Sunday, July 14, 2024

Michigan's Resident Rocker Will NEVER Stop Exposing Family Courts............

Here it is; another Manifesto from Your Favorite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten, that's Right, Michigan's Resident Rocker is about to strike again! And May I say the Privilege is ALL YOURS! Now what could possibly be on My Twisted, Tormented Mind? Where should I begin? Well; something I Never would have Imagined Occurring ended up Happening; which is the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR Wannabe, Donald Trump was shot! This Occurred in the Western Pennsylvania Town of Butler; which appears to be about 60 Niles North of Pittsburgh. and believe me; as Much as I HATE Donald Trump; and trust me I HATE only 1 Motherfucker more than I HATE Trump; and that's My Family's version of this Wannabe DICTATOR; 1 Paul Brown, Jr. Or should I say Paul PUTIN? Now I KNOW MY Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly is in TEARS Learning that her Beloved "President" Donald Trump was shot! While Trump was Spouting his usual Barrage of LIES; somebody Fired 4 shots at the very Stage Trump was spouting his Vitriolic Hate Filled LIES; 1 of the 4 Bullets fired sawed its way through Trump's Right ear; yet the REAL Tragic Part was 2 Innocent Rally Attendees didn't get to Go Home, Last Night; in fact they will NEVER AGAIN get to go Home. Now I ain't Really Surprised that Trump was Targeted for an Assassination Attempt; I'm certain that Most ANY Politician; Regardless of Party Affiliation has a Target on his/her back! I assume it's safe to say that if this Gunman; was seeking his "15 Minutes of Fame," He Got it before he got his Lights turned out for Good. As I have said in a Previous Manifesto; I ain't a Huge Fan of President Joe Biden; yet Violence is NEVER a Viable answer for ANY Kind of Problem; whether it's Political or Otherwise. Personally; I STILL want to see this 34 time Convicted FELON headed for Prison where Trump BELONGS! Now Allow me top ask all of you this, My Friends; If I Had Gotten Convicted of 34 Felonies; for LYING about Paying Off an Adult Film Star that I fucked; while My Old Lady was in the Hospital Giving Birth to My Son; so that the Voters would not hear about something so Scandalous; so I could STEAL an Election. I would be Rotting Away in a Prison! (Let the Record Reflect; among the 62 Different Women I have had sex with in My Lifetime, so far) ANY NONE of them happened to be an Adult Film Actresses. Sorry, I Can't seem to get THAT Lucky! Not to mention had I been found LIABLE for Sexually Assaulting ANY Woman; I don't give a Damn who that is; and furthermore; I don't give a damn if she happens to be someone who has a History of Inventing accusations of this sort so she can Drag Me into Court to attempt to Win a LOTTO Lawsuit against me; why the hell would I take that risk? It simply ain't worth it! So by No Means am I Celebrating an attempt on the Life of even perhaps the Most VILE Excuse for a Human's Being; Regardless of whether it's Donald Trump or Paul PUTIN! Now don't get me wrong; if either of these Piles of Rat Shit were to drop dead; I wouldn't be in a Celebratory Mood! Yet, with Paul PUTIN; I would go to the Funeral Home; Pull My dick out and PISS ALL OVER his Dead Carcass! And I simply won't give a flying fuck; what ANY Member of My So-Called "Family" thinks! Now of course His Sister, Kim; seems to think she can bar me from the Funeral Home when he drops dead! Well, "Cousin" Kim, you and whose fucking Army is going to STOP ME from Giving this DRUNK the Disrespectful Sendoff he so Richly DESERVES? Challenge ACCEPTED! Because Now that My Mother's Life could Possibly Drawing to a Close (and I HAVE TO be Honest with yous; I have NO WAY of Knowing this at all) since Paul PUTIN, CONTROLS the flow of Information from 3534 Teeple Avenue in Fort Gratiot, Michigan. Even IF My Mother were to Pass Away; I Probably have NO WAY of Knowing that until Long since after the fact! Yes; I will be Upset if this is the Case; however since she CHOSE the DRUNK (Her ALCOHOLIC Husband) over her 2 SONS; I Decided that I can NO LONGER Maintain ANY Kind of a Relationship with My Mother; because she Wouldn't Stand Up to her Husband and DEMAND that he QUIT DRINKING ALCOHOL! Not to mention that since she had Decided that Getting DRUNK was FAR MORE IMPORTANT than being With My Kids in their Time of Need (Little Backstory; this was in December of 2017; when My Kids' Mother, Melisa Scramlin, was Laying in a Hospital Bed @ McLaren Pork Huron Hospital, dying from a Ruptured Aneurysm) Yet; despite the Long Negative History between Melisa and I; all the while as My Kids were Growing Up; I SHOWED UP and I said My Final Goodbyes to her; what the hell is Paul PUTIN'S Excuse? Was it because he KNEW he wasn't getting any Pussy from her? What's My Mother's Excuse? At Least I DON'T HAVE TO Come Up with an "Excuse" for why I wasn't "There" for My Kids in their Time of Need; even though I had a Long, Negative History with their Mother. Which Leads into the Main Topic; which is not all that Unusual, in where I Rail against a foe that I had been at War with for 20 Years of My Life the Friend of the CUNT! Now here in My Home State of Michigan; which is what Family Courts are Known as are the Most CORRUPT, Most EVIL Organized Crime Syndicates; that Most ANY Family has been Plagued by! Now What Makes Family Courts so VILE? Well, it's very Basic; Title IV-D. This Law, Introduced in 1970; Provides Federal Funding for EVERY Family Court Unit in all 50 States; for every Child "Support" Case they "Enforce." The Friend of the CUNT Solely Defines the "Best Interests" of Children; the Most INNOCENT VICTIM of Divorce and or Family Breakups in terms of MONEY! Family Court Units Encourage Plaintiffs (Usually Single and or Divorced Mothers) to LIE about Domestic Violence, Stalking, Child Abuse against Usually the Fathers of these Children; and this Secures More Title IV-D Federal Funding for these Family Court Units! Now Of course I Resented My Mother Divorcing My Father, back in 1979. Now she would spoon feed My Now Late Brother and I a Gigantic Scoop of Pure BULLSHIT of "I did this for you both." Come on! Let's Cut through the bullshit; My Mother did this for her Own SELFISH Reasons! Sure; I did Witness My Father Physically Assault My Mother during a Couple of Their Numerous Arguments however; My Attitude is If Yous have NO INTENTION of Staying Together "Till Death Do Yous Part;" then why in the Name of a 4 Hour fuck are yous Bringing Children into a TOXIC Relationship and or Marriage? I wish I could ask My Parents this Very Question. Of course; when I was with Melisa Scramlin; I Made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that I DID NOT want to have Children; unless We were going to be together to Raise them until My Son, Jonathan (My Youngest Child) Turned 18. Because once you Bring Children Into the World; there ain't No Turning back the Clock; once that Happens! Now, of course I expect Paul PUTIN to chime in with LIES of how I'm a "Deadbeat Dad" because I Resented up to HALF of Each My Paychecques over that 20 Year Span would be STOLEN and Awarded to Melisa Scramlin with NO HAVING TO ACCOUNT for where that Money Goes! In these FEMINIST KANGAROO COURTS; Defendants, Usually Fathers are Treated Like ATMs, and Quite Frequently are Demonized as "Deadbeats." Now of course This is a Buzzword that Family Courts Use to Make Plaintiffs appear to be "Victims!" Now Since My 32 Year Old Nephew, Cody has 2 Sons of His Own; I Hope he NEVER Get's Caught Up in the CORRUPT Friend of the CUNT System! Because he would End Up Learning the Hard Way; the Very Nightmare of what His Now Late Father Dealt with as well as what I dealt with as he and My Kids were Growing Up! Dr. Phil Mc Graw often says "NEVER ask a Child to solve an Adult Problem!" Quite Often as My Brother and I were Growing Up, My Father would Complain and Demand to Know where ALL of the "Support" Money went. Fast Forward to When My Kids were Growing Up; I would often wonder that Myself. As a "Child of Divorce" and or a Family Breakup; I can Tell yous I CERTAINLY to HELL NEVER DID "Benefit" from My Parents' Divorce in 1979? Do any of yous Honestly Think I "enjoyed" Going from the Home I Grew Up In to a Foreign Space for 2 Days a Week? Do yous Honestly think My Kids "enjoyed" that? Do yous think My Nephew "enjoyed" that as he was Growing Up? From My Own Perspective; I can Tell yous I CERTAINLY didn't Like it at all! Now to Paul PUTIN; I fucking CHALLENGE you to Read a Copy of Friend Of The Court Enemy Of The Family Written By Carol Rhodes a Former Kent County, Michigan Friend of the CUNT "Support Enforcement" Officer. But since you CAN'T READ ANYTHING above a 3rd Grade Level; Perhaps that would be simply a Waste of Time; so on that Topic I say SHUT THE FUCK UP! In fact Let's Just say that a Scenario that My Nephew's Mother CONFIRMED Never Did Occur, you DRUNK! Because since Every Word that Spews Out of the Filthy SEWER under your Nose ain't NOTHING BUT LIES! Why the fuck should I Believe a damn word you say? But Let's assume that You Actually DID end up being the Father of My Nephew's Half Sister, Brianna? How the fuck would you Explain that away to My Mother; whom you KNOW is so Damn INSECURE about her Place in the Life of ANY Man she was Involved with? I Mean first of all an Affair; then Being Named as the "Father" of her Child and being Slapped with a Paternity Suit? Now what would you say? And Most of All; the ONLY 2 People whose Opinions of what Kind of a Father I was and for the Most Part I STILL am that REALLY MATTERS; are MY Daughter and MY Son! I DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE a Damn Thing to you at all! Anybody else can state their Opinions about whether I was a "Good Father" or not doesn't Mean a Damn Thing to me at all! Are you simply JEALOUS of the FACT that MY Kids Resisted YOUR efforts to POISON them against Me? Or better yet; what if 1 of the Many Lot Lizards that you PAID Several Thousands of $$$$$$$ to have Sex with while yous were away from Home found you and Slapped your DRUNK ass with a Paternity Suit? How will you Explain that? Would you Change your tune? I HIGHLY Doubt it! Especially since you NEVER Fathered a Child in your Life! In fact you ain't even FIT to Raise a DOG! Let alone a Human Child! I shall share an Article that Spells Out the FACTS about Family Court Systems; It can be found at the Foundation For Victims Of Family Courts which can be accessed by going to Here it is: Corruption, fraud, racketeering, and child trafficking—these activities have overtaken the functioning of family courts over the past 50 years due to the false narratives fed to the courts via the concept of Parental Alienation, a counterintuitive, anti-scientific concept concocted by Richard Gardner, MD.
Court actors including Judges, officers of the court, attorneys, and court-appointed professionals regularly promote corrupt practices not because of a failure in their understanding, but precisely because they do understand the personal benefit of the cottage industry created by parental alienation and all the opportunities to generate fees that come along with it. Courts have weaponized child support and created a new rich pipeline of child alimony payments forged through regulations that incentivize child support payments.
When hundreds and thousands of dollars are given as retainer fees, the money operates not as a retainer, but as a slush fund for excessive payouts to influence the court.
One key way court actors gain the payouts they desire is by using the protective order as a sort of poison pill in the documentation of a case. Evidence of criminal activity on the part of an abusive parent can be rendered inadmissible if critical documents are altered or by controlling exactly who signs protective orders as witnesses or who signs the affidavits that expose the heinous crimes committed against children.
In many cases, protective orders are not signed off by the author of the statements but are signed by an individual who was not only not the author but was someone who specifically could not have attested to the crimes reported in the protective order.
An incorrect signature can silence the voices of children who are fully capable of providing credible, detailed, compelling testimony. This signature manipulation is often used as another ploy in the arsenal of criminal activity enacted by juvenile, dependency, and family courts.
While there can be useful theories in understanding Domestic Violence and abuse, it is the opinion of the experts of the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts that these distract attention from the real horror of the trafficking of children through family courts. By trafficking, I mean specifically that children are regularly being transferred from protective parents into the custody of abusers—not simply abusers—but unqualified individuals whose unconscionable behavior would have exacted long-term criminal incarceration if these cases had been brought to criminal court. Instead, their crimes are not litigated because of no-fault divorce in family court.
Medical, psychiatric, legal, and forensic providers work in a symbiotic relationship to protect the real predators in the Court, namely Judges. Corrupt Judges are served by a cadre of corrupt providers who pretend to be unaware of the damages they are inflicting on helpless children and protective parents. In a legal system held to be sacrosanct and revered as part of the United States Constitution, the corrupt collect their winnings and leave the victims to howl in torment, stripped of credibility, character, careers, reputations, their financial resources, and often their sanity.
Others like me who speak truth to power have suffered greatly but continue to fight and to write about the atrocities that have occurred and continue to occur in courts across the United States. We are fully aware of similar atrocities in Canada, the UK, and other countries around the world. While we have prior success in other countries, including the Ivory Coast and Russia, our focus is on calling out the corruption in American courts.
Among the issues that contribute to the problem is the willingness of intellectuals and professionals to act as apologists for courtroom corruption.
The Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts does not hesitate to call out names in dealing with the fraud, corruption, racketeering, and multiple cases of abuse of specific individuals. This is vastly different from the hypocritical virtue signaling of the social dilettantes who simply sprinkle words like “Coercive Control” and “Domestic Violence,” as if that verbal fairy dust will make a difference in forces at work in family court corruption. The rich and famous reveal only narcissistic hubris when they seek to enhance their celebrity status by standing aloof from the needs while trotting out the tragic stories of rich and famous professionals who have committed suicide or sought assisted suicide when impacted by the transfer of custody of their children to the isolation of a horrendous abuser. Dilettantes abuse the tragedy of suicide when they use it in a hypocritical, self-serving way while doing nothing to stop family court corruption. This the experts of the FCVFC cannot stomach.
On June 5, an article was published by Connecticut Protective Moms—”Family Court Drives Mother to Suicide.” While the death of anyone who has been subject to great cruelty and the misfortune of losing children to an abuser is an enormous tragedy, that tragedy is compounded when the authors and supporters of publications fail to address the actual culprits—the Judges who are responsible for court orders to traffic children into the hands of abusers. Judges in Connecticut have been accused by the FCVFC of consciously collaborating with an internationally infamous child-trafficking ring known as the barber shops. Now, Paul PUTIN; you better Hope and PRAY that NONE of the Lot Lizards You PAID Several Thousands of $$$$$$$ to just to have sex with them or You better Hope that the Condoms you Used with these Hookers didn't Break; because trust Me, I WILL LAUGH MY ASS OFF if ANY 1 of them Finds you and Slaps Your ass with a fucking Paternity Suit! How do you Like me Now, Mr. PUTIN? I Guess this will PROVE, BEYOND The Shadow of a Doubt that you ain't "PERFECT" as you Claim to be! 1 final Question I need to ask is; How does it feel to know you had to BUY the "Love" and or "Respect" of your "Grandson?" is that what you HAD TO DO in order for Cody to Want ANYTHING TO DO with a DRUNK, Like YOU? What's the NEXT SLANDEROUS LIE you're going to Spread about me? Are you going to COACH My Late Brother's Grandsons into saying "Uncle Michigan's Resident Rocker Inappropriately 'Touched' them?" Only YOU would be so SICK to Accuse Me of such a Horrific Crime! I'll have you know, ASSHOLE, I HAVE NOT Seen My Nephew's Oldest Son since My Late Brother was STILL among us! And I NEVER MET His Youngest Son! And YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I NEVER DID and NEVER WILL abuse ANY Child! If My Nephew, Cody, who by the way is 32 Years Old WANTS TO have a Relationship with Uncle Michigan's Resident Rocker; he CAN Have that! Oh! What are you going to do in order to PREVENT That? Cut Him off from his "Inheritance?" As you can CLEARLY See; I am doing JUST FINE without Your ILL-Begotten Money and Most of all, Mr. PUTIN; I'm doing even better Without Your APPROVAL! Until Next Time, My Friends; this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying If we all Band together to Rescind Title IV-D; we Can Put Corrupt Family Court Systems such as the Friend of the CUNT Out of Business!

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