Here it is once again, Michigan's Resident Rocker is in the Cockpit; under the Beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as I have said so many times before is Canada! Now of course I have been asked if there's something on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; why of course there is and I am Quite Pissed Off to say the Least! Quoting The Texas Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin; "I was Born Pissed Off!" In fact ask the fucking Doctor who Delivered me back on 30 November, 1969; Instead of Crying Like a "Normal" baby after it's Born; I flipped off everybody in the Delivery Room! Now for those of yous who are Looking for My Usual Disclaimer about those who get easily Offended By My Liberal Use of the word "fuck," well apparently a Lot of yous can't fucking Read because apparently when I tell those of yous who get offended easily because I use rather Colourful Language when I write out these Manifestos to stop Reading at the very Point where the Disclaimer Closes; because yous do it anyway! I guess there's a Fair amount of Entertainment Value in most every Manifesto I Post! Nonetheless; This Sunday is Mother's Day; what does it Mean to this Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all know and Love as Michigan? Not a fucking thing at all! Especially since 6 Years ago My Mother turned her fucking back on her ONLY 2 Sons, because her fucking ALCOHOLIC Husband; gave her a fucking Ultimatum! What the fuck kind of "Man" Makes his Old Lady HAVE TO CHOOSE between him and her Child(ren)? I guess when you're Married to a fucking DRUNK; there's No Telling what he would have done! But I guess the fucking Damage has been done! Now as far as I go; well My Mother and I were Never Really that close to begin with, so it's no skin off of my ass! But I can tell it really bothered My Now Late Brother. Even if I wanted to speak to My Mother; I ALREADY KNOW for a fucking FACT; that the fucking DRUNK, Paul, WILL NEVER ALLOW her to do so! If I were allowed to ever speak to My Mother; I would have Made My Signature Dish for her as a Mother's Day Present. Now don't get this Twisted; I ain't by no Means a Chef; as I have said many times before; I Drive a Delivery Truck for a Living. Yet I do Like to be Creative in My Kitchen. Alright; Moving Right Along; I know that a few of yous will get a Little sand in your fucking Pussies over what I am about to say and in Case yous are Curious as to how many flying fucks I give about what your fucking Reactions will be. Let's Just say the answer to that Question is one I can Count on 1 Hand and still have all 5 Fingers Left Over! Now the Heading of this Manifesto asks is Donald Trump's "America" Really the "Land Of The Free?" Who the fuck are yous trying to bullshit? Recently the fucking Supreme Court which is Nothing more than a fucking Extension of the fucking Republican Party; is about to Take Several fucking God Given RIGHTS away; the Big one is Abortion! Now while I Respect everybody's Opinions; I will say this: Abortion is GOOD NOT "Murder!" These Proposed Abortion Bans are Nothing More than a fucking Attempt by a bunch of fucking Wealthy, Old White Men; to Control Women! Don't give me this fucking Condescending Bullshit of "It's all about Life." Like fuck it is! In all Grim Cruel REALITY; yous ain't fucking "Pro Life;" you fucking HYPOCRITES; Let's call a fucking Spade a Spade; you're fucking COMPULSORY PREGNANCY! In fact I say Not Only should we Keep Abortion Legal; Let's take it a Step even further; Let's Make Abortion MANDATORY in Cases of Teenage Pregnancies; Pregnancies by Welfare Cheats to fatten their fucking Welfare Checques; Pregnant Drug Addicts. Those are 3 Excellent Examples I can think of! Now Picture this shit; Let's just say a 12 Year Old Girl Gets Sexually Assaulted by her Mother's Boyfriend; gets Knocked Up and is Ultimately Told "You HAVE TO Have the baby!" What a fucking Indignity, eh? I mean first of all being Sexually Assaulted, I can Imagine is very fucking Traumatizing for ANY Woman; I don't give a flying fuck what her fucking age is! Now what really Makes me want to fucking PUKE is These fucking Republicans (who My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly DEVOUTLY SUPPORTS) have the fucking Balls to say "It's all about Life." Blow it out your fucking ass! Yet Note how Inherently CRUEL; these COMPULSORY PREGNANCY Pieces of shit are; they Claim to be So "Caring" about the Life of the Fetus; Yet once the Little Rat Bastard is born and the Mother Applies for Food Stamps, Medic Aid; and every fucking Form of Mr. Government Aid for herself and the baby; these fucking Condescending Pricks then Turn around and say "You should have thought about that before you had a baby you can't afford to Raise. Who the fuck are these fucking shitbags? Now if I was a Woman; and some fucking LOSER shot his hot dick sauce into me and I got Knocked Up as a Result; if I Don't Want to Carry the Pregnancy to Term; I WILL NOT! Now as we all Know I ain't No Woman; Now I say this as a Father. I have a Daughter and a Son. Now since My Daughter, Marjorie is Now 27 Years Old; I Really Have No Say over whether she Carries the Pregnancy to Term; Personally; if she ever were to Get Knocked Up; and she ain't in a Position to take care of a Child that she would do the RIGHT THING and Terminate the Pregnancy! Yet as I said; I don't have a say over that. Yet I will be completely honest with yous; I have made No Bones about it; I Really Do Not Want Grandchildren of My Own; in fact; I would rather Insert My dick into a Mound of angry fire ants! Now if yous would Like to know how much these COMPULSORY PREGNANCY Whackos Make me Violently Sick; Now I have NO Problem with someone who Opposes Abortion; but those who Hang Out at Abortion Clinics to Coerce Pregnant Women into Carrying Unwanted Pregnancies to Term; I would walk 100 Miles to Punch one of these Cocksuckers in their fucking Mouth! What fucking Business is it of Yours? But Let's Just say this is Only the fucking Beginning! Let's just assume that the 3 CORRUPT Piles of shit Appointed to the fucking Supreme Court by None Other than DICTATOR, Donald Trump; along with Clarence Thomas (A "Justice" whose Old Lady Actively Participated in Donald Trump's INSURRECTION to Overturn the Results of a FREE & FAIR Election that Trump CLEARLY LOST) and of course Samuel Alito; who is another Republican turd blossom! Yet My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, who Insists that the Election was "STOLEN from Our Beloved 'President,' Donald Trump!" Actively Roots for this VILE Clone of Adolf Hitler! Yet as I Mentioned Abortion ain't the ONLY Fucking God Given RIGHT that Kelly's Beloved Republicans are Looking to Take away. What about The Rights of Gays to Live the Lifestyle they CHOOSE? What about Interracial Marriages? Believe it or Not; Interracial Marriages were Legalized in 1967; it took a Supreme Court Decision in the Case Loving v Virginia for in essence a Black Woman to Marry a White Man; that's the first Example I came across. Or More Recently Obergfell v. Hodges in 2013; which allowed Same Sex Couples the Right to "Marry." Personally; I think Marriage as a whole should be Outlawed! I don't give a fuck whether it's a Gay Marriage, an Interracial One; or whatever the fuck kind of arrangement yous want! Why should a Basic Human Emotion be Turned into a Legal and Binding Contract; that says One Partner Can Sue the Other for Half of what he Earns for the Rest of his fucking Life; when the Marriage goes to shit? Let's examine "Freedoms" for those who are Not White, Male, Judeo Christian, Heterosexual; are yous fucking shitting me? Let's think about How People of Colour are Treated here in the "Land of the Free," Blow that saying out your fucking ass! A Recent Incident in Grand Rapids, Michigan in where a Black Man was Murdered by a White Police Officer. Let's Call this COWARDLY ACT by this fucking Police Officer what it really is; a fucking LYNCHING! And this is a White Man saying this! I mean how in the Name of a 4 hour fuck can this fucking Cop say "His Life was in Imminent Danger when 26 Year Old Patrick Leoya was PINNED FACE DOWN to the fucking Concrete and the Cop shoots this Poor bastard in the back of his fucking head? What about the Murder of Ahmad Arbury in Brunswick, Georgia; this Man was Jogging through a Neighborhood; when 3 KKK wannabes; chased this poor son of a bitch down in their fucking Pickup trucks and fill his ass full of buckshot with a shotgun blast! What about the Obvious Murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota; when a Racist Cop Pinned this man to the Ground with his Knee across Floyd's Neck? These are fucking LYNCHINGS! I don't give a fuck what any of yous say! Does the Murder of 14 Year Old Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955 Mean anything? What about I Believe it was the 1964 Murder of 3 Civil Rights Workers; which also became known as "Mississippi Burning?" Yet these Pukebag Republicans; are so Hell Bent on turning back the fucking Clock to when Black People were Treated as fucking Property! Why the fuck should I be "Proud" to be an "American" when there's so much fucking CRUELTY going on in this God Forsaken Cesspool of a Country? Apparently Republicans, Led By DICTATOR Donald Trump seem to think that ONLY those who are White, Wealthy, Male, Judeo Christian, Heterosexual deserves to Have NONE of their God Given Rights Stripped away from them! Now to those who say "America, Love it or Leave it!" I say Kiss My Red & White Maple Leaf Bearing Pure Canadian ass! But it doesn't end there. As yous all are all too aware of Gasoline Prices are North of $4.40 a fucking Gallon; Groceries are Getting more Expensive; and so on and so forth. What do these events all have in Common? Inflation? Like the fucking Corporate Media is attempting to spoon feed us? Bullshit! It's Pure fucking Corporate GREED! Allow me to Give yous an Example; the fucking Oil Companies are Using a fucking Civil War In Russia as a Means to Justify their fucking Price Gouging Practices! They, along with the fucking Corporate Owned Media attempt to bullshit People into believing the LIES about the "Price of a Barrel of Oil?" That is pure ficticious Grade A BULLSHIT! Here's the fucking REALITY: Exxon Mobil Made $23 BILLION in PROFITS, not LOSSES in 2021. Chevron Turned $15.6 Billion in Profits; BP Turned a $12.85 Billion Profit from Last Year! What the fuck are we Missing in this Story? Well, My Friends here is the Secret to the Sauce: Stock Buybacks: In fact I shall share the Language of a Petition to Outlaw Stock Buybacks especially By these fucking GREEDY Oil Companies here it is: Stock buybacks, which allow corporations to artificially inflate the value of their stocks, were illegal until 1982. Because stock buybacks create an artificial demand, they force stock prices above their natural level. Corporations spend most of their profits on buying back shares of their own stock rather than investing them in facilities, R&D, or employee wages. The income of working-class people - the true creators of wealth - has remained stagnant for the past 35 years, while the income of CEOs has increased enormously. Today a Larger proportion of a CEO's pay is in stocks and stock options rather than cash. Trump's tax cuts to corporations has pumped up profits, setting buybacks on track to new records.
Stock buybacks do not help companies, only wealthy executives. Allowing this unethical practice has allowed the rich to get richer and richer at the expense of the working class. It is time for stock buybacks to be outlawed again - and forever. Yous don't have to be an Economics Major to see that Unbridled Corporate Greed is the Driving Force behind these Obscenely High Gasoline Prices along with High Food Prices and the List Goes On and On! Safe to say this ain't the "America" I Once Loved when I was a Little Headbanger! Why the fuck do yous suppose that I Identify Myself as a Canadian? Now I ain't saying that these kinds of Injustices don't Occur in Canada, because believe me they do! If yous Need an Example of how these things Occur in Canada; Seek Out a You Tube Video based on the CBC Documentary Show The Fifth Estate. Look for an Episode Based on the Thunder Bay, Ontario Police Department's Treatment of the Native Population in the Northern Ontario City on Lake Superior's far Western Shore! Yet yous don't hear as much about these kinds of Injustices in Canada as yous do here in the States! Believe me as Long as Republicans are Out to TAKE AWAY Rights from those who ain't Like them; America Will NEVER be the "Land of the Free!" Once the fucking Income Inequality, Racism, Anti Semmitism, Mysoginy are Officially eliminated; then This Country can Make that Claim and there would be an element of truth to it! Friends, I ask of all of yous don't Let Friends Vote Republican! In fact I dislike My Former Sister-In Law, Kelly's Beloved Republicans so much, I would Rather wipe My ass with a sheet of 20 Grit Sandpaper after I take a shit; and rinse my ass out with a Turpentine Chaser! Than be caught Dead Voting Republican! Because the fucking Republicans stand for everything that is fucking WRONG with "America!" Yet something tells me that the shit I have mentioned that makes this Country such an Oppressive Shithole will not be Eliminated in My Lifetime; I mean where the fuck do we Live? Fucking Russia? Have yous noticed how the fucking Corporate Media decries the fucking "Human Rights" Violations that occur in shitholes Like Russia, China, North Korea? Yet the way Non White Minorities are Treated by the fucking Police in this fucking Country are often Celebrated on Republican Media Outlets Like FOX "News!" Allow Me to give yous a few Names of the fucking Victims of Police Misconduct: Michael Brown (Not My Late Brother), LaQuan Mc Donald, Breonna Taylor, Malice Green, Eric Gardner, Freddy Gray, Jacob Blake; when will these fucking LYNCHINGS END? I Guess I should touch on the fucking School Shootings in this fucking Shithole, Including the Shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan on My Birthday of a fucking Country; yet what Makes Me mad enough to spit fucking tacks; is this fucking THUG from Illinois Names Kyle Rittenhouse; who had his Mother Drive his Coward ass up to Kenosha, Wisconsin Carrying a fucking AR-15 Assault Rifle; and for fucking what? So this COWARDLY fucking THUG can Murder 2 Unarmed Protesters after the Shooting of Jacob Blake; now yous want to know what really has me fucking Seething? This COWARDLY fucking THUG GOT AWAY with it, because the fucking Political HACK, Appointed By DICTATOR; Donald Trump allowed this fucking Little THUG to Walk Away Scot Free! If there's ANY such fucking Thing as "Justice," this fucking THUG would be a Prison bitch for the Inmate who whacked Jeffrey Dahmer! I guess in a Perfect World; these Kind of Injustices would be Made Right! What's all the More Unsettling is should DICTATOR, Donald Trump and or any Evil Clone of My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly's Beloved "President," Donald Trump EVER Manages to Weasel his way back ILLEGALLY into the fucking White House; what Little "Freedom" Americans Enjoy will be completely stripped away from ALL of us! In fact what I Really fear is Trump and his fucking Sleazy Republican ENABLERS would Pass a Law Making Church Attendance MANDATORY; and this shitbag would appoint Millions of CHURCH COPS to Pound on everybody's door Telling them "Either you go to Church or you go to Jail!" What a fucking Choice, eh? Exactly why Latinos from Central and South Americans want to Enter Donald Trump's "America" is a complete Mystery to Me; Perhaps they're desperate to Cross the Hopeless Desert known as Donald Trump's "America" to Reach the Promised Land; which is God's Country-Canada! I guess one can Only Dream of the Day when Donald Trump is Executed for ALL of the TREASONOUS Crimes he committed while ILLEGALLY in the fucking White House! But I don't think that will happen until after My Time on this Rock known as Earth has Expired! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying a "Free" America is still a Possibility!
Friday, May 6, 2022
Is America "The Land Of The Free?" Keep Dreaming!
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