To say that a Tremendous Deal is on the Twisted Mind of Michigan's Resident Rocker is Putting it rather Mildly to say the Least! It's safe to say that I have stored a Great Deal in My Twisted Mind since I was Regularly Posting these Manifestations on another Website; a Majority of which has been Published in My Book Confessions From The Twisted Mind Of Michigan's Resident Rocker. Could these Recent Postings be in the Sequel to My Book? Well none of yous really know, now do yous? Now I have made no bones about the Fact that I don't believe that Humans Being are Meant to be Monogamous; shows such as the Jerry Springer Show and the Maury Povich show in essence Prove this Theory! Now I don't know of Many Scientific Studies that have been Conducted along this Topic; but think about this; How Many of yous can say yous have been 100% Faithful to every Man/Woman yous have Dated? I know I cannot say I have been! I mean I admit when I was Dating a Woman I in essence really had no intention of Starting a Relationship with; this Dates back to before My Now 17 Year Old Son, Jonathan was Born. My Now 19 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie was about I Dare say 14 Months Old at that Time. Now This Woman I Met through a Longtime Friend of Mine. Now she was a Nice Enough Young Woman, Naturally, I Banged Her on the Very Night I Met her. I Guess if I really wanted a Relationship with her that Perhaps I could have Married Her; but Think about this; I was still Getting Over what had Originally Happened between My First True Love and I. I also had to think about what would have been best for Maggie at that Time (I also thought Maggie would have been the Only Child I would ever Have). Naturally, I still had feelings for Maggie's Mother. So 1 Day, as I has Taken Maggie Home, of Course I had to contend with something I Really did not want to Hear at all! However; I simply Could Not Resist any More, because of the Fact that I have a Child with that Woman (I am Referring to Of Course, Melisa Scramlin). Through Marjorie & Jonathan; Melisa Scramlin will always be a Part of My Life whether the both of us want to Admit it or not! So of course I did the Dirty Deed with Melisa Scramlin, again (Somehow, I think that was How Jonathan first became a thought). Of course I had to tell the Woman I was Dating at the Time that I has Sex with Melisa Scramlin. That always has been a Weakness of Mine; I have Never been able to Resist any Offers of Sex! In fact if some Woman were to Offer Me an Opportunity to Have Sex with her; would I be able to Turn Her Down? Chances are I wouldn't be able to do that! Yet My Wife doesn't have anything to be Insecure about; because I Really haven't had any Offers! But getting back to that Particular Woman She asked Me "Did you Like it?" Now Naturally of course I did! I mean what Man wouldn't Like any Opportunity to do something Like that? Yet Since I only saw this Woman as a "Friend with Benefits" I Naturally did not feel any Remorse over that at all! However this Woman had apparently Wanted More than a Friends with Benefits Arrangement. Of course as Predicted; I ended up Trying to Re-Connect with Melisa Scramlin. As it Turned Out that was a Huge Mistake! But I thought I was doing what was Right My My Young Daughter. Now for those yous who are starting to Question the Direction of this Blog Entry; Not to Worry, I have arrived at the Main Topic! Now I Posed the Question of should Those who Make False Accusations of Rape, Domestic Violence, Stalking and or Child Abuse be Prosecuted? Now the Answer to this Question is an absolute No-Brainer! HELL YEAH! People who Make False Accusations SHOULD Be Prosecuted, and Ultimately Ordered to Serve Time in Jail; here's why I say these things; False Accusations have been Known to Ruin Lives of those who Find themselves on the Wrong End of False Accusations. In Fact the Other Day, I read an Article in My Hometown's Local Newspaper the Times Herald about a Woman Names Sara Ylen who was Recently Sentenced to Prison for Falsely Accusing 2 Men of Sexually Assaulting her. In Fact I shall share the Article which includes the Timeline of the events as they Unfolded in Fact here's the Article: Sara Ylen will serve a minimum of 5 years in prison after falsely accusing 2 men of Raping her and then using makeup to create the appearance of bruising to corroborate her story. "This is a tormented and disturbed woman who will go to extraordinary lengths to wreak havoc upon other individuals, potentially subjecting them to Life Imprisonment, in order to gain sympathy and notoriety for herself," said St. Clair County Circuit Judge Daniel Kelly. Kelly sentenced the 38-year-old Lexington woman Friday to 2 to 4 years for filing a False Felony Report and 3 to 10 years for Tampering With Evidence. The sentences will run consecutively. "I feel that this was justice in its best form," said Suzette Samuels, Wayne County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. During her Sentencing, Ylen sat Quietly in orange clothing, wearing shackles around her wrists and ankles. She declined to give a Statement. Kelly departed from Michigan Sentencing Guidelines - which recommended a year in the County Jail - opting for a longer Sentence due to the "totality of the facts." "Given the facts of this Case, such a Sentence would be a grave Miscarriage of Justice," Kelly said. "Nothing in the Guidelines gives adequate weight to the diabolical nature, the methodical orchestrations, or the callousness of her treachery." After deliberating for less than 30 minutes, a jury found Ylen Guilty on all counts Dec. 5. During her 3-day Trial, witnesses testified that Ylen went to Police some days after the alleged rape claiming she had been Sexually Assaulted by 2 men at her Lexington Home. But both men testified they were at Work at the time. Police said Ylen had the appearance of heavy bruising on her face, as well as lacerations on her arms and legs. When deputies took Ylen to a doctor after her report, the bruises wiped off with a bit of gauze. "She was willing to go so far as to self-inflict wounds to corroborate her falsehoods, to carve into her forearm the word 'slut'," Kelly said. At the sentencing, Ylen's Victims, Terry Stone and Kevelin Patton, gave Statements. Both Stone and Patton said they have suffered damage to their reputations because of Ylen's accusations and the publicity of Ylen's Case. "It's clear now to all that Sara Ylen has an intense need to be a victim and this has wreaked havoc on the lives of many over the past 10 years or more," Stone said. "What will protect the public from these unlawful accusations, or these sick fantasies?" In November 2012, James Grissom - a man convicted in 2003 of Raping Ylen - was released from prison after nearly a decade. After investigators discovered Ylen had made other unfounded claims of Rape, the Michigan Supreme Court granted Grissom a new Trial. Given the length of time since the incident and the new evidence, St. Clair County Prosecutor Mike Wendling asked that the Case be dismissed. Ylen's name became well known in 2003 when she asked the Times Herald to tell the story of her assault and the Grissom Conviction. Grissom, who attended Ylen's Trial and was present at her Sentencing Friday, said her Sentence was "A slap on the hand." "I did 10 years; she should have done at least 10 years," he said. Tammy Lisek, a former friend of Ylen's, was present at the Sentencing along with many of Ylen's former friends and family. Lisek was a witness in a separate Case in Sanilac County where Ylen was accused of falsely claiming to have Cancer. "I'm just ready for closure," Lisek said. "The people sitting in the Courtroom were just the tip of the iceberg of how many people she's affected." Ron Kramer, of Richmond, befriended Ylen through a mutual acquaintance after the Grissom trial. While he admitted doubts about parts of Ylen's story, Kramer said he supports his friend. "There's still people out there that care about her and love her and haven't given up on her ... and God hasn't given up on her," Kramer said. On Monday, Ylen Pleaded No Contest to separate charges of Health Care Fraud in Sanilac County. Ylen received more than $100,000 in hospice care from 2009 to 2011, and about $10,000 from a Church Fundraiser, after she claimed to have Multiple Myeloma. Ylen said she developed Cancer from a Sexually Transmitted Disease she got during the alleged Grissom attack. Police said her Cancer claims were false. None of the Doctors Ylen listed as having diagnosed her with Cancer had actually done so, Police said. Blue Cross Blue Shield is requesting more than $120,000 in restitution in that case. Ylen's Sentencing in Sanilac County is at 9 a.m. Feb. 19. Brenda Sanford, Chief Assistant Prosecutor for Sanilac County and the Attorney Prosecuting Ylen's Health Care Fraud Case, was present at Ylen's Sentencing Friday. Sanford said it is likely Ylen's Sentence in Sanilac County will be served concurrently with her Sentence in St. Clair County.
SARA YLEN CASE * 2001: Ylen says she was Sexually Assaulted by James Grissom in the Fort Gratiot Meijer parking lot.
* 2003: Grissom is Convicted and Sentenced to 15 to 35 years in Prison.
* 2009-11: Ylen Receives Hospice Care for Cancer Treatment.
* May 2012: Michigan State Police begin Investigating Ylen's Cancer claims.
* September 2012: Ylen tells St. Clair County Police she was Sexually Assaulted at her Lexington Home.
* November 2012: Michigan Supreme Court grants Grissom a New Trial after other Sexual Assault claims by Ylen prove unfounded. Instead, the Case is Dismissed, and Grissom is Released from Prison.
* May 2, 2013: Ylen is Arrested and Lodged in St. Clair County Jail for Reporting a False Felony and Tampering With Evidence. She's released on bond the next day.
* May 3, 2013: Ylen is Arrested and Lodged in Sanilac County Jail for Health Care Fraud charges after Police said Ylen's claims of Cancer were false.
* May 6, 2013: Ylen is Arraigned and charged with 6 Felony Counts related to Health Care Fraud in Sanilac County.
* May 22, 2013: Ylen is Arraigned and Charged with Filing a False Report of Rape and Tampering With Evidence in St. Clair County.
* June 18, 2013: Ylen is bound over to Circuit Court on Charges of Falsely Reporting a Rape and Tampering With Evidence after a Preliminary Examination in St. Clair County.
* July 12, 2013: Ylen is bound over to Circuit Court on Health Care Fraud Charges after a Preliminary Examination in Sanilac County.
* Dec. 5, 2013: Jury in St. Clair County finds Ylen Guilty of Filing a False Felony Report and Tampering With Evidence.
* Jan. 13, 2014: Ylen pleads Guilty to 2 of 6 Counts in Sanilac County: Health Care Fraud and Obtaining More Than $20,000 in Services Under False Pretenses.
* Jan. 17, 2014: Ylen is Sentenced to a Minimum of 5 years in Prison for Filing a False Felony Report and Tampering With Evidence. O.K. I shall also share with yous the Main Reason those who Make False Accusations should be Prosecuted! I, Myself have been the Victim of False Accusations; That's Correct, I have Lost 10 Days of My Life in the St. Clair County Jail due to False Accusations of Domestic Violence after Melisa Scramlin FALSELY ACCUSED Me of "Hitting Her on the Arm while I was about to Dish Out an ass kicking to her then LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING, SCUZZBAG COUNTRY SINGER LOOK ALIKE LOSER BOYFRIEND, Kevin Thrall! She attempts to Hit Me in the Face with a Telephone Receiver (and that wasn't the First time she Used a Telephone Receiver to Inflict Physical Injury on Me) I Grab her Arm to stop her from Swinging the Receiver at Me; as I said this was Strictly Self-Defense! Yet I end up being Arrested for Domestic Violence; what the fuck? Yet Little did I Realize that this wasn't the Last Time I would be FALSELY ACCUSED of Domestic Violence. Fast Forward to May of 1998; It was at that Point in time that I saw what a Horrible Mistake I made in Marrying a WHORE by the Name of Carrie Stokan! On the Night of May 21, 1998, I Caught Carrie Smoking Marijuana on the Porch Outside of the Apartment where that SLUT and I Lived at the Time. I Made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that I have No Intentions of Staying Married to a JUNKIE! I then Gave her an Ultimatum to "Get Clean or Get the fuck Out!" She then flies onto a Psychotic Rage Slams Down a Fifth of Apple Pucker Schnapps and then Swings the Empty Bottle at Me, after a Few Swings & Misses she ends up breaking the Bottle, she then throws the Bottle away and Grabs a Hunting Knife that was Given to Me as a Wedding Present (From when I Married that Whore) Pulls the Knife out of it's Protective Sheath and then started Swiping at Me with it; after a few Missed Swipes at Me with the Knife; she then Holds the Blade of the Knife against her Own Throat and threatens to Commit Suicide. She then says "There will be Blood On Your Hands if I Kill Myself!" As I Pick Up the Phone to Call Her Parents to Bring Carrie's Addiction to Hallucinogenic Drugs & Alcohol to their Attention, she ends up Cutting the Cord to the Phone with a Swipe of the Knife. I decided that I had better get outa there for a Couple of Hours. About 6 Months Later, I end up Getting Slapped with a Personal Protection Order Accusing Me of Stalking! Are yous serious? Me, STALKING? I Later Learned that she Secretly Filed a Police Report against Me with the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department; I was Accused Felonious Assault; in this FALSE POLICE REPORT that SLUT Accused Me of "Holding a Knife to Carrie's Throat in an Effort to prevent Her from Up & Leaving!" Nothing could be Further from the Truth than That Statement! I then see that "She didn't want Me being Contacted by the Sheriff's Department." At that Point I Put 2 & 2 Together and figured I had better have her Ordered to Undergo a Polygraph Examination; However the Sheriff's Department and the Prosecutor's Office Refused to Take Carrie for a Polygraph; apparently the Sheriff's Department feared Tremendous Embarrassment, because Carrie is the Niece of a Deputy of the Sheriff's Department! Because there's No Question that Carrie would have FAILED Her Lie-Detector Test Miserably! So Now do yous see why it's so Important to Send a Message to those who Make FALSE ACCUSATIONS of Rape, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and or Child Abuse to be Prosecuted and sent to Jail? Take it from Me; as a Man who has been in Jail for a Domestic Violence Crime that I DID NOT COMMIT! Not to Mention a FALSE POLICE REPORT in which I was Accused of a Horrific Crime that I CLEARLY DID NOT COMMIT! Fortunately for that WHORE, the Statute of Limitations has Long Since Run Out; Yet since she Claims to be a "Christian" the Almighty Himself I Know Will Not Forget those LIES she Levied against Me and will Ultimately Judge her on that! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying to Those who Make FALSE ACCUSATIONS for your Own Gain; Yous will Live to Regret it!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Michigan's Resident Rocker To Work In A Factory? Don't Count On It!
Yes! Once again Michigan's Resident Rocker is coming to yous Live from the Cockpit; and of course yous are in for a Treat; for another Manifestation of what's On My Twisted Mind is about to be Placed into Text for yous to Read! Now Of course I have mentioned in a Previous Blog Entry on how the Rotten Republicans have Once again Failed to do the Right Thing and Extend Unemployment Compensation Benefits for the Long Term Unemployed, such as Myself! Now of course before I get into the heart of what this Entry is all about; as usual, I shall Present a Side Story Strictly to break up the Monotony of what I am about to Rant about! Now as we all know Super Bowl XLVIII (that's 48 in Roman Numerals) will feature the Denver Broncos against the Seattle Seahawks at Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Now how this Venue got Selected to Host the Super Bowl; well I guess Only the National Football League May have a Rational Explanation for that! This will be the First Time that the Broncos have appeared in the Super Bowl since John Elway was the Field General for the Broncos; Only this Time Around the Quarterback for the Broncos is 1 Peyton Manning Appearing in his 3rd Super Bowl (His Other 2 Appearances were with the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowls XLI & XLIV 41 & 44). Whereas the Seahawks are appearing for the First Time since Super Bowl XL (40) which was held at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. The Broncos Punched their Ticket to the Super Bowl by means of a 26-16 Win Over the New England Patriots Which Earned them the Lamar Hunt Trophy as the Champions of the AFC. Meanwhile the Seahawks Earned the George Halas Trophy as Champions of the NFC by beating their NFC West Rivals the San Fransisco 49ers by a 23-17 Score. The Former AFC West Divisional Rivals will Now Square Off for the Vince Lombardi Trophy. It has been asked of whom I will predict to Take the Vince Lombardi Trophy Home with them? Well, as Much as I would Like to see Peyton Manning Tie His Brother, Eli with 2 Super Bowl Rings; it would be all too Difficult to Pick against the Bad Ass Birds from the Emerald City! The Seahawks' Defense (whom I Thank for Helping Me Win at Least 1 of My 4 Fantasy Football League Championships) is among the Best in all of Football! Led By A Secondary, Led by Richard Sherman, Earl Thomas, Former Detroit Lion, Cliff Avril, and the List goes On and On; My Prediction will be that the Vince Lombardi Trophy will be Ascending the Space Needle when all is Said & Done. My Prediction; Seattle Seahawks-24 Denver Broncos-20. Alright; Moving Right along; it was Just a Matter of Time as to why I would be Telling anybody who gives Half a Damn about why I will NEVER AGAIN Work in another Factory; well Check That; I believe it's More Appropriate to say I will NEVER AGAIN Work on a Production Floor! Now of course is where I will Once again Post a Disclaimer that if yous are among those who get Offended Easily; Stop Reading this Blog Entry by the End of this Sentence; because I simply Cannot Sugar Coat the Reasons why I have Completely Ruled Out Ever Going Back to Working on a Production Floor! Of course the Same could be said for Working in a Restaurant; but at Least in a Restaurant Cooking and or Preparing Food is something I Like Doing; whereas in a Factory; well; all I ever seemed to accomplish was being Miserable! A Majority of those who Work in Factories seem to think that they're there to "Make Friends" or even to "Find Their Soul Mate". Now allow Me to ask yous this Question: What kind of a Pathetic LOSER do yous have to be in order to Not Find that "Special Someone" Outside of Your Workplace? What the Hell Kind of a Depraved Social Life do yous have to have in order to say "I Met My Husband/Wife while We were Both at the Same Facility." Of course some Moron will ask Me "Michigan's Resident Rocker; didn't you Meet One of Your Girlfriends while you were at Work?" Now allow Me to Expand on that; it's True that I met the Woman who would be the Mother of My 2 Children while I was Working at a Local Gas Station back in June of 1993; Now Let Me Make this Perfectly Clear; I was Working at the Time I Met Her; she was not Working with Me at that Time! She was a Customer I was Waiting On (Now as we all know Full-Service Gas Stations, in where an Attendant would Pump Your Gas, Check Your Oil and any other Service yous could Possibly ask for are in essence a Thing of the Past, From what I have seen in God's Country, which as we all know is Canada they still exist). However, every Pathetic, LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING, SCUZZBAG, COUNTRY SINGER LOOK ALIKE, LOSER Boyfriend; she has had since then, she Met those LOSERS, because they were Co-Workers of hers! Of course, we don't have to Worry about that, because she Considers "Work" a 4-Letter Word! Now not all of My Experience Working on Production Floors was Bad; yet I don't have very many Good Memories of Any of those Jobs I have held! As I have mentioned before; a Majority of the Jobs I ended up Losing was not because I could not do the Work; I mean yous would have to be a Brain-Dead Idiot in Order to Not be able to do the Work in a Factory! So how did I end up getting Told those Not-So Magical Words that Vince Mc Mahon made so Popular? Those being "YOU'RE FIRED!" O.K. Let's Backtrack to the October of 1996 to March of 1997; Back then I was Employed at what was then known as Britax-Rainsfords, Inc. In Marysville, Michigan. It all started in October of 1996; I was Scheduled to Work Revolving 12-Hour Shifts (every 2 Weeks I would be Scheduled to Work Monday, Tuesday, Saturday & Sunday from 17:00 to 05:00-Translation; 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM) and every other 2 Weeks; Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Of course I would have to Put Up with this Flaming Homosexual who shall Remain nameless who would Continuously be Saying how I "Would be his Queer Lover whether I Liked it or not!" Now there's a Time and Place for Everything; However, Since I ain't Gay; I had to Make it Perfectly Clear that I am Not Gay, and that I have no Interest in engaging in any acts Like that Unless, I was Getting Paid to do so! Not to Mention that I thought My Family (Me, My Kids' Mother and My Kids) would Remain Intact; that is Until Shortly Before what Turned Out to be My 27th Birthday! Now enter into the Picture a Woman who I thought would be a Good Friend and someone I could Confide Things in. Now as fate would Have it; My Kids' Mother Up & Leaves Me for a Country Singer Look Alike LOSER; who eventually becomes a Pile of Shit I Vowed I would Pursue to the Gates of Hell to Inflict an ass kicking he so Richly Deserves; for what? Well, Let's Just say if that Pusbag went to Prison where he BELONGS; he would have Probably been Carried Out of there in a Bodybag; if that tells yous what he did! Now Of course this Woman seemed to sense that The Breakup of My Family was something I didn't take very well! Naturally, I have to admit; it was a Nice Distraction from the Emotional Hell I was Going through. Little did I Realize that she Perhaps had an Ulterior Motive; yet I was so Blinded by what I was Going through; that I ended up Allowing her to Follow Me to where I Lived at the Time. I was Hoping that I could keep My Other Co-Workers from knowing about what was going on; I did the best I could, yet it seems as if Nobody can Keep Prying Eyes away, forever! Yes! I admit I nailed her! Now Keeping In Mind it was a Nice Distraction! Yet; I Never Pursued a Relationship with this Woman; Reason #1 was because she was a Married Woman & Reason #2 is because I was already Recovering from 1 Emotional Disaster; I really didn't want to Risk another! After Putting Up with the Harassment from this Faggot Neighbor of Mine (who Worked the Same Shift) I Transferred to Working Essentially the Same Days but from 05:00 to 17:00. Yous would have thought it would have Gotten better; yet things Grew Progressively Worse! I ended up on a Line with this Nasty Skank who has a Mouth Worse than a Sailor! One Day this Bitch Started In on Me Calling Me a Cocksucker! And for about a Month Until I had finally Had Enough she would Keep at it! One Day My then Supervisor Confronted Me as I was doing My Job and asked Me "Did you Tell That Woman on the Line to Blow You and Call her a Bitch?" To that I Replied "No, but if you Prefer, I will!" I then asked her "When are these accusations of My Calling Other Operators Vulgar Names and My Supposedly Playing with Myself going to Stop?" That Nasty Bitch responded "As soon as I Fire your ass!" I assumed that My Time there was Soon about to Run Out! Things Finally Came to a Head One Sunday Afternoon; when My Line was Returning from a Break; and as fate would have that bitch Started again; she Yelled "Hey Cocksucker, are you going to keep talking shit about Me?" At that Point; I reached My Breaking Point; I then Responded "First of All; I haven't said a Damn thing about you; so do us all a favor and Tune Your Rabbit Ears towards somebody who actually cares to Listen to you; you Rabbit-Eared Cum Catcher!" Now along that Line I wanted to shut her up Once and For all! I figured that I would end up being Sent Home; because when yous Utter a Statement Like that Chances are somebody will take Offense to it! Where I Made My Mistake was that I Made that Statement where at Least 4 Witnesses heard what I said! So I got sent to the Head or Human Resources Office; I told Him what I said; after admitting to the Back-Up Line Leader what I said and why I said it! I figured nobody would Believe My Side of the Story; even though it was the Truth! I was Subsequently Suspended for what Turned Out to be 10 Days; However, I Never Returned to Give that Nasty Bitch (The Line Leader) the Pleasure of Firing Me! Now Fast Forward to May of 1999; when I Started My Job at Black River Plastics. This was a Job I Really Enjoyed doing, even though I was Doing ALL of My Work and HALF of the Work Left Not Done by the Other 2 Shifts! Yet Right Away as would be Consistent with what the Major Problem is throughout My Adult Life; some Skank Press Operator (Who by all accounts was a Slut) Asked Me to Go Out on a Date with her. Naturally, I was Flattered by her asking Me such a thing; But I had to Politely Decline Her Offer; because Unlike Most People who Work in Factories; I DO NOT DATE CO-WORKERS! Not to Mention I was Engaged to be Married to the Woman who has been My Wife for Over the Last 10 Years! I suspected that she wouldn't Appreciate another Woman Muscling in on "Her Territory"! Knowing How Insecure My Wife is about "Her Place In My Life" is No Exception to this Rule! I have seen all too many "Office Romances" that have Resulted in One Member of these "Couples" getting Fired! Now this Slut Openly Boasted about "Having Slept with every man in this Plant!" Yet I was the One who simply would not Give In! After in Essence about a Year or So as I am Relieving Said operator for Her Lunch Break she then Demands "If you don't Go On a Date with Me, I'll Report You for Sexual Harassment!" Now as yous can see, I Do Not React well to Confrontations! Naturally My Strong "Fight or Flight" Instinct Kicked In! I then Told Her "Go for it, Whore!" Even though that term Fits this Slut to a T! My Then Supervisor asked Me "Did you Call the Operator you Relieved a Whore?" I stated that "I don't Deny it, Yet she had been Harassing Me to go on a Date with Her ever since I Started Here! What was I to do to Inform Her that I am not Interested?" 2 Weeks Later, I got Summoned to the Office to be Told that I was being Accused of Sexual Harassment! Was I ever Pissed Off about that! In Early August of 2000; that Slut Got Into an Argument with the 3rd Shift Supervisor and Walked Out of the Plant! Sensing this, I thought "Problem Solved! The Chief Threat to My Job is Gone and I don't have to Deal with her again!" Little did I Realize that another Threat would Emerge; about a Month Later; this Nasty Skank asked Me out on a Date. What was all the Worse was the Fact that she was on Parole for a 3rd Felony Drunk Driving Offense! Now of course the fact that she was a Co-Worker was Strike 1; Strike 2; she's a Convicted Felon; Strike 3: See also Being Engaged to be Married to My Now-Wife! 3 Months Later; Someone from another Department Starts an Argument (which I suspect that Nasty Skank Set Up) after I Report this Incident to the Plant Manager; that Other Bitch goes out on the Production Floor to Continue the Argument in where she Made Several Threats of Bodily Harm against Me! 3 Hours Later; I was Summoned into the Office and was informed that I was being Terminated for get ready for a shock SEXUAL HARASSMENT! Even though Management has ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of My Committing ANY SUCH ACT! Yet; when I confronted the Plant Manager and Informed him that "You Have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE THAT I DID ANY SUCH THING!" He then Replied "Ah! We don't Need "Evidence" You're Guilty & That's That!" I figured at that Point in Time I had to Entertain a Career Change! Now think about this; Why the Hell would I do anything to Deliberately to Jeopardize My means of Earning a Living? But as yous can Clearly See; I cannot Deal with People on a Regular Basis in a Workplace Setting; even a Counselor I had been Talking to stated that "Working in a Factory would be Considered as Career Suicide." Think about this. Even in School Interacting with other Students was something I Really has a Hard Time Dealing with; except when I was Playing Football! During Football, I could Take My Aggressions Out On My Teammates and Or Equipment During Drills (and Opponents during Games) I Guess this Goes back to when I was a Kid! It seems as if Other Kids Got their Jollies Out of Pissing Me Off! Exactly why? I Guess Children can be Very Cruel. If there are things I Royally Dislike in any Kind of Work Setting it's being Made to Look Bad! It seems as if all too often Certain People Enjoyed Making Me Look Incompotent! That's Among the Reasons why I would Desperately Want to Find a Driving Job where I have Nobody to Bother Me; Nobody to make Me Look Bad! All too often I have heard "Simply Go to Work, Do Your Job, and everything will be all right!" Well to answer that all I DID was "GO TO WORK, DO MY JOB & I WORKED NOTHING BUT HARD! And what ended up Happening? I ENDED UP GETTING FIRED! So Now that yous Know the Story or at Least a Majority of it yous Can Now See why I WILL NEVER AGAIN Work on a Production Floor! Simply Put it's Not For Me! I don't know how to Simplify this for yous any further! The fact that I have Obtained a Commercial Driver's License also adds to that! What Sense would it Make for Me to Obtain a Commercial Driver's License if I ain't going to USE the Damn Thing to Make My Living? Think about that! So now that I have Explained My Reasons for Never Again Working on a Production Floor; I am Hopeful that those of yous will Understand why I have Vowed to Avoid Working on a Production Floor at All Costs! I am also Hopeful that I will Never again be Badgered into Doing Something I Consider to be a Form of Career Suicide; because I would Rather Keep My Dignity and My Self-Respect! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying What Good is a Career if Yous Can't Enjoy what yous do!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Michigan's Resident Rocker Vows To Never End The Fight Against Friend Of The Court
It's been a while since Michigan's Resident Rocker has Posted a Manifestation from deep within the Chasm known as My Twisted Mind; yet, here I am again! Most People would Like to know what has been on My Twisted Mind? Well for those of yous who are Inquiring; I shall tell yous! As Most all of yous know the Rotten Republicans in Congress have Cut Off Unemployment Benefits for 1.5 Million Americans, and wouldn't yous know it; I am 1 of them! Needless to say this Pisses Me Off! Why? Do I really Need to Explain this shit to yous? I Mean think about it! I have Been Unemployed since March of 2013; and My Unemployment Benefits were My ONLY Source of Income! It's gotten so bad; that I have had to Apply for Disability Benefits! Personally; I would Rather Earn a Living; than Accept Money from the American Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security! Whereas My Wife is Perfectly Fine with Being a Parasite who's Out to Game the System! Some of you Dumbasses may ask "Michigan's Resident Rocker, How do you Consider yourself as 'Disabled'?" O.K. for those of yous who feel as if yous need to know; I have a Very hard Time Getting along with other People on a Daily Basis! I mean as far as any kind of Work Environment Goes; I Hate the Following Shitbags: Brown Nosers, Ass Kissers, Gossips, Suck Up To Management Artists; and the List Goes On and On! Now yous Factor in Most Work Environments; and Most all of them Contain One or More of the Shitbags I have described that I very Strongly Dislike! Now in Essence the Only Work Environment I can actually Thrive in is One in which I can Mostly Work By Myself; which Unfortunately; there simply ain't that Many of those! Sure; I could go back into the Expediting Business; However in that Line of Work; I End Up Running across another Group of People that I end up Butting Heads with all too often! Who are they? Ah! The Fleet Owners who Like to Develop a Very Curable Disease known as Selective Amnesia! I shall explain this Condition; In Essence I have dealt with 3 Different Fleet Owners who Suffer from this Condition; when it comes to Paying a Driver; all of a sudden their Memory Conveniently Draws a Blank! Think about this; 3 Fleet Owners I Used to Drive For Owe Me a Combined Total of $2300.00. Now from 2 of these Pukepiles; Chances Are I will Never See 1 Nickel of at Least $1600.00 that 2 Out of the 3 Owe Me! Whereas the 3rd One; well I may have to Drag his Fire-Headed Geeky ass into Small Claims Court to get the $725.00 this Crook Owes Me! O.K. I Mentioned Social Security and what a Ponzi Scheme it is; Now ain't it a Rather funny thing that Ponzi Schemes and Organized Crime is actually against the fucking Law; except when Mr. Government is Running it? What am I Talking about? I am getting to that; Social Security was Created back in 1935 when President Franklin Roosevelt Signed the Social Security Act it's supposed to Serve as something To Pay a Worker's Financial Expenses after He Retires from a Life of Busting his ass for Some Slavedriver! Yet I shall Refer to a Very Ugly Aspect of this Ponzi Scheme. Now for those of yous who are curious as to what a Ponzi Scheme is, Leave it to a Very Reliable Source of Information of which is at My Disposal: A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from existing capital or new capital paid by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to sustain the scheme. Now think about this; Money Gets Taken Out of Your Paychecks for Social Security; which Goes to Support those Generations of Workers who have Done Retired. However this Also Supports People who Simply DO NOT WANT TO WORK! It's Like the Old Adage of "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul!" Yet a Lot of Clueless Dumbasses are Justifying this Ponzi Scheme because Mr. Government is Running it! Which Leads Me to Talk about a Government Run Organized Crime Syndicate the Friend of the Court, which is the State of Michigan's Version of Family Court! Now Let's be Realistic; the Appropriate Name of this Mafia is the Friend of the CUNT! Because as we all know who Benefits from the Services of this Government Run Organized Crime Family! As I have alluded to; how does the Government Run Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security Play into this? Please allow Me to address the Crux of what I am talking about: Title IV-D of the Social Security Act! This Monstrosity was Signed into Law Back in 1975 Gives Family Courts in all 50 States Federal Funds to Makes Non-Custodial Parents' Lives a Nightmare! Now for Damn Near 19 Years, the St. Clair County Friend of the CUNT has done NOTHING BUT HARASS, BULLY, and COERCE Me into Supporting Melisa Scramlin's SMOKING; along with all of her LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING, SCUZZBAG, COUNTRY SINGER LOOK-ALIKE, LOSER BOYFRIENDS! Including the LOSER she has been Subjecting MY Children to! Yes; I am a Proud Father of 2 Outstanding Children! I have a 19 Year Old Daughter Named Marjorie & a 17 Year Old Son Named Jonathan. Yet the ONLY Time Melisa Scramlin shows any "Love" for Maggie & Jonathan is when her "SMOKING Support" Checques Arrive in the Mail! Now that Maggie is 19; I am No Longer Obligated to Cough Up Money for Her. Now here's the Outrageous Part. Until the End of September I have to Pay Support for My Son, for He Turns 18 in September. Now what's really UNFAIR; is the FACT that I am REQUIRED to Pay Support for a Child that CLEARLY IS NOT MINE! That's Correct! Now how does this Story Come into Play? Let's Take a Trip back in Time to the Not So Magical Year of 2001. Back Then; Maggie was 6 Years Old and Jonathan was only 4. Melisa Scramlin Makes her way Over to where My-Then Fiance (Now My Wife of Over 10 Years) and I were Living; she then Tells Tracey (My Wife) "I'm Having another Baby, and I want you to keep this a Secret from your Fiance." Now why in the Holy Hell would My Then Former Fiance Tell the Woman I was Engaged to be Married to "Keep her Pregnancy a Secret from Your Fiance?" Of course Once I Learned of Melisa Scramlin's Pregnancy at First I asked My Fiance "Why are yous Telling Me this shit?" Because Let's face it, this was in No Way, Shape or Form going to Directly affect Me at all! Yet Once I was Told that Melisa Scramlin wanted her Pregnancy to be "Kept as a Dirty Little Secret from Me" that's when I Came Unglued! Because I KNOW she would have Dragged Me into Court, again Naming ME as the "Father" of that Child! Of Course knowing that Melisa Scramlin can Easily Send Me into a Homicidal Rage every time she Attempted to Have My Parental Rights Terminated; this was absolutely Too Much! Now when she was Pregnant with My Son she Threatened to "Get My Country Singer Look Alike Boyfriend after you if you do not Sign Your Rights to Marjorie Away!" Of Course Hearing this I Punched Through the Windshield of her Car! Now where I fucked up; was that I did it at Her Workplace in Front of a Half a Dozen Witnesses, Not to mention a Surveillance Camera! Of course I Made it Crystal Clear that if she Even so Much as Remotely Thought about Pursuing Child Support for this Child; that she would Live to Regret it for the Rest of her Life! However; Paternity Fraud is Unfortunately 100% LEGAL Here in Michigan! Now Of course I shall Give yous the definition of Paternity Fraud:Paternity Fraud occurs when a Mother names a man to be the Biological Father of a child, particularly for self-interest, when she knows or suspects that he is not the Biological Father. I know Personally, a Man who has been a Victim of Paternity Fraud; Yet I will not be mentioning who this Man is. Because he has Dealt with this Bullshit for the Past 23 Years (Now this Child In Question is Almost 23 Years Old and Now Has a Child of Her Own). Yet the Friend of the CUNT along with the FIA as well as Family Court Units and Child Support Enforcement Agencies all Across this God-Forsaken CESSPOOL of a Country Rake In Millions of Dollars in Federal Subsidies Every Single Year! It Really Scares the Shit Out of Me knowing that for My Son, all it Takes is 1 Moment of Carelessness on his Part, while Having Sex to end up being Potentially Saddled with 216 Monthly Payments that He WILL NOT Be Allowed to Consider as an "Option"! Let's think about this; When My Mother Divorced My Biological Father (whom I have Long Since Disowned); I Resented it for a Very Long Time! However as I Grew Older; I Realized that My Mother and that ASSHOLE Could Not Live Together as "Husband & Wife" Now I ain't going to go into Detail about why My Mother and the ASSHOLE ended up Dissolving their Marriage! Now I Ultimately had to Tell My Kids that "Their Mother & I could not Coexist as a Couple under the Same Roof." Which is Perhaps the Best Way to Explain why their Mother and I are No Longer Together! However Melisa Scramlin Made the Decision to Up & Leave; Not Me! Of Course I also Have Concerns about Maggie Having a Child(ren) with Someone that she either Has No Intention of Staying With. Having been Used by the Friend of the CUNT, Myself as well as My Kids being Used as Pawns strictly for the Purpose of Generating Revenue; I don't want to see any Grandchild(ren) of Mine ever being Used as Pawns by this CRUEL, EVIL Organized Crime Syndicate! It especially Scares Me the Thought of Jonathan being Dragged through this System that Makes its Money by Breaking Up Families! Even though My Time of Dealing with the Friend of the CUNT is Just about Now Through; I WILL NEVER STOP Fighting Until Title IV-D of the Social Security Act of 1975 is REPEALED and the Friend of the CUNT is Out of Business! This May end up Not Occurring within My Lifetime; However, the Fight will Continue On! Because Children SHOULD NOT be Used as Bargaining Chips so that a Government Run Organized Crime Syndicate Can Make Money! Hell, Had Al Capone Ran a Family Court System Rather than Bootlegging Alcohol; he would have been a Billionaire! Had John Gotti Ran a Family Court System; He Would Have NEVER Seen the Inside of a Penitentiary! It's been said "The Way to Kill a Snake is to Chop the head of the Damn Thing Off!" Well, the Way to Slay the Monster knows as the Friend of the CUNT is to REPEAL Title IV-D of the Social Security Act! Remember; the Friend of the CUNT and Family Court Systems in this God Forsaken CESSPOOL of a Country is an Enemy that will Never Relent in their Obsession with Generating Revenue! The ONLY Way to Kill this VILE, CORRUPT System is to Cut Off Its Life Source which is Title IV-D Federal Funding! Now whether God's Country, which as we all know is Canada; Subsidizes their Family Court System; I don't have a Clue! One Final Thing I shall Touch on is Exactly Why Title IV-D of the Social Security Act MUST Be repealed: State Governments (which may collect $2 from the Federal Treasury for every $1 collected from Non Custodial Parent). This claim is disputable. The reference does not support the claim.
Perpetuated media stereotypes (violent Male roles, victimized, incompetent Female roles, and the image that Children require Support from 2 Parents at all times).
The various agencies and legal workers whose operation depends on the existence of Child Support conflicts.
The Parent who would be more favored in a ruling to receive payments (such as when a Father's small contribution would be pointless to a wealthy Mother).
These reasons are generally referred to when discussing the side-effects of child support conflicts such as:
The lost opportunity to put the Money towards something mutually beneficial to both Parents and the Child simultaneously.
The Non-Custodial Parent becoming equivalent to "a Criminal without Due Process Rights" (Involuntary Servitude).
The Non-Custodial Parent viewing the Custodial Parent as someone who uses the Law for Financial Gain ('using' the Child's Existence as an Income Stream).
The Custodial Parent receives Child Support Payments Tax Free - the Non-Custodial Parent must use After-Tax Money to make Payments. This favors the Custodial Parent, and causes a push by the Custodial Parent to maximize any Child Support Payments received.
There is no mechanism for the Non-Custodial Parent to ensure that any money paid for Child Support is actually spent on the Child. Now to those of yous who Like to Refer to Displaced Fathers, Like Myself as "Deadbeat Dads", I have a Word of Advice; Kiss My White All Canadian ass! Rather than Labeling Us as "Deadbeat Dads" why Not Take a Look at the System who Profits Handsomely off of that Vile Term! I shall Wrap this Entry Up Now; as I have said whatever it is that's needed to be said. But Not To Worry, I shall Be Posting even More Entries Based on whatever Crawls into My Twisted Mind! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Never Surrender in the Fight against the Enemy known as the Friend of the CUNT!
Perpetuated media stereotypes (violent Male roles, victimized, incompetent Female roles, and the image that Children require Support from 2 Parents at all times).
The various agencies and legal workers whose operation depends on the existence of Child Support conflicts.
The Parent who would be more favored in a ruling to receive payments (such as when a Father's small contribution would be pointless to a wealthy Mother).
These reasons are generally referred to when discussing the side-effects of child support conflicts such as:
The lost opportunity to put the Money towards something mutually beneficial to both Parents and the Child simultaneously.
The Non-Custodial Parent becoming equivalent to "a Criminal without Due Process Rights" (Involuntary Servitude).
The Non-Custodial Parent viewing the Custodial Parent as someone who uses the Law for Financial Gain ('using' the Child's Existence as an Income Stream).
The Custodial Parent receives Child Support Payments Tax Free - the Non-Custodial Parent must use After-Tax Money to make Payments. This favors the Custodial Parent, and causes a push by the Custodial Parent to maximize any Child Support Payments received.
There is no mechanism for the Non-Custodial Parent to ensure that any money paid for Child Support is actually spent on the Child. Now to those of yous who Like to Refer to Displaced Fathers, Like Myself as "Deadbeat Dads", I have a Word of Advice; Kiss My White All Canadian ass! Rather than Labeling Us as "Deadbeat Dads" why Not Take a Look at the System who Profits Handsomely off of that Vile Term! I shall Wrap this Entry Up Now; as I have said whatever it is that's needed to be said. But Not To Worry, I shall Be Posting even More Entries Based on whatever Crawls into My Twisted Mind! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Never Surrender in the Fight against the Enemy known as the Friend of the CUNT!
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