Saturday, May 25, 2019

Will Michigan's Resident Rocker's Family Ever Be A Unit Again?

 Alright; Here it is; another exciting time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit; Under the beautiful Canadian Flag that Symbolizes PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY that is Offered only in God's Country which as all of yous know is Canada! Now don't get me started on why I don't see the United States as such do I really need to explain this shit to yous as to why I don't See being an American as such a Great thing? I mean yous Must be really dumb or yous have about as Much of an Attention Span as a Hamster! I ain't Quite sure as to what applies in this Situation! Of course this is the Point in where I Post a Simple Disclaimer that if yous Get Offended Rather easily then yous Need to stop Reading this Positing right Now because as I have said Many Many timed before; I simply don't give a flying fuck as to whether I Offend somebody or Not! In fact some of you stupid Motherfuckers NEED TO BE Offended! Don't Like what I am saying; fuck you! Kiss My Red & White Maple Leaf decorated ass! Before I get down to the Very Topic as to what the fuck is on My Twisted Mind; of course I have to Lead into that Topic with yet another Variation of Why I consider being an American such a fucking Embarrassment! Now I know some of yous will get sand in your Pussies to that I say Get the fuck Over it! Develop a thicker fucking skin! Now as we all know My 1 Year Anniversary at My Job at Anchor Wiping Cloth in Detroit has Come and Gone. And suffice to say I think I have finally found the Match Made in Heaven as far as an Occupation is Concerned; yet indeed I have! Now couple that with the Fact that I got rid of that Toxic fucking Ball & Chain, Jessica, and you have a Very Happy 49 Year Old Man who seems to have finally found the Balance to a Happy Life that I have been Looking for in the Previous 48 Years of My Existence! Now often Times I wonder what the fuck did I ever see in Jessica? Well, I digress the thought of seeing that heavily Inked Carcass in it's Glorious state of Nudity could be the very fucking Cure for Erectile Dysfunction; but after a Year of hearing that fucking Shrill, Annoying fucking Voice of hers would Make Most any Man Lose his hard-on before the Moment of Truth! However; I decided that after I cut that fucking Cunt from My Life; that it was High Time to Steer Clear from Women who are Young enough to be My Daughter; Now Keep in Mind; My Actual Daughter, Marjorie is a Little Over 6 Months away from her 25th Birthday; that's Correct! I didn't fucking stutter! Now I also have a Son, Jonathan who Turns 23 a Little Over 3 Months from now! How is this shit for a fucking Irony? Jessica's Birthday is on the very Same Day as My Son's; albeit she will be turning 31 (Now Let's be brutally fucking Honest is she turning 31 or 13?)  I mean she acts Like a fucking High School Aged Teenager! It's Rather Unfortunate that she was allowed to Propagate the fucking Species, eh? I really feel bad for her Now 9 Year Old Son, Caseon!  Now  was I Happier when I Left Weeks' Food Corp or when I finally cut that Money Leeching SKANK from My Life? Hmmmm! Interesting Question; I mean My Job at Weeks' Food Corp made me fucking Miserable every fucking Day I had to fucking be there! After all; I didn't get Paid Nearly Enough to Put up with all of the fucking  Political Bullshit I had to fucking deal with during the Less than a Full Year that I was there! Of course Jessica being the fucking Ball & Chain that she truly was Didn't Help Matters any at all! Now In Order to Explain how it is that I find being an American to be something that at One Time in My Life that I was and this is the fucking Key Word was Once very Proud of but I am now very deftly embarrassed about and that's None other than the FACIST DICTATORSHIP of Dump The Gump Trump and Mike Pence! Now these Piles of shit Make My 2 Soon To Be Former Sisters-In-Law achieve such Orgasms that they would Re-Flood the Bone Dry Frio River in South Central Texas! In Fact I shall Share an Article with yous an Article that Depicts How this Spray Tanned DICTATOR is Destroying the Very PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY that took Over 242 Years to Build yet is being DESTROYED by this LYING, CON MAN who is still ILLEGALLY in the White House Much to the Benefit of My Estranged Wife's FABULOUSLY WEALTHY Family; This Article Written by Tom Coleman in the Kansas City Star Illustrates why Dump The Gump Trump and Mike Pence need to be IMPEACHED IMMEDIATELY; here it is:
According to the ILLEGALLY Redacted Mueller Report, Candidate Donald Trump, along with members of his team, on multiple occasions welcomed Russian interference on his behalf during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. For example, the Report details a meeting between the Trump Campaign Chairman and a Russian Intelligence asset where polling information and campaign strategy were shared.
While Mueller did not find sufficient evidence that Trump or his Campaign had violated a criminal statute, the net effect was that the Trump Campaign encouraged a foreign adversary to use and misrepresent stolen information on social media platforms to defraud U.S. Voters. Because the Presidency was won in this way, the DICTATOR'S Election victory brought forth nothing less than an illegitimate Presidency.
Mueller presents a strong case that in addition to receiving campaign help from Russian operatives, the DICTATOR obstructed justice — a crime in itself. Mueller declined to charge the sitting DICTATOR because of current Department of Justice regulations that prohibit it. That policy is wrong in my opinion, and must be changed in the future when reason and rationality return to our Politics. Now I know that this will Piss Off My Soon to be Former Sisters-In-Law who Regularly Play Golf with Trump as well as Regularly Attend his shitbag Rallies! Yes My Soon to be Former Sisters-In-Law are among those who NEED TO BE Offended! Yes yous can Quote me on that! Moving Right along, Now we're into the Main Topic and the Very Question that I have been Dealing with for the Better Part of the Last 3 fucking Years and that is will My Family ever be a Functional Family Unit ever again?  Now I ain't referring to the Dynamic between Me and My Now Grown Little Headbangers; nor am I referring to My Relationship with My Cousins or My Brother because those as far as I know are still Pretty Solid! I am talking about My Mother; Now it's been about 3 fucking Years since I have even spoken to My Mother and as we all know she ain't getting any Younger! In a Little Over a Month's Time she Turns 70; who would have thought? But the Trouble started when her Alcoholic Husband Started his Bullshit! When he started sticking his fucking Nose into My fucking Finances as well as who I was Putting My dick inside of (Which at that Point In Time I was Committing one of the Biggest Mistakes of My Life by trying to be in a Relationship with a Drug Addict Named Brittany!) But at that Point; My Marriage was already Over as it stood! Yet this fucking DRUNK seems to think he's the fucking Morality Police!  He would  say shit Like "You're Not supposed to Have a Girlfriend when you're Married!"  Yet by the same fucking Token; he would fuck his Own Grandson's Mother while Married to My Mother! Now can somebody tell me what the fuck is the Matter with this fucking Picture? Now whether he fucked anybody other than My Mother I Personally don't Give a flying fuck! Because Other People's Marriages are absolutely something I really don't give a flying fuck about! Yet My Mother's Alcoholic Husband has Poisoned the very Dynamic of My Family to the Point that I don't know if I will ever be able to Speak to My Mother again! Now I shall share with yous something that Maybe will help me Raise awareness of the Fact that I Man for Pretty Much My entire fucking Life is an Alcoholic and that Maybe he will finally fucking MAN UP, ADMIT he has a fucking Problem with Alcohol, Get Help and Quit Drinking; but that Remains to be seen! Here's what I Uncovered:1. Trouble with the Law The single most obvious social sign of alcoholism is having gotten into legal trouble because of drinking. We’re not talking about your one-time offense back in college. We’re talking DWI, arrest for public intoxication, or criminal charges as a result of being drunk. An example would be robbing a store or assaulting someone while you were drunk, when otherwise you never would have. Basically, if the law is aware of your drinking, you may well be an alcoholic. Plus, if alcohol has gotten you into legal trouble, chances are your drinking habits are unhealthy. 2. Crooked PrioritiesYou know how people say that you’ve got to keep your priorities straight? Well, if and when drinking alcohol outweighs your everyday life responsibilities, consider your priorities crooked. Responsible drinking occurs once all other things are taken care of. Problematic drinking occurs while or instead of doing all other things. Alcohol should never be a priority, and should never stand in the way of your responsibilities as an adult. Severe examples include neglecting your loved ones due to drinking, spending bill money on alcohol, and/or choosing booze over going to work. Less severe examples include drinking instead of participating in social events or replacing healthy hobbies with getting drunk. If you find your priorities are crooked because of alcohol, regardless of the severity, you may be an alcoholic. 3. Affected Relationships It’s never good if and when drinking starts to negatively affect your personal relationships. It might start with an angry significant other who wants you to quit. Then, you might start neglecting your children a little. If you don’t have kids, or a significant other, maybe you are neglecting your friends. Worse yet, maybe you’re not neglecting at all, but being unfairly aggressive instead. Drinking alcohol in excess causes one to be irritable, argumentative, and even abusive toward others… or to the self. If you find that your relationship with others, or with yourself, is being damaged by alcohol, then you may be developing alcoholism. Drinking should never affect the way we co-exist with the people we see on a regular basis, especially those we love. 4. Telling Lies If you find yourself lying about your drinking habits to others, this is a warning sign of alcoholism. Those who are not at risk of developing an addiction to alcohol will feel no need to hide their drinking habits. This also ties into the previous sign, as lying will eventually corrode your relationships. 5. Making Excuses Justifying excessive drinking can be pretty easy for an alcoholic. However, here’s a newsflash… scoring a perfect game at bowling night is no reason for a 12-pack to yourself. Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day is one thing, but celebrating President’s Day with getting drunk is a warning sign. Basically, if you find yourself making excuses in order to drink more, there’s a definite chance you’re developing a problem. 6. Bad Company If you find your friend group to consist of heavy drinkers, and if you find that you and your friends often get drunk when together, this may be an issue. However, this is a different kind of social warning sign altogether. Friendships are acquired over a lifetime, and the issue of surrounding yourself with bad company can be a touchy one. However, you should always be your top priority. If you find that you associate with people who drink often, take a timeout – or reconsider the friendships. You may have a problem with alcohol developing or waiting to develop. 7. No Company Drinking heavily alone is arguably worse than drinking heavily with pals. Drinking alone, or isolating yourself because of your drinking, is an explicit warning sign of alcoholism. Non-alcoholics rarely get intoxicated alone. Now, we don’t mean that one time you bought a bottle of liquor because your ex dumped you and you drank it alone in front of the TV. We mean getting drunk alone for no good reason. Solo drinking is problem drinking. 8. Poor Performance The final social warning sign of alcoholism comes if and when you find your performance at school or work is suffering due to alcohol. Replacing study time with drinking time, or being so hungover you can’t function at work, could indicate an alcohol addiction forming. This links back to having crooked priorities. If your performance is poor because of alcohol, then it’s likely your drinking habits are poor as well.  The Physical Signs of Alcoholism The physical warning signs of alcoholism are relatively straightforward. Although most of them could be exhibited by a non-alcoholic, this is why they are warning signs, and not symptoms. That being said, pay close attention to this section, as your health may depend on it. 1. High Tolerance Building a tolerance to alcohol is a very bad sign. This means your body has become used to the presence of alcohol, and will require more and more to attain intoxication. The higher your tolerance, the more likely you are an alcoholic. It really is that blunt. Nobody should have to consume an entire 12-pack of beer in order to achieve a buzz. 2. No Limit Drinking more than you intended to is a sign of alcohol abuse. Drinking until you literally can’t drink anymore is a sign of alcoholism. Those in control of their drinking are able to set limits and not exceed them. Alcoholics are literally incapable of adhering to such limits. If you find yourself constantly craving another drink, regardless of intoxication level, check yourself. Alcoholism may be getting the best of you. [Note: Depending on gender, body shape, age, and other factors, ‘limits’ are different for all people. Know your own limits.] 3. Losing Your Memory Memory loss from drinking, whether for one night or for years, is a surefire warning sign of alcoholism. To blackout from booze means two things. One is you have consumed enough alcohol to give yourself temporary amnesia. Two is you are well on your way to becoming an alcoholic. Memory loss is an extremely common symptom of alcoholism and with persistent heavy drinking over years, permanent forms of amnesia can develop. 4. Drinking on the Daily If you drink alcohol on a daily basis, chances are you’re an alcoholic. Even a couple of beers, if consumed every night, is at least a warning sign if not alcoholic behavior. Nobody should consume alcohol every day – not even that fabled glass of red wine. Studies are beginning to show how even that can negatively affect your health.
If you find yourself getting drunk every day, then you absolutely are an alcoholic, and you need to seek help immediately, for your own sake. 5. Risky Business If you drink alcohol in dangerous situations or in places where drinking is inappropriate, this is a warning sign of alcohol addiction. The single riskiest behavior associated with drinking is driving. Now, driving under the influence is never acceptable. However, when it comes to signs of alcoholism, we aren’t referring to that one time you drove to the store with a slight beer buzz. We mean repeatedly driving under the influence of alcohol.
Also, things like sneaking alcohol into the movies, going to school drunk, or secretly drinking at night when everyone is asleep are warning signs. If you are drinking where unacceptable, you may have an alcohol addiction. 6. Appearance Change If you are falling behind on your hygiene because of drinking, or if you find your appearance becoming shoddy due to drinking, you may just want to stop drinking. This is a sign of alcoholism. 7. Withdrawal Symptoms (physical) A night on the town can do you some harm come the next morning. However, if you find yourself waking up feeling hungover but did not drink the night before, you may be experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which is a very serious sign of alcoholism. The Emotional Signs Lastly we have the emotional warning signs of alcoholism, which aren’t as obvious as, say, skipping work or drinking at church. These are signs that need to be evaluated in order to ensure that alcohol is the source. Otherwise, they may just be the result of something else in your life. 1. Denial An old saying goes something like, ‘if you have to ask, you probably are,’ when it comes to being an alcoholic. Basically, if you wonder whether or not you are, you probably are. Worse yet, if you deny that you have a problem, there’s a great chance you’ve developed alcoholism. Again, it is possible to not have a problem with alcohol, to be accused, and to deny it. However this is a rare case and all in all you know who you are. 2. Shame Another noteworthy emotional warning sign of alcoholism is feeling shame about your drinking. If you feel this way, you have likely crossed the line from drinker to addict, and this applies to all substance addictions. Shame brought on by consuming a substance is a strong indicator of addiction. 3. Concerning Others This actually has nothing to do with you. It involves those you know. If your family or friends or coworkers are concerned with your drinking, you may be an alcoholic. Sometimes it’s easier for others to see your problem. If you have others concerned for you, then you may want to take a closer look. 4. Imbalance of Emotion Alcoholics tend to experience mood swings, and to not be able to maintain one emotion for very long. In alcoholics, emotional imbalance will flare if unable to drink. If you feel your emotional balance being disturbed when not drinking, chances are you are developing an addiction. 5. Defensiveness If you have to literally defend your drinking to someone, provided that someone is reasonable, then you very well may be an alcoholic. No responsible drinker should have to argue for how much he or she has consumed. Defending your sobriety while drunk is even more indicative of a problem. Withdrawal Symptoms (emotional) Feeling depression when not drinking is another major alcoholic warning sign. It is not normal to feel sad or upset without booze. Alcoholics tend to crave drinking so much that without it, they feel depressed. This is because the brain is malfunctioning. Now as Most anybody who knows me realizes that I pretty Much Answer to not a Damn Soul! The ONLY People I answer to are those who are PAYING Me to answer to them and the Last fucking Time I Checked My Mother's Husband ain't Signing My fucking Paychecques so therefore I do not answer to Him at all! But the Real Sad Part of this all is the Fact that this Man had been More of a "Father" to My Brother and I than Our actual Father has! Now I have to admit to something My Biological Father (who I have No fucking Idea as to whether he's still alive or Not, nor do I give a fuck!) wasn't all that bad of a Parent when he Put his Mind to it! Now where he fucked up; aside from Lying about why he Refused to Pay "Child Support" when I turned 16; as well as attempting to Jam his Brand of "Christianity" down My throat as well as My Brother's. That and the fucking FACT that he couldn't get Over the Fact that My Mother Divorced him back in 1979! Now this is Over 40 fucking Years ago! I haven't spoken to My Biological Father in the Last 30 Years How the fuck do yous Like that? And of Course I still have No Intentions of doing so; even if he Paid Me a Sizeable Sum of Money! My Now Grown Little Headbangers have Known only 1 Man as "Grandpa" ever since Maggie was 4 and Jonathan was 2. My Kids Probably wouldn't even know who My Biological Father is even if they saw him! I guess the Main Question is will My Mother's Husband finally admit that he (and his Drinking) is the Main Reason that My Family's Dynamic has been Poisoned to the Point that whether My Family's Dynamic can be Salvaged? I guess that Remains to be seen! Now it's Kind of funny that My Mother Divorced My Biological Father because he would beat her every time he got fucking Drunk! Yet this Man that she has been Married to for Damn Near the Last 32 fucking Years; Gets Completely fucking shitfaced every fucking Day and yet this is something that she finds to be fucking acceptable? Does she find it acceptable that he has Put her in the Position that she HAD TO CHOOSE, between her Alcoholic Husband and her 2 Sons? I mean does that "Security Of Married Life" Mean More to her than her 49 and 47 Year Old Sons that she Gave Birth To and Raised? This is something that I ain't sure I will ever obtain a Truthful answer to! I don't Need to Numb Myself with Chemicals or Drink to Cope with Problems I may encounter; why do I? Don't get Me wrong I Like to Drink a Beer or 2 after I Play Hockey; but I don't have to have Alcohol every fucking Day! Yet I don't know if I can get My Brother, My Nephew, My Kids as well as Members of My Family to Conduct an Intervention on My Mother's Husband to get him into Treatment! But for all I know it may be too Late! I hope it ain't! But I Guess that Remains to be seen! I guess nobody really Knows whether My Mother's Husband is Interested in Putting My Family back together or whether his Destruction of My Family's Dynamic is Permanent! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Can My Family ever be a Functional Unit ever again? I wish I had a Truthful answer to that!


; Now , nmow weRead more here:

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