Monday, May 30, 2022

Michigan's Resident Rocker's Take On America's "Gun Culture"..........

It has been asked; what could Possibly be on the Twisted, Tormented Mind of One Michigan's Resident Rocker? Plenty and ain't none of it at all Good! Today is "Memorial Day" here in this God Forsaken CESSPOOL; known as Donald Trump's "America." Now as we all know as a Canadian; I DO NOT Celebrate ILLEGITIMATE "Holidays." Now why is this? Well; I will be getting to that Later in this Manifesto. As has been the Case My Favorite time of the Year is Upon us that being Playoff hockey; and I would be remiss if I didn't mention the Flint Firebirds being 1 Win away from Clinching the Wayne Gretzky Trophy for Winning the Championship of the Ontario Hockey League's Western Conference Finals. The Firebirds hold a 3-2 Series Lead over the Windsor Spitfires with Game 6 Tomorrow Night @ Dort Financial Credit Union Center in Flint. A Win Tomorrow Night or Wednesday Night in Game 7 back @ WFCU Centre in Windsor will Propel the Firebirds to the J. Ross Robertson Cup Finals vs. the Hamilton Bulldogs; who have Won 22 Straight Games dating back to the Regular Season. In fact the Last time Hamilton Did Not Win yous would have to go back to March 25 when the Bulldogs were Dealt a 4-3 Overtime Loss to the Sudbury Wolves; who did not Qualify got the Playoffs. The Last Time the Bulldogs Lost a Game Outright was on March 15 @ Peterborough Memorial Centre as they Lost to the Petes (a Team the Bulldogs Swept in the first Round of the OHL Playoffs) 3-1. How's that for a Remarkable Run? To boot the Bulldogs haven't Lost @ First Ontario Centre in Canada's Steel City since December 30. Naturally this foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker will be in Attendance at Tomorrow's Game 6 of the Western Conference Finals to Possibly Witness History in the Making as the Firebirds are Looking to Clinch their first Wayne Gretzky Trophy in Team History; will it Happen? Tune In @ 7:00 PM Tomorrow Night or get your Tickets; because the hashtag #fuelthefire; will have a whole New Meaning should the Firebirds Close out the Spitfires Tomorrow Night. Alright; Moving onto the Main Topic and of course yous all know there is Plenty on My Twisted, Tormented Mind and of course I waste very Little if ANY time speaking My Foul Mind! Now to say I am Pissed Off is a Major fucking Understatement! Now I don't give a flying fuck if yous don't Like the fucking Language I use in these Manifestos; do yourselves a fucking favor; STOP READING THIS MANIFESTO if yous don't Like My Liberal use of the word fuck and or any fucking form of that Word! In fact after what I heard this Past Tuesday (which Ironically is the 62nd Birthday of My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband, Paul a.k.a. the Family PUSSY!) I am beyond the Point of spitting fucking Tacks; I am about to spit fucking Rusty Railroad Spikes! On that fateful Day a fucking 18 Year Old fucking COWARD went into a fucking Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas with a fucking AR-15 Assault Rifle and Murdered 19 Children and 2 Teachers! This on the Heels of some WHITE SUPREMACIST PUSSY armed with a fucking AR-15 shot up a fucking Grocery Store in Buffalo, New York! Now I have to ask yous; What the fuck is Wrong with Society in Donald Trump's "America?" How in the Name of a 4 hour fuck can this Barbaric Society continue to Condone Deranged Motherfuckers Obtaining Assault Rifles; Weapons of WAR slaughtering Innocent People? What's all the more fucking Galling is My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly; who DEVOUTLY SUPPORTS COWARDLY DICTATOR, Donald Trump and his fucking Republican "Yes Men;" Continues to Vote for these SPINELESS COCKSUCKERS; such as Texas Senator, Ted "Cancun" Cruz; who by the way doesn't that fucking shitball Resemble fucking Grandpa Munster? Texas Governor Greg Abbott, DICTATOR Donald Trump; all of whom had the fucking Condescending Balls to speak at the fucking NRA Convention in Houston which is about 300 Miles away from the scene of the fucking SLAUGHTER! So allow me to address My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly; is NOT PAYING YOUR FAIR SHARE IN TAXES on the FABULOUS WEALTH you STOLE from Your Late Father Worth the fucking BLOOD you have on your Hands because of your fucking Desire to Continue to Vote Republican? I know My Former Wife will once again defend Kelly because of course Kelly is Holding My Late Father-In-Law's Fabulous Wealth over her head! Now have you Noticed that I haven't mentioned her Other Sister, Debbie? There's a Reason for that. I haven't had a Problem with Debbie. Yet then again My So-Called "Loving Wife" NEVER ONCE STOOD UP to ANYBODY who was out to Break Us Up! Whether it was this FAT ASS NOSEY "Friend" of hers, Julie to her fucking Sister, Kelly! Now of course a More Recent Version of this is My Now FORMER Girlfriend, Crystal! Now Crystal allowed her Family to CONTROL her; sounds Like My Former Wife! Now of course I still get along with My Ex Wife; whereas if I ever see Crystal again; it will be too fucking Soon! Alright, I got a Little fucking sidetracked; but I am making a Connection with the Likes of Kelly who simply think that they're "Better than everybody else" because they were BORN INTO or have Fabulous Wealth! Now of course Kelly was BOTH Born Into Wealth; as well as STEALING it from My Now Late Father-In-Law! Here is somebody who NEVER ONCE had to Lift a fucking finger to EARN the Fabulous Wealth she Now Enjoys! Anyway; back to the Main Topic and that is the fucking GUN Culture of this shithole of a Country! While I am Ranting; there are ALL TOO MANY Motherfuckers who need to be Stripped of their 2nd Amendment "Right" To Bear Arms or Right to Arm Bears; whatever the fuck yous want to Interpret that as! Among those is Naturally Paul, My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband who has Presented himself as a Clear and Present Danger to Himself and others! Have yous seemed to Notice that ONLY in Donald Trump's "America" are Mass Shootings are becoming the fucking Norm? The first such Incident that I Recall happened before I was even fucking Born. That's correct; I shall share an article based on the 1966 Massacre at the University of Texas in Austin here it is.  On August 1, 1966, after stabbing his mother and his wife to death the previous night, Charles Whitman, a Marine veteran, took rifles and other weapons to the observation deck atop the Main Building tower at the University of Texas at Austin, and then opened fire indiscriminately on people on the surrounding campus and streets. Over the next 96 minutes he shot and killed 14 people, including an unborn child. The incident ended when 2 Policemen and a civilian reached Whitman and shot him dead. At the time, the attack was the deadliest mass shooting by a lone gunman in U.S. history, being surpassed 18 years later by the San Ysidro, California, McDonald's massacre.It has been suggested that Whitman's violent impulses, with which he had been struggling for several years, were caused by a tumor found in the white matter above his amygdala upon autopsy. Of course yous would say this fucker "Lost It!" Yet the fucking Mass Shootings have continued and I for one am sick ans fucking Tired of hearing about it! Since that Incident at the University of Texas back in 1966; there have been 89 More Mass Shootings since then. Yous Compare that to the Next Worst Country on this List; which is The Philippines with 18. Yous can access this study by going to Now what's all the More fucking terrifying is the Easy access to Weapons of War; such as the AR-15. Why the fuck are these fucking Weapons available to ANYBODY OTHER than the Military; I ain't got a fucking Clue! I am so fucking Tired of hearing this fucking LIE of "The ONLY way to stop a 'Bad Guy with a Gun;' is a 'Good Guy with a Gun!" Well Tuesdays Slaughter in Uvalde, Texas Proves that fucking saying is a BALD FACED FUCKING LIE! While that fucking "Bad Guy With a Gun" was in that fucking School Building shooting up the fucking Joint; there were at Least 20 "Good Guys with Guns" standing Outside of that building with their fucking Thumbs in their fucking asses! Why the fuck did it take damn near a FULL fucking Hour for a Border Patrol Agent with balls  to Breach the Very Classroom that this fucking COWARD was MURDERING Innocent People in to finally turn this fucker's Lights Out for good! Now thank God, My Little Headbangers are Now Grown and Not in School No More. Yet yous can also see another Rationale as to why I don't want Grandchildren! I don't want to have to Worry about ANY Potential Grandchild of Mine having to go to a Place where they HAVE to Under Mr. Government Mandated BRAINWASHING; to Parrot the fucking LIES that Donald Trump is Legitimately "President;" being Caught in the fucking Crosshairs of some White Supremacist Madman with an AR-15; and a Mind filled with Trump's LIES about being "Replaced!" In fact I have a few Common Sense Solutions to the School Shooting Problem and of course most of yous would say "Why didn't I think of that?" Here they are: (1) CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS: Now this is a fucking No Brainer! I mean why should Children be FORCED to go somewhere in where they're being BRAINWASHED into believing the LIES of Donald Trump and the fucking Republicans? Think about this; did I Really "Need" to be subjected to 12 Years of Mr. Government Mandated BRAINWASHING to "Learn" any fucking thing I COULD NOT HAVE "Learned" on My Own or from My Parents? In fact a Great way to "Educate" Children is Mandate a Course of the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show; because at the end of each show there's a Segment of "What Did We Learn?" You know while I am ranting on; have yous heard about all of the fucking BULLSHIT that Children ARE NOT ALLOWED to "Learn" in Schools, especially in shithole States such as Florida, Texas; Most anywhere in the fucking "Bible Belt;" In fact allow me to share another Article with yous based on How Children; especially White Children, are being taught to HATE ANYBODY who ain't Like them. In fact Schools In the Southern United States teach these 14 Characteristics of Fascism: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
    Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
    Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
    Supremacy of the Military
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
    Rampant Sexism
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
    Controlled Mass Media
    Sometimes to Media is directly controlled by the Government, but in other cases, the Media is indirectly controlled by Government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
    Obsession with National Security
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the Government over the masses.
    Religion and Government are Intertwined
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the Government's policies or actions.
    Corporate Power is Protected
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the Government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
    Labor Power is Suppressed
    Because the organizing power of Labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .
    Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and Governments often refuse to fund the arts.
    Obsession with Crime and Punishment
    Under fascist regimes, the Police are given almost limitless power to enforce Laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
    Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
    Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Yet By the same fucking Token; Children ain't ALLOWED to be Taught the fucking TRUTH about Slavery; about Running Native Americans Off of their fucking Land; attempting to Roll Back the fucking Clock on Civil Rights for any Motherfucker who ain't a WHITE, JUDEO CHRISTIAN, HETEROSEXUAL MALE! Second: Ban Assault Weapons; now this is another fucking No Brainer! Who in the fuck "Needs'" to own a fucking Weapon that by design is meant to do only 1 fucking thing and that's to Kill and or Maim as many Motherfuckers as Possible with 1 Pull of the fucking trigger! As Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in the Movie Full Metal Jacket  was Quoted "This Is Not Your Daddy's Shotgun, Cowboy!" Do these PUSSIES who use these fucking Weapons feel as if their fucking Balls have Grown to the Size of Grapefruits; when in Reality their Balls are about the Size of the seeds within! "We're #1!" A Lot of "Americans" would say. Yet when yous are #1 in a Category of Mass Shootings; HOW the fuck is this something to be "Proud Of?" (3) Repeal Immunity for the Manufacturers of these Weapons of War; when their fucking Product is used to snuff out Lives of Innocent People! (4) Vote Out Republicans who accept BLOOD MONEY from Gun Manufacturers; Now as we all know I REFUSE to Vote Republican for a Number of Reasons; Most of all I Vote for ANYBODY BUT Republicans solely to put Sand in My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly's pussy!  It NEVER Ceases to amaze Me How Donald Trump's "America" thinks they have the fucking RIGHT to Lecture Dictatorships such as Russia, China, North Korea, and so on Over "Human Rights" Abuses when Donald Trump's "America;" is the fucking Chief Offender in that fucking Category; Practice what yous fucking Preach! (5) EXECUTE Domestic Terrorists; Let's Call a Spade a fucking SPADE; these Mass Murderers are fucking DOMESTIC TERRORISTS! Any Motherfucker who Opens Fire on Innocent People (assuming they Survive the Incident in Question) should be IMMEDIATELY Fast Tracked to the fucking Electric Chair; and Most Importantly Televise these Executions; so that ANY Motherfucker gets an Idea to Grab an AR-15 and shoot  bunch of Innocent People will think twice about doing shit of that sort! And Finally  Strengthen "Red Flag" Laws; make Licensing Owning a Firearm MANDATORY! Think about this if People Need to Be Licensed for the RIGHT to Drive a Car; then Why Not License Owning a fucking Firearm? When is the fucking Congress (Especially Republicans) start Valuing HUMAN LIVES over the BLOOD MONEY they get from Gun Makers? It's LONG SINCE Past Time to Put an END to Gun Violence in this Country; but I ain't  Counting on it! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Congress; DO YOUR JOB; STOP Bowing to the Whims of those who Sell Weapons of War to ANYBODY BUT the Military!

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