It's been a while since Michigan's Resident Rocker has Posted a Manifestation from deep within the Chasm known as My Twisted Mind; yet, here I am again! Most People would Like to know what has been on My Twisted Mind? Well for those of yous who are Inquiring; I shall tell yous! As Most all of yous know the Rotten Republicans in Congress have Cut Off Unemployment Benefits for 1.5 Million Americans, and wouldn't yous know it; I am 1 of them! Needless to say this Pisses Me Off! Why? Do I really Need to Explain this shit to yous? I Mean think about it! I have Been Unemployed since March of 2013; and My Unemployment Benefits were My ONLY Source of Income! It's gotten so bad; that I have had to Apply for Disability Benefits! Personally; I would Rather Earn a Living; than Accept Money from the American Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security! Whereas My Wife is Perfectly Fine with Being a Parasite who's Out to Game the System! Some of you Dumbasses may ask "Michigan's Resident Rocker, How do you Consider yourself as 'Disabled'?" O.K. for those of yous who feel as if yous need to know; I have a Very hard Time Getting along with other People on a Daily Basis! I mean as far as any kind of Work Environment Goes; I Hate the Following Shitbags: Brown Nosers, Ass Kissers, Gossips, Suck Up To Management Artists; and the List Goes On and On! Now yous Factor in Most Work Environments; and Most all of them Contain One or More of the Shitbags I have described that I very Strongly Dislike! Now in Essence the Only Work Environment I can actually Thrive in is One in which I can Mostly Work By Myself; which Unfortunately; there simply ain't that Many of those! Sure; I could go back into the Expediting Business; However in that Line of Work; I End Up Running across another Group of People that I end up Butting Heads with all too often! Who are they? Ah! The Fleet Owners who Like to Develop a Very Curable Disease known as Selective Amnesia! I shall explain this Condition; In Essence I have dealt with 3 Different Fleet Owners who Suffer from this Condition; when it comes to Paying a Driver; all of a sudden their Memory Conveniently Draws a Blank! Think about this; 3 Fleet Owners I Used to Drive For Owe Me a Combined Total of $2300.00. Now from 2 of these Pukepiles; Chances Are I will Never See 1 Nickel of at Least $1600.00 that 2 Out of the 3 Owe Me! Whereas the 3rd One; well I may have to Drag his Fire-Headed Geeky ass into Small Claims Court to get the $725.00 this Crook Owes Me! O.K. I Mentioned Social Security and what a Ponzi Scheme it is; Now ain't it a Rather funny thing that Ponzi Schemes and Organized Crime is actually against the fucking Law; except when Mr. Government is Running it? What am I Talking about? I am getting to that; Social Security was Created back in 1935 when President Franklin Roosevelt Signed the Social Security Act it's supposed to Serve as something To Pay a Worker's Financial Expenses after He Retires from a Life of Busting his ass for Some Slavedriver! Yet I shall Refer to a Very Ugly Aspect of this Ponzi Scheme. Now for those of yous who are curious as to what a Ponzi Scheme is, Leave it to a Very Reliable Source of Information of which is at My Disposal: A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from existing capital or new capital paid by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to sustain the scheme. Now think about this; Money Gets Taken Out of Your Paychecks for Social Security; which Goes to Support those Generations of Workers who have Done Retired. However this Also Supports People who Simply DO NOT WANT TO WORK! It's Like the Old Adage of "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul!" Yet a Lot of Clueless Dumbasses are Justifying this Ponzi Scheme because Mr. Government is Running it! Which Leads Me to Talk about a Government Run Organized Crime Syndicate the Friend of the Court, which is the State of Michigan's Version of Family Court! Now Let's be Realistic; the Appropriate Name of this Mafia is the Friend of the CUNT! Because as we all know who Benefits from the Services of this Government Run Organized Crime Family! As I have alluded to; how does the Government Run Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security Play into this? Please allow Me to address the Crux of what I am talking about: Title IV-D of the Social Security Act! This Monstrosity was Signed into Law Back in 1975 Gives Family Courts in all 50 States Federal Funds to Makes Non-Custodial Parents' Lives a Nightmare! Now for Damn Near 19 Years, the St. Clair County Friend of the CUNT has done NOTHING BUT HARASS, BULLY, and COERCE Me into Supporting Melisa Scramlin's SMOKING; along with all of her LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING, SCUZZBAG, COUNTRY SINGER LOOK-ALIKE, LOSER BOYFRIENDS! Including the LOSER she has been Subjecting MY Children to! Yes; I am a Proud Father of 2 Outstanding Children! I have a 19 Year Old Daughter Named Marjorie & a 17 Year Old Son Named Jonathan. Yet the ONLY Time Melisa Scramlin shows any "Love" for Maggie & Jonathan is when her "SMOKING Support" Checques Arrive in the Mail! Now that Maggie is 19; I am No Longer Obligated to Cough Up Money for Her. Now here's the Outrageous Part. Until the End of September I have to Pay Support for My Son, for He Turns 18 in September. Now what's really UNFAIR; is the FACT that I am REQUIRED to Pay Support for a Child that CLEARLY IS NOT MINE! That's Correct! Now how does this Story Come into Play? Let's Take a Trip back in Time to the Not So Magical Year of 2001. Back Then; Maggie was 6 Years Old and Jonathan was only 4. Melisa Scramlin Makes her way Over to where My-Then Fiance (Now My Wife of Over 10 Years) and I were Living; she then Tells Tracey (My Wife) "I'm Having another Baby, and I want you to keep this a Secret from your Fiance." Now why in the Holy Hell would My Then Former Fiance Tell the Woman I was Engaged to be Married to "Keep her Pregnancy a Secret from Your Fiance?" Of course Once I Learned of Melisa Scramlin's Pregnancy at First I asked My Fiance "Why are yous Telling Me this shit?" Because Let's face it, this was in No Way, Shape or Form going to Directly affect Me at all! Yet Once I was Told that Melisa Scramlin wanted her Pregnancy to be "Kept as a Dirty Little Secret from Me" that's when I Came Unglued! Because I KNOW she would have Dragged Me into Court, again Naming ME as the "Father" of that Child! Of Course knowing that Melisa Scramlin can Easily Send Me into a Homicidal Rage every time she Attempted to Have My Parental Rights Terminated; this was absolutely Too Much! Now when she was Pregnant with My Son she Threatened to "Get My Country Singer Look Alike Boyfriend after you if you do not Sign Your Rights to Marjorie Away!" Of Course Hearing this I Punched Through the Windshield of her Car! Now where I fucked up; was that I did it at Her Workplace in Front of a Half a Dozen Witnesses, Not to mention a Surveillance Camera! Of course I Made it Crystal Clear that if she Even so Much as Remotely Thought about Pursuing Child Support for this Child; that she would Live to Regret it for the Rest of her Life! However; Paternity Fraud is Unfortunately 100% LEGAL Here in Michigan! Now Of course I shall Give yous the definition of Paternity Fraud:Paternity Fraud occurs when a Mother names a man to be the Biological Father of a child, particularly for self-interest, when she knows or suspects that he is not the Biological Father. I know Personally, a Man who has been a Victim of Paternity Fraud; Yet I will not be mentioning who this Man is. Because he has Dealt with this Bullshit for the Past 23 Years (Now this Child In Question is Almost 23 Years Old and Now Has a Child of Her Own). Yet the Friend of the CUNT along with the FIA as well as Family Court Units and Child Support Enforcement Agencies all Across this God-Forsaken CESSPOOL of a Country Rake In Millions of Dollars in Federal Subsidies Every Single Year! It Really Scares the Shit Out of Me knowing that for My Son, all it Takes is 1 Moment of Carelessness on his Part, while Having Sex to end up being Potentially Saddled with 216 Monthly Payments that He WILL NOT Be Allowed to Consider as an "Option"! Let's think about this; When My Mother Divorced My Biological Father (whom I have Long Since Disowned); I Resented it for a Very Long Time! However as I Grew Older; I Realized that My Mother and that ASSHOLE Could Not Live Together as "Husband & Wife" Now I ain't going to go into Detail about why My Mother and the ASSHOLE ended up Dissolving their Marriage! Now I Ultimately had to Tell My Kids that "Their Mother & I could not Coexist as a Couple under the Same Roof." Which is Perhaps the Best Way to Explain why their Mother and I are No Longer Together! However Melisa Scramlin Made the Decision to Up & Leave; Not Me! Of Course I also Have Concerns about Maggie Having a Child(ren) with Someone that she either Has No Intention of Staying With. Having been Used by the Friend of the CUNT, Myself as well as My Kids being Used as Pawns strictly for the Purpose of Generating Revenue; I don't want to see any Grandchild(ren) of Mine ever being Used as Pawns by this CRUEL, EVIL Organized Crime Syndicate! It especially Scares Me the Thought of Jonathan being Dragged through this System that Makes its Money by Breaking Up Families! Even though My Time of Dealing with the Friend of the CUNT is Just about Now Through; I WILL NEVER STOP Fighting Until Title IV-D of the Social Security Act of 1975 is REPEALED and the Friend of the CUNT is Out of Business! This May end up Not Occurring within My Lifetime; However, the Fight will Continue On! Because Children SHOULD NOT be Used as Bargaining Chips so that a Government Run Organized Crime Syndicate Can Make Money! Hell, Had Al Capone Ran a Family Court System Rather than Bootlegging Alcohol; he would have been a Billionaire! Had John Gotti Ran a Family Court System; He Would Have NEVER Seen the Inside of a Penitentiary! It's been said "The Way to Kill a Snake is to Chop the head of the Damn Thing Off!" Well, the Way to Slay the Monster knows as the Friend of the CUNT is to REPEAL Title IV-D of the Social Security Act! Remember; the Friend of the CUNT and Family Court Systems in this God Forsaken CESSPOOL of a Country is an Enemy that will Never Relent in their Obsession with Generating Revenue! The ONLY Way to Kill this VILE, CORRUPT System is to Cut Off Its Life Source which is Title IV-D Federal Funding! Now whether God's Country, which as we all know is Canada; Subsidizes their Family Court System; I don't have a Clue! One Final Thing I shall Touch on is Exactly Why Title IV-D of the Social Security Act MUST Be repealed: State Governments (which may collect $2 from the Federal Treasury for every $1 collected from Non Custodial Parent). This claim is disputable. The reference does not support the claim.
Perpetuated media stereotypes (violent Male roles, victimized, incompetent Female roles, and the image that Children require Support from 2 Parents at all times).
The various agencies and legal workers whose operation depends on the existence of Child Support conflicts.
The Parent who would be more favored in a ruling to receive payments (such as when a Father's small contribution would be pointless to a wealthy Mother).
These reasons are generally referred to when discussing the side-effects of child support conflicts such as:
The lost opportunity to put the Money towards something mutually beneficial to both Parents and the Child simultaneously.
The Non-Custodial Parent becoming equivalent to "a Criminal without Due Process Rights" (Involuntary Servitude).
The Non-Custodial Parent viewing the Custodial Parent as someone who uses the Law for Financial Gain ('using' the Child's Existence as an Income Stream).
The Custodial Parent receives Child Support Payments Tax Free - the Non-Custodial Parent must use After-Tax Money to make Payments. This favors the Custodial Parent, and causes a push by the Custodial Parent to maximize any Child Support Payments received.
There is no mechanism for the Non-Custodial Parent to ensure that any money paid for Child Support is actually spent on the Child. Now to those of yous who Like to Refer to Displaced Fathers, Like Myself as "Deadbeat Dads", I have a Word of Advice; Kiss My White All Canadian ass! Rather than Labeling Us as "Deadbeat Dads" why Not Take a Look at the System who Profits Handsomely off of that Vile Term! I shall Wrap this Entry Up Now; as I have said whatever it is that's needed to be said. But Not To Worry, I shall Be Posting even More Entries Based on whatever Crawls into My Twisted Mind! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Never Surrender in the Fight against the Enemy known as the Friend of the CUNT!
Now to those of yous who May Not Like what I have Written; Allow Me to Give yous a Small Piece of Advice: Don't Read This Entry! save Yourself the Headaches! Of Launching COWARDLY BASELESS BULLYING PERSONAL ATTACKS and or NAME CALLING!