Saturday, July 6, 2024

How Would A Michigan's Resident Rocker Presidency Shape Up............

Quite Interesting that Your Favorite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all know and Love as Michigan; would Weigh in on whatever it is that is on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; yet here I am again. Like it or not. So; what could Possibly be on My Mind? Well; I shall Happily Respond to that very Question. Now as we all Know; this is a "Holiday" weekend here in Donald Trump's "America." But don't fall for the extreme bullshit being Spoon Fed to yous by the Corporate Media. As we all know Donald Trump; a FAT, DISGUSTING COWARDLY, AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR Wannabe is Making another Run for the White House; Much to the Delight of My 1 Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly; who by the way is FABULOUSLY WEALTHY; by Means of STEALING My Now Late Former Father-In-Law's FABULOUS WEALTH! But before I get to the heart of what the Title of this Manifesto is; I shall not disappoint yous; because if yous seem to think that I am through with My Family's Version of Donald Trump; that being the DRUNK; 1 Paul Brown, Jr. Trust Me; I ain't nowhere close to Running out of Ammunition to use against that asshole. So Get yourself your favorite snack, a Cold Drink and Get Ready because I am FAR FROM THROUGH with this Shitstain on My Family! What's Really Interesting is Recently, My Mother; whom I have not spoken to in the Last 8 Years (I Wonder why?) Had Accepted a Facebook Friend Request from My Wife, Jennifer. Now I find this to be very Interesting because her ALCOHOLIC Husband; yes, that COWARDLY PISS ANT, Paul, had the very fucking NERVE to Launch COWARDLY, BASELESS PERSONAL VERBAL ATTACKS against My Wife; Mind you Jennifer has NEVER EVEN MET this DRUNK! Yet; I am certain he has had Many a Sexual Fantasy about My Wife (and why not? My Wife is the CLOSEST THING to what I would Call the "Perfect Woman, or at Least for me that is). Yet, Paul has had Sexual Fantasies about A Large Number of Women that either My Late Brother or I have been Involved with. Yet; when these Women end up rebuffing Paul's Sexual Advances towards them; he TURNS on them and Launches COWARDLY, BASELESS PERSONAL VERBAL ATTACKS against them! So I guess it only seems fitting that he would Target My Wife! Yet what GIVES him the RIGHT to Verbally Attack a Woman he has NEVER EVEN MET? And over what? Her Physical Appearance? Because she has a Little bit of a "Weight Problem?" Who, Paul, the fuck do you think you are? I Happen to LOVE Jennifer; and I don't give a Damn whether she's Carrying a Few Extra Pounds or not! And Trust Me; I have Dated Women who have a "Super Model Type body; A Prime Example was a Woman Named Brittany; who is 20 Years Younger than Me. Now Most Men would be very envious to have someone Like this on his arm; yet believe me; My Relationship with Brittany was a Year Long Nightmare! How so? Well; for those of yous who Binge Watched the TV Show, "Intervention," then yous can Relate all too well. As I had Discovered, Brittany is a DRUG ADDICT (Much Like My 1st Wife, Carrie). Now because Brittany is very Physically Attractive, and I admit, I was Spellbound by her Looks, even though I had Long Suspected that she's Nothing BUT Trouble! She even had a Boyfriend that she was Actively Seeing behind My Back; and this Goofball was No Better than Brittany, herself. Now I ain't going to Re-Litigate My Relationship with Brittany; because this would be a huge waste of My Time! Yet Paul, being the JEALOUS, INSECURE Little Boy who simply WON'T Grow Up; stuck his Nose in where it DID NOT BELONG! Perhaps Paul was JEALOUS; because he KNEW He wouldn't get any pussy from Brittany (Oddly Enough; I didn't either, mostly because I REFUSED to PAY for it!) Now don't get me wrong, there ain't NOTHING Wrong with a Man PAYING for Sex; but with My Logic, a Man SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY his "Girlfriend" to have Sex with her! Now Let's think about this; if I was to PAY a Woman to have Sex with her; why the hell would I want to establish a Relationship with her? That don't make a Lot of sense! Allow me to ask yous this: What Business is it of Paul Brown, Jr. How Many times I have been Married? Now allow the Record to Reflect that I have been Married 3 Times; not the 4 That Paul Claims! Even so; why is this ANY of his fucking Concern? Now Let's also set the Record Straight; I WAS NEVER Married to Melisa Anne Scramlin; Yes; I was ENGAGED to be Married to her; I also did have 2 Children with her. Those being My 29 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie, and My 27 Year Old Son, Jonathan. Yet, Melisa and I NEVER Made it to the Altar to be Married as a Couple. I ended up Marrying Carrie, My 1st Wife, and what a COLOSSAL Mistake that turned out to be! Thank God I NEVER had ANY Children with that SLUT! Tracey, My Now Ex-Wife and I STILL Get Along very well; she Helped Me, along with Melisa Raise My Daughter and My Son. Now what REALLY Pisses Me off is Paul; the ONLY Man My Kids Knew as "Grandpa" for a Majority of their Lives (Little Backstory, Their Maternal Grandfather, Dale L. Scramlin, Sr.) Passed Away when Maggie was only 4 Years old and Jonathan was only 2. So I don't know how much of a Memory they have of their Maternal Grandfather. I admit, I don't have any Memory of My Maternal Grandfather (Not My Biological One that is) and I Barely knew My Paternal Grandfather, because he Passed Away when I was only 6 Years Old. Yet Paul; this BULLY who Likes to use his ILL-Begotten Wealth (Mind yous he obtained this by Means of an Insurance Settlement from a Truck Accident that he as determined by the Iowa State Police to be AT FAULT for in which he was Severely Injured) And was Subsequently FIRED from his Job as a Result; as a WEAPON to demand that everybody in his Orbit Kiss his ass and Soothe His fucking Wounded EGO; otherwise, be CUT OFF! Well; at Least 1 Member of My Family will stand to "Inherit" the House that I Grew Up in; as well as the Vehicles he Drives; and the Whole Ball of Wax. Well; I SIMPLY DON'T GIVE A DAMN about ANY of that shit!Must be Nice to have BOUGHT the "Love" of My 32 Year Old Nephew, Cody, to that I say Good For Him! I am very Happy Living in Genesee County, Michigan. After all; I Met My Wife here; I'm at Peace Living in Mount Morris; and I Plan on being here until the Almighty, Himself Calls me to be on the Stairway To Heaven! Now to this day; I have NO Idea as to whether or Not My Mother is still alive. Because the "Almighty PAUL" CONTROLS the flow of Information from that very House on Teeple Avenue in Fort Gratiot Township. I highly Doubt I will even be allowed to Say "Goodbye" to My Own Mother once her time Comes to Leave this World; much Like he DENIED Me MY RIGHT to say "Goodbye" to My Now Late Brother! I am Hopeful that Cody hasn't been POISONED against Me and or against My Kids; because this "Inheritance" doesn't Mean a Damn thing to me at all! AS I have PROVEN for the Last 8 Years is I Can Live Just Fine WITHOUT Paul Brown, Jr's. Money and I can especially Live JUST FINE Without his APPROVAL! What's the Next Tactic that DRUNK will Launch against me? Would he COACH My Late Brother's Grandsons into saying that I "Inappropriately Touched them?" This is something I WOULD NOT Put Past Paul! After all for the LAST 8 fucking YEARS he has been PUBLICLY Calling Me a "Drug Dealer" and a "Homosexual;" even though he KNOWS NONE of that shit is the LEAST BIT "Truthful!" Now, onto the Main Topic; As yous all know; I have Followed Politics in essence for the Last 24 Years a Lot Closer than Most People would and there's a Reason for it; because in November of this Year there's another Election; and of course the 2 Candidates are President Joe Biden and Wannabe, AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump; a COWARDLY DRAFT DODGER; who IS a CONVICTED FELON (34 Felony Convictions for Falsifying Business Records) after PAYING $130,000.00 to an Adult Film Actress Quiet; while his Old Lady; an ILLEGAL ALIEN from some Eastern European Country, was having a fucking "Anchor Baby", to keep her ass in the fucking Country. Now how can ANYBODY explain away 34 Felony Convictions and say you're "Fit For This Country's Highest Office?" Not to mention this VILE, DISGUSTING EXCUSE for a Life Form has also been found Liable for Sexually Assaulting a Woman; yet there are Those who INSIST on SUPPORTING This CON ARTIST! To that I say if yous want to Support a Wannabe DICTATOR; then by all Means, Support him. If yous want to Vote for this TRAITOR; who Incited an Insurrection after LOSING the 2020 Election; then by all Means Vote for his ass! Don't allow Me to stop yous from Voting for whoever yous WANT TO Vote for Now don't get me Wrong; I ain't very Excited about the Job President Biden has done; however; I can Sleep Knowing that I ain't going to be FORCED to do any shit against My Will! Should Trump STEAL the 2024 Election here's among the things I fear will occur: (1) Mandating Church Attendance: Now for Me Having NO Religious Affiliation; this is something I CANNOT TOLERATE! I always thought the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution stated very Unquestionably stated "Congress Shall Make NO Law With Respect To Establishing a National Religion." What the fuck would the DICTATOR do? Hire a Gang of "Church Cops" to Round Up People and Drag them all to Church or Face Jail Time? I once had a Nightmare that such a Scenario became a Reality. I hear a Knock at My Door with a Voice Saying "Church Police, Time to go to Church." To that I Politely Respond "Fuck you! I ain't Going to Church!" The Voice then Responds " You either go to Church, or you go to Jail!" Before we could see what Unfolded, I woke up! Now as we all know; I Never Really thought about Running for any Political Office; so Me being President is a Pipe Dream; but here's what would happen if I WERE "President:" (1) CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS: Now this is a No Brainer; I mean what could I have Possibly "Learned" from 12+ Years of Mr. Government Mandated INDOCTRINATION? That I COULD NOT have "Learned" from My Family and Friends? Think about this; If ALL Schools are CLOSED, Permanently; there would be NO SUCH THING as School Shootings, No BULLYING, None of that Pure Bullshit that goes with Mr. Government Mandated BRAINWASHING! In fact I would Mandate the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show as "Educational Programing." Think about this; yous would "Learn" More in 5 Hours a Day, 30 Hours a Week of Free Beer & Hot Wings than yous would in 12+ Years of Boring Lectures! (2) Strengthen The Wall Separating Church & State: This is also another No Brainer; Come On; I mean if yous WANT TO Go to Church, every Sunday; then By All Means do so! However for those who want NOTHING to do with Religion; Leave us all the fuck alone! I will say this: It's TRUE; there is "Freedom of Religion" in this Country; yet your "Freedom of Religion" ENDS at My Desire Not to Hear about it! Think about this: The State of Louisiana is MANDATING the 10 Commandments in EVERY "Public School" Classroom? Where the fuck do we Live? The Middle East? If yous WANT TO Practice your Religion; go to your Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Yous Name it! However Religion DOES NOT Belong in the Public Eye and Courts and or Government Agencies have NO BUSINESS IMPOSING their Religious beliefs on the General Public! May I add where do these "Christian Nationalists" Get off on telling Gays, Lesbians and so on that they "Have NO Right to Live as they CHOOSE?" That's Right! I said it Gays CHOOSE to be "Gay!" Yet; they do not Deserve to get their asses beat; because they CHOOSE to be with someone of the Same Sex! Who GIves a Rat's ass? They say "Gays are 'Groomers, Grooming Children' into Homosexuality! What bullshit that is! I have several Friends who CHOOSE to be "Gay," and I Have NO Problem with them! Why should I? (3) Mandate Abortion: Now this would apply in Cases of Teenage Pregnancies; especially because Teenagers ARE NOT Mature enough to handle the Responsibility of being Parents! Not to mention Pregnancies by Welfare Cheats to Fatten their Welfare Checques; how many of yous have gone to your Local FIA Offices to see some skank with 5 Kids with 4 Different Baby Daddies? Along that front Abolish Title IV-D of the Social Security Act; this would Defund Corrupt Family Court Agencies as well as FIA Offices throughout the Country! After all, NO Woman should be FORCED to Give Birth against her Will! This is Supposed to be a DEMOCRACY! Where does the Law Say that ANY Woman has NO AUTONOMY over her Own Body? I mean if yous are about Taking away a Woman's RIGHT to CHOOSE and TERMINATE a Pregnancy; why Not Mandate Castration of Men? Do yous see where I am going with this? (4) Stop Supporting Israel; a Nation of GASP! TERRORISTS! Benjamin Netanyahu is a WAR CRIMINAL who BELONGS in the Electric Chair! (5) Abolish Income Taxes for those whose Incomes (Individual Mind you) are Less than $100,000.00 a Year; come on; why should those who bust their asses and Can't Earn $100,000.00 or More a Year have to Pay Taxes? This would make Income Tax CHEATS Like Donald Trump and My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE! (6) Close The Military Industrial Complex; this has been a Question that I wish I have had an answer for why the fuck are We BLOWING Trillions of Dollars on Preparations for WAR? Is this Country so afraid that Troops from Ghanarrhea (for example) is gonna Invade us and Kick Our ass? I don't Understand that Logic at all! I have always been under the Belief that Military Service should always be VOLUNTARY! Which Means I would ABOLISH the Selective Service Act; which MANDATES that Men Sign Up to be Contacted by Military Recruiters and be DRAFTED into Wars within 30 Days of their 18th Birthday! (5) Lower the Alcohol Consumption Age to 18; Let's face it; if a Person can Be Drafted into Wars and Vote at 18; wouldn't it Only Make Sense that Once a Person Reached his/her 18th Birthday be allowed to have a Beer? I mean Let's be Honest; Irresponsible Drinking Knows NO "AGE LIMIT!" I mean Paul Brown, Jr. is 64; and he CAN'T COPE WITH LIFE'S PROBLEMS WITHOUT LIQUOR! Need I say more? (6) Disqualify ANY Member of Congress, and Or ANY Judge, Including those on the Supreme Court who Commit Crimes while In Office. Now have yous seemed to Notice that Most Congress People, Judges and or Public Officials act as if they are Above the LAWS they Make and or sworn to Uphold? (7) Make Health Care a RIGHT: Now who ain't in favour of this? Why should People who WANT TO and or NEED TO See a Doctor; have to face Possible Bankruptcy; because they happen to suffer a Medical Emergency? This would even include Mental Health Emergencies as well! (8) Decriminalize Prostitution; Now this is something I have NEVER Been able to Understand; why is it ILLEGAL to Sell Something that's Perfectly LEGAL to Give Away? I mean think about this: Say you got a Guy who desperately Needs to Score; Pair him with a Chick who Desperately Needs $40.00; most of yous would think "Perfect Couple, eh?" Now certain Parameters need to be Met as far as this is Concerned; for Example, the Participants in such Transactions Need to be Consenting Adults; No Force, No Coercion, No Violence, and it Probably wouldn't Hurt if Sex Workers are Tested for STDs as they are in Most European and Quite Possibly Asian and or African Countries; I mean what sense does it Make to Jail someone who sells something that is a Basic Human Instinct? As yous can see if a Presidency Under Me were to come about, Then The United States would be a Lot Like God's Country; which as we all KNOW is Canada. Now for those of yous who say "Go Back to Canada." I say this; I WAS BORN in this Country! On 30, November, 1969, I was Born in Pork Huron, Michigan! I want back the "America" I GREW UP in! Not this Authoritarian Shithole Under Donald Trump! I Only Learned that I'm a Canadian Citizen 13 Years ago; because 1 of My Parents was Born in Canada; now have I solved this Mystery? I hope I have. As I said Should a Presidency Under Me have ever become a Reality; this Country would be a Utopia of PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY! Until Next Time; this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Change is Possible, yous just have to Want it! 

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