Monday, January 2, 2023

Is "Christian Nationalism" A Threat To Democracy?

So here it is the Calendar has flipped to 2023 and of Course Michigan's Resident Rocker has yet even more on My Twisted, Tormented Mind! Therefore; I have taken the time to sit down in the Cockpit under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which do I need to Remind yous is Canada? Now of course, do I also need to Remind yous that I Personally Just don't give a flying fuck about what any one of yous think of me anyway? I mean yous have read Previous Manifestos of whatever is On My Twisted, Tormented Mind; what Part of what I say in these Manifestos has changed? Now a Great Deal of Controversy has been Generated about My Embarrassment as far as being an "American" is concerned; and of course I have been told several times "If you don't Like it here, go back to Canada!" Alright; Let's Get something completely fucking Straight; I was Born on 30 November, 1969, In Port Huron, Michigan. Now the Last fucking Time, I Checked , Michigan is the 26th State in these United States (Now of Course I am Considering Writing to Governor, Gretchen Whitmer; asking her if she can Promote Michigan's Secession from Donald Trump's "America" and Join God's Country as it's Newest Province; however, Until then I will continue to speak out against DICTATOR Donald Trump's aspirations of ascending to DICTATOR, and turning this fucking CESSPOOL of a fucking Country into a fucking White Supremacist Utopia! Now this Rant is coming from a White Man; who ain't the Least bit ashamed of who I am! I am a 53 Year Old Truck Driver who has Views that some may think are "Radical," Now Let's examine that fucking Term "Radical;" What's so fucking "Radical" about "American Values" that I was Taught when I was a Young Headbanger? I mean what's so fucking "Radical" about TAX CHEATS; Like Donald Trump being AUDITED every fucking Year to Make certain that Trump and the Likes of that Cocksucker's ilk; being Made to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE IN FUCKING TAXES? What the fuck is so "Radical" about Trimming the fucking Military Budget by 95% of what it Currently is? I mean why the fuck is this fucking Country throwing away $0.95 of every fucking Dollar taken in On Preparations for fucking War? Why the fuck does this Country have a fucking Contingency Plan to INVADE and OCCUPY every fucking Sovereign Country in this fucking World? What the fuck is so fucking "Radical" about these fucking Republicans MINDING THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS as far as Stopping their fucking Aspirations  in terms of FORCING "Christian Nationalism" down the fucking Throats of the entire fucking Population? What the fuck am I talking about? Wow! I Knew a Lot of yous are fucking illiterate; but I Guess a Lot of yous don't Pay a Lot of Attention to Actual NEWS; so allow me to break it down for yous. Keep in Mind FOX "News" a.k.a TRUMP TV ain't no fucking Legitimate "News" Network! I mean aside from attempting to EXCLUDE People from Certain Other Countries from entering this Country so they can have a Better Life for their Families? Yet by the same fucking Token; why would these People WANT TO enter a fucking Country; in where they are considered as "Not Welcome?" In fact here's a Recommendation; Go to a Country where yous would actually BE "Welcomed," Offered Jobs, Health Care, Not to Mention PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY; that's right, I'm talking about God's Country, CANADA! I mean think about it; the fucking CORPORATE Media in this fucking Country STILL Refers to the fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST DICTATOR, Donald Trump, as "President!" Can somebody see what the fuck is wrong with that statement? Does a "Legitimately Elected President" Incite an Armed Insurrection against his Own Country because he fucking LOST a fucking Election FAIR & FUCKING SQUARE? Does a Legitimately Elected "President" attempt to shield HIMSELF from being held accountable for ALL of the fucking CRIMES he Committed while ILLEGALLY in the fucking White House? Does a Legitimately Elected "President" Call every fucking bit of fucking Scrutiny against him as a "Witch Hunt?" Does a Legitimately Elected "President" Spout Out fucking RACIST, XENOPHOBIC, HOMOPHOBIC WHITE SUPREMACIST bullshit, even when his LYING ass is in front of a fucking Microphone? If any of yous answered "Yes" to any of these fucking Questions I asked then yous are Part of the fucking Problem! Go ahead, say what the fuck yous want about Me; because I don't get Paid to Give a flying fuck about what ANY of yous think anyway! One thing I have heard so Much from the fucking Corporate Media over the Bulk of 2022 is the fucking Civil War in Russia ; along with the fucking War On Gays; being Conducted By So Called "Warriors for Christ," in Donald Trump's "America!" Alright; I ain't going to waste a Lot of fucking Time talking about the fucking Civil War in RUSSIA; because I simply DON'T GIVE A FUCK about it so why are we even fucking Talking about it? I mean this fucking shit is going on over 8000 fucking Miles from Our Shores! I mean what the fuck are we doing here? Why the fuck should ANYBODY Give a fuck about Civil War in RUSSIA? I mean the fucking Civil War in RUSSIA ain't No fucking Threat to this fucking Country whereas the fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST, CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST Republicans who Blindly throw their fucking Loyalty, behind the Modern Day Version of Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump! Now allow me to make a deep Dive on a Topic that I consider as very Personal; that being the Topic of the Rights of Gays, Lesbians and soon and so forth! Among the fucking Bullshit that these fucking "CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST" Pricks (and My Father, whom I haven't spoken to in over 34 Years May be among them) to Justify "Gay Bashing?" They accuse Gays and Lesbians of "Grooming Children," into the Homosexual Lifestyle? Are yous for fucking REAL? Are yous that fucking Blinded by your fucking Hatred of ANYBODY  who Lives a fucking  Alternative Lifestyle from yous? I mean My Girlfriend's Boss is Openly Gay, In fact he's been Married to another Man for I Dare say at Least 10 Years and yous know what? He happens to be a friend of Mine, Mostly because he's a Good Man and he's Treated My Girlfriend, Jennifer, very well. In Fact he advised Jen to Give me a chance; and yous know what? I owe him a huge favor for doing that. Now Don't get me wrong; Gays CHOOSE to be Gay! Yet it's Only Right that so Long as they're Living their Lives on their Terms, Like I Live Mine; then what the fuck does that fucking shit Matter to yous? How does this fucking Grab yous? Would I Love Jen any Less if she Chose to eat Pussy? Are yous fucking Paying any fucking attention to what I am saying? If anything; I am More in Love with Jen; than I have been with ANY of her Last 3 Predecessors; In all Honesty; I think the best Christmas Present she could give me is something that she could give me is a 3 Way with her and another Woman! And in essence that costs Nothing at all! I have been asked before when I Knew I was going to have a Son, "What if he CHOOSES to be Gay?" Well, what if he does? That won't matter a damn thing to me at all! If he's Happy CHOOSING to be Gay; well then why should I treat Him any fucking Different? Think about it; he's 26 Years Old and he should Live his Life how he sees fit! In fact; at Times, I wish My 28 Year Old Daughter CHOSE to be a Lesbian? Why do I say this fucking shit? Very fucking Simple; I DO NOT WANT Grandchildren! And there are Several Reasons why I say this; yet My Biggest Reason I say this is because I am Concerned with what Kind of an Influence I would be on any Potential Grandchild I may become "Grandpa" to! In fact; allow me to share an Article from TIME Magazine on the Threat that "Christian Nationalism" Truly is: At a Turning Point USA Summit in Florida on June 23, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene declared, “I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian Nationalists.” Whether she is repeating QAnon conspiracies or spreading misinformation about COVID-19, Greene has made a name for herself by defying fact-based journalism and conventional norms to play to the MAGA base. But when it comes to her embrace of Christian nationalism, she is simply parroting the narrative of the religious right for decades. Since the late 1970s, a right-wing movement responding to the Civil and Women’s Rights Movements has used the Language of “Biblical Values” to recruit people of faith. As a white Christian who grew up in the rural South, I know Rep. Greene is preaching to a crowd that has been prepped to respond with a hearty “Amen.” The prevalence of Christian Nationalism as an ideology makes it the greatest threat to Democracy in America today.
Growing up in the Southern Baptist Church, I learned this story well: America was special because it was founded as a "Christian Nation." Our enemies were Liberals who did not respect “Traditional, Biblical Values” and threatened the moral order by embracing Feminism. By Demonizing Liberals and trading on fear that their policy decisions would lead us toward cultural collapse, the religious right convinced many in my community that the GOP was God’s Own Party. As a young person, I got involved in Republican Politics and paged for Senator Strom Thurmond because I embraced this narrative.
But Christian Nationalism wasn’t the only story my people taught me. I also memorized the words of Jesus in Sunday school and knew the Bible’s concern for the poor, the immigrant, the sick, and the downtrodden. The Biblical prophets clearly articulated the dangers of religious nationalism and decried the political leaders who devoured their people while religious leaders whitewashed their evil deeds. In the Late ‘90s, I had a crisis of faith where I realized that I had to choose between the teachings of Jesus and the lies that Christian Nationalism had told me. I did what my Sunday school teachers had taught me to do: I chose Jesus.
But it took me a while to find the community of Jesus followers who rejected Christian Nationalism. As it turns out, this was by design. In her book Shadow Network, Anne Nelson has chronicled how Paul Weyrich, one of the founders of the religious right in the 1970s, also helped established the Council for National Policy, a Round table of Leaders of the Republican Party, leaders of the religious right, the NRA, churches, nonprofits, and family foundations. The CNP worked with independent media companies and talk radio to coordinate what Nelson calls the “wallpaper effect” in which the Christian Nationalist narrative was repeated and reinforced. Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in promoting this narrative in communities like the one where I grew up. For its own political purposes, this network conspired to hijack my people’s faith.40 Years Later, when people outside of this cultural World ask how fellow Americans can vote for Donald Trump or repeat obvious Lies about a Global Pandemic or the 2020 Election, it’s clear to me how wide the web of Christian Nationalism has been cast. Rep. Greene isn’t taking any risks when she declares herself a Christian Nationalist. She’s playing to the base that turned out more Republican Voters for Donald Trump than have ever Voted for any Republican Candidate in U.S. History.
Though I know the power of Christian Nationalism firsthand, I also know it is a minority movement with a diminishing base. Politicians like Greene are compelled to shout the Quiet part out loud because a growing majority of Americans realize the con of religious right. The so-called “Pro-Life” movement played on imagined concern for the unborn to empower justices who lied in their confirmation hearings, overturned Roe v. Wade, and stripped the Environmental Protection Agency of its power to save Lives by mitigating the Climate Crisis. The same Politicians who claim to care about Life from the moment of Conception refused to extend a Child Tax Credit, and nearly 4 million American children fell into Poverty after its expiration. Most Americans reject theocracy by judicial decree, with 6 in 10 opposing the Dobbs decision. What’s more, a recent PRRI poll found that most religious Americans also oppose this crowning achievement of the religious right. The only outliers are the religious communities most directly targeted by efforts to promote Christian Nationalism: white Evangelical Protestants and Latter-day Saints.
The reactionary forces that targeted my faith community 40 years ago would have never invested the time and resources they did to hijack Christianity if they did not understand its power. Our faith tells us who we are and gives us courage to sacrifice and endure incredible suffering for what we believe is right. Christian Nationalism has built a base that is ready and willing to subvert the will of the American people. But Christians who join with Americans of other faiths and of no faith have the opportunity to practice our faith in a way that defends Democracy and promotes the common good. If we don’t, it’s clear that people Like Rep. Greene, who claim to speak for all Christians, will impose their Will on all Americans.
But it took me a while to find the community of Jesus followers who rejected Christian Nationalism. As it turns out, this was by design. In her book Shadow Network, Anne Nelson has chronicled how Paul Weyrich, one of the founders of the religious right in the 1970s, also helped established the Council for National Policy, a Round table of leaders of the Republican Party, Leaders of the religious right, the NRA, churches, nonprofits, and family foundations. Though I know the power of Christian Nationalism firsthand, I also know it is a minority movement with a diminishing base. Politicians like Greene are compelled to shout the Quiet part out loud because a growing majority of Americans realize the con of religious right. The so-called “Pro-Life” movement played on imagined concern for the unborn to empower Justices who Lied in their Confirmation Hearings, Overturned Roe v. Wade, and stripped the Environmental Protection Agency of its power to save Lives by mitigating the Climate Crisis. The same Politicians who claim to care about Life from the moment of conception refused to extend a Child Tax Credit, and nearly 4 million American children fell into poverty after its expiration. Most Americans reject Theocracy by Judicial decree, with 6 in 10 opposing the Dobbs decision. What’s more, a recent PRRI poll found that most religious Americans also oppose this crowning achievement of the religious right. The only outliers are the religious communities most directly targeted by efforts to promote Christian Nationalism: Now I have heard so much fucking Rhetoric about "Christians" Using their fucking Religious Beliefs as a fucking Bully Pulpit; such as some Baker Refusing to Make a fucking Wedding Cake for a "Gay Couple's" Wedding! My Response to this is; to the Couple who was Refused Service as far as having a Cake Made for them; it's very fucking Simple: Take your Business to somebody who will accomodate your Request! I, Personally am so sick  and fucking Tired of these fucking "Christian Nationalists'" fucking CULTURE WARS! I Love how these fucking "Christians" Make all kind of fucking Threats of "Eternal Damnation" to Coerce People into Coughing Up their Hard Earned Money to some fucking Snake Oil Salesman so you can be "Saved" from being sent into a "Lake of Fire that Never Burns Out." Or being sent to the "Centre of the Earth," or whatever fucking Buzzword that these fucking Preachers Like to Use to Scare their followers into complete and utter Submission! Yet have yous seemed to Noticed that in a Lot of these fucking Churches are where a Majority of the fucking Wolves In Sheep's Clothing seem to hang out? I mean take the fucking Jehovah's Witnesses CULT as a fucking Example; about 4 Years ago; I watched a You Tube Video on how Millions of Young Girls and a Smaller Number of Young Boys were Sexually Assaulted By "Elders" of these Pedophile Camps; and they were NEVER fucking Prosecuted because of the fucking "2 Witness Rule!" How fucked up is this? Yet I see All Kinds of Spousal and or Child Abuse Loopholes being Exploited By Wife Beaters, Child Abusers and fucking Pedophiles; based in their fucking Religious Cultures! This is the Kind of shit that I want absolutely NO fucking Part of! Now Jen Used to Attend Church, along with her fat ass "Sister," a Piece of shit I Named Buzzcut! Now take One fucking Look at this fucking Baboon; and yous would think that she's a Classic fucking Bull Dyke! Now yous talk about a fucking Hypocrite that I Unfortunately got to know ALL TOO WELL, This escapee from a Colony of Amazon Lesbians; STOLE Several Hundreds of Dollars from Jen's Bank Account via an Unauthorized  Use of Jen's Debit Card; then she MURDERED Jen's Cat, Mittens, and another Innocent Cat because Buzzcut is so fucking LAZY; that she REFUSES to Work, is a fucking Hypochondriac; and an all around fucking Waste of a Human Life! Yet Buzzcut has the fucking audacity to tell me, Jen or anybody who calls her fat, LAZY THIEVING ass out that "You're both going to Hell!" To that I say I have heard this shit way too many times before; that it no Longer has any fucking Shock Value! If Not "Honoring Thy Father & Thy Mother;" which I believe is among the Tenets Christian Nationalists use to Coerce Non Churchgoers into Converting to their System of "Beliefs," well then so be it! Because why should I "Honor" My Father; who has attempted to Coerce Me into adopting his Hatred of ANYBODY who's different from him as My Own Beliefs? Why should I "Honor" My Mother who CHOSE a fucking ALCOHOLIC Over her Own 2 Sons? As soon as either One of them EARNS My fucking Respect; THEN and ONLY THEN; will I "Honor" either One of them! How Much More can I simplify this shit for yous? On a Closing Note; Now that we are in 2023, I have been asked if I Intend to Place a Ring on Jen's finger? To answer that Question of "Am I going to do it?" Yes, when will I do it? Well stay tuned and find out! 2023 Promises to be a Game Changer in the Life of Your Favourite Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying An Open Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste; Reject Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy along with the Politics of DICTATOR, Donald Trump!

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