Here it is another Weekend Under the Beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous know is Canada and Of Course Michigan's Resident Rocker is back in the Cockpit to Give yous yet another Manifesto from deep with the Crevasses of My Twisted Mind! Yet I have to admit something; this having to Stay at Home during this Covid-19 Pandemic absolutely fucking SUCKS! Not only does it mean that I am not able to take to the Ice and engage in One of My Favorite Pastimes; which is Playing Hockey; but it also means I can't go to a Bar and Possibly Get Laid! No Question this Pandemic is really sucking the Life out of People! Especially Me! Now I ain't a Regular Bar Fly; not by any stretch of the Imagination; but every Now and then it would be Nice to go into a bar; Order a Nice Cold Canadian Beer; and Possibly find a Nice Woman that I can put my dick inside of at the end of the Night! Perhaps this is something I should have taken advantage of before this Pandemic struck! I tell yous I have Lived in Mount Morris for the Last 2 Years and in essence I am for the Most Part a Complete Stranger! Even to a Majority of My Neighbors; well, I generally don't go out of My way to "Make Friends," My attitude about that is "If yous want to be a friend of Mine; cool! If not; well then so be it!" I also Miss My Hockey Brothers as well; since they are the Closest thing to a "Family" that I have! Sure there are Members of My Actual Family that I still talk to; but since I Live where I Live; well I don't get to see My Actual Family as much as I would Like! Which Includes My Now Grown Little Headbangers; notice I haven't used that Term to describe My Kids in a Long Time, eh? Now People are Looking for who's to blame for this Pandemic becoming the Problem it now has become; well My Friends; Look No further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Now I ain't saying the fucking Authoritarian DICTATOR, Donald Trump is the Blame for the Virus coming to the United States; but his Response to this Pandemic is sure to fuck the Main Culprit as to why a Majority of this Country has been on a Quarantine Lockdown since Mid March. Now of course DICTATOR, Trump; KNEW damn well that this Virus was on its way to the Shores of this Country and what the fuck did Napoleon Trump do? Naturally that asshole called it yet "Another Hoax Launched by Democrats!" Are you absolutely shitting me? Now I ain't No Doctor, never have been, Never Will be; yet Trump was Briefed Several fucking Months BEFORE this Virus Left China, where it had Originated! Of course there are Conspiracy Theories about How China supposedly "Covered Up" the Deadliness of this Virus; but I ain't gonna get into that! Since I really don't give a damn about what is happening Literally on the Other Side of the damn Globe! What I care about is what's going on on the North American Continent; and what's really going on at this Point in time is Canadians Like Me as well as My American Friends are having to fucking Suffer because of Trump's Incompotence and Arrogance! Now do yous see why I HATE that Pile of Shit Like I do? I mean how fair is it that somebody who is Born a LIAR, a CON MAN a RACIST, a XENOPHOBE gets to Rake In Billions of $$$$$$$ a Year, NOT PAY ANY Taxes whatsoever, fucks Over Contractors, acts as if LAWS, RULES and REGULATIONS Simply DO NOT APPLY to Him? Yet the Rest Of Us, other than his Republican Enablers in the Congress; who Go to Work every damn Day; Play by the RULES and Live Our Lives regularly Get Shitted On? Please Tell me how that's "Fair!" I shall share an article with yous which Illustrates the Top 10 CRIMES Trump has Committed while ILLEGALLY in the White House. Yous can access this article by going to here it is: There has been much debate about the Impeachment of DICTATOR Donald Trump. While there are many legitimate criticisms of Trump’s DICTATORSHIP, no president can be Impeached just because people think he’s a terrible president. The Constitution says a president can only be impeached for “Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Unfortunately, being incompetent, obnoxious, racist, or ignorant does not Qualify as a high crime or misdemeanor.
Therefore, it is necessary to enumerate the impeachable crimes the DICTATOR has committed. Here are 10 of Donald Trump's offenses that provide a reasonable basis for Impeachment; they include specific instances of unconstitutional actions, violations of campaign finance laws, personal ethics violations, obstruction of justice, and more.
1. Trump uses the presidency for his own personal gain.
Donald Trump has repeatedly violated the US Constitution by using the presidency for his own personal gain. He has made millions of dollars by using his golf resort in Florida as a Southern White House. He profited when he urged CO-DICTATOR Pence to stay at his resort in Ireland (which was far from where Pence was meeting the Irish Prime Minister) at a much higher cost than other, much closer places to stay.
What's more, Trump and his family are making millions of dollars when foreign officials stay at Trump hotels and when foreign governments approve Trump projects or grant trademarks for Trump products. Trump and his family are profiting tremendously from actions he is taking as DICTATOR. This is a glaring violation of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.
Trump uses his high office to reward his friends and punish his opponents.
During the COVID-19 crisis, Trump has admitted that he rewards state Governors who are adequately "appreciative" of him. He has clearly punished state Governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan by withholding badly needed assistance to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
2. Trump has countless conflicts of interest and personal ethics violations.
Unlike every other president before him, Donald Trump refused to divest from his business interests when he became DICTATOR. As a result, Trump knows exactly how his actions as DICTATOR have a direct impact on his personal wealth and his financial investments. He profited from the tax cuts he enacted and likely made several million dollars. This could explain why he is the first president in over 50 years to refuse to release his tax returns. He has even gone to court to prevent the release of his tax returns.
Walter Shaub Jr., the director of the US Office of Government Ethics, tried to get DICTATOR Trump to divest from his business interests to avoid such conflicts, but Trump refused. Shaub saw so many ethics violations and conflicts of interest that he ultimately resigned in protest.
3. He encouraged a foreign country to interfere in the US presidential election.
At a time when Trump and his campaign officials already knew Russia was interfering in the US election, Trump publicly urged Russia to interfere even more, which they did. Many high ranking people in Trump’s campaign were contacted by Russians with offers of help in the 2016 election and they did not turn down those offers. Although the Mueller investigation did not conclude that Trump conspired with Russia, they did conclude that Trump’s campaign, as well as Trump himself, knew about and encouraged Russian interference.
4. He publicly lied about his business dealings with Russia.
While running for president in 2016, Trump repeatedly claimed to have no involvement with Russia, but he was, in fact, negotiating with the Russian government and Russian business interests about developing a Trump Tower in Moscow at that very time.
Lying to the voters is not strictly an impeachable offense, but Trump blatantly lied about his business ties to Russia because he knew it was an incredible conflict of interest for a potential US president to have major business dealings with a frequent competitor and potential adversary of the United States.
5. According to the Mueller Report, Trump attempted to obstruct justice multiple times.
The Mueller report cites many examples of Trump repeatedly trying to fire the people who are investigating him, discouraging witnesses from cooperating with the investigation, falsifying information about the Trump Tower meeting, asking people to lie and dangling pardons for people who refused to cooperate with the investigation. Many of these acts of obstruction were done publicly on Trump's Twitter account.
For more information about Trump's obstruction of Justice, see the Mueller Report, Volume II, pages 1–8.
6. He violated Campaign Finance Laws.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump had his Lawyer make illegal hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their sexual relationship, then Trump and his Lawyer lied about it. This is a blatant violation of Campaign Finance Laws.
7. Trump urged a foreign leader to help him smear his political opponent.
While Trump withheld aid from the country of Ukraine, he spoke by phone with the Ukraine president. He told the president that the US has been very generous to Ukraine, but that Ukraine had not “reciprocated.” When the Ukraine president said they needed more Javelin missiles, Trump replied, “I need you to do me a favor though,” and then asked the Ukraine president to work with his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Joe Biden. Trump implied that this was a condition to be met if the Javelin missiles were to be sold to Ukraine.
By asking a foreign leader to help smear his political opponent for strictly political reasons, Trump was abusing his presidential powers. This is another glaring violation of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.
8. Millions of dollars that were raised for Trump's inauguration are STILL unaccounted for.
Trump’s campaign is still under investigation for fraud, money laundering and conspiracy against the United States because of the millions of dollars donated for his inauguration that just “disappeared”.
$106 million was raised for Trump's CORONATION, and the inaugural committee still has not accounted for how the money was spent.
9. Trump illegally used his charitable foundation for political purposes.
Trump was ordered to pay $2 million to the charities that he scammed with his fraudulent charity, the Trump Foundation. He also has been prohibited from ever serving on the board of any charity in the future.
Trump raised money that was supposed to go to a veteran's charity but the investigation revealed that the money was used for Trump's political campaign and never sent to the veterans groups.
Additionally, the Trump Foundation illegally made a $25,000 contribution to the Florida Attorney General who was investigating the fraudulent Trump University. Then, the Trump Foundation falsely reported the $25,000 contribution on their taxes, claiming that it went to a charity in Kansas which, in fact, never received any money from them.
10. Trump violated national security by giving his Son-In-Law top security clearance.
Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, lied on his application for security clearance by not disclosing dozens of contacts he’d had with foreign Governments, including Russia. This type of omission is a felony and usually more than enough to get someone’s security clearance denied. However, DICTATOR Trump ordered National Security Agency officials to give Kushner the clearance anyway, which is an extraordinary violation of national security. There is an Old Saying that "There's a Special Place in Hell for the Likes of Donald J. Trump. But that Place is also Reserved for My Family's Version of Donald J. Trump; Ironically this asshole has the Same Middle Initial as the DICTATOR ILLEGALLY Occupying the White House; that's Correct I am referring to My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband; 1 Paul J. Brown, Jr. Now I think this will be the final time I will be attempting to Call this Waste of a Human Life Out, because he's already Proven that he's a complete fucking CHICKEN SHIT COWARD; to haul his Carcass Out here to get his Come Uppance! Yet all the While he's attempting to Lure Me out to My Mother's House so he can Pull his God Damn GUN on Me! Now of course the thought of Breaking his fucking Jaw in 10 Places with My Fist is very tempting! Yet I KNOW this PUSSY; WILL NEVER engage in a FAIR One On One Fight against Me, because Much Like the Shit Vince Mc Mahon Pulled on Stone Cold Steve Austin; Paul is 1000% SCARED TO DEATH of Me! And he SHOULD BE! Now do I want to Resort to Violence? Not at all, because I Know Violence doesn't solve a damn thing Because Naturally I DO NOT FEAR this asshole! I don't Give a flying fuck anymore! It's Painfully Obvious as to who My Mother has Chosen; of course he threatened My Mother with No Longer having that "Security of Married Life and More than Likely he threatened to Kick her Out of the House that she has Called "Home" for the Last 50 Years! Well; he did that to My Grandmother; so what's to say he wouldn't do that to his Own Wife? Especially since he Put her in the Position to where she HAD TO CHOOSE between Him and her 2 Children; her Own Flesh & Blood! I mean shit; he More than Likely goes Rifling through her Purse without her Permission and he Regularly goes through her Phone on top of that and he Naturally CONTROLS who she comes into Contact with as well! I NEVER Once thought that somebody I had Once Looked Up to would transform into a JEALOUS, POSSESSIVE ALCOHOLIC who has Cut My Mother Off from her Family who would regularly Encourage her to get Rid of Paul! How Ironic is this? Paul was ALWAYS Accusing Me of "Not Looking for Work" when My Kids were Growing up and Failing to SUPPORT their Mother's SMOKING! Now of course after I got My CDL; I decided that I was NEVER Going back to Working on a Production Floor; I mean what's the damn Point in Acquiring a CDL if I have No Intention of Using it for its Intended Purpose? Yet it's really funny that He Quite Possibly Fathered a Child with My Nephew's Mother; yet for Damn Near the Past 13 Years he has Dodged the Damn Friend of the CUNT Bullet! Now for those of yous who wonder what I am talking about; the "Child Support" Enforcement Agency here in the State of Michigan is known as the Friend of the Court; but because their Rulings Automatically Favor Custodial Parents (Usually the Mother) is why I call it the Friend of the CUNT! As I am certain Most every other VICTIM of this CORRUPT, CRIMINAL SYSTEM does! I wonder why My Nephew's Mother hasn't Named Paul as the FATHER of her Now almost 13 Year Old Daughter? This is a Question I wouldn't Mind asking My Nephew's Mother; but of course Other People's Marriages and or Romantic Relationships Simply ain't My Place to get Involved; because I simply don't Give a fuck about that! Now it's Kind of funny that this Waste of a Human Life is about to turn 60 Tomorrow; Surprise, Surprise! Sometimes I think The Almighty, Himself really Hates Hard Working Rockers, Like Myself by allowing this asshole to Poison Himself with Liquor every day at Least 16 Hours a Day and yet to this Day; God hasn't struck his ass dead! But I know that day will be coming; and of course I didn't think I would ever say this; but Of course I never HATED Somebody so Much that I would even consider this; but Mark My Words, Paul; when you die, Regardless of what Causes it whether it's Alcohol Poisoning or Suicide By Michigan's Resident Rocker; and trust me we ALL WILL; if I Live to see that Day; at Your Funeral; I will Whip my dick Out and Piss ALL OVER your Lifeless Carcass right in front of Our Entire Family (assuming that you haven't Driven them Out of the Picture Like you did My Brother and I with your LIES!) I can now Hold My Head High that I have a Decent Job; A Nice Apartment and I Play Hockey, What's your fucking EXCUSE, Paul? You have the audacity to Call Me a LOSER; yet who still has a JOB? Who has NEVER Gotten a fucking DUI? Who has NEVER ONCE HAD A DAMN THING TO DO WITH DRUGS IN HIS LIFE? Why; that would be ME! Not YOU! How the fuck do yous Like Me Now, Paul? Oh! You're gonna Play the fucking "Roger" Card against me? Go Ahead! Because that NO LONGER has an effect on Me at all! In fact; I don't even Know why you're STILL Obsessed with "Uncle" Roger anyway! Is it your Deep Inner Guilt over Marrying Your Uncle's Ex-Wife; because you were somehow Jealous of Roger? Well, Naturally I don't think even a Psychologist could Navigate the Delusional Alcohol-Hazed SWAMP you Call a "Brain" (for ANY sense of Logic or ANY Other Human Quality) which you have been DESTROYING with Your ADDICTION to Liquor! But Now My Conscience is CLEAR; I Now KNOW I DID NOTHING to Trigger your Obsession with Controlling My Mother and Keeping her Family away from her! Maybe someday My Mother will Find out the TRUTH about your AFFAIR with Your Own Grandson's Mother; I simply Hope it happens before it's Too Late and she can toss you Out on your Worthless ass! Now since yous Know NOTHING about the fucking TRUTH or since yous have been attempting to HIDE the TRUTH from My Mother over your AFFAIR; yous May as well drown your fucking Sorrows with yet another Bottle; because I am DONE WITH YOU, Paul! I told yous before I don't Need your Money and Most of all I DON'T NEED YOUR APPROVAL! Because I have carved Out My Own Path in Life and I will Live Out My Days CLEAN & SOBER! Now if your Sisters Object to what I am saying; well that's their Right; but I don't NEED Toxic Influences Like YOU in My Life; nor do I Need those who ENABLE your Drinking! It's a damn shame that it has come to this; but I REFUSE to ALLOW YOUR LIES about me "Trafficking Narcotics" which you KNOW DAMN WELL IS 1000% NOT FUCKING TRUE! With that being Said you are STILL Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES to Contact Me at ALL! Because I have NO DESIRE to ever hear your Voice again nor do I have ANY Desire to see your SCUZZY COUNTRY SINGER LOOK-ALIKE FACE! Because I will now be Closing the Book on this Chapter of My Life, because I figure there ain't not a damn thing more to say on this Topic! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying It's time to as the Bob Seger Classic Turn the Page says; and write another Chapter in what could be My Autobiography!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
So Many Assholes; So Little Time To Avoid Them!
What better of a time is it when it's time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of us know is Canada! Now I have been asked "Why is it that you Promote Canada so Much? Where is your sense of Patriotism?" O.K. Yes; I admit I do express Patriotism to the Canadian Flag and to Canada; because I have Dual Citizenship in both Canada as well as the United States. Yet the American Flag doesn't represent to me or to anybody who has been so fucking Horribly OPPRESSED, under Laws here in the States that CATER to those who have MONEY & CONNECTIONS. Yes I was Born in Port Huron, Michigan on November 30, 1969 @ 3:31 AM; which Makes me an American Citizen by Birth. Now allow me to explain where I Learned that I am also a Canadian Citizen also from the Minute I was Born. The Canadian Immigration And Citizenship Act of 1947 States that Any Individual Born to a Canadian Born Parent; who is a Canadian Citizen at the time of Birth has the Automatic Right of Canadian Citizenship. Yet this was something that I hadn't Known until about 9 Years ago; when I was on the Phone with a Canadian Immigration Officer, and I asked her the Question; because I was barred from entering Canada; because I did a couple things I Regret; when I was Younger; "Would the fact that One of My Parents was Born in Canada make a difference as to My Admissibility?" The Officer Responded "Believe this or Not, you're actually a Canadian Citizen." She then Explained that there was a Law that as yous see I had Referenced that stated that because My Mother was Born in Canada (and she was still what is called a "Resident Alien" at the time I was Born in 1969 as well as My Brother born nearly 3 Years Later in 1972) that I am a Canadian Citizen and since Canada Recognizes Multiple Citizenships. That in essence was a Game Changer! That is something I Look at as a New Lease on Life; because I have Family that Resides in God's Country. Naturally; I felt I needed to get My Citizenship Document and on October 1, 2012; I finally Received it and believe me; that has More Value to Me than even a Bar of Solid 14 Karat Gold! The Only Regret I have was the Fact that I wasn't Born in Canada; if that was the Case then BOTH of My Kids would have the Gift of Canadian Citizenship as their Birthright. Now of course if they wanted to Apply for Canadian Citizenship; they Certainly Can. My Brother is interested in doing this very thing; and I advised him on how to go about that. Yet One thing stands in his way; which is he needs to Obtain a Copy of My Mother's Birth Certificate; now the Problem is; well the Usual Suspect; My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband, One Paul Brown, Jr. Now yous talk about an asshole; who Gives a whole new Meaning to the term asshole! In fact this DRUNK is such a fucking asshole; that there's a Category of asshole that Paul defines on his own! In fact Paul has Proceeded to POISON the very Dynamic of My Family with his Chronic Drinking; and his "Phone Cahonies," this means his "balls" are as big as boulders when he's Hiding behind his Phone! Now of course his "Balls" shrink when he's face to face with Me: and he SHOULD BE Scared to Death of Me! After all this Falling Out was Started by PAUL, Himself, not by Me or My Brother! Paul seems to think that because he Married My Mother that All of Sudden by that Marriage Decree that he's Now the "Family Patriarch!" Blow it out your ass! I may not have spoken to My Biological Father, Roger in over 31 Years; and any Kind of a Reunion with Roger STILL Is Not very High on My List of Priorities (in fact, I Honestly don't know if Roger is still Alive or if he's Now Deceased) and to tell yous the truth; I really ain't in any kind of a hurry to find that shit out! Now it's really funny how Paul PRETENDS to give a flying fuck about My Mother; yet his Words drip with Hypocrisy! Allow me to give yous a Case in Point; now he did this shit to BOTH My Brother and I; Now I didn't get around to Calling My Mother on Mother's Day in 2016; a stupid fucking HALLMARK HOLIDAY! Yet it's amazing that Paul seems to think that the "Rules" that apply to everybody else simply DO NOT APPLY TO HIM! And of course he started with the fucking HARASSING LATE NIGHT Phone Calls and Texts to My Phone; of course to attempt to Intimidate Me; well that was the final fucking Straw! I Guess as a Humans Being; I AM NOT ALLOWED to be HUMAN and Make Mistakes or simply be too busy with My Job at that time to acknowledge a stupid HALLMARK HOLIDAY! Pardon the fuck out of Me for Not being "PERFECT" Like you Claim to be you fucking DRUNK! I don't even get bent out of Shape if either One of My Kids doesn't Call Me or send me a Message on Father's Day; to Me that also is a stupid fucking HALLMARK HOLIDAY! BIG fucking DEAL if that didn't Happen! What really amazes me is how he acts as if he's the "Perfect Husband," yet Let's Put that under a Microscope; Now it seems as if he seems to think I answer to him! Ha! Ha! What a fucking JOKE! I mean he ain't Signing My Paychecques; therefore I don't even Owe him the Sweat off of My Balls; if he was dying of thirst! After all the ONLY People I "Answer to" are the People who are above Me at Anchor Wiping Cloth! Now I guess their attitude is when I am not in their Truck; they don't really Care what I do! Now I Never thought these People, aside from My Hockey Brothers are in essence My Family. Now of course, I still talk to My Brother, My Kids, My Niece, Caylee, who turns 13 Later this Month. As well as My Cousin, Carl, in God's Country. But to the Extent that this Falling Out became an all out WAR; is the Weekend that My Then-Girlfriend, Brittany; got Busted for having 4 Xanax Pills in her Purse and My Car got Impounded! I mean what the fuck was I supposed to do? Search her fucking Purse for any "Contraband? Go through her Phone without her Permission? If I was to do that I would be facing Down Steve Wilkos, a Former Chicago, Illinois Police Officer, on his Show for exactly that! Even though I had Suspected that she was USING Drugs, I simply Could Not PROVE that! Yet I ain't no Gambling Man, however am willing to Wager that Paul Regularly Rifles through My Mother's Purse and Goes through Her Phone; because he CONTROLS Her; and she can't break free from his Control! Now Paul doesn't even NEED Liquor to be added to be an Instant Asshole! But of course since he cannot fucking Cope with Life's Problems without Liquor; well that only Compounded the asshole factor that I have had to put up with for the Last 4 Years! Now how's this for a fucking Double Standard that he exhibits? Now allow me to ask yous who read these Manifestos so religiously this Question; and Please be Honest when yous answer it: What fucking Business is it of Paul's that my fucking Car got Impounded? What fucking Business is it of Paul's whether I had a Girlfriend at the Time? The short answer is It ain't NONE OF HIS FUCKING BUSINESS! Now this shit really cracks me up he had the fucking Audacity to send me a Text (before I blocked his ass on Facebook as well as his Phone #) that said "You're not supposed to have a Girlfriend when you're Married!" All Right; if that's the fucking Case; why is it that it's O.K. for you, Paul to go fuck your Own Grandson's Mother (and Possibly Father a Child with her) while Married to My Mother? Who the fuck are you? The Morality Police? Fuck you! There ain't no such damn thing! The Closest thing to that are Vice Cops; and I have yet to Meet one of those damn CHURCH COPS! Yet you seem to think that you have the RIGHT to Call Me a "Dope Dealer" when you KNOW FULLY GOD DAMN WELL that I ain't NEVER HAD a DAMN THING TO DO WITH DRUGS In My Life! Then you take a Play out of YOUR Uncle Roger's Playbook and Quote the Bible to engage in BULLYING against Me? Practice what you Preach, Hypocrite! Now here's a really funny story I damn near keep forgetting this shit; he Once Tried to BAN Me from Facebook; as if he OWNS that site, for what? This is a good one; because he gets a burr up his DRUNK ass whenever I Post a Manifesto; in where I tell him to Mind His Own Business! He even threatened to Prosecute Me if I "Didn't Get Off Of Facebook." Hey, asshole; when did yous Change your Name to Mark Zuckerberg? Even if you were him; I STILL WILL NOT Delete My Account!! Free Speech is My RIGHT Given to me by an Authority Higher than Mr. Government of the United States of Donald Trump! Tell me something, Paul, you say how you QUOTE: "Love Your Wife," O.K. How did you show that "Love" for My Mother when you fucked Your Own Grandson's Mother? Go ahead and keep DENYING it; because you ain't got to Answer to me! Because I simply don't Give a fuck; whether you fucked My Nephew's Mother or ANY Woman, Other than My Mother! Because Other People's Relationships and or Marriages are simply NOT MY PLACE to Get Involved! Allow me to give yous an example: My Cousin, Carl and his Lovely Wife, Nanette. Now this is a Couple that by Most Appearances appear to be "Soulmates," and Most anybody would assume that neither one would stray from One another. Now I have been asked "If you know that a Friend of yours is 'Cheating' on His/Her Spouse and or Insignificant Other would you get involved? Is there any Reason why I should? Let's assume that Carl was to stray away from Nanette; I WOULD NOT Get Involved; because that would be between the 2 of them! Now I admit that I ain't No Angel; I Never said I was! I admit I fucked at Least 22 Different Women since I was Married to My Now Ex-Wife; But hey, I'm a Man and of course if any Woman Offered me a Chance to Have Sex with her; My Instincts end up taking over! Now My beliefs on Monogamy in Humans Being are Rather well Documented. Yet Carl and Nanette are the exception to this Rule; and hey if it Works for them, then Great! Of course I don't know if any other Woman has ever Tempted Carl to Stray away from Nanette or not; and Quite frankly; I don't really Care if that did happen! I ain't Never going to Claim some "Moral High Ground" because I admit; as a Loyal Leykis 101 Student, Moral Issues are not my forte. Case in Point, My Neighbor; has been involved with a Guy who Lives about 2 Hours from here; and I admit I do Like her! Yet whether something has the Potential to Develop between her and Me; I can't say! But I don't believe I can weigh in On this Relationship that she's Involved in; of course I'm always willing to Listen to her and be somebody she can confide in; but I don't want to be the Target of a Possible Scorned Boyfriend's Wrath! So; I'll simply step back and just be there if she needs a Friend or whatever else she may see me as. In fact she is in essence one of Maybe only about Maybe 20 People who know Me, Personally since I Moved to Mount Morris. But that brings me back to Paul; This past Week, My Aunt Kim (Paul's Sister) said she was going to "Block" Me on Facebook; because of the fact that I Gave Paul 30 Days to RETRACT His LIES about Me being a "Dope Dealer" that he's been Spreading around Port Huron for the Last 4 fucking Years; otherwise I WILL Be Taking his DRUNK ass to Small Claims Court for SLANDER and HARASSMENT. Now of course I issued that Chance for Him to RETRACT these fucking LIES in Last Week's Manifesto; Now 7 Days has Passed and Of course No Retraction, because Paul seems to think he's "PERFECT" and "MAKES NO MISTAKES!" Blow that Out your ass as well! Now as far as Aunt Kim is concerned; does it Look Like I give a fuck as to whether she "Blocks" me or not? I get it; Paul is her Brother and she Probably feels Morally Obligated to defend the asshole; no matter how Out of Line he steps! I mean he could Murder My Mother and of course Aunt Kim will Defend him! Now I will say this to you, Aunt Kim; If you want to Continue to ENABLE Paul's Drinking and Possibly allow him to spiral to an Early Alcohol Induced Death; then that's On YOU, Not ME! Now don't get me wrong; I Like to Drink a Beer or 2 when I go to a Flint Firebirds Hockey Game or after a Game that I am Playing in. But I don't "HAVE TO HAVE IT Every fucking waking Minute of every damn day! Yet the "Almighty" Paul seems to think that he has the RIGHT to HARASS ME even after I told him that he was Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES to ever fucking Contact Me; again! But I guess some People cannot Comprehend ANY Part of DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN! Or English is this asshole's Second Language! I admit I don't know a Lot of Drunkenese; even though I have spoken several Words in that Language whenever I got Hammered! You see; I admit I have had Nights when I had a few too Many beers in My System; Case In Point New Year's Eve going into 2013 (the Very Year My Daughter, Marjorie Graduated from Port Huron Northern High School, 25 Years after I Graduated from that Same School; How Ironic, eh?). My Then Wife and I went to My Now Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly's House in London, Ontario (this was when I actually was getting along with Kelly, before she got in touch with her Inner Pro-Republican SNOB) I Poured at Least 12 Beers into My System and became a One Man Rock Concert for a Captive Audience of 2! God! Good Times! But Man did I ever Pay for that the Next Morning! But hey, There ain't very Many Things that Taste better than Cold Canadian Beer! There ain't very Many Feelings Worse than a Hangover; well, Physically that is! I felt Like I was puking up an Open Sewer the Morning After! Yet I Generally am not Mean or Aggressive when I get Hammered! Now of course I can't single out Just 1 asshole; as I have said there are so many assholes that there are too many of them to List; yet I will Target a Rather Famous asshole; because not Only is he DICTATOR, Donald Trump's Biggest Enabler as far as Trump's TREASONOUS, CRIMINAL Acts; but this asshole has been fucking the "American People" since He assumed Office damn near 36 Years ago! I am referring to None other than Senate "Majority Leader," Mitch McConnell a Republican from Kentucky; one of the POOREST States in the USA; yet this asshole is one of the RICHEST Bags of shit; in the Entire Congress! Now of course he's fucked the "American People" by RIGGING the Impeachment Trial of DICTATOR, Donald Trump; who's a Major Lifelong asshole in his Own Right! But McConnell Now has made his Intentions CRYSTAL CLEAR to fuck the "American People" Out of another $1200.00 Economic Recovery Payment; despite the FACT he Voted to Give the Airlines as well as Several Corporations Billion Dollar Golden Parachutes so these fucking CRIMINAL Corporations can engage in Stock Buybacks as well as Giving their Greedy CEOs Lavish Bonuses; while shitting on the Workers who Make these Corporations their Billions of $$$$$$! Now I shall share with yous an article on the Crimes of Moscow Mitch; yous can access this article by going to or do a Google Search by typing in The Case for the Removal of Moscow Mitch: Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is the Quintessential crook and he wears it like a badge of honor. He is everything you loathe about corrupt Politicians and more.
We can make this case anywhere along the course of Mitch's Career, but Let's start in January 2009, when he announced that his sole purpose for the following 4 years would be to block anything coming out of the Obama White House.
The Majority Leader of the United States Senate said he would abdicate all of the duties incumbent upon him as an elected official to derail the Presidency of a duly Elected Barack Obama, the only ostensible rationale being that the man was black.
Mitch thereupon forfeited the right to use the word obstruction in any of its forms other than as it pertains to himself.
Obstructing at every turn, Mitch still failed to limit President Obama to one term.
In February 2016, Senior Associate Justice of the Court, Antonin Scalia died in his sleep. This was the 4th year of President Obama's 2nd Term.
In accordance with his Constitutionally mandated duty, President Obama nominated the eminently Qualified Chief Judge of the D.C. Court of Appeals, Merrick Garland to replace Scalia.
Garland, a graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School was nominated to the appellate court by Bill Clinton in January 1997 and confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate just 2 months later by a 76-23 vote.
He became Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit Court in 2013.
Though well prepared for his meetings with Senators, Garland was denied a Senate hearing and a Confirmation Vote.
Mitch's unprecedented (and bullshit) reason for blocking Garland's nomination was that the American people should get to weigh in on the next Supreme Court Justice.The flaw in that LIE is that the American People had already weighed in (twice, in fact), electing Barack Obama to do all things Presidential throughout his tenure.
Those Presidential duties specifically included filling Supreme Court Vacancies.
Only 55 Federal Appellate Judgeships were filled during President Obama's Presidency because of Mitch's obstructionism.
Mitch is a ruthless, conniving, corrupt Liar. He spent 8 years trying to destroy the Legitimate Presidency of a decent man and now enables a fake Presidency and a Criminal Enterprise being run out of the Oval Office.
Mitch has his own pipeline to Moscow, but for your reading pleasure, I have deleted about 400 words here detailing that. Check with Google.
In June 2016 Mitch said that it's pretty obvious (Trump) doesn't know a lot about the issues.
Since then, Mitch has eviscerated the U.S. Senate, turning it into a rubber stamp for Trump's Judicial Nominees, all supplied by the Federalist Society.
Since 2018 Mitch has buried hundreds of bills passed by the Democratic controlled House, most of them bipartisan.
Mitch puts nothing before the Senate that is not pre-approved by Little Donnie, obliterating the separation of powers carefully constructed by the Founding Fathers.
With articles of impeachment heading to the Senate, Mitch is required to assume a new role, that of impartial Juror in the trial of Little Donnie Trump (LDT).
Can you imagine the jury foreman in a trial taking orders from the Defendant?
It is incomprehensible as to what rules, protocol, oath or precedent is guiding Mitch, but he has clearly gone rogue. Or nuts.
His actions are in complete defiance of the Constitution, the rule of law, common decency and the interests of the United States of America.
It should surprise no one that Mitch's defense of Trump putting the screws to Ukraine falls in line with Russia's Eastern European agenda.
Mitch is not without cohorts, co-conspirators and accomplices.
Barr, Pompeo, Pence, Nunes, Meadows, Jordan and Collins are just some of the names on that list. You can throw in Hannity, Limbaugh, Pirro and Carlson for good measure.
But I digress.
We were talking about making a case for the (disappearance) of Mitch McConnell. How are we doing so far? As Andrew Dice Clay was Quoted in the Movie The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane "So Many assholes; so few bullets!" Well, I ain't one to encourage Inciting Violence; yet I will say this; there are all too many assholes in this World; and there's so Little Time to avoid them all! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying assholes are all around us; how yous deal with them is entirely on Yous!
We can make this case anywhere along the course of Mitch's Career, but Let's start in January 2009, when he announced that his sole purpose for the following 4 years would be to block anything coming out of the Obama White House.
The Majority Leader of the United States Senate said he would abdicate all of the duties incumbent upon him as an elected official to derail the Presidency of a duly Elected Barack Obama, the only ostensible rationale being that the man was black.
Mitch thereupon forfeited the right to use the word obstruction in any of its forms other than as it pertains to himself.
Obstructing at every turn, Mitch still failed to limit President Obama to one term.
In February 2016, Senior Associate Justice of the Court, Antonin Scalia died in his sleep. This was the 4th year of President Obama's 2nd Term.
In accordance with his Constitutionally mandated duty, President Obama nominated the eminently Qualified Chief Judge of the D.C. Court of Appeals, Merrick Garland to replace Scalia.
Garland, a graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School was nominated to the appellate court by Bill Clinton in January 1997 and confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate just 2 months later by a 76-23 vote.
He became Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit Court in 2013.
Though well prepared for his meetings with Senators, Garland was denied a Senate hearing and a Confirmation Vote.
Mitch's unprecedented (and bullshit) reason for blocking Garland's nomination was that the American people should get to weigh in on the next Supreme Court Justice.The flaw in that LIE is that the American People had already weighed in (twice, in fact), electing Barack Obama to do all things Presidential throughout his tenure.
Those Presidential duties specifically included filling Supreme Court Vacancies.
Only 55 Federal Appellate Judgeships were filled during President Obama's Presidency because of Mitch's obstructionism.
Mitch is a ruthless, conniving, corrupt Liar. He spent 8 years trying to destroy the Legitimate Presidency of a decent man and now enables a fake Presidency and a Criminal Enterprise being run out of the Oval Office.
Mitch has his own pipeline to Moscow, but for your reading pleasure, I have deleted about 400 words here detailing that. Check with Google.
In June 2016 Mitch said that it's pretty obvious (Trump) doesn't know a lot about the issues.
Since then, Mitch has eviscerated the U.S. Senate, turning it into a rubber stamp for Trump's Judicial Nominees, all supplied by the Federalist Society.
Since 2018 Mitch has buried hundreds of bills passed by the Democratic controlled House, most of them bipartisan.
Mitch puts nothing before the Senate that is not pre-approved by Little Donnie, obliterating the separation of powers carefully constructed by the Founding Fathers.
With articles of impeachment heading to the Senate, Mitch is required to assume a new role, that of impartial Juror in the trial of Little Donnie Trump (LDT).
Can you imagine the jury foreman in a trial taking orders from the Defendant?
It is incomprehensible as to what rules, protocol, oath or precedent is guiding Mitch, but he has clearly gone rogue. Or nuts.
His actions are in complete defiance of the Constitution, the rule of law, common decency and the interests of the United States of America.
It should surprise no one that Mitch's defense of Trump putting the screws to Ukraine falls in line with Russia's Eastern European agenda.
Mitch is not without cohorts, co-conspirators and accomplices.
Barr, Pompeo, Pence, Nunes, Meadows, Jordan and Collins are just some of the names on that list. You can throw in Hannity, Limbaugh, Pirro and Carlson for good measure.
But I digress.
We were talking about making a case for the (disappearance) of Mitch McConnell. How are we doing so far? As Andrew Dice Clay was Quoted in the Movie The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane "So Many assholes; so few bullets!" Well, I ain't one to encourage Inciting Violence; yet I will say this; there are all too many assholes in this World; and there's so Little Time to avoid them all! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying assholes are all around us; how yous deal with them is entirely on Yous!
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Michigan's Resident Rocker Will Clear His Name Once And For All!
Now who would have thought it is once again Time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of yous know is Canada; even those of yous who are simply functionally illiterate know God's Country is indeed Canada; a Utopia of PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY! As a Proud Canadian; Trapped in the United States of the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump; I am on a Mission to Make America, AMERICA again! Yous see; "America" ain't merely a Country; it's a Concept of what's supposed to be Good, Fair and Just in this World! Yet as we speak; Horrible Injustices continue to be Committed by fucking White Supremacist assholes; all at the Direction of the TRAITOROUS DICTATOR; Donald Trump! Nonetheless; I ain't about to give Trump any more mention in this Manifesto; because Let's be honest; Trump doesn't deserve to be mentioned any further in this entry! Well, as we all know a very Special Date is upon the Horizon; for Later this Month, it will be 2 Years since I Joined the Family at Anchor Wiping Cloth in Detroit, Michigan. Now this truly is a Family Run Business; And I am very happy to be a Member of the Team! In fact; I think I have finally found something I can do for what will be the Remainder of My Professional Driving Career! And you know what? I really wonder why I waited so damn Long to Get My CDL! As we all are aware of I didn't get My CDL Until I was 37 Years Old; and it really makes me regret wasting so many damn years working in Meaningless Factory Jobs that Just simply didn't Pay Me enough to Live off of as well as just Made me Miserable! Now if yous really Look at the Last 13 Years of My Life since I obtained My CDL; I have had 6 Jobs (Including My Time Hauling Expedited Freight) and what's really Nice is; I haven't had to deal with Office Politics! I mean the beauty of My Current Job is I don't have to Look Over My Shoulder; I don't have to Worry about People starting bullshit Rumors about Me; all I have to do is Jump in the Truck @ 5:30 Monday-Friday Mornings and Drive to the Warehouse in Detroit; Load Up My Truck and go out on My Route. Now of course there are days in which My Employer needs me to return to the Warehouse after My Route and Load Up for the Next Day's Route; which Takes me Primarily into the Grand Rapids, Michigan Area. Other times; I Load Up for Jackson and Kalamazoo; and of course in other weeks I get sent into Flint, Saginaw and Bay City Areas. Now of course; I Park the Truck at the Ryder Facility in Flint; which is how it is that I have Lived in Genesee County for the Last 2 Years. Now of course the Longest I was at any Employer was My Time at MPP Corp in Kimball Township, Michigan. This was a Job I really enjoyed Doing and I Learned a Great deal that I take to Work with Me every Day. I Miss Getting Paid every Thursday and I really Miss the Money I made; Hell, in 2016; I earned Close to $61,000.00 in that Year alone! But after 3 Years things simply didn't work out; but I have No Regrets over that! Then I went to Work at Weeks' Food Corp in Richmond, Michigan. Now this Job was a Torture Test; both Physically and Mentally; Now don't get Me wrong; Weeks' Food Corp is a Good Company to Work for; it simply wasn't a Good Fit for Me! The ONLY Thing I really Miss about Working at Weeks' Food Corp was getting Paid every Friday. Other than that, well as I said I did Learn some very valuable stuff; but I Never Really Looked forward to going to Work when I was there! It seems as if all I was doing was putting out fires! But Once I Joined the Anchor Wiping Cloth Family; I had a feeling that I was going to be a Happy Man; Little did I realize that 2 Months after I Got Hired at Anchor Wiping Cloth; that I would be Moving into a beautiful 1 Bedroom Apartment in Mount Morris that ain't just simply a Nice Place to Call "Home". But it's Remarkably Affordable on top of that! The beauty of My Job; is I can work as Many or as few Hours as I want and My Pay is Fairly Consistent. In fact all that is Required of me is to Run My Delivery Routes. Usually after that (or even during My Delivery Routes) I go out and Hunt Pallets. Now a few of My Customers actually Give Me Pallets that they don't want to use; which means Bonus Money in My Paychecques! I have to say that My Job is a true Blessing! Now I ain't a very Religious Man; so yous may be shocked by me using a Religious Term as a "Blessing", but it truly is! The Only Drawback about Living here in Genesee County is that in essence I still Hardly Know anybody Out here! But since I really don't go out of My way to Make Friends; it ain't necessarily a bad thing at all! Now of course; as yous have noticed I only used 1 F-Bomb so far; well that's because I haven't gotten to the Disclaimer for those of yous who get Offended easily to STOP Reading what I am writing because I do use rather strong Language in My Manifestos and for good Reason; because usually when I write out My Manifestos I am Pissed Off; and of course Tonight is No Exception to that Rule! How many of yous saw the film The Karate Kid? The Main Character was being HARASSED and beaten up by these Bullies; Yet at the end of that Film the Main Bully; got his Come-Uppance! Well there's been a Bully Harassing Me for the Last 4 Years! Now the Target of this Manifesto has been Pissing Me off for the Last 4 fucking Years because he's been SLANDERING My GOOD NAME for the Last 4 fucking Years! The very fucking Pile of Shit I am Targeting in this Manifesto is None other than My Mother's Husband, 1 Paul J. Brown, Jr. Now what Precipitated this Falling Out? Well; for those of yous who Know Me on a Personal Basis; yous all KNOW that what this asshole has been Spreading around My Original Hometown of Port Huron, Michigan is ABSOLUTELY 1000% NOT FUCKING TRUE! Even PAUL, HIMSELF KNOWS DAMN WELL that what he's been spreading about Me is 1000% NOT FUCKING TRUE AT ALL! So allow me to Take yous down Memory Lane to a Time in which I now wish I could Travel back in time to Forewarn that Younger Version of Myself about a Young Woman by the Name of Brittany. Now for those of yous who are curious as to who Brittany is; I have a Photo of her and I can send yous a Photo of her to see how it is; that I got so mixed up with her! Brittany is Now a beautiful 30 Year Old Brunette with Blue Eyes. Now In My Book; a Brunette with Blue Eyes is as Rare as an Asian Woman with Blonde Hair! Nonetheless; I met Brittany at a Speedway Gas Station on the Corner of Hall Road & Groesbeck Highway in Mount Clemens, Michigan. I was Fueling Up My Employer's Pickup Truck when this Brunette asked me for a favor. She Told me that her Grandmother was in Flint and she was in Poor Health; therefore I Gave that Young Woman $40.00. She Started to cry and gave me a hug; I really didn't think anything about it at the time. I simply thought I was Lending a Helping Hand; she then asked for My Phone # and we started exchanging Text Messages. A Month Later, Brittany got Picked Up on an Arrest Warrant and she ended up spending 4 Months in the Macomb County Jail. I figured that I wasn't going to see or hear from her again anytime soon. Now Fast Forward to the Day of this Incident; which is June 3, 2016. I Pick Up Brittany (and to tell yous the TRUTH) I had been suspecting that she was a Drug Addict; I mean think about it; she was ALWAYS wanting Money; and I admit; I never really watched the TV Show, Intervention on the A & E Network. And at that Point in time it was 18 Years since I was Last Around a Drug Addict, that being My First Wife, Carrie (Now as far as I know Carrie is STILL Addicted to Hallucinogenic Drugs and Alcohol) and I forgot Just how fucking Manipulative Drug Addicts can be! I also forgot How Good Drug Addicts are at LYING to get what they want! Now the Story Brittany kept Hammering at Me was "Her Mother had Terminal Breast Cancer" which I Kept giving her the benefit of the Doubt. I simply could not connect the Dots to Reveal the true Picture of what she really was up to! Now I am going to throw a few Key Words at yous: they are SUSPECTED and PROVE. Now where am I going to use these Words? Follow along and I will reveal them to yous! For a few Months Leading up to this Incident; I SUSPECTED that Brittany was Using Drugs without My Knowledge! Problem was I simply Could Not PROVE it! Now I had made it CRYSTAL CLEAR to her that if she was going to Use Drugs that she WOULD NOT BE WITH ME! That Goes for ANY Woman who is going to be Involved with Me! I WILL NOT and I Re-Iterate WILL NOT Date a fucking JUNKIE! I don't have a "3 Strikes & You're OUT" Policy as far as Use and or Involvement with Narcotics are Concerned! It's Called you get Caught with Drugs; you're OUT of My Life! So as I was saying and I want YOU, Paul to Read this Word for Word; because You KNOW FULLY FUCKING A-WELL that I ain't NEVER Had a God Damn Thing to do with Drugs in My Life! After I picked Brittany Up; I kept asking her where she wanted to go so we could talk; yet she seemed to keep "Falling asleep". Now I don't know what a Possible Drug Overdose Looks Like; because Prior to that; I ain't never seen one! I started thinking "I Probably Need to get her either back to the Motel she was staying at." I figured she hadn't slept in about 36 Hours or so. I Pull into the Parking Lot of this Family Dollar Store in Eastpointe (formerly known as East Detroit), Michigan. I'm trying to figure out what I need to do. I was about to go into the Store to buy her a Stuffed Animal; just as a means of Showing her what I felt towards her; well as I am about to get out of My Car this Squad Car from the Eastpointe Police Department Rolls Up behind My Car. So I Proceed to talk to the Officers. They ask to search me as well as My Car; well Naturally since I have NOTHING TO HIDE! I say Go ahead." Meanwhile, I hear the sound of Handcuffs clicking shut; I turn around and I see Brittany being Handcuffed; before I could ask what was going on; the One Officer told Me "Sir, apparently you don't know your Girlfriend very well, she's being arrested for Felony Possession of Narcotics!" Now I respond "Officer, I'm afraid you're Correct, I Really DON'T KNOW her at all!" When I asked the Officer what he meant; he Explained to me that she had 4 Xanax Pills in her Purse! I then hear Brittany yell "Babe, do something!" So Naturally I asked the Officers to Get her Out of My Sight before I do something I'm Later going to Regret! I IMMEDIATELY BROKE OFF the Relationship! I felt so betrayed! I couldn't even Imagine that somebody who swore that she "Loved Me" could Lie to Me Like she did. Now here's where it gets all the Worse; My fucking Car got Impounded; the Officer told me that "Even though you are Innocent; we have NO CHOICE BUT to Impound the Vehicle; you will have the Chance to get it back, Monday." Needless to say; I was enraged. I Learned that Brittany was being taken to a Hospital Located on the Corner of Hoover and 12 Mile Roads in Warren; I Later got a Hold of the Woman who I Later Learned is Brittany's Mother! Yous talk about the Unpleasant Surprised Coming down the pike at Me all that fucking Weekend! I asked Brittany, who at that time had all kinds of tubes sticking into her, for an explanation as to why My fucking Car got Impounded, and what else was she LYING to me about? She then tells the Woman I Later Learned is her Mother (who Looks as Healthy as a 52 Year Old Woman could be) that she was attempting to Kill herself! At this Point I'm thinking "What the fuck?" The Doctor explains to me that the Next 48 Hours will be "Touch and Go, due to the Amount of Drugs in her System!" While I was being given a Ride Home by, who I Later Discovered is Brittany's Mother I was seething! I couldn't believe that I had been LIED To by somebody who swore that she "Loved Me". Now I knew Brittany has Problems; but Little did I realize the Depth of her Problems! When I got My Car back; I returned Brittany's Belongings to who I Later that Day Learned is her Mother; I then Learn that Brittany had been seeing Somebody behind My Back and apparently she was involved with this Felonious Pile of shit for at Least 5 Years Prior to Meeting Me! O.K. Paul; Allow Me to explain the Forfeiture Laws that Led to My Car Getting Impounded; even though I WAS NEVER EVEN HANDCUFFED, Let Alone Taken into Custody: Civil forfeiture in the United States, also called civil asset forfeiture or civil judicial forfeiture, is a process in which Law Enforcement officers take assets
from persons suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity
without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing. While civil procedure, as opposed to criminal procedure, generally involves a dispute between 2 private citizens, civil forfeiture involves a dispute between Law Enforcement and property
such as a pile of cash or a house or a boat, such that the thing is
suspected of being involved in a crime. To get back the seized property,
owners must prove it was not involved in criminal activity. Sometimes
it can mean a threat to seize property as well as the act of seizure
itself. Civil forfeiture is not considered to be an example of a criminal justice financial obligation. Now Paul: a.k.a. "Mr. I THINK I'M PERFECT" Answer me this fucking Question: Since You WERE NOT THERE and thus KNOW NOTHING: Whys was I Not Arrested? Why was I NEVER Taken Into Custody? Why was I Not Lodged in the fucking Macomb County Jail for that fucking Weekend that My Car was Impounded? Why did I NEVER HAVE TO Appear in Court in connection with this Charge? Why because IT'S NOT FUCKING TRUE! In fact I will fucking Challenge you to come up with some fucking PROOF that I am a "Dope Dealer" that you have been Calling Me in fucking Public for the Last 4 fucking Years! In fact Call the fucking Eastpointe Police Department with the Date of the Incident being June 3, 2016. Involving MY 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt. In Fact; I challenge you to Call the fucking Sheriff's Department of My Current Home County which is Genesee County and or ALL 83 Michigan Counties; as to whether I have ANY fucking Arrests, Convictions, Court Dates and so on as far as ANY fucking Narcotics Related Charges against Me! Go ahead! Because shit Like this is a Matter of PUBLIC RECORD! This is your fucking Chance to Come Up with some fucking PROOF that I have been "Dealing Drugs!" Because as is the Law here in the Great State of Michigan; I am issuing you a fucking Chance to RETRACT your SLANDEROUS LIES about Me "Dealing Drugs", because yous KNOW YOUS HAVE NOT 1 FUCKING SHRED OF CREDIBLE EVIDENCE Linking Me to ANY kind of Drug Related Activities; because I MUST forewarn yous that I will be Filing a Small Claims Court Lawsuit against you for fucking SLANDER and HARASSMENT if you REFUSE to Retract your SLANDEROUS LIES against Me within 30 Days of receiving this Manifesto! Now allow me to give yous the definition of SLANDER: Slander (Noun) 1. Oral communication of false and malicious statements that damage the reputation of another.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone. Now Let's see, Publicly Telling a LIE about somebody engaging in a Criminal Activity that said Person is not Involved in such as Me "Dealing Drugs" that's SLANDER! And you KNOW GOD DAMN WELL that there's NO TRUTH to ANY of those fucking Statements! And where do I get Harassment? Well allow Me to Refresh your fucking Memory; because I DO NOT fucking Recall you having MY PERMISSION to Call Me at all! Yet you Kept Leaving HARASSING VOICE MAIL Messages on My Phone; after specifically I told yous that we have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT! For those of yous who are saying "Why are you airing your 'Dirty Laundry' here on Facebook?" This ain't Airing No "Dirty Laundry" this is about CLEARING MY GOOD NAME! In fact, Paul; you fucking DRUNK; I WILL be Taking a fucking Lie Detector Test to CLEAR MY GOOD NAME of your 1000% FALSE CHARGES of being a "Dope Dealer" and when I PASS that Motherfucker; I WILL WIPE YOUR ASS with the Results and then shove them down your fucking Throat! By the way I still have those fucking Voice Mail Messages that I WILL Use against you in Court! Which Leads to the Question WHY are yous CALLING ME AT the wee Hours of the fucking Morning? AFTER I TOLD YOUS THAT YOUS ARE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES TO CALL ME AT ALL?! What are you going to do then; after the Judge slaps the hammer down on the Bench and says "You MUST Pay Michigan's Resident Rocker $5000.00 for SLANDER & HARASSMENT." Beat on that Pickle Brained Dog; who has been the Target of your fucking Cowardly abuse for Years? I mean that animal is so damn dumb that is Brains were dynamite; he wouldn't even have enough fucking Powder to blow his nose! But you being the COWARD that you ARE you beat on that Poor, dumb creature with slippers, or whatever you can get your hands on! Because that dumb animal simply don't know well enough to know that he has a RIGHT to Defend Himself from your Cruelty! In fact Let's raise the fucking Stakes. You say You ain't supposed to have a Girlfriend when you are Married!" Well who the fuck do you think you are? The Morality Police? I DO NOT answer to a Damn Soul who ain't Signing My Paychecques! With that being said apparently it's O.K. for you to Go fuck your Own Grandson's Mother while Married to My Mother, eh? Because you seem to think that the "Rules" that apply to everybody else DOES NOT APPLY to YOU, eh? Fuck you! And of course you seem to think that I will fall for your fucking Game of Luring me out to MY MOTHER'S HOUSE so you can Pull your God Damn GUN on me; because you KNOW that you have NO CHANCE against me in a FAIR, Man-O E Man-O Fight against Me! Now I ain't saying that I am Known for My Pugilistic Skills; but bring your Little YELLOW Carcass Out to Mount Morris and I will see your Limp, Bloody Carcass Loaded into a fucking Meat Wagon after I get Done with you! Rest assured, Paul I AIN'T THE LEAST BIT AFRAID OF YOU! You say you're "Hard of Hearing?" Personally I think you're fucking FAKING IT! After all you accuse My Brother of "Faking" his Kidney Problems that Require Dialysis! How the fuck can ANYBODY "Fake" that? All of a sudden you're a fucking DOCTOR? Blow it out your ass! One thing I noticed is you're always Playing the fucking "Roger" Card! I wonder why? Well, yous may as well throw the fucking "Roger" Card in the fucking fire, because it has NO EFFECT On Me No More! After all; we CANNOT Change Our Genetic Makeup! So what if I Inherited a few of his Character Flaws? At Least I can Say I ain't NEVER fucked My Own Grandson's Mother! While we're on that Topic; since You have something to fucking HIDE (Namely your affair with your Grandson's Mother in which Her Daughter, Brianna, could very well be Biologically YOURS!) why Not take a Lie Detector Test; because Infidelity is among the Topics that Lie Detector Tests can be administered for ! Wouldn't it be funny if Your Grandson's Mother Named YOU as Brianna's Father and say the Paternity Test Results says "When it comes to 12 Year Old Brianna, Paul, YOU ARE THE FATHER!" How the fuck would you be able to explain that away to My Mother? I Personally would Love to be a fucking fly on the wall when that Conversation takes Place! In fact; I find it rather funny how you seem to Remember every single fucking Time My Brother or I did something "Wrong" from even 30 fucking Years ago; yet whenever My Brother or I did something Really awesome you would develop a Case of fucking SELECTIVE AMNESIA! In fact you were Probably Hoping against All Hope that My fucking Car would Get Repossessed; well I hate to disappoint yous, but I Paid that damn thing off back in February; now it's MINE OUTRIGHT! It's a Crying Shame that you MADE My Mother HAVE TO CHOOSE Between you; her ALCOHOLIC Husband and her 2 CHILDREN, her own Flesh & Blood! ALL Over a stupid fucking HALLMARK HOLIDAY! I would have Made her a Nice Mother's Day Meal out of My Own Kitchen; but YOU Had to Drive a fucking Wedge between My Mother and HER 2 SONS! Why? because your Precious Ego is Bruised? Tough shit! I DO NOT FUCKING ANSWER TO YOU! You accuse My Ex-Wife, Tracey of "Sticking Her Nose in On Your Business;" yet Let's apply that Logic to You doing that to ME! What fucking Business is it of YOURS that my fucking Car got Impounded? What fucking business are MY FINANCES of YOURS? What do yous think yous have the fucking Right to GRILL Me over shit that's NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS? And ALWAYS ASSUME that I'm GUILTY; UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT? Fuck you! I HAVE NOTHING TO ANSWER TO YOU FOR! Looks Like you're getting a Dose of YOUR OWN MEDICINE; doesn't taste so fucking Good, eh? 2 Can Play at that fucking Game! In fact I wonder why it is you Bought My Nephew a Trailer House and Paid a Year of his Lot Rent after getting that fucking 6 Figure Settlement from that Trucking Accident that you were found to be AT FAULT for? Is it because even HE Knows that you fucked his Mother and you have a GUILTY CONSCIENCE? Personally I don't give a damn who you Placed your dick inside of; because that's between you and My Mother! Well whoever I Put My dick inside of is NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS! Yous want to talk about an episode of the Jerry Springer Show; a LOSER who Married his Uncle's Ex-Wife just to Make said "Uncle" Jealous; then he fucks his Own Grandson's Mother! Now that's Good Entertaining TV! I would Pay Full Price to see My Mother throw a drink in your face! In fact since your accident which Ended your Truck Driving Career; you have been NOTHING but a DRUNK, Miserable Prick; that NOBODY and I Re-Iterate NOBODY wants to be around; Not even your Grandchildren! Now I have Kept My Mother Out of this shit for the Most Part; but where the fuck were YOU and My Mother when Your Grandchildren's Mother was on her Death Bed? I am referring to MY Daughter, Maggie and MY Son, Jonathan; when their Mother was in the Hospital Knocking on the Grim Reaper's Door? Where were Yous? Out Getting DRUNK? Or were yous Shaking In Fear that I would break your fucking Jaw in 10 Pieces! That ain't the time or the Place to settle Scores! I guess aside from My Nephew; your Other Grandchildren simply don't fucking Matter to yous do they? Oh Now you're Probably accusing ME of having something to do with their Mother's Passing, eh? Wow! I know yous sure can stoop to New Lows; but that's a New Low even for YOU! In all Honesty; Yous didn't Merely "Burn" your Bridge with me yous Dropped a fucking Hydrogen Bomb on it! And I don't know if it Can EVER be Rebuilt! So Now I shall wrap up what I am saying to yous that Until Yous RETRACT YOUR SLANDEROUS LIES about Me being a "Dope Dealer;" then WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT! That Means DO NOT CALL ME; DO NOT LEAVE ME ANY VOICEMAILS DO NOT CONTACT ME AT ALL! The ONLY Thing we have to "Talk about" is how Much you're willing to SETTLE this Matter Out of Court for! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Life's too short to be Dragged down by Toxic Influences!
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone. Now Let's see, Publicly Telling a LIE about somebody engaging in a Criminal Activity that said Person is not Involved in such as Me "Dealing Drugs" that's SLANDER! And you KNOW GOD DAMN WELL that there's NO TRUTH to ANY of those fucking Statements! And where do I get Harassment? Well allow Me to Refresh your fucking Memory; because I DO NOT fucking Recall you having MY PERMISSION to Call Me at all! Yet you Kept Leaving HARASSING VOICE MAIL Messages on My Phone; after specifically I told yous that we have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT! For those of yous who are saying "Why are you airing your 'Dirty Laundry' here on Facebook?" This ain't Airing No "Dirty Laundry" this is about CLEARING MY GOOD NAME! In fact, Paul; you fucking DRUNK; I WILL be Taking a fucking Lie Detector Test to CLEAR MY GOOD NAME of your 1000% FALSE CHARGES of being a "Dope Dealer" and when I PASS that Motherfucker; I WILL WIPE YOUR ASS with the Results and then shove them down your fucking Throat! By the way I still have those fucking Voice Mail Messages that I WILL Use against you in Court! Which Leads to the Question WHY are yous CALLING ME AT the wee Hours of the fucking Morning? AFTER I TOLD YOUS THAT YOUS ARE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES TO CALL ME AT ALL?! What are you going to do then; after the Judge slaps the hammer down on the Bench and says "You MUST Pay Michigan's Resident Rocker $5000.00 for SLANDER & HARASSMENT." Beat on that Pickle Brained Dog; who has been the Target of your fucking Cowardly abuse for Years? I mean that animal is so damn dumb that is Brains were dynamite; he wouldn't even have enough fucking Powder to blow his nose! But you being the COWARD that you ARE you beat on that Poor, dumb creature with slippers, or whatever you can get your hands on! Because that dumb animal simply don't know well enough to know that he has a RIGHT to Defend Himself from your Cruelty! In fact Let's raise the fucking Stakes. You say You ain't supposed to have a Girlfriend when you are Married!" Well who the fuck do you think you are? The Morality Police? I DO NOT answer to a Damn Soul who ain't Signing My Paychecques! With that being said apparently it's O.K. for you to Go fuck your Own Grandson's Mother while Married to My Mother, eh? Because you seem to think that the "Rules" that apply to everybody else DOES NOT APPLY to YOU, eh? Fuck you! And of course you seem to think that I will fall for your fucking Game of Luring me out to MY MOTHER'S HOUSE so you can Pull your God Damn GUN on me; because you KNOW that you have NO CHANCE against me in a FAIR, Man-O E Man-O Fight against Me! Now I ain't saying that I am Known for My Pugilistic Skills; but bring your Little YELLOW Carcass Out to Mount Morris and I will see your Limp, Bloody Carcass Loaded into a fucking Meat Wagon after I get Done with you! Rest assured, Paul I AIN'T THE LEAST BIT AFRAID OF YOU! You say you're "Hard of Hearing?" Personally I think you're fucking FAKING IT! After all you accuse My Brother of "Faking" his Kidney Problems that Require Dialysis! How the fuck can ANYBODY "Fake" that? All of a sudden you're a fucking DOCTOR? Blow it out your ass! One thing I noticed is you're always Playing the fucking "Roger" Card! I wonder why? Well, yous may as well throw the fucking "Roger" Card in the fucking fire, because it has NO EFFECT On Me No More! After all; we CANNOT Change Our Genetic Makeup! So what if I Inherited a few of his Character Flaws? At Least I can Say I ain't NEVER fucked My Own Grandson's Mother! While we're on that Topic; since You have something to fucking HIDE (Namely your affair with your Grandson's Mother in which Her Daughter, Brianna, could very well be Biologically YOURS!) why Not take a Lie Detector Test; because Infidelity is among the Topics that Lie Detector Tests can be administered for ! Wouldn't it be funny if Your Grandson's Mother Named YOU as Brianna's Father and say the Paternity Test Results says "When it comes to 12 Year Old Brianna, Paul, YOU ARE THE FATHER!" How the fuck would you be able to explain that away to My Mother? I Personally would Love to be a fucking fly on the wall when that Conversation takes Place! In fact; I find it rather funny how you seem to Remember every single fucking Time My Brother or I did something "Wrong" from even 30 fucking Years ago; yet whenever My Brother or I did something Really awesome you would develop a Case of fucking SELECTIVE AMNESIA! In fact you were Probably Hoping against All Hope that My fucking Car would Get Repossessed; well I hate to disappoint yous, but I Paid that damn thing off back in February; now it's MINE OUTRIGHT! It's a Crying Shame that you MADE My Mother HAVE TO CHOOSE Between you; her ALCOHOLIC Husband and her 2 CHILDREN, her own Flesh & Blood! ALL Over a stupid fucking HALLMARK HOLIDAY! I would have Made her a Nice Mother's Day Meal out of My Own Kitchen; but YOU Had to Drive a fucking Wedge between My Mother and HER 2 SONS! Why? because your Precious Ego is Bruised? Tough shit! I DO NOT FUCKING ANSWER TO YOU! You accuse My Ex-Wife, Tracey of "Sticking Her Nose in On Your Business;" yet Let's apply that Logic to You doing that to ME! What fucking Business is it of YOURS that my fucking Car got Impounded? What fucking business are MY FINANCES of YOURS? What do yous think yous have the fucking Right to GRILL Me over shit that's NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS? And ALWAYS ASSUME that I'm GUILTY; UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT? Fuck you! I HAVE NOTHING TO ANSWER TO YOU FOR! Looks Like you're getting a Dose of YOUR OWN MEDICINE; doesn't taste so fucking Good, eh? 2 Can Play at that fucking Game! In fact I wonder why it is you Bought My Nephew a Trailer House and Paid a Year of his Lot Rent after getting that fucking 6 Figure Settlement from that Trucking Accident that you were found to be AT FAULT for? Is it because even HE Knows that you fucked his Mother and you have a GUILTY CONSCIENCE? Personally I don't give a damn who you Placed your dick inside of; because that's between you and My Mother! Well whoever I Put My dick inside of is NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS! Yous want to talk about an episode of the Jerry Springer Show; a LOSER who Married his Uncle's Ex-Wife just to Make said "Uncle" Jealous; then he fucks his Own Grandson's Mother! Now that's Good Entertaining TV! I would Pay Full Price to see My Mother throw a drink in your face! In fact since your accident which Ended your Truck Driving Career; you have been NOTHING but a DRUNK, Miserable Prick; that NOBODY and I Re-Iterate NOBODY wants to be around; Not even your Grandchildren! Now I have Kept My Mother Out of this shit for the Most Part; but where the fuck were YOU and My Mother when Your Grandchildren's Mother was on her Death Bed? I am referring to MY Daughter, Maggie and MY Son, Jonathan; when their Mother was in the Hospital Knocking on the Grim Reaper's Door? Where were Yous? Out Getting DRUNK? Or were yous Shaking In Fear that I would break your fucking Jaw in 10 Pieces! That ain't the time or the Place to settle Scores! I guess aside from My Nephew; your Other Grandchildren simply don't fucking Matter to yous do they? Oh Now you're Probably accusing ME of having something to do with their Mother's Passing, eh? Wow! I know yous sure can stoop to New Lows; but that's a New Low even for YOU! In all Honesty; Yous didn't Merely "Burn" your Bridge with me yous Dropped a fucking Hydrogen Bomb on it! And I don't know if it Can EVER be Rebuilt! So Now I shall wrap up what I am saying to yous that Until Yous RETRACT YOUR SLANDEROUS LIES about Me being a "Dope Dealer;" then WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT! That Means DO NOT CALL ME; DO NOT LEAVE ME ANY VOICEMAILS DO NOT CONTACT ME AT ALL! The ONLY Thing we have to "Talk about" is how Much you're willing to SETTLE this Matter Out of Court for! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Life's too short to be Dragged down by Toxic Influences!
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