How can it be at all Possible that Michigan's Resident Rocker has yet even More on My Twisted Mind? Oh; that's easy. With a Twisted Mind Like Mine, there's always something On it! And when I watch the fucking Corporate Media; it simply Pisses Me off all the More! Another 20 Innocent Men, Women and Children were Needlessly SLAUGHTERED in another Mass Shooting! This One Occurred in El Paso, Texas; by Guess Who? A fucking Neo-Nazi Trump Supporting WHITE SUPREMACIST! Who used a fucking AR-15; which is a fucking Assault Weapon! What the fuck is the Matter with this Picture? Yet the fucking Republicans who ENABLE NOT ONLY Trump's Criminal Behaviour, are Hell-Bent OBSESSED with Keeping Guns, especially Assault Weapons, IN the Hands of those who are Out to Hurt, and or Kill, Innocent People! When will this shit end? And then yous wonder why am so Embarrassed to be an "American"? Now of course I will add a side Note before I get into the Main Topic. Now I don't know how many of yous read My Last Entry on My Family Situation; nor do I know how many of yous can relate to the Dysfunctional of it all. But believe me the Last 3 Years have brought a Great Deal of changes to My Life. Some of them Good, others maybe not so Much! Now I Need to make mention of the Very Individual who started this Chain Reaction; that being this Young Woman Named Brittany Nicole; now I ain't gonna mention her Surname, because I am trying to Obliterate ANY fucking Memories I have of that fucking Drug Addict! Why am I even mentioning this? Well; I Openly admit Women have been my fucking Downfall! For a Little Background; the ONLY Good Thing I ever had from being Involved with this fucking Dope Whore is the Number I wear on the back (and Sleeves) of the Jerseys of Hockey Teams I now Play for which also Includes the Brand New Genesee County Cougars who will begin Play on September 9, 2019 @ Crystal Field house in Burton, Michigan. Now Perhaps yous have to wonder how did I get Mixed Up with a Drug Addict who is 20 Years Younger than I am. Well, she is a very Physically Attractive Blue eyed Brunette.Trust me; Most any Man would have a difficult time saying "No" to Brittany. Yet there was somebody before Brittany, believe it or not. That's Correct; I was Involved with a Woman Named Heather. Now I haven't mentioned a Lot about Heather because she didn't Cause me nearly Half the fucking Problems I had with Brittany; or her Successor, Jessica! Now Heather is a Nice enough Young woman who could have Most any Man she wants; However; she Chooses top settle for a Now Former Friend of Mine, Named Karl. Now Perhaps yous will say "Michigan's Resident Rocker, weren't you Married at the Time you got involved with these Women?" Now did I ever say I was a fucking beacon of Morals? Yes I was, what the fuck is it to you? I mean since when did we revert back to the fucking Era of Ward & June Cleaver? Now Both Heather and Karl are nice enough People; yet their biggest Problem is they simply don't take care of themselves and or their Property! Let me explain what the fuck I am talking about. First Let's start with Karl; he's a very Nice Guy; yet his biggest Problem is he's very fucking LAZY! And of course he was declared as "Disabled" about 5 Years ago, right around the time I started My Job at MPP Corp in Kimball Township. Now I ain't no fucking Doctor, I Never Claimed to be as such, nor will I ever claim such a thing! Kind of Reminds me of a fucking Parasite who was staying in My fucking Apartment from March of this Year to May; LAZY, UNWILLING TO WORK and Lives Off the Taxpayers; on the Republican Run PONZI SCHEME known as Social Security! This fucking WELFARE Program is Designed to STEAL Money out of the Paychecques of Hard Working Canadians, Like Myself, and Give it to LAZY, MOOCHING American FREELOADERS who Simply "Just Don't Feel Like Working". Now I often wonder how did fucking LAZINESS become classified as a "Disability"? Now back to Heather and Karl; Karl, I dare say is Living on Borrowed Time; why do I say this? Think about it! He weighs I dare say North of 400 Pounds and he gets Next to No fucking exercise whatsoever! In fact he sleeps almost Literally up to 14 fucking Hours a day, and when he Sleeps, NOBODY ELSE can, because he snores Like a fucking Sawmill! The rest of the time he's stuffing his face with Junk Food; Including Drinking I Dare say at Least 2 Gallons of Mountain Dew, which is extremely High in Sugar! Which Leads to why I believe that this Poor bastard is a ticking Time Bomb as far as his Health is Concerned. Here is I dare say a 44 Year Old Man who could suffer the Fate of Many his age who simply don't take Care of themselves! Now do I need to mention the fact that he doesn't Shower or Put On Clean Clothes? I hate to say this about this guy, because he's a Nice enough Guy; but it seems as if he's Lost his Will to Live; and of course, Heather is a Case of Monkey See-Monkey Do! Heather is a beautiful Young woman who is a sweetheart to her core; but the Problem is she's too busy attempting to be somebody she ain't! Now from what I understand, she suffered a serious head Injury when she was really Young; so perhaps that may Impact how she is the way she is now! Yes! If yous MUST know, I fucked her as well! Just as I had fucked that FAT, LAZY SLOB who Lived Off of Me for a couple of Months! I guess that was her Rent Payment for Putting her fat ass Up in My Apartment and Carting her fat ass all over the fucking Landscape; with NO fucking GAS MONEY, while she was Living in My Apartment! Now what made me finally kick Heather to the fucking Curb? Well; Heather's biggest Problem is she Can't seem to Put her fucking foot down and say "NO!" Especially to those who are out to do serious harm to her. Case In Point; she was Hanging Out with a Convicted Pedophile Named Paul, No, Not the Same Paul who is the DRUNK that My Mother has been Married to for the Last 32 fucking Years! When I Learned of this; I came fucking Unglued! I forewarned her that if I ever heard of her hanging out with this fucking CREEP (Now it's My Understanding that this fucking CREEP fucked his OWN Daughter!) Now there's yet another Line I WILL NOT Cross! However; the Straw that broke the Camule's back was the Fact that as I Looked Up her Face book Page I saw this fucking God Awful, UGLY NASTY SKANK, Named Jamie! Now Jamie is a Lesbian; which I don't give a flying fuck what anybody's Sexual PREFERENCES are! But back in 2004; Jamie Made DEATH THREATS against MY Little Headbangers! Now yous can threaten me all yous want; because those things don't faze me at all! But threaten My Kids; and Trust Me; you're gonna wish you hadn't; because I will defend them until the Last Drop of My fucking blood! Of course once I got rid of Heather; that's when Brittany Came into the Picture and Trust Me that's a Topic for another Manifesto to be written at a Later Time and Date, because I have to keep this rolling right along! Alright; we are getting into the heart of what this Manifesto is all about; because the shit has in essence already hit the fucking fan! No, I take that back the fucking shit hit the fucking fan on November 9, 2016; when Dump The Gump Trump; the very fucking Mob Boss Cocksucker STOLE the 2016 Election; thanks to his Main ally, Vladimir Putin! Now yous don't have to watch MSNBC to Draw the Conclusion that Donald Trump is a fucking RACIST, a MISOGYNIST, a XENOPHOBE, an ANTI-SEMITE a DRAFT DODGING COWARD and an all around Pile of shit! In fact, Donald Trump stands for EVERYTHING that is WRONG with America! But don't tell My Now former Sisters-In-Law who berate each other over who is More LOYAL to as they Call him "President" Donald Trump! But Trump ain't the ONLY CRIMINAL who Needs to be Removed from Office! Let's Take Mike Pence, Trump's Second In Command, former Governor of Indiana. Now this shit bag is Just as Fucking Dangerous as Trump is because he is a fucking HOMOPHOBE to the fucking Extreme degree! This Pile of shit Claims his "Christian Values" based SOLELY on Church Attendance! I often wonder if while he was Governor of Indiana if he sent his fucking Stormtroopers to every Gay bar in Indianapolis (The Largest City and Capital of Indiana) to follow a Gay Couple Home, peered into their Windows to Catch them Having Sex? Now as have mentioned earlier in this Manifesto, I Personally don't Give a flying fuck what your fucking Sexual PREFERENCES are! That's right! I said it! Homosexuality is a fucking CHOICE! I am fucking LIVING PROOF of that! If I wanted to suck dick; I would! It's that fucking simple! Yet by the same fucking token; what the fuck business is it of Mr. Government whether a Man or a Woman Chooses to suck dick or eat Pussy? I Openly admit I really Like Bi-Sexual Women; I just do! Do any of yous have a fucking Problem with that? I mean if My Now ex-Wife Chose to be Bi-Sexual, not to mention stood up to her Trump Supporting Family; chances are I wouldn't be Living in Genesee County to this Day! But Let Me make this Point Crystal Clear; what 2 or More Consenting Adults do in the Privacy of their Own Homes ain't NOBODY'S fucking Business! Besides; for those of yous who Get "Offended" by the thought of 2 Men butt slamming each other or the thought of 2 chicks going down on each other Bothers yous so fucking Much, then yous Really Need to get a fucking Life! My Daughter tells me that she is Openly Bi-Sexual; even though she has been with the Same Boyfriend for I dare say the Last 3 Years. I have No Issue with that at all! Now if My Son were to come to me and say "Dad, I have CHOSEN TO be Gay." would I condemn him? Fuck No, I wouldn't! I mean if My Kids are Happy; then that's all that fucking Matters! Now while I am on this Topic, I have to ask the Men who read these Manifestos; have yous ever fantasized about your Wives and or Girlfriends Going down on another Woman? I Openly admit I have! Because I have seen it for Myself! And believe Me; there ain't very Many things I Like to watch More than watching a Woman eat another Woman's Pussy! Do yous have a Problem with that? If so; yous don't have to see it! But back to the Topic at hand; I know the Supporters of this Orange Shit stain who is ILLEGALLY Occupying the White House will say "There's No Proof that Trump had any Aid from Russia to Win the Election." Yet Oh Contraire! Once again allow Uncle Michigan's Resident Rocker to Provide you Evidence of Trump's Lack of ANY fucking Redeeming Qualities with an Op-Ed Piece Written in the Boston Globe, One of New England's Finest Newspapers, by Michael Cohen; the Very Attorney who Helped Carry Out Several of Trump's Crimes before he got ILLEGALLY into the fucking White House here it is: With Donald Trump there is no bottom.
Mere weeks after attacking 4 Democratic Congresswomen of color and saying they should “go back” to where they came from, he took to Twitter to Launch yet another racist diatribe against Baltimore congressman Elijah Cummings and the residents of his Congressional District.
It reminds me of the 1 indisputable and remarkable fact about the DICTATOR: He doesn’t have a single redeeming Quality.
I realize this might sound like hyperbole. Everyone has at least one good thing you can say about them, right?
But try as I might, when it comes to Trump the cupboard is empty. First and foremost, he’s not a nice person. He’s mean, unpleasant, and regularly insults, demeans, and attacks anyone and anything that doesn’t provide him with constant veneration. He calls political leaders “crazy,” “Low IQ,” “dumb as a rock,” “very dumb,” a “loser,” and for some, like Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, hurls racist epithets at them. He derides their physical appearance and makes up juvenile nicknames for them.He lies not some of the time or most of the time, but all the time. According to The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker,” Trump has lied approximately 11,000 times since he took Office.
He’s a well-documented racist and misogynist. More than 20 women have credibly accused him of assaulting them, which includes allegations of rape. He makes bigoted and racist comments about immigrants. He regularly attacks African-American politicians, journalists, and sports figures and uses words like “infested” to describe their communities. He praises and employs White Supremacists and refuses to condemn Neo-Nazis. He has kind words for Sociopathic Dictators and Authoritarian Leaders, primarily because they say nice things about him.
He’s even mean to children.He has no discernible moral core. He’s devoid of integrity, empathy, and selflessness. He’s vain and self-centered. He never takes responsibility for anything, and blames everyone else for his mistakes. Even the Quality that he seems to venerate more than any other — strength — is one that he consistently fails to uphold. He is a BULLY who attacks the weak and vulnerable and he can’t even be relied on to keep his word or stand firm in a negotiation.
He’s not intelligent or insightful. Everything he seems to know about politics and public life he’s gleaned from watching Fox "News". He doesn’t read books, or go to the Movies, and spends much of his time watching television. The only hobby he appears to have is Golf, and he is legendary for cheating at it. He’s not funny, and he hardly ever laughs.
He has the diet of a 14-year-old boy, and eats his steaks well done and drenches them in ketchup.
He’s incompetent at his job. He appears to have no understanding of how the Federal Government, of which he is the Chief Executive, works; how Laws are passed; how the Economy functions; and he is seemingly unable to differentiate between the 3 branches of Government. There is hardly a political norm or tradition that he hasn’t violated. He has no respect for Democracy or the Constitution.
He doesn’t even appear to like dogs, and he’s the first occupant of the White House in more than 120 years who doesn’t have 1. He surrounds himself with bootlickers and enablers. He has no loyalty to those who work for him. Anyone with even a scintilla of ability or integrity has long since stopped working for him. All this might have something to do with the fact that he appears to be a lousy boss.
He’s even bad at the thing that brought him to public attention — being a businessman. He regularly lost money, including as an owner of a casino, which I didn’t think was possible. He short-changed contractors, treated his employees badly, and has declared bankruptcy six times. He had a ghost writer pen a book titled “Art of the Deal” to showcase his alleged ability to negotiate deals — and yet he’s actively bad at negotiating deals, both in business and in politics. Perhaps the only thing he’s been successful at is being a reality star and con man (remember Trump University).
But since the benchmark here is “redeeming Quality,” he gets no points for that.
Then there is the fact that he is corrupt, a serial Law-Breaker, and is actively profiting from his DICTATORSHIP. According to the Mueller Report, he has repeatedly and brazenly broken the Law — including Obstructing Justice on 10 separate occasions. Before he was DICTATOR, he engaged in a scheme to avoid paying his Taxes and is possibly guilty of committing tax fraud. We know that he engaged in a conspiracy to subvert campaign finance laws during the 2016 campaign. To be sure, there are other disreputable public figures in American political life. I was no fan of the 43rd "President", George W. Bush. But at least one could say that he appeared to be a good father and his wife seemed to like him (also his AIDS initiative saved millions of lives).
Not the case with Trump. His kids are as morally deficient as he is. The only adult exception appears to be his daughter Tiffany, who, not surprisingly, was largely raised by her mother. His wife Melania doesn’t appear to be a big fan either — which is not surprising since he cheated on her with a porn actress, just as he cheated on his first 2 wives.
From all appearances, Trump doesn’t have any actual friends.
At the 2016 Republican National Convention his family members gave speeches speaking approvingly of him. They spoke of what a good and caring person he was and yet they could not point to any specific anecdotes highlighting those Qualities.
The one positive thing I can remember about Trump is a January 2016 Republican debate in which he criticized Ted Cruz for attacking his “New York values” by pointing to the city’s response to the 9/11 attacks. And then this week, Trump claimed falsely that he was at Ground Zero after 9/11 and compared himself to a first responder. So no points for that. This is far from a complete List. Trump’s List of Iniquities could go on for thousands of more words. But as far as coming up with a positive attribute: That page is and will remain blank. Somehow, in a Country of 320 million people, the American Electorate found a way to Appoint one of our singularly worst Citizens as DICTATOR! Now was that a fucking eye opener or what? I often wish I could ask My 2 Former Sisters-In-Law "Is your Protecting Your Family's Fabulous Wealth from Paying Your FAIR SHARE In Taxes worth selling your fucking Souls to the Orange Devil ILLEGALLY Occupying the White House? For all of yous who say "America, Love it or LEAVE It!" I have 4 fucking words for yous SUCK MY FUCKING DICK! You Can't MANDATE "Patriotism" as Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, a Former Navy SEAL who Fought for His Country in the Vietnam War, which is More than what Donald Trump Ever could Dream of doing to "Serve his Country"! (Note the SEALS are the United States Navy's Answer to the Army's Green Berets, as well as that Military Branch's Answer to the United States Marine Corps) Ventura said in a Video, which yous can access on You Tube, Patriotism Needs to be EARNED! Now get ready for a shock; because I shall share another Op-Ed Piece based on how Evangelical "Christians" Led to the Rise of Donald Trump to Destroy Over 200 Years of American Democracy but they also Led to the Rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, here it is: "You know what happens when atheists take over—remember Nazi Germany?” Many Christians point to Nazism, alongside Stalinism, to illustrate the perils of atheism in power. At the other extreme, some authors paint the Vatican as Hitler’s eager ally. Meanwhile, the Nazis are generally portrayed as using terror to bend a modern Civilization to their agenda; yet we recognize that Hitler was initially popular. Amid these contradictions, where is the truth?
A growing body of scholarly research, some based on careful analysis of Nazi records, is clarifying this complex history. It reveals a convoluted pattern of religious and moral failure in which atheism and the nonreligious played little role, except as victims of the Nazis and their allies. In contrast, Christianity had the capacity to stop Nazism before it came to power, and to reduce or moderate its practices after wards, but repeatedly failed to do so because the principal churches were complicit with—indeed, in the pay of—the Nazis.
Most German Christians supported the Reich; many continued to do so in the face of mounting evidence that the dictatorship was depraved and murderously cruel. Elsewhere in Europe the story was often the same. Only with Christianity’s forbearance and frequent cooperation could fascistic movements gain majority support in Christian nations. European fascism was the fruit of a Christian culture. Millions of Christians actively supported these notorious regimes. Thousands participated in their atrocities.
What, in God’s name, were they thinking?
Before we can consider the Nazis, we need to examine the historical and cultural religious context that would give rise to them.
Christian Foundations
Early Christian sects promoted loyalty to authoritarian rulers so long they were not intolerably anti-Christian or, worse, atheistic. Christian anti-Semitism sprang from one of the church’s first efforts to forge an accommodation with power. Reinterpreting the Gospels to shift blame for the Crucifixion from the Romans to the Jews (the “Christ killer” story) courted favor with Rome, an early example of Christian complicity for political purposes. Added energy came from Christians’ anger over most Jews’ refusal to convert.
Christian anti-Semitism was only intermittently violent, but when violence occurred it was devastating. The first outright extermination of Jews occurred in 414 c.e. It would have innumerable successors, the worst nearly genocidal in scope. At standard rates of population growth, Diaspora Jewry should now number in the hundreds of millions. That there are only an estimated 13 million Jews in the World is largely the result of Christian violence and forced conversion.
Anti-Semitic practices pioneered by Catholics included the forced wearing of yellow identification, ghettoization, confiscation of Jews’ property, and bans on intermarriage with Christians. European Protestantism bore the fierce impress of Martin Luther, whose 1543 tract On the Jews and Their Lies was a Principal inspiration for Mein Kampf. In addition to his anti-Semitism, Luther was also a fervent authoritarian. Against the Robbing and Murdering Peasants, his vituperative commentary on a contemporary rebellion, contributed to the deaths of perhaps 100,000 Christians and helped to lay the groundwork for an increasingly severe Germo-Christian autocracy.
With the Enlightenment, deistic and secular thinkers seeded Western culture with Greco-Roman notions of democracy and free expression. The feudal aristocracies and the churches counterattacked, couching their reactionary defense of privilege in self-consciously Biblical language. This controversy would shape Centuries of European history. As late as 1870, the Roman Catholic Church reaffirmed a reactionary program at the first Vatican Council. Convened by the ultraconservative Pope Pius IX (reigned 1846–1878), Vatican I stridently condemned modernism, democracy, capitalism, usury, and Marxism. Anti-Semitism was also part of the mix; well into the twentieth century, mainstream Catholic Publications set an intolerant tone that later Nazi propaganda would imitate. Anti-Semitism remained conspicuous in mainstream Catholic literature even after Pope Pius XI (reigned 1922–1939) officially condemned it.
Protestantism, too, was largely hostile toward modernism and Democracy during this period (with a few exceptions in northern Europe). Because Jews were seen as materialists who promoted and benefited from Enlightenment modernism, most Protestant denominations remained anti-Semitic.
With the nineteenth century came a European movement that viewed Judaism as a racial curse. Attracting both Protestant and Catholic dissidents within Germanic populations, Aryan Christianity differed from traditional Christianity in denying both that Christ was a Jew and that Christianity had grown out of Judaism. Adherents viewed Christ as a divine Aryan warrior who brought the sword to cleanse the earth of Jews. Aryans were held to be the only true humans, specially created by God through Adam and Eve; all other peoples were soulless subhumans, descended from apes or created by Satan with no hope of salvation. Most non-Aryans were considered suitable for subservient roles including Slavery, but not the Jews. Spiritless yet clever and devious, Jews were seen as a satanic disease to be quarantined or eliminated.
During the same years neopagan and occult movements gained adherents and incubated their own form of Aryanism. Unlike Aryan Christians, neopagan Aryans acknowledged that Christ was a Jew—and for that reason rejected Christianity. They believed themselves descended from demigods whose divinity had degraded through centuries of interbreeding with lesser races. The Norse gods and even the Atlantis myth sometimes decorated Aryan mythology.
Attempting to deny that Nazi anti-Semitism had a Christian component, Christian apologists exaggerate the influence of Aryan neopaganism. Actually, neopaganism never had a large following.
German Aryanism, whether Christian or pagan, became known as “Volkism.” Volkism prophesied the emergence of a great God-chosen Aryan who would lead the people (Volk) to their grand destiny through the conquest of Lebensraum (living space). A common motto was “God and Volk.” Disregarding obvious theological contradictions, growing numbers of German nationalists managed to work Aryanism into their Protestant or Catholic confessions, much as contemporary adherents of Voudoun or SanterĂa blend the occult with their Christian beliefs. Darwinian theory sometimes entered Volkism as a belief in the divinely intended survival of the fittest peoples. Democracy had no place, but Nietzschean philosophy had some influence—a point Christian apologists make much of. Yet Nietzsche’s influence was modest, as Volkists found his skepticism toward religion unacceptable.
Though traceable to the ancient world, atheism first emerged as a major social movement in the mid-1800s. It would be associated with both pro- and antidemocratic worldviews. Strongly influenced by science, atheists tended to view all humans as descended in common from apes. There was no inherent anti-Semitic tradition. Some atheists accepted then-popular pseudo scientific racist views that the races exhibited varying levels of intellect due to differing genetic heritages. Some went further, embracing various forms of eugenics as a means of improving the human condition. But neither of these positions was uniquely or characteristically atheistic. “Scientific” racism is actually better understood as a tool by which Christians could perpetuate their own cultural prejudices—it was no accident that the races deemed inferior by Western Christian societies and “science” were the same!
When we seek precursors of Nazi anti-Semitism and authoritarianism, it is among European Christians, not among the atheists, that we must search.
Following World War I, the religious situation in Europe was complex. Scientific findings about the age of the Earth, Darwin’s theory of evolution, and Biblical criticism had fueled the first major expansion of nontheism at Christianity’s expense among ordinary Europeans. The churches’ support for the catastrophic Great War further fueled public disaffection, as did (in Germany) the flight of the Kaiser, in whom both Protestant and Catholic clergy had vested heavily. But Religion was not everywhere in retreat: postwar Germany experienced a Christian spiritual renaissance outside the traditional churches. Religious freedom was unprecedented, but the established Churches enjoyed widespread state support and controlled their own Education systems. They were far more influential than today.
Roughly two-thirds of Germans were Protestant, almost all of the rest Catholic. The pagan minority claimed at most 5%. Explicit nontheism was limited to an intellectual elite and to committed Socialists. Just 1.5 percent of Germans identified themselves as unbelievers in a 1939 census, which means either that very few Nazis and National Socialist German Worker’s Party supporters were atheists, or that atheists feared to identify themselves to the pro-theistic Regime.
Most religious Germans detested the impiety, secularism, and hedonistic decadence that they associated with such modernist ideas as Democracy and free speech. If they feared Democracy, they were terrified by Communism, to the point of being willing to accept extreme counter-methods.
Thus it was a largely Christian, deeply racist, often antidemocratic, and in many respects dangerously primitive Western culture into which Nazism would arise. It was a theistic powder keg ready to explode. Now of course; In My Next Manifesto, I will Launch an Expose on some of this FASCIST DICTATOR'S Yes-Men, Namely Moscow Mitch! That being 30 Year Kentucky Senator, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham-Republican Senator from South Carolina as well as Piece of shit Congressmen, who Like above 2 Senators Mentioned have their Nose Up Trump's Orange ass, Devin Nunes a Piece of Shit Republican "Congressman" from California as well as Jim Jordan, another Republican Sleazeball from Ohio! Who Knows? Maybe that Sex Trafficking Piece of Shit, Jeffrey Epstein could finally Spill the Beans Exposing Donald Trump as a SEXUAL PREDATOR as well as a DRAFT DODGER, INCOME TAX EVADER, RUSSIAN Asset and so on! Stay Tuned because I have allowed Moscow Mitch and his Merry Band of Trump ass kissers to go Unexposed for far too fucking Long! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying ONLY YOU Can Prevent 4 More Years of this FASCIST DICTATORSHIP!
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