Saturday, May 23, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker Seeks Closure..........

Here it is another Weekend Under the Beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous know is Canada and Of Course Michigan's Resident Rocker is back in the Cockpit to Give yous yet another Manifesto from deep with the Crevasses of My Twisted Mind! Yet I have to admit something; this having to Stay at Home during this Covid-19 Pandemic absolutely fucking SUCKS! Not only does it mean that I am not able to take to the Ice and engage in One of My Favorite Pastimes; which is Playing Hockey; but it also means I can't go to a Bar and Possibly Get Laid! No Question this Pandemic is really sucking the Life out of People! Especially Me! Now I ain't a Regular Bar Fly; not by any stretch of the Imagination; but every Now and then it would be Nice to go into a bar; Order a Nice Cold Canadian Beer; and Possibly find a Nice Woman that I can put my dick inside of at the end of the Night! Perhaps this is something I should have taken advantage of before this Pandemic struck! I tell yous I have Lived in Mount Morris for the Last 2 Years and in essence I am for the Most Part a Complete Stranger! Even to a Majority of My Neighbors; well, I generally don't go out of My way to "Make Friends," My attitude about that is "If yous want to be a friend of Mine; cool! If not; well then so be it!" I also Miss My Hockey Brothers as well; since they are the Closest thing to a "Family" that I have! Sure there are Members of My Actual Family that I still talk to; but since I Live where I Live; well I don't get to see My Actual Family as much as I would Like! Which Includes My Now Grown Little Headbangers; notice I haven't used that Term to describe My Kids in a Long Time, eh? Now People are Looking for who's to blame for this Pandemic becoming the Problem it now has become; well My Friends; Look No further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Now I ain't saying the fucking Authoritarian DICTATOR, Donald Trump is the Blame for the Virus coming to the United States; but his Response to this Pandemic is sure to fuck the Main Culprit as to why a Majority of this Country has been on a Quarantine Lockdown since Mid March. Now of course DICTATOR, Trump; KNEW damn well that this Virus was on its way to the Shores of this Country and what the fuck did Napoleon Trump do? Naturally that asshole called it yet "Another Hoax Launched by Democrats!" Are you absolutely shitting me? Now I ain't No Doctor, never have been, Never Will be; yet Trump was Briefed Several fucking Months BEFORE this Virus Left China, where it had Originated! Of course there are Conspiracy Theories about How China supposedly "Covered Up" the Deadliness of this Virus; but I ain't gonna get into that! Since I really don't give a damn about what is happening Literally on the Other Side of the damn Globe! What I care about is what's going on on the North American Continent; and what's really going on at this Point in time is Canadians Like Me as well as My American Friends are having to fucking Suffer because of Trump's Incompotence and Arrogance! Now do yous see why I HATE that Pile of Shit Like I do? I mean how fair is it that somebody who is Born a LIAR, a CON MAN a RACIST, a XENOPHOBE gets to Rake In Billions of $$$$$$$ a Year, NOT PAY ANY Taxes whatsoever, fucks Over Contractors, acts as if LAWS, RULES and REGULATIONS Simply DO NOT APPLY to Him? Yet the Rest Of Us, other than his Republican Enablers in the Congress; who Go to Work every damn Day; Play by the RULES and Live Our Lives regularly Get Shitted On? Please Tell me how that's "Fair!" I shall share an article with yous which Illustrates the Top 10 CRIMES Trump has Committed while ILLEGALLY in the White House. Yous can access this article by going to here it is: There has been much debate about the Impeachment of DICTATOR Donald Trump. While there are many legitimate criticisms of Trump’s DICTATORSHIP, no president can be Impeached just because people think he’s a terrible president. The Constitution says a president can only be impeached for “Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Unfortunately, being incompetent, obnoxious, racist, or ignorant does not Qualify as a high crime or misdemeanor.
Therefore, it is necessary to enumerate the impeachable crimes the DICTATOR has committed. Here are 10 of Donald Trump's offenses that provide a reasonable basis for Impeachment; they include specific instances of unconstitutional actions, violations of campaign finance laws, personal ethics violations, obstruction of justice, and more.
1. Trump uses the presidency for his own personal gain.
Donald Trump has repeatedly violated the US Constitution by using the presidency for his own personal gain. He has made millions of dollars by using his golf resort in Florida as a Southern White House. He profited when he urged CO-DICTATOR Pence to stay at his resort in Ireland (which was far from where Pence was meeting the Irish Prime Minister) at a much higher cost than other, much closer places to stay.
What's more, Trump and his family are making millions of dollars when foreign officials stay at Trump hotels and when foreign governments approve Trump projects or grant trademarks for Trump products. Trump and his family are profiting tremendously from actions he is taking as DICTATOR. This is a glaring violation of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.
Trump uses his high office to reward his friends and punish his opponents.
During the COVID-19 crisis, Trump has admitted that he rewards state Governors who are adequately "appreciative" of him. He has clearly punished state Governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan by withholding badly needed assistance to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
2. Trump has countless conflicts of interest and personal ethics violations.
Unlike every other president before him, Donald Trump refused to divest from his business interests when he became DICTATOR. As a result, Trump knows exactly how his actions as DICTATOR have a direct impact on his personal wealth and his financial investments. He profited from the tax cuts he enacted and likely made several million dollars. This could explain why he is the first president in over 50 years to refuse to release his tax returns. He has even gone to court to prevent the release of his tax returns.
Walter Shaub Jr., the director of the US Office of Government Ethics, tried to get DICTATOR Trump to divest from his business interests to avoid such conflicts, but Trump refused. Shaub saw so many ethics violations and conflicts of interest that he ultimately resigned in protest.
3. He encouraged a foreign country to interfere in the US presidential election.
At a time when Trump and his campaign officials already knew Russia was interfering in the US election, Trump publicly urged Russia to interfere even more, which they did. Many high ranking people in Trump’s campaign were contacted by Russians with offers of help in the 2016 election and they did not turn down those offers. Although the Mueller investigation did not conclude that Trump conspired with Russia, they did conclude that Trump’s campaign, as well as Trump himself, knew about and encouraged Russian interference.
4. He publicly lied about his business dealings with Russia.
While running for president in 2016, Trump repeatedly claimed to have no involvement with Russia, but he was, in fact, negotiating with the Russian government and Russian business interests about developing a Trump Tower in Moscow at that very time.
Lying to the voters is not strictly an impeachable offense, but Trump blatantly lied about his business ties to Russia because he knew it was an incredible conflict of interest for a potential US president to have major business dealings with a frequent competitor and potential adversary of the United States.
5. According to the Mueller Report, Trump attempted to obstruct justice multiple times.
The Mueller report cites many examples of Trump repeatedly trying to fire the people who are investigating him, discouraging witnesses from cooperating with the investigation, falsifying information about the Trump Tower meeting, asking people to lie and dangling pardons for people who refused to cooperate with the investigation. Many of these acts of obstruction were done publicly on Trump's Twitter account.
For more information about Trump's obstruction of Justice, see the Mueller Report, Volume II, pages 1–8.
6. He violated Campaign Finance Laws.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump had his Lawyer make illegal hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their sexual relationship, then Trump and his Lawyer lied about it. This is a blatant violation of Campaign Finance Laws.
7. Trump urged a foreign leader to help him smear his political opponent.
While Trump withheld aid from the country of Ukraine, he spoke by phone with the Ukraine president. He told the president that the US has been very generous to Ukraine, but that Ukraine had not “reciprocated.” When the Ukraine president said they needed more Javelin missiles, Trump replied, “I need you to do me a favor though,” and then asked the Ukraine president to work with his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Joe Biden. Trump implied that this was a condition to be met if the Javelin missiles were to be sold to Ukraine.
By asking a foreign leader to help smear his political opponent for strictly political reasons, Trump was abusing his presidential powers. This is another glaring violation of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.
8. Millions of dollars that were raised for Trump's inauguration are STILL unaccounted for.
Trump’s campaign is still under investigation for fraud, money laundering and conspiracy against the United States because of the millions of dollars donated for his inauguration that just “disappeared”.
$106 million was raised for Trump's CORONATION, and the inaugural committee still has not accounted for how the money was spent.
9. Trump illegally used his charitable foundation for political purposes.
Trump was ordered to pay $2 million to the charities that he scammed with his fraudulent charity, the Trump Foundation. He also has been prohibited from ever serving on the board of any charity in the future.
Trump raised money that was supposed to go to a veteran's charity but the investigation revealed that the money was used for Trump's political campaign and never sent to the veterans groups.
Additionally, the Trump Foundation illegally made a $25,000 contribution to the Florida Attorney General who was investigating the fraudulent Trump University. Then, the Trump Foundation falsely reported the $25,000 contribution on their taxes, claiming that it went to a charity in Kansas which, in fact, never received any money from them.
10. Trump violated national security by giving his Son-In-Law top security clearance.
Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, lied on his application for security clearance by not disclosing dozens of contacts he’d had with foreign Governments, including Russia. This type of omission is a felony and usually more than enough to get someone’s security clearance denied. However, DICTATOR Trump ordered National Security Agency officials to give Kushner the clearance anyway, which is an extraordinary violation of national security. There is an Old Saying that "There's a Special Place in Hell for the Likes of Donald J. Trump. But that Place is also Reserved for My Family's Version of Donald J. Trump; Ironically this asshole has the Same Middle Initial as the DICTATOR ILLEGALLY Occupying the White House; that's Correct I am referring to My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband; 1 Paul J. Brown, Jr. Now I think this will be the final time I will be attempting to Call this Waste of a Human Life Out, because he's already Proven that he's a complete fucking CHICKEN SHIT COWARD; to haul his Carcass Out here to get his Come Uppance! Yet all the While he's attempting to Lure Me out to My Mother's House so he can Pull his God Damn GUN on Me! Now of course the thought of Breaking his fucking Jaw in 10 Places with My Fist is very tempting! Yet I KNOW this PUSSY; WILL NEVER engage in a FAIR One On One Fight against Me, because Much Like the Shit Vince Mc Mahon Pulled on Stone Cold Steve Austin; Paul is 1000% SCARED TO DEATH of Me! And he SHOULD BE! Now do I want to Resort to Violence? Not at all, because I Know Violence doesn't solve a damn thing  Because Naturally I DO NOT FEAR this asshole! I don't Give a flying fuck anymore! It's Painfully Obvious as to who My Mother has Chosen; of course he threatened My Mother with No Longer having that "Security of Married Life and More than Likely he threatened to Kick her Out of the House that she has Called "Home" for the Last 50 Years! Well; he did that to My Grandmother; so what's to say he wouldn't do that to his Own Wife? Especially since he Put her in the Position to where she HAD TO CHOOSE between Him and her 2 Children; her Own Flesh & Blood! I mean shit; he More than Likely goes Rifling through her Purse without her Permission and he Regularly goes through her Phone on top of that and he Naturally CONTROLS who she comes into Contact with as well! I NEVER Once thought that somebody I had Once Looked Up to would transform into a JEALOUS, POSSESSIVE ALCOHOLIC who has Cut My Mother Off from her Family who would regularly Encourage her to get Rid of Paul! How Ironic is this? Paul was ALWAYS Accusing Me of "Not Looking for Work" when My Kids were Growing up and Failing to SUPPORT their Mother's SMOKING! Now of course after I got My CDL; I decided that I was NEVER Going back to Working on a Production Floor; I mean what's the damn Point in Acquiring a CDL if I have No Intention of Using it for its Intended Purpose? Yet it's really funny that He Quite Possibly Fathered a Child with My Nephew's Mother; yet for Damn Near the Past 13 Years he has Dodged the Damn Friend of the CUNT Bullet! Now for those of yous who wonder what I am talking about; the "Child Support" Enforcement Agency here in the State of Michigan is known as the Friend of the Court; but because their Rulings Automatically Favor Custodial Parents (Usually the Mother) is why I call it the Friend of the CUNT! As I am certain Most every other VICTIM of this CORRUPT, CRIMINAL SYSTEM does! I wonder why My Nephew's Mother hasn't Named Paul as the FATHER of her Now almost 13 Year Old Daughter? This is a Question I wouldn't Mind asking My Nephew's Mother; but of course Other People's Marriages and or Romantic Relationships Simply ain't My Place to get Involved; because I simply don't Give a fuck about that! Now it's Kind of funny that this Waste of a Human Life is about to turn 60 Tomorrow; Surprise, Surprise! Sometimes I think The Almighty, Himself really Hates Hard Working Rockers, Like Myself by allowing this asshole to Poison Himself with Liquor every day at Least 16 Hours a Day and yet to this Day; God hasn't struck his ass dead! But I know that day will be coming; and of course I didn't think I would ever say this; but Of course I never HATED Somebody so Much that I would even consider this; but Mark My Words, Paul; when you die, Regardless of what Causes it whether it's Alcohol Poisoning or Suicide By Michigan's Resident Rocker; and trust me we ALL WILL; if I Live to see that Day; at Your Funeral; I will Whip my dick Out and Piss ALL OVER your Lifeless Carcass right in front of Our Entire Family (assuming that you haven't Driven them Out of the Picture Like you did My Brother and I with your LIES!) I can now Hold My Head High that I have a Decent Job; A Nice Apartment and I Play Hockey, What's your fucking EXCUSE, Paul? You have the audacity to Call Me a LOSER; yet who still has a JOB? Who has NEVER Gotten a fucking DUI? Who has NEVER ONCE HAD A DAMN THING TO DO WITH DRUGS IN HIS LIFE? Why; that would be ME! Not YOU! How the fuck do yous Like Me Now, Paul? Oh! You're gonna Play the fucking "Roger" Card against me? Go Ahead! Because that NO LONGER has an effect on Me at all! In fact; I don't even Know why you're STILL Obsessed with "Uncle" Roger anyway! Is it your Deep Inner Guilt over Marrying Your Uncle's Ex-Wife; because you were somehow Jealous of Roger? Well, Naturally I don't think even a Psychologist could Navigate the Delusional Alcohol-Hazed SWAMP you Call a "Brain" (for ANY sense of Logic or ANY Other Human Quality) which you have been DESTROYING with Your ADDICTION to Liquor! But Now My Conscience is CLEAR; I Now KNOW I DID NOTHING to Trigger your Obsession with Controlling My Mother and Keeping her Family away from her! Maybe someday My Mother will Find out the TRUTH about your AFFAIR with Your Own Grandson's Mother; I simply Hope it happens before it's Too Late and she can toss you Out on your Worthless ass! Now since yous Know NOTHING about the fucking TRUTH or since yous have been attempting to HIDE the TRUTH from My Mother over your AFFAIR; yous May as well drown your fucking Sorrows with yet another Bottle; because I am DONE WITH YOU, Paul! I told yous before I don't Need your Money and Most of all I DON'T NEED YOUR APPROVAL! Because I have carved Out My Own Path in Life and I will Live Out My Days CLEAN & SOBER! Now if your Sisters Object to what I am saying; well that's their Right; but I don't NEED Toxic Influences Like YOU in My Life; nor do I Need those who ENABLE your Drinking! It's a damn shame that it has come to this; but I REFUSE to ALLOW YOUR LIES about me "Trafficking Narcotics" which you KNOW DAMN WELL IS 1000% NOT FUCKING TRUE! With that being Said you are STILL Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES to Contact Me at ALL! Because I have NO DESIRE to ever hear your Voice again nor do I have ANY Desire to see your SCUZZY COUNTRY SINGER LOOK-ALIKE FACE! Because I will now be Closing the Book on this Chapter of My Life, because I figure there ain't not a damn thing more to say on this Topic! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying It's time to as the Bob Seger Classic Turn the Page says; and write another Chapter in what could be My Autobiography!

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