Saturday, December 5, 2020

Is Michigan's Resident Rocker's Family Characters In A Soap Opera?

Can yous believe this? Michigan's Resident Rocker is once again seated in the Cockpit; Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous Know is Canada! Now I'm certain most all of yous are curious as to what's on the Twisted Mind of this Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all know is Michigan? Well, to not Leave any of yous in Suspense, I shall solve this Mystery; the way I know best! I guess it's only appropriate that I Post the Disclaimer that if yous are among those who Get "Offended" easily about some of the Language I use in these Postings; well this is your Opportunity to Stop Reading this Posting right from this very fucking Point! Because as I have made it 1000% Crystal Clear; I don't Give a flying fuck if yous find My Liberal use of the beautiful word fuck to be "Offensive!"  And why the fuck should I? After all; I tell yous these things the way I see them; in Other Words I tells yous from My Own Twisted Perspective! Now how the fuck does that grab yous? Now as we all know the fucking TRUMP Virus-Covid-19 has been raging throughout this Country pretty much out of control! And to be Quite Honest with yous; I'm getting a Little fucking Tired of the fucking CORPORATE Media Parroting the same Tired fucking Bullshit about the fucking TRUMP Virus! Quite Honestly; I wonder if the Corporate Media as well as Mr. Government is Milking the TRUMP Virus for every fucking Last Dollar that they can Squeeze out of it! Reason I ask this is because when this TRUMP Virus was Unleashed in China as well as East Asia; what did Xi Jinping (I don't know if I spelled this Character's Name Correctly or not) do? He shut ALL of China Down for at Least a Month or so; same as the fucking Case in the Korean Peninsula; and Now yous hardly hear about Anybody in East Asia being sick from the fucking TRUMP Virus! Now why am I calling the Virus that has Wiped Out Over 220,000 Americans the TRUMP Virus? Well I'll even explain it to all of you fucking Simpletons; this especially applies to My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, who Lives in London, Ontario; who Support the CRUEL, EVIL, FASCIST AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump. Now as we all Know DICTATOR Trump was Briefed that this Pandemic was Mowing Down People faster than Al Capone's Cronies; did to Bugs Moran's Gang in what was deemed to be the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, Illinois; yet what the fuck did DICTATOR Trump do? That's correct he REFUSED TO ACT! Instead this Pile of shit Tucked his tail between his Legs; Played GOLF, and Tweeted out Bullshit Conspiracy Theories! And of course Once the fucking TRUMP Virus Came ashore to the United States of Donald Trump; sure enough Americans started dropping Like fucking Flies! And sure enough Lockdowns Started getting Imposed! What ended up being the thing that has been affected the Most? Well, I'm glad yous asked; it's the fucking Mr. Government Mandated fucking Brainwashing Known as School! And to be Quite Honest with yous; I say Why Not Keep Schools CLOSED PERMANENTLY? Now of course I shall explain in My Own Twisted Way why Schools should Remain Closed! O.K. As Most all of yous know Most Children Learn Valuable Life Lessons Not in a fucking Classroom; with some Overpaid Babysitter Droning on and on about shit that Most of yous will NEVER Put to use in Real Life! Let Me ask yous something: How many of yous can Honestly Say that yous Need to waste at Least 12 Years of your fucking Lives in School simply to end up Working in a fucking Dead End, Subminimum Wage Job that Only Requires you to know how to be a fucking Brown Noser! That's Correct; I not only went there; I will fucking Double Down on Me saying that! I mean did I "Need" to waste 12 Years of My fucking Life to Learn how to Drive a Delivery Truck? Absolutely Not at all! And "Sunday School?" Fuck don't get me started on that; because that';s a Topic for an entirely Different Posting; Right Now we Need to focus on what the Current Topic is! Now before I got into Driving Truck; what was I Using the 12 Years of My Life I wasted in this Mr. Government Mandated Brainwashing Known as School for? Well; aside from fighting every fucking Day I was there to stay awake and Pretend Like I was Interested In "Learning" about shit that I had ABSOLUTELY NO Interest in? Working a series of DEAD END, SUBMINIMUM WAGE Jobs; that I KNEW were Nothing I could Make a "Career" out of! In Fact; before I got My CDL; I was Relegated to Working in Factories in where it didn't Matter if I went to Work, Did My JOB; what was all I got out of those fucking SHITHOLES? You Guessed it I got FIRED! Why? Well, it's very fucking Simple; because I REFUSE to be a fucking Brown Noser, a GOSSIP, a fucking DIRTY KNEED COCKSUCKER which is REQUIRED to Maintain a Job in a fucking Factory! Which is among the Things I Really Love about My Current Job; I Work for a Great Family Run Company; that KNOWS how to Treat People Like Humans Being! I don't have to worry about Getting Caught Up in Office Politics! Now did I "Need" to waste 12 Years of My Life inside the Walls of a fucking PRISON to Learn How to do My Current Job? Give me a fucking break! Of course In School; ALL I was taught was shit that I have NO fucking use for! Yet when Kids show NO INTEREST in being BORED to Tears for 6 to 8 Hours Monday-Friday for 12 of the first 18 Years of their fucking Lives by having to Undergo this Mr. Government Mandated Brainwashing; what the fuck happens to them? Of course; they Just Like I did get Put on Ritalin against their fucking Will! Well, since I ain't bashful about talking about My Life Experiences; when I was in the fucking 3rd Grade; I made it Clear that I was not at all Interested in being Brainwashed; I got FORCED to take Ritalin! And did this "Benefit" me at all? Well as we all know the answer is a resounding FUCK NO! In fact all that shit got me was fucking TEASED, MADE FUN OF and fucking BULLIED! The ONLY Ones who did benefit from this shit were the fucking BRAINWASHERS, as well as the fucking Pharmaceutical Industry! Now what's all the more fucked up is in this fucking Day and Age; Rather than allowing Bullied Kids to stand up to their Tormentors; instead the Administrators are always Intervening; Back in the Old Days; a Bullied Child was allowed to allowed to dish out JUSTICE to his or her Tormentor; by dishing out a Humiliating ass kicking to the fucking Bully!  Yet Nowadays since Bullied Children ain't allowed to Defend themselves; what the fuck happens? They bring GUNS to fucking School! And I ain't talking about Daddy's fucking shotgun! I'm talking they are bringing AR-15 Assault Rifles to School! Yet DICTATOR Donald Trump as well as his fucking Republican ENABLERS are all FOR Keeping Guns IN the Hands of Criminals! In fact if Donald Trump was in Power when Al Capone was Terrorizing the Streets of Chicago; I assure yous that Al Capone would have NEVER saw the Inside of a Jail Cell; because Al Capone and Donald Trump have a Lot of Similarities! As we all Know; Donald Trump is a TAX CHEAT; as was Al Capone; Trump is the Head of a fucking Organized Crime Syndicate in where LOYALTY to the "Mob Boss" was to be a Top Priority; well same as Al Capone! Most of All Trump, Much Like Capone Relied on those Under him to do their fucking Dirty Work; and to take the fucking fall; when they get Caught! Now did I Need 12 Years of "School" to Learn this? Again are yous for fucking REAL? In fact; the best way to "Educate" Our Children is to Mandate a 4 Hour a Day Class Called the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show! Because at the end of each Show is a Segment Titled "What Did We Learn?" Now that would be More Valuable than Listening to Teachers Drone on and on and on about Shit that Nobody can use in Real Life! And of course if yous feel as if "Music Education" should Part of the Curriculum; well I have that Base Covered, a Mandatory 3 Hour Music Class every Weekend known as the House Of Hair; with Twisted Sister Frontman, Dee Snider! And of course Plenty of Physical Education; in where Quitting would automatically Get yous a fucking Failing Grade! In fact; all that Schools Seem to Teach Our Children is that "It's O.K. to Quit when things don't go your way!" I tell yous there were all too many DEAD END, SUBMINIMUM WAGE Jobs that I desperately wanted to fucking Quit; due to all of the Political bullshit I had to deal with associated with all of those Jobs! Now that the Main Topic is close to being at hand; I digress; the Holidays are Once again Upon us and  this Leads me into a Topic I have Talked about Quite a bit; that would be My Family. Now it's No Secret that Certain Members of My Family I have Ripped and Rightly So! First we'll start this with the Good: So Up first are My Kids Daughter, Marjorie; who turns 26 a Week from Today; and My 24 Year Old Son, Jonathan. Now I don't think I could have asked for 2 Better Children! I honestly believe that! Yet in a Manner of speaking; there are things I wish I could have done differently when My Kids were Growing Up; especially with My Son. Why do I say this? O.K. Let's focus; because I Openly admit I wasn't the "Perfect Father," I feel if I had bonded with My Son; when he was really Young as I did with My Daughter; Perhaps he could have been a 5th Generation Truck Driver and a Second Generation Unrepentant Man-Whore Like his Father! In fact; If I Taught Jonathan what every Father should Teach his Son; well Jonathan May have at Least 100 Notches in his belt! Now don't get me Wrong, My Father, Roger didn't teach me what I needed to Learn about how to have Plenty of Good Clean Adult fun with 52 Different Women; those were all Cases of Trial and Error! In fact whether Roger had fucked anybody before he Married My Mother or not; well I wish I could ask him that! Nonetheless; as I said I wish I could have had Jonathan's Childhood back; because I would have Bonded with My Son; and therefore; he May Ultimately Outscore the Old Man! Now ain't it amazing that I have fucked More Women than there are Years in My Age? That's Right this Past Monday I turned 51 Years Old. Yet I have fucked 52 different Women! Is there ANY Reason I should be ashamed of that? Of course My Daughter; who as I have mentioned Turns 26 1 week from Today; has been dropping Hints at having Children of her own; now if yous ask me this is the Ultimate fucking Nightmare! Why do I say this shit? Well, same Reason I was terrified of having any Kids of My Own! I once had a Nightmare that My Daughter had a Child; she had a baby Girl, now in this Scenario, My Granddaughter was about 4 Years Old, and she was riding In My Car with me when some fucking idiot who ain't got NO Right to be Driving a fucking Car, Cuts Me off! Naturally; I give this Jackass the Universal Salute to Let him know that I didn't Appreciate what he did. Most of all of us refer to this figure of speech as the Stone Cold Salute; which is Named after Now Retired Wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin! Now what does the Stone Cold Salute Comprise of? Now this is really fucking easy; this Occurs when you extend back side of your second finger on either hand in the air at somebody! Now of course My Granddaughter (Now Keep in Mind this is a Nightmare, because In Real Life I don't have any Grandchildren) now Please follow along; because I am getting to where the Rubber Hits the fucking Road! Asks My Daughter "Mom, can I Extend My Middle Finger at somebody who makes me Upset?" Horrified, My Daughter asks her "Where did you Learn that?" Naturally My Granddaughter said "Grandpa did that while he was Driving!" Of course My Daughter gives me that Look of "Dad! I'm gonna kick you right in the balls!" Now, don't know how many of yous Have Viewed the Movie from the Jackass Movie Series Bad Grandpa, well if anybody would Qualify as "Bad Grandpa," I would! I mean think about it; How can a foul minded Gutter Mouthed Rocker from Michigan be a "Good Influence" on any Grandchild of Mine? Maybe if I had a Grandson; I could teach him the finer Points on how to be an Unrepentant Man Whore; Like his Grandfather! Now we Move Onto My Brother; who is 2 and a Half Years Younger than Me. He has 2 Children a soon to be 29 Year Old Son and a Soon to be 14 Year Old Daughter. He also has 2 Grandsons (both are My Nephew's Sons). Now Growing Up, My Brother and I were not very close. Mostly because as it turns Out My Brother and I are in essence 2 Very Different Men in a Lot of aspects of Life! Yet it Looks as if as far as the Number of Women that My Brother and I have fucked; it Looks as if I am Catching Up! Now of course Only 1 Of these Women has been fucked by My Brother as well as Myself! Now there's another Child that My Brother may be the Father of; Paternity had been established by the State of Michigan. Now the Young Woman In Question is one who was born to a Young Woman who My Brother had been Dating; when he was 18. Now this Young Woman will be Turning 30 Years Old in April; and as far as I Know, she has a Daughter of her Own. Now wouldn't yous think that this Young Woman Owes it to her Daughter to find out for Certain who her Maternal Grandfather is? Yet this Young Woman Refuses to Allow My Brother to take a DNA Test to determine whether My Brother is Indeed the Biological father of this Young Woman? I mean the Case of the Friend of the CUNT wouldn't Matter at all; because that Case has Long Since Run its Course! Now I would Love to say that this Young Woman is My Niece, I Really Would! However; I can't just take this Young Woman's Mother's Word for it! If this Young Woman would Give My Brother a DNA Test to find out the Answer to that Question Once and For All; I would be Happy to say this Young Woman is My Niece! I think My Brother would Love to know that he has a Granddaughter in addition to his 2 Grandsons! This Young Woman has told My Brother "My Mother would Never Lie to me about who My Father is." O.K. there is a Distinct Difference between a LIE; which is a Statement that the Speaker KNOWS is Not True; and simply Being Wrong about something for damn near 30 Years! Stay Tuned to see if this Question gets answered! Allow Me to Give yous an Example of a LIE: My Mother's ALCOHOLIC HUSBAND; who for the Last 4 and a Half Years has been ACCUSING ME of "Dealing Drugs In Detroit!" Now as we all KNOW, MY Employer's Warehouse is In Detroit; that Much is True! However even PAUL (the fucking DRUNK) KNOWS DAMN FULLY FUCKING A WELL that I AIN'T NEVER ONCE Sold Drugs in my fucking Life! Now we shall Move onto My Mother; Now it's a Crying Shame that My Mother Allows her ALCOHOLIC Husband to CONTROL everything she does. Which means I have been Estranged from My Mother for that same Window of time! And as I said before; it's a Crying Shame that she has ALLOWED this to Occur! I would Love Nothing More than to Invite My Mother into My Apartment in Mount Morris; I would Love to Make My Italian Style Mac & Cheese with Chicken; which happens to be My Signature Dish; that is if I was a Chef! To this day; I don't even Know if My Mother has had any Contact with either My Daughter or My Son. Sure My Mother May Not Like the Fact that her Firstborn Son turned out to be the Unrepentant Man Whore that I am! Well; I happen to Accept the Fact that My Son ain't an Unrepentant Man Whore Like his Father! Yet this is the way the Almighty, Himself Made me! Sure, I have been Married Twice, the first of which was a Complete Farce! My Last One Lasted 16 Years; yet this was when I discovered that I Simply ain't Marriage Material; I'm a Lot Happier Living by Myself! I don't have anybody to Badger Me to "Go to Work!" Or to remind me that "Bringing Home a Paychecque is all I am Good For!" Now I ain't gonna give a Lot of Mention to the ALCOHOLIC that My Mother has been Married to for the Past 33 fucking Years because I have said Plenty Enough to Write a book based on the Bullshit I have dealt with throughout the 38 Years that My Mother has wasted being with him! Now onto My Father, Roger, Now I haven't Spoken to My Father in over the Last 32 fucking Years. Now the best way to Judge Parents is when  the Child(ren) Reach Adulthood. Now I can honestly say that My Mother for the Most Part; was a Good Mother, considering that her 2 boys were more than a handful! My Father; I think he did the best that he could; yet for the Most Part he never was able to get Over the Fact that My Mother had Divorced him Over 42 Years ago; even though I believe he's been Married to the same Woman for the Last 32 Years! I could be completely Wrong about that! Yet One thing I am certain of is Roger got Carried away with this Off the Wall Religion that he had attempted to Cram Down My Throat and My Brother's throat since I was 9 Years Old when My Mother Divorced him! Now I'm certain that Roger is aware of My Nephew, Cody who Turns 29 in February (rightly so; because Cody is Roger's Biological Grandson) Yet I ain't certain that Roger is aware of My Niece who Turns 14 in May; along with My Little Headbangers, Marjorie and Jonathan! Because these Kids have Known only 1 Man to be "Grandpa" since all of them were a Young age. In the Case of My Kids; their Maternal Grandfather died when Marjorie was only 4 Years Old and Jonathan was only 2. So I don't know how well either One of My Kids Remember their Now Late Mother's Father! Now their Maternal Grandmother Passed Away I think it was back in September. So I am certain they have Rather fond Memories of her. Yet they have Only Known My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband to be their "Grandfather," for in essence the Last 22 Years! Yet I am curious as to whether Roger could Possibly be Interested in Meeting My Kids? Of course I would have to ask My Daughter and My Son if they, themselves would be Interested in meeting their Actual Paternal Grandfather. Yet that's entirely Up to My Little Headbangers! It's No Secret that Roger was the Main Catalyst in My No Longer being Interested in Bowling or Playing Baseball when I was Growing Up! I Guess it's a Good Thing I Never Played Organized Hockey when I was Growing Up, Otherwise; he may have destroyed My Passion for that Sport as well! Now of course No Matter How Many Times he embarrassed me when I Payed High School Football; he never took My Passion for that Sport away! If I were to Reconnect with Roger (whom I haven't seen since the Funeral for My Late Uncle Kenny's Widow back in 2005). I wonder what I would say to him? I wonder if he's still Delusional about Dragging Me and My Brother back to Church? I guess that remains to be seen! If My Family were to star in a fucking Soap Opera; what the fuck would the Title of it be? I guess yous could say that My Family being considered as Characters in a Soap Opera would be Rather Interesting; because My Family definitely Qualifies as Dysfunctional; Yet we ain't Wealthy Like My Ex-Wife's Family is! In Fact My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly who is a Die-Hard SUPPORTER of the AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR, Donald Trump, is Fabulously Wealthy because she STOLE My Late Father-In-Law's Fabulous Wealth before he Dropped Dead! Now what does this say about somebody who Calls a Relative of hers every Name BUT a "White Man," but then Swoops in Like the "Loving Long Lost Daughter" before he kicks the bucket? Well, aside from a Decsiple of the DICTATOR; I'm sure there are Quite a few other fucking Adjectives I can use to describe My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly! Well; I'll admit I ain't sure that I would want a Soap Opera to be Written about My Family; yet it seems as if My Family Life could be described as such! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Family may be "Forever," but always have your head on a swivel!

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