Saturday, July 27, 2019

Michigan's Resident Rocker Offers No Apologies!

It's another exciting Time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous Know is Canada! Now Make No Mistake about I am a Proud Canadian; even though I have Lived in the United States for a Strong Majority of My Life! A Little background: I was Born November 30, 1969 in Port Huron, Michigan; which Tragically makes me an American Citizen by Birth! Not to mention My Biological Father who is well; safe to say that Hollywood couldn't have created a more perfect fucking asshole; is also an American Citizen. My Mother who was Born in Windsor, Ontario is Canadian by Birth, thus and this is something I Learned only about 8 fucking Years ago; that I am a Canadian Citizen by Descent. So that's a Little background on why I Proudly Proclaim Myself as a Canadian Citizen; and I am completely fucking EMBARRASSED to admit I am an American! And think about this! O.K. I ain't embarrassed to be an American because I am against "America"! I am against what it has become! With a fucking RACIST, MISOGYNISTIC, ANTI-SEMANTIC Pile of Shit in the fucking White House; THIS is the fucking Reason I am embarrassed to be an "American"! Let's also not forget about the fucking Republican "YES-MEN" under this fucking DICTATOR; and yous can see exactly why I will NEVER Place My hand over My Cold Black Heart when the fucking Star Spangled Banner Plays; why the fuck should I? Yet by the same fucking Token, I will do so when O' Canada Plays! Now this wasn't ALWAYS the fucking Case with me! Yes; back in the Day; I would do so for the Star Spangled Banner; yet the Reason for that was because I didn't Understand what a VILE, CORRUPT Spectrum that American Politics are! Think about this; I don't know how many of yous were around when Richard M. Nixon was "President"; Quick History Lesson; in 1974 as the Vietnam War was winding Down; this was about a Year before the Fall of Saigon (the Capital City of then-South Vietnam). In 1974; Richard Nixon was in the Process of being IMPEACHED for his Role in the Watergate Break-In back in 1972. Now at about this time; Nixon was about to have his Crooked ass Thrown Out of the fucking White House for being a fucking CROOK! Back then, I was only 4 Years Old; KISS; My Favourite Band, was starting to Make a Name for themselves! And even Nixon's Most Devoted "Yes-Men" were bailing Out of his REGIME Like Rats off a fucking Sinking Ship! Thus; Facing Overwhelming fucking evidence to suggest that Nixon is a fucking CROOK; he fucking RESIGNED! This is EXACTLY what Dump The Gump Trump, Mike Pence and the Rest of this fucking Criminal REGIME NEEDS to do; in order to Help "America" Heal! Or better yet the fucking Spineless Democrats Need to Grow a fucking Spine and IMPEACH Trump and Pence BOTH! Now for those of yous who see this DICTATOR as something that is "Good for America" then I have No Quarrel with your beliefs and or your Views! Case in Point; My Cousin Carl; who Lives in Amherst burg, Ontario which is in you guessed it God's Country, Canada! He was Born August 4, 1968 also in Port Huron, Michigan; although he has Lived in Canada for in essence his Entire Life! He Devoutly Supports the DICTATOR, Donald Trump; Much Like My Now Former In-Laws, Patty and Selma a.k.a. Debbie and Kelley! Now does this mean that I No Longer want to be associated with Carl, because he Supports the DICTATOR and I, Personally want to see the DICTATOR anywhere BUT the White House (Preferably behind the Walls of a fucking Federal Prison)! Not at all! Carl and I see Donald Trump from Opposite Ends of the fucking Spectrum; yet I am Proud to say Carl is My Cousin; because he Busted his ass to get to where he is Today! Now get your fucking Popcorn Ready, Strap Yourselves In; because I am about to get to the Heart of the fucking Topic at hand; because I am Pissed Off and I ain't gonna take any more fucking Shit from Certain Members of My Family! Now for those of yous who are asking about "Where's your Disclaimer about People who easily get Offended?" Because the fucking Target of this Manifesto NEEDS to be fucking Offended; better yet, he Needs to be fucking CALLED OUT! Because in essence 3 Years ago a fucking "Civil War" within my own fucking Family Started! Now what exactly Touched Off this fucking "Civil War"? Well, In essence it's been brewing since My Mother Married this fucking DRUNK! That's Right! I Called this Guy a fucking DRUNK! Because that's How I see him! And what a fucking Shame that is! Because it didn't have to be this fucking way! For the better part of the Last 40 Years there's been fucking Turmoil in the very fucking House I Grew Up in! Ever since My Mother sent My Biological Father Packing; now believe me I have No shortage of fucking Animosity towards this fucking asshole! But I ain't about to waste a whole Lot of time Giving any fucking Credit to this bastard for shooting Half of the Equation of My Brother and I out of his dick into My Mother! Because for the Last 30 fucking Years of My Life; this asshole has been for the Most Part Irrelevant! In Fact; I don't even believe that My Little Headbangers have ever met this Motherfucker! Sure; they know of him; yet I am Certain they have Never Met him! Now My Daughter, Marjorie Turns 25 in December and My Son, Jonathan turns 23 in about a Month and a Half! Now My Kids have for the better Part of their Lives have known only 1 Man as "Grandpa" for their Maternal Grandfather Passed Away 20 Years ago; and as I have mentioned; they have as far as I know Never Met My Biological Father! Now  Whether or not that actually Occurs; well I have no Control Over that! Nor would I stop them from doing so; if this is something they actually WANT TO do! For a Little background; after My Mother Left My Biological Father; she dated Other Men; which she was within her Rights to do; yet since 1982; she has been with the Same Man; now what makes this dynamic all the fucking Stranger is the fact that this "Man", is he is My Biological Father's Nephew! How fucked up is that? I mean couldn't this guy find somebody other than the Ex Wife of one of his Uncles? Now did I Object to My Mother Marrying a Man who is over 10 Years Younger than herself? Why the fuck should I? At the time she Remarried; I was about 2 and a Half Months short of My 18th Birthday; and I was ready to Move Out of the House so I really didn't Give a fuck! I mean think about this; My Ex-Wife, Tracey is Over 8 Years Older than Me! So age for the Most Part ain't Much of a fucking Factor! Sure he may have helped Me out of a few fucking Scrapes; yet the Cons heavily Outweigh the fucking Pros: How so? O.K. now this has been festering for the Last 25 Years or so, since Right around the Time My Daughter was Born! I am the first to admit that perhaps I could have been a better Father to My Kids than I was; but it wasn't Like I didn't try! Now this is the biggest thing I Need to Call this DRUNK Out for, because He NEVER Fathered a Child in his fucking Life! Yet he has the fucking Audacity to call me a "Deadbeat Dad"! Fuck You! I MORE THAN FULFILLED My "Responsibilities" to Make certain that My Kids were "Supported" but because Paul Only sees being a Father as Providing Financial Support; which he Obviously has no fucking Clue as to what kind of Pain, and Mental Anguish the Friend of the CUNT System subjects Non-Custodial Fathers to; he ain't got no fucking Room to Open his fucking Mouth! To a Certain Degree; I can now see why My Biological Father Resented having to Pay "Support" to his Ex-Wife; because the Custodial Parent DOES NOT have to fucking ACCOUNT FOR where the "Child Support" Money Goes! It's supposed to go towards Providing for the NEEDS of the Child or Children of Divorce and Family Separation Cases! Now of course the Mother of My Little Headbangers BLEW MY "Support" Money on fucking CIGARETTES! How the fuck were My Kids to benefit from CIGARETTES? Short answer they DON'T! Now of course Look where that got her! She's been Deceased for almost the Last 2 Years from a Fatal Stroke brought on by Several Years of Smoking! Yet; Paul who POISONED My Mother against both My Brother and I, ALWAYS was Making it Clear that I was a fucking Black Sheep because I CHOSE NOT to Smoke and Use Drugs; Like he does! Also because I CHOSE Not to Drink Excessive Quantities of Alcohol; every fucking Day Like HE DOES! And of course Paul thinks he's "Absolutely Perfect"! I wasn't ALLOWED to "Make Mistakes" because if I did I would have to Bow Down and submit to a fucking POLICE STYLE fucking Interrogation; every time I did something he Perceived to be "Wrong"! Yet every time I stood up for Myself he was making it Perfectly Clear to My Mother that she HAD TO CHOOSE between her Alcoholic Husband and the 2 Boys she Gave Birth to! Because according to Paul; there's NO Room for More than HIMSELF in My Mother's Life! In fact I wouldn't be surprised of he Turned My Mother against My Daughter and My Son! Now as we all know; I don't know how much Longer My Mother has to be on this very 3rd Rock from the Sun! She recently Turned 70 Years Old; and as I said I don't know how Much Longer My Mother has! I would Love for My Mother to see My Apartment in Mt. Morris, Michigan; as well as for her to see that I am making it Quite Nicely on My Own! On a Side Note as I have mentioned; My Wife, Tracey and I are Now Divorced; yet we Still Love each other and of course we still see each other; and if yous really Must know, yes, I still fuck her! It was simply a case of we simply couldn't Live with each other; because we got on each other's Nerves! Now I care if My Now Ex Wife sees other Men? Why should I? Now I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Today is the 41st Birthday of My 1st Wife, Carrie. Yet since she is a fucking Drug Addict, Alcoholic and Most of all a fucking PROMISCUOUS WHORE; well that's about all the fucking Credit that this SLUT Deserves! Now back to Paul; as we all know Paul Calls ALL the fucking Shots where My Brother and I Grew Up in as well as Telling My Mother what she CAN and Most Importantly CANNOT fucking do! As I have mentioned; I Never did say I cornered the Market on Morals because I am a Man who follows his Instincts! In fact I made it Clear that I have fucked at Least 22 Different Women since I had exchanged Vows with Tracey back in 2003; yet Not Until after she did so 2 Years into the Marriage; at that Point, I decided I wanted an Open Marriage; because if yous ask me; Monogamy is among the Leading Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men! Now I ain't No Doctor, I Never said I was; nor can I say I Will be; I'm a fucking Delivery Truck Driver! That's what and who I am! Take it or Leave it! The Final Straw Came when I made what turned out to be a Colossal Mistakes I have ever Made when I got Involved with a Young Woman Named Brittany; who's 20 Years Younger than Myself! Now I ain't gonna get into what a fucking Mistake it turned out to be; because this ain't the fucking Topic at hand! Yet I KNOW Paul will be too fucking COWARDLY to Read this Manifesto; because he KNOWS for a fucking FACT; that He DESTROYED the fucking Dynamic of what's supposed to be my Family! Now of course he FAILED to Drive a Wedge between My Brother and I as well as My Cousins in God's Country! And of course My Aunt Sue, My Mother's Sister would have been so Pissed Off at My Mother for CHOOSING Her Husband Over her 2 Sons, even though My Brother and I NEVER PUT HER IN THAT POSITION! I Openly admit; I wasn't the "Perfect Husband" to Tracey, I NEVER Said I was! But Let's be Completely Honest, was Paul the "Perfect Husband" to My Mother? I Highly doubt it! Now allow me to ask The Men who Read this Manifesto; regardless of whether you're Married and or have an Insignificant Other can ANY of yous Honestly Tell me that if another Woman offered yous an Opportunity to fuck her that yous wouldn't Give into that kind of Temptation? I Openly admit that I Can't! Paul Claims at One time a Woman who Works at a Terminal that he Used to Drive Out of  that she would show him her tits offered to suck his dick and Perhaps allowed him to fuck her; yet he Claims that he turned her down because he "Loves My Mother". O.K. I can't verify whether this happened or not! Yet he has the fucking audacity to Call me an "Adulterer"! Like I'm going to Keel Over and Die from being Called that! Now of course this is a fucking Classic fucking Tactic from My Biological Father, Roger's Playbook! Quoting the Bible to engage in fucking BULLYING! Yet what the fuck Gives him the fucking Right to throw Rocks at Me? He scolded me by saying "You're Not supposed to have a Girlfriend when you're Married!" Yet this comes from somebody who FUCKED his Own Grandson's Mother; while still being Married to My Own Mother! Now Can I verify this as being 1000% Truthful? No I admit; I Can't! But by the Same fucking Token; I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! So when the fucking shit hit the fucking fan it all fucking exploded when he came to MY fucking Home and attempted to Start a Physical fucking Fight with me and of course what the fuck did this fucking COWARDLY DRUNK do when I swung on his ass? He fucking TURNED TAIL and fucking RAN! He fucking RAN Like a fucking Scolded Dog! Now what the fuck kind of a man fucks his Own Grandson's Mother anyway? I mean if My Son, Jonathan were to knock some Chick Up, would I go and fuck that same Chick? Of course I wouldn't! I mean first of all she Obviously would be too Young for me! And Second; there's a fucking Creepy Factor Involved in that! I Openly admit; there ain't very Many fucking Lines I ain't gonna Not Cross; when being Offered CONSENSUAL Sex by Most any Woman, I admit I can't say "No" to that! Now if I was taught ANY Kind of Lesson from Wasting a Year of My Life first with Brittany and then with this Heavily Tattooed SKANK named Jessica; it's don't take Chances with somebody who is Young enough to be My Daughter! But Let's stay focused; then he attempted to Lure Me Out to My Mother's House; yet as tempting as it would have been to Crush his fucking eye socket with My Fist! I KNEW he was setting a fucking TRAP, because I KNOW being the fucking COWARDLY fucking DRUNK that he is; he would have Pulled his fucking GUN On Me! Because if he didn't Pull his fucking GUN on Me; he would have needed to have his Country Singer Look Alike Face Surgically Rebuilt after I got done with him! I DON'T NEED a fucking GUN or a KNIFE to do My Dirty Work for Me! I Mean just ask Brittany's COWARDLY, DIRTBAG Boyfriend! But after I wouldn't take the fucking bait; he then went and did the fucking Ultimate! He Committed the Unforgivable Sin as far as I am fucking Concerned! He Called Me a "Wife Beater" and Worst of all a fucking "DOPE TRAFFICKER!" Now allow me to make these Points 100,000% Perfectly Crystal Clear. I NEVER ONCE Raised a Hand against ANY Woman in My Life! Even though I had 10 Days of My Life Taken away from Me for a Domestic Violence Crime that I DID NOT COMMIT because the Mother of My Little Headbangers LIED about Me EVER "Hitting Her" this is 100,000% PURE FUCKING FICTION! But Once a Man is Accused of ANY Act of Domestic Violence; the Burden of Proof is on HIM to PROVE that he Did NO SUCH THING! Want to ask her why she LIED about Me "Hitting her"? Oh! That's Right you CAN'T because she's DEAD! Yet when Paul Called me a fucking "DOPE TRAFFICKER"; that was the Final fucking Straw! Because it brought back very Painful Memories of a Friend of Mine who was Murdered 28 Years ago because of a Drug Deal that went Horribly Wrong! I Have had NOTHING to do with ANY fucking Narcotics In My fucking Life! In fact, Paul, Let Me ask you this fucking Question: If I am a "Dope Trafficker" that I KNOW you have Been Running Your fucking Mouth to your Drinking Buddies at the VFW Hall where My Mother Works at; then what "Alias" am I known by? Why am I not Carrying a fucking Gun? Why am I STILL Making Payments on My fucking Car? Why am I Not Carrying Large Amounts of Cash On My Person? Where am I "Dealing Drugs" at? Who are My "Suppliers"? Who are My "Enemies"? Where are all of the fucking Arrests? Where are all of the fucking Court Dates that I would have to be attending? Where's all of the Convictions that are allegedly on my fucking Record? Where are all of the fucking Fines? Court Costs? Why have I been in Jail ONLY ONCE in My Entire Life? Why the fuck would I want to be involved in such a Seedy, Dirty Business; where I could have ended up Like a Friend of Mine? I'm Waiting, Paul! You know what it's called when you say something In Public about somebody that You KNOW IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE about Somebody to Hurt their Reputation? That's fucking SLANDER! And you should Consider yourself Lucky that I didn't Sue your ass for Everything You Own! But of course Paul is one of those who simply CANNOT Respect Boundaries! Because I NEVER ONCE Stuck My Nose into Your fucking Marriage; even after YOU Fucked Your Own Grandson's Mother! Now whether it Happened or Not; I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK! And I NEVER DID! AND I NEVER WILL! I sure hope you can fucking Live with Yourself; after you DESTROYED the very fucking Dynamic of Our fucking  Family with your Excessive Drinking! In Fact since My Grandfather Passed Away Your Life has been on a Downward Spiral because you can No Longer Drive a Truck Like I can! I can't speak for anybody else in Our Family and they, too are Welcome to read this Manifesto, but Understand that I ain't the One who brought about the very Death of Our Family Dynamic! It was YOU; who POISONED My Mother against My Brother and I! YOU Poisoned Uncle Keith against Me! Just what are you out to Prove? Is your Desire for Control that fucking Great that you were willing to Sacrifice Our Family over it? I sure Hope you can Live with yourself! I don't know exactly how My Mother Can! Perhaps she feels at this Point in her Life that she's Too Old to Start Over with somebody New; or she So Loves that Security of Married Life that she would allow you to POISON Her against her 2 Sons! I ain't sure what it is; but I regret saying that at this Point in My Life I HAVE NO FATHER! And for this I Offer No Apologies because I ain't the One who's In the fucking Wrong! Do Not even bother Giving Roger My Telephone #, My Address or ANY Means of Contacting Me and for that Matter; Until you can GROW UP, GET HELP, QUIT DRINKING ALCOHOL; then Don't even bother to Contact Me because we have NOTHING to fucking Talk about! Because a Mere "I'm Sorry" ain't gonna suffice! Not after the HORRIBLY SLANDEROUS NAMES YOU CALLED ME! YOU Made this Mess, now it's Up to YOU to Clean it Up! But I ain't Holding My Breath to see you MAN UP and ADMIT that you're the One who's WRONG! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Don't allow anybody to Push you around! Always stand up for what yous believe to be Right!

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