide when they use it in a hypocritical, self-serving way while doing nothing to stop family court corruption. This the experts of the FCVFC cannot stomach.
On June 5, an article was published by Connecticut Protective Moms—”Family Court Drives Mother to Suicide.” While the death of anyone who has been subject to great cruelty and the misfortune of losing children to an abuser is an enormous tragedy, that tragedy is compounded when the authors and supporters of publications fail to address the actual culprits—the Judges who are responsible for court orders to traffic children into the hands of abusers. Judges in Connecticut have been accused by the FCVFC of consciously collaborating with an internationally infamous child-trafficking ring known as the barber shops. Now, Paul PUTIN; you better Hope and PRAY that NONE of the Lot Lizards You PAID Several Thousands of $$$$$$$ to just to have sex with them or You better Hope that the Condoms you Used with these Hookers didn't Break; because trust Me, I WILL LAUGH MY ASS OFF if ANY 1 of them Finds you and Slaps Your ass with a fucking Paternity Suit! How do you Like me Now, Mr. PUTIN? I Guess this will PROVE, BEYOND The Shadow of a Doubt that you ain't "PERFECT" as you Claim to be! 1 final Question I need to ask is; How does it feel to know you had to BUY the "Love" and or "Respect" of your "Grandson?" is that what you HAD TO DO in order for Cody to Want ANYTHING TO DO with a DRUNK, Like YOU? What's the NEXT SLANDEROUS LIE you're going to Spread about me? Are you going to COACH My Late Brother's Grandsons into saying "Uncle Michigan's Resident Rocker Inappropriately 'Touched' them?" Only YOU would be so SICK to Accuse Me of such a Horrific Crime! I'll have you know, ASSHOLE, I HAVE NOT Seen My Nephew's Oldest Son since My Late Brother was STILL among us! And I NEVER MET His Youngest Son! And YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I NEVER DID and NEVER WILL abuse ANY Child! If My Nephew, Cody, who by the way is 32 Years Old WANTS TO have a Relationship with Uncle Michigan's Resident Rocker; he CAN Have that! Oh! What are you going to do in order to PREVENT That? Cut Him off from his "Inheritance?" As you can CLEARLY See; I am doing JUST FINE without Your ILL-Begotten Money and Most of all, Mr. PUTIN; I'm doing even better Without Your APPROVAL! Until Next Time, My Friends; this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying If we all Band together to Rescind Title IV-D; we Can Put Corrupt Family Court Systems such as the Friend of the CUNT Out of Business!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

How Would A Michigan's Resident Rocker Presidency Shape Up............

Quite Interesting that Your Favorite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all know and Love as Michigan; would Weigh in on whatever it is that is on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; yet here I am again. Like it or not. So; what could Possibly be on My Mind? Well; I shall Happily Respond to that very Question. Now as we all Know; this is a "Holiday" weekend here in Donald Trump's "America." But don't fall for the extreme bullshit being Spoon Fed to yous by the Corporate Media. As we all know Donald Trump; a FAT, DISGUSTING COWARDLY, AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR Wannabe is Making another Run for the White House; Much to the Delight of My 1 Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly; who by the way is FABULOUSLY WEALTHY; by Means of STEALING My Now Late Former Father-In-Law's FABULOUS WEALTH! But before I get to the heart of what the Title of this Manifesto is; I shall not disappoint yous; because if yous seem to think that I am through with My Family's Version of Donald Trump; that being the DRUNK; 1 Paul Brown, Jr. Trust Me; I ain't nowhere close to Running out of Ammunition to use against that asshole. So Get yourself your favorite snack, a Cold Drink and Get Ready because I am FAR FROM THROUGH with this Shitstain on My Family! What's Really Interesting is Recently, My Mother; whom I have not spoken to in the Last 8 Years (I Wonder why?) Had Accepted a Facebook Friend Request from My Wife, Jennifer. Now I find this to be very Interesting because her ALCOHOLIC Husband; yes, that COWARDLY PISS ANT, Paul, had the very fucking NERVE to Launch COWARDLY, BASELESS PERSONAL VERBAL ATTACKS against My Wife; Mind you Jennifer has NEVER EVEN MET this DRUNK! Yet; I am certain he has had Many a Sexual Fantasy about My Wife (and why not? My Wife is the CLOSEST THING to what I would Call the "Perfect Woman, or at Least for me that is). Yet, Paul has had Sexual Fantasies about A Large Number of Women that either My Late Brother or I have been Involved with. Yet; when these Women end up rebuffing Paul's Sexual Advances towards them; he TURNS on them and Launches COWARDLY, BASELESS PERSONAL VERBAL ATTACKS against them! So I guess it only seems fitting that he would Target My Wife! Yet what GIVES him the RIGHT to Verbally Attack a Woman he has NEVER EVEN MET? And over what? Her Physical Appearance? Because she has a Little bit of a "Weight Problem?" Who, Paul, the fuck do you think you are? I Happen to LOVE Jennifer; and I don't give a Damn whether she's Carrying a Few Extra Pounds or not! And Trust Me; I have Dated Women who have a "Super Model Type body; A Prime Example was a Woman Named Brittany; who is 20 Years Younger than Me. Now Most Men would be very envious to have someone Like this on his arm; yet believe me; My Relationship with Brittany was a Year Long Nightmare! How so? Well; for those of yous who Binge Watched the TV Show, "Intervention," then yous can Relate all too well. As I had Discovered, Brittany is a DRUG ADDICT (Much Like My 1st Wife, Carrie). Now because Brittany is very Physically Attractive, and I admit, I was Spellbound by her Looks, even though I had Long Suspected that she's Nothing BUT Trouble! She even had a Boyfriend that she was Actively Seeing behind My Back; and this Goofball was No Better than Brittany, herself. Now I ain't going to Re-Litigate My Relationship with Brittany; because this would be a huge waste of My Time! Yet Paul, being the JEALOUS, INSECURE Little Boy who simply WON'T Grow Up; stuck his Nose in where it DID NOT BELONG! Perhaps Paul was JEALOUS; because he KNEW He wouldn't get any pussy from Brittany (Oddly Enough; I didn't either, mostly because I REFUSED to PAY for it!) Now don't get me wrong, there ain't NOTHING Wrong with a Man PAYING for Sex; but with My Logic, a Man SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY his "Girlfriend" to have Sex with her! Now Let's think about this; if I was to PAY a Woman to have Sex with her; why the hell would I want to establish a Relationship with her? That don't make a Lot of sense! Allow me to ask yous this: What Business is it of Paul Brown, Jr. How Many times I have been Married? Now allow the Record to Reflect that I have been Married 3 Times; not the 4 That Paul Claims! Even so; why is this ANY of his fucking Concern? Now Let's also set the Record Straight; I WAS NEVER Married to Melisa Anne Scramlin; Yes; I was ENGAGED to be Married to her; I also did have 2 Children with her. Those being My 29 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie, and My 27 Year Old Son, Jonathan. Yet, Melisa and I NEVER Made it to the Altar to be Married as a Couple. I ended up Marrying Carrie, My 1st Wife, and what a COLOSSAL Mistake that turned out to be! Thank God I NEVER had ANY Children with that SLUT! Tracey, My Now Ex-Wife and I STILL Get Along very well; she Helped Me, along with Melisa Raise My Daughter and My Son. Now what REALLY Pisses Me off is Paul; the ONLY Man My Kids Knew as "Grandpa" for a Majority of their Lives (Little Backstory, Their Maternal Grandfather, Dale L. Scramlin, Sr.) Passed Away when Maggie was only 4 Years old and Jonathan was only 2. So I don't know how much of a Memory they have of their Maternal Grandfather. I admit, I don't have any Memory of My Maternal Grandfather (Not My Biological One that is) and I Barely knew My Paternal Grandfather, because he Passed Away when I was only 6 Years Old. Yet Paul; this BULLY who Likes to use his ILL-Begotten Wealth (Mind yous he obtained this by Means of an Insurance Settlement from a Truck Accident that he as determined by the Iowa State Police to be AT FAULT for in which he was Severely Injured) And was Subsequently FIRED from his Job as a Result; as a WEAPON to demand that everybody in his Orbit Kiss his ass and Soothe His fucking Wounded EGO; otherwise, be CUT OFF! Well; at Least 1 Member of My Family will stand to "Inherit" the House that I Grew Up in; as well as the Vehicles he Drives; and the Whole Ball of Wax. Well; I SIMPLY DON'T GIVE A DAMN about ANY of that shit!Must be Nice to have BOUGHT the "Love" of My 32 Year Old Nephew, Cody, to that I say Good For Him! I am very Happy Living in Genesee County, Michigan. After all; I Met My Wife here; I'm at Peace Living in Mount Morris; and I Plan on being here until the Almighty, Himself Calls me to be on the Stairway To Heaven! Now to this day; I have NO Idea as to whether or Not My Mother is still alive. Because the "Almighty PAUL" CONTROLS the flow of Information from that very House on Teeple Avenue in Fort Gratiot Township. I highly Doubt I will even be allowed to Say "Goodbye" to My Own Mother once her time Comes to Leave this World; much Like he DENIED Me MY RIGHT to say "Goodbye" to My Now Late Brother! I am Hopeful that Cody hasn't been POISONED against Me and or against My Kids; because this "Inheritance" doesn't Mean a Damn thing to me at all! AS I have PROVEN for the Last 8 Years is I Can Live Just Fine WITHOUT Paul Brown, Jr's. Money and I can especially Live JUST FINE Without his APPROVAL! What's the Next Tactic that DRUNK will Launch against me? Would he COACH My Late Brother's Grandsons into saying that I "Inappropriately Touched them?" This is something I WOULD NOT Put Past Paul! After all for the LAST 8 fucking YEARS he has been PUBLICLY Calling Me a "Drug Dealer" and a "Homosexual;" even though he KNOWS NONE of that shit is the LEAST BIT "Truthful!" Now, onto the Main Topic; As yous all know; I have Followed Politics in essence for the Last 24 Years a Lot Closer than Most People would and there's a Reason for it; because in November of this Year there's another Election; and of course the 2 Candidates are President Joe Biden and Wannabe, AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump; a COWARDLY DRAFT DODGER; who IS a CONVICTED FELON (34 Felony Convictions for Falsifying Business Records) after PAYING $130,000.00 to an Adult Film Actress Quiet; while his Old Lady; an ILLEGAL ALIEN from some Eastern European Country, was having a fucking "Anchor Baby", to keep her ass in the fucking Country. Now how can ANYBODY explain away 34 Felony Convictions and say you're "Fit For This Country's Highest Office?" Not to mention this VILE, DISGUSTING EXCUSE for a Life Form has also been found Liable for Sexually Assaulting a Woman; yet there are Those who INSIST on SUPPORTING This CON ARTIST! To that I say if yous want to Support a Wannabe DICTATOR; then by all Means, Support him. If yous want to Vote for this TRAITOR; who Incited an Insurrection after LOSING the 2020 Election; then by all Means Vote for his ass! Don't allow Me to stop yous from Voting for whoever yous WANT TO Vote for Now don't get me Wrong; I ain't very Excited about the Job President Biden has done; however; I can Sleep Knowing that I ain't going to be FORCED to do any shit against My Will! Should Trump STEAL the 2024 Election here's among the things I fear will occur: (1) Mandating Church Attendance: Now for Me Having NO Religious Affiliation; this is something I CANNOT TOLERATE! I always thought the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution stated very Unquestionably stated "Congress Shall Make NO Law With Respect To Establishing a National Religion." What the fuck would the DICTATOR do? Hire a Gang of "Church Cops" to Round Up People and Drag them all to Church or Face Jail Time? I once had a Nightmare that such a Scenario became a Reality. I hear a Knock at My Door with a Voice Saying "Church Police, Time to go to Church." To that I Politely Respond "Fuck you! I ain't Going to Church!" The Voice then Responds " You either go to Church, or you go to Jail!" Before we could see what Unfolded, I woke up! Now as we all know; I Never Really thought about Running for any Political Office; so Me being President is a Pipe Dream; but here's what would happen if I WERE "President:" (1) CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS: Now this is a No Brainer; I mean what could I have Possibly "Learned" from 12+ Years of Mr. Government Mandated INDOCTRINATION? That I COULD NOT have "Learned" from My Family and Friends? Think about this; If ALL Schools are CLOSED, Permanently; there would be NO SUCH THING as School Shootings, No BULLYING, None of that Pure Bullshit that goes with Mr. Government Mandated BRAINWASHING! In fact I would Mandate the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show as "Educational Programing." Think about this; yous would "Learn" More in 5 Hours a Day, 30 Hours a Week of Free Beer & Hot Wings than yous would in 12+ Years of Boring Lectures! (2) Strengthen The Wall Separating Church & State: This is also another No Brainer; Come On; I mean if yous WANT TO Go to Church, every Sunday; then By All Means do so! However for those who want NOTHING to do with Religion; Leave us all the fuck alone! I will say this: It's TRUE; there is "Freedom of Religion" in this Country; yet your "Freedom of Religion" ENDS at My Desire Not to Hear about it! Think about this: The State of Louisiana is MANDATING the 10 Commandments in EVERY "Public School" Classroom? Where the fuck do we Live? The Middle East? If yous WANT TO Practice your Religion; go to your Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Yous Name it! However Religion DOES NOT Belong in the Public Eye and Courts and or Government Agencies have NO BUSINESS IMPOSING their Religious beliefs on the General Public! May I add where do these "Christian Nationalists" Get off on telling Gays, Lesbians and so on that they "Have NO Right to Live as they CHOOSE?" That's Right! I said it Gays CHOOSE to be "Gay!" Yet; they do not Deserve to get their asses beat; because they CHOOSE to be with someone of the Same Sex! Who GIves a Rat's ass? They say "Gays are 'Groomers, Grooming Children' into Homosexuality! What bullshit that is! I have several Friends who CHOOSE to be "Gay," and I Have NO Problem with them! Why should I? (3) Mandate Abortion: Now this would apply in Cases of Teenage Pregnancies; especially because Teenagers ARE NOT Mature enough to handle the Responsibility of being Parents! Not to mention Pregnancies by Welfare Cheats to Fatten their Welfare Checques; how many of yous have gone to your Local FIA Offices to see some skank with 5 Kids with 4 Different Baby Daddies? Along that front Abolish Title IV-D of the Social Security Act; this would Defund Corrupt Family Court Agencies as well as FIA Offices throughout the Country! After all, NO Woman should be FORCED to Give Birth against her Will! This is Supposed to be a DEMOCRACY! Where does the Law Say that ANY Woman has NO AUTONOMY over her Own Body? I mean if yous are about Taking away a Woman's RIGHT to CHOOSE and TERMINATE a Pregnancy; why Not Mandate Castration of Men? Do yous see where I am going with this? (4) Stop Supporting Israel; a Nation of GASP! TERRORISTS! Benjamin Netanyahu is a WAR CRIMINAL who BELONGS in the Electric Chair! (5) Abolish Income Taxes for those whose Incomes (Individual Mind you) are Less than $100,000.00 a Year; come on; why should those who bust their asses and Can't Earn $100,000.00 or More a Year have to Pay Taxes? This would make Income Tax CHEATS Like Donald Trump and My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE! (6) Close The Military Industrial Complex; this has been a Question that I wish I have had an answer for why the fuck are We BLOWING Trillions of Dollars on Preparations for WAR? Is this Country so afraid that Troops from Ghanarrhea (for example) is gonna Invade us and Kick Our ass? I don't Understand that Logic at all! I have always been under the Belief that Military Service should always be VOLUNTARY! Which Means I would ABOLISH the Selective Service Act; which MANDATES that Men Sign Up to be Contacted by Military Recruiters and be DRAFTED into Wars within 30 Days of their 18th Birthday! (5) Lower the Alcohol Consumption Age to 18; Let's face it; if a Person can Be Drafted into Wars and Vote at 18; wouldn't it Only Make Sense that Once a Person Reached his/her 18th Birthday be allowed to have a Beer? I mean Let's be Honest; Irresponsible Drinking Knows NO "AGE LIMIT!" I mean Paul Brown, Jr. is 64; and he CAN'T COPE WITH LIFE'S PROBLEMS WITHOUT LIQUOR! Need I say more? (6) Disqualify ANY Member of Congress, and Or ANY Judge, Including those on the Supreme Court who Commit Crimes while In Office. Now have yous seemed to Notice that Most Congress People, Judges and or Public Officials act as if they are Above the LAWS they Make and or sworn to Uphold? (7) Make Health Care a RIGHT: Now who ain't in favour of this? Why should People who WANT TO and or NEED TO See a Doctor; have to face Possible Bankruptcy; because they happen to suffer a Medical Emergency? This would even include Mental Health Emergencies as well! (8) Decriminalize Prostitution; Now this is something I have NEVER Been able to Understand; why is it ILLEGAL to Sell Something that's Perfectly LEGAL to Give Away? I mean think about this: Say you got a Guy who desperately Needs to Score; Pair him with a Chick who Desperately Needs $40.00; most of yous would think "Perfect Couple, eh?" Now certain Parameters need to be Met as far as this is Concerned; for Example, the Participants in such Transactions Need to be Consenting Adults; No Force, No Coercion, No Violence, and it Probably wouldn't Hurt if Sex Workers are Tested for STDs as they are in Most European and Quite Possibly Asian and or African Countries; I mean what sense does it Make to Jail someone who sells something that is a Basic Human Instinct? As yous can see if a Presidency Under Me were to come about, Then The United States would be a Lot Like God's Country; which as we all KNOW is Canada. Now for those of yous who say "Go Back to Canada." I say this; I WAS BORN in this Country! On 30, November, 1969, I was Born in Pork Huron, Michigan! I want back the "America" I GREW UP in! Not this Authoritarian Shithole Under Donald Trump! I Only Learned that I'm a Canadian Citizen 13 Years ago; because 1 of My Parents was Born in Canada; now have I solved this Mystery? I hope I have. As I said Should a Presidency Under Me have ever become a Reality; this Country would be a Utopia of PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY! Until Next Time; this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Change is Possible, yous just have to Want it! 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Paul Brown, Jr. Sinks To A New Low; Even For That DRUNK..........

Here it is; your Favorite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all affectionately Know as Michigan is Once again in the Cockpit; about to Vent on what has Gone Down since the Last Time I sat down to write Out another Manifesto of whatever is On My Twisted, Tormented Mind. And I shall not disappoint yous; Now here's a Twist; I ain't going to use a Lot of Trademark Vulgarity that I usually have in My Manifestos; even though the Target of this Manifesto DESERVES every F-Grenade I can throw in his Direction; but before I get to the Main Topic; I shall fill yous in on what has Gone Down in the Past few Weeks since I Last sat down in the Cockpit: well, as Most all of yous Now Know, I am Now a Married Man once again. And I am happy to say that Jennifer; is Now My Wife. And I can Promise yous this; Jennifer is the ABSOLUTE LAST Woman I will ever Marry; why do I say this? Well, first of all; I don't Plan on Outliving her. I am Now 54; and it's safe to say I ain't getting any Younger; whereas Jennifer turns 44 in July; so yous do that Math Equation! Grant it; Jennifer was a Widow, when I Met her; and More than Likely, she will be a Widow again sometime down the Road; exactly how far; I ain't got a fucking Clue to that! See, My Friends; I told yous that I wouldn't disappoint yous by Leaving Out the word "fuck!" I may not use it as frequently as I have in Previous Manifestos; but do I Really have to use that Word at Least 50 Times for these Manifestos to be entertaining and Informative? Not Really. Yet, by My Own admission; I have a Foul Mind and a Gutter Mouth; and I ain't the Least bit ashamed of it; why should I be? I Never did say I have a "Moral Compass"! So why should I change who I am? I don't think I would be who I am if I did! Alright; now that we have passed the Introductory bullshit; Let's get to where the fun begins. And trust Me; this Promises to be fun, I Tell Yous! Because, Just shortly after Jennifer and I Exchanged Our Wedding Vows; I Receive a Rather Nasty Letter from the fucking DRUNK; who Resides in the very House where I Grew Up. Now am I surprised? Is there ANY Reason why I should be? Come On; we're Talking about a BITTER, INSECURE Little "Man" (did yous Notice I Placed the term "Man" in Quotation Marks) well, there's a Reason I did that; Now Keep in Mind that I Very Seldom do anything without a Reason behind it. Now as we all Know, Paul Brown, Jr. Is a PATHETIC, BITTER, INSECURE Little "Man," because as we all know he can't Cope with Life's Challenges without LIQUOR! Now as we all know (and Unfortunately, I found out first hand, the Hard Way just How Manipulative Addicts can be). And don't get me wrong; Paul ain't the ONLY Addict I am Targeting in this Manifesto. For a Year; I Dated a Drug Addict, Named Brittany. Now to this Day; I don't wish her any Harm, whatsoever; Yet when I was Dating her; I found out the Hard way that when an Addict doesn't get what he/she Wants; well for those of yous who Followed the TV Show, "Intervention" on the A & E Network; yous will see how Ugly they can get! After a Year and Thousands of Dollars I wound up Coughing Up; whether it was to keep her Lodged in Seedy, Fleabag Motels throughout Macomb County; as well as What I was told for her "Mother's Cancer Meds." Now One Night I made the Mistake of having her in My Car when she had what I Later Learned was an Opiod Overdose. Now I couldn't figure out what was going on; when an Eastpointe (Formerly East Detroit) Police Department Squad Car Rolled Behind My Car; well Next Thing I knew they Searched Me, Patted My ass down and Found NOTHING ILLEGAL on Me; Searched  My Car; Found NOTHING ILLEGAL in My Car; so I figured that since I was CLEAN; I would be allowed to go Home; but when they Searched her Purse; she has 4 Xanax Pills on her. Oh Shit! At that Point; I found out that My so-called "Loving Girlfriend" was a Drug Addict (what a fucking Nightmare Scenario, eh?) My Car got Impounded Over that Weekend. Well; it was then that Paul decided that he doesn't have to Respect any fucking BOUNDARIES! Well, News Flash you fucking DRUNK; You found out Right Quick how Dangerous attempting to start a fight with me is! 2 Days Later the fucking DRUNK decided that since I REFUSED to Bow Down and Submit to yet another fucking Police Style Interrogation Over something that was ABSOLUTELY NONE OF HIS FUCKING BUSINESS; in where I was Automatically Presumed GUILTY Until PROVEN INNOCENT of engaging in whatever Perceived "Wrongdoing" (In the DRUNK'S Alcohol Induced Fantasies) he Crossed a Line with me that NOBODY should EVER Cross; which is he Came to MY Home (at that time, I was Living with My then Estranged Wife, Tracey) and he attempted to start a fight with me; now that Proved to be a Near FATAL Mistake on the Part of that DRUNK; because I was Ready to Defend Myself if I had to and believe Me; I DON'T NEED NO GUN or KNIFE to Inflict Massive Damage on somebody if I had to! I made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that he WAS NOT WELCOME at MY HOME and that if he Valued his SCUZZY, COUNTRY SINGER LOOK-ALIKE Face Remaining in 1 Piece; he would Leave the Premises before I proceeded to Break his Jaw! Well he Flipped My Hat off of My Head; which was ALL the Provocation I Needed; so I swung on him and I INTENTIONALLY Missed! What happened after that? That DRUNK COWARDLY BULLY; hopped into his Pickup Truck and RAN; Like a Scolded Dog! All of the Remainder of that fucking Day he would send Text Messages saying "Free Ride Out Here; if you want to settle this." Well as tempting as it was to SMASH His Country Singer Look-Alike Face; I figured it was a Tactic for that fucking COWARDLY DRUNK to Pull his God Damn GUN on Me! Well, Paul; here a Piece of Friendly Advice; if you Pull your God Damn GUN on me; you better Make Certain your 1st Shot Puts Me Down and Puts Me Down for GOOD! Because; if you don't; I WILL FUCK YOU UP! Yet in TRUE COWARDLY BULLY Fashion; you then Resort to Verbally ATTACKING MY WIFE, Jennifer; by Calling her "Corn Fed" Like she is some Fine Carolina Hog, waiting to be Slaughtered! Who the fuck do you think you are? What the fuck did Jennifer ever do to you? Oh Wait! She extended an Invitation to OUR Wedding; to BOTH You and My Mother; because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO! Even though I absolutely DESPISE you! And she asked you to RSVP to HER; because SHE was Handling ALL of the Planning and Preparations for the Wedding; I was STRICTLY HANDS OFF; when it came to that! Yet after SLANDERING MY GOOD NAME for the Last 8 Years of you Spreading your fucking SLANDEROUS LIES about me "Selling Drugs in Detroit." My Ex-Wife, whom I still Get Along with has that Facebook Chat Message on her Phone in where you Called me a "DOPE DEALER!" Do you Realize that you can be SUED for SLANDER? And Let's get to a Couple other SLANDEROUS LIES; that you have spread. You Stated in that Letter; which I have to say PROVES way beyond the Shadow of a Doubt that YOU are the very fucking CONTAMINATOR that has POISONED the Dynamic of Our Family! You even  had the audacity to say "You Have a Big, Black Cock in your ass!" Well not only does that PROVE that you're a fucking LIAR, a BULLY and Most of all; a fucking SCARED Little Piss ant! Whether I EVER CHOSE to engage in ANY Homosexual Acts; WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS? I Guess since you claim to be a "Little Hard of Hearing," I also see that you are fucking ILLITERATE as well! Tell me something; did the fucking Schools fail to Teach you how to fucking READ? Certainly amazes me How you were able to Graduate; Unless Lansing Threatened to Cut off funding if you didn't Graduate on Time! Now; I ain't the Least bit through with you yet! Then you go and Verbally Attack MY Kids? What Gives you the fucking RIGHT to Attack MY Kids? You want to know why they want NOTHING TO DO with you and their "Grandma?" Do you, asshole? I'll tell you why! Because On the Days that their Mother was at McLaren Pork Huron Hospital hooked to a Ventilator Keeping Her Alive after suffering a Fatal Stroke; where were you and My Mother? Did yous even Bother to "Be There" for your "Granddaughter," Maggie; and Your "Grandson," Jonathan; while their Mother's Life was slowly Slipping away? I Guess yous couldn't be bothered, eh? No Instead yous More than Likely, and I Cannot PROVE this; yous were at the fucking VFW GETTING DRUNK! While I was THERE; saying My Final Goodbyes to a Woman I had fought with for a Majority of the time they were Growing Up; at Least I had the decency to be there when MY Kids NEEDED ME! You then accuse Me of "Not Taking them In after their Mother had Passed Away." Are you Really that fucking DELUSIONAL? Melisa Passed away 2 Days AFTER Maggie's 23rd Birthday, and Jonathan was 21. News Flash! My Kids are GROWN! And they are Capable of Supporting themselves! Now onto My Nephew, Cody; did you Give him an Ultimatum to Choose YOU Over anybody else in the Family, even his Now Late Father? I Must say it Must be really Nice to Obtain a fucking 6 Figure Settlement from a Truck Accident that you were Deemed to be AT FAULT for; and Subsequently FIRED Over! I ain't No Police Officer and I don't know how to Reconstruct a Motor Vehicle Accident; and again I Cannot PROVE that you had a Couple Empty Bottles of Root Beer Schnapps in your Truck when you Wrecked it; but that wouldn't surprise me at all! Yet; I have held the Same Job for the Last 6 fucking Years! If the Last 8 Years have Proven anything; that I DON'T NEED YOUR ILL-BEGOTTEN Money; nor do I NEED YOUR FUCKING APPROVAL! Tell me something; did you HAVE TO BUY Cody's "Love?" I assume the answer to that very Question is a Resounding YES! Because had you Not Bought Him a Trailer House and Paid a Year's Worth of his Lot Rent; More than Likely He, Much Like his Late Father, and MY Kids, WOULDN'T WANT A DAMN THING TO DO WITH YOU! Now you're Claiming to be a "Victim?" WOW! You Really are Out of Touch with Reality! Be advised that when CHASE Bank Presses Charges against you for that PHONY $5000.00 Checque to Me; I INTEND TO COOPERATE FULLY! Yous even have the fucking Nerve to Question Me as to how I got to be known as Michigan's Resident Rocker? Alright, I shall Simplify this to where even YOU can Comprehend this: I was Born 30 November, 1969 @ 3:31 AM in Pork Huron, Michigan, I have Lived in Michigan My Entire Life; therefore I am a Michigan Resident. Now the Rocker Part Comes in because I Listened to Rock Music My Entire Life! How do you Like Me now you DRUNK! I Call you a DRUNK, because it's the fucking TRUTH! I'm Glad that YOU Have something in Common with Jennifer's Birth Mother; because she also is a DRUNK! Maybe you and Jennifer's Birth Mother should get together! Tell me something; how Much did you end up PAYING Lot Lizards in Memphis to Yank your Crank? Or did you PAY Multiple Lot Lizards to go down on each other while you Jacked Yourself Off? Believe whatever FANTASIES You want! Because YOU are the One Stewing in your Own Misery; Unemployed, and Miserable! Not Me; My Wife and I are very Happy; and Mind you, whatever goes on in Our Bedroom ain't NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS! At Least I can say Everything I have; whether it's My Apartment in Genesee County, My Car, The Genesee County Cougars My Beer League Hockey Team, I fucking EARNED ALL OF these things through GOOD OLD FASHIONED HARD WORK, and PLAYING BY THE RULES! Rather than Obtaining it via FRAUD! I KNOW FOR A FACT that you Obtained a 6 Figure Settlement by LYING on your Insurance Claim Form; again, I Can't Prove it; but The Insurance Adjusters Really Need to Revisit that Settlement since you DEFRAUDED that Insurance Company! Not to Worry; after I Obtain a Judgment against You for SLANDER; I'll Get the Money You OWE ME! By the way, I NEVER WANTED the House where I Grew Up In! So Cody can HAVE it if he wants; Yet he's a 32 Year Old Man and if he wants ANYTHING to do with me; he's Welcome to do so! At Least I don't have to BUY anybody's "Love!" So how do you Like Me now you DRUNK? So go ahead; Stew in your own Bitterness; at Least I don't Need to Self Medicate with Chemicals and or Alcohol! Sure; I Drink; but I DO NOT NEED to have a Beer EVERY WAKING MOMENT of My Days! Yet when you Drop Dead; I will Go to the Funeral Home; whip My dick out and PISS ALL OVER YOUR DEAD CARCASS! I Guess that's all I Need to say! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Never allow Toxic People stand in your Way of Living Life on your Own Terms!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Michigan's Resident Rocker vs. Paul Brown, Jr. This Could Get Ugly...............

Well; here it is; It's been a spell since Michigan's Resident Rocker Last sat down in the Cockpit; to write out another Masterpiece Manifesto of what's on My Twisted, Tormented Mind. As usual I shall not disappoint yous with what I'm about to say; because as always I NEVER Run out of whatever Material I Post; because this Phenomenon known as Life just keeps rolling along. Now I know some of yous are going to say "Where's the stream of F-Bombs you Let Loose with in your Manifestos? Ah! I am getting to that! I'm just getting warmed up.Trust me; once I get going in this Manifesto; I don't Run out of Steam until I am finished! Speaking of being "Finished," well that brings me to 2 Piles of fucking shit I am TRULY "Finished" with that being My Own Mother and her fucking ALCOHOLIC Husband; 1 Paul Brown, Jr. Now I Know I will be asked to explain what the Latest in this fucking WAR against that fucking DRUNK means. Alright I shall tell yous the way Only I can. Now for those of yous who are Facebook friends of Mine have seen; On May 4, 2024; I will become a Married Man for the 3rd Time. I know I had written a Previous Manifesto stating that I would NEVER AGAIN Get Married; well, never in My Wildest fucking Imagination did I think I would ever Meet a Woman who would be almost everything I could ask for in a Woman; and a future Wife; that is Until June of 2022; that's when I ended up Meeting who will be the 3rd Mrs. Michigan's Resident Rocker; now I know somebody will ask me "Michigan's Resident Rocker; who would want to be the Wife of a foul minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker, Like yourself?" Well the answer to that very Question is a beautiful 43 Year Old Cashier with Sandy Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes as well as 3 Tattoos on her Anatomy. Her Name is Jennifer, and as I said she's almost too good to be true! Yet she's very Real! Now I also know someone will ask me "What happened to Tracey? The Now Former Mrs. Michigan's Resident Rocker. She still Lives in Pork Huron, and I still get along with her. In fact if I wanted to get any Pussy from her; I'm certain I can. More than Likely without having to say a Word. The Main Problem was I wanted an Open Marriage; whereas Tracey felt she needed to be a fucking Ball & Chain and force a Monogamous Choke Collar around My Neck! In fact she still considers having sex with somebody other than your Insignificant Other as "Cheating!" Now I don't Like to use that word in that Context; because the term "Cheating On' your Insignificant Other Implies that the 1 who ain't engaging in Sexual Activity Outside of the Relationship; is somehow a "Victim!" Now just how fucking stupid does this shit sound? And keep in Mind, My Friends; I TRIED that Path; when I was with the Now Late Mother of My Kids, Melisa, My 1st Wife, Carrie, a Promiscuous SLUT, who also is a DRUG ADDICT and an ALCOHOLIC, Masquerading as a "Good, Wholesome "Christian" (Now have you heard a fucking More absurd description of a fucking WHORE? Oh believe me; was I ever Miserable when I was Yoked to that fucking SLUT! I thought once I freed Myself from that Piece of Trash; that I could be happy; will for a Good While, when I was with Tracey, that held true! Yet, after she went for the "Upgrade," I began to Question whether Humans Being are Meant to be Monogamous? I mean think about it; Humans Being are the ONLY One of God's Creatures who can have sex with Multiple Partners at a time! And No, threesomes don't just Occur in the Adult Film Industry; when Tracey Granted me a threesome with her and a Friend of hers (at the time) I Knew this was something I Liked; and Let's be honest, Monogamy can be very fucking Monotonous! Once I got a taste of that Action; I knew I wanted More of that! Yet, Tracey always feared being perceived as a "Lesbian." Now trust me, My Ex-Wife ain't No "Lesbian!" But even if she CHOSE TO be a Lesbian; who the fuck Cares? Nonetheless; fast forward to Today; and I have what I consider to be the Closest thing to the "Perfect Woman" that I could ask for! Jennifer and I have an Open Relationship and we will continue on this way even after we're Married! Jennifer is Bisexual and yous know what? I Love her all the more because of it! As I have mentioned in Previous Manifestos; I REALLY LIKE Bisexual Women; I make absolutely No Bones about that. Shit; Even if I was engaged to Nina Hartley or Jenna Jameson; I would be jut as happy! Yet, I have Jennifer and I won't consider trading her for anybody! Speaking of, Paul; is that why you're so fucking BITTER? Because NO Lot Lizards would allow you to touch them before you Greased their Palms with about $100.00 at a Time? Even the ones in Memphis, Tennessee who advertised their fucking Services over a CB Radio? Now whether you fucked ANY WOMAN Other than My Mother; I Personally don't give a flying fuck! I admit I have fucked at Least 20 Different Women while I was Married to My Last Wife; and she NEVER WAS any the Wiser! The ONLY Woman she KNOWS I fucked while I was Married to her was this Halfwit named Heather who was known by the Nickname "Smurf." Do I Regret it? Is there any Reason why I should? Yet; here was the fucking DRUNK, Paul; desperately Pursuing a Piece of Pussy from My Nephew's Mother; I wonder why? Did My Mother CUT YOU OFF after suspecting that you had Paid about $500.00 to a few different Lot Lizards? Even if you did place your dick inside of ANY of them; I don't give a fuck! Yet; once I got with Brittany (believe me getting involved with her was a COLOSSAL MISTAKE on My Part, at Least I Took ownership OF that! What's YOUR fucking EXCUSE, Paul? Now tell me something else, asshole; Who the fuck do you think YOU are? Lecturing Me over being a Father to MY 2 NOW GROWN Children? I often wonder; what if My Nephew's Mother fingered YOUR DRUNK ass as the Father of her Daughter, Brianna? How the fuck would you explain that Certified Letter from the fucking Prosecutor's Office? How would YOU Explain away to My Mother having your Wages Garnisheed by the Friend of the CUNT; had you been fingered as Brianna's Father? Tell me that you fucking HYPOCRITE! What if that DID Occur? How would YOU deal with the Threats of JAIL TIME? How would you deal with attempts to Erase YOU from the Child's Life? Glad you NEVER Had to deal with the fucking Government Run Organized Crime Syndicate known as the Friend of the CUNT! Yet since you NEVER HAD TO Deal with such a fucking CORRUPT Organization, then I suggest you SHUT THE FUCK UP! One thing I Noticed; is that you ALWAYS Play the fucking ROGER Card when you attempt to Demonize me. I Wonder why? Is "Uncle" Roger STILL that much of a fucking THREAT to your backed up Toilet of a fucking Marriage? That you have to Play that fucking Card when attempting to dehumanize me and or My Late Brother, Mike? Are you that fucking INSECURE that you have to keep bringing Up Roger's Name? Are you THAT AFRAID that My Mother will LEAVE your DRUNK ass and go back to ROGER? Come on you INSECURE Little Piss Ant? Even ROGER has Long since Moved on; do you think that even he, after he Buried his Late Wife of 32 Years, back in 2021 Wants to be back with My Mother? Has the BLOW you've been snorting made you more than PARANOID and IMPOTENT? Are you really that fucking PATHETIC to where you couldn't find a Piece of Pussy Outside of Our Family? Wow! I Guess you Really are that much of a Waste of a fucking Human Life! And to think I Once Looked Up to you! Exactly why; I'm still trying to figure that out! Unlike YOU; I DON'T NEED TO  Indulge in Controlled Substances in order to Cope with Life's Problems; Nor do I NEED to ABUSE DEFENSELESS ANIMALS to show that I'm a MAN; I Don't NEED TO, because I am 1000% MAN! With that said I Challenge you to a FIGHT; I'm talking a 1 on 1 Fist FIGHT! Now since you're such a fucking PUSSY; I already KNOW you won't bring your fucking COWARD ass out to Genesee County! Instead you have attempted to Lure Me out to Mu Mother's House so you can Pull your God Damn GUN on me, shoot me and attempt to make it Look Like a fucking Justifiable Homicide! Trust Me, Paul; when I am done Pulverizing your SCUZZY, Country Singer Look Alike face; it WILL BE a Bloody fucking Crime Scene! Speaking of Criminal Acts; you sure had More Nerve than a Mouth full of Toothaches; contacting Me after SLANDERING MY GOOD NAME for the Last 8 fucking Years by Calling me a "Dope Dealer," when you KNOW FULLY FUCKING-A-WELL that I ain't NEVER  had a fucking thing to do with Drugs in My fucking Life! So Let's take a short trip down Memory Lane, shall we? To June 3, 2016; why is it that I WAS NOT CUFFED, Placed in the back of an Eastpointe Police Department Squad Car, and Hauled into the Macomb County Lockup? Where are all of the fucking Court Dates? Where are all of the fucking Arrests? I'm waiting, asshole! In fact Now that you have that very Date, I CHALLENGE you to Contact the Eastpointe Police Department about me! Go ahead; you fucking PUSSY! I wonder why you won't take me up on that Challenge? Is it because you KNOW that you're LYING? Tell me something; when you FORCED My Mother to CHOOSE Between YOU and her 2 SONS? Did you threaten to throw her out of the House that she has Called "HOME" for the Last 54 fucking Years if she CHOSE her SONS Over your DRUNK ASS? Did you threaten to Withhold that "Security of Married Life" that Married Women so desperately Crave? And then when My Now Late Brother, Mike Passed away, you NEVER EVEN Allowed me to say My Final Goodbyes to him! What the fuck Kind of "Man" Puts his Old Lady in a Position to where she HAS TO CHOOSE between him and her Children? By the way, ROGER; where were YOU and My Mother when MY Daughter and MY Son were Losing their Mother? While they watched their Mother Lying on a Hospital Bed, Hooked up to a fucking Ventilator; slowly dying; where were YOU? Over at the fucking VFW Getting fucking DRUNK? Nonetheless out of the Goodness of her Heart, Jennifer Extended you and My Mother and Invitation to Our Wedding; because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO! You ain't got to show up! And furthermore you ain't got to be a Part of Our Lives, because we simply don't Give a fuck! What are you going to do? Call MY Employer over the Last 6 fucking Years and tell them to "Fire Me" because I Won't CENTER My Life around YOUR DRUNK ass & the "Family?" I'll have you know this I don't just HATE YOU; I fucking DESPISE YOU! All My Now Late Brother wanted up until the Day he died; was to Maintain a Relationship with My Mother; whereas I do or not; I don't give a flying fuck! Because in the end YOU are the one who has POISONED the dynamic of Our Family!But of course since all BULLIES, LIKE YOU ARE COWARDS; you can't do anything BUT Call Me Names (Dope Dealer, Michigan's Resident COCKSUCKER) Just to Let you know I AM NOT GAY! And if I CHOSE TO BE GAY, you ain't My type anyway; jackass! And by the way I have friends who CHOOSE TO BE GAY! So Just Let me know when you Plan on Bringing your COWARD ass out to Genesee County so I can Give you the ass beating your Father SHOULD HAVE Given you before you Morphed into the fucking PATHETIC DRUNK; you have become! Maybe someday, before it's too Late, Maybe My Mother will Realize what a fucking MISTAKE she made on September 26, 1987; she'll Get Rid of your DRUNK ass! But I ain't counting on it! Until then; Go fuck yourself! Until Next Time; this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Life's too short to be weighed down by Toxic Influences!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Michigan's Resident Rocker Calls Out The Corporate Media...................

Is it at all Humanly Possible that Michigan's Resident Rocker has Returned to the Cockpit under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous KNOW is Canada? Well; as yous can see there is a Great Deal on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; so Let's Not waste any time by engaging in Meaningless Bullshit! In other Words; Let's get down to Brass Tax. Now I have been asked what could be Possibly flowing through My Twisted, Tormented Mind? To answer that vexing Question I say; well, I shall tell yous.. And may I forewarn yous who get easily Offended by me Placing an occasional "F-Bomb;" in My Manifestos; do yourselves a Favour and Stop Reading this Manifesto right at this very fucking Point! It Pisses me off when those of yous who get easily Offended get your fucking hackles up because I use forms of the word "fuck," Like I Really give a fuck! Let me ask yous something; why do yous get sand in your fucking pussies over the fact that I write out My Manifestos the very way I talk? Now don't be a bunch of Hypocrites; because I dare say Most all of yous have said this very fucking Word that "Offends" a select few of yous! Sure, I have been told that it ain't very Polite to use such Colourful Language; but since when has anybody accused me of being a "Nice Guy?" Just ask My beautiful fiance, Jennifer; she will tell yous that My Gutter Mouth  Compliments my foul Mind! And believe me; this in essence is who I am; Take it or Leave it! Ain't not a damn soul gonna change me Like I'm a shitty fucking Diaper! In fact why not Post something on a Positive Note before I get to the Very Topic of what this Manifesto is all about. So, My friends as yous all Know I Live in Michigan; Now that's a fucking No Brainer; since I was BORN in the Great Mitten. Now during this Time of the Year I Normally Look forward to the Enf of the NFL Season; because Michigan's Professional Football Team the, Detroit Lions; usually are slogging their way through a Typical Season of 10 or More Losses; but this Season has been Completely Different and as a Lifelong Fan of the Detroit Lions I have to say I fucking Love it! Almost as Much as I Love My fiance! Now for those of yous who are Not aware; I Played football; from 1984 to 1987; I Played at Port Huron Northern High School in Port Huron, Michigan. In Fact; the Very Graduating Class I was a Member of (Class of 1988) we Posted a 33-5 Record during My 4 Years as a Member of the Port Huron Northern Football Program; among those accolades we can boast about; we Never Lost a Game at the Dog Pound (Memorial Stadium in Port Huron). We Never Lost to Our Cross-Town Rivals The Big Reds of Port Huron High (Their Nickname is Now the Red Hawks). A 3-1 Record  against the Vikings of Marysville High School, Including Inflicting 2 Losses on Legendary Marysville Coach, the Late Walt Braun, 1 of only I believe, 2 High School Head Football Coaches here in the State of Michigan to Win 300 or More Career Games. Now back to the Lions; the Lions hold a 7-2 Record This Season and are in 1st Place in the NFC North. Now if the Lions are able to Win the NFC North; it will be the first time they have done so; under the NFL's Current Divisional Format; and they will Host a Playoff Game for the 1st time since 1993 (Back then the Lions Won the Old NFC Central Division) . Now I don't think yous need me to tell yous about the Success, or Lack thereof, that the Lions have been Plagued by. But I have to tell yous though this Regime of Head Coach, Dan Campbell (A Former Lions Tight End) and General Manager, Brad Holmes have Made the Lions something that the entire State of Michigan can be Proud of. Can the Lions Win a Playoff Game for Only the 2nd Time since 1957? Well, Let's see how the Rest of the Season Plays out. But I am clearly Riding High on the Lions' Bandwagon. Alright, Moving Right Along; have yous ever fucking Noticed How the fucking Corporate Media seems to Glorify Criminals and Ignore the Plight of "We, The People?"  Now exactly what am I talking about?  I will get to that. Now I Know people have approached me and say "What do you have to be so angry about?"  and before some of you fucking Halfwits who support the fucking Modern Day version of Adolf Hitler; that would be Donald Trump, tell me "Go back to Canada!" Do I need to fucking Remind yous that I WAS FUCKING BORN HERE! That's Right;  I entered this fucking World extending the Stone Cold Salute to it On 30 November, 1969 @ 3:31 AM.  In Port Huron, Michigan; which Last Time I checked, Michigan is a State in this very fucking CESSPOOL of a Country! Of course, I ain't gonna Lie to yous; I Honestly DO Wish Michigan was a Province in Canada; but Michigan is My HOME and  I ain't the Least fucking bit ashamed of it! Now that we have Cleared that shit up; Since I am Pissed Off (and I was BORN Pissed Off!) Do yous want to know what Really Pisses Me Off? Well too fucking bad, because I am going to tell yous anyway!  It's the fucking Corporate Media! That's Right! I said the fucking Corporate Media; because there ain't NOTHING fucking "Main Stream" about the fucking Media; I mean Let's examine this fucking War in the fucking Gaza Strip, along with the fucking Civil War in Russia! Now check this fucking shit out! Have yous seemed to Noticed how the fucking Corporate Media Decries Russia over how they have Prosecuted the Civil War In Russia; I'm talking about Bombing Hospitals; Attacking Civilian Infrastructure; Murdering Innocent Civilians. Yet they heap Praise on Israel, a Nation of (GASP!) TERRORISTS!  Am I fucking Missing something?  The Corporate Media Labels Russian President, Vladimir Putin as a "War Criminal," which I dare say he is; yet they fucking Plant their fucking Lips on the Olive Skinned ass of Benjamin Netenyahu, the fucking AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR of Israel! Exactly how is Netenyahu NOT a fucking War Criminal? I mean Israel is Blockading the fucking Gaza Strip so that food and water can't get into this very territory; that they're ILLEGALLY OCCUPYING! Are yous meaning to tell me that these ARE NOT Acts of fucking TERRORISM? Now is this Israel the same Pariah Nation in the Bible in where every Country wanted to Kick their ass? I wonder why? Why the fuck is this Country allying themselves with a Nation of fucking TERRORISTS?  But what Really Pisses Me off is how the fucking  Corporate Media Kisses the ass of A LYING, RACIST, XENOPHOBIC, NARCISSISTIC CON MAN Like Donald Trump! Yes, the very same Donald Trump; that My Now former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, vowed to fly down to Mar A Lago to suck Donald Trump's dick!  Maybe she can ask Melania Trump to Join in for a threesome! Gak! Anyway; I shall share an article from; which calls for Donald Trump to  be sent to Prison for the Rest of his Miserable existence; yous also can access this article by going to Here it is: Donald Trump's CRIMINAL Regime turned the United States Government, and in some sense the entire country, into a crime scene. Given that, why isn't Trump in jail? Why are the collaborators and co-conspirators in his multitude of apparent crimes not in jail with him? These are Questions I have asked myself many times during the Age of Trump and these months after his coup attempt and the Capitol attack, especially as more "revelations" have emerged about the vast scale of Trump's crimes against democracy, the rule of law and the American people. Many other Americans have the same Questions about justice and consequences for Donald Trump and members of his Regime, which at this point includes nearly the entire Republican Party. There are various plausible answers to these questions. Of course there are actions that may be immoral, wrong or evil but not technically illegal. Perfidy, lies, cruelty and bigotry are in most cases not offenses that can successfully be prosecuted in court. Joe Biden's administration and the senior leadership of the Democratic Party appear to feel that a proper investigation into the Trump regime, for example through convening a truth commission or some similar independent body, would be a "distraction" from their policy agenda. Perhaps Biden and other Democratic leaders feel that the scale of the Trump regime's obvious criminality is so great that to reveal the truth in full would cause an even greater crisis of legitimacy in the country's governing institutions. In essence, the Democrats may be trying to "protect" the American people from the truth. There is also the raw and ugly fact that rich white men in America are rarely held accountable for their actions, and that goes double for Republicans and conservatives. If Trump were black or brown or a Democrat, he and his cabal would in all likelihood have been convicted and sent to prison months or years ago. In an effort to understand why Trump and his Regime are not being prosecuted for their many apparent crimes — and may never be — I recently spoke with Richard Painter. He was White House chief ethics counsel under President George W. Bush and is a frequent guest on MSNBC, CNN and other news networks. His most recent book, co-authored with Peter Golenbock, is "American Nero: The History of the Destruction of the Rule of Law, and Why Trump is the Worst Offender." In this conversation, Painter explains why there appears to be little if any interest from the Department of Justice in prosecuting Donald Trump. This is partly because its leadership under Attorney General Merrick Garland is afraid of setting such a precedent, but more importantly, the DOJ is now institutionally committed to the idea that there are few limits on presidential power. Painter also discusses the absurdity of the Department of Justice under Biden choosing to defend Donald Trump in court against the many lawsuits that are being brought against him, including those concerning his role in inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and larger coup attempt.  Painter also warns that this refusal to investigate and prosecute the Trump regime, which will only empower future presidents to commit crimes without consequence, could lead to the collapse of American democracy and its descent into authoritarian rule — not altogether different from the fate of Ancient Rome. This conversation has been edited, as usual, for clarity and length. Given all their public crimes and other misdeeds, more of which are emerging every day, why are Donald Trump and his inner circle not in jail? I am not sure that prosecutors want to go after Donald Trump and his cohorts. We will have to see what happens in New York. But at this point in time, it has been pretty obvious that the U.S. Department of Justice, if anything, is going to be defending Trump in a number of civil lawsuits. These include the Lafayette Park case, and the Freedom of Information Act requests from CREW [Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington] over the DOJ memo about whether they could indict Donald Trump back in 2019 [at the time of the Mueller report]. The DOJ will not disclose that memo. CREW has sued, and guess what? The Biden Department of Justice is defending the executive privilege of the Trump administration with respect to that memo. They do not want to release it. Biden's Department of Justice also restrained former White House counsel Don McGahn about what he could say when testifying before Congress, even though he had been subpoenaed by the House of Representatives. The Department of Justice once again is asserting attorney-client privilege and executive privilege over some of the communications between Trump and McGahn. There is now a rumor that the Department of Justice might actually defend Donald Trump with respect to his conduct on Jan. 6 and during the insurrection, in the private litigation against him. I believe that the Department of Justice should indict former DICTATOR Trump for obstruction of justice, as laid out in the second part of the Mueller report. He should also perhaps be indicted for inciting the insurrection and riot on Jan. 6, among other criminal offenses. But the Department of Justice is going in the opposite direction. Biden's DOJ wants to defend Donald Trump and the idea of presidential power and presidential prerogatives. I think that's most unfortunate. There is a great deal of timidity and apprehension about going after a former president. How do DOJ lawyers and other legal professionals and scholars reconcile protecting Donald Trump when he was and is a dire threat to the country's democratic institutions? There is this obsession with "institutions," but those institutions will be further imperiled if Trump and members of his cabal are not held responsible for their obvious crimes. In essence, not to punish them is to encourage another coup. That is the danger. I believe that the lawyers and legal scholars can be separated into two distinct groups. There are those who are worried about too much presidential power. I am among that group. I believe that a sitting president should be indicted for any crimes he commits in office. A former president should certainly be indicted if he committed crimes while in office. The notion of executive privilege — keeping communications confidential from Congress and from prosecutors — is way overblown. And the idea that the president could somehow fire the FBI director, or threaten to fire Bob Mueller, is clearly obstruction of justice. The president of the United States is not above the law. There is another view of these questions. Sometimes the phrase "unitary executive theory" has been used to describe this belief in heightened presidential power. There are both liberals and conservatives in that camp. There are people who believe, as [former] Attorney General Barr does, that a president can fire anybody at will, because he is in charge of the executive branch. For example, the president can just fire the FBI director in the middle of an investigation if he wants to — that's what Barr has said. There are supposed liberals who believe pretty much the same thing. Cass Sunstein of Harvard Law School is among that group. He has also said that you cannot indict a sitting president for a criminal offense he commits while in office. Sunstein is working for Joe Biden right now. Many people in the Justice Department — and who filter in and out of the Justice Department in different administrations — are committed to this latter view of presidential power. As such, the unitary executive theory tends to be the predominant view in the Department of Justice. I think it's wrongheaded. It's not consistent with the United States Constitution to have that much power and privilege, in essence legal immunity, in the hands of the president. How would they respond to the basic observation that the president of the United States is not a king or an emperor? Their commitment to the unitary executive theory basically means, in practice, that a president, especially a Republican president, can overthrow the government if they do not like the result of an election.That is where we could end up as a country, where the president can do anything he wants while in office. If the president cannot be indicted and has broad power to hire and fire anybody he wants without criminal accountability, and he can use the military for whatever he wants, then he will commit crimes and use his official powers to stay in office. That is a pattern in countries that become dictatorships. It happened with the Roman Empire almost exactly that same way, with power being concentrated in the hands of a single individual. What if Biden had exercised bold leadership by immediately signaling to the Department of Justice that they should aggressively pursue Donald Trump, his inner circle and others who have committed crimes? If I were Joe Biden, I would not have done that. Instead, I would have said, "We're going to bring in an independent counsel who will make this decision. It's not a political decision." If Donald Trump committed crimes, he should be prosecuted. That should not be a political decision. I do not believe that Joe Biden or any appointee of Joe Biden should be making that decision. Again, if someone commits a crime they should be prosecuted. They should go to jail if they committed a felony. The second part of the Mueller report shows that there was obstruction of justice by Trump and his inner circle. Part two of the Mueller report is an outline of an indictment. But the Department of Justice does not want to do it. If Donald Trump committed crimes, he should be indicted. It is pretty clear to me that is in fact the case. What are these "institutionalists" afraid of when it comes to prosecuting Trump, his coup plotters and other members of his regime? Part of it is that the DOJ's lawyers have been defending presidential prerogative, presidential privilege, and the like across many administrations. They have been doing this in both Democratic and Republican administrations. These people are political appointees of the president, which explains the ideology at work. These political appointees may have different views on political issues and different political affiliations. But many people in the DOJ have a view that they are there to protect presidential privilege and power and immunity. It is very bad for our democracy. We are not getting the pushback from Congress that we need right now. It is a very frustrating situation. Why didn't more people in the federal government who were a witness to these crimes, and Trump's assaults on democracy more generally, stand up and speak out? We needed many more whistleblowers and other patriots. The real problem is the people in Congress who supported Donald Trump and the extremists and the conspiracy theorists. It is very hard to root out the people who are from congressional districts that are extremely conservative and consistently vote Republican. I hope the Republican Party will clean out the worst people, like Marjorie Taylor Greene and others who spread conspiracy theories. I do not know if it's going to happen, but we need to hold the Republican Party accountable. I was a Republican for 30 years. They still have some good people. But it's very, very hard now, because Republicans either endorse Trumpism or they are scared and therefore won't speak up against it. We need some courage in this country, and we are not getting it right now.What were your thoughts as you watched those events on Jan. 6? How do you assess the investigation so far? A bunch of Trump followers invaded the Capitol. Those people were being held to account, such as the Proud Boys. But at this point, the only people being indicted are the people who were actually there. I have not seen a lot of activity going to the next level and finding out who the political operatives were, whether from the Trump campaign or other people behind the scenes, who were orchestrating the events of Jan. 6.This was a conspiracy. It's pretty obvious that people were planning some of this in advance. Donald Trump inspired them to go down there to the Capitol and do what they did. Trump did not say, "Go kill a police officer," but it was pretty clear he was instigating a riot, an insurrection, with the false rumors about election fraud and the rest of it. I want to see investigation from the DOJ go to the next step. But thus far, we are not seeing that.Do you think a signal was sent by the Biden administration to not prosecute the ringleaders for reasons of "stability" and protecting the "institutions"?There are a number of signals at play here. Primarily that "we're going to look forward." The Obama-Biden team sent that message with respect to the torture lawyers in the Department of Justice.And guess what? They just came back in the Trump years, pushing for more executive power. This is not a good situation. We need to have a clear message that people who violate the law, when they hold positions of public trust, are going to be prosecuted and the lawyers involved will be disbarred.What happens next if such presidential power is not curtailed?If the Democrats want to put a stop to it, they need to rein in executive power and make it clear that even with a Democrat in the White House, we're not going to put up with it. We're not going to defend presidential privilege and confidential communications of criminal conduct. We're not going to do that. We do not need to have an all-powerful president to live in a democracy. Congress passes the laws, the president signs the laws. But we don't need to have a president who can do anything he wants, whether he's a Democrat or a Republican. That needs to be the overriding principle here.If the Department of Justice actually ends up defending Trump against civil and other charges for his role in the coup and the Capitol attack, what does that do to the DOJ's credibility? What message does it send to the public about the presidency?It creates the impression that presidents are just interested in power. And that means that the concept of presidential power and presidential prerogative and privilege is what really matters to the Department of Justice. By implication, it means that is what's important to Joe Biden. That he's willing to defend everything Donald Trump did so that he in turn can do what he wants. That's the impression it's going to give. Now, I do not see Joe Biden abusing his power. But there is no reason for the DOJ to defend Donald Trump.What advice would you give Joe Biden about Trump's crimes and this torrent of new information about his extreme wrongdoing while in office? I'd say, Mr. President, you need to have the attorney general appoint an independent prosecutor. Or maybe it's going to take two or three independent prosecutors because of the amount of criminality here. Have those independent prosecutors make the decision about whether Donald Trump ought to be indicted or not. I'd say, second, the Justice Department should stop defending Donald Trump in any and all civil litigation, or defending his presidential privilege. His communications with his White House counsel should be revealed to the United States Congress. CREW should get a copy of that memo the DOJ wrote in 2019 about whether Donald Trump could be indicted. There needs to be complete transparency, no more secrets. That's the bottom line. How much More needs to be said? Yet the fucking Corporate Media INSISTS  on saying that Donald Trump is Legitimately "President." WHY? Are yous that fucking afraid of this DICTATOR; that yous won't  Demand that JUSTICE be done and send this Pile of shit to Prison where he fucking BELONGS! Just when I thought that Trump stands for EVERYTHING that is WRONG with "America;" the Corporate Media fucking keeps Planting their fucking Collective Lips on Trump's Orange ass! During My Freshman Year in Civics Class, I Learned that here in the United States , NOBODY is Above the Law! Well the Corporate Media needs to get back to the fucking Principles of Journalism; and Call for Donald Trump and his Crime Family to be sent to Prison for the Rest of time. I mean fuck! Why should an Organized Crime Syndicate be allowed to go FREE after ALL of the fucking Crimes that have been Committed? Now what's all the More Unsettling; is if Trump gets back ILLEGALLY into the fucking White House; Trump vows to Prosecute EVERY ONE of his Enemies, Real and or Perceived; I mean who the fuck does this shit? Fucking AUTHORITARIAN DICTATORS; such as Vladimir Putin of Russia or Kim Jon Un of North Korea. Yet in those Countries a Number of those who have dared to stand up to those Tyrants wind up either Behind Bars or 6' in the fucking Ground! Could the same Hold true here in what's supposed to be the "Land of the Free?" God Help us all if that does Occur! It would be just Like if say Al Capone or John Gotti Ran this Country rather than the Underworld of Chicago and New York, Respectively. It's time for the Corporate Media to STOP Parroting Trump's LIES; and Report the News the way it actually Happens! The Destruction of an Independent Media is in essence the Beginning of the End of over 200 Years of "Democracy," here in the US of A! It's time for the Corporate Media to Grow a fucking SPINE and Call for the Trump Crime Family to be sent to Prison where they cannot Hurt another damn soul! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying it's time for the Media to take back its balls and Practice Actual Independent Journalism!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Michigan's Resident Rocker vs. Gross Family; This Is Personal!

What the hell is this? For the 2nd Week in a Row; Michigan's Resident Rocker is seated in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of you fucking Half Wits know is Canada; and Oh fuck Yeah! I have a Great Deal on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; so Let's Not Delay this entry with any Unnecessary bullshit; Let's get doen to fucking Business! As I have mentioned in My Last Manifesto; I am about to tie the Proverbial fucking Knot for a 3rd Time on 27 April, 2024; now why was this Date Selected? Well; if yous Really MUST Know; it's the Day after what would have been My Late Brother's 52nd Birthday (as I have mentioned he Passed away when he was only 49). And Let's be Honest; My Brother may not have Liked a Number of the Women I was Involved with (In fact I ended up fucking a SKANK that he fucked about a Year and a Half before I had My Turn with her). Nonetheless; My Fiance, Jennifer; is one I know he would have Liked; Unlike Crystal (From Lansing) Jessica (From New Lothrop) and Let's Not forget Brittany (From Macomb County). What the fuck was I ever thinking when I got with those fucking SKANK WHORES? Yous want to know something funny? I got a Piece of Pussy from Jen, not even a Month into My Relationship with her; now how Much Pussy did I get from any of her Predecessors? Fuck! I was Lucky if I got to see their tits! Never did I even get a Sniff of their Holes-O-Skank! But come to think of it; Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing; because I mean Jen can suck dick better than even a fucking Dort Highway Hooker can! But thjen again; IF any woman is Offering me and here's the Key Word, Consensual Sex; I sure to fuck ain't going to turn it down! I mean why the fuck should I? Because I'm Engaged to be Married? Fuck No! Hell; the Last Time I WAS Married; My then Wife wasn't My ONLY Source of Pussy! Trust Me when I say that shit! Now some of yous will think I'm Completely Piggish about this, to that I say Since when do I Give a flying fuck about what yous think? Now how many of yous have Read every Manifesto I have Written Word for Word? Just as I suspected! Now as we all Know a Majority of My "Family" Probably ain't going to be at the Joining Of Jen and I in Unholy Wedlock. Why is this? Well; it's No fucking Secret that I have been at War with My Mother and her fucking ALCOHOLIC Husband! Now how does My Mother Play into this fucking shit? Well; when I had a falling out with Paul; the fucking DRUNK! Well; I Guess He gave My Mother a fucking Ultimatum; either choose her fucking DRUNK Husband and the fucking "Security of Married Life" that ALL Married Women are Desperate for; or her Own 2 Sons (as I have mentioned 1 is Now Deceased) and as yous all know her Surviving Son is Airing a Manifesto addressing Most every fucking Grievance I have with My Parents! Now where does My Father Come into fucking Play? I'll get to that Later in this Manifesto. But I ain't fucking Finished with the Occupants of the fucking House I Grew Up in! Even though I haven't spoken to them in Now Over 7 fucking Years; I STILL ain't NEVER Going to forgive My Mother for how she acted Like she couldn't Give a Flying Fuck; when she heard the News of the Passing of her Youngest Son! Now if anything were to happen to My 28 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie or My 26 Year Old Son, Jonathan; I would Probably want to take a fucking shotgun and blow My fucking Brains Out! I know this is something Jen doesn't want to hear; but My Kids have been a Part of My Life Long before ANY Of the Other Women Including their Late Mother have been! Now fortunately Jen Gets along with My Kids (Especially Maggie) so I don't HAVE TO CHOOSE! Now allow me to ask yous somthing; what the fuck kind of a "Man" FORCES his Old Lady to CHOOSE between him and her Child(ren)? I can tell yous I KNOW only 1, Personally, and I fucking DESPISE that Motherfucker even more than I Hate Donald Trump is HATED here in Donald Trump's "America!" Now for those of yous who have been born under a fucking Rock; this ain't the first Major falling out I have had with this fucking DRUNK; but I can fucking Promise yous it WILL BE THE LAST! Yous Hear what the fuck I am saying? And to Members of My Family who seem to think I should "Reconcile" with this fucking DRUNK, I say take your Request and shove it up your fucking ass! Because I ain't NEVER AGAIN Speaking to someone who fucking SLANDERS My fucking Good Name! But what's all the More Unforgivable is How he accused My Now Late Brother of "faking" the very fucking Condition that Ultimately Led to My Brother's Demise! The DRUNK had the fucking GALL to say "Oh, he's faking this so he can Garner Sympathy, and Avoid Working!" Alright, asshole, How's about I go around Pork Huron and Accuse you of FAKING the fucking Injury to your fucking Leg that you had to have Surgically Rebuilt? Doesn't feel so fucking Good to get a Dose of your OWN FUCKING MEDICINE, eh? Like I Honestly Give a fuck what you think! But wait there's more; Now as I have mentioned when My Most Recent Marriage was Drawing to a Close (and trust Me if I wanted to fuck My Ex Wife, I still Could!) this fucking DRUNK had the fucking Nerve to Come to where I was Living (at the Time) and started a Physical Altercation with me and he nearly got his fucking Head Knocked off! After I swung on his ass and Missed (On Purpose, Mind yous) he got his COWARD ass into his fucking Pickup Truck and he fucking BOLTED! Then he kept attempting to Lure Me Out to My Mother's House so he could Pull his God damn GUN on Me! Now why do yous suppose he wanted to do this shit? Because he's fucking SCARED TO DEATH of Me! Now ain't Nobody got any fucking Reason to fear Me at all; Unless you try to start shit with Me, My Fiance and or My Kids! Now the fucking Part that fucking Sucks is this Motherfucker is the ONLY "Man" that My Kids Know as "Grandpa." Considering that Their Maternal Grandfather Passed away when Maggie was only 4 Years Old and Jonathan was only 2. Now I don't think My Kids ever met My Father, and in all Honesty, I ain't in No Hurry to Reunite with him, either! Now as I have mentioned in Previous Manifestos; I have Plenty of Unresolved Grievances against him as well! Funny thing is; I attended Church from the Age of 9 Until I was 14; and of course My Father attempted to Pound his Brand of "Christianity" into My fucking head throughout that time and among the things I was told 1 of the "10 Commandments" is "Honour Thy Father & Thy Mother." Alright; sounds Good on the fucking Surface of it; but My Question is why the fuck should I? I mean ain't Respect something that is to be fucking EARNED? Think about it! Do yous think Jen would be with me if I didn't EARN her Respect and her Trust to begin with? Maybe, but I Highly doubt it! Now onto Jen's side of this Equation; and I'm certain yous were Curious as to when I was going to Start Railing against her Now I think FORMER family is appropriate here. Now where do I begin with these Jerry Springer Show Rejects? Now yous talk about 5 of white Trailer Park TRASH; oh here comes the fucking fun! Well, Let's start with the One that was Most Likely to appear on the fucking Jerry Springer Show (Rest In Peace, Mr. Ringmaster) Tiffany, whom I Nickname Buzzcut! Oh fuck talk about a waste of a fucking Human Life! Now here's a 32 year old Pile of Whale shit; who is best served if she fucking Committed Suicide! Now do I have anything Personal against Buzzcut? Not exactly; But Jen on the other hand has Plenty of fucking Grievances against the Walrus Looking Piece of shit! Fuck can yous Imagine what 400+ Pounds of Chewed Bubble Gum Looks Like? Well get a Look at Buzzcut if yous want a Visual (Ugh!) Now as I said would I fuck this Elephant Seal? Of course I never did say I have a Moral Compass; I would On the Principle of it Although I would Need to Mill Up an entire Grain Silo to find where to Place My dick Inside of this Pregnant Yak! No thanks! I mean she even Resembles Bradley Buzzcut of Beavis & Butt-Head Fame! Now that this fucking Walrus is expecting (Gak!) well that's Just what this fucking World Needs; another LAZY, MOOCHING, AMERICAN FREELOADER on the fucking Republican Run PONZI SCHEME Known as Social Security! In fact I now have another Threatening Communication from Buzzcut here it is, get Ready to fucking Laugh! Here it is:  Hey if you or douche canoe keep threatening to harm us I will find a way to get him deported and I hope he ends up like Scott so you can be as miserable as you have made the rest of the family. I don't even Live on the east coast anymore so him talking crap and hoping we all die is ridiculous. Plus I am 26 weeks pregnant so you allowing him to talk crap and saying i need to get an Abortion and all the other stuff he has been saying.. shame on you. I did NOTHING but be kind to him and I have been so kind to you since your Rapist of a husband died. So you doing this isn't right. Now leave me alone and leave my kids alone. Next time he threatens one of us I will find a way to get him punished in a Court of Law! Is this ever fucking Comic GOLD! Have you Noticed how this fucking FERAL HOG Keeps "Playing the fucking Victim?" Alright Buzzcut; you FUCKING FAT, LAZY FUCKING HIPPO; I will say this shit to where even YOUR FAT ASS can Comprehend this: First of all GO GET A FUCKING ABORTION; you fucking Disgusting FERAL HOG! Second you think yous can get me Deported? Deported where? I was BORN here in Michigan; Port Huron to be exact! I mean you can't even take Care of the Other 2 Kids YOU ALREADY HAVE RUINED! Now you're going to Propagate the fucking Species again? Second; if ANYBODY is going to have her fat ass Dragged into Jail it's YOU! After all it was YOU who has a fucking Order of Protection against, not Me! And you have VIOLATED it at Least 4 fucking Times that I fucking Counted! Now ain't it Kind of Funny that your Oldest Kid Looks Up to ME more than he does his Own fucking Parents? How fucking PATHETIC! After getting a fucking ABORTION Get STERILIZED! Because this fucking World already has a fucking FERAL HOG Problem! Second: How fucking Pathetic do you have to be to Pick On a Dead Man? You call him a "Rapist?" If he saw your FAT, LAZY ass Naked his dick would Countersink into his ass! By the way; you fucking FERAL HOG; why is it that when Scott took a fucking Polygraph Test when you Made your FALSE CLAIM of "Sexual Assault," that he PASSED with flying colours? Yet YOU Chickened Out when it came time to Hook YOUR LAZY ass to a Lie Detector? By the way; who is going to be Facing CRIMINAL CHARGES Not Only for Violating a Personal Protection Order? But also for THEFT! That's Right, because You STOLE Jen's fucking Laptop Computer, Her XBox Gaming System, as well as Several Hundreds of Dollars Out of her Bank Account by Unauthorized Use of her Debit Card; as well as Cruelty To Animals by MURDERING HER CAT, Mittens! Why it's YOU! May I add Solicitation of Assley to PHYSICALLY ASSAULT Jen? Why did you do that, Buzzcut? Because you're AFRAID that Jen would Crumple your ass up and throw you away Like the fucking Piece of Trailer Trash that you TRULY are? In fact if there's any such thing as JUSTICE; the Judge will sentence your FAT, LAZY ass to GET A FUCKING JOB!!!! I haven't Threatened a Damn Soul, Not Yet! All because you're fucking JEALOUS that Jen is about to Marry a REAL MAN; Unlike your Pathetic Excuse for a Sperm Donor that you Call a "Husband!" What's he going to do? Attempt to Assault My fiance? If he even DARES to Harm 1 Hair on Jen's Head, I WILL FUCK HIS ASS UP! Or will he Cower into a Corner and Cry Like a bitch? Now onto Assley, now here's a fucking Psycho Bitch who Needs to Be Locked Up because she's in essence a Menace to Society! Now I ain't got Much to say about this bitch; except that she CLEARLY is an UNFIT Mother; and she's someone who has to settle scores by hiding behind GUNS! Let me tell you this, Assley, you better Make Certain that your first shot Puts Me Down and Puts Me Down for GOOD; because if I Get Up from it; Your ass is GRASS! and My Name is Briggs & Stratton! Alright Moving Right along; Jen's "Mother" well, I Guess her and My Mother both have something In Common; and I can't say it's very fucking Good! I Guess that's about all I will say about Sherrie; about the ONLY Good thing I see in Sherrie is that she Gave Birth to My Future Wife. Which Leads me to the fucking Patriarch of this Family from Hell, Tim; You fucking PEDOPHILE! I Heard ALL of the fucking Stories about how you MOLESTED Jen when she was Growing Up! As the Father of a Child who was Molested; you are the fucking LOWEST form of Human Life that I have had the fucking Displeasure of Meeting! Allow me to say this Much; You better hope the fucking Genesee County Sheriff's Department Puts your ass IN the fucking Genesee County Lockup; because if I Catch Up to you before the fucking Law does I WILL BURY YOUR ASS UNDER THE FUCKING JAIL! And Just to think You can Call Jen a "Black Sheep" ALL yous want because Guess what? When we DO Join Together as Husband ans Wife; your asses ain't going to be welcome! In fact I ain't afraid to admit that I am the fucking "Black Sheep" of My Family; because I KNOW My Late Brother will be Smiling Down on Both of Us; as He Welcomes His Sister-In-Law into Our Family; as will My Kids! Because the People we Refer to as "Family" have been More of a FAMILY to Jen then the entire Gross Family Could ever DREAM of being! So to ALL Of yous I say fucking Commit Suicide; because Genesee County will be a Lot Better off WITHOUT the Gross Family! You want Mass Retaliation; yous fucking GOT IT! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Family is everything, Unless they're fucking Toxic!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

As The Next Chapter Of Michigan's Resident Rocker's Biography Is Written...............

Here it is, a whole New Season and of Course; Michigan's Resident Rocker has Plenty on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; now what the fuck else is new? Now Most of yous act as if I have said something shocking! Not at all. I mean Let's be honest; why should any fucking thing I say shock any of yous? Yet I will be getting to that within a very short frame of time; because as we all know; I have Plenty to Rant about. How so? Well allow me to begin. As we all know we are about a Year and a half from the 2024 "Presidential" Election and of course "Democracy" is on the fucking Ballot. Really? Who the fuck are we bullshitting? "Democracy" in Donald Trump's "America," Has been fucking DEAD for the Last 22 fucking Years! "Democracy" fucking DIED; when the fucking United States Supreme Court INSTALLED King George (George W. Bush) a stupid fucking DRAFT DODGING COWARD into the fucking White House! Fast Forward after 2 ILLEGAL Wars, based on fucking Out and Out LIES! And Let's be Honest, Barack Obama was a Great President and he was a History Making President; he didn't Undo all of the fucking Damage that 8 Years of King George's ILLEGAL Reign of Terror, against "Democracy;" and of course the fucking Decay that we see on a Country I was Once Proud to be a Citizen of! That's correct; I WAS and this is the fucking Key Word; WAS, Proud to be an "American!" That is Until the fucking Supreme Court INSTALLED the fucking LOSER in the fucking Popular Vote Count in the fucking 2000 Presidential Election! And from there it was all fucking Downhill! Now Of course it was in 2010 When I Discovered that I am a Canadian Citizen (By Descent, of course). As we all Know I entered this fucking World on 30 November, 1969 @ 3:31 AM in Port Huron, Michigan! Now Let's be clear; Michigan, the Last time I Checked; is STILL a State here in the fucking CESSPOOL known as Donald Trump's "America!" Not a Province in GOD'S COUNTRY; which as everybody knows is CANADA! In fact; I Look at being a Canadian Citizen as a New Lease on Life! And if yous Must Really Know; Yes; I have a beautiful Canadian Flag Tacked to one of the fucking Walls In My Apartment above the Cockpit from where I( write these very Manifestos on! And I make No fucking Bones about it I am very fucking Proud to be a fucking Canadian Citizen! Even though I Live in Donald Trump's "America!" I have been asked "If you Hate 'America' so Much why don't you Move to Canada?" To that, I answer Why don't you suck My fucking dick? I am an "American by BIRTH! Have I made Myself Clear? Even though every fucking Thing I Learned in the Mr. Government Mandated fucking Indoctrination, known as "School," is a fucking LIE! I still feel as if this Country and the fucking "Democracy" that this fucking Country is SUPPOSED TO BE, can be SAVED! How so? Well, I have a few Common Sense Solutions: Now I realize that some of yous will get a Little Sand in your Pussies over some of these Solutions; but I, Personally don't Give a flying fuck! In fact I NEVER HAVE and I NEVER WILL! Anyway Solution # 1: CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS and Mandate the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show as "Educational Programing!" Now this is a fucking No Brainer as far as I am Concerned! I mean Let's Face it; yous would "Learn" More in 5 Hours a Day, 6 Days a fucking Week of the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show than yous would fucking "Learn" in 12 Years of fucking Mr. Government Mandated BRAINWASHING! I Mean I Drive a fucking Delivery Truck for a Living; did I "Need" to be BRAINWASHED for 12 fucking Years to Know how to Drive a 28,000 Lb Truck? No! I also say this would SOLVE the fucking Problem of BULLYING, School Shootings; yous fucking Name it! What could I have fucking "Learned" in School; that I couldn't have Learned from My Parents and or any Elder Relative and or Friends of Mine? #2: Tax the fucking Churches: What the fuck are we doing? Why is it that Religious Institutions can fucking Influence Politics and Mr. Government's Policies; yet they are fucking EXEMPT from Paying Taxes; despite Raking In Trillions of Dollars in Annual Revenue; yet what the fuck do you suppose ALL of the fucking "Book Bans," Hatred against, Gays, Lesbians (Who by the way CHOOSE that Lifestyle), Racism, Misoginy, Xenophobia, White Supremacy, are Based in? Get Ready for a fucking Shock; Religion! Even fucking Slavery; which the Pre-Civil War South (a.k.a the fucking Confederate States of "America) was "Justified" by Christian Nationalism! Holy fuck! And I am a fucking White Man, denouncing White Supremacy! 3: Ban Assault Weapons: What the fuck are we doing? Now this fucking Goes Hand In Hand with Christian Nationalism & White Supremacy! Does having a fucking AR-15 Give yous a sense of having a Bigger dick? Or do you fucking White Supremacist PUSSIES; who go around shooting up Shopping Malls, Grocery Stores, and or Synagogues; HAVE TO have these fucking Weapons of War to make up for your Own Inadequacy as "Men?" I'm a Proud 53 Year Old White Man who DOESN'T Even Own a fucking Shotgun, Rifle, or a fucking Hand Gun? Why? Because I DO NOT NEED a fucking Weapon; to establish My "Masculinity!" What the fuck is Wrong with Society? #4: Adopt Universal Health Care: Now this is Something that Canada had adopted; and from what I Hear of it; it works Beautifully! Why the fuck do we have a "For Profit" System of "Health Care" In this Country? Shouldn't EVERY "American" Citizen have a RIGHT to see s Doctor if they Choose to do so? #5: Trim the Military Budget by 95%: Now again; this is something that I for the fucking Life of Me can NEVER Understand; why the fuck is Mr. United States Government Blowing Trillions of Taxpayer Dollars on fucking Preparations for War? What fucking Country is Out there wanting to "Kick 'America's' ass?" Donald Trump's ALLY, Russia? Finally: JAIL Donald Trump: Again I say WHY is this fucking CANCER on The Country I was ONCE Proud to be a Citizen Of; still FREE? I Mean here is a Pile of fucking SHIT; who fucking thinks that He's "Above the fucking Law!" This Cocksucker seems to think that things Like LAWS, RULES and REGULATIONS DO NOT APPLY TO HIM! Now allow me to ask yous this Question: If I was to Touch Women in a Sexual Manner without their Consent, Collude with an ENEMY Government (Russia) to STEAL an Election, Build an ILLEGAL Wall on the Southern Border of this fucking Country, Spread White Supremacist PROPAGANDA across this Country, Order a Violent Attack on this Nation's Capitol because I LOST Said Election to Stay In Power, STOLE "Classified" Documents, Failed to Pay ANY Taxes over the Last 60 Years, and the fucking List Goes On and On; what do yous suppose would happen to Me? Holy shit! I would Probably be Subjected to the fucking Electric Chair, Placed in front of a fucking Firing Squad, Placed in a fucking Gas Chamber, and Lethally Injected, probably all at Once; if any such fucking thing can occur! Yet why is this fucking Orange Horse's ass allowed to fucking Remain FREE? Let alone being allowed to Run for "President?" Please explain that fucking shit to me! Of course, I already KNOW that My former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, would Violently PROTEST Trump being subjected to JUSTICE; because as we all Know, Kelly is a fucking ELITIST SNOB who STOLE My Now Late Father-In-Law's FABULOUS WEALTH and she CLEARLY DOES NOT WANT to Pay her FAIR SHARE in Taxes! Nonetheless, I Promised yous that I would Reveal something to yous that I thought I Would NEVER AGAIN wind up doing; but as it has been said before I guess yous could say that the "Right" Woman has finally Come My Way. That's correct, My Friends; Once again I am Headed to the Dreaded Institution Known as Marriage! Well, if (and some of yous do) know My Fiance, Jennifer Rose Flores; yous Can see why I changed My Mind as she Made her way into My Cold Black Heart and has showed me that a Man can be Loved for who he actually is! Now for those of yous who do Know who I am; yous all know that I am a Very Open Minded Man who Marches to the Beat of his Own Drums! I believe in doing as My fucking Instincts tell me to do, what do I mean? Well, Please allow me to explain and I'm certain that a Lot of My Male Friends can Relate to this shit; if a woman offers me an Opportunity to have Consensual Sex with her; of course, I'm going to fuck her! It's that fucking easy! And Jen Understands that's a big part of who I am! Now How many of yous have had a fucking Monogamous anvil Tied around your fucking Nut Sac? Have yous seemed to Notice that Women Often Weaponize the Term "Cheating?" Give me a fucking break! I Mean even My Ex-Wife, Tracey Accused Me of "Cheating On Her!" Are yous fucking shitting Me? I don't Like to use the fucking Word "Cheating" In that fucking Context! I mean it Gives the Person who wasn't Involved with his/her Insignificant Other the Connotation of "Victimization." Are yous fucking Serious? Now as we all Know, Jerry Springer, Passed Away about a Couple Weeks ago; yet when his Show was among the Most Popular Daytime Talk Shows; what was the Main Topic? Yous fucking Guessed it, People in Relationships who have fucked Someone other than their Insignificant Others! And if yous watched ANY fucking Episode of Jerry Springer, or another Popular TV Show, "Cheaters," yous would see what a fucking Fallacy the Premise of "Humans Being are Meant to be Monogamous" is! Bullshit! And may I add; what's that faulty Premise Based in? Get Ready for a fucking Shock; Religion! Now I Personally don't give a flying fuck what the Bible, the Quran or any fucking Religious Holy Book says about "Marriage!" Now these fucking Books say "Marriage is a Lifelong Union Between 1 Man & 1 Woman." Now, I don't Know when these fucking Books were Originally Written; yet Let's Fast Forward to 2023. Society is considerably Different Now than it was say in 1953; Fancy that shit; that happened to be when Both of My fucking Birth Parents were Really Young. In case yous may not be aware; My Mother was only 4 Years Old back then and My Father was only 3. and of course, My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband, 1 Paul J. Brown, Jr. Hadn't even been born back then! Now are yous meaning to tell me that Married Men didn't fuck Women Other than their Wives back then? Are yous Meaning to Tell Me that Most Housewives in 1953 and or any other fucking Year in that era weren't getting fucked by the Milkman the TV Repairman; while their Husbands were at the Office? Or Moreover, do you suppose that some of these Housewives weren't eating each other's Pussies? Or don't you suppose that some of these Guys weren't at the Office Sucking their Boss' dick? Come On! Let's be Realistic! I mean sure in the Late 1960s; the Sexual Revolution was Born; but Let's Get to the fucking Truth; in the 1960s was when the Sexual Culture was becoming More Mainstream! Makes Me Glad I was Born when I was, eh? Hell, when I was Born, Not Only did I Throw the Horns; as well as Give the finger to both of My Parents; more than Likely, my Rock Hard dick was Pointing in the Direction of a fucking Beautiful Brunette Nurse in the fucking Delivery Room! I dare say My first Words to that Nurse was "Pick Up the Dress, we're Gonna Mow the Lawn tonight, Honey!" Maybe that's why I ain't never heard any Complaints from any Woman who has allowed me to eat her Pussy! Anyway; After My Last Marriage (which Lasted 16 Years) ended (Now what would have been the 20th Anniversary of that has Come and Gone as yous know); I thought I would Never Again Get Married. And considering the fucking Toxic CUNTS I wound Up with, Brittany, Jessica and Worst of all Crystal; I figured that Declaration was safe; Yet when I Met Jen, and as I got to know her; I began to discover that Maybe this one is different! Now Of course I was with that Nasty Skank, Crystal, who Lives In Lansing; and she was Making Me absolutely Miserable; I mean this fucking Bitch fucking USED Me for Money! Shit if I was Lucky; I got to suck her tits; but that was about the Long and the Short of it! Yet as I was getting to Know Jen better; I began to think that Maybe I don't have to settle for SLUTS who are Only with Me because I was PAYING them to be with Me! Now for those of yous who wanted to know why My Last Marriage ended; well, first of all My Now Ex Wife, Tracey (whom I still Get along with) Would Not Stand Up to her Sister, Kelly (The DEVOUT Trump Supporter) and tell her to APOLOGIZE for Holding all of My Past Failures Over My fucking Head! Not to Mention she thought that when I said "I do" that I should Pretend that My fucking Instincts to fuck every available Consenting Woman, No Longer exist! Now that's Like Telling a Male Lion not to fuck every Lioness in his Pride and Produce as Many Cubs as he can, because as we all Know, his Time as the "Dominant Male" is very Limited; not only does he have to fuck every Lioness in his Pride; but he has to Consistently Fight Off Challengers as well; in addition to Protecting his Cubs! Well, the same fucking thing applies in the Humans Being World! Jen Understands that My Mind is Wired that way! In case yous don't believe Me; I fucked a Friend of hers as she watched! While we're on that Topic; I watched another Man fuck Jen in front of me as well! I used to believe that Monogamy was for me; but after My failed Relationship with My Kids' Now Late Mother, Melisa, as well as My 1st Marriage to a SLUT Named Carrie; in where I was completely 1000% FUCKING "FAITHFUL & LOYAL," as well as 2 Years into My Last Marriage; I began to Realize that Maybe I have been Ignoring My fucking Instincts for far too Long! And as Jen and I have Grown together as a Couple; I discovered things about her that easily Changed My Mind about Never Getting Married again! I discovered that Jen is Into Women as she is into Men! Yes in case yous want to know she has had sex with that same friend of hers as well and you know what? I'm more "In Love" with her than I could have ever Imagined! And do I give a flying fuck as to whether My Mother and her fucking ALCOHOLIC Husband "Approve?" If you guess that My Answer is a resounding "fuck NO!" Then Give yourselves a Point! Because with Jen; I'm free to Cater to My Biological Instincts and put My dick Inside of any Woman who Gives Me consent to do exactly that! Jen is free to have any Man she wants to fuck her as well; and get ready for a shock; if she wants to eat another Woman's Pussy, she's free to do exactly, that too! Why? Because we Both Deserve to be Happy as Individuals as well as a Couple! And by having an Open Relationship; which More than Likely will Morph into an Open Marriage; I Personally believe that Jen and I will be "Happily Married Until Death Do Us Part!" Now don't get me wrong, Monogamy May work for some Couples; but for Jen and I, well that would be Like the fucking Hindenburg, Titanic, the Edmund Fitzgerald as well as 9/11 all in 1! Now in case yous want to know how it is that I Proposed to Jen; well, I shall tell yous. Jen and I went to the Detroit Zoo (which Ironically is in a Detroit Suburb, that being Royal Oak, Michigan) while we were there; we Looked at a few Exhibits before I Put My Plan into action. When we got to the Tiger Exhibit; I said "Hey, Tiger, watch this, You're about to Witness History in the Making!" Then I turned to Jen and I said "Hey Honey, you're Probably Wondering what's in this Envelope I have been Carrying since we got here. Well, it's time for you to Find Out! And therefore I hand her the envelope which contains a Greeting Card in which I wrote My Proposal Out on; Meanwhile, I fish her Engagement Band out of the Pocket of My Pants, and I wait for to Finish Reading My Proposal, all the While Showing her Ring to her, when she Looks Up; I drop to a Knee; and I don't think I even got a Chance to Utter those Words when she Wasted No Time accepting My Proposal; as I go to Place her Ring on her finger, I end up dropping the damn thing; so as I am Looking for it; I hear someone saying "It's behind her foot." Sure enough I manage to Recover it and slide it on her finger; then it became Official! So as we Leave the Tiger Exhibit, I ask Jen to show the Tiger her Ring and told her that He's Our 1st Witness! I then said "Hey Tiger, I think you know what her answer is!" Now it is Possible that the Tiger May Not have been Paying Attention to what was going on Outside of his Enclosure. But I had a Couple Inspirations for why I chose the Tiger Exhibit for Proposing to here there; first of all; she has the face of a Tiger Tattooed on her Upper Left arm, Just above her elbow. The 2nd was I was attempting to Re-Create a Scene in the 1979 Film Rocky II; in where Title Character, Rocky Balboa, Portrayed by a Young (at that time) Sylvester Stallone; when he and his Old Lady were at the Philadelphia Zoo, and as he asks her to Marry Him, Guess who wanders into the shot? Yes, that's Correct, a Tiger. Now I don't know if the Tiger who witnessed My Marriage Proposal to Jen was able to Understand what I was saying, since he's a Siberian Tiger, and I figure Russian is his Native Language (assuming a Tiger, can speak Like a Humans Being.) So for those of yous who want to know the Wedding will be taking Place in Flint, Michigan on 27 April, 2024. Now it's a Crying Shame that It appears as if My Mother will not be Attending Me and Jen's Wedding, mostly because I have made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that her ALCOHOLIC Husband who has been SLANDERING My Good Name for the Last 7 fucking Years ain't at all fucking Welcome! Now I have been asked " What if you Reconcile with him?" To that I say "Right There and Understand this!" THERE WILL BE NO FUCKING RECONCILIATION BETWEEN ME AND THAT FUCKING DRUNK! After All; he's been spreading a fucking LIE around Port Huron, where I Grew Up; and where My 28 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie and My 26 Year Old Son, still Call Home; that I am a "Dope Dealer," Even though that fucking DRUNK KNOWS FULLY FUCKING A WELL; THAT I AIN'T NEVER HAD A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH DRUGS IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! In fact if I were to see his face ever again, I would do to his ass exactly what his Late Father SHOULD HAVE Done; and that is beat his ass! What's all the fucking worse; this fucking DRUNK accused My Now Late Brother, Mike, of "Faking The Condition" that Ultimately Claimed his Life at 49 Years Old! To Me; those are UNFORGIVABLE SINS in My fucking Book! Fortunately, My Employer is Like a Family to Me; and I have a Few Cousins as well as My Kids, along with My 31 Year Old Nephew, Cody and My 16 Year Old Niece, Caylee. And I have Jen's Colleagues, as well as her Father and Stepsmother. Let's also not forget the friends I have Made from Playing Hockey in Days Gone By. Now don't get me started on her Birth Mother as well as her Toxic Brood; Assley and Buzzcut! And I would be Remiss if I didn't Mention the Members of Our 2023-24 Hockey Team, The Genesee County Cougars. Notice; I didn't Mention her Stepsfather; because I will beat that Motherfucker to Death, if I see his ass! Well, My Friends; it's Now time for me to wrap up this Manifesto from deep within the Chasms of My Twisted, Tormented Mind. Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker Saying April 27, 2024 Will be here before yous Know it!