Saturday, December 25, 2021

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same You Know...............

Here it is: Chances are yous were curious as to when Michigan's Resident Rocker was going to sit down in the Cockpit under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of you fucking Half Wits know is CANADA; and write out a Manifesto as to whatever the fuck is on My Twisted, Tormented Mind; well; ask and yous shall Receive, I always say! So here we are about to Wrap Up 2021; and yous would think that Now that I have turned 52 that perhaps I ain't as Pissed Off as I once was; well depending on your Perspective, I hate to fucking disappoint some of yous, Like I Give a fuck! Especially the fucking Target of this Manifesto; now as we all know for damn near the Past 6 fucking Years; I have been at War with a Certain Member of my fucking Family. Now Trust Me; This fucking DRUNK is a Member of My Family in NAME ONLY; I have fucking DISOWNED this fucking Pile of shit in that fucking Span of time, now some of yous will ask me why; O.K. I'll be happy to fucking Explain why! Let's take a Little Trip down Memory Lane; Now I shall Post a Disclaimer; as yous can tell; I do Liberally Use the word "fuck," and yous don't Like it, then STOP Reading this fucking Post! Now of course there ain't Just 1 Single Target I am aiming this Post at; the other Target I am aiming this Post at I have tried to keep out of this War; however; Due to the Tragic Event that had unfolded 3 Weeks ago; I can no Longer exempt My Own Mother from this because she Shares EQUALLY as much fucking Blame as her fucking ALCOHOLIC Husband does! Now that yous have figured out who this is Directed at, get your Popcorn and or whatever snack yous choose, and strap yourselves in because this Promises to be some fun shit! O.K. I know I haven't mentioned a Great Deal about this in the Past 3 Weeks because I am still in the Grieving Process; what the fuck am I talking about? Well at 2:30 PM on December 3, 2021, My Brother, Mike Passed Away from a Cardiac Arrest at the Age of 49. Now yous talk about a very UNFAIR Turn of Events. It's been No Secret that My Brother had been battling Kidney Problems that Required Dialysis for what Turned out to be the Last 11 fucking Years of His Life; yet I Learned 2 Nights Later from My Now 27 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie of the Tragic Occurrence. Now the Last Time I saw My Brother alive I Visited him at the Apartment he shared with My Daughter on American Thanksgiving (Keep In Mind I am a Canadian; therefore I acknowledge both Countries' Thanksgiving Holidays). Now I Knew that years of Dialysis had been taking its toll on his body; I Noticed that he was Physically Weaker than he had been; yet his Mind was still as sharp as ever! I honestly thought I would be spending Christmas with him, Watching Football; yet Little did I Realize that On American Thanksgiving; that on that day I would see him for the very Last Time. Now Let's be Honest here, because Honesty is ALWAYS the best fucking Policy. My Brother and I weren't exactly the Best of Friends as we were Growing Up; in fact My Brother and I had a rather Well Noticed Sibling Rivalry. But as we got Older; I began to Realize that even though My Brother and I were 2 entirely Different Men from the Same Family; we were FAMILY! Little did I Realize that we BOTH would have the Same Enemy in Common! Now I NEVER In My Wildest fucking Imagination would think that an Enemy would be a Member of My Own Family; and Oddly enough that Enemy was Not Our Father; even though I can only speak for Myself; I haven't spoken to My Father in Over 33 fucking Years; as I said I am now 52; so yous do the fucking Math to figure out the Last Time I had spoken to My Father! I don't even know how to get a hold of My Father, even if I WANTED TO! Now I haven't Ruled that Out! Now whether My Brother has ever Spoken to My Father before he Passed Away; I Guess I will Never Know! Want to hear a funny fucking story? Let's backtrack further down Memory Lane to the Magical Year of 1987; which was the Beginning of My Senior Year in High School. As a Joke, My Brother Referred to My Mother's Now Husband, Paul as "Dad." Little did I ever fucking Realize that even being Referred to as that Term as a fucking JOKE; that it would go to his fucking head! Ultimately My Mother did Marry My Father's fucking Nephew! Now allow me to ask yous something; what the fuck kind of a "Man" Goes after his Uncle's Former Wife for a Piece of Pussy? Are yous for fucking REAL? How fucked up is that? Are yous Meaning to tell me that yous couldn't find a suitable Piece of Pussy OUTSIDE of our fucking Family? Now don't get me wrong, I have a Cousin who bears a Striking Resemblance to My Mother, but that doesn't Mean I want to put My dick inside of her! Of course I am referring to a Blood Relative; yet My Mother was Related to this fucking DRUNK, albeit via being Married to My Father; once My Parents' Divorce became Final; I guess that Terminated any Familial Connection between My Mother and her Now Husband. Yet I can ONLY assume that My Mother Married this fucking DRUNK; solely to make My Father Jealous; even though My Father would end up Marrying his Now Late Wife of 32 Years almost a Year Later! I guess 34 fucking Years Later and what has fucking Changed? Not a Great fucking Deal! No, I Take that back; My Father's Wife of 32 Years Passed away in Late January. And of course My Relationship with My Mother is in essence Non Existent! Now most of yous would think that a Tragedy of My Brother's Passing would Possibly Result in a fucking Reunion of My Family! Are yous fucking shitting me? Aside from My Cousins in God's Country; My Brother, My Kids, My Nephew and My Niece are the ONLY fucking Family I have! Now in essence the People I Work for could be considered as "Family" as well. Even though I am not Related to anybody I Work for! When I Lost My Brother; it was Like a Part of me had died! I Grew up with My Brother. Now what's really fucking GALLING; is now My Mother and the fucking DRUNK; Pretty Well SHUNNED My Brother and I for what turned out to be the Last 6 fucking YEARS of His Life and now all of a Sudden they want to act Like the fucking Aggrieved Parents? REALLY? FUCK YOU! Can yous see the fucking HYPOCRISY dripping from that? Let's start with YOU, Paul, since you're the Main fucking Catalyst to ALL of this fucking Family Angst: You fucked up when you Came to MY Home (at that Time, I was Still Living with My Now Ex Wife) and attempted to start a fucking Physical Fight with me; yet You showed your fucking TRUE COLORS when I swung on you; what the fuck did you do? Well allow me to Refresh your fucking ALCOHOL HAZED Memory; you Jumped into that Piece of shit Truck of yours and you FUCKING RAN! Then you had the fucking Nerve to attempt to Lure me out to My Mother's House to Pull your fucking GUN On Me! Just how fucking stupid do you think I am? And what was your fucking Reasoning for attempting SUICIDE (By Means of attempting to start a fight with me)? Because I had a Girlfriend while I was still Married? Really? Let me ask yous this, Paul; WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS THIS OF YOURS? What fucking Authority Gives YOU the RIGHT to tell me who I can Put My dick inside of? Even the fucking State of Michigan doesn't have that fucking Authority! And then you went and did the fucking Ultimate; you SLANDERED MY FUCKING GOOD NAME around Pork Huron; and have been PUBLICLY Calling Me "Dope Dealer" and "Michigan's Resident COCKSUCKER?" Who the fuck do you think you are?  First of all; I AM NOT a HOMOSEXUAL! I HAVE NEVER Had any Kind of Sexual CONTACT and or Sexual INTEREST in another Male! Second: I NEVER ONCE HAD A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH DRUGS In My Life! Oh; but it's O.K. for you to go and fuck every fucking Lot Lizard from here to Memphis; while Married to My Mother, Like I give a fuck whether that happened or not! Yet what was My Brother's "Crime?" "Oh, he didn't Call Our Mom on Mother's Day?" A Stupid fucking Hallmark Holiday? Suck My fucking dick! And then you had the fucking GALL to accuse My Now Late Brother, of "FAKING" his Condition; so he can Garner Sympathy? So he can get attention? So he can avoid Working? Let's see; if My fucking Memory Serves me correctly; I happen to Recall you being Involved in a fucking Trucking Accident in Davenport, Iowa that ended your Truck Driving Career in where you were found to be "AT FAULT" for! I could have easily accused you of "FAKING" your Injury in where your fucking Leg had to be surgically Rebuilt; but I didn't! So Kiss My Red & White Pure Canadian ass! I will have you fucking Know, I DO NOT FUCKING ANSWER TO YOU! I ONLY Answer to the People I Work for; and the Last Time I Checked Your Signature IS NOT on My Paychecques! Therefore I stand behind that Last Statement! Tell Me something; what is your fucking Obsession with My Father anyway? Are you that fucking afraid that My Mother will DUMP your WORTHLESS, ALCOHOLIC ass and go back to Him? After she Divorced him 43 fucking Years ago? Is that why you Regularly Go Rifling Through My Mother's Purse? Is that why you Regularly Go through her Phone? To catch her in Communication with somebody you FORBID her from being In Contact with? Especially Mike or Myself? I will have you Know; I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU! So you have 1 of 2 Choices; Bring your COWARDLY, YELLOW Carcass Out to Mount Morris and Get your DRUNK ass taken to the fucking Woodshed; or you Can LOSE My fucking Phone Number and NEVER AGAIN Contact Me; because Mark My fucking Words; if I am around when you Drop Dead (God Willing I am) at your Funeral, I will approach your Casket, whip My dick out and Piss All Over your Lifeless Carcass! May I also state that GUNS Are Not Allowed to be brought into the Apartment Complex where I Live; because if you do Bring your GUN; you WILL Leave My Home with it Wrapped around your fucking Head or shoved up your fucking ass! Now onto you, Mom; I tried to keep you out of this War with your Husband, but I have to say You ain't been No fucking Angel in all of this! After all YOU CHOSE Your ALCOHOLIC Husband over your Own 2 Sons and Now One of them is Now Deceased! What Kind of a Mother CHOOSES a MAN Over her CHILDREN? Just so you Know, My Girlfriend, Crystal has 2 Children of her Own and I WOULD NEVER MAKE HER HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ME OR HER CHILDREN! What threats did Paul use to Make you CHOOSE HIM over your Sons? Did he threaten to take away that "Security of Married Life" That Most Married Women DESPERATELY Crave? Did he threaten to throw you out of the House that You Lived in for the Last 52 Years? The very House that you Raised YOUR 2 Sons in? For the Last 4 Years of his Life, Mike had been desperately Trying to Reconnect with you; yet you REFUSED, why? Is it because it would bruise your Husband's Oversized ego? Even when your Grandson, Cody had begged you to See Mike when he was in the Hospital a Year ago; you REFUSED! I don't fucking get it! And Now all of a Sudden you act as if you are the Aggrieved Mother? After you REFUSED to see YOUR Son as his Life was slowly slipping away from him? Are you sure you ain't aggrieved by a fucking Guilty Conscience? Where were YOU; when My Kids' Mother was In the Hospital, dying of a Fatal Stroke that she suffered 4 Years ago? Were you Getting DRUNK at the fucking VFW; with your Husband? Personally; whether you come out to My Apartment in Mount Morris or Not; whether you Meet My beautiful Girlfriend, Crystal; I don't know if that will Matter or not! But you know what? I am Making it! I have been at the Same Job for the Last 3 and a Half Years, I have a Nice Apartment in Mount Morris for that same span of time, and furthermore, I DIDN'T NEED anybody's Help to accomplish that! And may I also say that MY Kids STILL Talk to Me, Regardless of whether I am the ONLY Parent they have Left or not! Now back to you, Paul, you fucking DRUNK; I DON'T NEED YOUR MONEY, MOST OF ALL, I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING APPROVAL! Even though you STILL OWE Me $5000.00 for SLANDERING MY GOOD NAME; now allow me to give you the Definition of SLANDER: 1: defamation of a person by unprivileged oral communication made to a third party
2: the tort of oral defamation
An action for slander may be brought without alleging and proving special damages if the statements in Question have a plainly harmful character, as by imputing to the Plaintiff Criminal Guilt, serious Sexual Misconduct, or conduct or a characteristic affecting his or her business or Profession. Yet I ain't counting on you to do the RIGHT THING, Scratch Me Out a Nice $5000.00 Checque for SLANDER By PUBLICLY Calling  Me a Drug Dealer and a Homosexual; when you KNOW DAMN WELL, that NONE Of those Statements are the Least Bit fucking Truthful! Do you Honestly think I will ALLOW you to SLANDER MY GOOD FUCKING NAME and think I will "Turn the other Cheek," and actually Talk to you? Fuck You! I find it very fucking Interesting that you keep Playing the fucking "Roger" Card, when he has been fucking IRRELEVANT for the Last 35 fucking Years! So go ahead, Play the fucking "Roger" Card, because it has NO EFFECT on Me! At Least I KNOW My Father has NEVER ONCE Called Me a Drug Dealer and or a Homosexual? What's YOUR fucking excuse? With that said; Hopefully My Mother will come to her senses, which I ain't counting on, and Dumps your DRUNK ass! Yet by the same Token; don't you dare fucking think that we have a fucking thing to Talk about; because we don't! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying that family is to be cherished, unless they're Toxic!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Michigan's Resident Rocker Will NEVER AGAIN Get Married!

Here it is for the first time in 2021, Michigan's Resident Rocker is now Seated in the Cockpit; Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country; which as all of yous Know is Canada. Now as all of yous may wonder "What has been on Michigan's Resident Rocker's Twisted Mind?" Well, I shall not disappoint yous; because I will be telling yous Exactly what the fuck is on My Twisted Mind! Now I get it; there are some of yous who don't Like the Colourful Language I use; especially My Liberal use of the word "fuck!" Now those of yous who don't know who I am; there is something that needs to be Understood; I speak My fucking Mind and if People get offended by it; well don't read this fucking Manifesto from this Point on! Save yourselves the fucking headaches of attempting to Chastise Me over what I say; because this is How I talk! Of course I Learned how to use this Language Primarily from My Parents! Now we're Talking My Mother and My Father (Now did yous Notice I didn't Mention My Mother's fucking ALCOHOLIC Husband?) even though he has just as foul of a fucking Mouth as any Adult I have ever Met! Did I say these Kinds of Words when I was Growing Up? Oh fuck Yeah I did!; and of course I would get my ass smacked for it; but did that ever fucking Stop Me from speaking My Twisted Mind? I didn't mean that as a fucking Trick Question! Now while I am on the Topic of My Gutter Mouth; Nobody has to agree with what the fuck I say in ANY Manifesto I Post; whether it's On My Facebook, Page, Instagram; doesn't fucking Matter!  People need to Understand that I am a Case of what yous see is what yous get! And if yous don't Like what yous see; well, Nobody says yous have to! In fact for those of yous who don't Like what I say; Allow Me to give yous a Little Advice; it's Like Listening to something on the fucking Radio that yous May Not Like, simply Change the fucking Station! If yous Don't Like My Liberal Use of 4-Letter Words, then don't Read what I Post! In fact it makes me fucking Wonder who the fuck are yous? Do some of yous Read what I Post Only to bitch? The Last fucking Time I Checked this God Forsaken CESSPOOL of a Country is still a fucking DEMOCRACY! Of course that is Unless My Former Sister-In-Law, Kelly's Beloved "President," Donald Trump, Gets Reinstalled ILLEGALLY Into the fucking White House! God fucking Help Us All if that Miscarriage of Justice EVER Occurs again! Now of course that's another Topic for a Different Manifesto! I simply ain't going down that fucking Spider Hole! Not in this Manifesto; because Let's be Honest; Politics is something I Honestly don't think anybody can completely agree on! So Let's Leave that shit alone for now! O.K. Now as we all know I have been Happily Divorced for the Last 2 fucking Years and I fucking LOVE IT! Now think about this; I Live By Myself in a 1 Bedroom Apartment in Mount Morris, Michigan; and I couldn't be fucking Happier! Now it's No Secret that I am Looking to get back into the Dating Scene; yet it seems as if all I ever Run Across on Dating Sites are fucking Catfishers! Now for those of yous who are fucking functionally ILLITERATE, such as 1 Paul J. Brown, Jr. a Catfisher is somebody who goes Online to pretend to be somebody they ain't! Now here's a Little advice that I have Copied about how to avoid to fall into the Trap of these fucking Romance Scammers; who are in essence the fucking LOWEST forms of Human Life; well Next to fucking Child Molesters! Now trust Me; as much as I hate to admit; I got sucked in by at Least a couple of fucking Romance Scammers and trust me it sucks: So as I would advise; Read this Piece of Advice I Place in this Manifesto; it could save yous a Lot of headaches:There is always a chance that you might come across a romance scammer on a dating site. If you suspect that you’re being scammed, you may be unsure what to do at first. In some cases, you might have been talking to that scammer for so long that you’re not sure how to get out of it. However, if you remain calm and reasonable, you may actually be able to outsmart a romance scammer. In this detailed guide, we cover how to outsmart a romance scammer on the Internet today.Sometimes, if you meet someone great online, you can be blinded by how perfect they seem.
The conversations might seem so exciting and personal that even if they were a scammer, you would be in denial of it.
However, on any dating site, you need to be extra cautious going into it. No matter how great someone may be online, always keep an eye out for red flags and don’t ignore the warning signs.Scammers will often be way too nice and unnaturally forward with you right from the start. They will try to get close with you right away so that they can gain your trust to take advantage of you.
They will shower you with compliments and likely become attached to you far too Quickly even if you have never met in person. These characteristics may just make them seem like an extra friendly or desperate person, but chances are, they are just someone trying to trick you. Also, if you have doubts about them, take a close look at their profile.
If they have limited information or information that is not very specific, then this could be a concern. Scammers oftentimes do not spend extra time trying to complete a profile if they just want something Quickly.
However, it is possible for them to actually have a detailed profile. If this is the case though, it might seem just a little too perfect. They could have unrealistic credentials and occupations just to pull you in. Plus, their photos might appear like something that would be seen in a fashion magazine. Therefore, even though there are some very successful people in the world, it is likely that a scammer would try to be one of them.Of course, never give out money to someone you meet online. This should go without saying, but if someone you barely know starts asking you for something through a dating site, then that is when you know it’s a scam.
Even if they seemed completely real up until that point, it is important to never fall for it. Don’t be afraid to stand up to someone suspicious and ask for clarification. If they do strange things and you just let it slide, then they will likely end up taking advantage of you in the end. It is important to always figure out whether or not someone is a scammer before it’s too late.Once you have a feeling you’re being scammed on a dating site, you need to figure out a way to get out of it.
If you directly accuse them of being a scammer, then they will likely either do what they can to convince you otherwise or just move on to a new victim. However, there are some ways that you can outsmart them before they even realize that you’re onto their plan.
1 – Ask Them to Send a Current Picture of Themselves
If you suspect that they are pretending to be someone they’re not, then you should ask them to send you a picture of themselves. They may just send you another generic photo like the ones in their profile, but if you give a more specific request, then you may be able to prove that they’re scamming you.
You can ask them to send a picture of them next to a current newspaper or a screen with today’s date on it. That way, they can prove that they are taking the picture that day instead of stealing it from someone else. You could also ask them to send a photo of themselves doing a specific action, such as sticking out their tongue or touching their nose.
If they cannot send a picture with one of these specific actions, then it is safe to assume that they are not who they say they are. However, they will still try to trick you by making up excuses for not being able to send these photos.They may say that their phone won’t let them take selfies or that they don’t have anything that says the date on it. As sincere as they may sound, do not fall for these types of excuses.
2 – Request to Meet in a Public Setting
You can never be completely sure about someone if you’ve never met them in person. So, if you are suspicious of someone you’re talking to online, you can suggest meeting in a public setting.
Even though they were probably very forward before, they will likely come up with any excuse they can to not have to meet you there. They may even suggest somewhere more obscure to meet, but do not fall for this. If you have never met this person before, make sure you only meet them in a place that you know is safe.
If they just keep coming up with more excuses every time you decide to meet, no matter how real their answers might seem, they are likely just trying to get something from you without having to actually interact with you in person.
3 – Use a Background Search Service
Use a Background Check to identify scammers
You can use an online background search service, such as BeenVerified or TruthFinder to check a person’s credibility without having to confront them about it.
All these sites need is a few simple pieces of information in order to find out all public records about that individual. This usually includes a name and location. Odds are, when you search for their name, they will turn out not to be that person or you may find out other bad things about them.Therefore, if you think your match on a dating site is lying about who they are, you can simply search for them to find out the truth. Then, if the results prove that they are lying, regardless of what they try to say, you should stop interacting with them and keep yourself safe.
4 – Ask Them Specific Questions
Since scammers want to gain your trust and get you to like them right away, they may just agree with a lot of things you say. They will claim to have the same interests as you, so they won’t really reveal anything unique about themselves.
Therefore, if they claim to like something that you like, ask them specific Questions about it that only a true fan would know. Also, ask them personal questions that require a detailed answer.
If they respond with general answers to everything, then you can assume that they are not telling the truth. Dating apps are about getting to know people, so most people that you talk to would be more than happy to tell you about themselves. Therefore, if they are unable to answer some simple personal questions, then this is a problem.
5 – Refuse to Give Them Another Way to Contact You
Scammers will likely want to move conversations off the dating site as soon as possible. As soon as they feel like they’ve gained your trust, they will ask for an email, phone number, or any other means of contacting you. If you have any doubts about them, then you should refuse to do this.
Tell them that you want to stay on the dating app until you can get to know them better or tell them you don’t want to move to a new form of communication until you’ve met them in person. By denying them of a new communication platform, this will frustrate them and may cause them to try even harder to get this additional information out of you.
If they seem to want to move even faster after you tell them no, then this is definitely a red flag. Never move your conversations to another platform if there is a chance that the person you’re talking to could be scamming you.
6 – If They Ask for Money, Tell Them No
No matter how sincere they may seem, if someone that you just met online asks you for money, do not go through with it. Instead, tell them no and see how they react.
They may try to make more excuses or add more of a sob story as to why they need the money, but keep telling them no. If they can’t get what they want from you, then their tone will likely change and they will lash out at you. This is when who they really are will start to show and you will know that you have for sure been tricked.
If they start to threaten you, do not fall for their tricks. If you feel you are in danger, contact the authorities immediately without giving the scammer what they want.
7 – End All Contact with Them
If all else fails, the easiest thing to do is to stop interacting with this scammer. If you are unable to prove that they are tricking you, but something still seems off, then it is fine to just cut all forms of contact with them.
Block them so that they will be unable to keep reaching out to you, and don’t give them warning before you do it. If you ever feel unsafe while talking to someone online, the best thing to do is to just get out of that situation as quickly as possible. Not all scammers can easily be outsmarted, so don’t get discouraged if you just have to leave the situation.
As real as someone seem online, there is always a chance that they could be a scammer. When first talking to someone new online, do not give out too much personal information and always keep an eye out for anything suspicious. If you come across a scammer online, do what you can to discredit them and protect yourself from falling for their tricks. Also, if you think someone you know is becoming a victim of a romance scam, encourage them to try out these tips before things get worse for them.
If you want to make sure 100% they are a scammer, make sure to use a background search service like BeenVerified. Now I Openly admit that I have Chatted with a Sizeable Number of "Women" (I can't verify whether whom I am chatting with are women or not; after all I cannot See through the Screens of either My Computer or My Phone! Yet; I have developed a Tactic that usually Helps me Weed Out Potential Catfishers; now whenever some fucking Catfisher says "I want to come Meet You, but you need to but me a Plane Ticket." Or "Can you send me a Card?" Well of course My way of Countering this is I ask for a Photo of her Tits! I mean after all; I have to Verify whether I am talking to a Female or not!  Not that I am Homophobic; My attitude is: My Sexual PREFERENCES (that's the Key Word) are to be with WOMEN! As we all KNOW; Homosexuality is a fucking CHOICE! And I can PROVE that! How? Very Simple; if I wanted to Suck Dick; I would do so! I Openly Challenge ANY Gay Man to Respond to this Manifesto and say "I was BORN to Suck Dick!" Or any Lesbian to say "I was BORN to Eat Pussy!" Now don't get me wrong; whatever 2 or More Consenting Adults do in the Privacy of their Own Homes is their fucking Business and Nobody Else's! Which brings me to the Elephant in the Room; which is why I simply REFUSE to ever again Get Married! Now a Lot of these "Women" always ask me the stupidest fucking Question which makes me want to Rip the fucking Hairs above My dick out; which is "Are you Married?" I mean do any of these stupid fucking Douchebags READ My fucking Profile before Opening a Chat Window to have a Conversation with me? I mean My fucking Profile Spells My Marital Status Very fucking Clear! I am HAPPILY DIVORCED! Yet a Lot of these "Women" are too fucking Stupid and or fucking LAZY to Read My Profile before asking me such a fucking Stupid Question! Now there are some People whom I know, Personally where Marriage Works Great for them! Take My Cousin Carl, who Lives in Amherstburg, Ontario, which is in God's Country-Canada. He and His Wife have been Married for I believe it's Now 21 Years. They Both Live Together, Work Together, and they seem very Happy! Yet In My Case; Neither one of My fucking Marriages were what yous would Call "Happy" ones! In fact if there's any One Thing I Learned in Leykis 101 Class; it is; there's NO Benefit for a Man by Getting Married! Now think about this shit; A Man has NOTHING to Gain; and everything to fucking LOSE! I mean yous take a Basic Human Emotion; then yous get your Respective State to Sanction it; then it becomes a LEGAL and BINDING CONTRACT that the Woman can Dissolve, at ANY TIME she wants and for ANY REASON she Wants; then Turn around and Sue the Poor Bastard for HALF of what he busts his ass for in essence for the Rest of his Life!  Now another Question I am asked by these fucking Catfishers is "Why don't you ever want to get Married again?" Now Please allow me to Explain My Rationale for wanting to Remain Single for the Rest of My Life. First of all; I am a Lot fucking Happier! I have NOBODY Treating Me Like "Go To Work, Bring Home a Paychecque; is All I am Good For!" Now Both of My Wives Treated me this way! Yet; now, aside from the People I Work for, I Answer to Not a Damn Soul! Second; I can pretty much put My dick inside ANY woman who allows me to do so; and I don't have to Explain that to anybody! That's FREEDOM; I would NEVER want to Trade away under any fucking Circumstances! Of course; My Days of Having Children are also a thing of the fucking Past! That's Mainly why I don't go after any Women Under the age of 40! Because the Chances of women 40 and older Not being Sterile; greatly Increase in My Favour. Yet Another Valuable Lesson I Learned in Leykis 101;what I would say is a very effective form of Birth Control; that being after a Guy fucks a woman and before he discards the Condom; he Puts a few Drops of Hot Sauce into the Condom before he gets rid of it. Then when the fucking SKANK WHORE fishes it out of the Trash and attempts to Empty the contents of it into her Pussy; well I know this sounds Kind of Sadistic; however, I would Rather a woman (Who ain't Sterile) have a slightly Irritated Pussy; rather than having to Make 218 or More Monthly Payments! Now I can't Help but wonder how it is that My Mother's ALCOHOLIC Husband has managed to Escape that Purgatory? After all he FUCKED My Nephew's Mother! I can't help but Wonder if Paternity has been established on her I Believe Now 13 Year Old Daughter has been Established? If Not and Paul is to get that fucking Certified Letter from the fucking Prosecutor's Office; how the fuck will he be able to explain that fucking Shit to My Mother? I Guess it doesn't fucking Matter because I Personally believe the ONLY fucking Reason My Mother Stays Married to this fucking DRUNK; is (A) She does it to Make My Father Jealous, because Paul is My Father's Nephew! Yet; I really don't think My Father is even the Least bit concerned about that; after all; he Lost his Wife of the Last 32 fucking Years; about a few Months ago! Second; I Personally believe that My Mother Remains Married to this fucking DRUNK; because she Can't Live without that fucking Security of Married Life that Most Married Women Crave! Now if anything Convinced me that I made the Right Call about Never Again wanting to be Imprisoned in the Alcatraz-Like Institution of Marriage; it was the Last Woman I was Romantically Involved with, her name is Sara; now yous Talk about a fucking JEALOUS, POSSESSIVE BITCH! Wow! Shortly after I had the Kindness to allow her to Stay in My Apartment; she sees me Chatting with some Skank on Facebook; she Loses it, accusing Me of "Cheating," Now I don't Like to use that fucking Term in that Context; because since when did this bitch think that she's ENTITLED to an EXCLUSIVE, MONOGAMOUS COMMITMENT?
She then DEMANDS to Look through My Phone! Later that evening she gets Drunk and Punches Me in the fucking Jaw! There ain't NO FUCKING WAY NOBODY BUT ME WILL be Looking through MY Phone! That's MY BUSINESS! Now if that doesn't for the Most Part Sum Up; why there will NEVER AGAIN be a Mrs. Michigan's Resident Rocker; then I don't know what will! I mean how much more can I simplify this shit for yous? Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Live your Life on your Own Terms!