Saturday, December 5, 2020

Is Michigan's Resident Rocker's Family Characters In A Soap Opera?

Can yous believe this? Michigan's Resident Rocker is once again seated in the Cockpit; Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous Know is Canada! Now I'm certain most all of yous are curious as to what's on the Twisted Mind of this Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all know is Michigan? Well, to not Leave any of yous in Suspense, I shall solve this Mystery; the way I know best! I guess it's only appropriate that I Post the Disclaimer that if yous are among those who Get "Offended" easily about some of the Language I use in these Postings; well this is your Opportunity to Stop Reading this Posting right from this very fucking Point! Because as I have made it 1000% Crystal Clear; I don't Give a flying fuck if yous find My Liberal use of the beautiful word fuck to be "Offensive!"  And why the fuck should I? After all; I tell yous these things the way I see them; in Other Words I tells yous from My Own Twisted Perspective! Now how the fuck does that grab yous? Now as we all know the fucking TRUMP Virus-Covid-19 has been raging throughout this Country pretty much out of control! And to be Quite Honest with yous; I'm getting a Little fucking Tired of the fucking CORPORATE Media Parroting the same Tired fucking Bullshit about the fucking TRUMP Virus! Quite Honestly; I wonder if the Corporate Media as well as Mr. Government is Milking the TRUMP Virus for every fucking Last Dollar that they can Squeeze out of it! Reason I ask this is because when this TRUMP Virus was Unleashed in China as well as East Asia; what did Xi Jinping (I don't know if I spelled this Character's Name Correctly or not) do? He shut ALL of China Down for at Least a Month or so; same as the fucking Case in the Korean Peninsula; and Now yous hardly hear about Anybody in East Asia being sick from the fucking TRUMP Virus! Now why am I calling the Virus that has Wiped Out Over 220,000 Americans the TRUMP Virus? Well I'll even explain it to all of you fucking Simpletons; this especially applies to My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, who Lives in London, Ontario; who Support the CRUEL, EVIL, FASCIST AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump. Now as we all Know DICTATOR Trump was Briefed that this Pandemic was Mowing Down People faster than Al Capone's Cronies; did to Bugs Moran's Gang in what was deemed to be the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, Illinois; yet what the fuck did DICTATOR Trump do? That's correct he REFUSED TO ACT! Instead this Pile of shit Tucked his tail between his Legs; Played GOLF, and Tweeted out Bullshit Conspiracy Theories! And of course Once the fucking TRUMP Virus Came ashore to the United States of Donald Trump; sure enough Americans started dropping Like fucking Flies! And sure enough Lockdowns Started getting Imposed! What ended up being the thing that has been affected the Most? Well, I'm glad yous asked; it's the fucking Mr. Government Mandated fucking Brainwashing Known as School! And to be Quite Honest with yous; I say Why Not Keep Schools CLOSED PERMANENTLY? Now of course I shall explain in My Own Twisted Way why Schools should Remain Closed! O.K. As Most all of yous know Most Children Learn Valuable Life Lessons Not in a fucking Classroom; with some Overpaid Babysitter Droning on and on about shit that Most of yous will NEVER Put to use in Real Life! Let Me ask yous something: How many of yous can Honestly Say that yous Need to waste at Least 12 Years of your fucking Lives in School simply to end up Working in a fucking Dead End, Subminimum Wage Job that Only Requires you to know how to be a fucking Brown Noser! That's Correct; I not only went there; I will fucking Double Down on Me saying that! I mean did I "Need" to waste 12 Years of My fucking Life to Learn how to Drive a Delivery Truck? Absolutely Not at all! And "Sunday School?" Fuck don't get me started on that; because that';s a Topic for an entirely Different Posting; Right Now we Need to focus on what the Current Topic is! Now before I got into Driving Truck; what was I Using the 12 Years of My Life I wasted in this Mr. Government Mandated Brainwashing Known as School for? Well; aside from fighting every fucking Day I was there to stay awake and Pretend Like I was Interested In "Learning" about shit that I had ABSOLUTELY NO Interest in? Working a series of DEAD END, SUBMINIMUM WAGE Jobs; that I KNEW were Nothing I could Make a "Career" out of! In Fact; before I got My CDL; I was Relegated to Working in Factories in where it didn't Matter if I went to Work, Did My JOB; what was all I got out of those fucking SHITHOLES? You Guessed it I got FIRED! Why? Well, it's very fucking Simple; because I REFUSE to be a fucking Brown Noser, a GOSSIP, a fucking DIRTY KNEED COCKSUCKER which is REQUIRED to Maintain a Job in a fucking Factory! Which is among the Things I Really Love about My Current Job; I Work for a Great Family Run Company; that KNOWS how to Treat People Like Humans Being! I don't have to worry about Getting Caught Up in Office Politics! Now did I "Need" to waste 12 Years of My Life inside the Walls of a fucking PRISON to Learn How to do My Current Job? Give me a fucking break! Of course In School; ALL I was taught was shit that I have NO fucking use for! Yet when Kids show NO INTEREST in being BORED to Tears for 6 to 8 Hours Monday-Friday for 12 of the first 18 Years of their fucking Lives by having to Undergo this Mr. Government Mandated Brainwashing; what the fuck happens to them? Of course; they Just Like I did get Put on Ritalin against their fucking Will! Well, since I ain't bashful about talking about My Life Experiences; when I was in the fucking 3rd Grade; I made it Clear that I was not at all Interested in being Brainwashed; I got FORCED to take Ritalin! And did this "Benefit" me at all? Well as we all know the answer is a resounding FUCK NO! In fact all that shit got me was fucking TEASED, MADE FUN OF and fucking BULLIED! The ONLY Ones who did benefit from this shit were the fucking BRAINWASHERS, as well as the fucking Pharmaceutical Industry! Now what's all the more fucked up is in this fucking Day and Age; Rather than allowing Bullied Kids to stand up to their Tormentors; instead the Administrators are always Intervening; Back in the Old Days; a Bullied Child was allowed to allowed to dish out JUSTICE to his or her Tormentor; by dishing out a Humiliating ass kicking to the fucking Bully!  Yet Nowadays since Bullied Children ain't allowed to Defend themselves; what the fuck happens? They bring GUNS to fucking School! And I ain't talking about Daddy's fucking shotgun! I'm talking they are bringing AR-15 Assault Rifles to School! Yet DICTATOR Donald Trump as well as his fucking Republican ENABLERS are all FOR Keeping Guns IN the Hands of Criminals! In fact if Donald Trump was in Power when Al Capone was Terrorizing the Streets of Chicago; I assure yous that Al Capone would have NEVER saw the Inside of a Jail Cell; because Al Capone and Donald Trump have a Lot of Similarities! As we all Know; Donald Trump is a TAX CHEAT; as was Al Capone; Trump is the Head of a fucking Organized Crime Syndicate in where LOYALTY to the "Mob Boss" was to be a Top Priority; well same as Al Capone! Most of All Trump, Much Like Capone Relied on those Under him to do their fucking Dirty Work; and to take the fucking fall; when they get Caught! Now did I Need 12 Years of "School" to Learn this? Again are yous for fucking REAL? In fact; the best way to "Educate" Our Children is to Mandate a 4 Hour a Day Class Called the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show! Because at the end of each Show is a Segment Titled "What Did We Learn?" Now that would be More Valuable than Listening to Teachers Drone on and on and on about Shit that Nobody can use in Real Life! And of course if yous feel as if "Music Education" should Part of the Curriculum; well I have that Base Covered, a Mandatory 3 Hour Music Class every Weekend known as the House Of Hair; with Twisted Sister Frontman, Dee Snider! And of course Plenty of Physical Education; in where Quitting would automatically Get yous a fucking Failing Grade! In fact; all that Schools Seem to Teach Our Children is that "It's O.K. to Quit when things don't go your way!" I tell yous there were all too many DEAD END, SUBMINIMUM WAGE Jobs that I desperately wanted to fucking Quit; due to all of the Political bullshit I had to deal with associated with all of those Jobs! Now that the Main Topic is close to being at hand; I digress; the Holidays are Once again Upon us and  this Leads me into a Topic I have Talked about Quite a bit; that would be My Family. Now it's No Secret that Certain Members of My Family I have Ripped and Rightly So! First we'll start this with the Good: So Up first are My Kids Daughter, Marjorie; who turns 26 a Week from Today; and My 24 Year Old Son, Jonathan. Now I don't think I could have asked for 2 Better Children! I honestly believe that! Yet in a Manner of speaking; there are things I wish I could have done differently when My Kids were Growing Up; especially with My Son. Why do I say this? O.K. Let's focus; because I Openly admit I wasn't the "Perfect Father," I feel if I had bonded with My Son; when he was really Young as I did with My Daughter; Perhaps he could have been a 5th Generation Truck Driver and a Second Generation Unrepentant Man-Whore Like his Father! In fact; If I Taught Jonathan what every Father should Teach his Son; well Jonathan May have at Least 100 Notches in his belt! Now don't get me Wrong, My Father, Roger didn't teach me what I needed to Learn about how to have Plenty of Good Clean Adult fun with 52 Different Women; those were all Cases of Trial and Error! In fact whether Roger had fucked anybody before he Married My Mother or not; well I wish I could ask him that! Nonetheless; as I said I wish I could have had Jonathan's Childhood back; because I would have Bonded with My Son; and therefore; he May Ultimately Outscore the Old Man! Now ain't it amazing that I have fucked More Women than there are Years in My Age? That's Right this Past Monday I turned 51 Years Old. Yet I have fucked 52 different Women! Is there ANY Reason I should be ashamed of that? Of course My Daughter; who as I have mentioned Turns 26 1 week from Today; has been dropping Hints at having Children of her own; now if yous ask me this is the Ultimate fucking Nightmare! Why do I say this shit? Well, same Reason I was terrified of having any Kids of My Own! I once had a Nightmare that My Daughter had a Child; she had a baby Girl, now in this Scenario, My Granddaughter was about 4 Years Old, and she was riding In My Car with me when some fucking idiot who ain't got NO Right to be Driving a fucking Car, Cuts Me off! Naturally; I give this Jackass the Universal Salute to Let him know that I didn't Appreciate what he did. Most of all of us refer to this figure of speech as the Stone Cold Salute; which is Named after Now Retired Wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin! Now what does the Stone Cold Salute Comprise of? Now this is really fucking easy; this Occurs when you extend back side of your second finger on either hand in the air at somebody! Now of course My Granddaughter (Now Keep in Mind this is a Nightmare, because In Real Life I don't have any Grandchildren) now Please follow along; because I am getting to where the Rubber Hits the fucking Road! Asks My Daughter "Mom, can I Extend My Middle Finger at somebody who makes me Upset?" Horrified, My Daughter asks her "Where did you Learn that?" Naturally My Granddaughter said "Grandpa did that while he was Driving!" Of course My Daughter gives me that Look of "Dad! I'm gonna kick you right in the balls!" Now, don't know how many of yous Have Viewed the Movie from the Jackass Movie Series Bad Grandpa, well if anybody would Qualify as "Bad Grandpa," I would! I mean think about it; How can a foul minded Gutter Mouthed Rocker from Michigan be a "Good Influence" on any Grandchild of Mine? Maybe if I had a Grandson; I could teach him the finer Points on how to be an Unrepentant Man Whore; Like his Grandfather! Now we Move Onto My Brother; who is 2 and a Half Years Younger than Me. He has 2 Children a soon to be 29 Year Old Son and a Soon to be 14 Year Old Daughter. He also has 2 Grandsons (both are My Nephew's Sons). Now Growing Up, My Brother and I were not very close. Mostly because as it turns Out My Brother and I are in essence 2 Very Different Men in a Lot of aspects of Life! Yet it Looks as if as far as the Number of Women that My Brother and I have fucked; it Looks as if I am Catching Up! Now of course Only 1 Of these Women has been fucked by My Brother as well as Myself! Now there's another Child that My Brother may be the Father of; Paternity had been established by the State of Michigan. Now the Young Woman In Question is one who was born to a Young Woman who My Brother had been Dating; when he was 18. Now this Young Woman will be Turning 30 Years Old in April; and as far as I Know, she has a Daughter of her Own. Now wouldn't yous think that this Young Woman Owes it to her Daughter to find out for Certain who her Maternal Grandfather is? Yet this Young Woman Refuses to Allow My Brother to take a DNA Test to determine whether My Brother is Indeed the Biological father of this Young Woman? I mean the Case of the Friend of the CUNT wouldn't Matter at all; because that Case has Long Since Run its Course! Now I would Love to say that this Young Woman is My Niece, I Really Would! However; I can't just take this Young Woman's Mother's Word for it! If this Young Woman would Give My Brother a DNA Test to find out the Answer to that Question Once and For All; I would be Happy to say this Young Woman is My Niece! I think My Brother would Love to know that he has a Granddaughter in addition to his 2 Grandsons! This Young Woman has told My Brother "My Mother would Never Lie to me about who My Father is." O.K. there is a Distinct Difference between a LIE; which is a Statement that the Speaker KNOWS is Not True; and simply Being Wrong about something for damn near 30 Years! Stay Tuned to see if this Question gets answered! Allow Me to Give yous an Example of a LIE: My Mother's ALCOHOLIC HUSBAND; who for the Last 4 and a Half Years has been ACCUSING ME of "Dealing Drugs In Detroit!" Now as we all KNOW, MY Employer's Warehouse is In Detroit; that Much is True! However even PAUL (the fucking DRUNK) KNOWS DAMN FULLY FUCKING A WELL that I AIN'T NEVER ONCE Sold Drugs in my fucking Life! Now we shall Move onto My Mother; Now it's a Crying Shame that My Mother Allows her ALCOHOLIC Husband to CONTROL everything she does. Which means I have been Estranged from My Mother for that same Window of time! And as I said before; it's a Crying Shame that she has ALLOWED this to Occur! I would Love Nothing More than to Invite My Mother into My Apartment in Mount Morris; I would Love to Make My Italian Style Mac & Cheese with Chicken; which happens to be My Signature Dish; that is if I was a Chef! To this day; I don't even Know if My Mother has had any Contact with either My Daughter or My Son. Sure My Mother May Not Like the Fact that her Firstborn Son turned out to be the Unrepentant Man Whore that I am! Well; I happen to Accept the Fact that My Son ain't an Unrepentant Man Whore Like his Father! Yet this is the way the Almighty, Himself Made me! Sure, I have been Married Twice, the first of which was a Complete Farce! My Last One Lasted 16 Years; yet this was when I discovered that I Simply ain't Marriage Material; I'm a Lot Happier Living by Myself! I don't have anybody to Badger Me to "Go to Work!" Or to remind me that "Bringing Home a Paychecque is all I am Good For!" Now I ain't gonna give a Lot of Mention to the ALCOHOLIC that My Mother has been Married to for the Past 33 fucking Years because I have said Plenty Enough to Write a book based on the Bullshit I have dealt with throughout the 38 Years that My Mother has wasted being with him! Now onto My Father, Roger, Now I haven't Spoken to My Father in over the Last 32 fucking Years. Now the best way to Judge Parents is when  the Child(ren) Reach Adulthood. Now I can honestly say that My Mother for the Most Part; was a Good Mother, considering that her 2 boys were more than a handful! My Father; I think he did the best that he could; yet for the Most Part he never was able to get Over the Fact that My Mother had Divorced him Over 42 Years ago; even though I believe he's been Married to the same Woman for the Last 32 Years! I could be completely Wrong about that! Yet One thing I am certain of is Roger got Carried away with this Off the Wall Religion that he had attempted to Cram Down My Throat and My Brother's throat since I was 9 Years Old when My Mother Divorced him! Now I'm certain that Roger is aware of My Nephew, Cody who Turns 29 in February (rightly so; because Cody is Roger's Biological Grandson) Yet I ain't certain that Roger is aware of My Niece who Turns 14 in May; along with My Little Headbangers, Marjorie and Jonathan! Because these Kids have Known only 1 Man to be "Grandpa" since all of them were a Young age. In the Case of My Kids; their Maternal Grandfather died when Marjorie was only 4 Years Old and Jonathan was only 2. So I don't know how well either One of My Kids Remember their Now Late Mother's Father! Now their Maternal Grandmother Passed Away I think it was back in September. So I am certain they have Rather fond Memories of her. Yet they have Only Known My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband to be their "Grandfather," for in essence the Last 22 Years! Yet I am curious as to whether Roger could Possibly be Interested in Meeting My Kids? Of course I would have to ask My Daughter and My Son if they, themselves would be Interested in meeting their Actual Paternal Grandfather. Yet that's entirely Up to My Little Headbangers! It's No Secret that Roger was the Main Catalyst in My No Longer being Interested in Bowling or Playing Baseball when I was Growing Up! I Guess it's a Good Thing I Never Played Organized Hockey when I was Growing Up, Otherwise; he may have destroyed My Passion for that Sport as well! Now of course No Matter How Many Times he embarrassed me when I Payed High School Football; he never took My Passion for that Sport away! If I were to Reconnect with Roger (whom I haven't seen since the Funeral for My Late Uncle Kenny's Widow back in 2005). I wonder what I would say to him? I wonder if he's still Delusional about Dragging Me and My Brother back to Church? I guess that remains to be seen! If My Family were to star in a fucking Soap Opera; what the fuck would the Title of it be? I guess yous could say that My Family being considered as Characters in a Soap Opera would be Rather Interesting; because My Family definitely Qualifies as Dysfunctional; Yet we ain't Wealthy Like My Ex-Wife's Family is! In Fact My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly who is a Die-Hard SUPPORTER of the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump, is Fabulously Wealthy because she STOLE My Late Father-In-Law's Fabulous Wealth before he Dropped Dead! Now what does this say about somebody who Calls a Relative of hers every Name BUT a "White Man," but then Swoops in Like the "Loving Long Lost Daughter" before he kicks the bucket? Well, aside from a Decsiple of the DICTATOR; I'm sure there are Quite a few other fucking Adjectives I can use to describe My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly! Well; I'll admit I ain't sure that I would want a Soap Opera to be Written about My Family; yet it seems as if My Family Life could be described as such! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Family may be "Forever," but always have your head on a swivel!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker Vows To Never Again Get Married.......................

Can it at all be Possible that On a Saturday Night Michigan's Resident Rocker is Once again in the Cockpit; Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of you Half-Wits Know is Canada! Well, believe it for it's 1000% True! That's Correct; as I am sitting in the Cockpit Writing Out this Manifesto from deep within the Chasms of My Twisted Mind! Now the Reason for this is because Michigan, My Home State, which I Hope Someday will Break Free from the United States of Donald Trump, and be Annexed to Join God's Country which as everybody knows and I have stated before is CANADA; is under another fucking Lockdown; thanks to the fucking TRUMP Virus! As a Result of this Latest 3 Week Lockdown, I cannot Play Hockey on Saturday Nights, because all Hockey Arenas across Michigan are Closed! Now what the fuck am I referring to? O.K. for you dumbasses who ask me what's the TRUMP Virus; I shall define it for yous so Boldly that even Simpletons who Consistently Regurgitate the fucking GRUEL of LIES being spoon-fed to yous by the CRIMINAL Donald Trump-Mike Pence REGIME can understand! The TRUMP Virus is the Virus that Causes this Illness known as Covid-19! The TRUMP Virus was first Discovered in China in 2019; now I know I cannot Prove this; however; since I have NEVER ONCE been afraid to State a Rather Controversial Opinion; why the fuck should I stop now? But get ready for a shock but the "Coronavirus" was actually Created in a Laboratory in the United States of Donald Trump; then it was Unleashed in East Asia! For ONLY 1 Purpose; and that was to Keep the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump In the White House; yet this Foul-Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten Known as Michigan has Great News to Report; the DICTATOR has been DETHRONED! That's correct; even those of yous who Tune Into FOX "News" (this especially applies to My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly in London, Ontario; which is in God's Country) a.k.a Trump TV; HAVE TO Accept the REALITY that the CRIMINAL Trump-Pence REGIME has been OVERTHROWN in this Month's Election! Yet the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump REFUSES to fucking Concede the FACT that he got his Orange, Doughy Framed ass Kicked! Yet Rather than do the RIGHT THING and Concede; the DICTATOR, Continues to Play Golf (at the American Taxpayers' Expense) and Tweet Out his fucking Temper Tantrums, about how the Election was "Stolen" from him! Oh! Boo fucking Hoo! Joe Biden WON the fucking Election FAIR & FUCKING SQUARE; to where even the Trump REGIME Cannot Overturn the Results! I mean when yous LOSE an Election 306-232; that's a Pretty Sound ass kicking that the DICTATOR is on the fucking Wrong End of! Let's do a Little Math Equation here; shall we? That's a Difference in the Electoral College of 74 Electoral Votes that Trump LOST by! Now if yous Tally Up the Popular Vote; Trump got his ass Whipped by Over 5 Million Votes! If yous want a Visual of what that Looks Like go to You Tube by typing in and Look for a Video in where Vince Mc Mahon attempts to Initiate Stone Cold Steve Austin into the Vince Mc Mahon "Kiss My Ass Club!" Spoiler Alert; Vince ends Up Humiliated and with Quite a Chapped ass, after Stone Cold Gives Vince a forearm shot to the Stones; takes his Belt Out of his Pants and Literally Whips Vince's ass Raw! Now what would Make January 20, 2021 all the more Special? Ah! I'm glad yous asked. That would be something that I KNOW would Horrify Kelly (who STOLE My Late Father-In-Law's FABULOUS WEALTH) which is when the Capital Police are Escorting Donald Trump, Mike Pence and every one of the CRIMINALS in the Trump REGIME Out of the White House in Handcuffs! Now why am I referring to the Virus that has Sparked this fucking Pandemic that has Caused over 250,000 Americans to Drop Dead; the TRUMP Virus? Now How fucking stupid Must yous be to ask that Question? I mean Trump KNEW this fucking Virus was Nothing to fuck around with and dismiss as a "Hoax," which is a Trademark of Trump's CRIMINAL Reign of Terror in the White House! Son of a bitch I swear this Cocksucker is so damn arrogant; that he calls anything that Casts Trump in a bad Light a "Hoax!" Now I ain't afraid of this Virus; but I ain't about to Risk Contracting this Virus! Sure this Latest Lockdown Pisses Me Off! Yet Governor Gretchen Whitmer was Put in a No Win Situation by those who Pledge Blind Loyalty to the DICTATOR; and would Not Listen to Sound Medical and Scientific advice! Thanks a Hell of a Lot you Jackasses! Now a Lot of these fucking Nutcases stormed the Grounds of the Michigan Capital Building with AR-15 Assault Rifles and Attempted to Kidnap Governor Whitmer; now who do you suppose Gave the Marching Orders to these Gun Nuts? Why? None other than the fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST ILLEGAL Occupant of the White House! I know what yous will say "Wait a Minute; you forgot to Post your Usual Disclaimer about those who Get Offended by your Liberal Use of F-Bombs to stop Reading from this Point on!" And yous are Right; yet I didn't "Forget" to Post that disclaimer; I figure Nobody reads it anyway! Nonetheless; I will say I am sorry that some of yous Don't Like My Liberal use of F-Bombs; but here's what yous Need to Understand: First of all: NONE of yous HAVE to Read what I Post! I ain't Holding a fucking GUN to your Heads and saying "Read what, I Post or else!" From what I Understand; despite DICTATOR Donald Trump's best efforts to STEAL the 2020 Presidential Election, and turn the United States into a fucking AUTHORITARIAN Nation Like the Country that Aided Trump in STEALING the 2016 Election, Russia; this Country is still a "Democracy!" Yous DO NOT HAVE TO READ a damn thing I say! Second; there still is such a Thing as "Freedom Of Speech;" which I exercise on a Regular Basis. Think about this; I am damn near 51 Years Old and I ANSWER TO NOBODY! Unless the People I am to "Answer to" are those who are PAYING ME to "Answer to" them! Yous hear that, Paul Brown, Jr.? Or can't you fucking Read you ILLITERATE fucking DRUNK? Oh No! I ain't through with this fucking DRUNK; Not by a Long Shot! Check this shit out; now if this doesn't show how fucking Delusional this DRUNK is; then I don't know what does. Now can yous believe this shit? He even attempted to FORCE Me off of Facebook! True Story! But of course since this DRUNK DOES NOT OWN that site as usual he fucking FAILED! Now he threatened to Prosecute Me for Remaining On Facebook! Now since when is being on a Social Media Platform a fucking CRIME? I guess it is when a fucking DRUNK is Targeted for Spreading SLANDEROUS FUCKING LIES about Me doing something that even that fucking DRUNK KNOWS FULLY FUCKING A WELL; that I NEVER ONCE ENGAGED IN! Now I ain't gonna keep Defending Myself against these Fucking SLANDEROUS LIES that I am a Drug Dealer! I HAVE NEVER ONCE Sold Drugs in My Life! O.K. Now that I have taken My shot at the LOSER that My Mother has been Married to for the Last 33 fucking Years; I shall take yous into the Main Topic; which is something that some Women I may want to potentially get Involved with Cannot Understand; why is it that I will Never Again Get Married! O.K. I wonder why I even have to explain why it is that I don't want anything to do with Marriage again? O.K. I have been Married Twice; that's Correct! My First Wife, Carrie is a Drug Addict and a fucking Alcoholic; I KNEW Marrying that fat, Lazy Bitch would turn out to be one of the biggest Mistakes I ever made! Now of course I was Nervous before I Married her, even though it was a District Judge who Performed the Ceremony; well I wasn't Nervous for the Reasons Most of yous would think; because I NEVER WAS "In Love" with this Jezebel! In fact I Only saw Carrie as somebody I could Place my dick inside of! Yet because My Mind wasn't in the Right Place because this was about a Year after My Kids' Mother, Melisa had Left me for a fucking PEDOPHILE, I guess this was when Carrie Managed to swoop in Like the fucking buzzard that she is circling around over a dead Carcass! In fact I still cannot believe that I Proposed to that fat CUNT in front of about 3200 Witnesses at a Port Huron Border Cats Hockey Game; what the fuck was I thinking? On what was My "Wedding Day," everything felt completely Wrong! Then when she said "I do," I should have asked "With Who?" I know what yous are going to say; One of yous will ask "I thought you said you don't believe in Monogamy." That still Holds true! Yet I was Monogamous with My Kids' Mother as well as to Carrie and I was fucking Miserable since both Melisa and Carrie were consistently Seeing Other Men behind My Back! It wasn't until My Second (and Most Recent) Marriage; that I realized that Humans Being ain't Meant to be Monogamous! In fact; shows Like Jerry Springer and Cheaters are Living Proof of why My beliefs about this are what they are! I mean think about it! I know I have mentioned Male Lions, and How Males in the Humans Being Species are similar, how so? O.K. Male Lions (those who make it to Adulthood) have a Very Limited amount of Time as the "Dominant Male" to where they can fuck as Many Lionesses as they want and Father as Many as 200 Cubs during his Time as the "Dominant Male." Not to mention he is always having to fight Off Challengers! Ones that would Kill his Cubs if Given the Opportunity to do so! Well in the Humans Being Species it's a similar story. A Man has only So Much Time to Enjoy his Time as a "Single Man." because Most women are Desperate to Latch themselves onto a Man so they Don't have to Compete with Other Women. Now Grant it being a Man ain't as Cutthroat as the World of the Male Lion; yet Men have things to deal with such as Erectile Dysfunction; a Wife who Nags him that he ain't bringing Home enough Money. Or worse, and Both Wives in My Life are Guilty of this One; Harping on me about Going to Church! Which is something I have absolutely NO Desire to have anything to do with! Now have yous ever watched the Jerry Springer Show or the Maury Povich Show? In where the Scorned Woman always Yells "He Cheated On Me! Thus making herself appear to be the fucking "Victim," are yous for fucking Real? Now the Last Time I checked; we don't Live in the fucking Puritan Days; where having Sex with somebody other than your Spouse is considered as a Crime! I mean I know My Ex-Wife always Plays the "He Cheated on Me" Card; even though she was the One who "Went for the Upgrade" first! In fact; Instead of Taking Ownership of it and admitting that she was Wrong for having an Affair; she Kept Looking for Justifications for it by saying shit Like "He Makes More Money than you do; He Drives a Newer Car; He's 'Good and Pussywhipped,' He says ONLY what I want to hear!" Yous get the idea, eh? Now I don't Like to use the Term "Cheated On" in that Context, because it Carries a sense of Victimization by the one who's been Scorned! Now Let's analyze where this fucked up Concept of Humans Being having to be Monogamous came from. Why it came from Religion; which as I have said many times before by My beliefs is a fucking Sham! Now I recall from times I actually attended Church, how the Church would Define Marriage as a "Lifelong Union between 1 Man and 1 Woman." O.K. Now Let's examine the Term "Lifelong," because that's supposed to mean until 1 Spouse or both Drop Dead! Am I Right on that? Now why is it that 50% of all Marriages end in Divorce? Can somebody Please explain that shit to me? Why is it that a Basic Human Emotion is Placed into a Legal and Binding Contract that can easily be broken by Only 1 of the 2 Partners of the Deal? Now of course My Mother's Husband thinks he has the absolute "Right" to Lecture me on being a Married Man; even though he fucked My Nephew's Mother; while Married to My Mother! What a fucking Hypocrite, eh? Yet; I don't Give a flying fuck what happens in My Mother's back up Toilet of a Marriage! Why should I?  Now I admit while I was Married to My Now Ex Wife; I fucked 22 other Women, and I ain't the Least bit sorry that I did! Why the fuck should I be "Sorry" for following My Instincts? In fact I shall share an Article with yous on why More Men are Resisting Getting Married; here it is: When you look at this list, it’s understandable why any guy would ask: Is Marriage worth it for men?
The Cons of Getting Married
1. 50% of Marriages end in Divorce.
Divorce statistics have become common knowledge, and although many relationship experts and counselors are trying desperately to convince the public that the Divorce rate is not as high as they think, the reality is most research confirms that an average of 50% of couples DO get Divorced.
That is a big number and if you’re the kind of guy who has been raised in a single parent family because your parents got Divorced, or have experienced the negative effects of Divorce in some way, you are likely to be feeling very nervous about getting Married.
Truthfully, there is no-one who can give you a guarantee that if you get Married your Marriage will last forever. In fact, with so much development happening in the fields of science, nanotechnology, etc., sometime in the future our lives might be extended to exceed 150, 200 and even 300 years.
Is it then realistic to expect a man and a woman to stay Married to each other for hundreds of years? Who’s to say? Like in today’s Society where there are couples who stay Married for 30, 40, 50 and even 60 and 70 years, and couples who get Divorced within a few years and sometimes within a few months after getting Married, couples in the future will have the same odds.
Regardless of what the Divorce statistics have to say, getting Married is a personal choice.
If you meet a woman who is right for you, and if you have the skills as a man to keep the relationship dynamic between you and her balanced, not only will Marriage be worth it for you, you will also be able to make the love, respect and attraction between you and her grow over time. In the end not only can you stay happily Married, your relationship can also grow better day by day.
2. Women only Marry men for their looks and their money.
When a man sees a woman, he automatically feels attraction for her based on how she looks. If she’s beautiful, or even just attractive, a guy will consider having sex with her and even starting a relationship with her, even if he doesn’t like her personality.
Women, on the other hand, are different.
Although a woman will look at a guy and say, “Oooooh, he’s so hot, I’d love to get my hands on him,” if the guy turns out to be nervous, insecure or without direction and purpose in life she will more often than not avoid him.
This is why you will often see really beautiful women with plain or even fat or ugly guys (most women are attracted to guys for reasons other than just his looks). This is why a woman will date and then fall in love with a guy based mostly on how he makes her feel, and on who he is as a man.
3. A woman will take 50% of a man’s wealth when she Divorces him.
We’ve all read the horror stories in the news about some woman taking her husband to the cleaners and walking away with at least half of his wealth. Yes, this happens and no, it’s not cool. However, when a man and a woman not only love but respect each other, they find ways to show this.
If you are avoiding Marriage because you’re afraid a woman will take 50% of your wealth, there are ways around this, like signing a Prenuptial Agreement. If she’s the right woman, SHE will be the one who wants this out of respect and love for her man.
4. Why settle for one woman when you can have sex with many women throughout your life?
This is definitely something that appeals to many men. If this is your view, then by all means don’t get Married. There’s nothing wrong with a guy who chooses to spend his life having sex with new women. Every guy should choose the path that he feels is right for him and that will bring him the most happiness, joy and fulfillment in life.
For some it’s many women, for others it’s commitment and Marriage to one woman. If a guy meets a woman and develops an amazing connection with her and their relationship gets better and better over time, then the idea of throwing all that away for sex with other women may not appeal to him. If love and starting a family is important to you then yes, Marriage is worth it… for YOU.
5. I’ve heard Married women stop wanting sex after they get Married and then they get fat after they have a baby.
One of the things I teach here at the Modern Man is that when you’re truly confident in yourself and in your abilities, and you know how to create and keep creating attraction in your relationship, you don’t have to be afraid that your woman will become like that.
In fact, when you learn to master the art of conversation, the best way to use body language and flirting, and other relationship techniques (which we teach), you will cause your woman to fall deeper and deeper in love with you.
She will feel so much love, respect and attraction for you that not only will she never want to leave you, she will constantly strive to impress you and make you love her more. Only a woman who is unhappy in her relationship because her man has stopped making her feel the way she wants to feel will stop wanting sex with him and will let herself go. In fact; I was Texting a Woman I had Looked up on a Dating Site and I was Hopeful that I would Meet her and see where that had the Potential to go. Well, before I could even Meet her she stated that she didn't want to be with me solely because I decided that I ain't Never Again Getting Married! When I asked why her Rationale for not wanting to be with me was My Refusal to get Married. She stated that "Apparently You don't want a Long Term Relationship." Now of course that ain't the Least bit true! Yet; I Openly admit that I would be a Lot Happier with Multiple Women! In fact I Personally believe that this Outdated notion that Humans Being are supposed to be Monogamous does nothing but Breed Jealousy, Mistrust, Possessiveness; those are things I have no Time or Room for in My Life! In fact I believe that a Man can Intimately "Love" More than 1 Woman at a Time! Same with a Woman with More than 1 Man at a Time! In fact there is a Term for this; it's Called Polyamory! In fact I was once Involved in a Polyamorous Relationship; as was My then Wife! That was something I really enjoyed, but it seemed as if Jealousy was always simmering below the Surface! With My Life being where it now is; I'm a Lot Happier; I Live by Myself and it's Quite Liberating! I don't have anybody to Interrogate me over where I have been or who I am with! Nor do I have somebody Holding My Home Over My Head; and threatening to throw me out in the fucking Cold or throw Me into Jail over a 1000% FALSE Charge of fucking Domestic Violence! In fact; I don't think I will Ever Co-Habitate with any Other Women! Sure; I would Love to have a Girlfriend or 2; but the ONLY way that will EVER Happen is if I am dating 2 Women at a time and they are not Jealous of each other; in fact it would be even better if they were as "In Love" with each other as they would be with me! Now I am Highly doubtful that will ever occur; or at Least Not in My Lifetime! Well, a Man can dream, can't he? Maybe I could find the Ideal Romantic Setting; that is if I can find More than 1 woman who is as Open Minded as I am! Yet, I ain't Counting on it! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Men, yous have Only 1 Life to Live; Don't allow shit Like Marriage to ruin it

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker Opens The Book On A Painful Chapter..............

Well; here we are once again and Michigan's Resident Rocker is in the Cockpit; under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as we all know is Canada! Now I know what yous are going to say "Michigan's Resident Rocker, ain't you supposed to be Playing Hockey Tonight?" To those who ask me that Question I say Hell Yeah! However due to Circumstances that are beyond my Control (My Car is in a Repair Shop and I can't get it back until I Pay the Damn Repair Bill; which I will have Paid by this Coming Friday). So it Pains me to say that I will Miss My Second Game due to My Car Needing Repairs (actually the Repairs have been Performed; I simply haven't been able to Pay the Bill In Full!) Now of course if the fucking DRUNK in My Family (My Mother's ALCOHOLIC, asshole Husband) not that it's any of his fucking Business; but that fucking Piss Ant would fucking GLOAT and Rub this Latest "Failure" in My Face! And to be Honest with yous; I really am in NO fucking Mood to hear from that asshole ever again! In fact if there is any feeling I have about that fucking DRUNK; it's Pure HATRED! I'm sorry but anybody who SLANDERS My Good Name by Calling me a fucking "DOPE TRAFFICKER" ain't worthy of My Respect! In fact I know this is s horrible way of Looking at it; yet, When somebody FALSELY Connects My Good Name to a Crime such as Trafficking Narcotics even when that Person KNOWS that I ain't NEVER had a Damn Thing to do with Drugs in My Life; I'm Sorry, I simply Cannot allow that to stand! I mean I have made it Perfectly Clear and I Made a Vow to a Friend of Mine who was Murdered in an apparent Drug Related Shooting that I WOULD NEVER have a DAMN THING to do with Narcotics in My fucking Life! Even though I have NEVER Had a Damn Thing to do with Narcotics; I already KNOW what a Dangerous, Dirty and fucking Seedy Business Trafficking Narcotics is! Not Only did I have to contend with My Friend being Murdered via a Gunshot Wound to the back of his head! But I have Watched Many Documentaries on TV about Drug Gangs and all of the Inherent Problems  that any of this Kind of Lifestyle can bring! Now why in the Holy fucking Hell would I want to Risk My Life and My Reputation; simply to Make a Fast Buck? Please tell me that! I know everybody (Except for Millionaires, Billionaires and the fucking Super Wealthy) Needs Money; that's Only Based on Common Sense! But every damn thing I have I have EARNED by My Own Hard Work! I'm talking about My Apartment in Mount Morris, Michigan; My 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt that I Now Proudly OWN OUTRIGHT; and I am Damn Proud to say that I ain't NEVER ONCE had to Resort to doing ANYTHING ILLEGAL to get where I am and I am Damn Proud of where My Life Now is! Now In case yous are Curious; what was I referring to in the Title of this Posting? Well Please follow along and I shall Educate yous on what the fuck I am talking about! As I am certain Most of yous Know I have a New Woman in My Life; her Name is Anna and she Lives in Caro, Michigan. Now for those of yous who May Not know where that is; Caro is in Neighboring Tuscola County (I Live in Genesee County; which shares a County Line with the County that Caro is the Hub of! Anyway; a Little about Anna; she's 43 Years Old, a Mother of 4 and a Grandmother of 2. Now for those of yous who want to know when is it that One of My Little Headbangers is going to be Having any Children of their Own; well I shall say I Hope after I am Dead! Why do I say this? Well; believe me; I would Probably be Known as "Bad Grandpa" in Real Life! How do I come to this Conclusion? Well Let's be Honest; how the Hell Can any Kid Look at Me as a "Role Model?" Seriously? I mean I have a foul Mind and a Gutter Mouth! I don't believe that Humans Being are Meant to be Monogamous (Because that shit is all based in Religion, which I Look at it all as a Farce!) Now I do Know a Few People who are Happily Monogamous, Take My Cousin Carl who Lives in Amherstberg, Ontario. He and his Wife, Nanette have been Married for Over 20 Years and they appear to be very happy together! Yet in My Case that hasn't been the story! Sure; I was Married to My Now Ex-Wife for 16 Years and I was with her for over 20 Years; but that wasn't such a blissful Relationship! I Openly admit I am who I am! I Openly admit I am a Whore! What do I mean by this? Well; I Openly admit I have had Sex with More Women than there have been Years in My age (I Turn 51 at the End of Next Month, and I Hope Hardly anybody remembers that!) I Openly admit I have had Sex with 52 Different Women in My Life; and I have been Married to Only 2 of them and I have been in a Relationship with Only 4 of them (with 1 of them Bearing My Little Headbangers) if that tells yous anything! I'm not the Least bit ashamed of that at all! Is there any Reason why I should be? I mean this ain't the fucking Puritan Days of the 1600s; and the Last Time I checked Having Sex with somebody Other than your Insignificant Other ain't a fucking Crime! And of course I Openly admit that I have had Sex with 22 Different Women while I was Married to My Now Ex Wife; but that's in essence something yous can say is a Design Flaw in the Male of the Humans Being Species. I mean Let's be Honest; do yous believe that Men can be Monogamous? Personally I don't believe so; and I believe it's completely Biological! Think about this; now I am a Man that Most Women don't consider to be "Attractive," as most all of yous know Women Generally don't throw themselves at me; but when a Woman does Offer Me the Chance to have and here is the Key Word "Consensual" Sex with her; well I Openly admit, I have a Hard Time saying "No" to that! Even My Mother's Husband who fucked My Nephew's Mother Probably couldn't say "No" to somebody offering him a Chance to fuck her; which I Personally don't Give a damn about that! In fact I Personally don't Give a flying fuck about what Goes On In My Mother's Backed Up Toilet of a Marriage! Nor do I really Care what goes on in the House I Grew Up in because that Chapter of My Life is Closed! Yet when Men "Cheat" On their Insignificant Others; it usually Occurs when a Man is Offered a Chance to have Sex with any other Woman! This is why I don't Hold any Woman in My Life to an Exclusive, Monogamous Commitment! Now if Anna Takes advantage of the "Freedom" I have given to her; well that's Up to her! I ain't going to get Mad at her if she has Sex with anybody else! I mean Since When are Humans Being Considered as "Property?" Now I know there are Jealous, Possessive Jackasses Out there who Relentlessly Keep Tabs on their Insignificant Others; I simply am not one of "Those Guys!" I will NEVER Once Go through Anna's Phone with or without her Permission; to see if she's "Cheating," Come On! If your Boyfriend/Husband or Girlfriend/Wife is seeking Pleasure with somebody else then there's Obviously a Reason for it! Now I Openly admit I was Involved with a Young Woman who I CLEARLY had NO BUSINESS Getting Involved with; and it turned out to be one of the Most Painful Lessons I ever had to Learn the Hard way! Her Name is Brittany and I know I have mentioned her on Quite a few Occasions; yet I need to explain to My Girlfriend why I am so fearful of Losing her. Now the ONLY Dealbreaker in My Book in ANY Relationship with ANY Woman is Narcotics! Now I can Confidently Say that I Know that Anna doesn't Use any Kind of Drugs that are Not Prescribed to her by a Doctor; hell she Very Seldom Drinks any Kind of Alcohol; therefore I Know I don't have to Worry about her doing something Like that which I would consider as a Serious Betrayal of My Trust. Yet the same could not be said for Brittany! Now Let's take a Little Drive Down Memory Lane to the Not So Magical Year of 2015. I stopped at a Speedway Gas Station to Get Gas in the Pickup Truck I was Driving for My Employer at the Time; which was MPP Corp in Kimball Township, Michigan. Now how's this for an Irony? I Met Anna at the Speedway Gas Station in Caro (Located at the Intersection of M-24 & M-81). Anyway back to how Brittany became My Life's Biggest Nightmare as well as why I so strongly fear Losing Anna. Brittany Approached me and asked me if I could help her out. Well, being that Ironically I got Paid that Day; I thought "She Must really be having a Hard Time; why Not Help her out?" So I gave her $40.00. She started to Cry and Gave me a Hug. To Me it wasn't that big of a deal; but Little did I realize that was how she had set the Trap; and Of course I got Caught in it! Now if Anna wants to know who this is; I will send her a Photo, because I do have a Photo of Brittany Hidden in the Cockpit! Perhaps as a Reminder of the Kind of Relationship that was so fucking Toxic that I Vowed that I would NEVER Get Involved with ANYBODY who is Less than 10 Years Younger than Me. In case you're Curious Brittany is Now 30 Years Old (almost exactly 20 Years Younger than Me). Now don't get me wrong, Most any Man would Really Love to be with a woman who is as Physically Attractive as she is; but believe me, under that beautiful exterior is a Monster! And she hurt me in ways that it's Inconceivable to hurt another Humans Being! Now I ain't going to go into all of the fucking Details about My Relationship with Brittany; My Now Ex-Wife Knows all about every Detail. Reason is because I was still Married at the Time I Got involved with Brittany. But Let's be Honest; I Knew My Marriage was Over when I made that Mistake. I mean My Then Wife Refused to Stand Up to her Family; and ask them to stop Holding all of My Past fucking Failures over My Head (after all, My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband does that shit and it's something I have grown sick and Tired of!) But after she had been Locked Up at Least Twice before she got Busted for having 4 Xanax In her Purse; thus Precipitating the Impounding of My Car for a Weekend! Well, that in essence should have been it! Yet she used the "I tried to Kill Myself" angle; well then what the fuck was I supposed to do? I Really Loved her; but of course her Using Drugs wasn't the Only Betrayal she had Subjected me to. Oh no! There was this Dirtbag fucking Piss Ant Named Ryan (No, Not the Captain of My Hockey Team) but a Different one! This Pile of shit I Personally believe was Responsible for Brittany being Involved in the Life of Drugs and Crime; that I tried to steer her away from! I made it Crystal Clear that she was Under No Circumstances to be seeing him. Yet Time and Time and again; I kept Catching her with Ryan! The Last Time I Caught her was when she was Arguing with Him over the Phone, and that Little Cocksucker was Texting me about how he was "Hitting that Pussy every Night." Now of course My Patience with Brittany's LIES and her sneaking around behind My Back and seeing this Pile of Shit; had reached its end! When I told her that she had a Decision she had to make between Ryan or Me; she initially told me that it was Me that she wanted to be with; Now before I could ask her why it is that I simply don't fucking believe her; I Look Up out the Windshield of My car, and what do I see?  But Ryan Himself! Well that did it; I ended up flying out of My car and went after him! The Moment he said "I'm gonna stab you!" Well, that's all I Needed to hear! Originally I was waiting for him to develop the balls to throw the first Punch; yet when I heard what was a threat against My Life; well I knew I had to act; so I Coldcocked that Little bastard right across his Jaw! Well the altercation dragged on for I dare say at Least another 10 Minutes. When it ended; Ryan and Brittany were walking away together! What a Coincidence that they walked away from the Scene of the Fight before the Clinton Township Police Department had Arrived; I wonder why? At That Point I Yelled out to Brittany "It's Over, Brittany! You hear Me? I'm done with you!" At that Point; I realized that Brittany Never Was "Mine!" All of the Times she Threatened to Leave Me if I didn't Give Her Money or Pay for her to stay in Seedy, Fleabag Motels; Once that fight ended; I felt so used and demoralized that I Vowed that she was Out of My Life for Good! Well, as Legendary College Football Coach, Lee Corso would say "Not So Fast, My Friend!" I shall share this email from Brittany in where she was begging me for One More Chance Now this is a doozy to say the Least; she titled it "Hey Hunni" don't ask me why she spelled that Word that way, but here it is: First off, I want to apologize for the crazy events that occurred last night! I didn't know ASSHOLE was coming down one last time to gather the rest of his things to take back to Arkansas with his Unk. So, in his fucked up mind, he decided, ONCE AGAIN, to attempt to ruin our amazing relationship!!  One minute I was sitting in your car, and then the next thing I knew, you were hauling ass out of your car and running towards Ryan. I instantly got out of your car and ran to where you were heading towards; which was Ryans punk ass. At that point, I just wanted you two to stop fighting IMMEDIATELY because you two  scrapin it out, right on Gratiot! That's one of the absolute WORST possible places anyone could fight; ESPECIALLY cops are constantly driving down Gratiot! So, seeing that, I was BEYOND SCARED. I decided to do the first thing that came to my mind; to break it up. But then you screamed at me that it was over between you and I! Really?!?! I love you very much and I don't want to lose you!!!!! Please email me back as soon as possible. X♡X♡ Now at that Point I wanted Nothing more to do with her after she had LIED to Me for in essence was damn near 2 Years! So I thought "It would only be fair if I gave her a chance to explain why I should her one more chance, because I know this will come back to bite me in the ass again!" Well, the day after I agreed to Giver her "1 Last Chance" to Prove to me that I was the Man in her Life; well she demanded that I PAY her to have Sex! Well, that was it! I couldn't take any more! She threatened to Break off the Relationship if I didn't give her what she wanted at that Point; I decided that I had to Let her go! Even as Much as it hurt me to do so! The Last Time I Physically saw Brittany; was Valentine's Day Night of 2017. Yet the Damage she did Made me so Hesitant to want to get into a Relationship with anybody else; that is until I Met Anna. Yet I can't seem to get Past all of the Pain Brittany had Put Me through! I will do Most anything to Make any Woman I am Involved with happy! I know Anna is Nothing Like Brittany at all! It took Me a Long time to Get Over Brittany! Yet in essence since she Never Was Mine in the first Place; yet I wonder if the fear of going through the Pain I was Put through with Brittany, could be Harming what I have with Anna? Now Anna and I haven't had any Major Spats; yet I fear even a Minor Disagreement could trigger her to want to Get Rid of me! I know she has dealt with her Share of Personal Tragedies that I wouldn't even wish on My Worst Enemy (My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband is My Example!) Make No Mistake about it; I Really do Love Anna and I Really do Care about her! I guess it's true; Love Can often make a Man (and in some Cases a Woman) do Crazy and Perhaps Irrational things! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying if You have that Special Somebody In Your Life; cherish Her or Him; because Life is too short to be Unhappy!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker vs. Paul Brown, Jr. This Is PERSONAL!

 For the 1st Time in Over a Month's time, Michigan's Resident Rocker is sitting down in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of you fucking Half-Wits know is Canada! Now there ain't going to be no fucking Side Topic; nor is there going to be a Disclaimer that if yous don't Like what the fuck I say; well I hate to disappoint yous because this fucking Letter is Target to an Audience of 1; that being the absolute bag of shit My Mother Married nearly 33 fucking Years ago! That's right; I'm talking about YOU; Paul Brown, Jr. You fucking DRUNK! Oh! You're "Offended?" Well, I'm Glad that you are; because apparently the fucking TRUTH HURTS, eh? Ever since you got into that fucking Crash that Ended your Truck Driving Career; you have been Nothing More than a fucking BITTER, JEALOUS ALCOHOLIC PRICK! Oh trust Me I have Over 40 fucking Years worth of fucking Grievances to air out and I Honestly don't give a flying fuck if you're "Offended" or not! In fact, I hope you ARE "Offended!" Because YOUR FUCKING DRINKING has Caused ALL of the fucking Problems that Our Family has been facing ever since you got with My Mother! I have to ask you something; what the fuck kind of a "Man," and I apply that fucking term to you Very Loosely, ends up going after a fucking Relative as a Possible Matrimonial Prospect? I mean are you for fucking Real? Talk about an episode of the Jerry Springer Show! I mean are you totally fucking Brain Dead? You Pursued a fucking Intimate Relationship with your Uncle's (Now Ex) Wife! What the fuck? Did you Lust After My Mother while she was STILL MARRIED to My Father ? (Yes; I Take Ownership of that). Are you fucking Telling me that you could not find a Piece of Pussy; that ain't fucking RELATED to you? You know what that kind of a "Relationship" is Referred to as? Fucking INCEST! Yet for over 40 fucking Years I DID NOT SAY 1 FUCKING WORD about it now did I? Now by NO Means am I defending My Father; not by any fucking Stretch of the fucking Imagination; yet apparently you figured "If I Marry Uncle Roger's Ex-Wife, Uncle Roger will be forever Jealous; and I can keep this fucking Infatuation to make Uncle Roger Jealous!" I thought Playing these fucking High School Aged Games of Getting into a Relationship with a Blood Relative's Old Lady (or Former Old Lady) just to make that Relative Jealous; was something that you Left behind back in 1978? Well, was I ever fucking Wrong! Because; I KNOW My Mother chose some Real fucking LOSERS; but when she got involved with YOU; she Chose the ULTIMATE fucking LOSER! Not Always did I feel this way! Yet when you told My Brother and I that you were going to Marry My Mother; I Played along; because My Mother is a Grown Woman and can make her Own Decisions; even though I KNEW she was Making a Catastrophic MISTAKE, in Marrying YOU! In fact what My Mother Still Sees in YOU; I don't have a fucking Clue! Oh, I Get it! She sees that "Security of Married Life that Married Women simply Can't "Live Without!" Oh wait; she sees staying Married to YOU as a Means of Making her Ex-Husband JEALOUS, even though it's been 41 FUCKING YEARS since she Divorced him! When My Brother Referred to you as "Dad," I KNOW he meant that as a JOKE; because You NEVER Fathered a Child in your Pathetic Life; which Brings me to My Next Grievance; your Chronic Siding With Melisa Scramlin and the Friend of the CUNT; while MY Kids were Growing Up! I'll have you know; In fact since you NEVER ONCE were in the Friend of the CUNT'S Crosshairs; you ain't got NO FUCKING RIGHT to have said 1 FUCKING THING to Me or My Brother about "Child Support," because you NEVER Had to deal with a fucking Government Run Organized Crime Syndicate! In fact I shall send you a Copy of the Book Friend of the Court, Enemy of the Family; but I figure that since you are fucking FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE; that may be a HUGE WASTE of Time! Tell me something; were you out to fuck My Kids' Mother Like you did My Nephew's Mother? Why Not? I mean you FUCKED Beckie! Now tell me something; I noticed over the Last 40 Years; you ALWAYS Play the fucking "Roger" Card; I wonder why? Is it because Roger was fucking My Mother before you got the chance to do so? Well; hate to break it to you; but there was at Least 1 "Other Man" in her Life before she SETTLED for YOU! Is that why you are so OBSESSED with Roger? Because you're Feeling Guilty about fucking up the very Dynamic of Our Family; by Marrying My Mother? Or is it because You KNOW that you will NEVER Erase Roger from Our Family; until he Drops Dead? I'm glad I don't have to Live with that Kind of fucking Guilt! In fact; I HAVE NOTHING to Feel "Guilty" about! So, you think you have the fucking RIGHT to Tell My Now Ex-Wife, Tracey to "Mind Her Own fucking Business?" O.K. Well I AM Her fucking Business! She was attempting to Tell My Mother the fucking TRUTH; Not Only about your fucking SLANDEROUS FUCKING LIES about me being a "Dope Trafficker," which you KNOW IS 100,000% NOT FUCKING TRUE! But she was about to spill the beans on your fucking Affair with Beckie! Yet you seem to think you have the fucking RIGHT to INTERROGATE Me over My fucking FINANCES; as well as who I was Putting my dick inside of! News Flash! Unlike YOU; I HAVE NOTHING TO FUCKING HIDE!!!!!! I Openly admit I fucked 22 Different Women since I Married Tracey; how do you Like that? And Yes; she knows about them! Yet I still fuck her! What's wrong, Paul? are you fucking JEALOUS that I STILL fuck My Now Ex-Wife and you KNOW you ain't got a shot at getting any Pussy from her? What fucking Business is it of yours who I am fucking? You say I'm "Grasping At Straws," No! I am Grasping at FACTS! YOU FUCKED BECKIE; that is a FACT and FACT IS FACT! I know what you're gonna say, I know what you're gonna say "I don't Owe you any Kind of an Explanation! That's true! You don't Owe Me an explanation as to why you fucked Beckie; because I Honestly don't don't give a fuck who you Placed your fucking Dysfunctional Fuck Pencil into; but you DO OWE My Mother an Explanation as to why you Fucked Your "Own Grandson's" Mother! What the fuck were you doing with Beckie at the Tally Ho Inn? Why was she in the "Bitch Seat" of your Motorcycle? How are you going to explain that away to My Mother? Tell me something; when you fucked Beckie; how did you conduct Foreplay? Did you snort a Line of fucking BLOW Out of the Crack of her ass? Did you Pour a shot of Tequila into her Pussy and Lap It up Like a fucking Dog? And you thought I was Devoid of Morals? At Least I don't make any fucking Effort to Hide My "Character Flaws!" Yet you seem to think that you're fucking "Perfect" because you SMOKE and DO DRUGS; because you Drink EXCESSIVE QUANTITIES of ALCOHOL every fucking Day! This has NOTHING to do with Mother's Day of 2016; nor does this have any fucking thing to do with My Mother! This has everything to do with your fucking Bruised Ego! It sure Must be fucking Nice to have Obtained a fucking 6 Figure Settlement Out of a fucking Trucking Accident that the Iowa State Patrol had Ruled you to be AT FAULT for! Since I wasn't there; it wouldn't be fair for me to Pass Judgment, now would it? Apparently your Blood Alcohol Level wasn't at a Level that would have Gotten your ass Thrown into the fucking Slammer; but it still blows My fucking Mind that you even thought you had ANY RIGHT to ANY Kind of fucking Financial Compensation after all YOU WERE RULED TO BE AT FAULT For that Crash! Must be fucking Nice, eh? So did you Buy My Nephew that Trailer House and Pay at Least 2 Years Worth of Lot Rent to Keep him from Spilling the Beans on your Affair with his Mother? How have you kept Beckie Quiet about the FACT that you fucked her? Did you threaten her with your God Damn GUN? It's a Crying Shame that you have in essence Cut My Mother off from HER Family; because you're so damn afraid that she will Ultimately Wise Up, Realize that you fucked Beckie and throw you Out on your Worthless ass! Is that why You FORBID her from having ANY Contact with her OWN 2 SONS or ANY Member of HER Family, Including Uncle Keith? Now Let's get to the Main Event of this Topic; My Now Former Girlfriend, Brittany. Now I shall Refresh your Alcohol Hazed Memory as to June 3, 2016; when My fucking Car Got Impounded; which by the fucking way WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS THAT OF YOURS? YOUR Name ain't on the fucking Title of MY Car! Now; when the Eastpoine Police Department Came Rolling Up behind My Car; at the Family Dollar Store in Eastpointe and asked if they could Search Me and My Car; I consented because I KNOW I DID NOTHING WRONG! And of course were ANY Drugs Found On My Person? NO! Were any Drugs Found in My Car? NO! Yet 4 fucking Xanax Pills were found in Brittany's Purse! How does this Make me a fucking "Dope Dealer?" Why was I NOT ARRESTED? Why was Brittany the ONLY 1 who ended up being Cuffed and Placed in the Back of a fucking Squad Car? Why was I NOT Taken into fucking Custody; that Night? Because I'M FUCKING INNOCENT, asshole! In fact you Keep Publicly Saying that I am a fucking "Dope Trafficker," Then Answer these fucking Questions: But since you KNOW NOTHING about the TRUTH; I KNOW you will do NOTHING BUT LIE; yet I will ask anyway: Where are all of the fucking ARRESTS Under My Name? Where are all of the fucking Convictions? Where are all of the fucking Court Dates? Where are all of the Court Costs? Where are all of the Fines? Where is all of the fucking Jail Time? Where are all of the Lawyer's Fees I have allegedly been Ordered to Pay? What am I "Trafficking?" Who are My "Suppliers?" Who are My "Customers?" where is My "Turf?" Can't come up with a fucking Answer, can you? I wonder why the fuck this is the fucking Case? Oh I Get it! BECAUSE NONE OF IT IS FUCKING TRUE!!!!!!!! In fact you know what the Term for Publicly Spreading LIES about somebody Engaging In Criminal Activity that you KNOW FULLY FUCKING A WELL that Person IS NOT Engaging In? That's Called fucking SLANDER! Now Allow Me to Simplify this so that even your Delusional fucking Mind can Process: Slander (Noun) The Willful Public Spreading of FALSE Statements Solely to Harm the Reputation Of a Person or a Business. How fucking Interesting! I Hope you Realize I have been In Contact with Several Attorneys about you Spreading LIES about me being a "Dope Trafficker" all around Port Huron, and Guess what? I CAN SUE YOUR ASS for this? Because you KNOW FULLY FUCKING A WELL THAT I AIN'T NEVER HAD A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH DRUGS IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!! Tell me something; when you were Growing Up and you Told a fucking LIE; did your Mother Wash Your Mouth Out with SOAP? Well; I will be washing your fucking Mouth out; but Not with Soap, but I will be Using My beautiful FIST to wash your fucking Mouth Out! It does a very Nice Job of Crushing Country Singer Look Alike Faces Like YOURS! But since I KNOW you ain't got the fucking BALLS to Bring your fucking COWARD ass Out to Mount Morris and get your fucking Come-Uppance; Perhaps this is Merely a Waste of My fucking time! But be advised that GUNS ain't allowed to be brought to MY HOME; because if you DO Bring your God Damn GUN to MY HOME; you WILL BE LEAVING with it Wrapped Around your fucking Head or you will be Leaving with it shoved up your fucking ass! What the fuck was I supposed to do to discover that My Suspicions about Brittany being a Drug Addict were True? Go Rifling through her Purse? Go through her Phone? I KNOW that's what you do to My Mother on a Regular Basis, to make certain she ain't in Contact with ANYBODY that YOU FORBID HER from being in Contact with? What a fucking Pathetic Little "Man" you are! I don't Have to PROVE a fucking thing to you! Tell me something? When did your Life become so fucking Pathetic to where you simply Can't Cope with Life's Problems without LIQUOR? I DO NOT NEED ANY fucking Alcohol or Drugs to "Numb" Myself; because I am Plenty Happy with where My Life is! In fact; who STILL Has a JOB? Why, that's ME! You were Hoping against All Hope that Once My Marriage Ended; that I would be Living In My Car Until it Got Repossessed Out from Under Me? So you can fucking GLOAT, and LAUGH AT ME Over My Latest "FAILURES?"  Well, I Hate to fucking Disappoint you along those Fronts; but I OWN every fucking Nut and Bolt on My fucking Car! I OWN My Car Outright! And May I add I have been Living in a Nice Apartment in Mount Morris for Over the Last 2 fucking Years! I may Not Own a House; but I am Damn Proud of what I have accomplished! And you know what? I fucking EARNED Every Penny of it! I NEVER ONCE Needed to engage in ANY Kind of fucking Criminal Activity to do it! And I'll be Damned if you fucking think you're going to Take ANY of this away from me! I fucking DARE You to Call My Employer and attempt to get Me Fired; by FALSELY Calling Me a "Dope Trafficker!" I fucking DARE You to Call the Apartment Complex where I Live and attempt to get me Evicted by Calling me a fucking "Dope Dealer!" Because you do that shit it's ONLY going to ADD to the Amount you will fucking OWE Me when I SUE Your ass for fucking SLANDER! I STILL Have all of the fucking HARASSING Voice Mail Messages you Left on My fucking Phone in where you Called me "Michigan's Resident COCKSUCKER!" Which that ALSO Constitutes SLANDER, because you KNOW FULLY FUCKING A WELL THAT I AM NOT A HOMOSEXUAL! Even if I was that would be NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS! I'm sure you have been Spreading these LIES to the Rest of Our Family about Me "Dealing Drugs" just after Aunt Kathy Passed Away! Yet I KNOW FOR A FACT that if I WAS able to Make it to Port Huron Just to Pay My Respects to Aunt Kathy; you would be shitting your fucking Pants at the sight of Me! I wonder why? Remember that day at what was MY HOME when you Came Over and you Damn Near got your fucking head knocked off? What did your COWARD ass do? Got into your fucking Truck and RAN! Oh not to Worry; if you do show that you have fucking BALLS enough to bring your COWARD ass Out to Mount Morris; I will Have Paramedics On Standby waiting to haul your Limp, Bloody Carcass, out of the Apartment Complex where I call Home, away after I get done with you! I will wrap this Up by saying that I DO NOT fucking Answer to you! In fact; I NEVER HAVE and I NEVER WILL, because you ain't Signing My fucking Paychecques; therefore I hate to bust your fucking bubble but Until you start PAYING Me, I DO NOT ANSWER TO YOU! Now you CAN Settle this Like a Gentleman (which I do not Expect) by cutting me a Checque for $5000.00 for SLANDER! Furthermore You are UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES to Contact ME; Tracey or Harm even 1 Hair on either Tracey or MY Cats! Furthermore; go ahead and Call the fucking Sheriff's Department, because I have the Harassing Voicemails as well as that fucking LIE in where you Called Me a fucking "Dope Dealer" that Tracey Texted to Me! For the Last 40 fucking Years you have attempted to Paint me as the fucking Black Sheep of the Family; well, Guess what? I have NOTHING to be "Sorry" for! When I say DO NOT Contact Me; that means NOT 1 TELEPHONE CALL, NOT 1 EMAIL, NOT 1 FUCKING TEXT MESSAGE; oh wait! I BLOCKED Your # so you CANNOT CALL OR TEXT ME! How do you Like Me now? Rest assured this will be Settled either in a fucking Court of Law or it will be settled here in Mount Morris; and trust Me if You Choose the Latter; you will need to have your fucking teeth fished out of your throat! With that said I am Officially DONE With you! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Life's too short to be dragged down by Toxic Influences!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Will America Recover From Pandemic Known As Trump-Pence REGIME?

It is the Distinct Honor and Privilege for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit; under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as I have said so many times before is None other than Canada! Now, I understand that this may Piss off some of yous and to that I say deal with it! Alright; as we all know Independence Day is this Coming Wednesday; and as a True Canadian Patriot; I intend to show My True Patriot Love In All Thy Son's Command; as I always do every time this Magical Holiday Rolls around! Now I have to say I generally try not to offend anybody when I sit down to Write Out My Manifestos. Especially My Uncle Keith who Lives in the Great State of Georgia. Now Uncle Keith is a Man whom I have Looked Up to for My Entire Life; yet he has been chastising Me over the Language I use in these Posts; especially my Liberal use of the word "fuck!" Now I Personally don't Understand why this word is one that some People consider as "Offensive." Yet, Out of Respect for Uncle Keith; I will try to Minimize the use of that word in this Posting. Now for those of yous who wonder who My Uncle Keith is, he's My Mother's Brother. Yet in This Posting I Intend to go out of My way to "Offend" Certain People whom for the Life of me I cannot understand their Logic at all! But that will come after I Put Up a Little Side Note before I get into the Main Topic. Now as I have made it clear My Father, Roger, and I haven't spoken to each other in Over 31 Years; that's correct; the Last Time I spoke to My Father was when I was the Magical age of 19. Now what Precipitated that shit? Well; it's a Long Story; but I will try to give you the Cliff Notes version of the story. Anyway, 41 Years ago, My Mother Divorced My Father; now I ain't going to go into any details about why this Happened. Because 1979 is such a Long damn time ago! And I ain't about to Look for "Who's Fault it was," because that's in essence Irrelevant! I mean Let's face it Nobody is truly "Innocent" as far as that's concerned! As  is the Case of Divorce and or Family Breakups; the "Adults" make the Decision to No Longer be together and the Child(ren) usually end up being Caught in the Middle of all the bullshit! Sure; My Father Resented the fact that My Mother Divorced him; and it really Pisses me off when (Usually the Mother) says "I did this for the Kids." What a crock of bullshit that is! I admit when My Mother Divorced My Father; it Traumatized me; because I was only 9 Years Old at that time; and having to bounce from the House I grew Up in to another House (Or Apartment) where My Father was Living for what turned to be the Second Half of My Childhood wasn't exactly My Idea of a "Good Time!" And I Vowed that if I ever had Kids (which of course I do, both are now Grown, for those of yous who don't Know of My Little Headbangers; they both can be found on Facebook, My Daughter, Marjorie will turn 26 in December and My Son, Jonathan turns 24 in Over a Couple of Months) that they would NEVER have to go through that shit! Yet; because their Mother was SELFISH; she Put them through that Trauma anyway! But Let's be Honest; Even though she is Now Deceased; she STILL IS the First "True Love" of My Life; no matter what anybody says! By the same token it didn't make very much sense for Me to Keep Shacking Up with that Woman, because we always were butting heads! Now I guess it was simply more of a "Peaceful" arrangement. But getting back to My Father; In essence I don't know if he ever got over My Mother Divorcing him or not; despite the fact that after I Graduated from Port Huron Northern High School in 1988; he Remarried. Now whether he is still Married to this Woman is anybody's guess. For that Matter whether My Father is still alive or not is anybody's guess! I haven't reached out to him in this span of time! I don't know if he is still Practicing this cockamamie Religion that he was so damn Obsessed with Indoctrinating My Brother and I into or not! Yet I have thought about Possibly talking to him again; which if yous were to ask me that Same Question 10 Years ago; My answer would have been a resounding "FUCK NO!" Yet; I need to obtain Closure for the 31 Years of My Life that he Missed Out on! I am sure he is aware of My Little Headbangers, yet I don't know if he has ever met them! Now since My Kids are Now Grown; whether they want to meet My Father or not; well I can't make that Decision for them! Because for a Majority of their Lives; they have known ONLY 1 "Man" as "Grandpa." Please allow me to explain what I mean by that; Their Now -Late Mother's Father Passed Away when Maggie was only 4 Years Old and Jonathan was only 2; so I don't know how much of a Memory they have of their Maternal Grandfather; this "Man" is My Mother's Husband whom My Mother has been Married to for; well come September 33 Years. And to tell yous the truth I don't have a damn Clue as to what the hell My Mother still sees in this asshole; that's right I am talking about Paul Brown, Jr.  Now I ain't going to rehash all of the bullshit I have had to deal with from this piss ant for the Last 4 Years! Personally; I think My Mother Only stays Married to this ALCOHOLIC LOSER Strictly to Make My Father Jealous! Yet I intend to set a few Ground Rules for a Possible Meeting with My Father in Terms of Possibly bridge the Gap of over 31 Years in the Making; these Ground Rules will be as Follows: No Discussions about Dragging Me "Back to Church," that bullshit will not fly with me at all! No badgering me about the Length of My Hair; because I have been growing My Hair Past Shoulder Length for the Last 36 Years and I am Plenty Comfortable with My Hair being this way! Most of all DO NOT Give me ANY shit about My Kids being Conceived "Out of Wedlock," because not only will that result in the end of the discussion; I would kick his ass for that! Because I WILL NOT Tolerate any swipes at My Kids! I Openly admit I have made My share of Mistakes when bringing up My Kids; but they always knew that their Father was always and still is a Phone Call or a Text Message away. That hasn't changed at all! In fact I have Invited both My Daughter and My Son Out for a beer; the Next time I head to Pork Huron. In fact if My Father was willing to sit down for a beer while we discuss everything that has gone on for the Last 31 Years. Yet I don't know if he would be willing to take me up on that Offer! Yet in essence, Paul, My Mother's Husband has been Obsessed with "Uncle" Roger for the Last I dare say 38 Years; that right I said "Uncle" Roger. Because Paul is My Father's Nephew; how fucked up is that? I guess it's a good thing that My Mother got her Tubes Tied after My Brother was born! Yet I find this to be very interesting exactly How Paul will be able to explain away to My Mother how he managed to Father a Child with My Nephew's Mother; assuming that Paul ain't too much of a chicken shit to Take a damn Paternity Test! After all he continuously DENIES the FACT that he fucked My Nephew's Mother! Yet I really don't give a Rat's ass about whether he DID or he DIDN'T! After all as I have said many times before I believe that Humans Being are meant to be Monogamous, are a Fallacy! I mean shows Like the Jerry Springer Show and Cheaters are Proof of that! Now I Openly admit Monogamy does work for some People; Let's Use My Cousin Carl as an example: He and his beautiful Wife, Nanette have been Married for Going on 21 Years and they seem Inseperable! They Run a Trucking  Company; they have amassed a Small Fortune Together; and Neither one of them has any Notions of straying away from one another. O.K. I have gone on My Side Rant Long enough; now it's time to get to the Main Course; which is as we all know the Coronavirus, which Leads to a Condition known as COVID-19; has become a Global Pandemic that have Ravaged the World Population. Now I ain't No Medical Professional; and I don't have a damn clue as to how this Virus became the Worldwide Menace that it now is; yet One thing I do Know is the United States has been Plagued by a Pandemic known as the Donald Trump-Mike Pence REGIME! That's right for those of yous who support this fucking  FASCIST DICTATOR; I'm going out of My way to Offend yous! And May I say I ain't the Least bit "Sorry" if I Offended yous! Recently a "Friend" of Mine on Facebook told me to "Move to a Communist Country," after I Stated that a Photo of a Demonic Looking Statue bore a Striking Resemblance to the DICTATOR, Donald Trump! Well, to that I say why Not Colonize a Remote Desert Island; appoint Donald Trump to be YOUR DICTATOR and Keep your FASCIST Beliefs on that Island! In fact I would Like to Issue a Challenge to those of yous whose Yearly Incomes are Less than 6 Figures (I ain't gonna talk about My Uber Wealthy Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly who's Fabulously Wealthy, and or anybody who's fabulously Well off) Can yous Honestly say that yous are "Better Off than yous were 4 Years ago; ever since this Sociopath, Donald Trump Moved ILLEGALLY into the White House? And if so; How? I can tell yous that sure to hell ain't the Case for me and the UNSILENT Majority of People who Call this Country "Home!" I absolutely fucking Love it when those who support this DICTATOR; get sand in their pussies about being asked to wear Masks over their faces during this Pandemic (this is especially the Case in My Home State of Michigan) when Governor Gretchen Whitmer encouraged ALL Michigan Residents to Wear Masks over their faces; yet the SUPPORTERS of the DICTATOR; whine that "Governor Whitmer is taking away My Freedom!" To that I say BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS! I mean are yous for fucking Real? O.K. Where do I stand on this debate? Well, I'm glad yous asked. I ain't the Least bit afraid of this damn Virus; because according to My Logic; we're all going to Die, someday! My attitude is "If it's My Time to go, then it's My Time to go!" Yet by the same token; I ain't afraid to wear a Mask; even though I may be Hot and Uncomfortable to wear in the Summer; but when I go into a Building at one of My Company's Customers; I wear a Mask that Covers My Nose and My Gutter Mouth! Why? Very damn simple! Because it's My Company's Policy! So take this "You're a Sheep," bullshit and Wipe your ass with it! Because the ONLY People who will tell me what to do are those who are PAYING ME to tell me what to do! Taking this a step further; whenever I go into Like say a Grocery Store or any Business where I will be there for More than 5 Minutes; then I will do so; because that's the Policies of those stores; therefore who would I be to argue? Yet there are some who act Like SPOILED, PETULANT CHILDREN when asked to don a Mask before going into these Stores, or even worse; Some People just act Like downright dicks! Allow Me to Give yous a couple of Examples of these things happening near My Hometown of Mount Morris, Michigan. These occurred right at the time this Pandemic was really becoming a Major Problem. At a Family Dollar Store in Flint, Michigan; the Security Guard asked this Woman to Put on a Mask as was consistent with that Store's Policy; she Refused therefore the Woman was Denied entry into that store. 2 Hours Later; this Woman's Husband and Her Son return to that store and Shoot the Security Guard dead! I Guess that same day at a Dollar Tree Store in nearby Holly, Michigan this Old Man was asked to don a Mask by a store Employee what did he do in Response? He wiped his Nose on this chick's shirt! I know some jackass will ask me "You don't Listen to Rap, which is performed Primarily by Black Artists, doesn't that Make you a Racist?" O.K. to whoever would ask me that; have yous Cornered the Market on Stupid? Jesus H. Christ! What Right would I have being Known as Michigan's Resident Rocker if I Listened to Rap? I don't Listen to Rap because It SIMPLY DOES NOT APPEAL TO ME AT ALL! I know I have shared this article before on the 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt; but it bears Repeating because the Trump-Pence DICTATORSHIP has become every Freedom Loving American's and Canadian's Worst Nightmare; here it is: The 14 Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), Trump (USA) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and Military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The Governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from Government Leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed
to the Government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the Government Leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of Labor is the only real threat to a fascist Government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the Police are given almost Limitless power to enforce Laws. The people are often willing to overlook Police abuses and even forego Civil Liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national Police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are Governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use Governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by Government Leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of Legislation to control voting numbers or Political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Now I Challenge ANYBODY and I do mean ANYBODY to find ANY of this Research to be even remotely Untruthful! Go ahead; and No; what yous hear from Rush Limbaugh and or on FOX "News"  DOES NOT Count as Kind of FACTUAL Rebuttals! Even before this Damn Pandemic, Trump Repeatedly IGNORED Warnings from This Country's Top Medical Experts about this Horrible Virus!  And as a result Over 100,000 Americans are Now allowing weeds to Grow in their Carcasses; because they're all DEAD! Now what's all the More Unsettling is how this DICTATOR Openly ENCOURAGES Police Misconduct! Now as a Victim of Police Misconduct; albeit 27 Years ago; I Know all too well How a Bad Cop Can ruin the Reputation of an entire Police Department and or Law Enforcement Agency! How in the Holy Hell is it that a Pile of shit that such a Rare Combination of Stupidity, Arrogance, and Just Downright a Complete Lack of what makes any kind of Humans Being allowed to Remain in Power Rather than in Prison where these CRIMINALS ALL BELONG? Well, a Large Part of it is 1 Senator Mitch McConnell a Republican from Kentucky! McConnell; by controlling the Senate SAVED Donald Trump, a VILE EXCUSE for even a Rat Made Certain that when Trump was Impeached, that Trump would Not be Convicted and therefore Removed from Power! Check this Out; because 20 Years Prior to Articles of Impeachment being Introduced against DICTATOR, Donald Trump, a LEGITIMATE President, Bill Clinton was Impeached for Lying about getting a blowjob from somebody other than his Wife! Now a Lie about Committing Adultery IS NOT a Crime; yet will the Large Number of Crimes Committed by Donald Trump DOES NOT Warrant Removal from Power? Really? If My Memory Serves Me correctly, I Believe Richard Nixon was Impeached for Similar Crimes albeit Nixon Resigned to save his ass! Yet when Members of the REGIME basically show their ass to the Rule of Law; well this Country is in a World of hurt! As it has been made 1000% Crystal Clear; the Future of this Country is at stake! I ain't Voting for Joe Biden; because I think he's a Better alternative; but I will be Voting for Joe Biden because He's NOT Donald Trump! But if Donald Trump was running against a Condom I use to bang a Dort Highway Hooker; I would Vote for the Condom! Does this Kind of Give yous an Idea as to how disgusted I am that Donald Trump is Still DICTATOR of what is supposed to be the "Land of the Free!" Yet the Revolution has gotten Started in 2018 and the Blue Wave is coming for the Trump-Pence REGIME as well as all of the ENABLERS of this CRIMINAL DICTATORSHIP! I wonder, if there were Courageous People in Nazi Germany who Dared to Stand Up to Adolf Hitler when he was Terrorizing Most all of Europe during World War II? I Guess I will Never truly know! Yet if yous give a Damn about what the United States is Supposed to be; then do your Civic Duty; and Vote This CRIMINAL REGIME Out of Power! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying it's time to eradicate this Pandemic known as FASCISM and White Supremacy! Vote Like your Life Depends on it; because it Just May!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Michigan's Resident Rocker Weighs In On Police Brutality...........

The Time has finally come for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of yous know is Canada! How many damn times do I need to Repeat this? As I have been saying; for those of yous who say "Go back to Canada." Please allow me to make your Worst Nightmare a Reality; I was Born here in the States; I was Born in Port Huron, Michigan. Now of course I will Never forgive My Mother for Giving Birth to me in this Oppressive Shithole of a Country! Now of course I will explain My Embarrassment in being an American when I get to the Heart of the Topic at hand; so Please follow along and I shall educate yous even further. In fact I often Look at these Manifestos from deep within the Chasms of My Twisted Mind as More educational than the typical Government Mandated Brainwashing that Our Kids are subjected to in School! You know; why don't we raise the Stakes and Make My Manifestos a Part of the Required Curriculum in every School? And while Performing Reforms in Education; why not Mandate a 3 Hour Music Class Called the House Of Hair; Hosted by Twisted Sister Frontman, Dee Snider; and as far as Physical Education Goes; well those Classes if yous ask me really don't need any Improvement! Now of course when I was in School; I have to admit that because I have a rather short attention Span; I Only focused My Attention on things that I actually was Interested in; so In essence yous could say I was somewhat of a "Class Clown,' Like I really Give a fuck what Educators; Let alone My NOW FORMER "Parents" think anyway! Now I recall all too well how I was FORCED to take Ritalin; when I was in School; I fucking HATED that shit with a Passion! I NEVER NEEDED ANY Mind Altering Chemicals when I was in School; I needed for School to be Less BORING! And of course I got Teased Mercilessly By My Classmates when I was Younger! Now of course as I Progressed through Junior High; I still had very Little Interest in "Learning" the same old tired Lame ass Bullshit; that Schools attempt to drill into the heads of Children! Yet as I was about to enter High School; I began to show Interest in the females; I guess that was a Turning Point in terms of My School Days. Especially since there was this One Girl I Really Liked; but I would be so afraid of Letting her know that I really Liked her; that I would attempt to perform awkward stunts to get her attention! Well, I got her attention, all right, but not the Kind I had in Mind! Believe me she was (and as far as I know still Is) a very beautiful young woman. I Guess she's about a Half a Year Younger than me. But Damn; did I ever want to be with her! I mean yous talk about a "Trophy Girlfriend," Lisa (That is her name) was the description of that term! I mean I didn't merely have "Wet Dreams" about her; I mean I wanted her in the worst ways Possible; yet I was too damn afraid to be Honest with her and Tell her how I really felt. Of course a couple of her friends (At the time) Really didn't Care for me, and I figured she wouldn't want to see me at all! So here comes the Night of a Dance which was for 8th Grade Students going onto High School; and yous talk about a Night I wish I could Get back; that was it! Yous could say I completely "Blew" ANY Chance of her even wanting to have anything to do with me. Yet early in Our Sophomore Year she asked me if she could talk to me; I responded that she could. She then told me "I noticed that it appears as if you Really Like me and it seems as if all of your attention seeking Stunts were a way of Getting My Attention am I right?" Well; I told her that I could not Lie to her. She then said; and I will never forget this; "Why didn't you just come to me and tell me how you really felt?" Of course Naturally she is Most Beautiful Young Woman in My Graduating Class and I have to admit I was terrified of being Rejected by her; yet in all honesty; I felt she was out of My League. But she also told me "You really didn't have to resort to all kinds of Crazy Stunts; all you had to do was talk to me; you didn't need to resort to doing those Nonsensical Tricks to get me to Like you." Well; I Openly admit when I approach beautiful Looking Women; I still get very Nervous. Now the Last I have heard about her is she is Now Married and is a Junior High School Teacher (Like her Father was, albeit he Taught at Port Huron Northern High School) where Lisa, Myself and I dare say at Least 300 Others Graduated from back 32 Years ago in the Magical Year of 1988. How Ironic is it that My Daughter, Marjorie; Graduated from the Same School 25 Years almost to the very Date that her Father did? But that is a True Story! Alright, Moving Right along; Now we are at the Point where I Must Forewarn yous that if yous don't Like My Use of Colorful Language as well as My Liberal use of the word "fuck" and or every variation of it; then STOP READING THIS POSTING from this very Point! How many damn times do I need to repeat this? After All, I Ain't "forcing" Yous to Read these Blog Entries! Because the Topic is One that is very Personal to me; and that's Police Misconduct, especially when Police Officers Cross the Line and Use Excessive and Unnecessary Force! Now Please allow me to ask yous this: What's the First things that Come to Mind when I mention the Following Names: Eric Garner in New York, New York, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Freddy Grey in Baltimore, Maryland, Malice Green in Detroit, Michigan, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, and finally George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota? Well, Obviously ALL of these Names belonged to Black People, who were MURDERED by Police Officers! That's right, I said these People were MURDERED! What really Pisses me Off is the Fact that so far ONLY in the Malice Green Case in Detroit n November 5,1992 where Officers Involved in these Fatal Assaults were actually Convicted of Murder! 2 of the 3 Officers in the Malice Green; Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers were Found Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder in the Death of 35 Year Old  Malice Green. Now I have heard all kinds of Rumors that Malice Green was whacked out on Cocaine at the time of the Fatal Beating that took Place. Now Of course a 3rd Officer, Robert Lessnau; was Acquitted in Connection with the Malice Green Murder! Now according to Court Documents Green was Literally Bludgeoned to Death when Budzyn and Nevers repeatedly Hammered Green in the head with their Police Issued Flashlights! Now I have handled one of these Flashlights; and believe me they ain't the Most Lightweight thing yous can ever get your hands on! When yous have 2 Cops who are Rather Well Trained in Restraint Techniques; then Clobbering a Man with 10+ Pound Flashlights; is something I would say Constitutes EXCESSIVE FORCE! Now this Incident was Never Recorded on Video; and in all Honesty; if Budzyn and Nevers Walked; then Detroit would have erupted Like Los Angeles, California did damn near a Year Prior to that! Of course Nevers and Budzyn had Several fucking Complaints Levied against them for Using Excessive Force! Budzyn Received 8 to 14 Years in Prison; whereas Nevers got 12 to 18 Years in Prison for 2nd Degree Murder! Now in the Most Recent Incident in Minneapolis, Minnesota; where 46 Year Old George Floyd was MURDERED after a White Officer, Derek Chauvin, Literally Kneeled on Floyd's Neck after Floyd was Handcuffed, and thus was Literally Defenseless! Floyd was Pleading for his Life; Yet Chauvin Refused to Release the ILLEGAL Hold he had on Floyd and of course Floyd Died; which touched Off at Least 11 Straight Days of Protests! To that I say as a Victim of Police Misconduct, Myself, I say what the fuck is Taking so damn Long to Bring the fucking Plague of Police Brutality to Light? But of course; what's all the Worse; the Modern Day Version of Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, actually ENCOURAGES Police Brutality! That fucking Piss Ant even had the fucking GALL to Have a "Private" Police Force Throw Tear Gas Bombs at PEACEFUL Protesters so he can Pose in front of a Church Holding a Bible for a disgusting Photo Op! Now if yous are Law Abiding Freedom Loving "Americans," then this should make you want to fucking PUKE! I know it sure to hell makes me Mad enough to spit fucking tacks! Just when yous think that the "President" that My One Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly Worships, could not stoop any fucking LOWER; well I guess I have been Proven Wrong Once again! Now before I share My Story of being Victimized by Police Misconduct; I shall share a couple articles on Police Brutality and How Cops Continuously Get Away with Using Excessive Force and every other form of Misconduct. Yous Can find these articles by typing in as well as Police Officers are often lauded as heroes and protectors of their communities. In most cases, such characterizations are accurate, but in some, it could not be further from the truth. South Carolina has certainly seen this to be true. According to The Post and Courier, an Officer was fired last year for using excessive force. It is worth questioning: why do Police Officers use excessive force?
Fear or Insecurity
In other cases, a Police Officer may be legitimately afraid of the Suspect they are dealing with. This might trigger insecurity that then motivates an attack. Although an officer may feel truly scared, fear alone is not a justification for the use of excessive force. On the contrary, an officer should respond by attempting to diffuse rather than escalate the situation.There is no single reason to attribute to all of these offenses, but there are patterns that emerge in such cases of abuse. In identifying these common causes, perhaps communities can fight against them and reinstate the reputation of Police that Citizens and Precincts alike would like to see upheld.
Prejudice and discrimination
An increased focus on biases within Police work has revealed something that many already knew to be true: Officers often treat minorities and other marginalized groups differently. In the worst cases, this may involve the use of excessive force that would not otherwise be applied. Unfortunately, the color of one’s skin can elicit a violent response from the Police if an Officer is prejudiced or discriminatory.
Toxic Environment
Reports indicate that in some Departments encourage the use of excessive force and reward Officers for engaging in violent behavior against Suspects. This unacceptable environment unsurprisingly fosters attacks that can have deadly consequences. Police Officers should maintain their commitment to protecting and serving, but too often, this takes a backseat to biases, fears or pressures to act violently.
Police are very rarely prosecuted for Shootings — and not just because the Law allows them wide latitude to use force on the Job. Sometimes the Investigations fall onto the same Police Department the Officer is from, which creates major conflicts of interest. Other times the only available evidence comes from eyewitnesses, who may not be as trustworthy in the public eye as a Police Officer.
There is a tendency to believe an Officer over a Civilian, in terms of Credibility,” David Rudovsky, a Civil Rights Lawyer who co-wrote Prosecuting Misconduct: Law and Litigation, told Vox’s Amanda Taub. “And when an Officer is on trial, reasonable doubt has a lot of bite. A Prosecutor needs a very strong case before a Jury will say that somebody we generally trust to protect us has so seriously crossed the line as to be subject to a Conviction.”
If Police are charged, they’re rarely Convicted. The National Police Misconduct Reporting Project analyzed 3,238 Criminal Cases against Police Officers from April 2009 through December 2010. They found that only 33% were Convicted, and 36% of Officers who were Convicted ended up serving Prison Sentences. Both of those are about half the rate at which members of the Public are Convicted or Incarcerated.
The Low Conviction and Incarceration rates have fed into the idea among critics of Law Enforcement that Police can get away with using deadly force even in situations that don’t call for it. This poses concerns for those who want to hold Police accountable, but critics also worry it has fostered a Police culture that’s too Lenient in using force because Cops believe there most likely won’t be Legal Consequences even if they make a bad call. Have yous ever seen the TV Show, COPS? I hate that fucking Show because it GLORIFIES Police Brutality! Mostly against Black Men! Now some of these guys go Put Up Quite a fight when these heavily Armed Cops Try to Arrest them; but Let's Face it, Just Like in Professional Wrestling; which is the ONLY LEGITIMATE Combat Sport there is; Quite Often yous will see 4 or 5 Heavily Armed Cops Beating Up 1 Man (and Quite Often they will beat up Women as well). What's all the more fucking Disturbing is the Fact that after a "Suspect" has been Cuffed; these Cops will continue their Assault against Said "Suspect," how the fuck can anybody "Resist" when his/her Hands are Cuffed behind his/her back? During 1 Episode; this Guy who was Running from the Police who didn't even Put Up a Fight was Violently bodyslammed to the Ground and Pounded on by 4 Officers; how is this a "Fair Fight?" The Answer is it ain't! In another Episode this Guy who Obviously was Drunk (Now where does this sound familiar?) Had his Hands Cuffed behind his back and his Legs were Bound in Leg Irons behind his back yet One Officer was Kneeling on his Head while the other 4 Repeatedly Punched and Kicked this fucker! Now Quite Often the "Suspects" that are regularly Abused are Primarily Black and or Hispanic Men! Yet I am a white Man and I ended Up being a Victim of Police Misconduct; here's My Story; now this Occurred 27 Years ago, yet the Scars are still Fresh in My Memory. It was a Typical Hot Summer Night in July of 1993; I was Working at a Local Gas Station in Port Huron. (This was before Full Service Gas Stations were being Phased Out). At 12:45 AM a Man with a White Stocking Cap (known as a Touque, by us Canadians), Black Horn Rimmed Sunglasses on his head, Pointed a Gun at me and Demanded Money. Now of course; I wasn't about to stop and Play 20 Questions with this motherfucker; I figured he means Business! So I empty all the Cash I had into a Pillowcase he was Carrying; Like I was Trained to do; I Immediately Called the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department to Report the Robbery; what a fucking Mistake that was on My Part! Because who Responded to the Scene? But None other than Perhaps the One Motherfucker who I would Hope got Fire Ants Placed into the piss hole of his dick; Terry Baker! Now to say this fucking Piece of shit and I had a History was in essence a fucking Understatement! Of course if yous have a Gun Pointed at yous; yous ain't gonna be able to think very Clearly; I don't give a fuck How Fearless yous are! Yet, Terry Baker Instantly Accuses ME of "Stealing the $450.00 Over which My fucking Life was Threatened!" On the Scene was Regional Manager of that Company, Curtis Lawrence, a Fat Pile of Human Excrement; with a Buzzcut! Now I really Disliked this Burr-Headed bastard as it was; but then Terry Baker Instructed Curtis Lawrence to "Break Him, Curtis; Use Every Threat you have to even Hit Him, I'll Look The Other Way!" Once Curtis Lawrence Started Interrogating Me; I stated "You have No fucking EVIDENCE Linking Me to this Crime, except I am the Victim!" That Fat fuck then said "I've got all the Evidence I need; if you don't confess Right Now, I'm gonna bash your fucking Head against this Wall!" (Referring to the North Wall of the Car Wash at that Facility! In fact I Hold these assholes in the Same Contempt as I Hold that fucking DRUNK, My Mother's Husband, Paul Brown, Jr. In fact I sort of wish I could Lock all 3 of these shitbags in a fucking Glass Booth with a swarm of at Least 100 "Murder Hornets!" Now what the fuck am I talking about in terms of "Murder Hornets?" I am referring to the Asian Giant Hornet; which has been Plaguing Japan for Several Decades as far as I know and these fuckers are Nasty from what I have heard about them! But anyway; I am Ordered to Undergo a Polygraph to Clear My Name; well that went about as well as Placing My dick in a fire ant Mound! This fucking "Cop" Started Interrogating me over "What I did with the Money?" I had told this fucking CATERER to Curtis Lawrence SEVERAL TIMES "Stop It! Leave Me Alone! I Have NOTHING To Say To You!" Furthermore, when I stated that "I WANT A LAWYER!" That didn't seem to Matter! The Cop said "So, you want to Keep Quiet, eh? I've got ways of Making Punks, Like You Talk!" I stated that this is a BLATANT VIOLATION of My Rights! Yet he Kept Drawing Back his Right Hand as if he was going to Slap Me! He stated that I was Not Allowed to Go Home Until I Confessed! and he also Uttered the Threat "If you don't confess Right Now, I'll Slap the Taste Out of your Mouth!" After I had stated that I wanted a Lawyer; and he told me "Tough Shit; you'll get your Lawyer Once you Confess!" Well after being COERCED into Confessing to a fucking Crime that I DID NOT COMMIT! Yous would have thought the Injustice would end! Wrong! I ended up being Arrested 2 Months Later and of course Terry Baker Paraded Me around with My Hands Cuffed Behind My back Like I was a fucking 12 Point Buck that he shot out in the Woods! Now of course the "Lawyer" who was SWORN to Represent Me; SOLD ME OUT! Because he wasn't in a Mood to FIGHT to Clear My Name; because if he did what he was SWORN to do which was get me ACQUITTED of the 1000% FALSE CHARGES of "Embezzlement" that I had Slapped against Me; then he feared he wouldn't get Paid! What a fucking VILE EXCUSE for a Humans Being this Piece of shit is! If yous ask Me this bag of shit needs to be Disbarred! In fact; I would add this asshole as well as that fucker from the fucking St. Clair County Prosecutor's Office to that Glass Booth filled with Murder Hornets! I mean why the fuck are Police Officers ALLOWED to get away with Using Excessive Force; Committing Perjury (for those of yous who don't know what Perjury is) Perjury is the Willful Telling of a LIE or Series of LIES; while Under Oath in a Court of Law! Now I ended Up Getting 3 Years Probation for that very fucking Crime that I DID NOT COMMIT! At that Point in Time; I entered a No Contest Plea to a Reduced Charge; because My Daughter was Just a baby back then and I felt I could Not Risk being taken from her any further! But what a fucking INJUSTICE this was! Fast Forward 23 Years Later and of course I had to be seen for a Careless Fall Injury because I hit My head against the floor of a Customer's Location when Lo and Behold who did I run into? That fucking Pile of Rat Shit, Terry Baker! I wanted to Pummel that cocksucker to death! But I know Violence doesn't solve a damn thing! Yet yous could Understand why I felt that way! Now I get it; being a Police Officer is a Very Stressful Job and Quite Often a Very Thankless one on top of that! And I Understand that 99% of this Nation's Police Officers are Law Abiding and Take their Oath to "Serve & Protect" the Communities where they Work; very seriously! But all too often I see Police Officers who act as if they're John Rambo, and they Rough Up PEACEFUL Protesters who want to see the Use of Excessive Force against People of Color STOPPED! Why the fuck are Police who encounter PEACEFUL Protesters Dressed in Riot Gear Spoiling for a Fight? I tell yous the Videos I have Seen Not Only of George Floyd being MURDERED to a 75 Year Old Unarmed Man being Shoved to the Ground in Buffalo, New York; to a Young Woman being Violently thrown to the Ground in New York; I mean what the fuck kind of a Society do we Live in? Yet Genesee County Sheriff, Chris Swanson is a Cop I can Respect; why is that? Because he Joined a PEACEFUL Protest against Police Brutality! Now a have a few Friends who are Black. In Fact My Immediate Supervisor is a Black Man and I have Nothing But a World of Respect for him! I Generally Treat People the way I want to be Treated in Return! But what's really all the More Disturbing is the FACT that a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST; that's right, I am referring to My One Sister-In-Law, Kelly's "President," Donald Trump as a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST and a fucking RACIST! And of Course this Indirect Descendant of Hitler ENCOURAGES Police Brutality! And why the fuck not? I mean if the Shoe fits, Wear it! This Pile of Shit went on Twitter and Tweeted and I Quote "LAW & ORDER". Now How fucking Hypocritical is this motherfucker to say shit Like this because Donald Trump acts as if things Like LAWS, RULES & REGULATIONS Simply DO NOT APPLY to Him! FUCK YOU! Donald Trump! I ain't one to wish Death on anybody; but if somebody was to Assassinate Donald Trump; the ONLY Tears a Majority of the American People "Cry" would be Tears of Joy! I know I shouldn't say shit Like this, but Donald Trump Makes being an "American" a fucking Disgrace! I always thought an Individual Like Adolf Hitler would Have NO Place in the "American Government," yet the 2016 Presidential Election that Donald Trump STOLE, Proved Me Wrong! Well, 7 Months from Now the Nightmare of the Donald Trump DICTATORSHIP will be OVER if My Vote has anything to say about it! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying NOBODY is Above the Law! Especially those who are Sworn to Uphold it!