Saturday, June 6, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker Weighs In On Police Brutality...........

The Time has finally come for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of yous know is Canada! How many damn times do I need to Repeat this? As I have been saying; for those of yous who say "Go back to Canada." Please allow me to make your Worst Nightmare a Reality; I was Born here in the States; I was Born in Port Huron, Michigan. Now of course I will Never forgive My Mother for Giving Birth to me in this Oppressive Shithole of a Country! Now of course I will explain My Embarrassment in being an American when I get to the Heart of the Topic at hand; so Please follow along and I shall educate yous even further. In fact I often Look at these Manifestos from deep within the Chasms of My Twisted Mind as More educational than the typical Government Mandated Brainwashing that Our Kids are subjected to in School! You know; why don't we raise the Stakes and Make My Manifestos a Part of the Required Curriculum in every School? And while Performing Reforms in Education; why not Mandate a 3 Hour Music Class Called the House Of Hair; Hosted by Twisted Sister Frontman, Dee Snider; and as far as Physical Education Goes; well those Classes if yous ask me really don't need any Improvement! Now of course when I was in School; I have to admit that because I have a rather short attention Span; I Only focused My Attention on things that I actually was Interested in; so In essence yous could say I was somewhat of a "Class Clown,' Like I really Give a fuck what Educators; Let alone My NOW FORMER "Parents" think anyway! Now I recall all too well how I was FORCED to take Ritalin; when I was in School; I fucking HATED that shit with a Passion! I NEVER NEEDED ANY Mind Altering Chemicals when I was in School; I needed for School to be Less BORING! And of course I got Teased Mercilessly By My Classmates when I was Younger! Now of course as I Progressed through Junior High; I still had very Little Interest in "Learning" the same old tired Lame ass Bullshit; that Schools attempt to drill into the heads of Children! Yet as I was about to enter High School; I began to show Interest in the females; I guess that was a Turning Point in terms of My School Days. Especially since there was this One Girl I Really Liked; but I would be so afraid of Letting her know that I really Liked her; that I would attempt to perform awkward stunts to get her attention! Well, I got her attention, all right, but not the Kind I had in Mind! Believe me she was (and as far as I know still Is) a very beautiful young woman. I Guess she's about a Half a Year Younger than me. But Damn; did I ever want to be with her! I mean yous talk about a "Trophy Girlfriend," Lisa (That is her name) was the description of that term! I mean I didn't merely have "Wet Dreams" about her; I mean I wanted her in the worst ways Possible; yet I was too damn afraid to be Honest with her and Tell her how I really felt. Of course a couple of her friends (At the time) Really didn't Care for me, and I figured she wouldn't want to see me at all! So here comes the Night of a Dance which was for 8th Grade Students going onto High School; and yous talk about a Night I wish I could Get back; that was it! Yous could say I completely "Blew" ANY Chance of her even wanting to have anything to do with me. Yet early in Our Sophomore Year she asked me if she could talk to me; I responded that she could. She then told me "I noticed that it appears as if you Really Like me and it seems as if all of your attention seeking Stunts were a way of Getting My Attention am I right?" Well; I told her that I could not Lie to her. She then said; and I will never forget this; "Why didn't you just come to me and tell me how you really felt?" Of course Naturally she is Most Beautiful Young Woman in My Graduating Class and I have to admit I was terrified of being Rejected by her; yet in all honesty; I felt she was out of My League. But she also told me "You really didn't have to resort to all kinds of Crazy Stunts; all you had to do was talk to me; you didn't need to resort to doing those Nonsensical Tricks to get me to Like you." Well; I Openly admit when I approach beautiful Looking Women; I still get very Nervous. Now the Last I have heard about her is she is Now Married and is a Junior High School Teacher (Like her Father was, albeit he Taught at Port Huron Northern High School) where Lisa, Myself and I dare say at Least 300 Others Graduated from back 32 Years ago in the Magical Year of 1988. How Ironic is it that My Daughter, Marjorie; Graduated from the Same School 25 Years almost to the very Date that her Father did? But that is a True Story! Alright, Moving Right along; Now we are at the Point where I Must Forewarn yous that if yous don't Like My Use of Colorful Language as well as My Liberal use of the word "fuck" and or every variation of it; then STOP READING THIS POSTING from this very Point! How many damn times do I need to repeat this? After All, I Ain't "forcing" Yous to Read these Blog Entries! Because the Topic is One that is very Personal to me; and that's Police Misconduct, especially when Police Officers Cross the Line and Use Excessive and Unnecessary Force! Now Please allow me to ask yous this: What's the First things that Come to Mind when I mention the Following Names: Eric Garner in New York, New York, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Freddy Grey in Baltimore, Maryland, Malice Green in Detroit, Michigan, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, and finally George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota? Well, Obviously ALL of these Names belonged to Black People, who were MURDERED by Police Officers! That's right, I said these People were MURDERED! What really Pisses me Off is the Fact that so far ONLY in the Malice Green Case in Detroit n November 5,1992 where Officers Involved in these Fatal Assaults were actually Convicted of Murder! 2 of the 3 Officers in the Malice Green; Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers were Found Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder in the Death of 35 Year Old  Malice Green. Now I have heard all kinds of Rumors that Malice Green was whacked out on Cocaine at the time of the Fatal Beating that took Place. Now Of course a 3rd Officer, Robert Lessnau; was Acquitted in Connection with the Malice Green Murder! Now according to Court Documents Green was Literally Bludgeoned to Death when Budzyn and Nevers repeatedly Hammered Green in the head with their Police Issued Flashlights! Now I have handled one of these Flashlights; and believe me they ain't the Most Lightweight thing yous can ever get your hands on! When yous have 2 Cops who are Rather Well Trained in Restraint Techniques; then Clobbering a Man with 10+ Pound Flashlights; is something I would say Constitutes EXCESSIVE FORCE! Now this Incident was Never Recorded on Video; and in all Honesty; if Budzyn and Nevers Walked; then Detroit would have erupted Like Los Angeles, California did damn near a Year Prior to that! Of course Nevers and Budzyn had Several fucking Complaints Levied against them for Using Excessive Force! Budzyn Received 8 to 14 Years in Prison; whereas Nevers got 12 to 18 Years in Prison for 2nd Degree Murder! Now in the Most Recent Incident in Minneapolis, Minnesota; where 46 Year Old George Floyd was MURDERED after a White Officer, Derek Chauvin, Literally Kneeled on Floyd's Neck after Floyd was Handcuffed, and thus was Literally Defenseless! Floyd was Pleading for his Life; Yet Chauvin Refused to Release the ILLEGAL Hold he had on Floyd and of course Floyd Died; which touched Off at Least 11 Straight Days of Protests! To that I say as a Victim of Police Misconduct, Myself, I say what the fuck is Taking so damn Long to Bring the fucking Plague of Police Brutality to Light? But of course; what's all the Worse; the Modern Day Version of Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, actually ENCOURAGES Police Brutality! That fucking Piss Ant even had the fucking GALL to Have a "Private" Police Force Throw Tear Gas Bombs at PEACEFUL Protesters so he can Pose in front of a Church Holding a Bible for a disgusting Photo Op! Now if yous are Law Abiding Freedom Loving "Americans," then this should make you want to fucking PUKE! I know it sure to hell makes me Mad enough to spit fucking tacks! Just when yous think that the "President" that My One Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly Worships, could not stoop any fucking LOWER; well I guess I have been Proven Wrong Once again! Now before I share My Story of being Victimized by Police Misconduct; I shall share a couple articles on Police Brutality and How Cops Continuously Get Away with Using Excessive Force and every other form of Misconduct. Yous Can find these articles by typing in as well as Police Officers are often lauded as heroes and protectors of their communities. In most cases, such characterizations are accurate, but in some, it could not be further from the truth. South Carolina has certainly seen this to be true. According to The Post and Courier, an Officer was fired last year for using excessive force. It is worth questioning: why do Police Officers use excessive force?
Fear or Insecurity
In other cases, a Police Officer may be legitimately afraid of the Suspect they are dealing with. This might trigger insecurity that then motivates an attack. Although an officer may feel truly scared, fear alone is not a justification for the use of excessive force. On the contrary, an officer should respond by attempting to diffuse rather than escalate the situation.There is no single reason to attribute to all of these offenses, but there are patterns that emerge in such cases of abuse. In identifying these common causes, perhaps communities can fight against them and reinstate the reputation of Police that Citizens and Precincts alike would like to see upheld.
Prejudice and discrimination
An increased focus on biases within Police work has revealed something that many already knew to be true: Officers often treat minorities and other marginalized groups differently. In the worst cases, this may involve the use of excessive force that would not otherwise be applied. Unfortunately, the color of one’s skin can elicit a violent response from the Police if an Officer is prejudiced or discriminatory.
Toxic Environment
Reports indicate that in some Departments encourage the use of excessive force and reward Officers for engaging in violent behavior against Suspects. This unacceptable environment unsurprisingly fosters attacks that can have deadly consequences. Police Officers should maintain their commitment to protecting and serving, but too often, this takes a backseat to biases, fears or pressures to act violently.
Police are very rarely prosecuted for Shootings — and not just because the Law allows them wide latitude to use force on the Job. Sometimes the Investigations fall onto the same Police Department the Officer is from, which creates major conflicts of interest. Other times the only available evidence comes from eyewitnesses, who may not be as trustworthy in the public eye as a Police Officer.
There is a tendency to believe an Officer over a Civilian, in terms of Credibility,” David Rudovsky, a Civil Rights Lawyer who co-wrote Prosecuting Misconduct: Law and Litigation, told Vox’s Amanda Taub. “And when an Officer is on trial, reasonable doubt has a lot of bite. A Prosecutor needs a very strong case before a Jury will say that somebody we generally trust to protect us has so seriously crossed the line as to be subject to a Conviction.”
If Police are charged, they’re rarely Convicted. The National Police Misconduct Reporting Project analyzed 3,238 Criminal Cases against Police Officers from April 2009 through December 2010. They found that only 33% were Convicted, and 36% of Officers who were Convicted ended up serving Prison Sentences. Both of those are about half the rate at which members of the Public are Convicted or Incarcerated.
The Low Conviction and Incarceration rates have fed into the idea among critics of Law Enforcement that Police can get away with using deadly force even in situations that don’t call for it. This poses concerns for those who want to hold Police accountable, but critics also worry it has fostered a Police culture that’s too Lenient in using force because Cops believe there most likely won’t be Legal Consequences even if they make a bad call. Have yous ever seen the TV Show, COPS? I hate that fucking Show because it GLORIFIES Police Brutality! Mostly against Black Men! Now some of these guys go Put Up Quite a fight when these heavily Armed Cops Try to Arrest them; but Let's Face it, Just Like in Professional Wrestling; which is the ONLY LEGITIMATE Combat Sport there is; Quite Often yous will see 4 or 5 Heavily Armed Cops Beating Up 1 Man (and Quite Often they will beat up Women as well). What's all the more fucking Disturbing is the Fact that after a "Suspect" has been Cuffed; these Cops will continue their Assault against Said "Suspect," how the fuck can anybody "Resist" when his/her Hands are Cuffed behind his/her back? During 1 Episode; this Guy who was Running from the Police who didn't even Put Up a Fight was Violently bodyslammed to the Ground and Pounded on by 4 Officers; how is this a "Fair Fight?" The Answer is it ain't! In another Episode this Guy who Obviously was Drunk (Now where does this sound familiar?) Had his Hands Cuffed behind his back and his Legs were Bound in Leg Irons behind his back yet One Officer was Kneeling on his Head while the other 4 Repeatedly Punched and Kicked this fucker! Now Quite Often the "Suspects" that are regularly Abused are Primarily Black and or Hispanic Men! Yet I am a white Man and I ended Up being a Victim of Police Misconduct; here's My Story; now this Occurred 27 Years ago, yet the Scars are still Fresh in My Memory. It was a Typical Hot Summer Night in July of 1993; I was Working at a Local Gas Station in Port Huron. (This was before Full Service Gas Stations were being Phased Out). At 12:45 AM a Man with a White Stocking Cap (known as a Touque, by us Canadians), Black Horn Rimmed Sunglasses on his head, Pointed a Gun at me and Demanded Money. Now of course; I wasn't about to stop and Play 20 Questions with this motherfucker; I figured he means Business! So I empty all the Cash I had into a Pillowcase he was Carrying; Like I was Trained to do; I Immediately Called the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department to Report the Robbery; what a fucking Mistake that was on My Part! Because who Responded to the Scene? But None other than Perhaps the One Motherfucker who I would Hope got Fire Ants Placed into the piss hole of his dick; Terry Baker! Now to say this fucking Piece of shit and I had a History was in essence a fucking Understatement! Of course if yous have a Gun Pointed at yous; yous ain't gonna be able to think very Clearly; I don't give a fuck How Fearless yous are! Yet, Terry Baker Instantly Accuses ME of "Stealing the $450.00 Over which My fucking Life was Threatened!" On the Scene was Regional Manager of that Company, Curtis Lawrence, a Fat Pile of Human Excrement; with a Buzzcut! Now I really Disliked this Burr-Headed bastard as it was; but then Terry Baker Instructed Curtis Lawrence to "Break Him, Curtis; Use Every Threat you have to even Hit Him, I'll Look The Other Way!" Once Curtis Lawrence Started Interrogating Me; I stated "You have No fucking EVIDENCE Linking Me to this Crime, except I am the Victim!" That Fat fuck then said "I've got all the Evidence I need; if you don't confess Right Now, I'm gonna bash your fucking Head against this Wall!" (Referring to the North Wall of the Car Wash at that Facility! In fact I Hold these assholes in the Same Contempt as I Hold that fucking DRUNK, My Mother's Husband, Paul Brown, Jr. In fact I sort of wish I could Lock all 3 of these shitbags in a fucking Glass Booth with a swarm of at Least 100 "Murder Hornets!" Now what the fuck am I talking about in terms of "Murder Hornets?" I am referring to the Asian Giant Hornet; which has been Plaguing Japan for Several Decades as far as I know and these fuckers are Nasty from what I have heard about them! But anyway; I am Ordered to Undergo a Polygraph to Clear My Name; well that went about as well as Placing My dick in a fire ant Mound! This fucking "Cop" Started Interrogating me over "What I did with the Money?" I had told this fucking CATERER to Curtis Lawrence SEVERAL TIMES "Stop It! Leave Me Alone! I Have NOTHING To Say To You!" Furthermore, when I stated that "I WANT A LAWYER!" That didn't seem to Matter! The Cop said "So, you want to Keep Quiet, eh? I've got ways of Making Punks, Like You Talk!" I stated that this is a BLATANT VIOLATION of My Rights! Yet he Kept Drawing Back his Right Hand as if he was going to Slap Me! He stated that I was Not Allowed to Go Home Until I Confessed! and he also Uttered the Threat "If you don't confess Right Now, I'll Slap the Taste Out of your Mouth!" After I had stated that I wanted a Lawyer; and he told me "Tough Shit; you'll get your Lawyer Once you Confess!" Well after being COERCED into Confessing to a fucking Crime that I DID NOT COMMIT! Yous would have thought the Injustice would end! Wrong! I ended up being Arrested 2 Months Later and of course Terry Baker Paraded Me around with My Hands Cuffed Behind My back Like I was a fucking 12 Point Buck that he shot out in the Woods! Now of course the "Lawyer" who was SWORN to Represent Me; SOLD ME OUT! Because he wasn't in a Mood to FIGHT to Clear My Name; because if he did what he was SWORN to do which was get me ACQUITTED of the 1000% FALSE CHARGES of "Embezzlement" that I had Slapped against Me; then he feared he wouldn't get Paid! What a fucking VILE EXCUSE for a Humans Being this Piece of shit is! If yous ask Me this bag of shit needs to be Disbarred! In fact; I would add this asshole as well as that fucker from the fucking St. Clair County Prosecutor's Office to that Glass Booth filled with Murder Hornets! I mean why the fuck are Police Officers ALLOWED to get away with Using Excessive Force; Committing Perjury (for those of yous who don't know what Perjury is) Perjury is the Willful Telling of a LIE or Series of LIES; while Under Oath in a Court of Law! Now I ended Up Getting 3 Years Probation for that very fucking Crime that I DID NOT COMMIT! At that Point in Time; I entered a No Contest Plea to a Reduced Charge; because My Daughter was Just a baby back then and I felt I could Not Risk being taken from her any further! But what a fucking INJUSTICE this was! Fast Forward 23 Years Later and of course I had to be seen for a Careless Fall Injury because I hit My head against the floor of a Customer's Location when Lo and Behold who did I run into? That fucking Pile of Rat Shit, Terry Baker! I wanted to Pummel that cocksucker to death! But I know Violence doesn't solve a damn thing! Yet yous could Understand why I felt that way! Now I get it; being a Police Officer is a Very Stressful Job and Quite Often a Very Thankless one on top of that! And I Understand that 99% of this Nation's Police Officers are Law Abiding and Take their Oath to "Serve & Protect" the Communities where they Work; very seriously! But all too often I see Police Officers who act as if they're John Rambo, and they Rough Up PEACEFUL Protesters who want to see the Use of Excessive Force against People of Color STOPPED! Why the fuck are Police who encounter PEACEFUL Protesters Dressed in Riot Gear Spoiling for a Fight? I tell yous the Videos I have Seen Not Only of George Floyd being MURDERED to a 75 Year Old Unarmed Man being Shoved to the Ground in Buffalo, New York; to a Young Woman being Violently thrown to the Ground in New York; I mean what the fuck kind of a Society do we Live in? Yet Genesee County Sheriff, Chris Swanson is a Cop I can Respect; why is that? Because he Joined a PEACEFUL Protest against Police Brutality! Now a have a few Friends who are Black. In Fact My Immediate Supervisor is a Black Man and I have Nothing But a World of Respect for him! I Generally Treat People the way I want to be Treated in Return! But what's really all the More Disturbing is the FACT that a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST; that's right, I am referring to My One Sister-In-Law, Kelly's "President," Donald Trump as a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST and a fucking RACIST! And of Course this Indirect Descendant of Hitler ENCOURAGES Police Brutality! And why the fuck not? I mean if the Shoe fits, Wear it! This Pile of Shit went on Twitter and Tweeted and I Quote "LAW & ORDER". Now How fucking Hypocritical is this motherfucker to say shit Like this because Donald Trump acts as if things Like LAWS, RULES & REGULATIONS Simply DO NOT APPLY to Him! FUCK YOU! Donald Trump! I ain't one to wish Death on anybody; but if somebody was to Assassinate Donald Trump; the ONLY Tears a Majority of the American People "Cry" would be Tears of Joy! I know I shouldn't say shit Like this, but Donald Trump Makes being an "American" a fucking Disgrace! I always thought an Individual Like Adolf Hitler would Have NO Place in the "American Government," yet the 2016 Presidential Election that Donald Trump STOLE, Proved Me Wrong! Well, 7 Months from Now the Nightmare of the Donald Trump DICTATORSHIP will be OVER if My Vote has anything to say about it! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying NOBODY is Above the Law! Especially those who are Sworn to Uphold it!

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