Saturday, May 18, 2024

Paul Brown, Jr. Sinks To A New Low; Even For That DRUNK..........

Here it is; your Favorite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all affectionately Know as Michigan is Once again in the Cockpit; about to Vent on what has Gone Down since the Last Time I sat down to write Out another Manifesto of whatever is On My Twisted, Tormented Mind. And I shall not disappoint yous; Now here's a Twist; I ain't going to use a Lot of Trademark Vulgarity that I usually have in My Manifestos; even though the Target of this Manifesto DESERVES every F-Grenade I can throw in his Direction; but before I get to the Main Topic; I shall fill yous in on what has Gone Down in the Past few Weeks since I Last sat down in the Cockpit: well, as Most all of yous Now Know, I am Now a Married Man once again. And I am happy to say that Jennifer; is Now My Wife. And I can Promise yous this; Jennifer is the ABSOLUTE LAST Woman I will ever Marry; why do I say this? Well, first of all; I don't Plan on Outliving her. I am Now 54; and it's safe to say I ain't getting any Younger; whereas Jennifer turns 44 in July; so yous do that Math Equation! Grant it; Jennifer was a Widow, when I Met her; and More than Likely, she will be a Widow again sometime down the Road; exactly how far; I ain't got a fucking Clue to that! See, My Friends; I told yous that I wouldn't disappoint yous by Leaving Out the word "fuck!" I may not use it as frequently as I have in Previous Manifestos; but do I Really have to use that Word at Least 50 Times for these Manifestos to be entertaining and Informative? Not Really. Yet, by My Own admission; I have a Foul Mind and a Gutter Mouth; and I ain't the Least bit ashamed of it; why should I be? I Never did say I have a "Moral Compass"! So why should I change who I am? I don't think I would be who I am if I did! Alright; now that we have passed the Introductory bullshit; Let's get to where the fun begins. And trust Me; this Promises to be fun, I Tell Yous! Because, Just shortly after Jennifer and I Exchanged Our Wedding Vows; I Receive a Rather Nasty Letter from the fucking DRUNK; who Resides in the very House where I Grew Up. Now am I surprised? Is there ANY Reason why I should be? Come On; we're Talking about a BITTER, INSECURE Little "Man" (did yous Notice I Placed the term "Man" in Quotation Marks) well, there's a Reason I did that; Now Keep in Mind that I Very Seldom do anything without a Reason behind it. Now as we all Know, Paul Brown, Jr. Is a PATHETIC, BITTER, INSECURE Little "Man," because as we all know he can't Cope with Life's Challenges without LIQUOR! Now as we all know (and Unfortunately, I found out first hand, the Hard Way just How Manipulative Addicts can be). And don't get me wrong; Paul ain't the ONLY Addict I am Targeting in this Manifesto. For a Year; I Dated a Drug Addict, Named Brittany. Now to this Day; I don't wish her any Harm, whatsoever; Yet when I was Dating her; I found out the Hard way that when an Addict doesn't get what he/she Wants; well for those of yous who Followed the TV Show, "Intervention" on the A & E Network; yous will see how Ugly they can get! After a Year and Thousands of Dollars I wound up Coughing Up; whether it was to keep her Lodged in Seedy, Fleabag Motels throughout Macomb County; as well as What I was told for her "Mother's Cancer Meds." Now One Night I made the Mistake of having her in My Car when she had what I Later Learned was an Opiod Overdose. Now I couldn't figure out what was going on; when an Eastpointe (Formerly East Detroit) Police Department Squad Car Rolled Behind My Car; well Next Thing I knew they Searched Me, Patted My ass down and Found NOTHING ILLEGAL on Me; Searched  My Car; Found NOTHING ILLEGAL in My Car; so I figured that since I was CLEAN; I would be allowed to go Home; but when they Searched her Purse; she has 4 Xanax Pills on her. Oh Shit! At that Point; I found out that My so-called "Loving Girlfriend" was a Drug Addict (what a fucking Nightmare Scenario, eh?) My Car got Impounded Over that Weekend. Well; it was then that Paul decided that he doesn't have to Respect any fucking BOUNDARIES! Well, News Flash you fucking DRUNK; You found out Right Quick how Dangerous attempting to start a fight with me is! 2 Days Later the fucking DRUNK decided that since I REFUSED to Bow Down and Submit to yet another fucking Police Style Interrogation Over something that was ABSOLUTELY NONE OF HIS FUCKING BUSINESS; in where I was Automatically Presumed GUILTY Until PROVEN INNOCENT of engaging in whatever Perceived "Wrongdoing" (In the DRUNK'S Alcohol Induced Fantasies) he Crossed a Line with me that NOBODY should EVER Cross; which is he Came to MY Home (at that time, I was Living with My then Estranged Wife, Tracey) and he attempted to start a fight with me; now that Proved to be a Near FATAL Mistake on the Part of that DRUNK; because I was Ready to Defend Myself if I had to and believe Me; I DON'T NEED NO GUN or KNIFE to Inflict Massive Damage on somebody if I had to! I made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that he WAS NOT WELCOME at MY HOME and that if he Valued his SCUZZY, COUNTRY SINGER LOOK-ALIKE Face Remaining in 1 Piece; he would Leave the Premises before I proceeded to Break his Jaw! Well he Flipped My Hat off of My Head; which was ALL the Provocation I Needed; so I swung on him and I INTENTIONALLY Missed! What happened after that? That DRUNK COWARDLY BULLY; hopped into his Pickup Truck and RAN; Like a Scolded Dog! All of the Remainder of that fucking Day he would send Text Messages saying "Free Ride Out Here; if you want to settle this." Well as tempting as it was to SMASH His Country Singer Look-Alike Face; I figured it was a Tactic for that fucking COWARDLY DRUNK to Pull his God Damn GUN on Me! Well, Paul; here a Piece of Friendly Advice; if you Pull your God Damn GUN on me; you better Make Certain your 1st Shot Puts Me Down and Puts Me Down for GOOD! Because; if you don't; I WILL FUCK YOU UP! Yet in TRUE COWARDLY BULLY Fashion; you then Resort to Verbally ATTACKING MY WIFE, Jennifer; by Calling her "Corn Fed" Like she is some Fine Carolina Hog, waiting to be Slaughtered! Who the fuck do you think you are? What the fuck did Jennifer ever do to you? Oh Wait! She extended an Invitation to OUR Wedding; to BOTH You and My Mother; because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO! Even though I absolutely DESPISE you! And she asked you to RSVP to HER; because SHE was Handling ALL of the Planning and Preparations for the Wedding; I was STRICTLY HANDS OFF; when it came to that! Yet after SLANDERING MY GOOD NAME for the Last 8 Years of you Spreading your fucking SLANDEROUS LIES about me "Selling Drugs in Detroit." My Ex-Wife, whom I still Get Along with has that Facebook Chat Message on her Phone in where you Called me a "DOPE DEALER!" Do you Realize that you can be SUED for SLANDER? And Let's get to a Couple other SLANDEROUS LIES; that you have spread. You Stated in that Letter; which I have to say PROVES way beyond the Shadow of a Doubt that YOU are the very fucking CONTAMINATOR that has POISONED the Dynamic of Our Family! You even  had the audacity to say "You Have a Big, Black Cock in your ass!" Well not only does that PROVE that you're a fucking LIAR, a BULLY and Most of all; a fucking SCARED Little Piss ant! Whether I EVER CHOSE to engage in ANY Homosexual Acts; WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS? I Guess since you claim to be a "Little Hard of Hearing," I also see that you are fucking ILLITERATE as well! Tell me something; did the fucking Schools fail to Teach you how to fucking READ? Certainly amazes me How you were able to Graduate; Unless Lansing Threatened to Cut off funding if you didn't Graduate on Time! Now; I ain't the Least bit through with you yet! Then you go and Verbally Attack MY Kids? What Gives you the fucking RIGHT to Attack MY Kids? You want to know why they want NOTHING TO DO with you and their "Grandma?" Do you, asshole? I'll tell you why! Because On the Days that their Mother was at McLaren Pork Huron Hospital hooked to a Ventilator Keeping Her Alive after suffering a Fatal Stroke; where were you and My Mother? Did yous even Bother to "Be There" for your "Granddaughter," Maggie; and Your "Grandson," Jonathan; while their Mother's Life was slowly Slipping away? I Guess yous couldn't be bothered, eh? No Instead yous More than Likely, and I Cannot PROVE this; yous were at the fucking VFW GETTING DRUNK! While I was THERE; saying My Final Goodbyes to a Woman I had fought with for a Majority of the time they were Growing Up; at Least I had the decency to be there when MY Kids NEEDED ME! You then accuse Me of "Not Taking them In after their Mother had Passed Away." Are you Really that fucking DELUSIONAL? Melisa Passed away 2 Days AFTER Maggie's 23rd Birthday, and Jonathan was 21. News Flash! My Kids are GROWN! And they are Capable of Supporting themselves! Now onto My Nephew, Cody; did you Give him an Ultimatum to Choose YOU Over anybody else in the Family, even his Now Late Father? I Must say it Must be really Nice to Obtain a fucking 6 Figure Settlement from a Truck Accident that you were Deemed to be AT FAULT for; and Subsequently FIRED Over! I ain't No Police Officer and I don't know how to Reconstruct a Motor Vehicle Accident; and again I Cannot PROVE that you had a Couple Empty Bottles of Root Beer Schnapps in your Truck when you Wrecked it; but that wouldn't surprise me at all! Yet; I have held the Same Job for the Last 6 fucking Years! If the Last 8 Years have Proven anything; that I DON'T NEED YOUR ILL-BEGOTTEN Money; nor do I NEED YOUR FUCKING APPROVAL! Tell me something; did you HAVE TO BUY Cody's "Love?" I assume the answer to that very Question is a Resounding YES! Because had you Not Bought Him a Trailer House and Paid a Year's Worth of his Lot Rent; More than Likely He, Much Like his Late Father, and MY Kids, WOULDN'T WANT A DAMN THING TO DO WITH YOU! Now you're Claiming to be a "Victim?" WOW! You Really are Out of Touch with Reality! Be advised that when CHASE Bank Presses Charges against you for that PHONY $5000.00 Checque to Me; I INTEND TO COOPERATE FULLY! Yous even have the fucking Nerve to Question Me as to how I got to be known as Michigan's Resident Rocker? Alright, I shall Simplify this to where even YOU can Comprehend this: I was Born 30 November, 1969 @ 3:31 AM in Pork Huron, Michigan, I have Lived in Michigan My Entire Life; therefore I am a Michigan Resident. Now the Rocker Part Comes in because I Listened to Rock Music My Entire Life! How do you Like Me now you DRUNK! I Call you a DRUNK, because it's the fucking TRUTH! I'm Glad that YOU Have something in Common with Jennifer's Birth Mother; because she also is a DRUNK! Maybe you and Jennifer's Birth Mother should get together! Tell me something; how Much did you end up PAYING Lot Lizards in Memphis to Yank your Crank? Or did you PAY Multiple Lot Lizards to go down on each other while you Jacked Yourself Off? Believe whatever FANTASIES You want! Because YOU are the One Stewing in your Own Misery; Unemployed, and Miserable! Not Me; My Wife and I are very Happy; and Mind you, whatever goes on in Our Bedroom ain't NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS! At Least I can say Everything I have; whether it's My Apartment in Genesee County, My Car, The Genesee County Cougars My Beer League Hockey Team, I fucking EARNED ALL OF these things through GOOD OLD FASHIONED HARD WORK, and PLAYING BY THE RULES! Rather than Obtaining it via FRAUD! I KNOW FOR A FACT that you Obtained a 6 Figure Settlement by LYING on your Insurance Claim Form; again, I Can't Prove it; but The Insurance Adjusters Really Need to Revisit that Settlement since you DEFRAUDED that Insurance Company! Not to Worry; after I Obtain a Judgment against You for SLANDER; I'll Get the Money You OWE ME! By the way, I NEVER WANTED the House where I Grew Up In! So Cody can HAVE it if he wants; Yet he's a 32 Year Old Man and if he wants ANYTHING to do with me; he's Welcome to do so! At Least I don't have to BUY anybody's "Love!" So how do you Like Me now you DRUNK? So go ahead; Stew in your own Bitterness; at Least I don't Need to Self Medicate with Chemicals and or Alcohol! Sure; I Drink; but I DO NOT NEED to have a Beer EVERY WAKING MOMENT of My Days! Yet when you Drop Dead; I will Go to the Funeral Home; whip My dick out and PISS ALL OVER YOUR DEAD CARCASS! I Guess that's all I Need to say! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Never allow Toxic People stand in your Way of Living Life on your Own Terms!

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