Sunday, April 26, 2020
Trump Stoops To Newer Lows; Even For Trump!
Yes indeed it's that Magical Time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit; under the beautiful Flag of 1 God's Country; which as all of yous know is Canada. Now Perhaps yous Must wonder "What could Possibly be on his Twisted Mind?" Well; I'm glad yous asked; things that Naturally Piss Me off! Now of course every time I sit down in the Cockpit; I channel My Inner Stone Cold Steve Austin; and say "I was born Pissed Off!" Now for those of yous who may not Know; Stone Cold Steve Austin is a Retired Heavyweight Champion Of the World in the ONLY Legitimate Combat Sport; which is Professional Wrestling! Now I am aware there's a Group of People who follow the UFC. Exactly how anybody can follow such a bunch of fucking PHONIES; I don't have a damn clue! I mean think about this; The "Fights" if yous want to call it that are all Staged to "Look Real!" As most every fucking Moron knows the Outcomes in every UFC Event are Pre-Determined; and the "Hitting" is Completely 1000% FAKE! Allow me to elaborate; The Pre-Determined "Winner" in every UFC Match tells his Opponent "This is where I Pretend to Punch you in the Face and you fall down Like you had been shot." Then the "Bout" ends and of course you have Morons who act Like it's all "Real!" Whereas in Professional Wrestling everything is ALL REAL! No Need to thank me for dropping that Nugget of Knowledge on yous; just Providing a Public Service! Now if yous want to follow that shit and Plop down $35.00 or whatever the Cost of an event of that sort is; then that is Your Buisness; Just don't expect Me to tune into that shit, because that shit is Not what I find to be entertaining! Just Like when a Woman asks me to "Rough her up" before I proceed to fuck her! If ANY woman asked me to fucking "Punish" her before I put My dick inside of her; well then I ain't fucking Interested! O.K. I have been asked aside from Playing Hockey; what do I Like to do in My Spare time; when I ain't Running the Roads of the Great Mitten we all know and Love as Michigan (and every Other Week, Northwestern Ohio). Well this may come as a surprise to yous; but I Like to Cook! That's correct! I didn't fucking Stutter! And since I Live by Myself; I really don't have a fucking Choice, now do I? This is a Case of "Sink or Swim". Now for those of yous who are starting to Overcome the shock of me saying that I enjoy Cooking; now I don't think anybody will Mistake me for Bobby Flay or Emeril Lagasse; or any other World Class Chef who Owns a Chain of High End Restaurants; but In My Own Kitchen; I Like to be a "Mad Scientist". Now I have been asked "What would you say is your Signature Recipe; one that you would Like to Impress a Date with?" Ah! Excellent Question; Well; in essence; My Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo is Probably what I call My "Signature Dish." It's so Simple to Make; and since I Live alone; I can make it Last for at Least 3 to 4 Days. In essence I can also make any Pasta Recipe even with a Tomato-Based Sauce Last Equally as Long. Now the beauty of My Recipes is that they are Very Versatile; meaning yous can use Any Pasta yous want, yous can use any Protein yous Like. Yous can even make Vegetarian Versions of said Recipes; and if yous want any of My Recipes; simply hit me up on Facebook and I will give a Specific Recipe that yous ask for. Now another Dish I Like to whip up; when In essence I Can't decide what I want to Fix for Dinner; is a Dish I call the Elegant Mess. Now the Name of this Dish comes from FBI Agent, Elegant Mess; who Led a Group of Law Enforcement Officers, known as the Unmentionables. Now of course Agent Mess Gained Nationwide Fame during the Roaring 20s (The Time Frame from 1919 to 1933) when Al Capone Terrorized the Streets of Chicago, Illinois. Agent Mess and the Unmentionables Brought Down Al Capone's Bootlegging Operation and sent Capone to Alcatraz. Now the Unmentionables Got that Name because they could not be "Bribed" into Allowing Capone and his Cronies to Operate without any Kind of Law Enforcement Interference! Now for the Dish I Nemed the Elegant Mess; it's a Combination of Ground Turkey; Mixed with Rice and Corn. Now the beauty of this Recipe is it, too Just Like My Pasta Recipes is it is very Versatile. In Other Words; yous Can use any Ground Meat yous Like, yous can use any Variety of Rice that yous Like; and yous Can use any Vegetable yous Like. In fact yous can make a Vegetarian Version of this Dish by substituting a Portobello Mushroom or 2; for the Meat Component. Now I have been asked "Is there any dish you can't Cook to Save your Life?" Tragically the answer to that Question is "Yes". I admit; I can't Cook a Steak to Save My Life; (1) Those damn things are very Pricey; think about this if a New York Strip Steak Sells in your Local Supermarket for about say $7.99 a Pound. Well if yous fuck that up; that can get Quite Costly! Second; I have a very hard time telling the Degrees of "Doneness" of a Steak! Now My brother on the Other hand if yous ask him to Cook you a steak; he can Cook it to Your Exact Specifications. But One "Food" I try to avoid at all costs is One that a Lot of People Like to eat and Quite Frankly; I cannot for the Life of Me Understand how or why; Hen Grenades; a.k.a. eggs! I cannot stand those fucking things! I don't Like ANYTHING about them at all! Taste, Smell, Texture; makes me want to fucking Puke! Ugh! Just Like a Woman asking me to Perform "Rough, Kinky" Sex; which I consider as a Major fucking TURN-OFF; well eggs are the food equavilent of being asked to perform BDSM, Bondage or any of that fucking "Kinky" shit! I would rather fucking Starve than be FORCED to eat eggs! Those fucking things are so fucking Gross! Just Like being asked to Perform Bondage, BDSM or "Rough Up" My Partner before or during Sex; I would much rather Carry a 500 Lb. Anvil by my balls! Alright. Now we get to the fun Part the Part where I say if yous get "Offended" by what I am about to say; then stop Reading this Posting from this very Point! Now the Corporate Media keeps finding New Ways to Piss Me Off more every fucking Day; How so? Now are yous that fucking illiterate or are yous that Tone-Deaf see how the United States is being fucked in its Collective ass by the fucking CRIMINAL Trump-Pence REGIME? Son of a Bitch; this is Like fucking somebody in the ass without Using any kind of fucking Lubrication! Yet the Corporate Media Keeps referring to this fucking NARCISSISTIC, SOCIOPATH who is ILLEGALLY SQUATTING in the White House, Donald John Trump as "President." This is a Slap in the fucking face to Me considering Myself as an "American"! Now for those of yous who say to me "Go Back To Canada." News Flash: I was Born in Port Huron, Michigan; which the Last Time I Checked; is still in the United States (Personally, I wish Michigan was a Province of God's Country which as all of yous Know is Canada). Yet I have Dual Citizenship; because My Mother was Born in Windsor, Ontario; which is In Canada! So I think I will stay in Mount Morris, Michigan; where I have been Living for the Last Couple of fucking Years and Aid in the Revolution to Make America "AMERICA" again, by Calling for the Overthrow of the Trump-Pence REGIME! Now for those of yous who accuse me of being a "Pinko Liberal Commie; who Hates America" I shall drop another fucking Nugget of Knowledge on yous and show just how fucking Ignorant youa really are! Now during My Lifetime, the United States has been Directly involved in 4 fucking Wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq (Twice). All 4 of these fucking Wars were all based on LIES! Now I was very Young when The USA was Entangled in the Vietnam War which was Started by Lyndon Baines Johnson, a fucking Democrat! Yet when the fucking CROOK, Richard Nixon, a Republican, who Campaigned to End the USA'a Involvement in the Vietnam War in 1968, Assumed Power in 1969 (Now Keep In Mind I would enter the World, Throwing the Horns 11 Months Later). That CROOK went back on his fucking Campaign Promises to End the Vietnam War; and he ESCALATED Tensions that would Rage on in Southeast Asia until the Fall of Saigon (The Capital of South Vietnam) in 1975. Yet where was Donald John Trump? Well; of course that Chicken Shit DRAFT-DODGING fucking COWARD was at some PHONY "Doctor" Getting a Diagnosis for "Bone Spurs" to keep his COWARD ass out of Vietnam! Thus taking a Steamy fucking shit All Over the Memories of those who Paid the Ultimate fucking Price for the LIES that Precipitated the Vietnam War! Meanwhile the fucking CROOK, Richard Nixon, Ordered a few of his Cronies to Break into the Democratic National Headquarters at a Place Called Watergate; and Did Up Dirt on his Democratic Opponent, South Dakota Senator George McGovern. Nixon Easily Won a Second Term; but in 1973 stretching into 1974 it was Discovered that Nixon had Ordered the Break-In at Watergate and the fucking Cover-Up of ALL Criminal Activity; and Ultimately Facing Impeachment; Nixon Resigned in Disgrace; because that fucking CROOK Knew his ass was as good as a "Dead Man Walking!" Now this during a Time when Congress Usually Placed "Country Over Party". Fast Forward 42 Years Later and what the fuck happens? Donald Trump with the Help of Russia a fucking SWORN ENEMY of the USA Moves ILLEGALLY into the fucking White House; even though he LOST the fucking Election by More than 3 Million fucking Votes! This PROVES How fucking CORRUPT and CROOKED the fucking "Electoral College" is! Now Let's get back to Present Day; when we have this fucking Scourge known as the Cronavirus Plaguing the entire fucking Globe. Now this was first Reported in Wuhan a city in China. Now I Generally take Most everything I hear from the fucking Corporate Media witha Grain of Salt. Now there are Reports that this Pandemic did not Originate in China after all; yet because we have this fucking RACIST, XENOPHOBE in the White House Calling the Coronavirus the "Chinese Virus," Millions of Innocent People of Asian Descent; are now being subjected to Harrassment and Physical assaults; because this Xenophobic Piece of shit in the White House is stirring up the Flames of Racial Hatred and fucking BIGOTRY! It's a Crying fucking shame that Racism, Xenophobia and fucking Bigotry ain't gonna be exterminated in My Lifetime! Now I don't discriminate against ANYBODY! I don't "Hate" somebody Unless I have a fucking REASON to do so! I'll give yous a couple of examples: My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly is somebody that I HATE; because she seems to think that because she was Born into a wealthy family and that she STOLE My Late Father-In Law's Vast Wealth that she is somehow "Better than everybody else; because of her and the family's Wealth!" Now it's No coincidence that this is someone who did everything she could to avoid Working at ALL Costs; That she Devoutly SUPPORTS Trump! This is somebody who Sucked and fucked her way to the Top at any Employer she was on the Payroll of! In fact she would spend ALL of her "Working Hours" on her knees or on her back with her Legs in the air! Another Example is My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband; yes that same shitball who has been Calling me a "Dope Dealer" for the Last 4 fucking Years even though he KNOWS FULLY FUCKING-A-WELL that I have had NOTHING to fucking Do with Drugs in My Life! In fact I am STILL WAITING for even 1 fucking Shred of Evidence that PROVES that I have been involved in ANY kind of "Dope Trafficking!" So to that I say, Paul Brown, Jr. Get Ready to SCratch Me Out a Checque for at Least $5000.00; because I WILL Sue your ass for fucking SLANDER! Now wiat a Minute are either of these Targets I mentioned, by any Chance, Black, Asian, Latino, Native American? No they are BOTH White, Like I am! Now about a Week and a Half ago a Bunch of Gun Toting, Trump Supporting Jackasses (whom Kelly was Marching In Lockstep with) marched on Lansing, the State Capital of the Mitten I have Called Home for My Entire Life; to Protest Governor Gretchen Whitmer's "Stay Home & Stay Safe" Order. Yet these tweedledicked shitballs fucking BLOCKED Hospital Entrances and threatened Health Care Workers All at the fucking behest of the fucking DRAFT-DODGING, NARCISSIST ILLEGALLY SQUATTING in the White House! Instead of showing something Called "LEADERSHIP" what does this Mr. "Big Balls" wannabe do? Post Stupid Tweets saying "Liberate Michigan", "Liberate Minnesota" States that have Democrats as Governors. Threatens States such as Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois with Federal Aid being Withheld from them if they "Don't Kiss the FAT, DOUGHY FRAMED ass of Dear Leader!" Now get ready for a fucking Shock; who bankrolled this fucking Right Wing Hit Job? Why the fucking DeVos Family! Now Dick DeVos; who at One time Owned the Orlando Magic of the National Basketball Association Unsuccessfuly Ran for Governor of Michigan in 2006 against then Incumbent, Jennifer Granholm. Now I wasn't Jacking Myself to a Screaming Orgasm over How Governor Granholm Ran Michigan; but the Thought of Dick DeVos Running Michigan makes me want to rip my dick out of its socket! Yet his Wife, Betsy who resembles the fucking Scarecrow in the 1939 Classic the Blizzard of Oz; Now has a Position on the CRIMINAL Trump-Pence REGIME! Talk about fucking Cronysim and Corrpution being Rewarded! Now back to Governor Whitmer'sOrder it just got fucking Extended to May 15; which really Pisses me off, because I can't Play Hockey until at Least May 16; no thanks to these asshats who are out to suck Trump's dick which I dare say Looks Like a stack of Rolled Up dimes! Now I shall use a Quote the Late ABC Sportscatser, Howard Cosell said in an Interview he did shortly before he Passed Away; now for those of yous who don't Remember who Howard Cosell was; he was a Sportscaster with a distinctive Bulb Shaped head and a Pair of Ears that if he had muscles in them he could Literally fly; as well as a Voice that well, depending on how you heard it either Annoyed the Piss out of yous or it was the Voice of a Man who "Tells it Like it is", his Quote which I will use to sum up Governor Whitmer's Order goes Like this "What's Popular isn't always Right; what's Right isn't always Popular." By the same Token; these Gun Toting Piles of shit were Perfectly O.K. with Rick Snyder, a.k.a. Satan; POISONING the City of Flint; by Forcing the Residents of that great City to Drink Lead Tainted Water! Yet Chances are if we had a LEGITIMATE "President" in the White House; chances are we wouldn't be in the fucking Mess we Now are In! Even Hillary Clinton, who I was Really No fan of, would have at Least done Something to get Out in Front of this Thing Rather than "Playing the Victim" Like Trump has! Now Just when yous think that Trump Can't stoop to an even Newer Low; wait for it; this is a real Good One; Trump Suggested that the Way to "Cure" the fucking Coronavirus is to Have Someone Inject Patients with Sanitizer! Yes this is a Quote Trump gave at One of his Coronavirus Rallies! Now as we all Know Sanitizer is Mostly Alcohol. Another Word for Sanitizer is fucking Bleach! Now as we all know, Bleach which is Mostly Chlorine; Kills Germs, Viruses, and Bacteria on Surfaces that it somes in Contact with. Yet Trump suggested that People fucking Drink Bleach; as well as shove an Ultraviolet Light Up your asses! Now if this doesn't Convince yous as to How Dangerously Not Qualified this Piece of shit is to Hold the Highest Office in the United States; then I don't know what will! Now I don't expect you Supporters of this fucking AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR; to Listen to Reason and Bring a Merciful END to this 4 Year fucking Nightmare known as the Trump-Pence REGIME! Does the Term "Jonestown" mean anything to yous? Now this had Occurred in 1978; when this Cult Leader by the Name of Jim Jones convinced his Followers of a Religious Cult that had Relocated to Jonestown, Guyana (a Small Country on the South American Continent) to Drink I think it was Kool-Aod Laced with Cyanide. Now I dare say it was estimated that at Least 916 People had died in that Mass Suicide! Yet here we are the fucking Coronavirus has Claimed Damn Near 3000 Lives in Michigan Alone, and Over 50,000 People have Died here in the United States as a Result of this Pandemic; and Yet the ONLY thing Trump can advise is to Drink Bleach? And yous all thought Trump couldn't Stoop to even Newer Lows; even for himself! I mean this Piece of shit STOLE Vince McMahon's Catchphrase "You're Fired," and Now he has McMahon in Charge of Re-Opening this Country's Economy! We all Know that Trump has been in full blown Cover Your ass Mode ever since this fucking Crisis Started! One thing I can honestly say is Once Trump LOSES this Election, the Top Priority should be to Escort Trump and ALL of the CRIMINALS in this REGIME Out of the White House in Handcuffs; Fast Track their asses to the fucking Electric Chair; I will be Happy to throw the fucking switch! It's even been documented that there are a couple of Trump's Devout Supporters who did exactly that! Drink fucking Bleach! Trump is Now attempting to say he was being "Sarcastic." Blow it out your FAT, DOUGHY FRAMED COWARD ass! As I have said before there will be some of yous who will support this fucking AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR Regardless of what I say or whatever FACTS are Presented to Counteract the Narriative that yous so blindly stick to! So Let's simple agree to disagree; or I can sum it up this way; apparently yous see this Issue from the Opposite end of the Spectrum than I do; and yous know what? I am Perfectly O.K. with that! It's the Old saying "Opinions are Like assholes, everybody has one."I guess Old P.T. Barnum was Right when he was Quoted saying "There's a Sucker born every Minute." I wish I could say that he's wrong but when I see those who will Blindly Support this Authotitarian DICTATOR; who are willing to Go Down with this Sinking Ship; well as and I don't know who Coined the Phrase "The Proof is in the Pudding." Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying. May God send a Doctor that can Eradicate the Trump-Pence REGIME Quickly and Permanently!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Michigan's Resident Rocker Dishes Up More Reality!
Is it at all conceivable that Michigan's Resident Rocker has even more on My Twisted Mind? Now what a Question; of course I do! And believe Me yous thought I dropped a Bombshell when I called Out these fucking Bible Thumping Pricks a Couple Nights ago. Well trust Me, I ain't Out of Ammunition to use against these fucks! Now of course I Must Post the Usual Disclaimer for those of yous who are functionally illiterate (Meaning those who can't Read). Of course I use some rather Coarse Language; but how else can I deliver these Manifestos from deep within the Chasms of My Twisted Mind with such Brutal Honesty? I told yous I don't sugar coat anything I say! And if yous get sand in your pussies over something I say then stop Reading this Posting from this very Point! It has been suggested that I take these Manifestos Viral (meaning I say what I say in front of a Video Camera and Post it on You Tube. I say to that; I don't know how good I would be in front of a Camera. But It's something I wouldn't Mind taking a shot at! Because I ain't afraid of speaking my Twisted Mind at all; and of course I ain't a very hard Man to find! Now before I get into what's On My Twisted Mind; I Owe a Long Overdue Apology to this Young Woman I Recently Reconnected with after 31 Years. O.K. Let's not get ahead of ourselves; I ain't saying I'm Involved with her now. But I was in the Process of getting Involved with her 31 Years ago, but when I was 19 Years Old; I had a habit of Not Thinking before I would say something and Let's face it at that age; who is Mature enough to really think clearly. Now I called this Young Woman a Rather Nasty Name that in essence could be used to describe a Car or a Light truck Equipped with a 4-Speed Manual Transmission. Now of course I didn't think of this, Myself; it was a Girl that I used to date, Named Diane; started a Rumor about this young Woman that I was going to Possibly date. Now yous talk about an episode of the Jerry Springer Show in the Making! But nonetheless; it appeared as if this Young Woman was expressing Interest in being Involved with Me; yet back then; I was more Prone to believe Rumors than I am now! I wish I hadn't said what I said to this Young Woman because she Clearly didn't deserve it! And all this time; I thought I would Never get a Chance to Make it Right. Now whether she forgives (or will for that matter) me for that I don't know. But I figured the Right thing to do is to apologize for that! I realize that it may be a case of too Little too Late; but that Remains to be seen! Yet, I openly admit that I was CLEARLY in the Wrong! Yous see; Unlike the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the fucking White House as well as My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, who Devoutly SUPPORTS the Piece of Shit who has the fucking audacity to Call Himself "President", I can OWN UP to when I fuck up! I often wonder what if I hadn't said those things to this Young Woman; would I have established a Relationship with her? I don't have any clue at all! But at that time; I was too concerned about this CUNT named Diane (That's the Name of the Little bitch I dated, and to tell yous the truth, I had No Business being Involved with, now where does this sound familiar?) It was at that Point in Time where I had to do a Little Soul Searching and Realize that if I Kept being Preoccupied with giving a fuck what anybody who ain't close to me thought of me; that I would Never get Jack Shit accomplished! I don't know if Diane was Jealous of the fact that I was Moving On from her and her fucking LYING, MANIPULATIVE ways to a More Mature Young Woman (Now Mind you, Diane was 15 Years Old at the Time and I was about a Month from what would be My 20th Birthday) Now Imagine if I fucked Diane; well her Parents could had me charged with Statutory Rape (Now the Reasoning behind this is the Legal Age for Sexual Consent here in Michigan is 16). Now if I were to Reconnect with Diane (not that I would want that, in fact I don't know what the fuck became of her) now; well then the State Looks at it as a Case of "No Harm, No Foul". Yet if I were to do that back then; I know this was before the Laws to Create a Sex Offender Registry were Passed; yet I would have to Live with the fucking Stigma of being a Statutory Rapist! But, I have an all too Vivid Reminder of Diane in My Nephew's Mother; because she and Diane were in essence Toxic Twins! But to that Young Woman; I Needed to sincerely apologize for what I said; and I hope that you don't end up hating me for saying those things that I said. Nowadays; I Generally don't take any Chances on Most any Woman Younger than 40 Years Old. And of course Experience is My Main Teacher. Think about this; Brittany; who is 20 Years Younger than Me as well as Jessica who is in essence only a Year Older than Brittany; are a Good Reason I do everything I can to avoid getting involved with Women who are in essence Right around the Ages of My Kids (for those of yous who haven't been Paying attention My Daughter, Marjorie is 25 and My Son, Jonathan is Less than 6 Months away from his 24th Birthday!) May I add that if I were to go after any Young Woman who is around My Kids' ages possesses some kind of a fucking Creepy Factor to it! Of course I admit being the Unrepentant Male Whore that I truly am; I have fucked Women that are Old enough to be My Mother. In fact I fucked this 1 woman who My Brother Worked with at the time; and Wow! What a fuck she threw! I have been asked out of the 50 Different Women I have Nailed which one was the best. Damn! Yous are gonna Put me on the spot with that One? Good God! Every different Woman Offered me something Different and or New. I guess if I had a Gun to My Head; I would have to say it was the first One; because for One thing I didn't see it Coming! Second it gave Me Credibility as to being a Stud (and at the age of 16, when I first had Sex) that it's Looked at as a Milestone of sorts (Not an Official One, but it's also a Status Symbol). I suppose I kind of got Carried away about Concerning Myself with when My Son was going to get Laid. I Guess (and I ain't real sure that Most any Father who has a Son actively Roots for his Son to Score in the Sack; but I Openly admit that I am one of them). But I would NEVER Cross a Line of fucking ANY Woman that My Son gets Involved with (In fact; only 1 Motherfucker that I know, Personally HAS fucked somebody that 1 of his Own "Sons" Nailed. That being My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband, Paul!) I Know for a FACT that My Brother would NEVER Cross the Line of Fucking My Nephew's Girlfriend (the Mother of My Brother's 2 Grandsons). Of course I am now Leading into the Main Topic; in where I Lay into these Bible Thumping, Pro Republican Anti-Freedom Motherfuckers who I have grown to strongly dislike; because I will talk about a fucking Topic that fortunately, I have NEVER HAD to Make a Decision on and that's Abortion! And Oh am I about to Open Up a fucking Can of Rattlesnakes over this; but of course there's a Couple of Rules I have about My Views on this Topic: Rule 1: I don't give a flying fuck if yous don't Like My Views on Abortion! Rule 2: See Rule 1! Now why does this Topic cross My Twisted Mind? Well as we all Know this fucking Country has been fucking Hijacked by a fucking "Christian Revolution" Now what the fuck is that? Yous May ask. Well this all started in the fucking Reagan REGIME! But Now that we have the fucking LYING, THIEVING CON MAN, Donald Trump in the fucking White House, along with his Bible Thumping, Woman Hating Christian TALIBAN LEADER, Mike Pence! Now I realize that there are some, no I take that back, MOST of these So Called "Evangelical Christians" who are going to be "Offended" by what I say; to that I say GOOD!! Rinse the fucking Sand out of your Pussies and Wipe your fucking asses with your So-Called "Right To Life" Beliefs; because you know what I say to that? Abortion is GOOD! NOT "MURDER"! So suck My dick with that fucking "I'm gonna Impose My Beliefs down your throats whether you Like it or not!" Allow Me to apply a Little Reverse Psychology on yous! If I was a Woman (which as we all know I am not) and some fucking Swinging dick LOSER knocked Me Up; do yous think I'm going to Carry that Little Rat bastard inside of Me to Term against My Will? Fuck NO! If I were a Woman; My attitude would be "It's MY fucking Body, it's MY fucking CHOICE!" In fact I firmly believe that Parenthood SHOULD be Planned! It's that fucking Simple! That's why I support Planned Parenthood! In Fact; I believe that NO Woman SHOULD Be FORCED to become a Mother against her fucking Will! By the same fucking Token NO Man should be FORCED to be a Father against his fucking Will! These, and Let's Call a fucking Spade a Spade, COMPULSORY PREGNANCY Cocksuckers ain't about "Preserving Life"! Like fuck they are! In Fact in Order to Point out the fucking HYPOCRISY of these fuckers these "Pro-Lifers" actually support the fucking Death Penalty (IN States where Capital Punishment is the Law). Now I admit I Support the Death Penalty in a Lot of Cases (for Example the Murder of a Child, Murder For Financial Gain, as well as fucking CHILD MOLESTERS; to tell you the Truth, I am in Favour of Bringing the Death Penalty to Michigan). But I also believe that a Woman has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to Terminate an Unwanted or Unplanned Pregnancy; No Questions asked! In Fact these COMPULSORY PREGNANCY fucks are all about "Protecting Fetuses" But once the Little Bastards are Born do these Bible Thumping Cum Dumpsters Give a fuck about these "babies" after they're born? Get ready for another shock because the answer to that Question is a Resounding fuck no! In Fact I don't see ANY of these Bible Thumping Shitbags Stepping Up to Take ANY of these "Babies" into their Homes! In Fact here's How CRUEL the Likes of Mike Pence TRULY ARE; These Parasitical fucks will Stand if front of Abortion Clinics and attempt to COERCE Pregnant Women into Carrying their Pregnancies to Term! Now they have the Idea of "Life Begins at Conception". And they Consistently HARASS Women that the ONLY thing they are "Good For" is being a Storage Unit for "Fetuses" That's Correct a Lot of these Chauvinstic Motherfuckers believe that "The Woman's Place is in the Home, Barefoot & Pregnant!" I have ever Read Things on the Internet that say "Abortion should NEVER be Permitted Under ANY Circumstances" Yet by the Same Token; these assholes turn around and tell these Women who were FORCED to Carry Unplanned Pregnancies to Term; when they Apply for Food Stamps, Medic Aid and every Piece of Assistance from Mr. Government you know what these CRUEL Cocksuckers say? You should have thought about that before you had a baby you can't afford to Raise!" Where the fuck do we Live again? Russia? China? North Korea? Saudi Arabia? I thought this was the "Land of the FREE!" Doesn't Sound Like "FREEDOM" to Me! In fact I shall take this a step further; as I have mentioned My Daughter, Marjorie is My Oldest of My 2 Children; and of course the Debate Raged On between Melisa (the Now-Late Mother of My Kids) and I; before Marjorie Reached what was her 18th Birthday; and of Course My attitude was once I met any boy she got involved with that I have Only 2 Rules for Dating My Daughter (Now I only have 1) but they were 1. Do Not Put your Hands on her in a Physically Assaultive Manner. And My Main One DO NOT Knock Her Up! And when I Mention that Rule I would slap a Condom in this Kid's Hand and say "I know you're Sexually Active, as I was when I was your age (who are we bullshitting? I STILL AM!) so if you are to fuck My Daughter; put this thing on your dick before you enter her Happy Zone, because if you knock her up, the Cost of an Abortion is coming out of your ass!" Now that she's an Adult (She's exactly 8 Months away from her 26th Birthday) that Choice is Out of My Hands, Thank God for that! In Fact I say we should take this a Step further and Make Abortion MANDATORY in Quite a Few Cases such as: Teenage Pregnancies; now this One is All Too Obvious as to Why Abortion should be Mandatory; Teenage Mothers are Not Mature enough to Know the Responsibilities of Raising a Child, because they, themselves ARE fucking Children! Pregnancies that Result from a Sex Crime: Now Since I am not a Woman; I can't Relate as to How fucking Traumatizing being Sexually Assaulted is! Yet why add Insult to Injury and FORCE a Women to Carry a Reminder of what happened to her to Term? And Finally Pregnancies by Welfare Cheats to Fatten their fucking Welfare Checques: Now this is a fucking No-Brainer. How many of yous have gone to your Local FIA to see some Skanky, Nasty SLUT who has at Least 5 Children from at Least 4 Different Men; who the fuck wants to Support somebody who Obviously ain't Responsible enough to Stop Reproducing; when she Clearly Cannot Provide for these Children? I know I sure the hell don't! Yet by the same Token, the Father should have a say as to whether he should be Saddled with 218 Monthly Payments as well. Once the "Father" is Named as such in a Paternity Suit; he SHOULD Have the RIGHT to Decide whether he wants the Responsibilities of Supporting this Child or Not. If not; he should be Allowed to Sign His RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES away! Just Like if a Mother can Drop Off a baby at a Firehouse, Hospital, Church and have No Questions asked of her; then Let's Level the fucking Playing Field! So if yous feel as if My Views on Abortion are such a fucking Affront to your "Religious Liberty", well yous DON'T HAVE to be a Friend of Mine! In fact while we're talking about "Religious Liberty" I will say this: Your "Religious Liberty" ENDS at My "Liberty" to Not Have to fucking Listen to it! How do yous Like that? Another thing that Pisses Me Off is how these "Pro-Lifers" always say "Adoption is an Option." To that I say there are Millions of fucking Homeless Cats & Dogs Looking for Homes and to avoid being Euthanized; yous want to Push "Adoption" there's your fucking Solution! In Louisiana, a State I have Visited a few Times has among the Most fucking Ridiculous Abortion Laws that I have ever fucking Heard of; yet they also Devoutly Support Capital Punishment; Now allow Me to ask yous this: Ain't a fucking Execution a "Murder?" I Mean if yous want to say "Abortion is Murder" well then what the fuck is an Execution? It's the taking of a fucking Human Life; even if that Motherfucker has NO fucking Redeeming Qualities whatsoever, ain't Execution a fucking "Murder?" Now Most any Prisoner in the State of Louisiana (especially at Angola) Probably wishes he was Dead, because of how fucking Oppressively Hot it gets in Louisiana! Trust Me; I can Relate! It's all too easy to get a case of fucking Swamp Ass in that State; Mostly because Louisiana is Mostly Swampland anyway! These Anti-Abortion Forces ain't about "Protecting Life" far from it! They're all about Controlling Women; Pure and fucking Simple! And I would be Remiss if one of the faces of this "Movement" to have Roe v. Wade; the 1973 Supreme Court Decision Legalizing Abortion Overturned is a fucking Domestic Terrorist by the Name of Eric Robert Rudolph! Now do I need to explain why this Motherfucker doesn't belong In the fucking Colon of the United States (Meaning he should be a Prime Candidate for the fucking Electric Chair) This fucking Right Wing Whacko went all Over this Country setting fucking Pipe Bombs at Abortion Clinics and Murdering Doctors as well as Women who Made a Personal Decision Concerning their Own bodies! Of course most of yous Remember this fucking Waste of a Human Life as the Bag of Shit who set a Pipe Bomb off at Centennial Park in Atlanta, Georgia, during the 1996 Summer Olympics. Now what the fuck do I mean by Eric Robert Rudolph Belongs in the "Colon" of this Country? Think about this: How Many of yous Remember Timothy McVeigh? This Guy Rigged a Ryder Truck Up with a Few Tons of Fertilizer and Fuel Oil to Explode at the Alfred E. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; when all was said and Done 168 People in that Explosion wound up Dead! 8 Years Later McVeigh was Executed! Now the Late George Carlin said this in one of his Hilarious Monologues and I ain't certain that these are his exact Words, but they're similar to what I will add: "My Immune System is so strong that the Moment any one of these Invading Motherfuckers is detected; it Annihilates that Motherfucker with the Force of a Marine Platoon; then sends it Straight to My Colon! No begging for Mercy, No Speedy Trial, just Straight to the Colon! In fact why don't we apply this Logic to the Shitballs who have No Redeeming Qualities, whatsoever; Straight to the Colon!" May God Rest Your Smutty Soul, Mr. Carlin; I'm certain that George Carlin is Making the Almighty, Himself Laugh his ass off with the way Mr. Carlin Put his Words together! In fact why this hasn't been applied to Eric Robert Rudolph; I am at a Loss for Understanding of that shit! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying It's Time to Take Back Our Freedom from the Very Forces that are Out to Install the fucking Christian TALIBAN!
Friday, April 10, 2020
Michigan's Resident Rocker Dishes A Dose Of Reality To Bible Thumping Conspiracy Theroists
Here it once again time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to take My Customary Seat in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as we all know is Canada! And wouldn't yous know it; there's Plenty on My Twisted Mind! Now what else would yous expect from Your Favourite Manifesto Writer? I mean a Lot of things go through My Twisted Mind when I am thinking about My Next Manifesto. Now before I get any further; I Must Post My Customary Disclaimer that if you're among those who get easily Offended; then Stop Reading this Posting right after I finish the very Next Thing I say. Yet In all Honesty; Most of the Targets of this Posting NEED TO be "Offended"! Because that would Make My fucking Day if I "Offend" somebody who Desperately Needs to be fucking "Offended"! And of course I Honestly don't Give a fuck if those of yous who get easily "Offended" don't Like the Language I use because; well, get Ready for it; I don't give a flying fuck! I mean I answer to Not a damn Soul who ain't PAYING ME to "Answer to" them! So how does that grab yous? Alright; before I get to the Main Topic; because I aim to Please; A Lot has been Made of this Covid-19 Pandemic; and I have been asked "Are you fearful of contracting this deadly Virus?" My Answer is: "Is there a Reason, I should be afraid of this Virus?" Here's My Rationale: We all are going to Die Someday; and Let's Be Honest a Majority of us ain't gonna have a say as to when this happens or what the Circumstances are surrounding it! Sure; I wouldn't Mind being around for another 25 to Maybe 30 Years; but I will continue to Live My Life the way I have for the first 50 Years! Now of course I touched on that fucking DRUG ADDICT, Brittany, and for Good Reason; because she in essence Turned My Life Upside Down; yet I did Learn a Rather Valuable Lesson from it. I Learned who My "True friends" Really are! And believe Me; that can be a real Hard Lesson to Learn. It was then that I Learned that not Only can yous not trust a DRUG ADDICT; but I Learned that yous cannot trust a fucking ALCOHOLIC! And Little did I Realize or Maybe I didn't want to Confront a fucking Reality that a "Man" (and I apply that term to this fucking DRUNK, Paul, very Loosely.) I Looked Up to for My entire Life and Credited with being 1 of the 3 Men In My Family Tree who got me into Driving Truck for a Living; yet I am Glad that I am a 4th Generation Truck Driver in My Family Tree! Because Driving Truck has given me a sense of Purpose in My Life. Of course before I got into Driving Truck; I was Relegated to Useless fucking Bullshit Factory Jobs and believe me I fucking HATED Working in a fucking Factory! Think about it! In a setting Like a fucking Factory; if yous Go to Work, Do your Job and Not Make any fucking Waves, yous should be able to "Get Ahead", right? Massive Bullshit! The ONLY People I Knew how to achieve in a Factory Setting is to be a fucking Brownoser, an ass kisser, a Gossip, a backstabber, or be Like My former Sister-In-Law, Kelly who by the way is a Devout Supporter of the DICTATOR, who's been Turning the United States into a fucking 3rd World fucking Country; that being the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the fucking White House, Donald John Trump! And simply do Like she did which is Suck & fuck her way to the fucking Top! Every time she wanted a Raise; all she had to do is get her knees dirty; and suck the "Sweet White Stuff Out of the Boss' dick!" Any time she wanted a Promotion or to Get Rid of a Potential Rival who Is More than Likely "More Qualified" for the Position she's vying for; well, very simply put all she would have to do is get on her back and Spread her Legs! (Unless she Preferred Doggy-Style). Now Let's face it! Money is a rather Powerful Incentive for anybody in any kind of Work environment; However; in Most every Factory a Promise of a Piece of Pussy is also Quite a fucking Motivating factor! Yet Most every fucking factory Job I Lost was because of some backstabbing, Gossiping Suck & Fuck her way into getting what she wanted SKANK! Allow Me to give yous a Great Example; In 1997; I was Working in a Factory in Marysville, Michigan called Britax-Rainsfords, Inc. (This Place has since Changed Names a Few Times since I Last Punched a Clock in that Facility). But anyway; there was this fucking Brunette who Worked on the Same Line that i did and she was a fucking Nasty CUNT! I forget what her name is (Not that I Care to Remember it anyway) But it was a Sunday; and I did not want to be there as it is! But My Line was Scheduled to fucking Work that day (and Back then the Plant was on Rotating 12 Hour Shifts) Now do yous see why I didn't want to be there? Well this CUNT (even though, you know what, Brittany kind of Reminded me of that CUNT). Anyway, that day she started in on Me Right away and kept Calling me "Cocksucker"! Now first of all what Gave this bitch the Impression that I am Gay (which by the way I CHOOSE NOT TO BE); I don't have the slightest Idea! Now Let's Backtrack about a Week before this Incident which Spelled the end of My Employment at this shithole. She started another Argument with Me (Over what I don't know) so just to shut that CUNT Up; I told her to "Blow Me"! And of course she whined to My Then Supervisor (who was a Woman Named Alicia, who was a fucking CUNT in her Own Right; and Personally I think was a Closet Bull-dyke)! Sure enough she Gets In My face and says "Did you tell that Nice Young Woman to Blow You? And call her a Bitch?" My Response was "No, but if you Prefer, I can accomadate that Request!" Believe me I KNOW for a FACT that My dick wouldn't be enough to Clog that Open Sewer under her Nose! Then I confronted Alicia and DEMANDED to Know when the Accusations of Me "Playing With Myself were going to End?" She then Replied "As soon as I Fire your ass!" So I knew I wanted off that fucking Line Right then and there! As I tried to be Transferred to a different Department; My Request was Met with a Flat Out "NO!" Which Pissed Me off! I mean when a Man is trying to do his JOB; and wants Nothing but to be Treated as an "Equal" Member of the "Team", and is doing everything he can to avoid Confrontation; and yet Management is doing NOTHING to Alleviate the Problem; then a Man KNOWS that he has No Choice but to Plan an Exit Strategy! So back to the Day in Question; Our Line had Returned from Lunch; and I was Facing another 6 Hours of Putting Up with this CUNT and her attempts to Provoke Me; and sure enough she came up to Me and Said "Hey Cocksucker, are you going to keep talking shit about Me behind My back?" Well, that did it! I figured I Needed to Give that CUNT something she would have No Answer for. So I finally said "Listen; I'm going to Explain this to where even YOU Can Comprehend what I am saying, I haven't said Jack fucking Shit about you behind your back; and trust Me if I had something to say about you; believe me I would say it to your fucking FACE you Rabbit Eared Cum Dumpster!" That bitch developed this Horrified Look on her face; I then said "He Shoots, He SCORES!" And of course she goes to the Line Leader (Alicia was Off that day) and of course Informs this Old Hag (who was in Charge for that day) what I said; and of course this Old Crow tells me to Report to the HR Office! So I did and of course I was sent Home for saying that. Now I KNOW for a FACT that this CUNT was Giving Hummers to Men in Management at that Plant; because when I Demanded to Know why My Requests to be Transferred off that Line were Denied so I could not have to deal with that CUNT; I NEVER Got a fucking Straight Answer! Of course I was Suspended and I was to Return a Couple Days Later; so Alicia could have the Pleasure of Firing Me; well in 1 Last act of Defiance and a big "FUCK YOU" to that fucking Shithole, I NEVER Bothered to go back except to Pick Up My Last 2 Paychecques! And I NEVER Looked Back! Fast Forward 23 Years Later and I am at a Job that I Love doing and I am at My Happiest; sure the Pay can be Better; but I don't have anybody Looking Over my fucking Shoulder; I for the Most Part don't have to Worry about anybody attempting to get me Fired! All I have to do is Do My Job and Go Home! I can Work as Many Hours as I want or as Few as I want! Not to mention I Work for Perhaps One of the Best Companies in the State of Michigan! Alright; Now that we're at the Main Topic; Today is Known as "Good Friday", Now I ain't no Bible Scholar; but I fail to see exactly what's so fucking "Good" about Today! I mean didn't some Guy Get Beaten, Whipped (and I ain't talking about being Whipped with an Ordinary bullwhip) but More than Likely with a fucking Cat-O-9-Tails! Which,Today Qualifies as a fucking Medieval Torture Device. Then FORCED to Carry a fucking 5' what appeared to be a fucking Railroad Tie; then this Guy gets what appear to be fucking Railroad Spikes driven through his Wrists to this Railroad Tie then these Trojans Hoist his ass onto what appears to be a 10' Wooden Pole; which has I dare say has a Hook to Support the Railroad Tie that this Guy's Wrists are Literally Nailed to; then the Trojans Nail this Guy's feet into the fucking Wooden Pole! What the fuck is so "Good" about this Guy being subjected to what amounts to be fucking Worse than Chinese Torture? Somehow I fail to see the Logic in that! Yet as a Child My Biological Father Forced My Brother and I to see a Couple Movies which depicted these Horrible acts of Mindless fucking brutality! Now this fucking Never Ceases to amaze me as to how these Bible Thumpers seem to think that a barbaric act Like that is somehow "Good and Wholesome"; but a Woman exposing her tits in Public is Somehow "Traumatizing to Children"? Excuse Me what fucking Planet to we Live on? I have to admit Images of that Brutal Act that is said to have Occurred about 2020 Years ago is an Image I cannot get out of My Mind; yet it's something I Hope I never have to see again! So, I have been asked why do I attack My Ex-Wife's "Conversion" to "Christianity"? Well Let's face it! I have seen this fucking ACT so many fucking times before I KNOW how to spot it and KNOW that it's ANYTHING BUT Authentic! In fact it's designed Solely as Leverage in the Divorce Hearings so she can Use her "Conversion" as a Means of Gaining the Court's Sympathy so she can Score a Large Judgment of Alimony against Me! Apparently she Never Read the Passage in the Bible that says "A Wife is to be Completely Submissive to her Husband" Now I Openly admit I don't know where in the Bible that this Passage of Scripture appears in! What I am referring to here is the very Falling Out I had with Kelly (Her Sister) yet, My "Loving Wife" who Took Vows to "Love, Honour AND OBEY" me at ALL COSTS and show Me the LOYALTY I Needed; went COMPLETELY AGAINST the very fucking "Vows" she Made before God and a Couple Hundred Other Witnesses who should have Talked Me out of Going through with the Wedding; and ALLOWED Kelly's SLANDEROUS ATTACKS against My Good Name STAND! But of course this Story Dates back to whan I was 9 Years Old; that's when My Biological Father-Roger suddenly "Converted his Life to Christianity". Among the first things this fucking CULT attempted to Drill into My Impressionable Young Mind was How EVIL Rock Music is! Alright; I have Grown Up Listening to Rock Music; in Fact I Entered the World Throwing the Horns; and when the Doctor smacked Me in my ass; I gave him the Stone Cold Salute! Of course I Resisted every attempt on the Part of both Roger and the CULT to Get me to disavow My Love of Rock Music! Now what if they actually Succeeded? Would I be the foul minded, Gutter-Mouthed Rocker, that yous all know and Love, from the Great Mitten known as Michigan? I honestly don't think so! In fact I would Probably be Zombified in the CULT'S Brainwashing! Yet, because I Rebelled Like a Normal Teenager at that time; and I Stayed True to who I am! In fact I started Growing My hair Long from the age of 14 to Present Day and I still have Locks that are Past My Shoulders; Now How could I be a True Rocker if I had My Hair Cut Short to Look Like fucking Ward Cleaver? Now after Breaking away from the CULT that Roger was dragging Me off to for at Least 5 Years; I in essence really didn't have to deal with anybody Telling Me what to do. Well; after My Kids' Mother and I Split Up for Good; about a Year Later I meet this Girl Named Carrie. Now I have to admit; I wasn't expecting a Lot from her; and of course exactly 1 Night after I met her, you guessed it, I fucked her! And of course a Little Side Note before I Put My dick inside of her; I taught her the Pleasure of having somebody eat her pussy; so I'm Glad I was the first for somebody in that Category! And after I fucked her at Least 20 different times; all of a sudden; she gives me this fucking Schpiel about how"I'm a Christian and My Parents won't allow me to see you Unless you Start Going to Church" Alright Let's Recap; at that Point in Time; she's 19, I'm 28. And Let's Not forget; she had already Met My 2 Kids which she KNEW about right on the Very fucking Night I Met her! So I thought "Alright, I guess I have to Humor her, Maybe after 14 Years of Not being Preached at, Maybe My Life is Missing Something." So I accompany Carrie to the Church she was "Raised in", right away; I can already see that I am Looked at as an "Outsider"m these People are already Staring Holes of Judgment through Me; as if I was considered as "Evil Incarnate"! I'm already thinking "Well; this ain't gonna Last for very Long." Because I wanted to get the fuck outa there and NEVER Go Back! But I figured if I wanted to Continue to fuck Carrie; and Perhaps convince her to Give me a blowjob or 2; I figured I'd better Play along! Even though I Only considered Carrie as a Friend with Benefits; rather than a Matrimonial Prospect! Well, I Propose to her at a Pork Huron Border Cats' Hockey Game (and yous talk about a Wasted Proposal) but I did Pull Out all of the Stops to Make sure it was a Moment she would Never forget! The Day after she Tells the "Class" that I asked her to Marry Me! Yet I felt Like Puking when she said that! This 1 Woman was just Glaring at Me throughout the time the Pastor was Conducting the Class; so after the Class Let Out; I asked this Woman whether she had a Problem with Me and what her "Problem" was. She then said "I can Tell you're Not a Christian, and Carrie is Making the biggest Mistake of her Young Life by throwing it away with a Dope Smoking Degenerate Like you!" I said "Alright, Honey; first of all Let Me Clear something Up. Yes; I admit I ain't a Christian, I NEVER SAID I WAS one! Second; what gives you the RIGHT to ASSUME that I Use Drugs at all? I have 2 Young Children; what Kind of a Father would I be if I Used Drugs?" I finally said "News Flash, Honey; and I don't Give a Damn; who knows this or not but Carrie and I Regularly Have Sex and NO, we ain't Married!" I could see the Horrified Look on this Chick's Face! Yet by the same token; I wanted to Jam My dick down that Sperm Resivoir's throat, I figured a good fuck was something that she sorely Needed! But from that Point on; I made it Clear that I was NEVER Going back to that CULT because I discovered that I was NEVER Going to be ACCEPTED for who I Really am! Which is a Beer Drinking, Hard Rocking Father of 2 Children! I KNEW I didn't want to subject My Kids to those Kinds of Narrow Minded Bigots! But I wound Up Marrying Carrie and Right from the word "Go" I Knew it was a Mistake! Hell; shortly after Our "Honeymoon" in Thunder Bay, Ontario; I began to Regret that Choice I Made! In fact, when Carrie went Upstairs in the Rooming House I was Living in at the Time; there was a Skinny Crystal Meth Whore Staying in the Room Around the Corner from Mine; I wanted to fuck her rather badly; because I KNEW Carrie wasn't Honouring her "Good Wholesome Christian" Values; because I could tell that she was Having Sex with this LOSER who Lived on the Second Floor of that Building! Problem was I didn't have a fucking Condom to fuck that Crystal Meth Whore; so I simply settled for Getting a blowjob from her and I have to admit that she sucked dick better than Most Chicks I Nailed Prior to that! Anyway; I'm drifting off Topic. Fast Forward to Present Day and who's the very Jack Off that is Only a "Heartbeat Away from ascending to the Top Office in the World? A Bible Thumping Snake Oil Salesman by the Name of Mike Pence! Now this is a frightening thought; even though the Thought of Donald John Trump being the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the fucking White House (Notice I will NEVER Link the Term "President" Next to Donald Trump's Name) Makes Me want to PUKE; the very Concept that this Bible Thumping Cock Jockey is something I really don't want to even give ANY Consideration to! I mean this VILE PUKEPAIL; when he was "Governor" of Indiana; he would Conduct "Gay Conversion" Therapy! Now Make no fucking Mistake about it Gays CHOOSE to be Gay! Don't give me this fucking BULLSHIT Argument that "Gays are BORN Gay!" Let Me ask yous something; have ANY of yous EVER Met a Man who said "I was BORN to Suck Dick?" Have yous EVER Met a Woman who said "I was BORN to Eat Pussy?" I don't think so. Yet by the same Token; What 2 (or More) Consenting Adults do in the Privacy of their Own Homes ain't NOBODY'S fucking Business? I mean what the fuck did "Reverend Pence" do when He was in the Governor's Mansion in Indianapolis; Install Closed Circuit TV Cameras in the Bedrooms of Gay Couples so he can catch them buttslamming each other? Now what's all the More frightening is if somebody does Put Trump Out of Commission (before the Voters throw this CON MAN Out of the White House, on his FAT, DOUGHY Framed ass) and Pence ascends to be DICTATOR; he (Pence) would declare "The United States is a Christian Nation; and I hereby Issue a Proclamation that Church Attendance in MANDATORY; throughout this Country and will be Strictly Enforced!" How in the name of a 4 hour fuck would he Enforce this "Law"? Would he Hire a Band of fucking Jack Booted Government THUGS, and anoint them as "Church Cops" who will Bang on everybody's Door and say "Church Police; it's Time to go to Church!" Wait a fucking Minute! We already DO have "Church Cops"! That's Correct; they're Called "Vice Cops!" These CHURCH COPS DO NOT fight Crime; they're Only Out to fuck up the Party for those who Live in the fucking REAL WORLD! If Pence was to send One of his CHURCH COPS to My Door and Tell Me that I either go to Church or Go to Jail; well I would simply Blast him in the face and then I would Check my happy ass into the fucking Genesee County Lockup! Because I sure to fuck ain't gonna be Coerced into Attending Religious Services against My fucking Will! Yet the Trump-Pence REGIME Announced that they would PAY Every Pastors' Salarieds to Violate "Stay at Home" Orders in every State that has one in Place and Michigan is No Exception to that Rule. As if Skunks Like Joel Osteen NEED to be "Paid" because the ONLY "God" these shitbags "Worship" ain't in Heaven; the ONLY "God" Snake Oil Salesmen Like Joel Osteen "Worship" is the Almighty DOLLAR! How's this for a fucking Coincidence? One of these Megachurch "Pastors" his Last Name is "Dollar!" In Fact Crefolo Dollar is the Pastor of a Megachurch in Atlanta, Georgia! Yet Despite having a Net Worth of Well Over $2 BILLION Combined (ALL of it TAX FREE) how Much of these Charlatans' Salaries been Sent to Research to Wipe Out the Covid-19 Pandemic? Not a fucking Penny! How is this doing "God's Work?" Someone Please explain that shit to me! And these Bible Thumping Self-Righteous HYPOCRITES Continue to throw Rocks at those who don't agree with their BIGOTED, Pro Republican Views of the fucking World! Wait a Minute is this the Same "God" They Claim to be "Serving" by advocating for Programs that Punish those who don't have MONEY and CONNECTIONS Like My Now Late Father-In-Law Had and was PILLAGED by Kelly and her thousands of Attorneys; before he dropped dead? As well as Voting for Corrupt Politicians that Ram these Programs Up the asses of Working Class Citizens Like Me! I mean I thought the "God" that I Know of doesn't Possess ANY Kind of Hatred, Bigotry, Anti Semitism! Unless there's a Different "God" that these Bible Thumping HYPOCRITES "Pray" to! And think about this; what's the #1 Motive for a Vast Majority of the fucking Wars fought and the Murders Committed? Get Ready for a fucking Shock; RELIGION! I mean Let's backtrack to 9/11; the Worst Commission of Mass Murder on American Soil; what was the Motive for the Slaughter of Over 3000 Innocent People? Why, did yous say Religion? Give yourself a fucking Gold Star for that! I mean and I don't give a flying fuck about the Reasoning this Happened there ain't no "Justification" for Slaughtering Over 3000 People who didn't do a damn thing to yous! I mean these fucking Hijackers were nothing more than fucking COWARDS! And that's what I refer to White Supremacist BIGOTS as; because they Use Religion as a Means of Justifying the VILE, EVIL Hatred that Poisons their Cold Black Hearts! Yes; I'm referring to the Ku Klux Klan, as well as the White Supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia who drove a Car into a Crowd of Anti Neo Nazi Demonstrators Murdering an Innocent Woman and what the fuck kind of a Point did yous Prove? That your fucking Bigotry will Drive every Kind of Racial and or Ethnic Minority Out of "America"? Keep Dreaming you fucking Shitballs! Before I wrap this Posting Up NO Religious Group is going to be spared My wrath! I mean take for Example the fucking CULT known as "Jehovah's Witnesses"' Now I wonder what the Premise of this "Religion" is? Do these Delusional fucks say they saw a Character Named "Jehovah" and say they "Witnessed" Him? After doing a Little Research; by watching a few Documentaries on these Guys I discovered a Secret that the Jehovah's Witnesses do not want Exposed; that being that they Actively PROTECT Pedophiles! That's Correct you Heard it straight from My Twisted Mind and for those of yous who don't believe what I say then I fucking Challenge yous to go to and Type In Jehovah's Witnesses Protectction of Pedophiles in the Search bar then be Prepared to be appalled! Now I Learned this because this CULT has what is Called the "2 Witness Rule". Now the Jehovah's Witnesses claim that this is Based on Scripture (where in the Bible this Passage appears; I have no fucking idea!) Yet Usually when Child Molesters strike; Quite Often it becomes the Accuser's Word against the Word of the fucking Child Molester! Because usually a Child Molester will Not Attack More than 1 Victim at any 1 Time! And the Problem with that is it's a Case of the Pedophiles are Protected and the Victims Continue to suffer in Silence! The More I hear about shit Like this Makes Me Glad I don't have anything to do with ANY "Church". One final thing before I Put a Bow on this Posting; I allowed a Woman to Move In with Me before she got her Own Apartment; and of course, I fucked her; but after the 4th Time I fucked her fat ass; in essence the Pussy was cut off for Good then she started this Relentless Campaign of Preaching at Me. Now I am all for "Religious Freedom"; However, your fucking "Freedom of Religion" ENDS at My Desire not to have it Jammed up My ass! So as a Member of her CULT is Giving her things for her New Apartment this Chick accuses me of "Staring at her in a Lustful Manner!" And Naturally Sally, My Former Roommate said "Because of you doing that; My Membership in the Church may be Denied!"Now, Of Course I had to Deliver a dose of REALITY to Sally and told her that I DID NO SUCH fucking thing! This is in essence the final Justification for My NEVER wanting to Join ANY Church at all! Because these CULT Members are so fucking Closed Minded; why the fuck would I want to Join ANY Group that Can Never and or Will Never Accept me the way The Almighty, Himself Made Me? After all I was Born as a Foul Minded Gutter-Mouthed Rocker from Michigan; that's How I will Live My Life and More than Likely I will Die this way! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying an Open Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste; Let's take Care of each other!
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Trump-Pence REGIME Has Blood On Their Hands
Is it at all true that Michigan's Resident Rocker has yet even More on My Twisted Mind to where I will take My Position in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of us know is Canada? Well it sure to hell is! And some of yous must be thinking "He sure Must be Bored out of his Mind without Hockey!" Oh yous damn right about that! Now before we get to the Main Topic; I usually Post a Side Note based on events from Earlier in My Twisted Existence. I also Must Post My Customary Disclaimer that if yous are the Kinds that get Offended Easily By a Liberal Use of 4-Letter Words; and or Graphic Talk of Sex then stop Reading this Posting at this very Point! How Much More can I simplify this for yous? Alright; It's been Rumored that My Now Former Girlfriend, Brittany is Now a Mother; well I can Honestly say that I sure to fuck am Glad that if this is True (and Personally whether it's true or not, I Personally don't give a flying fuck!) Because I can Honestly say with Complete Confidence that this Child ain't Mine! Because If I can help it; My Baby-Making Days are a thing of the fucking Past; and I want to keep it that way! Now this ain't the first bullet I dodged as far as some Drug Addict Possibly trapping me into Being EXTORTED by the Friend of the CUNT! After all My First Wife, Carrie; was (and as far as I know STILL IS) a fucking Drug Addict! Now during the span of time between the Time I Divorced Carrie; in 1999 to the Time I Got Mixed Up with Brittany; in 2016, I forgot exactly How fucking Manipulative Drug Addicts are! I forgot How Good Drug Addicts are at LYING to get what they want! During that span of time the TV Show, Intervention, on A & E TV became rather Popular; yet I was Guilty as Charged of Not Paying attention to the Content of that Show. If I did; maybe Brittany may not have done the Kind of Damage to My Life that she had done! Yet Brittany was able to use her Beautiful Physical Appearance and her Manipulativeness to get whatever the fuck she wanted out of me! Now I know somebody will ask Me "How could you have fallen for a Drug Addict?" O.K. For those of yous who don't know who this Young Woman is; if I were to show yous a Photo of her; then yous could easily see How ANY Man could Fall Victim to her! She is Now 30 Years Old; yet Most any Man would refer to Brittany as a "Trophy Girlfriend" I Mean her Physical Appearance is what Most any Man at Any fucking Age would Dream of Having on his arm! As I said her Physical Appearance is something she used to her advantage! She is a Blue Eyed Brunette (which yous don't see very many of them) in fact a Beautiful Looking Blue Eyed Brunette is almost as Rare as an Asian Chick with Blonde Hair! May I also add that she has the Most beautiful set of tits I have ever seen on any Woman(and believe Me I have seen My Share of Women's Breasts) yet something about Brittany's tits were something I know I will Never forget! Yet despite her beautiful Physical Appearance Brittany was a fucking Monster! What the fuck am I talking about? I was Hoping I wouldn't have to Re-Live this; However; any Time I could not Come Up with Money so she could score a fucking fix; that would be when she would display her Ugly side! And believe Me I saw that ALL TOO OFTEN for My Liking! She would get this fucking Murderous Look in her eyes in where it Looked as if her Blue Eyes turned Black! Now I ain't never Looked into the Eyes of the Worst Stone Cold Killers that have ever been documented; but Looking into her eyes when she got Pissed Off (and trust me it didn't take a Great Deal to Trigger an Outburst from Brittany at all) was Like Looking into the eyes of Charles Manson (Not that I ever Met that Infamous Motherfucker). But I'm sure yous get where I am going with this! Now that I Look back upon this Mistake; the ONLY Time I didn't Have to Worry about her was when she was Lodged in the fucking Macomb County Lockup; because at Least I knew where she was and I Knew that she couldn't get into any Worse Trouble than she already was in! I Guess sometimes the Most Difficult Person to save is someone who is Hell Bent on his/her Own Self-Destruction! Because as it turned out Brittany was in essence her own worst enemy! Although I made it 1000% CRYSTAL CLEAR that if she Uses Drugs while she's with Me that she WOULD NO LONGER BE IN MY LIFE! I simply have a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy when it comes to Women I get Involved with! Drugs are a DROP DEAD DEALBREAKER with me! Even More so than Infidelity! What the fuck am I saying? After My Then-Loving Wife went for the UPGRADE; I did a Great Deal of Soul Searching and I discovered that My Long-Held Beliefs that Humans Being ain't Meant to be fucking Monogamous were true! Now I wish I had Realized this when I was with Carrie, My First Wife! After all; she Slept Around on Me More than a Dort Highway Hooker! Now Carrie is definitely what I call a DOPE WHORE; because all Most ANY Guy had to do to get that FAT, LAZY CUNT to Spread her Legs is Offer her a Hit of Most ANY Hallucinogenic Drug or Alcohol! In Fact when she said "I do" when I Married that fucking WHORE; I should have asked "With Who?" Now I know somebody will tell me "You saying these things is not very nice at all." Well since when has anybody ever Accused Me of being a "Nice Guy"? Little did I realize that I would fall into the Trap of being in a Relationship of being with a DOPE WHORE again 16 Years Later! But as I said; if I paid Closer Attention to the TV Show, Intervention; More than Likely; I would have Dropped Brittany Like a bad fucking habit; the first time she had me take her to this fucking Dope House On Alcoy Street on the East Side of Detroit! I wouldn't have Wasted Nearly a Year and a Half of My Life SUPPORTING This DOPE WHORE trying to Save her from Herself! Now I would be Remiss if I didn't Point Out the HYPOCRISY of My Mother's Husband, Paul, the fucking DRUNK that My Mother has been Married to for the Last Damn Near 33 fucking Years; to this Day I still have No fucking Clue as to what she still sees in this BOOZE BAG! Aside from that fucking "Security Of Married Life" that Most Married Women Crave! It's Kind of fucking funny to Me that this HYPOCRITE thinks he can fucking Throw Rocks at Me for Having a "Girlfriend" while still Married; yet he fucked his Own Grandson's Mother! But as I said; whether he fucked ANY Woman other than My Mother, I Personally don't give a fuck about that! Because I don't believe that Other People's Relationships/Marriages ain't My Place to get Involved! O.K. I know he used to Drive Truck and of course at Most Truck Stops there are Hookers Often Referred to as "Lot Lizards" that Congregate there and have Sex with Most any Trucker that invite them in. Now as I said; I don't Give a fuck whether he Put his Shriveled Up Old Schlong into the Holes-O-Skank of these "Lot Lizards" or some Chick at one of his Office Terminals who showed him her tits; again I don't give a fuck about that! But what's really Interesting is Right around the fucking Time My Nephew's Mother Got Knocked Up with her Now 12 Year Old Daughter, Brianna; word was goiung around that Paul was Boinking My Nephew's Mother. Now I KNOW Paul is too much of a fucking Chicken Shit to take a fucking Paternity Test! This Cocksucker had the Nerve to Call Me a "Deadbeat Dad" without Knowing the Dirty Little Secret that the Friend of the CUNT (That's the Family Court System Here in Michigan is Referred to as). This Pathetic DRUNK Who has Never "Fathered" a Child in His Life! Yet I would Love to see the Look on My Mother's Face when the fucking DNA Test PROVES that HE is Brianna's Biological Father! I wonder How he would explain that shit away to My Mother? May I also add that in the Case of Parents who were NEVER Married to each other that Child "Support" which in Reality is fucking Child EXTORTION can be Made RETROACTIVE to the Day that Child is Born! So Let's assume He was Named as the Father; and he was Ordered to Pay about $500.00 a Month; Multiply that by 144 Months as well as Interest and Surcharges that get fucking Tacked On; and Pal, yous would be in a fucking World of Shit! Now who's the fucking "Deadbeat Dad?" And may I add; when a Man is Named to be the "Father" of a Child in the Friend of the CUNT System; it doesn't fucking Matter what the fucking Results of a fucking DNA Test says; you're on the fucking Hook for 218 Monthly Payments and Quite Possibly More than that! All I can say is I am Glad that Both of My Kids are Grown and I No Longer have to deal with that fucking NIGHTMARE known as the Friend of the CUNT! I Just Hope and Pray against all Hope that My Son, Jonathan doesn't get tied up in that fucking CRIMINAL System! Now Onto the Main Topic; I know I have beaten the fucking Drum of How the CRIMINAL REGIME of Donald John Trump and that Bible Thumping Cock Socket, Mike Pence NEEDS to be REMOVED From Power at ALL COSTS; and for Good fucking Reason! Because this DICTATOR has all but RUINED "America" as Most of us has Learned what it's supposed to be! Which Leads Me to Mention My Uncle Keith; a Career Soldier in the United States Army (Despite the Fact that he was Born in Canada), Uncle Keith has Proudly and with Distinction, Honour and Valour Served his Adopted Home Country (By even doing a Tour of Duty in Iraq). Yet for the Life of Me; I simply Cannot Understand why or even How he can Defend Donald John Trump, the DRAFT-DODGING COWARD, for those of yous who Wonder how I draw that fucking Conclusion, I shall Give yous a brief History Lesson. Now I admit when the Vietnam War was Raging On; I was too Young to even Comprehend what was going on Literally Half a World away in Southeast Asia. But Daddy Trump Paid some Phony "Doctor" to Say that Donnie-Boy had Bone Spurs; thus Making His COWARD ass Ineligible to be sent into be sent to Vietnam! Now I shall Make this Point Perfectly Clear; I Never Served in the Military; so therefore I don't have a Clue as to what the Men and Women who have Served in Our Armed Forces deal with on a Daily Basis. Yet; I Looked Up to Uncle Keith ever since I was a Little Headbanger, Myself! And Make No Mistake about this; I am Very Proud of Him for Serving his Adopted Home Country Like he has; just as I am Proud of those who have Put On the Uniform of ALL Branches of the Armed Forces. With that being Said; I have to ask ALL of You Active Duty, Reserve and Retired Military Personnel this Question; and I Really Hope those of yous who Stand Behind this DICTATOR can answer this Question Honestly. Is having a DRAFT-DODGING COWARD; who used a PHONY DIAGNOSIS of "Bone Spurs" to Keep his COWARD ass Out of a fucking Combat Zone as your "Commander-In-Chief" Deciding on whether yous Get Sent into War Zones a Slap In the Face to all of yous? I know if I was a Member of any Branch of the Armed Forces; I Know that would be a Slap in the face to Me! Now it's been Said that the Commander of a Navy Battleship was Unceremoniously Fired by the DRAFT-DODGING COWARDLY DICTATOR, Trump for Looking Out for the Sailors on his Ship in the Wake of this fucking Covid-19 Outbreak! What the fuck Country do we fucking Live in? Russia? North Korea? Now before I share an Article which Documents Donald John Trump's EPIC FAIL in his Handling of this fucking Coronavirus Epedemic; I shall send a Special Shout-Out to My Other Former Sister-In-Law, Debbie; who is a Nurse @ McLaren Pork Huron Hospital along with her Husband, Jim, who is also a Nurse, for Placing their Lives on the Line in the battle against this Unprecedented Pandemic! This Article can be found on the Website of the Daily Kos; yous can access this Article by typing in Every day seems to bring another round of the great national Question: “How is it possible that Donald Trump missed so many chances to stop this?” In fact, Trump so consistently veered in the pro-death direction that it’s hard to believe he’s not #TeamCovid.
But because that evidence is piling up, and going past, with such regularity, here’s a Quick catalog of some of Trump’s biggest screw ups and moments when he so tortured competence that everyone screamed. The Nation is lurching to the end of a week from hell, and it’s headed toward months in hell’s subbasement. It only seems right to make another review of exactly who put us here.
Trump canceled the PREDICT program
PREDICT was a global program bringing together American scientists and foreign scientists in an effort to spot new threats in viruses making the leap between animals and people. Among the labs that were part of the PREDICT network was one in Wuhan, China that was looking specifically at SARS-related Coronaviruses as a potential source of a pandemic. Both SARS and MERS had demonstrated the potential threat behind these viruses, and it wasn’t difficult to imagine a virus that was a little less deadly, and a little more contagious, turning into a massive global threat.
That program had identified over 150 such viruses, and that lab in Wuhan was the first to identify the virus behind COVID-19. But two months before that moment, Trump chopped the funding and dropped U.S. involvement, despite being repeatedly warned about the value of the program—an action that blinded the nation, just at the critical moment.
Trump ignored a “Black Swan” warning from the Army
Throughout January, as the 2019 novel Coronavirus exploded in China and experts in the United States and around the world warned that the threat of pandemic was becoming all but certain, various agencies took a swing at trying to explain to Trump just what that would mean. Among them was the Army, who on Feb. 3 assembled a presentation showing that COVID-19 was potentially a massive “black swan” event that would completely disrupt the U.S. economy and result in over a 100,000 deaths. Even though many aspects of that Army analysis have turned out to be optimistic, the impact projected made COVID-19 the biggest threat the nation has faced since the Cold War. It didn’t matter … because Trump completely ignored it.
Trump dismissed a CDC report showing America unprepared for the next pandemic
In 2018 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention commemorated the 1918-1919 flu pandemic by conducting a review of America’s current standing. The outcome of the seminar that capped that review: A talk co-hosted by Dr. Nancy Messonnier, warning that the U.S. was completely unprepared to face a repeat visit from a pandemic respiratory disease. Warnings indicated that the health care system would be overrun, that the supply chains—both for medical products and consumer products—would be strained, and that deaths could actually exceed what was seen a century earlier. Similarly blunt assessments got Messonnier sidelined from handling the novel Coronavirus response and kept her off the Coronavirus response team … even though she is the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Messonnier’s co-host for that event? Dr. Luciana Borio, who was a part of the National Security Council pandemic response team that … well …
Trump dismantled the National Security Council’s pandemic response team
After 9/11, it seemed only reasonable that the National Security Council (NSC) expand to look at a broader range of threats. That included threats such as biological weapons and pandemics. But Donald Trump, and his then National Security Advisor John Bolton, weren’t interested in dealing with novel threats. They were concentrated on the old-fashioned “who can we blow up today?” sort of option. So the entire global health security team was disbanded in May 2018. That included firing Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer, an expert in dealing with both disasters and organizing a response to epidemics. However, before they were all gone, the pandemic response team produced a playbook on how to handle these emerging threats. And that playbook … well …
Trump developed the nation’s first serious defense against biologic attack
Psych. In 2017, Trump announced that it was “about time” that the nation have a coordinated plan for dealing with biological attacks—at about the same time Trump’s team was warning against the threat of disease spread by “Central American caravans” and pondering if “prayer rugs” left on the border might be sprinkled with Ebola. However, this was a twofer screw you, America. Because not only did the U.S. already have a plan for both pandemics and biological attack, but the guy who was supposed to be heading this effort was, yup, Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer. Who Trump then canned.
Trump failed to follow playbook on how to handle pandemics
If there is anything that Trump hates more than competent experts, it’s competent experts who worked for Barack Obama, which is a large overlapping set since Obama didn’t share Trump’s fear of people who might know more about a specific topic than he does. So it didn’t help that the NSC’s pandemic team completed their pandemic playbook in 2016 and handed it to an incoming Trump. That book took everything that had been learned in dealing with H1N1 flu and with Ebola and distilled it down into rules that made it dead simple to understand the weak points in the system and determine appropriate first steps when dealing with a new disease. If anyone in the Trump team bothered to read it, they certainly didn’t use it—particularly the part that emphasized the importance of testing, testing, testing.
Trump shrugged off his own team’s failure in a simulated pandemic
Maybe no one on Trump’s team read the pandemic playbook, but multiple members of the incoming White House staff were brought into a simulation of a pandemic as part of their training during the transition. That simulation explicitly dealt with a flu-like illness that emerged in Asia, spread around the world, and threatened the planet with the biggest pandemic since 1918. It warned that the United States could face “shortages of ventilators, anti-viral drugs and other medical essentials, and that having a coordinated, unified National response was 'paramount.'" But Trump’s team seemed as uninterested in this exercise as they were in every other thing that had to do with the real threats facing the Nation.
Trump scrapped the annual DHS review of pandemic preparedness
Every year from 2005 to 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) conducted a review that included modeling the effect that a pandemic would have on critical infrastructure across the nation. After that many years of effort, the DHS simulation was robust, and modeled not just the spread of disease but the effects on transportation, the economy, and how America could shift its workforce into work-from-home situations. In fact, it anticipated an amazing number of the issues that have appeared during the current crisis … so it might have been a very good thing if Trump hadn’t killed the process as soon as he came into the White House, putting all the results three years out of date.
Trump blew off a warning from a simulation that came just last fall
Operation Crimson Contagion (CC) has to be right up there in terms of spy game coolness. But that didn’t seem to help anyone in the entire Trump White House either pay attention to the results or refer to the results of the pandemic simulation that happened just weeks before COVID-19 emerged. CC was actually a whole series of exercises that tested every aspect of the government’s response to the outbreak of a novel disease, and the end result was a report stamped “not to be disclosed.” Not shockingly, it’s been disclosed. And what’s inside is a report that says … Honestly, you can guess what it says. It says the Federal response was nothing short of terrible. It says that different agencies weren’t clear on who was responsible for various aspects of the response. It said there was no clear Federal guidance. It said that hospitals were short on ventilators, and protective gear, and overrun with cases. Without necessary Federal coordination, States and Localities were left on their own when it came to determining things like school closings and other restrictions. The whole thing was a fair description of chaos. Or an incredibly accurate simulation.
This doesn’t even start to look at the ways that Trump has screwed up the real thing since it started. This is just how many times someone tried to wave a flag in the face of his team and get them to pay attention to what they were repeatedly told was the greatest potential threat facing the nation. It’s an amazing catalog of not just failures, but deliberate failure and willful ignorance. Can somebody Please Explain to Me how the fuck this Kind of Malfeasance is somehow allowed to Justify this fucking CRIMINAL REGIME Remaining In Power? Well I shall Give yous My Explanation: When Senator Mitch McConnell-No Surprise here a fucking Republican from Kentucky RIGGED the Impeachment Hearings to Make Certain that Donald John Trump would be ACQUITTED; well the fucking Coronavirus was well On its way if Not here in the USA already! So Not Only do we Need to Vote this CRIMINAL REGIME Out of Power; we Need to Make Certain that This CRIMINAL REGIME'S Enablers; Like Mitch McConnell, Linsey Graham and so on MUST Also be Voted Out of Office! Yet; I KNOW My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly will do everything in her Power to Keep this CRIMINAL REGIME In Power as well as the Republican Enablers of this REGIME! I have to admit I do Hope that Our Next President, Joe Biden does Pick Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer as his Running Mate; even though I, Personally would Miss her being in the Governor's Mansion in Lansing. Why? Because Much Like Nancy Pelosi; she KNOWS How to Stand Up to a BULLY Like Donald John Trump! I mean even when Adolf Hitler Rose to Power in Nazi Germany, back in 1933 Hitler took advantage of a National Crisis to assume Power! Trump being the fucking PETULANT CHILD that he Truly IS; is Now Withholding Desperately Needed Medical Supplies from States Like Michigan whose Governors STAND UP to Trump and REFUSE to KISS his FAT ass, which Looks Like 300+ Pounds of Chewed Bubble Gum! Ugh! What a disgusting Visual I gave, eh? I really do wonder wonder what the fuck Stormy Daniels and or Karen McDougall saw in the FAT, COWARDLY fuck? I mean didn't they and Melenia have to use a fucking Magnifying Glass to find his dick? Now Much Like Trump, Hitler had his share of Loyal Followers who fed the German People the fucking GRUEL of Nazi Propaganda to the German People as Hitler Led Germany to complete Ruin in 1945; thus Leading Germany to be Split into 2 Seperate Countries for about I dare say 44 Years until the fucking Berlin Wall was Demolished in 1989! Trump, Like Hitler REQUIRES 1000% LOYALTY to the DICTATOR or else in essence if you're somebody who has the fucking COURAGE to OPPOSE this fucking TOTALITARIAN DICTATOR; then in essence you're fucked! Didn't the same apply when Saddam Hussein was in Power in Iraq? From what I Understand the "Butcher of Baghdad" (and he didn't get that Nickname just for Laughs, My friends) anybody who showed any Disloyalty to Saddam wound up in a fucking bodybag! Well in essence this Holds True with Trump; Only Difference is any Federal Government Employee who has the Courage to STAND UP to this fucking BULLY, Trump ends up being Shitcanned in a very Humiliating Fashion! It's for "America" to Wake the fuck Up!" Before it's way too Late and the "America" we all know and Love will Cease to Exist! I Personally Recommend that everybody who Reads this Posting to see a Documentary Film Made by Flint, Michigan Native and National HERO, Michael Moore Titled Farenheit 11/9 (Named after November 9, 2016) the Day Donald John Trump STOLE the 2016 Presidential "Election" with a HUGE Assist from RUSSIA! How yous Vote on November 3, 2020 will Determine whether "America" will Continue to Be what it's supposed to be or become a Third World Country Like Iraq! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Do your Civic Duty on November 3, 2020, which is Vote and get this CRIMINAL REGIME Sent to PRISON where they BELONG! Otherwise we're all fucked!
But because that evidence is piling up, and going past, with such regularity, here’s a Quick catalog of some of Trump’s biggest screw ups and moments when he so tortured competence that everyone screamed. The Nation is lurching to the end of a week from hell, and it’s headed toward months in hell’s subbasement. It only seems right to make another review of exactly who put us here.
Trump canceled the PREDICT program
PREDICT was a global program bringing together American scientists and foreign scientists in an effort to spot new threats in viruses making the leap between animals and people. Among the labs that were part of the PREDICT network was one in Wuhan, China that was looking specifically at SARS-related Coronaviruses as a potential source of a pandemic. Both SARS and MERS had demonstrated the potential threat behind these viruses, and it wasn’t difficult to imagine a virus that was a little less deadly, and a little more contagious, turning into a massive global threat.
That program had identified over 150 such viruses, and that lab in Wuhan was the first to identify the virus behind COVID-19. But two months before that moment, Trump chopped the funding and dropped U.S. involvement, despite being repeatedly warned about the value of the program—an action that blinded the nation, just at the critical moment.
Trump ignored a “Black Swan” warning from the Army
Throughout January, as the 2019 novel Coronavirus exploded in China and experts in the United States and around the world warned that the threat of pandemic was becoming all but certain, various agencies took a swing at trying to explain to Trump just what that would mean. Among them was the Army, who on Feb. 3 assembled a presentation showing that COVID-19 was potentially a massive “black swan” event that would completely disrupt the U.S. economy and result in over a 100,000 deaths. Even though many aspects of that Army analysis have turned out to be optimistic, the impact projected made COVID-19 the biggest threat the nation has faced since the Cold War. It didn’t matter … because Trump completely ignored it.
Trump dismissed a CDC report showing America unprepared for the next pandemic
In 2018 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention commemorated the 1918-1919 flu pandemic by conducting a review of America’s current standing. The outcome of the seminar that capped that review: A talk co-hosted by Dr. Nancy Messonnier, warning that the U.S. was completely unprepared to face a repeat visit from a pandemic respiratory disease. Warnings indicated that the health care system would be overrun, that the supply chains—both for medical products and consumer products—would be strained, and that deaths could actually exceed what was seen a century earlier. Similarly blunt assessments got Messonnier sidelined from handling the novel Coronavirus response and kept her off the Coronavirus response team … even though she is the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Messonnier’s co-host for that event? Dr. Luciana Borio, who was a part of the National Security Council pandemic response team that … well …
Trump dismantled the National Security Council’s pandemic response team
After 9/11, it seemed only reasonable that the National Security Council (NSC) expand to look at a broader range of threats. That included threats such as biological weapons and pandemics. But Donald Trump, and his then National Security Advisor John Bolton, weren’t interested in dealing with novel threats. They were concentrated on the old-fashioned “who can we blow up today?” sort of option. So the entire global health security team was disbanded in May 2018. That included firing Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer, an expert in dealing with both disasters and organizing a response to epidemics. However, before they were all gone, the pandemic response team produced a playbook on how to handle these emerging threats. And that playbook … well …
Trump developed the nation’s first serious defense against biologic attack
Psych. In 2017, Trump announced that it was “about time” that the nation have a coordinated plan for dealing with biological attacks—at about the same time Trump’s team was warning against the threat of disease spread by “Central American caravans” and pondering if “prayer rugs” left on the border might be sprinkled with Ebola. However, this was a twofer screw you, America. Because not only did the U.S. already have a plan for both pandemics and biological attack, but the guy who was supposed to be heading this effort was, yup, Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer. Who Trump then canned.
Trump failed to follow playbook on how to handle pandemics
If there is anything that Trump hates more than competent experts, it’s competent experts who worked for Barack Obama, which is a large overlapping set since Obama didn’t share Trump’s fear of people who might know more about a specific topic than he does. So it didn’t help that the NSC’s pandemic team completed their pandemic playbook in 2016 and handed it to an incoming Trump. That book took everything that had been learned in dealing with H1N1 flu and with Ebola and distilled it down into rules that made it dead simple to understand the weak points in the system and determine appropriate first steps when dealing with a new disease. If anyone in the Trump team bothered to read it, they certainly didn’t use it—particularly the part that emphasized the importance of testing, testing, testing.
Trump shrugged off his own team’s failure in a simulated pandemic
Maybe no one on Trump’s team read the pandemic playbook, but multiple members of the incoming White House staff were brought into a simulation of a pandemic as part of their training during the transition. That simulation explicitly dealt with a flu-like illness that emerged in Asia, spread around the world, and threatened the planet with the biggest pandemic since 1918. It warned that the United States could face “shortages of ventilators, anti-viral drugs and other medical essentials, and that having a coordinated, unified National response was 'paramount.'" But Trump’s team seemed as uninterested in this exercise as they were in every other thing that had to do with the real threats facing the Nation.
Trump scrapped the annual DHS review of pandemic preparedness
Every year from 2005 to 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) conducted a review that included modeling the effect that a pandemic would have on critical infrastructure across the nation. After that many years of effort, the DHS simulation was robust, and modeled not just the spread of disease but the effects on transportation, the economy, and how America could shift its workforce into work-from-home situations. In fact, it anticipated an amazing number of the issues that have appeared during the current crisis … so it might have been a very good thing if Trump hadn’t killed the process as soon as he came into the White House, putting all the results three years out of date.
Trump blew off a warning from a simulation that came just last fall
Operation Crimson Contagion (CC) has to be right up there in terms of spy game coolness. But that didn’t seem to help anyone in the entire Trump White House either pay attention to the results or refer to the results of the pandemic simulation that happened just weeks before COVID-19 emerged. CC was actually a whole series of exercises that tested every aspect of the government’s response to the outbreak of a novel disease, and the end result was a report stamped “not to be disclosed.” Not shockingly, it’s been disclosed. And what’s inside is a report that says … Honestly, you can guess what it says. It says the Federal response was nothing short of terrible. It says that different agencies weren’t clear on who was responsible for various aspects of the response. It said there was no clear Federal guidance. It said that hospitals were short on ventilators, and protective gear, and overrun with cases. Without necessary Federal coordination, States and Localities were left on their own when it came to determining things like school closings and other restrictions. The whole thing was a fair description of chaos. Or an incredibly accurate simulation.
This doesn’t even start to look at the ways that Trump has screwed up the real thing since it started. This is just how many times someone tried to wave a flag in the face of his team and get them to pay attention to what they were repeatedly told was the greatest potential threat facing the nation. It’s an amazing catalog of not just failures, but deliberate failure and willful ignorance. Can somebody Please Explain to Me how the fuck this Kind of Malfeasance is somehow allowed to Justify this fucking CRIMINAL REGIME Remaining In Power? Well I shall Give yous My Explanation: When Senator Mitch McConnell-No Surprise here a fucking Republican from Kentucky RIGGED the Impeachment Hearings to Make Certain that Donald John Trump would be ACQUITTED; well the fucking Coronavirus was well On its way if Not here in the USA already! So Not Only do we Need to Vote this CRIMINAL REGIME Out of Power; we Need to Make Certain that This CRIMINAL REGIME'S Enablers; Like Mitch McConnell, Linsey Graham and so on MUST Also be Voted Out of Office! Yet; I KNOW My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly will do everything in her Power to Keep this CRIMINAL REGIME In Power as well as the Republican Enablers of this REGIME! I have to admit I do Hope that Our Next President, Joe Biden does Pick Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer as his Running Mate; even though I, Personally would Miss her being in the Governor's Mansion in Lansing. Why? Because Much Like Nancy Pelosi; she KNOWS How to Stand Up to a BULLY Like Donald John Trump! I mean even when Adolf Hitler Rose to Power in Nazi Germany, back in 1933 Hitler took advantage of a National Crisis to assume Power! Trump being the fucking PETULANT CHILD that he Truly IS; is Now Withholding Desperately Needed Medical Supplies from States Like Michigan whose Governors STAND UP to Trump and REFUSE to KISS his FAT ass, which Looks Like 300+ Pounds of Chewed Bubble Gum! Ugh! What a disgusting Visual I gave, eh? I really do wonder wonder what the fuck Stormy Daniels and or Karen McDougall saw in the FAT, COWARDLY fuck? I mean didn't they and Melenia have to use a fucking Magnifying Glass to find his dick? Now Much Like Trump, Hitler had his share of Loyal Followers who fed the German People the fucking GRUEL of Nazi Propaganda to the German People as Hitler Led Germany to complete Ruin in 1945; thus Leading Germany to be Split into 2 Seperate Countries for about I dare say 44 Years until the fucking Berlin Wall was Demolished in 1989! Trump, Like Hitler REQUIRES 1000% LOYALTY to the DICTATOR or else in essence if you're somebody who has the fucking COURAGE to OPPOSE this fucking TOTALITARIAN DICTATOR; then in essence you're fucked! Didn't the same apply when Saddam Hussein was in Power in Iraq? From what I Understand the "Butcher of Baghdad" (and he didn't get that Nickname just for Laughs, My friends) anybody who showed any Disloyalty to Saddam wound up in a fucking bodybag! Well in essence this Holds True with Trump; Only Difference is any Federal Government Employee who has the Courage to STAND UP to this fucking BULLY, Trump ends up being Shitcanned in a very Humiliating Fashion! It's for "America" to Wake the fuck Up!" Before it's way too Late and the "America" we all know and Love will Cease to Exist! I Personally Recommend that everybody who Reads this Posting to see a Documentary Film Made by Flint, Michigan Native and National HERO, Michael Moore Titled Farenheit 11/9 (Named after November 9, 2016) the Day Donald John Trump STOLE the 2016 Presidential "Election" with a HUGE Assist from RUSSIA! How yous Vote on November 3, 2020 will Determine whether "America" will Continue to Be what it's supposed to be or become a Third World Country Like Iraq! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Do your Civic Duty on November 3, 2020, which is Vote and get this CRIMINAL REGIME Sent to PRISON where they BELONG! Otherwise we're all fucked!
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