Is it once again that Magical Time once again? That's correct it's that time once again where Michigan's Resident Rocker takes a seat in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of yous know is Canada! Now I know there are some of yous who wonder what could Possibly be on My Twisted, Tormented Mind? Ah! I'm glad yous asked because there's a Great Deal on the Mind of this Foul Minded, Gutter Mouthed Rocker from the Great Mitten we all know and Love as Michigan! And of course I shall not disappoint yous because this entry is about to heat up in a hurry! Now for those of yous who get Offended rather easily I shall Post this Disclaimer: because it seems as if some of yous are Purely fucking illiterate; which is and Read this Very fucking Carefully; if yous get Offended by My Liberal Use of the word "fuck," and or any forms of that word that I use; then STOP READING THIS FUCKING POSTING; RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!! Now with that being said; Let's get down to Brass Tax. I can now honestly say I an extremely Proud to announce the Formation of My New Hockey Team the Globe Tech Cougars who Play Our first Game @ 7:00 PM This Sunday Evening @ Crystal Fieldhouse in Burton. I have to Give Credit where Credit is Due; if it weren't For My Team's Co-Captain, Ryan Bigelow; the Globe Tech Cougars would Never have become a Reality. Now for those of yous who want to See the Cougars in Action; simply Make your way to Crystal Fieldhouse, on Daly Farms Drive in Burton. For those who are Directionally Challenged; yous simply Take Interstate 69 to Milepost 141; which is Belsay Road; If yous are headed Westbound towards Flint; yous Turn Right onto Belsay Road, Go Past the First Traffic Signal (Court Street) Go Past a Strip Mall on your Left; Daly Farms Drive in on your Left Hand Side before the CN Railroad Crossing @ Belsay Road, the Arena is about a Quarter of a Mile down on your Right Hand Side. Now if yous are heading Eastbound, Towards Pork Huron; yous Simply Turn Left onto Belsay Road, Cross Over the Interstate and in essence yous can't Miss it! Once Inside the Building; Look onto a TV Monitor above the Office as to which Rink We will be scheduled to Play on; now there are only 2 Rinks in that Building the North Rink and the South Rink. The TV Monitor will Display the Schedule first for the South Rink and then for the North Rink. Now there will be a Meeting of Team Representatives; Tomorrow Night at the Arena; in where Our First Opponent will be Determined as well as the Release of the 2022 Spring Season Schedule. Now I got to tell yous I also have yet another Announcement; that More than Likely this 2022 Winter/Spring Season will More than Likely be My Final Season in Fraser. The Reason is; Let's Face it with Gasoline Selling at right around $4.00 a fucking Gallon; and since Fraser which is Near Detroit; is about 70 fucking Miles 1 Way from My Home in Mount Morris. Now with Gas being $4.00 a Gallon + about 150 Miles Round Trip every Saturday Night; well, yous do the fucking Math! I figure Come this Fall/Winter Season; it would Probably be Much More Cost Effective for Me to Play either Both Leagues @ Crystal Fieldhouse in Burton; or 1 League in Burton and Maybe 1 @ Iceland Arena in Flint or Possibly in Saginaw. Now yous could say that at this Point in Both My Work and Hockey Careers; I couldn't be happier; it would make yous wonder where is the Point of where I am Quite Unhappy? Well as they say; here's where Business is about to Pick Up! Now some of yous wonder what the fuck I meant by getting rid of a 180+ Pound Cancer? Well; I'm glad yous asked; Crystal, My TOXIC fucking "Girlfriend" weighs a Little North of 180 Pounds, even though she doesn't appear that way. Now Crystal is a 46 Year Old "Woman" who Lives in Lansing, which is Michigan's Capital City. How many of yous have heard the Old Saying "The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same?" In Fact the band, Cinderella had a Track by that Title on their 1990 Album Long Cold Winter. Anyhow; Crystal as it turned out is yet ANOTHER BRITTANY! And to a Lesser Degree another JESSICA (Remember those 2 CUNTS?) Now I know some of yous are going to ask me "How the fuck do you wind up attracting Toxic Women who ONLY Value you for your Money?" I wish I had an answer to that fucking Burning Question! Now don't get Me Wrong; I Love Crystal (Or at Least I Did!) Yet; that fucking CUNT, NEVER fucking "Loved" me in the first fucking Place! In fact where does this fucking shit sound ALL TOO FUCKING FAMILIAR? Every fucking Week, I would Drive to Capital City to see Crystal ONLY for her to Consistently fucking BUG ME for fucking MONEY! And whenever I COULD NOT Come Up with and COUGH UP Emerald Green Money; we would get into Several fucking Heated Arguments! Every 2 or 3 fucking Days that SKANK would BUG ME for Money! What a fucking Ungrateful Bitch, eh? Want to hear something even MORE fucked up? Her fucking Family would Consistently Vilify Me; even though those fucking LOSERS DID NOT EVEN BOTHER to get to KNOW Me at all! In fact they kept attempting to coerce her into going back to this fucking Piece of Shit, Named Anthony; who Knocked all of her fucking teeth out of her fucking Mouth; by bashing her fucking face in with a fucking Lamp! However because this fucking PUSSY has MONEY, and CONNECTIONS within Capital City; according to her Family ALL is "Forgiven!" Now is there something fucking WRONG with this fucking Picture? I mean here I am a REAL MAN who has NEVER ONCE Raised a fucking Hand against ANY Woman, whatsoever; yet her fucking family treats me as if I am fucking Evil Incarnate; yet this Anthony cocksucker; they Worship the very fucking Ground that Anthony slithers on! Now a Family of a woman I have dated Demonizing me is nothing fucking New! Take My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly, a DEVOUT , DIE HARD SUPPORTER of fucking FASCIST DICTATOR, Donald Trump; is a Classic fucking Example of that! In fact Kelly is the ONLY Reason why I ended My Last Marriage; because My then "Loving" Wife REFUSED to STAND UP to Kelly after she Hopped on her fucking Broom down to Virginia Beach to STEAL My Now Late Father-In-Law's Vast Fortune! Now Riddle Me this: Now I KNOW for a FACT that if a Man held 6 Different Jobs in a fucking 8 Month Span; usually most anybody close to the Woman involved with a Man who fit the description of what I had mentioned ; would tell her to "Get Rid of that BUM! Well, Reverse the fucking Roles and you have My fucking Relationship with Crystal in a fucking Nutshell! I can't Make this shit up, even if I wanted to! Crystal has held 6 (at Least that's My Count) Different fucking Jobs! Yet by the same fucking token yous know how many Jobs I have held in that same fucking Span of time? 1! That's fucking Correct! In fact I have been at the SAME JOB for Damn Near the Last 4 fucking YEARS! That fucking CUNT OWES ME her very fucking Life! If not for me Coughing Up Damn Near $5000.00 over the fucking 8 Months I was Involved with her; she would be having to Literally sell her fucking ass on the fucking Streets of Capital City! If yous ask me Crystal should attempt to Run for fucking Office as a fucking Republican; because she Made me Hundreds of fucking Promises, yet How Many of those Promises did she actually fucking DELIVER ON? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You Guessed it; NONE WHATSOEVER! Now can I Prove that Crystal has been Spreading her Legs for this fucking DIRTBAG, Anthony? Probably Not; but what the fuck does that Matter? In fact the Last time I had sex (with an actual Woman) was Right Around the time I Met Crystal? It's rather funny; because the Last Woman I had Sex with was a friend of Mine; and with as tight as her Pussy is yous would be very hard pressed to believe that this woman Pushed 4 Children through that Opening! Yet with Brittany, Jessica and Ultimately Crystal; how much Pussy did I get out of these 3 Money Hungry, High Maintenance SKANKS? Same amount of Pussy I got from Stormy Daniels; NONE WHATSOEVER! Now of course, Stormy Daniels is an Adult Film Actress. Now I Will Give Credit where Credit is due; Crystal is a Damn Good Cook, I WILL Give her that and May I add; she DOES have a nice fucking Rack on her! But Little did I Realize that her "Good Qualities" end! Now May I also say her Track Record not just as Far as Employment goes; but the way she Raised her fucking Punk Kids Left a Lot to be Desired! Please allow me to give yous a fucking Example: Her Now 27 Year Old Son ended up doing 5 fucking Years in a Michigan Prison; I don't exactly Remember what it was this fucking Degenerate did to Land his happy ass in the fucking Custody of the Michigan Department of Corrections , nor do I really Give a flying fuck! The FACT Remains he's a fucking Convicted FELON! And her Daughter; who is 19, well both of them are an example of why Abortion should have been Made Mandatory around the times that Crystal got Knocked Up! Now her Daughter has been Pregnant twice before even Reaching the Age of 20! Great fucking Parenting, eh? Now of course her Daughter is a Case of "Like Mother, Like Daughter," what do I mean by this? Well Crystal's Daughter got her fucking eye socket busted by her Boyfriend's fist; yet she STAYS WITH this LOSER! Well, just Like Crystal LONGS to be with Anthony; apparently In her Family it's O.K. for a "Man" to Physically Strike a Woman! Now since I NEVER ONCE Raised a fucking Hand against ANY Woman; and I NEVER WILL; I Guess that's Unacceptable to Crystal and her fucking family! I really would Love to see the World from Crystal's Perspective; but I can't Jam my fucking head that far up my ass! Now Let's give this some fucking thought: I Work 1000% fucking HARD for what Little I get to take Home in My Bi-Weekly Paychecques; and for FAR TOO LONG I have been Putting Off Paying MY fucking Bills to make certain that this 46 Year Old version of Brittany and Jessica had Money! Well; that fucking ENDS! I am fucking DONE Allowing Women to walk all over me! I DESERVE to be "Loved" and VALUED for WHO I AM! Of course, Crystal Consistently "Plays the fucking 'Victim' Card," by saying "I Never brought up your exs." To that I respond "Because YOU REMIND Me of them!" I Guess I'm somewhat Lucky that My dick was never in that Open fucking Sewer under her fucking Nose; God Only Knows what's been in there, you know? I Guess, I have to admit Failure as far as another fucking Relationship Goes! I mean Let's forget about the fucking Money I coughed up to her Paying HER fucking Debts; I even stayed by her fucking side and didn't abandon her even when she told me that she has Cancer of the ass! She has a Cancerous Mass Growing in her Lower Abdominal Area; yet being the LOVING, CARING Boyfriend that I have been to her; this is how she Thanks Me? Wow! I fucking DO NOT DESERVE to be LIED TO, USED, FUCKED OVER; and of course ANY Normal Man would not take very Kindly to being treated this way and of course I am NO fucking Exception to this Rule! But I guess for Crystal; I Guess being TRUTHFUL, Being HONEST, being LOYAL was just simply asking for TOO MUCH from her, eh? But all is Not Lost; I have been in Communication with this beautiful 54 Year Old woman who Lives in Caro, the Hub of Neighboring Tuscola County. I have Only seen her in Person only Once; but fingers Crossed; I already KNOW this Woman doesn't USE Men for Money! Perhaps when My Friends at the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show advised Me to Cut My Losses and Get Rid of that Cancer (and I ain't Referring to the Crab-Like Symbol of the Zodiac) which Crystal is! I should have taken their advice a couple of fucking Months ago; maybe My Life would have a Lot Less Stress in it! Yet I subscribe to the theory that Karma is a Bitch and sure enough Crystal will get bitten in her ass by Karma. Thank God it wasn't too Late for me to Cut My Losses and Perhaps be with a woman who ACTUALLY DOES Value Me for who I am and Not for what's In my fucking Wallet! Well; Let's see whether I can find True Love! It's Unfortunate that Crystal was simply too good to be true! I Honestly had hoped that Crystal would have been the LAST Woman I would have been in ANY Kind of Romantical Relationship with! I even Intended to stay by her side if the Cancer she has Proved to be Fatal! Yet that Ungrateful Bitch couldn't appreciate ANY DAMN THING I DID FOR HER; ESPECIALLY when I DID NOT HAVE TO DO ANY of those fucking things! Well, stay tuned to see whether I will find that someone special that I can truly Count on! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Toxic Women Give Love a bad name avoid them if yous can!
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Michigan's Resident Rocker Rids His Life Of A 180+ Pound Cancer.......................
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