It is the Distinct Honor and Privilege for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit; under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as I have said so many times before is None other than Canada! Now, I understand that this may Piss off some of yous and to that I say deal with it! Alright; as we all know Independence Day is this Coming Wednesday; and as a True Canadian Patriot; I intend to show My True Patriot Love In All Thy Son's Command; as I always do every time this Magical Holiday Rolls around! Now I have to say I generally try not to offend anybody when I sit down to Write Out My Manifestos. Especially My Uncle Keith who Lives in the Great State of Georgia. Now Uncle Keith is a Man whom I have Looked Up to for My Entire Life; yet he has been chastising Me over the Language I use in these Posts; especially my Liberal use of the word "fuck!" Now I Personally don't Understand why this word is one that some People consider as "Offensive." Yet, Out of Respect for Uncle Keith; I will try to Minimize the use of that word in this Posting. Now for those of yous who wonder who My Uncle Keith is, he's My Mother's Brother. Yet in This Posting I Intend to go out of My way to "Offend" Certain People whom for the Life of me I cannot understand their Logic at all! But that will come after I Put Up a Little Side Note before I get into the Main Topic. Now as I have made it clear My Father, Roger, and I haven't spoken to each other in Over 31 Years; that's correct; the Last Time I spoke to My Father was when I was the Magical age of 19. Now what Precipitated that shit? Well; it's a Long Story; but I will try to give you the Cliff Notes version of the story. Anyway, 41 Years ago, My Mother Divorced My Father; now I ain't going to go into any details about why this Happened. Because 1979 is such a Long damn time ago! And I ain't about to Look for "Who's Fault it was," because that's in essence Irrelevant! I mean Let's face it Nobody is truly "Innocent" as far as that's concerned! As is the Case of Divorce and or Family Breakups; the "Adults" make the Decision to No Longer be together and the Child(ren) usually end up being Caught in the Middle of all the bullshit! Sure; My Father Resented the fact that My Mother Divorced him; and it really Pisses me off when (Usually the Mother) says "I did this for the Kids." What a crock of bullshit that is! I admit when My Mother Divorced My Father; it Traumatized me; because I was only 9 Years Old at that time; and having to bounce from the House I grew Up in to another House (Or Apartment) where My Father was Living for what turned to be the Second Half of My Childhood wasn't exactly My Idea of a "Good Time!" And I Vowed that if I ever had Kids (which of course I do, both are now Grown, for those of yous who don't Know of My Little Headbangers; they both can be found on Facebook, My Daughter, Marjorie will turn 26 in December and My Son, Jonathan turns 24 in Over a Couple of Months) that they would NEVER have to go through that shit! Yet; because their Mother was SELFISH; she Put them through that Trauma anyway! But Let's be Honest; Even though she is Now Deceased; she STILL IS the First "True Love" of My Life; no matter what anybody says! By the same token it didn't make very much sense for Me to Keep Shacking Up with that Woman, because we always were butting heads! Now I guess it was simply more of a "Peaceful" arrangement. But getting back to My Father; In essence I don't know if he ever got over My Mother Divorcing him or not; despite the fact that after I Graduated from Port Huron Northern High School in 1988; he Remarried. Now whether he is still Married to this Woman is anybody's guess. For that Matter whether My Father is still alive or not is anybody's guess! I haven't reached out to him in this span of time! I don't know if he is still Practicing this cockamamie Religion that he was so damn Obsessed with Indoctrinating My Brother and I into or not! Yet I have thought about Possibly talking to him again; which if yous were to ask me that Same Question 10 Years ago; My answer would have been a resounding "FUCK NO!" Yet; I need to obtain Closure for the 31 Years of My Life that he Missed Out on! I am sure he is aware of My Little Headbangers, yet I don't know if he has ever met them! Now since My Kids are Now Grown; whether they want to meet My Father or not; well I can't make that Decision for them! Because for a Majority of their Lives; they have known ONLY 1 "Man" as "Grandpa." Please allow me to explain what I mean by that; Their Now -Late Mother's Father Passed Away when Maggie was only 4 Years Old and Jonathan was only 2; so I don't know how much of a Memory they have of their Maternal Grandfather; this "Man" is My Mother's Husband whom My Mother has been Married to for; well come September 33 Years. And to tell yous the truth I don't have a damn Clue as to what the hell My Mother still sees in this asshole; that's right I am talking about Paul Brown, Jr. Now I ain't going to rehash all of the bullshit I have had to deal with from this piss ant for the Last 4 Years! Personally; I think My Mother Only stays Married to this ALCOHOLIC LOSER Strictly to Make My Father Jealous! Yet I intend to set a few Ground Rules for a Possible Meeting with My Father in Terms of Possibly bridge the Gap of over 31 Years in the Making; these Ground Rules will be as Follows: No Discussions about Dragging Me "Back to Church," that bullshit will not fly with me at all! No badgering me about the Length of My Hair; because I have been growing My Hair Past Shoulder Length for the Last 36 Years and I am Plenty Comfortable with My Hair being this way! Most of all DO NOT Give me ANY shit about My Kids being Conceived "Out of Wedlock," because not only will that result in the end of the discussion; I would kick his ass for that! Because I WILL NOT Tolerate any swipes at My Kids! I Openly admit I have made My share of Mistakes when bringing up My Kids; but they always knew that their Father was always and still is a Phone Call or a Text Message away. That hasn't changed at all! In fact I have Invited both My Daughter and My Son Out for a beer; the Next time I head to Pork Huron. In fact if My Father was willing to sit down for a beer while we discuss everything that has gone on for the Last 31 Years. Yet I don't know if he would be willing to take me up on that Offer! Yet in essence, Paul, My Mother's Husband has been Obsessed with "Uncle" Roger for the Last I dare say 38 Years; that right I said "Uncle" Roger. Because Paul is My Father's Nephew; how fucked up is that? I guess it's a good thing that My Mother got her Tubes Tied after My Brother was born! Yet I find this to be very interesting exactly How Paul will be able to explain away to My Mother how he managed to Father a Child with My Nephew's Mother; assuming that Paul ain't too much of a chicken shit to Take a damn Paternity Test! After all he continuously DENIES the FACT that he fucked My Nephew's Mother! Yet I really don't give a Rat's ass about whether he DID or he DIDN'T! After all as I have said many times before I believe that Humans Being are meant to be Monogamous, are a Fallacy! I mean shows Like the Jerry Springer Show and Cheaters are Proof of that! Now I Openly admit Monogamy does work for some People; Let's Use My Cousin Carl as an example: He and his beautiful Wife, Nanette have been Married for Going on 21 Years and they seem Inseperable! They Run a Trucking Company; they have amassed a Small Fortune Together; and Neither one of them has any Notions of straying away from one another. O.K. I have gone on My Side Rant Long enough; now it's time to get to the Main Course; which is as we all know the Coronavirus, which Leads to a Condition known as COVID-19; has become a Global Pandemic that have Ravaged the World Population. Now I ain't No Medical Professional; and I don't have a damn clue as to how this Virus became the Worldwide Menace that it now is; yet One thing I do Know is the United States has been Plagued by a Pandemic known as the Donald Trump-Mike Pence REGIME! That's right for those of yous who support this fucking FASCIST DICTATOR; I'm going out of My way to Offend yous! And May I say I ain't the Least bit "Sorry" if I Offended yous! Recently a "Friend" of Mine on Facebook told me to "Move to a Communist Country," after I Stated that a Photo of a Demonic Looking Statue bore a Striking Resemblance to the DICTATOR, Donald Trump! Well, to that I say why Not Colonize a Remote Desert Island; appoint Donald Trump to be YOUR DICTATOR and Keep your FASCIST Beliefs on that Island! In fact I would Like to Issue a Challenge to those of yous whose Yearly Incomes are Less than 6 Figures (I ain't gonna talk about My Uber Wealthy Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly who's Fabulously Wealthy, and or anybody who's fabulously Well off) Can yous Honestly say that yous are "Better Off than yous were 4 Years ago; ever since this Sociopath, Donald Trump Moved ILLEGALLY into the White House? And if so; How? I can tell yous that sure to hell ain't the Case for me and the UNSILENT Majority of People who Call this Country "Home!" I absolutely fucking Love it when those who support this DICTATOR; get sand in their pussies about being asked to wear Masks over their faces during this Pandemic (this is especially the Case in My Home State of Michigan) when Governor Gretchen Whitmer encouraged ALL Michigan Residents to Wear Masks over their faces; yet the SUPPORTERS of the DICTATOR; whine that "Governor Whitmer is taking away My Freedom!" To that I say BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS! I mean are yous for fucking Real? O.K. Where do I stand on this debate? Well, I'm glad yous asked. I ain't the Least bit afraid of this damn Virus; because according to My Logic; we're all going to Die, someday! My attitude is "If it's My Time to go, then it's My Time to go!" Yet by the same token; I ain't afraid to wear a Mask; even though I may be Hot and Uncomfortable to wear in the Summer; but when I go into a Building at one of My Company's Customers; I wear a Mask that Covers My Nose and My Gutter Mouth! Why? Very damn simple! Because it's My Company's Policy! So take this "You're a Sheep," bullshit and Wipe your ass with it! Because the ONLY People who will tell me what to do are those who are PAYING ME to tell me what to do! Taking this a step further; whenever I go into Like say a Grocery Store or any Business where I will be there for More than 5 Minutes; then I will do so; because that's the Policies of those stores; therefore who would I be to argue? Yet there are some who act Like SPOILED, PETULANT CHILDREN when asked to don a Mask before going into these Stores, or even worse; Some People just act Like downright dicks! Allow Me to Give yous a couple of Examples of these things happening near My Hometown of Mount Morris, Michigan. These occurred right at the time this Pandemic was really becoming a Major Problem. At a Family Dollar Store in Flint, Michigan; the Security Guard asked this Woman to Put on a Mask as was consistent with that Store's Policy; she Refused therefore the Woman was Denied entry into that store. 2 Hours Later; this Woman's Husband and Her Son return to that store and Shoot the Security Guard dead! I Guess that same day at a Dollar Tree Store in nearby Holly, Michigan this Old Man was asked to don a Mask by a store Employee what did he do in Response? He wiped his Nose on this chick's shirt! I know some jackass will ask me "You don't Listen to Rap, which is performed Primarily by Black Artists, doesn't that Make you a Racist?" O.K. to whoever would ask me that; have yous Cornered the Market on Stupid? Jesus H. Christ! What Right would I have being Known as Michigan's Resident Rocker if I Listened to Rap? I don't Listen to Rap because It SIMPLY DOES NOT APPEAL TO ME AT ALL! I know I have shared this article before on the 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt; but it bears Repeating because the Trump-Pence DICTATORSHIP has become every Freedom Loving American's and Canadian's Worst Nightmare; here it is: The 14 Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), Trump (USA) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and Military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The Governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from Government Leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed
to the Government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the Government Leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of Labor is the only real threat to a fascist Government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the Police are given almost Limitless power to enforce Laws. The people are often willing to overlook Police abuses and even forego Civil Liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national Police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are Governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use Governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by Government Leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of Legislation to control voting numbers or Political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Now I Challenge ANYBODY and I do mean ANYBODY to find ANY of this Research to be even remotely Untruthful! Go ahead; and No; what yous hear from Rush Limbaugh and or on FOX "News" DOES NOT Count as Kind of FACTUAL Rebuttals! Even before this Damn Pandemic, Trump Repeatedly IGNORED Warnings from This Country's Top Medical Experts about this Horrible Virus! And as a result Over 100,000 Americans are Now allowing weeds to Grow in their Carcasses; because they're all DEAD! Now what's all the More Unsettling is how this DICTATOR Openly ENCOURAGES Police Misconduct! Now as a Victim of Police Misconduct; albeit 27 Years ago; I Know all too well How a Bad Cop Can ruin the Reputation of an entire Police Department and or Law Enforcement Agency! How in the Holy Hell is it that a Pile of shit that such a Rare Combination of Stupidity, Arrogance, and Just Downright a Complete Lack of what makes any kind of Humans Being allowed to Remain in Power Rather than in Prison where these CRIMINALS ALL BELONG? Well, a Large Part of it is 1 Senator Mitch McConnell a Republican from Kentucky! McConnell; by controlling the Senate SAVED Donald Trump, a VILE EXCUSE for even a Rat Made Certain that when Trump was Impeached, that Trump would Not be Convicted and therefore Removed from Power! Check this Out; because 20 Years Prior to Articles of Impeachment being Introduced against DICTATOR, Donald Trump, a LEGITIMATE President, Bill Clinton was Impeached for Lying about getting a blowjob from somebody other than his Wife! Now a Lie about Committing Adultery IS NOT a Crime; yet will the Large Number of Crimes Committed by Donald Trump DOES NOT Warrant Removal from Power? Really? If My Memory Serves Me correctly, I Believe Richard Nixon was Impeached for Similar Crimes albeit Nixon Resigned to save his ass! Yet when Members of the REGIME basically show their ass to the Rule of Law; well this Country is in a World of hurt! As it has been made 1000% Crystal Clear; the Future of this Country is at stake! I ain't Voting for Joe Biden; because I think he's a Better alternative; but I will be Voting for Joe Biden because He's NOT Donald Trump! But if Donald Trump was running against a Condom I use to bang a Dort Highway Hooker; I would Vote for the Condom! Does this Kind of Give yous an Idea as to how disgusted I am that Donald Trump is Still DICTATOR of what is supposed to be the "Land of the Free!" Yet the Revolution has gotten Started in 2018 and the Blue Wave is coming for the Trump-Pence REGIME as well as all of the ENABLERS of this CRIMINAL DICTATORSHIP! I wonder, if there were Courageous People in Nazi Germany who Dared to Stand Up to Adolf Hitler when he was Terrorizing Most all of Europe during World War II? I Guess I will Never truly know! Yet if yous give a Damn about what the United States is Supposed to be; then do your Civic Duty; and Vote This CRIMINAL REGIME Out of Power! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying it's time to eradicate this Pandemic known as FASCISM and White Supremacy! Vote Like your Life Depends on it; because it Just May!
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