Friday, September 14, 2018
Could Michigan's Resident Rocker & MSE Wolverines Be Parting Ways?
O.K. Here it is another Night in where yous have to Believe that Michigan's Resident Rocker has Plenty on My Twisted Mind! Therefore I am Perched in the Cockpit under the beautiful Canadian Flag! That's Correct in case yous don't believe me; I will send yous a Photo of My Canadian Flag Posted above the Cockpit! All yous have to do is ask! I Guess this is where I have to Post My Infamous Disclaimer that States if yous are among those who easily Get Offended, by some of the Salty Language I Use, then yous Need to Stop Reading this Manifesto of what's On My Twisted Mind at this very Point! Now I know there are certain People who will get Pissed off at me for Posting a Canadian Flag above the Cockpit; but yous know what My Response to that is? Wait for it; wait for it; Get the fuck Over it! I mean why the fuck does me having a Canadian Flag tacked to a Wall in My Apartment be so fucking Offencive to yous? Like I Give a fuck anyway! I mean shit for all we know I could have an Iraqian Flag, or a German Flag or this would Give Dump The Gump Trump, DICTATOR of the United States a fucking Massive Hard On to where he could cut fucking Diamonds; a Russian Flag or even a Japanese Flag of World War II Days, for those of yous who may not Remember, or for those of yous who are Historically fucking Ignorant Japan's Flag which is Now a Plain White Flag with a Gigantic Red Dot in the Centre of it used to have Rays eminating from the Dot, itself! Notice I didn't mention a fucking Confederate Flag? Is there any fucking Reason I need to Mention that Symbol of Hate? To White Supremacists Like Dump The Gump Trump, I say Suck My fucking Dick! I know this will Greatly Offend My Soon to be Former In-Laws who basically Bring themselves to Screaming Orgasms at the Mention of the Name of the Piece of shit Who is ILLEGALLY Occypying the White House! Now as I mentioned I ain't about to get into any Political bullshit! Because as I said this is a Topic for a Different time! Yet every Time I can Slam My 2 Soon to be Former Sisters-In-Law, who in essence act Much Like Patty and Selma Bouvier (Marge Simpson's Fat Ugly Sisters). Now these 2 Women are 2 Cougars I would Mind Taming at all! I mean one of them who is a Brunette is 63 Years Old and the other one who is a Blonde is 61; and both have Racks that could feed Many a Starving Ethiopian Baby! Yet; because they're Super Wealthy; that's why they Desperately Want Dump The Gump Trump to Remain ILLEGAL In the White House! Because with Dump the Gump in the White House; they will continue to get Large Tax Breaks for being Super Wealthy! Riddle me this; Somebody Please tell me how the fuck that is Fair? That those Like Me who Bust Our ass every fucking Day have to Pay MORE than their Fair fucking Share in Taxes; whereas those who Can afford Memberships at Dump The Gump's Many fucking Golf Courses get fucking Tax Breaks? Alright; Here we are Now getting onto the Main Topic; now this is where shit is really gonna hit the fucking fan! As is Common Knowledge I was Playing Hockey on Saturday Nights @ Fraser Hockeyland, for the Better Part of the Last 2 Years for a Team known as the MSE Wolverines. I Played for this Team for the Last 5 Seasons, now for those of yous who wonder what the fuck am I getting at; Please Follow along, because this is where I will educate yous on what I am talking about! Now Pay attention because this is where I am about to expose the Truth of the Matter! I Played for the Wolverines for 1 Fall/Winter Season, 2 Winter/Spring Seasons and 2 Summer Seasons; Now do yous see what the fuck I am talking about? If yous don't then yous are fucking dumber than a box fulla fucking Rocks! Now I want to Make this Point 100,000% Perfectly fucking Crystal Clear; I Loved being a Wolverine; if anything I epitomized what being a Wolverine is all about! I Loved Wearing the Black & Yellow! I still have that fucking Design on My Helmet, and don't intend to remove it! I mean think about this; Have any of yous actually seen a Wolverine? I'm referring to the Smal, ill-Tempered, Aggressive Animal that would Never back down from a fight, No Matter how Big its adversary is? Well if anybody emulated that animal on the Ice, it was ME! I NEVER ONCE backed down from a fight on the Ice if I had to! If I had to Throw a Punch or 2 whether it was to Protect Myself or One of My Teammates, then so be it! I wanted it to be known that I was a Wolverine that was not to be fucked with! I mean think about this; if yous encountered a Wolverine in the Wild; would ANY of yous fuck with it? I suppose some of yous who are dumb enough to possibly be ripped to ribbons by the damn thing, some of yous would! Well, My Attitude was if yous fuck with My Teammates, yous deal with me! I may Not be a very Large Man and I may get the Worst of any Exchange on the Ice, but any Motherfucker who gets into a fight with me will KNOW he was in a fucking Fight! Yous catch what I'm saying? Now to My Teammates on the Wolverines; if this is My Departure from the Wolverines I want yous to know I really enjoyed going to War with you guys On My Team and I didn't Mind dealing with Getting Suspended for a Game or 2 if I had to; as Long as it meant No Enemy Player would Take Liberties of Possibly attempting to Cripple One of My Teammates; even the Piece of Work who Runs that Team, a Knucklehead Named Joe (Noticed I ain't gonna Mention his Surname) but those of yous who Play In this League know who I am referring to. This Goofball would say some of the fucking Stupidest things Imagineable; Please allow me to give yous an example of some of the dumb shit he would say: Now as we all know the MSE Saturday D League is a Typical Beer League; which is among the Reasons I Love Playing in this League; but because Joe is such a fucking Nazi about the Team's Uniforms having to Match Completely, Much Like Professional Teams. Now I get that shit! I mean the Team I will be forming to Begin Play in September of 2019, the Genesee County Cougars will be sporting Team Colours of Blue & White. We will be wearing Blue or White Jerseys (Depending on the Colours Our Opponents will be wearing) as well as Blue Sox. Now does it Matter what shade of Blue? Not really! Nonetheless, in a Perfect World we all would Wear Black Helmets, Blue or White Jerseys, Black Pants and Blue Sox. However, am I going to Enforce a Stringent Dress Code with My Team? No! Why should I? I mean if some Guys wear White Helmets or Red Pants; what the fuck does that Matter? Yet Joe, says "These other Teams all Look Like Crystal Meth Smokers!" Now how fucking Off the fucking Wall is that Statement? I mean Comparing the Way Other Teams Dress to fucking Drug Addicts who Look Anorexic, with Half of their fucking Teeth Missing! How fucking stupid is that Statement? I mean has this Bozo ever encountered a fucking "Crystal Meth Smoker"? I Can't Honestly say I have, nor am I in any fucking hurry to find out! Yet I have heard Many Stories about People who get Hooked on this Horrific Drug, What the fuck kind of Comparison is that? Is this Goofball for fucking Real? Now this is Only the 1st in a List of Grievances I have as far as the Incompotent buffoon who Runs this Team is Concerned Here are the Others; these are things he said that Really Pissed me Off! "These Summer League Games are just 'Practice Games'. Really? O.K. You Dumb fuck; if these Games are "Practice Games" then why the fuck are Scores Kept and why do these Games Count in the fucking Standings? I mean yous know what My Definition of "Practice Games" are? Drop-In Hockey! Or as some Venues Call it, Sticks & Pucks! Do Not Insult My Intelligence! I May Look Like I'm fucking stupid; but I'm far from it! He also attempted to Push Duties of Recruiting Goalies to Play for us when Our Regular Goalie would not show up to Play onto Me! O.K. Since when is it MY fucking Responsibility to Recruit Goalies? I mean I ain't wearing the "C" on My Jersey, in Fact I ain't even wearing an "A" on it, either! Therefore I shouldn't have anything to do with that shit! He always Talks Down to Me, when I say I will go after a Certain Opponent he says "You're gonna get Suspended!" Let me ask yous this: How Many flying fucks do I give about that? The answer is enough to Count on 1 Hand and still have 5 Fingers Left Over! He has even gone so far as to say to My Soon to be Ex-Wife "If he Joins the Muskies, he will be kicked out of the League!" Can any of yous believe even a single Syllable of this bullshit? He also Chastizes Me over Criticizing My Teammates' Effort (Or Quite Often, Lack thereof) Via the Group Text! Now will I do this with My Teammates On the Great Lakes Muskies/Rivermen? If I feel it's Warranted, then Yes! Yet Joe is so Thin-Skinned that he acts all asshurt Over Most everything I say! Now things in essence came to a fucking Head; on August 18; when we Played in a Charity Game @ the Ice Cube Arena in Ann Arbor vs a Team Called the Ann Arbor Yaks! We Got fucking Bludgeoned by a Score of 12-1! How fucking Embarrassing is that? I wasted very Little Time in Voicing My Displeasure with the fact that My Teammates fucking QUIT in that Game after we Fell behind 3-0 in the 2nd Period! It was so fucking bad that when the 2 Teams Posed for a Post-Game Photo, that I Refused to Remove My Helmet! I didn't want to show My Face in Connection of that fucking Debacle! As I had exited the Ice; I said "If he kicks me off this Team, I don't give a fuck!" Yous could tell I was very Pissed Off! But what really added Insult to Injury was a Week Later the Great Lakes Muskies Lost in the Summer League Championship Game by a 4-1 Score; yet Joe had the Nerve to Send a Text through the Group Text that said "The Muskies Got their asses kicked!" Really Mr. "Practice Games"? That In essence could be interpreted as the final fucking straw! Now I had Made it ABSOLUTELY 100,000% CRYSTAL CLEAR, that if the Wolverines wanted me to Play for them that a Member of the fucking Team, whether it was Joe, Himself or ANY Member of that Roster was to Contact Me By NO LATER Than August 31. Yet; I Hear Nothing from the Wolverines; I assumed that they No Longer saw me as an Integral Part of that Roster! Therefore I Accepted My Friend Ryan's Invitation to Join the Great Lakes Muskies/Rivermen. Yet Last Saturday Night what the fuck happens but I run into Joe who wants to know whether I'm Playing for the Wolverines or not. He then told me "Didn't Tracey tell you that we wanted you to come back?" I Made it Clear that I didn't want to hear any of that shit Secondhand! It's Painfully obvious that Joe doesn't Respect Me enough as a Man, Let alone as a Member of that Team to Talk to Me Man to Man, Directly before August 31! I mean at Least Ryan Respected Me enough to ask what My Status with the Wolverines was; and held off on adding Me to the Roster until I knew what My Status was! Rest assured, I will still Play as Hard and as Aggressively on the Ice for the Muskies/Rivermen as I did for the Wolverines! But Make No Mistake about it; I will Miss Playing for the Wolverines, I will Miss Wearing those Yellow and Black Uniforms! But I will not Miss Joe's Political dumb shit! Nor will I Miss hearing about his Personal Vendetta against the Great Lakes Muskies! I Mean I Used to Play for a Team Called The Eh Team and I bear No ill Will against any of those Guys, In Fact a Majority of those Guys are still Friends of Mine! Same goes for Teams I have Played for in Sarnia! With that being said; I am Ready to Play for both the Rivermen and the Muskies! Have I Ruled Out Playing for the Wolverines as a Substitute, when the Schedules allow? I will NEVER Rule that Completely Out! Yet I'm certain that Joe wil consider Me to be a "Cancer"! So who knows! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Keep your Stick on the Ice, Keep your skates sharp and Keep your Head Up!otheI meanr Teams all Look Like Crystal Meth Smokers!hese other Teams all Look Like Crystal Meth Smokers!
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