Saturday, May 21, 2022

Michigan's Resident Rocker's Curse; Toxic Women...............

This may come as a surprise to some of yous; but Michigan's Resident Rocker has a Lot on My Twisted, Tormented Mind and why Not Sit down in the Cockpit and Write out another Manifesto? Makes sense, eh? Alright; so Let's get down to Brass Tax; as we all know I make it be known as to where the fuck I stand as far as what a fucking EMBARRASSMENT being an "American" is! Now of course the Mere FACT that fucking FASCIST DICTATOR, Donald Trump remaining FREE to Spout Out the BIG FUCKING LIE about the fucking 2020 Presidential Election being "Stolen" and of course the Likes of My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly Parroting this very fucking LIE to anybody who will Listen to her ELITIST fucking Drivel! Makes me Violently Sick! Now of course Last Week one of Trump's RACIST Followers somehow got his Grimy fucking hands on a fucking Assault Rifle and shot up a fucking Grocery Store in Buffalo, New York! Now Please tell me something; does Carrying a fucking AR-15 Assault Rifle mean that yous have a fucking set of BALLS the fucking Size of fucking Grapefruits? Wow! Sounds to me Like this fucking PUSSY BITCH is ANYTHING BUT a fucking "Man!" I mean what the fuck is the Matter with these fucking Republicans who My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly is OBSESSED with Keeping in fucking POWER? Now am I saying Kelly is a RACIST? No! Her Interest in Keeping DICTATOR, Donald Trump in POWER; is strictly Financial! Please allow me to explain: As we all know My Late Father-In-Law; was a VERY fucking Wealthy Man; yet Kelly being the fucking 2 faced fucking HYPOCRITE that she is; Called this Poor Bastard every fucking Name under the fucking Sun BUT a fucking "White Man;" However, Once old "Daddy Dearest" had the fucking Grim Reaper knocking at his fucking Door; who comes swooping into Virginia Beach with her thousands of fucking CROOKED Attorneys in Tow? Can any one of yous say Kelly? And sure enough her and her fucking Lawyers Picked his fucking Carcass Clean of every Last fucking Nickel he had! Now why do you suppose that she's so Desperate to have Trump Re-Installed back into fucking Power? Well, yous don't have to be a fucking Economics Major to see this! It's in essence Economics 101; Kelly who STOLE My Late Father-In-Law's Fabulous Wealth and of course is DESPERATE to NOT Pay her fucking FAIR SHARE in Taxes! And of course with Trump being the fucking CRIMINAL ELITIST that he ended up being who has AVOIDED Paying fucking Taxes for a Majority of his Miserable Existence; and of Course Kelly falls Neatly into that fucking Category! Kelly is Desperate to AVOID Paying her FAIR SHARE in Taxes so she can BUY her Own fucking Congressman; so he can do the bidding of as she refers to Trump as "President" Donald Trump! Now of course it's nothing Personal; I as a HARD WORKING Canadian; want to see JUSTICE Done! I want to see FAIRNESS and fucking EQUALITY be spread all around the fucking North American Continent! Yet so Long as Donald Trump's "America" Remains a fucking OPPRESSIVE SHITHOLE in where those who are Wealthy, White, Judeo Christian, Men have ALL of their fucking God Given RIGHTs but everybody else is fucked? Well; I Guess Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Dream" of FAIRNESS, EQUALITY and most of all JUSTICE FOR ALL; will not even Occur in My Lifetime! And of course I am a fucking White Man! Yes, I am Proud of being a White Man! However; I don't have ANY fucking RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, ANTI SEMMITICAL and or fucking MYSOGINIST Views! Now allow me to give yous an example: At the Warehouse; I Drive Out of a Majority of the People who Work in that Very Warehouse are black; and you know what? I get alonmg very well with Everybody in that Warehouse! I have even said I have Dated Women of Several Different Races as well! How the fuck do yous Like that? Yes, I have fucked Latino Women, Asian Women, as well as white women! Of course I intend to fuck black woman, Native American Women; Middle Eastern Women I don't Give a flying fuck! I DO NOT Discriminate as to I Put My dick inside of! Now here's something I Cannot Make a fucking Ounce of sense Out of; exactly what the fuck are Donald Trump and his fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST Followers Out to fucking Prove? I mean White People ARE NOT "Native" to this fucking Continent! In fact White People Migrated to this fucking Continent way the fuck back in the fucking 16th Century; yet with all of the fucking INJUSTICES Committed against Black People (Dragging them from Africa and FORCING them Into Slavery) Native People were Driven Off of their fucking Land! And yet these fucking INJUSTICES have Not even been addressed, Let alone been Made Right! However these fucking White Supremacist PUSSIES Claim that these "Minorities" are out to "Replace" them? Now I can honestly say I think I have heard a Little of Everything! What a fucking CROCK! I don't want to hear another damn word about "White Victimization;! Because IT DOES NOT EXIST! Alright; enough said about that Part of this Manifesto! Now as I have mentioned before; Most Every facet of My Life since Moving to Genesee County has been for the Most Part a Success. I have a Great Job; sure I ain't Never Going to be a Millionaire, I Live in a Nice Apartment in Mount Morris; which I can Honestly Call "Home." And I Run My Own Hockey Team. The Team is going by it's Current Name of the Globe Tech Cougars; but come the Fall/Winter Season the Team will adopt the Original Name I have for it which is Genesee County Cougars. And why not? After all; we Compete in Genesee County, Michigan. Yet as I have mentioned the ONLY Facet of My Life that I can't seem to find any Kind of Happiness in is My Relationships with Women! It seems Like all I ever seem to Attract are fucking Toxic Women. Now there are a Couple of exceptions to this Rule. In fact it seems as if I have Only found ONE that ain't out to fucking USE Me; LIE TO Me and FUCK Me OVER! Now I Know I have extensively Mentioned Brittany; a fucking DRUG ADDICT, CONVICTED FELON, and Most of all a fucking Whore! And I figure she doesn't Deserve any More fucking Press than I have already Given her! Next there's Jessica, Pretty Much a fucking CLONE of Brittany; Only difference being that she doesn't Use Drugs (I can't Verify that for a Fact) but yous get the Jist of what I am saying! Now It's Crystal; now yous would think that once a woman Reaches the age of 40 that the stage of LYING, MANIPULATING, USING, and FUCKING PEOPLE OVER that she would No Longer Resort to that shit! Yet after being with Crystal; I Guess that fucking shit Knows NO "Age Limit!" Now how the fuck did I Get Mixed Up with this fucking SLUT from Capital City? (Now for those of yous who don't Live in Michigan, Lansing is Michigan's Capital City). Well, when I met her it was a Chance Encounter; and of course since I go out of My Way to Let it be known if I Like someone; I figured that Maybe this one would be that "Special Someone." Well, I guess it's a Good thing I don't get Paid to "Think," because this fucking CUNT PROVED to be Equally as fucking Bad as Brittany and Jessica! What the fuck Made me think that because she's Now 47 Years Old that she's "Mature?" I guess I Really Wanted to believe that I Finally found someone who will fucking "Love" Me and VALUE Me for ME; but as fate would have it; that turned out to be yet another BIG FUCKING LIE! Yous see where I am Going with this? Now of course throughout the time I have been with Crystal; for One Reason or another I Simply COULD NOT Trust her! I mean when you fucking LIE, MANIPULATE, USE People; it's safe to see how I come to that fucking Conclusion! What makes this all the fucking Worse; is the FACT that she has been seeing her "Ex" Boyfriend, Anthony behind my fucking back! Now Can I Prove this? No; however; all of the fucking Circumstantial Evidence I have Points in that fucking Direction! I mean why the fuck would a woman who Claims that she "Loves" Me; Coerce Me into Driving to a fucking City that is 65 Miles One Way away from where I Live; Only to act as if she CAN'T BE AWAY from Me Long Enough a Couple of fucking Hours Later? And then disappear, only to Not even Tell Me where the fuck she is going? You know what's really Galling? This Anthony LOSER fucking disfigured her face, knocking ALL of her fucking Teeth Out of her fucking mouth by hitting her with a fucking Lamp! Am I fucking Missing Something here? I NEVER ONCE Raised a fucking Hand against ANY Woman! Because to Me a REAL MAN DOES NOT PHYSICALLY STRIKE Women! How Much More can I fucking Simplify this for yous? I am a GOOD, HARD WORKING PURE CANADIAN MAN! I was Raised on the Premise that ANY "Man" hitting a Woman is WRONG! Now allow me to make this perfectly Clear I DO NOT NEED a Woman In my fucking Life to feel "Validated!" I WANT One; yet there's a distinct difference between "Need" and "Want!" Yet at what Cost? Why is it that "Nice Guys" Like Me, who Work Hard, Play By The fucking Rules, and Take Care of their Responsibilities ALWAYS Get Walked All Over? Whereas Jerks and assholes who Beat On Women seem to attract Women? I wish I had an Answer to that Question! I ain't gonna fucking CHANGE who I am! I am simply a Case of "What yous see, yous fucking GET!" I Guess My biggest Weakness is I Care Too Much when I happen to wind up with a Woman! And I Guess these Toxic Women can sense that when she gets a HARD WORKING, LOVING, CARING REAL MAN that somehow he's willing to Overlook ALL of the very things that Most Normal Men would walk away from! I know I have heard the saying "Don't worry; the 'Right' Woman will come your way, soon!" Well, to that I say; I simply don't give a fuck about that shit anymore! I mean even My fucking Ex Wife had More than Proven that she wasn't the "Right" Woman for me! Even though I had been Married to her for 16 Years! Maybe I am Better Off Not Getting Involved in ANY Kind of Relationship other than a fucking 1 Night Stand or better yet a "Friends With Benefits" Arrangement! Often Times; I wonder how My Cousin, Carl has managed to be with His Wife, Nanette for I dare say the Last 25+ Years (Now they Got Married in 2000). I wish I knew the Secret to the Sauce! Now don't get me wrong; I enjoy Living alone! But I Strongly DISLIKE Being LIED TO; Being USED and being FUCKED OVER by Toxic Women! I Guess; it's back to the Old Drawing Board; for Lack of a better term! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Keep an Open Heart; but beware because there are all too Many who are out to Harm Yous!

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