Saturday, July 13, 2019

Has America Become A Modern Day Nazi Germany?

Well, what do we have here? Once again it's That Exciting Time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit Under the Beautiful Flag of God's Country which as most all of yous Know is Canada; and write out another exciting Manifesto  of whatever is On My Twisted Mind and trust me there's Plenty on it! Well as we all know it's been Over a Year since My Life as I know it changed; how so? Well as yous know it was a Little Over a Year ago when I Moved from the Blue Water Area of Michigan , which had been "Home" to me for the first 48 Years of My Life to  Mt. Morris, which is in Genesee County; yes the Same Genesee County; whose County Seat-Flint was POISONED by that Sick Republican Sleazeball, Rick "The Eternal Dick" Snyder! Remember the Flint Water Crisis? Well Rick Snyder is Directly Responsible for the Systematic Poisoning of Flint, Michigan by Switching Flint's Water System from Lake Huron which is Pristine Clean to the Flint River which is a fucking Open Sewer! Exactly How this Pile of Shit and his Cronies are still Roaming as Free Men I have No fucking Clue! I Guess when your fucking Net Worth is Over $900 Million then I suppose yous have No fucking Room in your Miserable fucking Existence for Empathy, Compassion, Scruples, Morals and the fucking List goes On and On, eh? I suppose his Money Bought Himself Out of Facing at Least 13 fucking Counts of Murder (for those who died from Drinking the fucking Poisoned Water from the Flint River; not to mention the fucking Countless Children who have fucking brain damage from drinking that fucking Lead Contaminated SWILL! I mean Let me ask yous this Question: Would ANY of yous Drink Out of your Own (or anybody else's for that matter) fucking Toilet? I'm talking about the very fucking Receptacle that Most every Humans Being Piss and shit into? I know I sure to fuck wouldn't! Yet Rick Snyder felt that it was O.K. for the Residents of Flint, Michigan to Consume the very same shit! Now of course some of yous are going to say "Hey, Michigan's Resident Rocker, where's the Disclaimer that you Normally Post about for those who get Offended Easily?" Well, Tonight, I ain't in the fucking Mood to Give a fuck about those who get Offended Easily; because the very fucking Targets of this Manifesto Need to be fucking Called Out! Because I'm so fucking Pissed Off about the fucking Shit I have been seeing and hearing in the News Over the Last fucking Month or so that I could spit fucking tacks! Now somebody will say to Me "Michigan's Resident Rocker, what could you possibly be so upset about?" O.K. How Much More do I need to simplify this for yous? How Much more does this Equation need to be broken down for yous to Understand why I am so fucking Pissed Off? Well; for those of yous who are fucking Ignorant, or have been Living under a fucking Rock; well Let's say that My Pride in being an American Citizen will take at Least 50 fucking Years after the Fucking CRIMINAL Trump REGIME is Removed from Power, to be Restored and I don't think I will Live that fucking Long as I am Closing in on My 50th Birthday. Now I know there's some shitballs who will say "If you don't Like America, then Leave it!" To that I say Suck My fucking dick! As I have made No bones about I Primarily Identify Myself as a Canadian Citizen, even though I was Born in the United States, for those of yous who don't believe that I was Born November 30, 1969 @ 3:31 AM In Port Huron, Michigan; that's when I came into the World throwing the Horns! Yet I discovered 8 Years ago that because 1 of My Parents was Born in Canada; that I am actually a Canadian Citizen! Now what makes this all the more Unique is the Fact that My Mother (she's My Canadian Born Parent) wasn't Naturalized as an American Citizen until I Dare say 9 or 10 Years ago! Nonetheless; Let's get back to the Topic at hand; which is why do I consider being an American such a fucking Embarrassment! Well, Let's Look No further than the Border that the United States shares with Mexico! This makes me Positively want to fucking PUKE; while having to admit I am an "American"! I am so fucking Sick and Tired of hearing People saying "You're an American, be Proud of it!" To that I ask why the fuck should I? In fact I am about to Piss Off that fucking Crowd all the fucking More by telling yous that the ONLY Time I Place My Hand over My Cold Black Heart for a National Anthem is when O' Canada is Played; but Not for the fucking Star Spangled Banner! Are yous fucking angry, yet? Well I don't give a flying fuck! In fact I personally believe that Children in Schools SHOULD NOT BE FORCED To Recite Pledge of Allegiance; think about it I NEVER ONCE DID! Think about this; as I am writing out this Manifesto there are Millions of Men Women and Children being ILLEGALLY Detained at CONCENTRATION CAMPS with hardly any food, toiletries, mattresses to sleep on or even Showers and for what? For trying to Obtain a Better Life; for fleeing Violence in their Original "Home" Countries! Wait a fucking Minute! I thought "America" is the "Land of the FREE"?  Now Let's face it! This ain't the "America" that I Grew Up in! In fact the United States is the Country; yet "America" is a Concept of what's supposed to be everything "Good and Wholesome" in this World! Yet the fucking OPPOSITE Holds True! Where the fuck is this Country? China? Russia? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Fuck No! these fucking CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY are occurring right at this fucking Country's Southern Border! Why do I say this? Well Let's Call a Spade a fucking Spade: Dump The Gump Trump, Mike Pence and their fucking Republican YES MEN! Dump The Gump Trump is The Modern Day version of Adolf Hitler! In fact Donald Trump is shitting ALL OVER the fucking Memory of those American Heroes who went over to Europe from 1942 to 1945 to Place a fucking huge Boot in Adolf Hitler's Nazi ass! And Trump is Using the Stars and Stripes to wipe his Orange ass! That's fucking Right! In Fact I shall share a History Lesson as to How Adolf Hitler Rose to Power in what became Nazi Germany: The Rise of Hitler
Stage 1: World War I
Hitler had built up a status of "war hero" with an "Iron Cross" from his achievements in World War I. His rank was low, but his relative achievements were high. Thus, he reaped benefits from the War, unlike the higher level officers who got the blame for losing the War. Hitler got himself into a sweet spot and viewed favorably by the public.
Stage 2: Beer Hall speeches
Following the War, Hitler went on speaking in beer halls. The drunk were his first audience. This is where he built his experience as a speaker. Put yourself in German shoes. You are hurt and ashamed by the 1st major defeat to your nation in over a century. You are hurt economically and psychologically. You are looking for answers.There is this young lad, who did "heroic" things in the war and who has the answers. He talks of German pride and honor. He talks about whom to blame. And you are drunk. Would you believe in Hitler? Not unsurprisingly, Hitler got standing ovation.
Stage 3: Mentoring and connections of Dietrich Eckart
Eckart was a famous German playwright who built up a German workers' party (later became the Nazi party). He was Quite influential and connected. Eckart was also a member of an occult Society that believed in the oncoming of a "German messiah" who will deliver.
When he heard a beer hall speech by Hitler, Eckart was so mesmerized that he believed Hitler was "the one". Sort of like the Matrix movie. Since then, he offered all the connections, mentoring and organizational support Hitler wanted. Hitler got further coached in public speaking and received money from wealthy donors.
Stage 4: Beer Hall Putsch - the failed coup and national publicity
With his strong reputation of public speaking, Hitler attracted a mass of people. And he attempted a coup in 1923. It was just a stupid thing where Hitler just marched into the Munich city hall and captured it. German Police Quickly hit back expectedly. The coup failed badly and he got thrown in the prison.
The publicity of the long Trial, gave Hitler a nationwide recognition. During his time in jail, Hitler got the time to build his Nazi ideas and built a strong following. People started to believe in him and he got the reputation of a person who could make great sacrifice for Germany. This is where he wrote his influential autobiography - Mein Kampf. Although it was not that well read, it "inspired" the few Germans who read. 
In short Hitler had acquired:
the reputation of a war hero + exceptional public speaking abilities + connections & funding through Eckart + publicity from the failed coup
The perfect storm is about to blow.
German Economy of 1920s
The 1920s Germany was in suffering. The World War I and the punitive restrictions on them was suffocating the Germans. The Economy was completely destroyed. Inflation was in the tens of thousands of %. Money was so worthless that kids were playing with bundles of currency notes.
German politics of 1920s
Germany didn't have a long history of Democracy. Until 1919 it had an Emperor who was the head of the state. The nature of German Society didn't put enough emphasis on Democracy. A lot of people saw politicians and parties as irritants than an actual replacement to their emperor.
A hodgepodge of Socialists and right wing nationalists were running coalition politics through the 1920s. There were no strong political leaders to speak of. This random coalition imploded in 1930, leaving a power vacuum.
Stage 5: German referendum, 1929
In 1929, the German nationalists pushed for a referendum (vote by the public) on whether Germany should continue to pay the penalties for the 1st World War. Although the referendum failed, Nazis got even more publicity by whipping up people's emotions (why pay money to France, when Germany herself is suffering).
Stage 6: The rise to Chancellor
Germany system has a President with strong powers and a Reichstag with weak powers. The head of the Reichstag is the Chancellor.
Hitler first tried to become the President. In the Presidential Elections of 1932, Hitler offered a viable alternative to the existing confusion. He fought strongly against the Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler won the strong support of German industrialists who thought the existing politicians were clueless about the Economy. Hitler lost against Hindenberg, but came Quite close (winning about 35% of the Votes).
After the defeat, Hitler started eyeing the chancellor. There were a number of contenders to the Chancellor of the Parliament, but none were quite strong. Hindenburg dissolved the Parliament twice in 1932.
In the meanwhile, Hitler's supporters in the industry pressurized Hindenburg into appointing Hitler as a Chancellor citing the anarchy. After much reluctance and with no alternative, Hindenburg asked Hitler (a person who he despised greatly) to take up the role of a Chancellor (second in power to the President).
Hitler is now close to getting an opportunity of a Lifetime.
Stage 7: Destroying the opposition
Although Hitler was a Chancellor, he didn't have as much power. The Communist party was still a threat. Then a key event happened. The Reichstag - German Parliament - was burned a few months after Hitler came to the power and the blame was assigned to the Communists.
Following the burning, President Hindenburg clamped down the Communists and repressive measures were taken on all other political parties.
Stage 8: Death of the President
In 1934 (within 2 years of Hitler's rise as Chancellor), President Hindenburg was dead (possibly due to natural reasons). Hitler took this opportunity to completely take over all powers of Germany.
In short, Hitler's rise was a calculated thing with a lot of steps to cross. At each point, he destroyed his opponents and got public to view him favorably.
Leaders don't get selected for the diplomas and work experiences during the tough times. It is actually a disadvantage to have high pedigree and conventional backgrounds in those periods. In tough times, people go for unconventional Leaders as they believe that the conventional leaders failed to deliver. Thus, his lack of Degrees and strong professional career was not an impediment.
For instance, at the end of Vietnam war, oil crisis, Watergate and Iran refugee crisis in 1970s, US elected 2 unconventional leaders - Carter and Reagan - outsiders who were thought of as an antidote to the prevailing rot in Politics.
Hitler had that precise advantage. He was an outsider and he was mesmerizing. People wanted to believe what he said was right. Although he was an Austrian, he was always impressed of Germany, fought for Germany and many Germans didn't realize he was an Austrian.
Timeline of Hitler's rise
1914-1918 - Various Iron Cross honors in army for heroic performance in WW-I
1920 - Joined the NSDAP (Nazi) party and got mentored by Eckart. Got connections, funding and speech training.
1923 - Failed coup that gave national level publicity. Wrote Mein Kampf in Prison.
1929 - US Wall Street crash that started the Great Depression and destroyed the German economy. Nazis win their first win in a referendum held on whether Germany should continue to pay penalties to France.
1930 - Collapse of a grand coalition of right and left wing parties in Germany.
1932 - Hitler appointed the Chancellor as the President had no alternatives.
1933 - The Parliament set on fire and blame fell on the opposition. Repression of opponents of Nazis.
1934 - President Hindenburg died and Hitler took all the powers to himself. Let's fucking Fast Forward 62 fucking Years Later to 2016 to a Country; which Wiped Out the fucking Nazis in World War II. And what Happened? The Unthinkable! The Second Coming of Adolf Hitler Ascended to Power here in the United States! A DRAFT DODGING COWARD; that's Correct for those of yous who Consider Donald Trump an "American Hero" that Orange shitstain Got 5 fucking Deferments from Military Service while the Vietnam War was Raging On in Southeast Asia! Including his Father Paying a fucking QUACK to Claim that Donnie Boy had "Bone Spurs" thus making this bag of shit Not Qualified to Put his COWARD ass on the Front Lines in Vietnam! In fact why not share an Article based on the fucking Crimes Committed by the Trump REGIME: Donald Trump operates like a typical mob boss, in charge of an organized crime family. As events of the past week have shown, he surrounds himself with sleazy characters who live in the shadows and commit many different types of crimes, most of which they are never held accountable for.
Reading the Indictments written by special counsel Mueller and his team it is hard not to be impressed with just now many different crimes each person has been charged with. The Manafort and Gates indictments read like novellas, filled with plot twists, mystery and intrigue. The indictments against 12 Russian intelligence agents were incredibly detailed, showing Putin and his pals just how much U.S. intelligence agencies know — and can prove — about their nefarious activities.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer volume of evidence and accusations, but according to the Washington Post there are 3 primary criminal acts that made Trump "President".
Hush money. The Government has set forth how the campaign finance violations occurred, and Cohen, as part of his plea deal, agreed to the Government’s description of what happened. The fact that David Pecker is cooperating with Prosecutors gives even more credibility to Cohen’s claims of how crimes were committed just before the 2016 Election. Pecker began helping Trump bury unfavorable stories in August of 2015, just after his bid for the Presidency was announced.
The first documented payment was in 2016 when $150,000 was paid to Karen McDougal. The payment was made with a commitment by Cohen to repay the money. This transaction was talked about in the recording released by Cohen and his Attorney last month.
Hacking. Last month, special counsel Mueller indicted 12 Russian military officers believed to work for the country’s Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU. In other words, they are senior level Russian spies. These are the people who are thought to have illegally gained access to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer network. They are also charged with hacking into the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.
In June of 2016 many files stolen by the hackers were given to WikiLeaks, which subsequently released to the public 2 groups of these documents stolen from the DNC and Podesta. Many crimes were committed during this process and Mueller’s indictments say that the Russians violated several Federal conspiracy and identity-theft laws.
Internet trolling. In February, Mueller’s team indicted another 13 Russians who worked for a shady company based in Moscow called the Internet Research Agency (IRA). This is the group that created phony social media accounts and used them extensively to create discord within the United States during the months preceding the 2016 Election. Several members of IRA came to the United States during the election campaign period. They hired Americans to cause trouble at campaign events.The actions taken by these people also violated identity-theft, fraud and conspiracy laws of the United States. And U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed that all of these illegal activities had the goal of helping Trump become President.
Other crimes. There may have been additional crimes committed that helped Donald Trump become President. We still don’t know all the details of the meeting that took place in Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 between Trump campaign officials (Manafort, Kushner, and Don Jr.) and at least one Russian. Reportedly another meeting took place in advance of that meeting, including campaign officials and the candidate himself. Crimes may have been committed before, during and after these meetings.1 thing we know for sure is that Donald Trump "Won" the Presidency — in the Electoral College — by the narrowest of margins. Due to close wins in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, fewer than 78,000 votes gave Trump the Presidency (0.06% of the  total votes cast).
We may never know if the crimes that occurred caused Hillary Clinton to lose those 3 States to Trump, but we do know that many crimes were committed for the express purpose of making Trump President — and it appears that the President himself has been implicated in them.
When all the evidence has been presented and verified it will become clear that Donald Trump is both a criminal and an illegitimate "President"! Now don't think I am Letting Democrats off the fucking Hook for Not Holding the Trump REGIME Responsible for all of the fucking CRIMES this REGIME has Committed! In fact the Crisis at the Southern Border could be the Modern Day version of the Holocaust! The ONLY Difference is the Victims of the Trump REGIME'S Crimes are of a Different Race and differing Nationalities! Whereas the Victims of Hitler's Crimes were German Nationals; who happened to be Jewish! Now of course I am also Calling Out "Evangelical Christians" because YOU BASTARDS are Responsible for the Rise to Power of this CRUEL, EVIL FASCIST DICTATOR, Donald Trump! If there's any 1 thing I fucking HATE it's White Supremacy! And this is a WHITE MAN who is saying this shit! In fact here's a Couple More Articles that Provides SMOKING GUN Evidence that Trump is a fucking Racist: What would you call someone who blasted Haiti as a “shithole,” complained about immigrants from Africa, and wondered why the United States couldn’t accept more immigrants from a European country like Norway?
What about someone who mocked Nigerians as living in “huts?” Or defended white supremacists after they terrorized a city in a “protest” that ended with the killing of a counter-demonstrator? What if he or she described black neighborhoods as essentially fit for animals, portrayed Muslim Americans as fundamentally untrustworthy, and criticized Mexico for sending “rapists”? What if, for nearly 5 years, that person devoted time and attention to “proving” the first black president of the United States was an illegitimate usurper hiding his true African background from the public?
What would you call this person? At the very least, you would call him or her a “racist,” one with a documented history of bias and contempt toward nonwhites.
This person, obviously, is DICTATOR Donald Trump. And Trump is a racist. It was clear on Thursday, when he made his remarks about Haiti, and it was clear last month, when he made his comments about Nigeria. It was clear when he went on his “birther” crusade against Barack Obama. It’s been clear for as long as he’s been in the public eye, from when he was investigated by the Department of Justice for housing discrimination in the 1970s to when he demanded execution for 5 black and Latino teenagers who had been accused, falsely, of attacking and a raping a white woman in New York City in the 1980s.
The evidence for Trump’s racism is so abundant and explicit that the claim shouldn’t even be controversial. And yet, in the wake of the president’s recent comments, our most prominent news outlets are still hedging their bets. The New York Times called Trump’s remarks “the latest example of his penchant for racially tinged remarks denigrating immigrants.” The Washington Post, which broke the story, called the comments part of his “long-standing tendency to make racially charged remarks.” For the Wall Street Journal, the comments were merely “vulgar.”
This hesitation is not hard to understand. Our society is largely indifferent to racial inequality but is highly sensitive to accusations of racism. Labeling anything racist—or accusing anyone of racism—is fraught enough to spark a backlash, especially when it falls outside common archetypes for racism: the violent Neo-Nazi, corrupt Southern sheriff, or torch-bearing member of the Ku Klux Klan. Not only does Trump fall outside of the popular image of a racist, but he’s a partisan figure, backed by millions of people. Even if it fits the facts, frankly labeling the president a racist is a risky move, one that might alienate the people you’re trying to reach, including other Lawmakers and partisan political figures.
Beyond this, the attitudes and actions that constitute racism are highly contested, especially among white Americans most sensitive to the accusation. And when racism is acknowledged, it often comes sans actors and agency. Something racist may have happened, but no one is responsible. It’s racism without racists.
Donald Trump is a racist, and the evidence shows it. But it’s politically incorrect to say so. When ESPN analyst Jemele Hill criticized the DICTATOR as a “White Supremacist” on Twitter, she was met with a wave of opprobrium, including a statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who called it “one of the more outrageous comments that anyone could make and certainly something that I think is a fireable offense by ESPN.” Trump demanded an apology, and the network allegedly tried to take her off the air.
Major news outlets may be slow to label Trump’s racism as such, but the president’s allies seem to both acknowledge the racism and see it as a political asset. “Staffers inside the White House aren’t that worried about Trump’s ‘shithole’ remark,” reported CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on Twitter, “with some predicting it will actually resonate with his base, not alienate it, much like his attacks on NFL players who kneel during the national anthem did.”
Donald Trump came onto the political scene with a racist conspiracy theory. He ran a racist Campaign. As DICTATOR, he continues to say racist things. As a simple point of fact, we should be able to say—without hesitation—that Donald Trump is a racist. 
Donald Trump has been described as a socially immature toddler and dishonest bully, yet he continues to be supported by a large segment of America. How can this contradiction be reconciled? Developmental science offers some insights into this apparent paradox.
As a psychologist studying bullying among youth, I find many parallels between Trump’s behaviors and our research findings. While a presidential candidate, Trump openly engaged in some typical bullying behaviors found among children and youth: name-calling and belittling of others. He targeted his Republican competitors (“little Marco”) as well as Democrats who criticized him (“crooked Hillary”). Although surveys indicate that people of all ages disapprove of bullying, his actions appeared to boost his popularity.
In a sense, this fits. Although bullies are never liked, they are popular in certain situations. Our research shows that bullies initially become “cool” during their first year in middle school. We think that this link between bullying and popularity is strengthened by the collective uncertainty associated with the transition to middle school. As youth are trying to acclimate to the new setting, many worry about their own social standing and ask: Where do I fit in? Who should I hang out with? When the future is uncertain, it is vital to know not only where one fits, but also who is in charge. Dominance hierarchies help group members find their places and form alliances, and bullying is among the most primitive ways to establish dominance.
At the time of the presidential election, insecurity about jobs and future finances were concerns of many Americans living in small towns and rural areas with few job opportunities. These were the places where Trump did well enough to win the election. One can speculate that by capitalizing on their social and economic uncertainties, Trump won the popularity contest despite often coming off as unlikable.
Our research on middle-schoolers also shows that the popularity of bullies wears off after the transition period. That is, after the first year in middle school, bullies’ popularity gradually decreases. According to the latest polls, Trump is still supported by most who voted for him — although some are changing their minds. The question is whether his popularity will hold when and whether voters begin to feel that their circumstances are more stable and less transitional.
Assuming that Trump knew how to capitalize on the uncertainties facing Americans to get elected, does that make him a strategic genius? His other behaviors cast doubt on such a conclusion — but they do fit the data on immature and aggressive children.
Trump is known for his tendency to deny his role in controversial events. He has denied, for example, asking FBI Director James B. Comey to drop the investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn; he has also denied ever having had dealings with Russian agents, and has angrily described probes into these matters as “a witch hunt.” While the nation is waiting to learn the truth about what Trump has or has not said and done, his stubborn denial reveals a lack of social reasoning typical of aggressive children.
Public accounts or explanations of negative events provide us with important insights about social-cognitive maturity. When a young child is Questioned whether he ate the last cookie (even when there are crumbs on his lips), the immature response is: “I didn’t do it.” Children deny the act before they learn that it is socially beneficial to admit the wrongdoing but deny any negative intent. Teens tend to become even more skillful and elaborate on various mitigating circumstances, such as not turning in their homework due to illness or because they were helping an ailing Grandmother. These accounts reduce the likelihood of punishment and facilitate forgiveness.
Not only does Trump flatly deny almost every accusation leveled against him, but he also claims no personal responsibility for problems. Instead he blames others, most recently the media and the White House staff. Refusal to accept personal responsibility and a tendency to blame others are indeed trademarks of aggressive children. In fact, our research shows that aggressive children are much Quicker to infer hostile intent in ambiguous situations and lash out in revenge. Blaming others is a self-enhancing defense mechanism: It protects positive self-views.
In addition to protecting his ego, Trump also tries to enhance his self-worth. What makes him look childlike are his unsubstantiated claims about his popularity. Despite the verifiable evidence, he repeatedly refers to his unprecedented Electoral College victory and the unmatched size of crowds at his CORONATION.
Trump’s use of self-enhancement tactics also helps explain why he feels he has been treated worse and more unfairly than any other "President" in history. Despite their (short-lived) popularity, most bullies are hypersensitive to negative feedback — and ironically feel mistreated.
Revealingly, in his interview with his Biographer Michael D’Antonio, Trump says he is the same person as he was in first grade. He may well also be very similar to the person he was in Middle School: Indeed, there are many parallels between Trump’s behavior and the facts and findings of developmental science on social reasoning and behavior. But if the pattern holds, he won’t remain popular for very long. Do I also need to get into how he and his CRIMINAL REGIME Treats Women, Gays, and or anybody who is Not White, Male, Evangelical "Christian"? What I Need to ask those who support this DICTATOR is WHY? I mean My Soon to be Former In-Laws Support Trump because they are Wealthy and AVOID Paying their FAIR SHARE in Taxes as do a few other People I know ! Now I admit I have a few friends whose Political Views are considerably different from Mine and I have absolutely No Problem with that at all! Yet; what I really don't Understand is why yous consider such fucking Brutal, if not Cruel and fucking Inhumane Treatment of those who are different from this DICTATOR! How can yous Consider yourselves to be "Christians"? Now who does this Remind me of? That's Correct the very fucking White Supremacist Piece of shit who Knocked Up My Mother Twice! Notice; I haven't spoken to that fucking shitbag in Over 30 fucking Years! And I have NO fucking Intention of ever reconnecting with that Part of My fucking Past; even if he were to drop dead and Leave Me a Sizeable Inheritance! I mean the God that I know of Doesn't give a flying fuck about what fucking Religion yous Practice; doesn't give a fuck if yous Go to a Church, Mosque or Synagogue; nor does he give a fuck about whether you're a Man who sucks dick or a woman who eats pussy! I'm certain that all he Cares about is that yous believe in him and how you Treat Other People and all of his Creatures! The ONLY way that "America" will ever be made what  it's supposed to be is to Make Absolutely Certain that this Orange shitstain  and his fucking CRIMINAL REGIME Goes Down in fucking Flames in the 2020 Presidential Election; because the fucking Democrats in the fucking Congress are too fucking SPINELESS to do the fucking RIGHT THING and IMPEACH Dump The Gump Trump and Mike Pence! Now Let's Hope that whenever whoever the Democratic Nominee is Whips Trump's Orange ass in the 2020 Election by what I predict will be the Largest Margin since Herbert Hoover was Napalmed Out of the fucking White House back in 1932 by Frankie Roosevelt! Yet I already Know for a fucking FACT that Trump and his evil Minions WILL NOT Accept the Results of the Election after the People have Spoken with their Votes and use every Dirty, Underhanded Tactic to maintain his fucking Grip on Power; why do you suppose Trump Cozies up to CRUEL Dictators such as Vladimir Putin of Russia and Kim Jong Un of North Korea or even the fucking Crown Prince of fucking Saudi Arabia? After all, he did COLLUDE with Russia to Move Boldly and ILLEGALLY into the White House after He LOST the fucking 2016 Election by over 3 MILLION fucking Votes! From what I Learned in Civics Class in My Freshman Year in High School it's that NOBODY is "Above the Law"! Yet in the White House we have an Orange shitstain and his Minions who seem to think that LAWS, RULES and REGULATIONS simply DO NOT APPLY to them! Now if I were to Commit even 1 of the fucking CRIMES committed by this Pile of shit; I would Not Only be in Prison for the Rest of My fucking Life, more than Likely I would have been Placed in the fucking Electric Chair; chances are I would have been forcibly turned into a eunuch! Yet How these Piles of shit Continue to decry those who are attempting to Obtain a better Life where they can be free from Violence and Oppression; Trump's Old Lady, Melania, ILLEGALLY Emigrated from Slovenia and brought her family here to boot! She Claims that she "Fell In Love with Trump's Beautiful Mind". Fuck you! Suck My dick you shallow fucking CUNT! You fell "in Love" with Trump's ILLEGALLY Obtained Wealth that he HAS NOT Paid his Fair fucking Share in Taxes on!  There ain't NOTHING "Beautiful" about that fucking CESSPOOL between Trump's Ears! In fact I can't think of what's more Repulsive about that Pile of shit; his Doughy Frame or what's inside that Gunk Ridden Soul (assuming he has one) of his! God Help us all if somehow Trump gets APPOINTED to a Second Term! This bag of shit Complains that the "System is Rigged!" That Part he is all too correct about! Yet the System is Rigged IN FAVOUR of shitballs Like Donald Trump! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying in 2020 Vote Like Your Life Depends on it; because more than Likely it will! Vote Blue No Matter Who!

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