Is it at all Humanly Possible That Michigan's Resident Rocker has yet even More on My Twisted, Tormented Mind? Why Certainly! Which is exactly why I am once again in the Cockpit; under the Beautiful Flag of God's Country which as every one of yous Know is Canada! Now I have been asked how many times am I going to use the Word "fuck" in this entry? Well, in all total honesty, I really Can't Answer that fucking Question; but trust me; I ain't going to Leave any of yous fucking Disappointed! So are yous counting along the number of times I have typed in the word "fuck" and or any fucking Derivative of it? Alright; Today is a rather Sobering Anniversary of an event that Gave this fucking Oppressive CESSPOOL of a Country a fucking black eye! That's Right I am talking about the very fucking COWARDLY Attack on the fucking Capital Building in Washington! Had this happened in Ottawa; which is the Capital of God's Country (and do I Need to remind yous that God's Country is Canada?) those Cowardly Motherfuckers would have all been systematically fucking EXECUTED as fucking TRAITORS! Yet in this fucking Republican SHITHOLE known as Donald Trump's "America," That Pile of shit remains FREE at fucking Mar-A-Lago, which is in an Oppressive shithole of a State that being Florida! I guess it's a good fucking thing I ain't been in that fucking Swamp ass sewer of a State since I was a kid! Must be something in the fucking Water down there that Make People paranoid and fucking DELUSIONAL! I mean have these fucking Inbreds attempted to fuck one too many fucking alligators? I mean when it comes to fucking Stupid Criminal Stories, Florida takes the fucking Cake I must say! I mean even the Video for the Song "Lowlife" by Canadian Band Theory Of a Dead Man was shot in Florida! The White Trash Capital of the entire fucking World! Do yous know what really fucking Pisses me off? The Fact that Donald Trump the fucking FASCIST DICTATOR of this fucking God Forsaken CESSPOOL of a Country who Ordered his fucking Supporters to Attack the fucking Capital Building because he fucking LOST the fucking 2020 Election FAIR and fucking SQUARE; by over 7 Million fucking Votes (Mine being one of them)! Yet this fucking COWARDLY DICTATOR STILL Parrots out the BIG FUCKING LIE! What Pisses Me off all the fucking More; is there are fucking TV Channels in My fucking Cable TV Package that I PAY at Least $200.00 a fucking Month for; that Doubles Down on Trump's fucking BIG LIE! Why? Jesus H. Christ! What the fuck is the Matter with this fucking Country? I know this Country has a fucking Ugly History of fucking Racism; Anti Semmitism, and just flat out HATE MONGERING! I mean NOBODY is BORN to be a fucking BIGOT; Like Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler! Now have I used Racial Slurs to describe Non White Minorities; as much as I hate to admit it; I have! Now I haven't done that in a Number of Years. As I get Older, I Learned the Value of Treating others the way I want to be treated in Return! I try to get along with Most anybody I Meet; because it's only Right! Now am I going to Please everybody I run across? No. Am I saying every Supporter of Trump is a fucking Racist? A fucking GUN TOTING COWARD? A BIGOT? A WHITE SUPREMACIST? Not by any stretch of the fucking Imagination! I was Royally Pissed Off when George Floyd, a Black Man was MURDERED by a Minneapolis, Minnesota Police Officer! Now is this Officer Racist? I don't know! By the same Token; I Know Police Officers have a very Thankless Job to do and I agree that a Majority of those who are on the other side of the "Thin Blue Line" are Only Out to do their Jobs and Go Home to their Families! However; I have seen all too many Reports of Rogue Police Officers who get away with Using Excessive Force; especially against Black Men, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians; yous fucking Name it! Now for those of yous who don't know who I am, I am a White Man; yet I am ashamed of Members of My Own fucking Race; who seem to think that they are simply "Better than Everybody Else," because of the Colour of their fucking skin! Now who does this remind me of? Why None other than My Trump SUPPORTING Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly! Now as we all know she DEVOUTLY SUPPORTS DICTATOR, Donald Trump; because she STOLE My Now Late Father-In-Law's Fabulous Wealth! Now am I saying she's a White Supremacist? No! Yet she became Wealthy without having to do ANY fucking Work, whatsoever! In fact at every Job she had, she Sucked and fucked her way to the Top! It's No Secret that Kelly didn't approve of her "Baby Sister" (who is Now 60 Years Old) being Married to somebody who came from a "Working Family!" And therefore after 21 Years of attempting to Break My Now Ex Wife and I up; she finally Succeeded! Well, that was a Good Thing while it Lasted! Now I can't help but wonder whether Kelly's Jealousy over the fact that I was fucking her Baby Sister, Rather than Kelly, herself, was the Catalyst of her desire to Break Us Up! Now don't get me wrong; if Kelly offered me a chance to fuck her, I would have drilled her ass Like a West Texas Oil Well! Alright that was My Political Rant; I hope yous found it to be worth Reading! Now Onto the Main Topic; I offered a brief Window into My Last Marriage; which Mind you was to a Woman who is a Little Over 8 Years Older than I am. One Lesson I Learned from the Last 2 Relationships that Lasted Over a Year apiece; is DO NOT Date ANYBODY Younger than 40 Years of age! Now of course Yous are going to think I am going to throw a Majority of the barbs at Brittany; a fucking DRUG ADDICT I ended up Dating from January of 2016 to April of 2017. Well; I think I have given her enough Press Coverage in Previous Manifestos to where I don't Need to Keep mentioning that fucking JUNKIE! Although trust Me; she Caused Me More Pain than getting kicked in the fucking balls 1000 Times! Now I don't think yous Need me to tell yous that Mental and Emotional Pain heals a Lot More Slowly than most any Physical Trauma! I am doing everything I can to not allow past Memories to Sabotage My Relationship with My Girlfriend, Crystal; although it hasn't been easy! Yet I will shoot On My first Wife, Carrie (who was a fucking DRUG ADDICT and an ALCOHOLIC, and Probably STILL IS!) Now she is almost 9 Years Younger than Me. Well, thank God; I didn't make the fucking Mistake of Knocking her fat ass up! Because if I did; chances are she would have driven me to Suicide! Exactly why I Married a SLUT that I was Never "In Love" with; well, Let's face it, back then I was 28 Years Old and I was still, as was described, "Young, Dumb and Full Of Cum!" I Guess that's an Appropriate way of describing My thought Process at that time! To add; I guess I was desperate to Prove to a Woman I DID want to Marry at that Time (Spoiler Alert, she was the Mother of My Kids) that I wasn't the fucking FAILURE that she thought I was! Yet I allowed My Pain to Cloud My Better Judgment; because she Ripped away the Family I had Created away from me! Fortunately; Once My Now 27 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie Graduated from Port Huron Northern High (25 Years almost to the Very Day after I did) I decided that fighting a War against My Kids' Mother wasn't worth it no more! Of course Marrying that fucking SLUT, Carrie, only Compounded My Problems, because at that time I was Living a Big Lie! Now Let's Fast Forward to June of 2017; 2 Months after I told Brittany to hit the fucking Bricks; Little did I Realize that I would wind up Meeting well, if Brittany had an Older Sister, Jessica would have been it! Now of course Brittany and Jessica as far as I know ain't Related to each other! Nonetheless; Jessica Grew Up in Genesee County; the Very Michigan County I Now Call "Home." Yet I thought "Alright, Brittany was an Unmitigated Disaster; what are the Chances History would Repeat Itself? Well a Year Later I would find out. Now the Interesting thing about Jessica is she Shares the Same Birthday as My Now 25 Year Old Son, Jonathan; now here's the Problem; she's Only 8 Years Older than My Son; who is My Youngest Child! She is Now 33 Years old. Now among the Differences I Noticed between Brittany and Jessica; was Jessica has a Son, who will be 12 in March. She doesn't Smoke, Drink or Use Drugs; yet that's where the Differences between Brittany and Jessica end! Now when all was said and done; I ended Up Coughing Up Over $10,000.00 on that bitch! Now really think about this; can yous Imagine what I could have accomplished with that Money had I Not wasted it on Jessica? I could have Paid My Car Off ahead of Schedule; I could have held onto a Credit Card that at that time had a $1600.00 Credit Limit on it; now yous would think that after I coughed up that amount of Money on her that I would have been Given a Never Ending Pussy Buffet from her. Well; I guess I was dead wrong about that! In fact I never even got to see her tits; I never got My dick sucked by her; Wait, I take that back; I did get to see a Photo of her tits; after I paid a $125.00 Speeding Ticket, to keep her Parents from Learning of it because they held the Insurance Policy on her Vehicle! Now Let's Zoom a Little further forward; as I was about to Relocate to Genesee County; I Met with the Property Managers of 2 Different Apartment Complexes 1 in Burton, on Hemphill Road in essence on South End of Flint, the Hub of Genesee County. The Other one was in Mount Morris. Now I Met with the Property Manager of that Apartment Complex in Burton, where Little did I Realize that Jessica had once Lived there. Now I had heard Many Stories about that Place that it was a Dangerous Place to Live! Now since I don't do hardly a damn thing to Draw Attention to Myself; I figured I really didn't have a Great Deal to Worry about! Yet Jessica really showed her True Colours, when I told her that I Met with the Property Manager there; she Not only told me in a fucking Text "If you Move In there, not only will I Never Come to Visit you, but I Hope you Get Shot!" What the fuck? Somebody Please help me Make sense of this. What the fuck Kind of a "Loving Girlfriend" would hope the Man that she Professes to "Love" Gets Shot? Am I Missing something out of this? Oh wait; it gets even better! How so? Follow Along and I shall tell yous how it all Unfolded! I knew once I read that Message in where Jessica had Hoped I would have suffered a Potentially Fatal Injury had I Moved into that Apartment Complex; I Knew I had to Plan an Exit Strategy, yet the Problem was I was starting to Bond with her then 8 Year Old Son! But I Knew I couldn't stay with somebody Who Hoped I would end up getting Shot! Now I have had a Gun Pointed at Me and trust me; when yous stare down the Barrel of any kind of fucking Firearm; Your Life Flashes before your eyes! In essence as I started to distance Myself from Jessica; I began to suspect that she was seeing somebody behind my back! Well; it didn't take very Long for My Suspicions to be Confirmed; I didn't Pay her Phone Bill; which I NEVER EVEN Thought was "My Responsibility!" Now if she didn't want to be with me; all she had to do was say something to the effect of "I think we should see other People; this just ain't Working!" Now I would have Understood that! Yet; she ended up resorting the Old High School aged Tactic of attempting to antagonize me; by throwing her "New Boyfriend" into My Face! Of course this would have been Headline Material on the Jerry Springer Show! Even if I whooped her New Boyfriend's ass; would it have done me any Good? Probably Not! Yet here's where it gets even more Juicy; She then threatened to Slap a Personal Protection Order against Me for "Stalking!" Are yous for fucking REAL? Now I ain't No Lawyer, but, since fucking When does Cutting Off Financial Support to someone that I DO NOT HAVE a Financial Obligation to Constitute "Stalking?" Now yous want to know the fucking funny Part? That Heavily Inked (she has at Least 17 Tattoos) CUNT; REFUSES to Pursue Child "Support" from her Baby Daddy! Yet; she has the fucking GALL to Accuse Me of "Stalking?" Now of course if this sounds familiar; Remember that fucking DRUG ADDICTED, ALCOHOLIC, PROMISCUOUS SLUT, Carrie? She successfully LIED (I assume she sucked the Judge's dick) to get a Personal Protection Order slapped against Me! Now at that Point in time; I KNEW there was NO Chance of Reconciliation between Me and that SLUT! What Really Pissed Me Off was the FACT that I wasn't even allowed to Present My Side of the Story or should I say the TRUTH, Until That Order had been slapped against Me! Now all I was after was to Inform Carrie that all she had to do was File the fucking Paperwork; and I wouldn't be able to Stop it, even if I wanted to; which at that Point I felt it wasn't Worth trying to save My Joke of a Marriage! Now if the Courts here in Genesee County have ANY Sense of JUSTICE, they would have Laughed Jessica out of Court! Not to Mention I would have had a Massive Lawsuit against that bitch had she succeeded! Because as I said, I ain't No Lawyer, but if you're going to accuse somebody of Committing a fucking Crime; and Stalking is a Criminal Offence, here in Michigan; shouldn't the State and the Alleged "Victim" HAVE TO PROVE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that the Person being Accused is Guilty? Well; it's been 4 Years Gone by since I Last Saw and or Heard from Jessica; and Quite Frankly; I don't Miss her at all! Just as Much as I don't Miss Brittany; no I take that back; as Al Bundy had said if I was asked if I "Missed" either one of these fucking SKANKS, I would have said "With every Bullet So Far!" Well; Now that I have aired the Dirty Laundry of 2 of My Previous Relationships; I would Like to say I Learned a Lot! And Hopefully Crystal will give me a chance to explain why the Pain from being with Brittany still haunts me! Because I did fall In Love with her; against My Own Instincts! And she hurt me in ways that One Humans Being could hurt another! Now Jessica could NEVER have Hurt Me Like Brittany did! Yet Jessica did Pretty Much NOTHING help those Wounds to Heal! Believe Me; Crystal is a Very Special Woman to Me; and I Hope that Perhaps I can share what May be the Rest of My Life with her; now will it happen; well, that Remains to be seen! Yes, I admit Crystal and I have had Our Arguments; Yet I Know that a Lot of these Arguments are Relatively Minor; and are Probably Like Arguments that Most every other Couple has! I Know this much; I Know how I feel about her. Where will this Lead? Only God Knows where! Yet I Often say that Crystal is a "Female Version of Myself!" So could this be My Last Chance at Finding "True Love?" Well, I suppose that argument could be made as such! Because; she could convince me to Tamp Down My Promiscuous ways! I Honestly thought that My Now Ex Wife could have Made that Happen; but My Male Instincts were too Strong! Now Let me be Clear about something; Women don't exactly throw themselves at me! Of course I don't Really go to Bars anymore! Not since I Moved to Mount Morris! I Mean who the fuck can I go to a Bar with? I still don't hardly Know anybody here in Genesee County! I don't even know if Crystal does or doesn't Drink! Funny thing is; the Last Person I went to a Bar with is a Friend of Mine in Bay City (and Yes, I fucked her!) Did yous think I was going to leave that Detail out? And what's Remarkable about her is her Pussy is Remarkably Tight for a Woman who Pushed 4 Children out of it! I digress; Maybe No Woman can completely Tame My Promiscuous Instincts! But I really don't think Crystal has a Lot to Worry about; considering between My Job and Hockey; I don't have a Lot of Spare Time to be the Man Whore I once was! And as I said; I don't go chasing after Pussy Like I used to! So; now we shall see what will Unfold in what will be the Remainder of My Days on this Satellite we all know as Earth! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying; the ONLY Time you're "Too Old" to Learn Something New is when you're 6 Feet In the Ground!
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