Well, here it is, time once again for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous know is Canada! Now perhaps yous may be curious as to what the Hell is On My Twisted Mind? Well I'm glad yous asked; because I am about to tell yous about a topic that I know is rather sensitive to a Lot of yous; which is Religion! Now why is this Topic so fucking touchy with a Majority of yous? I don't have a fucking Clue! Yet before I get into the Heart of what this Blog Entry is all about, Naturally I Lead into the Main Topic with a Little bit of a side note. Now as most of yous know I Got Involved in a Toxic Relationship which damn near Ruined My Life! Now since we are approaching the 1 Year Anniversary of when I finally broke the Shackles of a Toxic Girlfriend who is a Drug Addict; I am still attempting to recover from the Damage that she has done to My Life, especially My Finances! I will say this about Brittany, that's who My Now ex-Girlfriend is; she is very beautiful, she really is; and I ain't just talking about her Physical appearance; I mean when she was in her Right Mind (which unfortunately throughout the time I was seeing her, wasn't very often) she couldn't be touched as to how happy she had the Potential to make any Man who Really Loved or Loves her; and believe me, I did! Yet, I don't think she ever Loved herself. Now Let's not forget that she was and as far as I know is a Recovering Opoiod Addict. As I found Out firsthand, the spector of Losing her to the Grim Reaper was always a Possibility. That was Scary because I always believed that if I showed her that I truly Loved her and Cared about her that Maybe she would see that her Life was worth Living and that she had a Family that Loved her; but she also had a Toxic Boyfriend who dragged her into a Life of Drug Addiction and Crime! Now I ain't saying this LOSER held a Gun to Brittany's Head and Made her get Hooked on Heroin and Later Opiates; but I guess when yous get Hooked on Toxic Substances it can be a Nightmare to break free from something Like that! And with 4 Felony Convictions on her Record she knows she's got the Deck Stacked against her as it is! Of course she brought all of this on herself, I mean she can blame several factors as to how she got to where she is; but when all is said and done; she has to Own whatever it is that her Record says about her! Throughout My Relationship with her it seemed as if No Matter what I did to Help her, she didn't seem to want to Help herself; therefore she in essence was her own worst enemy! Now that it's been Over a Year since I Last saw Brittany, I still wonder whatever has become of her! However, I don't miss worrying about whether she was in Trouble or even dead! Now don't get me wrong, Brittany had a spell over me, her Beautiful Brown Hair and Blue Eyes are Positively Mesmerising, not to Mention her other Physical Qualities have a way of Making Men fall for her Like a Stone dropped from a Bridge, However, if yous knew Much Like I didn't that she was a Drug Addict, maybe yous could have steered Clear of the Danger that she Posed! Yet Nowadays, I can Only wish her all the best because, she has had more than enough Negativity to have to Overcome; she is Now 28 Years Old and I know she can still Lead a very Productive Life; assuming she can stay away from the Temptations that Led to her getting Hooked on these Toxic Substances! Now can this Happen? Only Time will tell! O.K. Getting right into the Topic at Hand; as Most of yous know this is supposed to be My Take on Religion and the Many Evils it breeds! Now what the fuck am I talking about? O.K. this is the Point to where I have to Place an all too Familiar Disclaimer that if yous get Offended Easily, then I Must advise yous to stop reading this fucking Manifestation of what's On My Twisted Mind right at this very Point! Because as I have Made 100,000% Crystal Clear, I don't give a flying fuck if what I say "Offends" yous or not! In fact I think some of yous NEED to be "Offended"! How the fuck do yous Like that? As I said the Main Topic is Organized Religion and what a fucking SHAM it is! Why the fuck do I say this? O.K. Let's take a Look at No further than your fucking TV Screen. If yous want a way to Make Millions of Dollars and get ready for a fucking Shock TAX FREE! Simply be able to Brainwash Several Thousands of Followers into believing that you're the One that can bring about the 2nd Coming of 1 Jesus Christ! I mean Let's Examine one of the Top HYPOCRITES, TV Evangalist, Joel Osteen. Now this Cocksucker, is one of the Biggest Cancers to "Christianity"! I can tell yous that the ONLY "God" this fucking Charlatan Worships is the Almighty DOLLAR! Now think about this. The Megachurch, that this CROOK Preaches at the Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Now how's this for an Irony? The Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas was Once Home to an NBA Basketball Team, that's Right before that Building became known as Lakewood Church it was Originally known as the Summit Arena and was Home to the NBA's Houston Rockets! This Church averages an Attendance of 52,000 SHEEP a Week! Now if you have a Majority of these Brainwashed, Mindless Souls Coughing Up at Least $20.00 a Head to Pay Joel Osteen's Salary and to Maintain Operations at this Former Basketball Arena, well yous can say that draws that CULT about $1.4 Million a Week, just from Those who Step Foot in the Door, Let's Not forget about all of the Television Stations that Broadcast Joel Osteen's Propaganda to Billions of those who ain't capable of thinking for themselves, and yous Can safely assume that Joel Osteen's Net Worth is North of $40 Million! ALL of it TAX FREE! Now how the fuck is this even a Possibility? Now I openly admit I ain't No expert as far as the United States of Dump The Gump Trump's Tax Code; However get ready for a shock because Churches can Avoid Paying Income Taxes because Religious Organizations are EXEMPT from paying Income Taxes! I don't exactly know how this is even Justifiable; because Churches are the Most Political organizations in this Country! That's correct! Churches DEMAND that their Parishoners Vote Overwhelmingly Republican! I have heard Most Churches Tell their Flock of Brainwashed SHEEPLE to "Vote Republican or You'll be condemned to an eternity in Hell!" I know Most Religions Use this Kind of Fear Mongering to impose their Will Upon their Followers! Now I shall share My Experiences from a Few Churches I attended in My Lifetime. The Original Church I was being Dragged off to against My Own Will from the Age of 9 Until I was 14; kept attempting to Pound into My Head that "Rock & Roll Music is the Devil's Tool To Win Souls!" Now I have Grown Up Listening to Rock Music and I can Honestly tell yous that I Never Once Molested any Children, I Never Once Spread Animal Blood all over everything I touch or any other kind of Misinformation that this CULT has Spread! In Fact the Chief propaganda Artist against Rock Music is Al Menconi. Among this Wolf In Sheep's Clothing's Favourite Targets is My Favourite Rock Band of My Entire Lifetime, KISS; Menconi wants yous to believe that the Letters in the Band's Name say Kids In Satan's Service! Now I don't buy that for 1 Split Second at all! I mean I knew I Liked this Band's Music since I was 4 Years Old! I didn't give a Rat's ass whether these Guys Painted their faces or whatever things they did in ConcertI Love their Music! What the fuck is wrong with that? I Mean I don't Like Rap, which is, if yous ask me, NOT MUSIC! All that shit is happens to be Nothing but a bunch of stupid, Lame ass Buzzwords Put together! I mean yous don't even Need fucking "Talent" to Perform that shit! Nonetheless; That happens to be My Views on Rap! Yous want to Listen to that shit, by all means be my fucking Guest! Just Realize that shit will NEVER Come Out of any Piece of Audio or Stereo Equipment that I Own. Now Last Night I allowed My 10 Year Old Niece, Caylee to Contaminate My Car's Stereo Speakers with that Shit, albeit temporarily, because that happens to be something she Likes, How? I ain't got a fucking Clue, but that is what she Likes! Anyway getting back on Topic; as a Manifestation of My Love of Rock Music; I have Worn My hair at Shoulder Length or Slightly Longer since I was 14 Years Old, I am Now 48, so with a couple of Noted Exceptions In the Last 34 Years I have Worn My Hair this way! Yet At every Church I have gone to, the so Called "Christians" who Claim they Follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ stare Holes of Judgment through me! Not to mention I heard all of the fucking Propaganda of some of these Followers saying to me "You shouldn't Listen to that Kind of Music, because you'll go to Hell!" Now I personally would Like to know what the Hell do these SHEEPLE Call "Music". I mean doesn't Rap or Country Contain the same "Subliminal Messages" about Drugs, Sex and the Devil in their Lyrics? Get a fucking Grip! I mean think about it Country Music Artists bemoan their Sisters Breaking off their Incesteous Relationships, and doesn't Rap Glorify Dealing Drugs and Drive-By Shootings? Well, I can't answer those Questions about those Genres, because I don't Listen to or follow them! 14 Years later when I attended Church with My 1st Wife Carrie (Now yous Talk about a fucking Hypocrite) in essence nothing had changed! I was being Judged by the Length of My Hair (apparently these "Christians" seem to think that because I wear My Hair Long that I am some Kind of Dope Smoking Hippie") Now for those of yous who may have been Living under a fucking Rock, I am a Father of 2 Grown Children, I have a 23 Year Old Daughter and a 21 Year Old Son. I am an Avid Hockey Player and I Bust My ass every day to make an Honest Living! I Have NEVER ONCE had any fucking thing to do with Narcotics in My fucking 48 Years that I have been around! Now of course within the Next Couple Weeks I will be going to a Church that My Girlfriend, Jessica attends; to see for Myself if whether the Flock that she attends Church with are Not the Same Judgmental fucks that I have had to Put Up with throughout the Times I have attended different Churches! Now I will do this because I Love her and out of Respect for her, I'll step Out of My Comfort Zone! Now this is a Gamble on My Part, because I don't believe that anybody should be Judged based on how they Dress, How they wear their Hair; or the Music they Listen to or any fucking thing other "the Content of their Character!" Yes, I Wear My Hair at Shoulder Length, as "Dressed Up" as I Get is Wearing a Hockey Jersey and Jeans or Khakis! In Fact I shall Share an article on How Religion is used to Promote Hate! In Fact the Ku Klux Klan Claimed that they're Espousing "American Judeo Christian Values" while Promoting Vile, Evil HATRED towards anybody who ain't White, Male, Judeo Christian, or whatever else these Narrow Minded BIGOTS Hold Sacred! Here's the Article I shall sahre with yous on how Hate Groups Use Religion to justify Bigotry: Bigotry hiding behind religion
By Mark E Andersen
Some things in this world never change. Take bigotry, for example, which has always been around. It is something that is taught—bigots are not born, they are made. To paraphrase Dennis Leary: [Bigotry] isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a 2-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.
Bigotry has taken many forms throughout our nation's history. The Irish, Catholics, Italians, African Americans, Native Americans, and homosexuals are just a few of the groups that have felt the sting of bigotry in America. And sadly, that is not even close to being an all-inclusive list. Those who hate have no problem spreading it out to anyone they see as different.
One constant throughout history has been the use of religion to justify bigotry. Religion was used to justify slavery:
In 1835, at the end of two long articles about religion and slavery in the Charleston Mercury, it was said that both the Old and New Testament give permission to hold others as slaves. In the Old Testament, God and the Patriarchs approve. As for the New Testament, Jesus and the Apostles show that slavery is permissible. Therefore, slavery, to those who wrote the article, was not an anti-Christian institution. It was just the opposite. Furthermore, they added, it is impious to say slavery is anti-Christian because such a conclusion contradicted God.
Follow below the fold for more.
Religion has also been used to justify segregation:
For hundreds of years, the so-called curse of Ham was frequently taught by religious leaders as the source for racial differences, and in more recent times was seized on as a Biblical excuse for segregation and slavery
But really, bigotry knows no color, and religion was used to justify hatred toward Catholics from Ireland and Germany immigrating to the United States in the mid-19th century:
Some believed that the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation. In his best-selling book of fiction, A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court, author Mark Twain indicates his hostility to the Catholic Church. He admitted that he had "...been educated to enmity toward everything that is Catholic."
Now don't take this as me saying that all religion is bad. That is certainly not the case. This is about when people cloak their bigotry with the Bible. One would think that by this point in our country's history, society as a whole would see through this facade of religion covering for bigotry, but time and again it continues to happen.
As homosexuality becomes more accepted in society, the religious right has gone back to their usual playbook: religious freedom. In Colorado we have seen a case where a baker refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple based on the baker's religious convictions. The courts found for the happy couple. This, of course, brought about cries that constitutional rights had been trampled on. Of course, it could not just end there. Another bigot in Colorado climbed out of the primordial ooze and approached another Colorado baker and requested ...
... two cakes, both in the shape of Bibles. That wasn't a problem for Marjorie Silva, the bakery’s owner. It was what Jack wanted her to write on the cake: Anti-gay phrases including "God hates gays" and an image of two men holding hands, covered in a big, red "X."
The baker is now facing a civil rights complaint for refusing to decorate the cake with the customer's hateful message.
The Los Angeles Times recently took up both of the above issues in a editorial piece. The conclusion was:
Any rule that requires anti-gay bakers or other businesses to perform work they object to will have to apply equally to their pro-gay counterparts.
I disagree with the Los Angeles Times. My take on this is really pretty simple: If you are business owner and you refuse service to someone based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality then you are a bigot, and you are in the wrong. If you go into a business and ask them to create something that conveys your bigoted message, and said business owner refuses to provide you with the product you requested, you are a bigot and you are in the wrong, not the business owner.
Neither case is about religious freedom. Both are about a bigot trying to force his or her will on someone else. Bigots can cloak themselves in the Bible as much as they want, but sooner or later people will catch on to their ruse. No, these cases aren't about religion. They are about people who are afraid that their world is changing and are doing all they can to hold onto it. Now was that a fucking eye opener or what? I mean think about this! The God that I know of doesn't promote Hatred, Bigotry or any other kind of this fucking White Supremacist POISON that these Hate Groups Promote! In fact I am certain that God, Himself Loves everybody No Matter what the Colour of their fucking Skin is, their Way of Celebrating their Beliefs in Him or whether you're a Man who chooses to Suck Dick! I mean what the fuck does it Matter? I'm certain that God doesn't give a fuck about where yous attend Church, or whether you're Black, White, Latino, Asian doesn't metter! Now get ready for another shock; what's the #1 Motive for all of the Murders Committed in the World? And or Wars that have Raged On Over the Years? Religion! In Fact that was the Motive of the 21 Hijackers who Hijacked 4 Commercial Jet Airliners to Commite the Worst Mass Murder in the History of the United States. Now to give yous a Background this was a "Where were yous when this Incident Occurred" Just Like the Assasination of President John F. Kennedy or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? This Happened on September 11, 2001. These Hijackers Planned this Mass Attrocity Many Months if not Years In Advance and they knew going in that they were not going to Live to see the aftermath of their actions; However in their Minds they Believed that they were Justified in Killing Over 3000 Innocent People, who had done nothing to them, as well as themselves! Now I often wonder how God Looks at these Guys who Committed such an act of what some would deem Genocide? But what was their Motivation? Just Like the Motivation of the Mastermind of these Attrocities, Osama bin Laden? Yous Guessed it: Religion! These Hijackers believed that if they Murdered thousands of as they called them "American Oppressors" as well as themselves, that they each would Get to fuck 72 Virgins in Heaven. I wonder how that all worked out? I Guess on My Dying Day, I'll get to figure this out! Personally, I was Raised to Respect every Person's Beliefs no Matter how Misguided they may be for what they are! Even if I don't agree with them! Here's one More thing to think about. These "Christians" Claim to be "Pro-Life" with their stances against Abortion, yet they Support the Death Penalty for Convicted Murderers! How can yous be "Pro-Life" if yous support the Government Sanctioned Killing of a Humans Being, even if that Motherfucker Took a Life, Himself? May I also add, How can yous Call Yourself "Pro-Life" when yous only seem to Give a Flying fuck about Fetuses that are in the Bodies of their Mothers but then after these "Fetuses" are Born into Actual Human Babies, yous couldn't give a Flying fuck about them after they're Born? I wish one of these fucking Compulsary Pregnancy Nutcases would answer this Question not only for me but for those who Support a Woman's RIGHT to Terminate an Unwanted Pregnancy! I Openly welcome an OPEN MINDED, HONEST answer to that very Question! Personally, the God that I know of who is All Knowing, All Powerful, All Loving, and so on and so forth probably doesn't really give a fuck about whether a Pregnant Woman CHOOSES to get an Abortion or Have the Baby! In fact, I Believe that if he's such a "Forgiving" being that he even Forgave Adolf Hitler and allowed him to Pass the Pearly Gates; even after all of the Attrocities that Hitler Committed! One final Question I need to ask of you Judgmental fucks who think that they can Judge Me by the Length of My Hair; didn't the Jesus Christ that you Claim to follow the Teachings of Wear his Hair Past his Shoulders? Now I don't Claim to be a Genius on things Related to the Bible; but If I ain't Mistaken I think Jesus wore his Hair Long and Never Once Wore a Business Suit or Promoted Unbridled Greed among his Followers! Just something to think about! That wraps up this Manifestation of whatever the fuck is on My Twisted Mind! Until Next Tikme this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying as the Old Proverb goes "Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged, Yourself"!