Monday, December 31, 2018
2018 The Year In Review....................
O.K. Here it is, another Year is about to Draw to a Close and be written in the History Books. Now how will Michigan's Resident Rocker Close out 2018? The Same way I rang it in; Pissed Off! Now I realize yous are thinking "Is he Channeling his Inner Stone Cold Steve Austin?" Now as we all know Stone Cold Steve Austin was a Heavyweight Champion of the World in the ONLY Legitimate Combat Sport which as every idiot Knows is Professional Wrestling! Now I know there are Fans of Mixed Martial Arts, or the UFC! As everybody Knows I ain't No Fan of that; reason is because as we all Know the UFC is 1000% FAKE! I mean if yous follow that, more Power to yous Just don't expect me to Plop Down My Hard Earned Money to Watch any of that! O.K. As we all know this is where I get to the Point where I Post a Disclaimer in where if yous get Offended easily; then yous need to stop reading this Posting right at this very fucking Point! Because I Never Did give a flying fuck; what anybody thinks of me; of what I say or any of that shit! I speak my fucking Mind and if somebody gets offended; well fuck them! it was January; I was Living in a fucking Shithole of a Building in a fucking Apartment No bigger than a fucking Studio; and the fucking asshole Landlord was Charging Me $600.00 a fucking Month for that Oversized Seedy Dive Motel Room! Sure all of the Utilities were Included; but $600.00 a Month for a Space no bigger than a fucking Walk-In Closet? But that's the fucking Shithole Neighbourhood known as St. Clair, Michigan! Funny thing is; this fucking Building is Located Not even a Half a Mile from a Place I Worked at for a Little Over 3 Years in Kimball Township. Now yous wonder how it is I Never got Laid in that fucking Dive of an Apartment! Well Not even a Simple $20.00 a fuck Hooker would want anybody to fuck her on a fucking Futon; that's exactly what I slept on in that shithole! Now the funny thing is, I still have that Futon! My Life in essence was still headed in a fucking Downwars Spiral; because I was with this Nasty Golddigging skank Bitch Named Jessica; who Lives in New Lothrop, Michigan which is in Shiawassee County. People often wonder how the fuck could I have fucked her with the Distance between her and Me being Damn Near 100 Miles? Well the Short Answer is I didn't! Even though I would wind up Coughing Up Hundreds of $$$$$$ on that Nasty Skank a fucking Week! Now Check this Out; Remember the Drug Addict Named Brittany that I got Mixed Up with back in 2016 and Finally got rid of in April of 2017? Well I was soon beginning to see all too familiar Parallels between Jessica, My Then Girlfriend and Brittany My Ex! The Only Difference is Jessica Doesn't Smoke, Drink or Use Drugs; so yous would think why in the fuck would she continue to badger me for Hundreds of $$$$$$ a fucking Week, when I was attempting to Overcome the Glaring Mistakes I made with Brittany! Yet I was beginning to find out that Jessica was No Different from Brittany at all! Oh Sure; Jessica Never Made Me PAY to fuck her! Because to tell yous the fucking Truth the Closest I ever got to Putting My dick inside of her was seeing a Photo of her tits; after she Coerced Me into Paying a fucking Speeding Ticket that she had Gotten. Now what was all the More fucked up is the Fact that her Parents Pay for the Insurance on her fucking Vehicle! I wish My Parents would do that for me but as we all fucking know that Bridge has Long since been fucking Napalmed! Now I ain't gonna get into the fucking Specifics about that! That's another Topic for another Ranting from deep within the annals of My Twisted Mind! I was also Working for a Company Called Weeks Food Corp Up until May; Man did I ever fucking HATE that fucking Job! I mean That Place could NEVER Pay Me enough to put up with the fucking bullshit I had to deal with as far as that Job is Concerned! Now with Jessica being the fucking Leech that she truly is Put her together with a Dead End, Subminimum Wage Job that I hated and yous have a formula for a Powder Keg of Misery that was strapped around my fucking back! Well, I Left Weeks in May; and yous talk about a fucking desperate time! Well this is when Mr. Landlord decided to be in touch with his Inner Dump The Gump Trump! Now don't get me fucking Started on that asshole who STILL is Making America a fucking Worldwide DISGRACE! Because as I said I made sure I dedicated a Majority of My Last Rant about how I hate that bastard! Now I know Most of the World Hates that Cocksucker as well! Anyway, I made a decision that Not Only was I going to find another Job; But More than Likely I would be Relocating Out of the Area I had known as Home for Pretty Much My entire Life! But then I Landed a Job at a Company known as Anchor Wiping Cloth in Detroit; and about a Month Later; I Relocated to Mt. Morris, Michigan which is in Genesee County. 10 Miles North of Downtown Flint, Michigan. In July; I Relocated to where I now Call Home! In 2018 My Saturday Night Hockey Team the MSE Wolverines would go on to Win the Fall/Winter as well as the Winter/Spring Division 6 Chanpionship. But Little did I ever think that I would No Longer be a Member of that Team Come the Fall/Winter Season of this Year. But after a "Charity Game" in Ann Arbor in where we got fucking Humiliated by a 12-1 Score; I decided that I had enough of the stupid bullshit Antics of that Team's Player/Coach who on the fucking Ice amounts to nothing more than a fucking Human Work Zone Barrel! I ended Up Joining the Affiliate Team of the Great Lakes Muskies that being known as the Rivermen! It's awesome! I mean yous talk about a Team that's in essence Like a Family! What More could I ask for? Ah! I am glad yous asked; because in Week 3 of the Season who did we Face? But the Wolverines! A Majority of the Great Lakes Muskies/Rivermen are Former Wolverines, believe that shit or not; but it's True! We ended up Beating the Wolverines by a Score of 8-5. And in that Game I registered My Only 2 Goal Game in the States! How funny is that? I scored 2 Goals in My Only Game against My Former Team! Meanwhile; shortly after I Moved to Mt. Morris, Jessica Royally fucked me over! Now how's this for a Virtual Kick in the fucking balls? In April that Bitch drove all the fucking Way to Macomb County from New Lothrop to attend a Baby Shower for none other than that fucking Drug Addict, Brittany and her fucking Scumbag LOSER Boyfriend! But she Refused to see My Hockey Game a short distance from where this Baby Shoower took Place! What the fuck is the Matter with this fucking Picture? I mean what the fuck kind of a "Girlfriend" did I wind up with? One I wish I NEVER Got Involved with at all! But Fast Forward 4 Months, I was getting settled in My New Surroundings, and what the fuck happens? She fucking Breaks Off the Relationship! Now what brought that On? Get Ready to shit your fucking Pants Laughing; because yous would thing something Like this is only fitting in a 3 Stooges Film! I didn't Pay her fucking Phone Bill! That's Right! Yous read this Correctly! She assumed that Her fucking Financial Obligations were somehow MY fucking Responsibility! I didn't even Live with that fucking Cunt! Good thing I never did Move in with that Bitch! Chances are I would have had to Find a Dort Highway Hooker to get any Pussy; because I knew Jessica wasn't giving me any! But strangely enough when she Broke Off her "Relationship" with Me it was More of a Relief! But the Damage had already been done! Now here's what's all the More fucked up she Threatened to Slap a Personal Protection Order against me and for what? Cutting Off Financial Support! Now the Last Time I checked the Last Time I had a fucking Ring on the 3rd Finger of My Left Hand was before I Got Involved with Brittany! Now somehow I wish I was Like the Cartoon Superhero, Plastic Man, so that I could take a Photo of My Red & White Maple Leaf bearing ass and send it to that Cunt! I know this ain't very Nice; but I wasn't in a Mood to be Nice! Because instead of Helping me heal the Emotional Wounds Brittany Opened Up in My Life all Jessica did was exacerbate them! Now as My Relationship wuith Jessica had wound to it's Conclusion; I felt Less Connected to her! Even if I did fuck her! I still saw the breakup as being Imminent! Now here it is I enter 2019 with No Set Plan as far as to who will be the Woman in My Life. But one thing I know for certain is I ain't Never Getting Married for a 3rd Time! One thing I Certainly to fuck ain't never going to do either is Bring any More Children into the World! In Fact as a Means of sticking to that Plan after I fuck whoever it is that I will be with; Prior to discarding the fucking Condom I will use I will employ a Trick I Learned which is to add a few Drops of Tabasco Sauce into the Condom; that way if she attempts to fill herself with My dick sauce in hopes of hitting the Jackpot of receiving 218 Monthly Payments; well, I know this sounds Cruel, but if More Guys would employ this Tactic; there would be a Lot Fewer Welfare Cases as well as Cases for Family Courts to stick Men with! Well, here's to Hoping that 2019 will be a Brighter Year for all of yous who Read My Rantings as It could be for me as The Calendar Rolls Over. Until Next Time sometime in 2019; this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying So Long 2018 it's been Real!
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Let's Make America AMERICA Again!
Here it is; it's Once again time for Michigan's Resident Rocker to Post yet another Manifesto of whatever is On My Twisted Mind and Believe me there's a Lot on it! Well here it is Election Day and Of Course I did My Civic Duty and I Voted! Now before I get into the Heart of what this Manifesto is about. Of course I have to Post a Disclaimer; which is If yous get Offended Easily; then DO NOT waste your time Reading this Manifesto! Because if yous are among those who get a Little Sand in your Pussies, about what the fuck I say, then either Get a fucking Life or fucking Kill Yourself! Because yous ain't gonna fucking CENSOR Me! I don't give a flying fuck who yous are! Now as we all know I begin these Manifestos with a slight Side Note before I get to the Heart of the Topic at hand. Moving right along; as we all know; back in August I got rid of a Ball & Chain, by the Name of Jessica! Well, it was a Long Time Coming! I mean all that bitch ever did was Treat Me Like I'm a fucking Human Cash Machine! In fact the ONLY Good thing about that bitch was her Physical Appearance; and to tell yous the fucking God's Honest TRUTH she really was not all that attractive to begin with! Sure she may have an ass that doesn't Need its Own Postal Code; and she may have a Rack that Trophy Hunters may want to Mount above their Fireplace; however that's where her "Good" Qualities end! I mean I even had to PAY Her to see a Photo of her tits! Christ! With the amount of Money I sent to her yous would think I would have Bought Exclusivity over her as well as several of her Best Friends! If I had known seeing a Photo of her Cans is about as Close to fucking her that I was ever gonna get; then I wouldn't have wasted a Year of My fucking Life; especially after the Damage Brittany (Remember her) had done to My Life; I would have bought My Own Dort Highway Hooker! After all; at Least I would have gotten Laid every Once in a fucking While! Well, Live and Learn, I guess! O.K. Pay Attention because here's the Thick of the Plot! As I have mentioned earlier Today is Election Day and of course I Voted. No I ain't asking for a fucking Medal; However I wasn't about to Repeat the Mistake I made 2 Years ago; which was to Not Vote! Now that was a Tragic Mistake, because that Made My Soon To be Former In-Laws Reach Multiple Orgasms due to a shitbag, by the Name of Dump The Gump Trump STEALING the 2016 Presidential Election! Now as we all know this RACIST, MYSOGINISTIC, WHITE SUPREMACIST with the Face of the North End of a Southbound Water Buffalo LOST the fucking Popular Vote in 2016; but due to the CORRUPT Institution known as the "Electoral College" this FACIST DICTATOR Moved ILLEGALLY into the White House even though a Very UNSILENT MAJORITY Of the "American People" Voted AGAINST Dump The Gump Trump! And I Must say that I'm EMBARASSED to be an American; and it's all because of the FACIST REGIME which has Hijacked this Country! I guess it's a Good thing I am a Canadian Citizen, eh? Now I know I have shared this Article written By Dr. Lawrence Britt who Studies Facist Regimes; but it bears Repeating: Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), Trump (USA) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; Liberals; Communists; Socialists, Terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the Military is given a disproportionate amount of Government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and Military Service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The Governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the State is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the Government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by Government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the Government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from Government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the Government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the Government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of Labor is the only real threat to a fascist Government, Labor Unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use Governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by Government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of Legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Now Let's backtrack to 2016. As we all know it's a DOCUMENTED FACT that Dump The Gump Trump's Campaign COLLUDED with Vladimir Putin and Russia to STEAL the Election to assume an Office He WAS NEVER ELECTED TO!!!!!! Now this Election is a Lot More Personal to me and the Reason is First and Foremost I Live in Michigan; and I have done so My Entire fucking Life. Now as we all know The State of Michigan Votes for its Governor Today On One Side of the Ballot is Gretchen Whitmer; a State Senator. On the Other Side of the Ballot is Bill Schuette the "Attorney General" of Michigan. Now the Reason I Placed that Term in Quotation Marks is because Schuette; who is supposed to be the Top Law Enforcement Officer for the State of Michigan yet Schuette is Equally as fucking Criminally Responsible for the Flint Water Crisis! As we all know Schuette Gave Rick Snyder the fucking CRIMINAL ILLEGALLY Occupying the Governor's Mansion in Lansing the fucking Green Light to Switch water system in the Hub of My Now Home County, Flint, Michigan from Lake Huron which is Pristine Clean; to the Flint River which is a fucking Open Sewer; and thus Large Numbers of the Population of Genesee County were Poisoned By Drinking Lead Contaminated Water; from the fucking Flint River! Now whether My Adopted Hometown of Mt. Morris was affected, I don't know. This is all Very Well Documented in the Michael Moore Film Farenheit 11/9. What the fuck is the Matter with this fucking Picture? Why ain't Rick Snyder and Bill Schuette in fucking PRISON where they fucking BELONG? I know Once Gretchen Whitmer Wins this Election; I will Petition Governor Whitmer as well as The New Attorney General, Dana Nessel to Indict Rick Snyder and Bill Schuette in Connection with the Flint Water Crisis! I Voted a Straight Democratic Ticket, because even though Democrats are almost as Corrupt as Republicans are; the Republicans are the Chief Threat to PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in the United States of Dump The Gump Trump! In Fact should the Election go the way it Should; a Dream of PEACE, FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY being Restored to Make America AMERICA again! I mean Dump The Gump is attempting to Turn Our Military (which by the way Dump The Gump Trump FOREFEIT his Right to be Commander In Chief of) into Personal Mercenaries against anybody who has the COURAGE to Stand Up to this FACIST DICTATOR! Reason I say Dump The Gump Trump FOREFEIT His "Right" to be In Charge of Our Military, is because Trump, Himself, is a DRAFT DODGING COWARD! That's Right My Friends, he Got 4 Deferrments from Military Service as the War in Vietnam was Raging On In Southeast Asia! He's even attempting to Hold a Military Parade in the Streets of Washington, D.C. Seriously? I mean do Leaders of "Democracies" Use their Military as their Own Playtoy to say to the World "Look How big My balls are?" Fuck NO! DICTATORS do! I mean Adolf Hitler did this shit in Nazi Germany. Josef Stalin did this in The Soviet Union, and of Course Kim Jon Un does this shit in North Korea! I even Voted Yes on all 3 Ballot Proposals here in Michigan. Including Proposal 1; which De-Criminalizes Marijuana. Now this is Rather Personal to Me because My Brother has been battling Kidney Problems for the Better Part of the Last 8 Years. Now I don't Use that shit; because I am a Delivery Truck Driver and I Guess Using Marijuana is a Big No-No Under the D.O.T.'s Guidelines! However; The ONLY People I know of that Oppose the De-Criminalization of Marijuana are aside from Religious KOOKS; is the Pharmaceutical Industry; a Bunch of Soul Sucking POISON PEDDLERS! I Mean a Large Number of Former NFL Players Use Marijuana as a Pain Management Tool! Let's Look at the Example set by States such as Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. This is where Marijuana is Taxed, Much Like Alcohol and It Generates Tax Revenues for States where it's Now Legal; what the fuck could Possibly be the Harm with that? But I say Let's take it a step further; Let's De-Criminalize Prostitution as well, and Regulate and Tax it Like Marijuana and Alcohol! Doesn't that Make Perfect Sense? I mean think about it; Let's Hypothetically say Some Chick wanted to give me a blowjob; O.K. Assuming No Money Changes Hands, then it's a Case of "No Harm No Foul," eh? However if she asks Me for say $20.00 before the Act Commences then it's a Crime? Why? Exactly How Much sense does this Make? I Mean "Vice Cops" don't actually Fight Crime, all "Vice Cops" are, ain't nothing but fucking CHURCH COPS! That's what they REALLY are! With all of this being Said; we Must Take Back This Country from the FACIST DICTATOR, Dump The Gump Trump; even though My Soon to be Former In-Laws will Cry "Foul!" Over the Removal of this Piece of shit whom they Regularly Rub elbows with and Play Golf With! But It's Time to Make America AMERICA again by Putting this WHITE SUPREMACIST behind a Series of "Walls" that will Encase his Rotting Carcass; where he can NEVER Harm another Soul! The TREASONOUS ACTS Dump The Gump Trump and Mike Pence have Committed by Colluding with the Russians, and then Selling Classified Information to Vladimir Putin; if that ain't the Definition of Treason; then I don't Know what is! Also doesn't the United States Constitution Call for the Death Penalty for those Convicted of Treason? Do the Names of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Mena anything to yous? What about Arnold Benedict? On March 29, 1951, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg were Convicted of Treason and were Executed in the Electric Chair on Hune 19, 1953. This is a fitting Punishment for the TRAITOR, Dump The Gump Trump! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying It's Long Past Time for PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY to be Restored! It's Time to Take America Back for the American People; from the Modern Day Version of Adolf Hitler!
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; Liberals; Communists; Socialists, Terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the Military is given a disproportionate amount of Government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and Military Service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The Governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the State is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the Government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by Government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the Government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from Government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the Government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the Government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of Labor is the only real threat to a fascist Government, Labor Unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use Governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by Government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of Legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Now Let's backtrack to 2016. As we all know it's a DOCUMENTED FACT that Dump The Gump Trump's Campaign COLLUDED with Vladimir Putin and Russia to STEAL the Election to assume an Office He WAS NEVER ELECTED TO!!!!!! Now this Election is a Lot More Personal to me and the Reason is First and Foremost I Live in Michigan; and I have done so My Entire fucking Life. Now as we all know The State of Michigan Votes for its Governor Today On One Side of the Ballot is Gretchen Whitmer; a State Senator. On the Other Side of the Ballot is Bill Schuette the "Attorney General" of Michigan. Now the Reason I Placed that Term in Quotation Marks is because Schuette; who is supposed to be the Top Law Enforcement Officer for the State of Michigan yet Schuette is Equally as fucking Criminally Responsible for the Flint Water Crisis! As we all know Schuette Gave Rick Snyder the fucking CRIMINAL ILLEGALLY Occupying the Governor's Mansion in Lansing the fucking Green Light to Switch water system in the Hub of My Now Home County, Flint, Michigan from Lake Huron which is Pristine Clean; to the Flint River which is a fucking Open Sewer; and thus Large Numbers of the Population of Genesee County were Poisoned By Drinking Lead Contaminated Water; from the fucking Flint River! Now whether My Adopted Hometown of Mt. Morris was affected, I don't know. This is all Very Well Documented in the Michael Moore Film Farenheit 11/9. What the fuck is the Matter with this fucking Picture? Why ain't Rick Snyder and Bill Schuette in fucking PRISON where they fucking BELONG? I know Once Gretchen Whitmer Wins this Election; I will Petition Governor Whitmer as well as The New Attorney General, Dana Nessel to Indict Rick Snyder and Bill Schuette in Connection with the Flint Water Crisis! I Voted a Straight Democratic Ticket, because even though Democrats are almost as Corrupt as Republicans are; the Republicans are the Chief Threat to PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in the United States of Dump The Gump Trump! In Fact should the Election go the way it Should; a Dream of PEACE, FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY being Restored to Make America AMERICA again! I mean Dump The Gump is attempting to Turn Our Military (which by the way Dump The Gump Trump FOREFEIT his Right to be Commander In Chief of) into Personal Mercenaries against anybody who has the COURAGE to Stand Up to this FACIST DICTATOR! Reason I say Dump The Gump Trump FOREFEIT His "Right" to be In Charge of Our Military, is because Trump, Himself, is a DRAFT DODGING COWARD! That's Right My Friends, he Got 4 Deferrments from Military Service as the War in Vietnam was Raging On In Southeast Asia! He's even attempting to Hold a Military Parade in the Streets of Washington, D.C. Seriously? I mean do Leaders of "Democracies" Use their Military as their Own Playtoy to say to the World "Look How big My balls are?" Fuck NO! DICTATORS do! I mean Adolf Hitler did this shit in Nazi Germany. Josef Stalin did this in The Soviet Union, and of Course Kim Jon Un does this shit in North Korea! I even Voted Yes on all 3 Ballot Proposals here in Michigan. Including Proposal 1; which De-Criminalizes Marijuana. Now this is Rather Personal to Me because My Brother has been battling Kidney Problems for the Better Part of the Last 8 Years. Now I don't Use that shit; because I am a Delivery Truck Driver and I Guess Using Marijuana is a Big No-No Under the D.O.T.'s Guidelines! However; The ONLY People I know of that Oppose the De-Criminalization of Marijuana are aside from Religious KOOKS; is the Pharmaceutical Industry; a Bunch of Soul Sucking POISON PEDDLERS! I Mean a Large Number of Former NFL Players Use Marijuana as a Pain Management Tool! Let's Look at the Example set by States such as Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. This is where Marijuana is Taxed, Much Like Alcohol and It Generates Tax Revenues for States where it's Now Legal; what the fuck could Possibly be the Harm with that? But I say Let's take it a step further; Let's De-Criminalize Prostitution as well, and Regulate and Tax it Like Marijuana and Alcohol! Doesn't that Make Perfect Sense? I mean think about it; Let's Hypothetically say Some Chick wanted to give me a blowjob; O.K. Assuming No Money Changes Hands, then it's a Case of "No Harm No Foul," eh? However if she asks Me for say $20.00 before the Act Commences then it's a Crime? Why? Exactly How Much sense does this Make? I Mean "Vice Cops" don't actually Fight Crime, all "Vice Cops" are, ain't nothing but fucking CHURCH COPS! That's what they REALLY are! With all of this being Said; we Must Take Back This Country from the FACIST DICTATOR, Dump The Gump Trump; even though My Soon to be Former In-Laws will Cry "Foul!" Over the Removal of this Piece of shit whom they Regularly Rub elbows with and Play Golf With! But It's Time to Make America AMERICA again by Putting this WHITE SUPREMACIST behind a Series of "Walls" that will Encase his Rotting Carcass; where he can NEVER Harm another Soul! The TREASONOUS ACTS Dump The Gump Trump and Mike Pence have Committed by Colluding with the Russians, and then Selling Classified Information to Vladimir Putin; if that ain't the Definition of Treason; then I don't Know what is! Also doesn't the United States Constitution Call for the Death Penalty for those Convicted of Treason? Do the Names of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Mena anything to yous? What about Arnold Benedict? On March 29, 1951, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg were Convicted of Treason and were Executed in the Electric Chair on Hune 19, 1953. This is a fitting Punishment for the TRAITOR, Dump The Gump Trump! Until Next Time, this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying It's Long Past Time for PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY to be Restored! It's Time to Take America Back for the American People; from the Modern Day Version of Adolf Hitler!
Friday, September 14, 2018
Could Michigan's Resident Rocker & MSE Wolverines Be Parting Ways?
O.K. Here it is another Night in where yous have to Believe that Michigan's Resident Rocker has Plenty on My Twisted Mind! Therefore I am Perched in the Cockpit under the beautiful Canadian Flag! That's Correct in case yous don't believe me; I will send yous a Photo of My Canadian Flag Posted above the Cockpit! All yous have to do is ask! I Guess this is where I have to Post My Infamous Disclaimer that States if yous are among those who easily Get Offended, by some of the Salty Language I Use, then yous Need to Stop Reading this Manifesto of what's On My Twisted Mind at this very Point! Now I know there are certain People who will get Pissed off at me for Posting a Canadian Flag above the Cockpit; but yous know what My Response to that is? Wait for it; wait for it; Get the fuck Over it! I mean why the fuck does me having a Canadian Flag tacked to a Wall in My Apartment be so fucking Offencive to yous? Like I Give a fuck anyway! I mean shit for all we know I could have an Iraqian Flag, or a German Flag or this would Give Dump The Gump Trump, DICTATOR of the United States a fucking Massive Hard On to where he could cut fucking Diamonds; a Russian Flag or even a Japanese Flag of World War II Days, for those of yous who may not Remember, or for those of yous who are Historically fucking Ignorant Japan's Flag which is Now a Plain White Flag with a Gigantic Red Dot in the Centre of it used to have Rays eminating from the Dot, itself! Notice I didn't mention a fucking Confederate Flag? Is there any fucking Reason I need to Mention that Symbol of Hate? To White Supremacists Like Dump The Gump Trump, I say Suck My fucking Dick! I know this will Greatly Offend My Soon to be Former In-Laws who basically Bring themselves to Screaming Orgasms at the Mention of the Name of the Piece of shit Who is ILLEGALLY Occypying the White House! Now as I mentioned I ain't about to get into any Political bullshit! Because as I said this is a Topic for a Different time! Yet every Time I can Slam My 2 Soon to be Former Sisters-In-Law, who in essence act Much Like Patty and Selma Bouvier (Marge Simpson's Fat Ugly Sisters). Now these 2 Women are 2 Cougars I would Mind Taming at all! I mean one of them who is a Brunette is 63 Years Old and the other one who is a Blonde is 61; and both have Racks that could feed Many a Starving Ethiopian Baby! Yet; because they're Super Wealthy; that's why they Desperately Want Dump The Gump Trump to Remain ILLEGAL In the White House! Because with Dump the Gump in the White House; they will continue to get Large Tax Breaks for being Super Wealthy! Riddle me this; Somebody Please tell me how the fuck that is Fair? That those Like Me who Bust Our ass every fucking Day have to Pay MORE than their Fair fucking Share in Taxes; whereas those who Can afford Memberships at Dump The Gump's Many fucking Golf Courses get fucking Tax Breaks? Alright; Here we are Now getting onto the Main Topic; now this is where shit is really gonna hit the fucking fan! As is Common Knowledge I was Playing Hockey on Saturday Nights @ Fraser Hockeyland, for the Better Part of the Last 2 Years for a Team known as the MSE Wolverines. I Played for this Team for the Last 5 Seasons, now for those of yous who wonder what the fuck am I getting at; Please Follow along, because this is where I will educate yous on what I am talking about! Now Pay attention because this is where I am about to expose the Truth of the Matter! I Played for the Wolverines for 1 Fall/Winter Season, 2 Winter/Spring Seasons and 2 Summer Seasons; Now do yous see what the fuck I am talking about? If yous don't then yous are fucking dumber than a box fulla fucking Rocks! Now I want to Make this Point 100,000% Perfectly fucking Crystal Clear; I Loved being a Wolverine; if anything I epitomized what being a Wolverine is all about! I Loved Wearing the Black & Yellow! I still have that fucking Design on My Helmet, and don't intend to remove it! I mean think about this; Have any of yous actually seen a Wolverine? I'm referring to the Smal, ill-Tempered, Aggressive Animal that would Never back down from a fight, No Matter how Big its adversary is? Well if anybody emulated that animal on the Ice, it was ME! I NEVER ONCE backed down from a fight on the Ice if I had to! If I had to Throw a Punch or 2 whether it was to Protect Myself or One of My Teammates, then so be it! I wanted it to be known that I was a Wolverine that was not to be fucked with! I mean think about this; if yous encountered a Wolverine in the Wild; would ANY of yous fuck with it? I suppose some of yous who are dumb enough to possibly be ripped to ribbons by the damn thing, some of yous would! Well, My Attitude was if yous fuck with My Teammates, yous deal with me! I may Not be a very Large Man and I may get the Worst of any Exchange on the Ice, but any Motherfucker who gets into a fight with me will KNOW he was in a fucking Fight! Yous catch what I'm saying? Now to My Teammates on the Wolverines; if this is My Departure from the Wolverines I want yous to know I really enjoyed going to War with you guys On My Team and I didn't Mind dealing with Getting Suspended for a Game or 2 if I had to; as Long as it meant No Enemy Player would Take Liberties of Possibly attempting to Cripple One of My Teammates; even the Piece of Work who Runs that Team, a Knucklehead Named Joe (Noticed I ain't gonna Mention his Surname) but those of yous who Play In this League know who I am referring to. This Goofball would say some of the fucking Stupidest things Imagineable; Please allow me to give yous an example of some of the dumb shit he would say: Now as we all know the MSE Saturday D League is a Typical Beer League; which is among the Reasons I Love Playing in this League; but because Joe is such a fucking Nazi about the Team's Uniforms having to Match Completely, Much Like Professional Teams. Now I get that shit! I mean the Team I will be forming to Begin Play in September of 2019, the Genesee County Cougars will be sporting Team Colours of Blue & White. We will be wearing Blue or White Jerseys (Depending on the Colours Our Opponents will be wearing) as well as Blue Sox. Now does it Matter what shade of Blue? Not really! Nonetheless, in a Perfect World we all would Wear Black Helmets, Blue or White Jerseys, Black Pants and Blue Sox. However, am I going to Enforce a Stringent Dress Code with My Team? No! Why should I? I mean if some Guys wear White Helmets or Red Pants; what the fuck does that Matter? Yet Joe, says "These other Teams all Look Like Crystal Meth Smokers!" Now how fucking Off the fucking Wall is that Statement? I mean Comparing the Way Other Teams Dress to fucking Drug Addicts who Look Anorexic, with Half of their fucking Teeth Missing! How fucking stupid is that Statement? I mean has this Bozo ever encountered a fucking "Crystal Meth Smoker"? I Can't Honestly say I have, nor am I in any fucking hurry to find out! Yet I have heard Many Stories about People who get Hooked on this Horrific Drug, What the fuck kind of Comparison is that? Is this Goofball for fucking Real? Now this is Only the 1st in a List of Grievances I have as far as the Incompotent buffoon who Runs this Team is Concerned Here are the Others; these are things he said that Really Pissed me Off! "These Summer League Games are just 'Practice Games'. Really? O.K. You Dumb fuck; if these Games are "Practice Games" then why the fuck are Scores Kept and why do these Games Count in the fucking Standings? I mean yous know what My Definition of "Practice Games" are? Drop-In Hockey! Or as some Venues Call it, Sticks & Pucks! Do Not Insult My Intelligence! I May Look Like I'm fucking stupid; but I'm far from it! He also attempted to Push Duties of Recruiting Goalies to Play for us when Our Regular Goalie would not show up to Play onto Me! O.K. Since when is it MY fucking Responsibility to Recruit Goalies? I mean I ain't wearing the "C" on My Jersey, in Fact I ain't even wearing an "A" on it, either! Therefore I shouldn't have anything to do with that shit! He always Talks Down to Me, when I say I will go after a Certain Opponent he says "You're gonna get Suspended!" Let me ask yous this: How Many flying fucks do I give about that? The answer is enough to Count on 1 Hand and still have 5 Fingers Left Over! He has even gone so far as to say to My Soon to be Ex-Wife "If he Joins the Muskies, he will be kicked out of the League!" Can any of yous believe even a single Syllable of this bullshit? He also Chastizes Me over Criticizing My Teammates' Effort (Or Quite Often, Lack thereof) Via the Group Text! Now will I do this with My Teammates On the Great Lakes Muskies/Rivermen? If I feel it's Warranted, then Yes! Yet Joe is so Thin-Skinned that he acts all asshurt Over Most everything I say! Now things in essence came to a fucking Head; on August 18; when we Played in a Charity Game @ the Ice Cube Arena in Ann Arbor vs a Team Called the Ann Arbor Yaks! We Got fucking Bludgeoned by a Score of 12-1! How fucking Embarrassing is that? I wasted very Little Time in Voicing My Displeasure with the fact that My Teammates fucking QUIT in that Game after we Fell behind 3-0 in the 2nd Period! It was so fucking bad that when the 2 Teams Posed for a Post-Game Photo, that I Refused to Remove My Helmet! I didn't want to show My Face in Connection of that fucking Debacle! As I had exited the Ice; I said "If he kicks me off this Team, I don't give a fuck!" Yous could tell I was very Pissed Off! But what really added Insult to Injury was a Week Later the Great Lakes Muskies Lost in the Summer League Championship Game by a 4-1 Score; yet Joe had the Nerve to Send a Text through the Group Text that said "The Muskies Got their asses kicked!" Really Mr. "Practice Games"? That In essence could be interpreted as the final fucking straw! Now I had Made it ABSOLUTELY 100,000% CRYSTAL CLEAR, that if the Wolverines wanted me to Play for them that a Member of the fucking Team, whether it was Joe, Himself or ANY Member of that Roster was to Contact Me By NO LATER Than August 31. Yet; I Hear Nothing from the Wolverines; I assumed that they No Longer saw me as an Integral Part of that Roster! Therefore I Accepted My Friend Ryan's Invitation to Join the Great Lakes Muskies/Rivermen. Yet Last Saturday Night what the fuck happens but I run into Joe who wants to know whether I'm Playing for the Wolverines or not. He then told me "Didn't Tracey tell you that we wanted you to come back?" I Made it Clear that I didn't want to hear any of that shit Secondhand! It's Painfully obvious that Joe doesn't Respect Me enough as a Man, Let alone as a Member of that Team to Talk to Me Man to Man, Directly before August 31! I mean at Least Ryan Respected Me enough to ask what My Status with the Wolverines was; and held off on adding Me to the Roster until I knew what My Status was! Rest assured, I will still Play as Hard and as Aggressively on the Ice for the Muskies/Rivermen as I did for the Wolverines! But Make No Mistake about it; I will Miss Playing for the Wolverines, I will Miss Wearing those Yellow and Black Uniforms! But I will not Miss Joe's Political dumb shit! Nor will I Miss hearing about his Personal Vendetta against the Great Lakes Muskies! I Mean I Used to Play for a Team Called The Eh Team and I bear No ill Will against any of those Guys, In Fact a Majority of those Guys are still Friends of Mine! Same goes for Teams I have Played for in Sarnia! With that being said; I am Ready to Play for both the Rivermen and the Muskies! Have I Ruled Out Playing for the Wolverines as a Substitute, when the Schedules allow? I will NEVER Rule that Completely Out! Yet I'm certain that Joe wil consider Me to be a "Cancer"! So who knows! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Keep your Stick on the Ice, Keep your skates sharp and Keep your Head Up!otheI meanr Teams all Look Like Crystal Meth Smokers!hese other Teams all Look Like Crystal Meth Smokers!
Friday, August 3, 2018
Michigan's Resident Rocker Will Find Somebody Compatable
Well here it is; the Weekend has come to Mid Michigan again! Now exactly what is Michigan's Resident Rocker Talking about? O.K. I don't think I have made mention to a Lot of yous, but Yes, it's True; I No Longer reside in Michigan's Thumb Region! I Moved to Mt. Morris, Michigan; which is in Genesee County, about 10 Miles North of the Hub of Genesee County, which is Flint! Yes; the Same Flint, Michigan, in which Republican asshole, ILLEGALLY In the Governor's Mansion in Lansing, Rick Snyder Poisoned by Making the Residents of Flint Drink Lead Contaminated Water! Yous can tell I still have No Love Lost for the Party of My Soon To Be Former In-Laws! Now somebody asked me and I Quote "If you were Wealthy or if You Came from Wealth, would you be a Republican?" Wow! That's a Damn Good Question! Well, since I Never really knew what it's Like to be Wealthy, Unlike My Soon to be Ex-Wife's Family; I don't know if I can Provide an Honest Answer to that! Yet I'll do the best I can to see if I Can! Now Let's be Honest I ain't exactly a Democrat, either! Because Let's be completely Honest both of these fucking Political Parties know of only 1 fucking "God" that being the fucking Greenback! I Pride Myself on being Independent as Far as My Political Views are concerned; I admit I have Rather Liberal Views as far as some Topics are Concerned; such as Abortion; O.K. I Personally DESPISE these fucking COMPULSARY PREGNANCY Nutcases! These so-called "Right To Life" Groups! Man I have absolutely NO fucking Use for these shitpiles! I Mean everybody has a Right to their Beliefs; however, these fucking COMPULSARY PREGNANCY Groups seem to Care about "Fetuses" but Once they develop into actual babies, these COMPULSARY PREGNANCY Nuts really don't give a flying fuck about these "babies" after they're Born! Have any of yous ever noticed that shit? I Mean why don't we simply call a fucking Spade a Spade? The Late, Great Comedian George Carlin said this Rather Eloquently about these fucking COMPULSARY PREGNANCY Nutjobs: "If you're Pre-Born, you're fine; if you're Pre-School, you're fucked!" O.K. I guess it's No Longer a Secret; I am No Longer with this Psycho bitch Named Jessica; what a fucking Case of Deja Vu, eh? I mean yous would have thought I would have Learned My Lesson when I told the Bitch I was with before Jessica, that being Brittany to Hit the fucking Bricks! Little did I realize that Jessica and Brittany are in essence One in the Same! I Never Thought another Woman could Take advantage of Me Like Brittany did; shit! Was I ever sadly fucking Mistaken! I Honestly thought Jessica would have been in essence the Complete Opposite of what Brittany is which is a PILL-POPPING JUNKIE! Now I know I have made this 1000% CRYSTAL CLEAR and ANY Woman who Uses Narcotics, WILL NOT be a Part of My Life! That's something I Simply WILL NOT Compromise on! I simply Want NOTHING to do with DRUNKS, DRUG ADDICTS and or DRAMA QUEENS! Naturally I should have seen that she and Brittany are in essence NO DIFFERENT; aside from their Physical Appearances! Well, Live and Learn, eh? I Guess both of these SLUTS saw me coming, I guess! I wonder why it is that Nice Guys who are Very Generous with their Time and especially their Money seem to get Taken Advantage of By Gold-Digging SKANKS! Yet if I did Learn anything from the Mistakes I Made with Brittany, I NEVER DID allow Jessica to Put Me into a Position where I would beg, grovel, plead, cry! In essence I Never did that with Brittany, either! The Mistake I made with Brittany was I Fell Hard in Love with her; why? I'm still struggling to figure that out! Because she In essence did perhaps the Cruelest thing that anybody can do to another Humans Beingp; which is Play Games with that Person's Emotions! Yet with Jessica; I was a Lot More Cautious! Yet; all I saw were what turned out to be the same fucking Parallels with Brittany! That's Correct! Jessica is a MONEY HUNGRY GOLDDIGGER! Surprise! Surprise! Now Jessica ain't as Physically Attractive as Brittany, I Mean Brittany is simply Spellbinding! Now don't get me wrong, Jessica is very attractive; but when yous Peel Back the Layers of that Onion; that's when you see the Ugly TRUTH! Now of course Jessica is Young enough to be My Daughter; she will be 30 On My Son's 22nd Birthday! How the Hell is it that I seem to only attract these Kinds of SKANKS who want to Turn My Life into a Living Hell? I Mean, I know I can find somebody who is Closer to My age and who will accept Me for the Foul-Minded Gutter Mouthed Rocker that I have been ever since I Entered the World Throwing the Horns! How could I have Not seen that Jessica is in essence the SAME KIND of TOXIC Golddigger, that Brittany is? Did I really want to believe that Jessica was the Polar Opposite of what Brittany is? Perhaps I did! Yet; I discovered that Jessica and Brittany afctaully Hang Out with Each other and they Both Pop Pills! I'm talking about fucking Opiates! That's the Kind of shit I Steer Completely Clear of; that's something I want NOTHING TO DO With at all! Now Please Tell me something: Jessica Refers to Brittany as "B"! What the fuck is that? I mean aside from the fucking STUPID, LAME ASS Rap Subculture! Now Rap, which is as we all KNOW, IS NOT MUSIC! What the fuck is she a Wannabe Gang Banger? Shit Only Rap Performers and Gang Bangers refer to each other as the First Letter of their Name! Think about this; How fucking Stupid would I sound if I referred to My Friend, Ryan as "R" or My Friend, Aaron as "A"? Do yous see where I'm going with this shit? I mean what the fuck Kind of a 29 Year Old "Mature" woman does this shit? What the fuck Kind of "Mature 29 Year Old Woman" Sends her Current Boyfriend a Photo of her and her ABUSIVE Ex-Boyfriend together? What Kind of a "Mature 29 Year Old Woman" Tells Her Boyfriend "I've met somebody new and he's Fucking Me, already." What a fucking LYING, MANIPULATIVE BITCH! Yet Jessica has a Way of Painting herself to be the fucking "Victim" Regardless of who's right or wrong! I mean think about this; She has a 8 Year Old Son, yet she "Hates Children"! Well why the fuck did you have One, Cunt? I mean then ONLY Thing I can see Jessica as is a fucking Hypocrite! That stupid Cunt seemed to think I have a Financial Obligation to her; when in Reality SOMEBODY ELSE DOES! Yet she REFUSES to go after this LOSER who Knocked her ass up to Fulfill his Obligation! Let me make this Crystal Clear: My Last Financial Obligation I had with ANY Woman in My Life Ended back in February of 2016! So what touched off this Final Battle? I didn't Pay HER fucking Phone Bill! Now I NEVER DID see ANY Kind of fucking Contract that says I HAVE to do a fucking Thing for her at all!!!!!!!! Over the Year that she was USING Me, I Coughed Up Tens of Thousands of $$$$$$$ on that Bitch and did I get to see her tits? Sure! I got a Photo of them, after I Coughed Up $125.00! Did she suck My Dick? Get Real! Apparently I didn't send enough Money for her to do that! I thought My Relationship with Brittany hit a Low Point when that Bitch Demanded I PAY her to Have Sex! Now why in the Name of a 4 Hour fuck would I want to PAY a Woman for Something she should be Willing to do for FREE? Shit! If I am going to Pay somebody to fuck, Personally, I would prefer to do that with a Complete Stranger! I Deleted all Photos of Jessica from My Phone, except for the One of her tits; after all I PAID for that! I even got her a Sweatshirt with the Hockey Canada Emblem on it I even had a Jersey from one of the Hockey Teams I Play for Custom Made for her! Now if I even had an Inkling that This Relationship would end so Badly; would I have gone through all that trouble? Even though I didn't fall for a Majority of Jessica's LIES, because I had seen that Movie before; it still doesn't feel very Good when somebody Plays with your Emotions! Yet; I ain't very worried about this! If I Learned from My Relationship with Brittany is How to Cut My Losses! I mean Jessica is No Major Loss to me, because all she ever gave me were nothing but Headaches! Yet I know I will find somebody who will Love Me and Accept Me for Who I AM! Rather than wanting to be with Me for ONLY My Money! Yes, I guess I have to Write Off the 10s of 1000s of Dollars Jessica Conned Out of Me as Losses; however that bitch KNOWS she Threw Away the BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO HER! I don't have a damn thing to be ashamed of! I KNOW I will find somebody who will appreciate a Man who KNOWS HOW to Treat a Woman! And believe Me with a Large Number of beautiful Woman who Reside in the Flint/Saginaw/Bay City/Midland Area; I won't have to Search for Very Long! In the Meantime; I will continue to fuck any Woman who wants to do so; doesn't Matter when, where or How! That's Simply who I am! To add I also have something that I KNOW WILL NEVER LIE TO ME, BETRAY ME or STAB ME IN THE BACK; which is Hockey! That I will Have for as Long as I can Physically do so! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Never allow a Toxic LIAR to Turn Your Heart of Gold into a Corroded Mess!
Monday, April 2, 2018
Michigan's Resident Rocker's Take On Organized Religion
Well, here it is, time once again for Michigan's Resident Rocker to sit down in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Flag of God's Country which as all of yous know is Canada! Now perhaps yous may be curious as to what the Hell is On My Twisted Mind? Well I'm glad yous asked; because I am about to tell yous about a topic that I know is rather sensitive to a Lot of yous; which is Religion! Now why is this Topic so fucking touchy with a Majority of yous? I don't have a fucking Clue! Yet before I get into the Heart of what this Blog Entry is all about, Naturally I Lead into the Main Topic with a Little bit of a side note. Now as most of yous know I Got Involved in a Toxic Relationship which damn near Ruined My Life! Now since we are approaching the 1 Year Anniversary of when I finally broke the Shackles of a Toxic Girlfriend who is a Drug Addict; I am still attempting to recover from the Damage that she has done to My Life, especially My Finances! I will say this about Brittany, that's who My Now ex-Girlfriend is; she is very beautiful, she really is; and I ain't just talking about her Physical appearance; I mean when she was in her Right Mind (which unfortunately throughout the time I was seeing her, wasn't very often) she couldn't be touched as to how happy she had the Potential to make any Man who Really Loved or Loves her; and believe me, I did! Yet, I don't think she ever Loved herself. Now Let's not forget that she was and as far as I know is a Recovering Opoiod Addict. As I found Out firsthand, the spector of Losing her to the Grim Reaper was always a Possibility. That was Scary because I always believed that if I showed her that I truly Loved her and Cared about her that Maybe she would see that her Life was worth Living and that she had a Family that Loved her; but she also had a Toxic Boyfriend who dragged her into a Life of Drug Addiction and Crime! Now I ain't saying this LOSER held a Gun to Brittany's Head and Made her get Hooked on Heroin and Later Opiates; but I guess when yous get Hooked on Toxic Substances it can be a Nightmare to break free from something Like that! And with 4 Felony Convictions on her Record she knows she's got the Deck Stacked against her as it is! Of course she brought all of this on herself, I mean she can blame several factors as to how she got to where she is; but when all is said and done; she has to Own whatever it is that her Record says about her! Throughout My Relationship with her it seemed as if No Matter what I did to Help her, she didn't seem to want to Help herself; therefore she in essence was her own worst enemy! Now that it's been Over a Year since I Last saw Brittany, I still wonder whatever has become of her! However, I don't miss worrying about whether she was in Trouble or even dead! Now don't get me wrong, Brittany had a spell over me, her Beautiful Brown Hair and Blue Eyes are Positively Mesmerising, not to Mention her other Physical Qualities have a way of Making Men fall for her Like a Stone dropped from a Bridge, However, if yous knew Much Like I didn't that she was a Drug Addict, maybe yous could have steered Clear of the Danger that she Posed! Yet Nowadays, I can Only wish her all the best because, she has had more than enough Negativity to have to Overcome; she is Now 28 Years Old and I know she can still Lead a very Productive Life; assuming she can stay away from the Temptations that Led to her getting Hooked on these Toxic Substances! Now can this Happen? Only Time will tell! O.K. Getting right into the Topic at Hand; as Most of yous know this is supposed to be My Take on Religion and the Many Evils it breeds! Now what the fuck am I talking about? O.K. this is the Point to where I have to Place an all too Familiar Disclaimer that if yous get Offended Easily, then I Must advise yous to stop reading this fucking Manifestation of what's On My Twisted Mind right at this very Point! Because as I have Made 100,000% Crystal Clear, I don't give a flying fuck if what I say "Offends" yous or not! In fact I think some of yous NEED to be "Offended"! How the fuck do yous Like that? As I said the Main Topic is Organized Religion and what a fucking SHAM it is! Why the fuck do I say this? O.K. Let's take a Look at No further than your fucking TV Screen. If yous want a way to Make Millions of Dollars and get ready for a fucking Shock TAX FREE! Simply be able to Brainwash Several Thousands of Followers into believing that you're the One that can bring about the 2nd Coming of 1 Jesus Christ! I mean Let's Examine one of the Top HYPOCRITES, TV Evangalist, Joel Osteen. Now this Cocksucker, is one of the Biggest Cancers to "Christianity"! I can tell yous that the ONLY "God" this fucking Charlatan Worships is the Almighty DOLLAR! Now think about this. The Megachurch, that this CROOK Preaches at the Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Now how's this for an Irony? The Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas was Once Home to an NBA Basketball Team, that's Right before that Building became known as Lakewood Church it was Originally known as the Summit Arena and was Home to the NBA's Houston Rockets! This Church averages an Attendance of 52,000 SHEEP a Week! Now if you have a Majority of these Brainwashed, Mindless Souls Coughing Up at Least $20.00 a Head to Pay Joel Osteen's Salary and to Maintain Operations at this Former Basketball Arena, well yous can say that draws that CULT about $1.4 Million a Week, just from Those who Step Foot in the Door, Let's Not forget about all of the Television Stations that Broadcast Joel Osteen's Propaganda to Billions of those who ain't capable of thinking for themselves, and yous Can safely assume that Joel Osteen's Net Worth is North of $40 Million! ALL of it TAX FREE! Now how the fuck is this even a Possibility? Now I openly admit I ain't No expert as far as the United States of Dump The Gump Trump's Tax Code; However get ready for a shock because Churches can Avoid Paying Income Taxes because Religious Organizations are EXEMPT from paying Income Taxes! I don't exactly know how this is even Justifiable; because Churches are the Most Political organizations in this Country! That's correct! Churches DEMAND that their Parishoners Vote Overwhelmingly Republican! I have heard Most Churches Tell their Flock of Brainwashed SHEEPLE to "Vote Republican or You'll be condemned to an eternity in Hell!" I know Most Religions Use this Kind of Fear Mongering to impose their Will Upon their Followers! Now I shall share My Experiences from a Few Churches I attended in My Lifetime. The Original Church I was being Dragged off to against My Own Will from the Age of 9 Until I was 14; kept attempting to Pound into My Head that "Rock & Roll Music is the Devil's Tool To Win Souls!" Now I have Grown Up Listening to Rock Music and I can Honestly tell yous that I Never Once Molested any Children, I Never Once Spread Animal Blood all over everything I touch or any other kind of Misinformation that this CULT has Spread! In Fact the Chief propaganda Artist against Rock Music is Al Menconi. Among this Wolf In Sheep's Clothing's Favourite Targets is My Favourite Rock Band of My Entire Lifetime, KISS; Menconi wants yous to believe that the Letters in the Band's Name say Kids In Satan's Service! Now I don't buy that for 1 Split Second at all! I mean I knew I Liked this Band's Music since I was 4 Years Old! I didn't give a Rat's ass whether these Guys Painted their faces or whatever things they did in ConcertI Love their Music! What the fuck is wrong with that? I Mean I don't Like Rap, which is, if yous ask me, NOT MUSIC! All that shit is happens to be Nothing but a bunch of stupid, Lame ass Buzzwords Put together! I mean yous don't even Need fucking "Talent" to Perform that shit! Nonetheless; That happens to be My Views on Rap! Yous want to Listen to that shit, by all means be my fucking Guest! Just Realize that shit will NEVER Come Out of any Piece of Audio or Stereo Equipment that I Own. Now Last Night I allowed My 10 Year Old Niece, Caylee to Contaminate My Car's Stereo Speakers with that Shit, albeit temporarily, because that happens to be something she Likes, How? I ain't got a fucking Clue, but that is what she Likes! Anyway getting back on Topic; as a Manifestation of My Love of Rock Music; I have Worn My hair at Shoulder Length or Slightly Longer since I was 14 Years Old, I am Now 48, so with a couple of Noted Exceptions In the Last 34 Years I have Worn My Hair this way! Yet At every Church I have gone to, the so Called "Christians" who Claim they Follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ stare Holes of Judgment through me! Not to mention I heard all of the fucking Propaganda of some of these Followers saying to me "You shouldn't Listen to that Kind of Music, because you'll go to Hell!" Now I personally would Like to know what the Hell do these SHEEPLE Call "Music". I mean doesn't Rap or Country Contain the same "Subliminal Messages" about Drugs, Sex and the Devil in their Lyrics? Get a fucking Grip! I mean think about it Country Music Artists bemoan their Sisters Breaking off their Incesteous Relationships, and doesn't Rap Glorify Dealing Drugs and Drive-By Shootings? Well, I can't answer those Questions about those Genres, because I don't Listen to or follow them! 14 Years later when I attended Church with My 1st Wife Carrie (Now yous Talk about a fucking Hypocrite) in essence nothing had changed! I was being Judged by the Length of My Hair (apparently these "Christians" seem to think that because I wear My Hair Long that I am some Kind of Dope Smoking Hippie") Now for those of yous who may have been Living under a fucking Rock, I am a Father of 2 Grown Children, I have a 23 Year Old Daughter and a 21 Year Old Son. I am an Avid Hockey Player and I Bust My ass every day to make an Honest Living! I Have NEVER ONCE had any fucking thing to do with Narcotics in My fucking 48 Years that I have been around! Now of course within the Next Couple Weeks I will be going to a Church that My Girlfriend, Jessica attends; to see for Myself if whether the Flock that she attends Church with are Not the Same Judgmental fucks that I have had to Put Up with throughout the Times I have attended different Churches! Now I will do this because I Love her and out of Respect for her, I'll step Out of My Comfort Zone! Now this is a Gamble on My Part, because I don't believe that anybody should be Judged based on how they Dress, How they wear their Hair; or the Music they Listen to or any fucking thing other "the Content of their Character!" Yes, I Wear My Hair at Shoulder Length, as "Dressed Up" as I Get is Wearing a Hockey Jersey and Jeans or Khakis! In Fact I shall Share an article on How Religion is used to Promote Hate! In Fact the Ku Klux Klan Claimed that they're Espousing "American Judeo Christian Values" while Promoting Vile, Evil HATRED towards anybody who ain't White, Male, Judeo Christian, or whatever else these Narrow Minded BIGOTS Hold Sacred! Here's the Article I shall sahre with yous on how Hate Groups Use Religion to justify Bigotry: Bigotry hiding behind religion
By Mark E Andersen
Some things in this world never change. Take bigotry, for example, which has always been around. It is something that is taught—bigots are not born, they are made. To paraphrase Dennis Leary: [Bigotry] isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a 2-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.
Bigotry has taken many forms throughout our nation's history. The Irish, Catholics, Italians, African Americans, Native Americans, and homosexuals are just a few of the groups that have felt the sting of bigotry in America. And sadly, that is not even close to being an all-inclusive list. Those who hate have no problem spreading it out to anyone they see as different.
One constant throughout history has been the use of religion to justify bigotry. Religion was used to justify slavery:
In 1835, at the end of two long articles about religion and slavery in the Charleston Mercury, it was said that both the Old and New Testament give permission to hold others as slaves. In the Old Testament, God and the Patriarchs approve. As for the New Testament, Jesus and the Apostles show that slavery is permissible. Therefore, slavery, to those who wrote the article, was not an anti-Christian institution. It was just the opposite. Furthermore, they added, it is impious to say slavery is anti-Christian because such a conclusion contradicted God.
Follow below the fold for more.
Religion has also been used to justify segregation:
For hundreds of years, the so-called curse of Ham was frequently taught by religious leaders as the source for racial differences, and in more recent times was seized on as a Biblical excuse for segregation and slavery
But really, bigotry knows no color, and religion was used to justify hatred toward Catholics from Ireland and Germany immigrating to the United States in the mid-19th century:
Some believed that the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation. In his best-selling book of fiction, A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court, author Mark Twain indicates his hostility to the Catholic Church. He admitted that he had "...been educated to enmity toward everything that is Catholic."
Now don't take this as me saying that all religion is bad. That is certainly not the case. This is about when people cloak their bigotry with the Bible. One would think that by this point in our country's history, society as a whole would see through this facade of religion covering for bigotry, but time and again it continues to happen.
As homosexuality becomes more accepted in society, the religious right has gone back to their usual playbook: religious freedom. In Colorado we have seen a case where a baker refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple based on the baker's religious convictions. The courts found for the happy couple. This, of course, brought about cries that constitutional rights had been trampled on. Of course, it could not just end there. Another bigot in Colorado climbed out of the primordial ooze and approached another Colorado baker and requested ...
... two cakes, both in the shape of Bibles. That wasn't a problem for Marjorie Silva, the bakery’s owner. It was what Jack wanted her to write on the cake: Anti-gay phrases including "God hates gays" and an image of two men holding hands, covered in a big, red "X."
The baker is now facing a civil rights complaint for refusing to decorate the cake with the customer's hateful message.
The Los Angeles Times recently took up both of the above issues in a editorial piece. The conclusion was:
Any rule that requires anti-gay bakers or other businesses to perform work they object to will have to apply equally to their pro-gay counterparts.
I disagree with the Los Angeles Times. My take on this is really pretty simple: If you are business owner and you refuse service to someone based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality then you are a bigot, and you are in the wrong. If you go into a business and ask them to create something that conveys your bigoted message, and said business owner refuses to provide you with the product you requested, you are a bigot and you are in the wrong, not the business owner.
Neither case is about religious freedom. Both are about a bigot trying to force his or her will on someone else. Bigots can cloak themselves in the Bible as much as they want, but sooner or later people will catch on to their ruse. No, these cases aren't about religion. They are about people who are afraid that their world is changing and are doing all they can to hold onto it. Now was that a fucking eye opener or what? I mean think about this! The God that I know of doesn't promote Hatred, Bigotry or any other kind of this fucking White Supremacist POISON that these Hate Groups Promote! In fact I am certain that God, Himself Loves everybody No Matter what the Colour of their fucking Skin is, their Way of Celebrating their Beliefs in Him or whether you're a Man who chooses to Suck Dick! I mean what the fuck does it Matter? I'm certain that God doesn't give a fuck about where yous attend Church, or whether you're Black, White, Latino, Asian doesn't metter! Now get ready for another shock; what's the #1 Motive for all of the Murders Committed in the World? And or Wars that have Raged On Over the Years? Religion! In Fact that was the Motive of the 21 Hijackers who Hijacked 4 Commercial Jet Airliners to Commite the Worst Mass Murder in the History of the United States. Now to give yous a Background this was a "Where were yous when this Incident Occurred" Just Like the Assasination of President John F. Kennedy or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? This Happened on September 11, 2001. These Hijackers Planned this Mass Attrocity Many Months if not Years In Advance and they knew going in that they were not going to Live to see the aftermath of their actions; However in their Minds they Believed that they were Justified in Killing Over 3000 Innocent People, who had done nothing to them, as well as themselves! Now I often wonder how God Looks at these Guys who Committed such an act of what some would deem Genocide? But what was their Motivation? Just Like the Motivation of the Mastermind of these Attrocities, Osama bin Laden? Yous Guessed it: Religion! These Hijackers believed that if they Murdered thousands of as they called them "American Oppressors" as well as themselves, that they each would Get to fuck 72 Virgins in Heaven. I wonder how that all worked out? I Guess on My Dying Day, I'll get to figure this out! Personally, I was Raised to Respect every Person's Beliefs no Matter how Misguided they may be for what they are! Even if I don't agree with them! Here's one More thing to think about. These "Christians" Claim to be "Pro-Life" with their stances against Abortion, yet they Support the Death Penalty for Convicted Murderers! How can yous be "Pro-Life" if yous support the Government Sanctioned Killing of a Humans Being, even if that Motherfucker Took a Life, Himself? May I also add, How can yous Call Yourself "Pro-Life" when yous only seem to Give a Flying fuck about Fetuses that are in the Bodies of their Mothers but then after these "Fetuses" are Born into Actual Human Babies, yous couldn't give a Flying fuck about them after they're Born? I wish one of these fucking Compulsary Pregnancy Nutcases would answer this Question not only for me but for those who Support a Woman's RIGHT to Terminate an Unwanted Pregnancy! I Openly welcome an OPEN MINDED, HONEST answer to that very Question! Personally, the God that I know of who is All Knowing, All Powerful, All Loving, and so on and so forth probably doesn't really give a fuck about whether a Pregnant Woman CHOOSES to get an Abortion or Have the Baby! In fact, I Believe that if he's such a "Forgiving" being that he even Forgave Adolf Hitler and allowed him to Pass the Pearly Gates; even after all of the Attrocities that Hitler Committed! One final Question I need to ask of you Judgmental fucks who think that they can Judge Me by the Length of My Hair; didn't the Jesus Christ that you Claim to follow the Teachings of Wear his Hair Past his Shoulders? Now I don't Claim to be a Genius on things Related to the Bible; but If I ain't Mistaken I think Jesus wore his Hair Long and Never Once Wore a Business Suit or Promoted Unbridled Greed among his Followers! Just something to think about! That wraps up this Manifestation of whatever the fuck is on My Twisted Mind! Until Next Tikme this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying as the Old Proverb goes "Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged, Yourself"!
By Mark E Andersen
Some things in this world never change. Take bigotry, for example, which has always been around. It is something that is taught—bigots are not born, they are made. To paraphrase Dennis Leary: [Bigotry] isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a 2-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.
Bigotry has taken many forms throughout our nation's history. The Irish, Catholics, Italians, African Americans, Native Americans, and homosexuals are just a few of the groups that have felt the sting of bigotry in America. And sadly, that is not even close to being an all-inclusive list. Those who hate have no problem spreading it out to anyone they see as different.
One constant throughout history has been the use of religion to justify bigotry. Religion was used to justify slavery:
In 1835, at the end of two long articles about religion and slavery in the Charleston Mercury, it was said that both the Old and New Testament give permission to hold others as slaves. In the Old Testament, God and the Patriarchs approve. As for the New Testament, Jesus and the Apostles show that slavery is permissible. Therefore, slavery, to those who wrote the article, was not an anti-Christian institution. It was just the opposite. Furthermore, they added, it is impious to say slavery is anti-Christian because such a conclusion contradicted God.
Follow below the fold for more.
Religion has also been used to justify segregation:
For hundreds of years, the so-called curse of Ham was frequently taught by religious leaders as the source for racial differences, and in more recent times was seized on as a Biblical excuse for segregation and slavery
But really, bigotry knows no color, and religion was used to justify hatred toward Catholics from Ireland and Germany immigrating to the United States in the mid-19th century:
Some believed that the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation. In his best-selling book of fiction, A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court, author Mark Twain indicates his hostility to the Catholic Church. He admitted that he had "...been educated to enmity toward everything that is Catholic."
Now don't take this as me saying that all religion is bad. That is certainly not the case. This is about when people cloak their bigotry with the Bible. One would think that by this point in our country's history, society as a whole would see through this facade of religion covering for bigotry, but time and again it continues to happen.
As homosexuality becomes more accepted in society, the religious right has gone back to their usual playbook: religious freedom. In Colorado we have seen a case where a baker refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple based on the baker's religious convictions. The courts found for the happy couple. This, of course, brought about cries that constitutional rights had been trampled on. Of course, it could not just end there. Another bigot in Colorado climbed out of the primordial ooze and approached another Colorado baker and requested ...
... two cakes, both in the shape of Bibles. That wasn't a problem for Marjorie Silva, the bakery’s owner. It was what Jack wanted her to write on the cake: Anti-gay phrases including "God hates gays" and an image of two men holding hands, covered in a big, red "X."
The baker is now facing a civil rights complaint for refusing to decorate the cake with the customer's hateful message.
The Los Angeles Times recently took up both of the above issues in a editorial piece. The conclusion was:
Any rule that requires anti-gay bakers or other businesses to perform work they object to will have to apply equally to their pro-gay counterparts.
I disagree with the Los Angeles Times. My take on this is really pretty simple: If you are business owner and you refuse service to someone based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality then you are a bigot, and you are in the wrong. If you go into a business and ask them to create something that conveys your bigoted message, and said business owner refuses to provide you with the product you requested, you are a bigot and you are in the wrong, not the business owner.
Neither case is about religious freedom. Both are about a bigot trying to force his or her will on someone else. Bigots can cloak themselves in the Bible as much as they want, but sooner or later people will catch on to their ruse. No, these cases aren't about religion. They are about people who are afraid that their world is changing and are doing all they can to hold onto it. Now was that a fucking eye opener or what? I mean think about this! The God that I know of doesn't promote Hatred, Bigotry or any other kind of this fucking White Supremacist POISON that these Hate Groups Promote! In fact I am certain that God, Himself Loves everybody No Matter what the Colour of their fucking Skin is, their Way of Celebrating their Beliefs in Him or whether you're a Man who chooses to Suck Dick! I mean what the fuck does it Matter? I'm certain that God doesn't give a fuck about where yous attend Church, or whether you're Black, White, Latino, Asian doesn't metter! Now get ready for another shock; what's the #1 Motive for all of the Murders Committed in the World? And or Wars that have Raged On Over the Years? Religion! In Fact that was the Motive of the 21 Hijackers who Hijacked 4 Commercial Jet Airliners to Commite the Worst Mass Murder in the History of the United States. Now to give yous a Background this was a "Where were yous when this Incident Occurred" Just Like the Assasination of President John F. Kennedy or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? This Happened on September 11, 2001. These Hijackers Planned this Mass Attrocity Many Months if not Years In Advance and they knew going in that they were not going to Live to see the aftermath of their actions; However in their Minds they Believed that they were Justified in Killing Over 3000 Innocent People, who had done nothing to them, as well as themselves! Now I often wonder how God Looks at these Guys who Committed such an act of what some would deem Genocide? But what was their Motivation? Just Like the Motivation of the Mastermind of these Attrocities, Osama bin Laden? Yous Guessed it: Religion! These Hijackers believed that if they Murdered thousands of as they called them "American Oppressors" as well as themselves, that they each would Get to fuck 72 Virgins in Heaven. I wonder how that all worked out? I Guess on My Dying Day, I'll get to figure this out! Personally, I was Raised to Respect every Person's Beliefs no Matter how Misguided they may be for what they are! Even if I don't agree with them! Here's one More thing to think about. These "Christians" Claim to be "Pro-Life" with their stances against Abortion, yet they Support the Death Penalty for Convicted Murderers! How can yous be "Pro-Life" if yous support the Government Sanctioned Killing of a Humans Being, even if that Motherfucker Took a Life, Himself? May I also add, How can yous Call Yourself "Pro-Life" when yous only seem to Give a Flying fuck about Fetuses that are in the Bodies of their Mothers but then after these "Fetuses" are Born into Actual Human Babies, yous couldn't give a Flying fuck about them after they're Born? I wish one of these fucking Compulsary Pregnancy Nutcases would answer this Question not only for me but for those who Support a Woman's RIGHT to Terminate an Unwanted Pregnancy! I Openly welcome an OPEN MINDED, HONEST answer to that very Question! Personally, the God that I know of who is All Knowing, All Powerful, All Loving, and so on and so forth probably doesn't really give a fuck about whether a Pregnant Woman CHOOSES to get an Abortion or Have the Baby! In fact, I Believe that if he's such a "Forgiving" being that he even Forgave Adolf Hitler and allowed him to Pass the Pearly Gates; even after all of the Attrocities that Hitler Committed! One final Question I need to ask of you Judgmental fucks who think that they can Judge Me by the Length of My Hair; didn't the Jesus Christ that you Claim to follow the Teachings of Wear his Hair Past his Shoulders? Now I don't Claim to be a Genius on things Related to the Bible; but If I ain't Mistaken I think Jesus wore his Hair Long and Never Once Wore a Business Suit or Promoted Unbridled Greed among his Followers! Just something to think about! That wraps up this Manifestation of whatever the fuck is on My Twisted Mind! Until Next Tikme this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying as the Old Proverb goes "Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged, Yourself"!
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Michigan's Resident Rocker Owes An Explanation To Nobody!
Well, well, well, well, here it is another Time when Michigan's Resident Rocker can sit down in the Cockpit Under the beautiful Canadian Flag that Marks the Cockpit to write out another Manifesto of whatever the fuck is on My Twisted Mind and believe me there's a Lot on it! O.K. As we all know a Lot has changed in My Life since I Last Wrote out a Manifesto into the Very Open Book that is My so far 48 Years that I have been on this Satellite known as Planet Earth. Yet 1 thing has been rather consistent and that is I simply don't give a flying fuck what anybody thinks of me; after all I decided early on (after I Graduated from Port Huron Northern High School) that No Matter how hard yous try, yous ain't gonna Please everybody so why the fuck bother attempting to appease everybody yous come into contact with? Makes sense doesn't it not? Please follow along because I'm just getting started! As I have said earlier, Between doing My Job and Playing Hockey, I haven't had a Great deal of time to Myself to write Out Manifestos of whatever is On My Twisted Mind; so when I do yous can see the Quality of whatever I write out! Now as Most of yous know I Play Hockey In 3 Leagues; Most Infamously 1 of the Teams I Play for the MSE Wolverines, who Play on Saturday Nights @ Fraser Hockeyland in Fraser, Michigan, Played for the Saturday D League Division 6 Championship for the Fall/Winter Season about 3 Weeks ago; and I am happy to say we Skated away with the Championship after a 7-9-0 Regular Season Campaign We Torched every Opponent along the way to the Championship with a Perfect Post Season Record, talk about Living a fucking Stanley Cup Moment! Yes! It's safe to Equate Winning a League Championship with Winning Professional Hockey's Holy Grail! It really is that fucking awesome! O.K. Moving right along; as we all know I am on the Path of Starting My Life Over after 14 Years of Marriage that was Good at times but went Bad after My Soon to be Ex-Wife decided that Loyalty to Me, Her Husband was Nothing but "Strictly an Option"! What the fuck do I Mean by this? O.K. I'm glad yous asked, because I will enlighten yous as to what the fuck I am talking about! It all started when I asked My One Soon to be Former Sister-In-Law a Gorgeous Blonde with a Damn Near Perfect Rack to Co-Sign a Loan so I can Buy a Newer Car in essence to Rebuild My fucking Credit; well as it turned out that was an exercise in futility, because Naturally this Dump The Gump Trump Worshipping ELITIST basically Called Me "Abusive" and Naturally she along with her Sister a Brunette, who has Equally as Impressive a set of Cans have been spreading LIES that "He Hits Women" at every fucking Golf Course and at every $1000.00 a Plate Fundraiser for Dump The Gump Trump that they Attend! In Fact they so worship the Ground that Dump The Gump Trump SLITHERS On that they vowed to stop, drop and suck his dick on site! Yet My Cesspool of a Marriage could have been spared had My "Loving Wife" Done the RIGHT THING and DEMAND that her Family APOLOGIZE for SLANDERING My Good Name by Calling Me "Abusive" and for saying that "He Hits Women" a Charge that is ABSOLUTELY 1000% NOT FUCKING TRUE! Now get ready for something that adds Insult to Injury her Aunt then Left a Voicemail on Wifey's Phone that said "You Sister Won't Co-Sign a Loan for him, because he will 'Lose His Job'". Now after I heard that shit; I decided that I was NEVER AGAIN going to attend ANY Function with her Family and rightfully so! I mean why the fuck should I allow somebody to SLANDER My Good Name, Swallow it and be as she says "Good and Thankful"? Somebody Please tell me that shit! That's the REAL REASON why My Marriage is going to END; Not the Train Wreck who is now My Ex-Girlfriend, Brittany! Oh! Trust Me I will be getting to her in a few Minutes but then the final Insult Came when My Soon To be Former In-Laws Gathered together to "Celebrate" the 90th Birthday of her Aunt and of course I Naturally had other Plans (Which was to Play Hockey that Night) And of course Good Ol' Wifey has the nerve to say "Oh! You'd Rather Play Hockey than be with Family!" Naturally I responded "They ain't MY Family!" Now of course I will still fuck her simply to Piss Off her Uber Wealthy, SNOOTY Family! I can tell that they never really did Like me in the 1st Place but then againI figured that attempting to appease an ELITIST is a Huge Waste of Time. Now don't get me wrong I do Miss the Place I called "Home" for what Turned out to be the Last 4 Years of that Shitpool of a Marriage; I Miss My 2 Cats, Jasmine and Bigboy; after all, they ain't the Reason why I Left My Marriage and neither was Brittany as I said Please bear with Me I'm getting to her! But to remain in a Marriage in where the In-Laws were not going to be Held accountable, made absolutely No Sense to me no more! Not to mention, she NEVER DID ACCEPT Me for who I am; a Loyal Leykis 101 Graduate, who follows his Instincts! She always was attempting to "Change Me" and "Mold Me" Into Cabbie BOY, Lover BOY, Helen Harper, and every PUSSYWHIPPED PUSSY she desired to be with! I Guess that's what I really Love about My Current Girlfriend, Jessica! Now I will get to Jessica Later in this Blog Entry. Now Onto Brittany; Many People ask me "What exactly did you see in that Young Woman who is 20 Years Younger than you?" Now that I Look back on My Relationship with Brittany, I don't have a fucking Clue! Aside from the fact that she's Physically attractive; but don't Let her beautiful face and her Goddess-Like Body fool yous; she was a fucking Nightmare right from the fucking Word "Go"! I mean think about this when a Relationship is Built on a Foundation of LIES then yous have to be realistic; the Chances of a "Happy Ending" are Slim to None! Now a Little about Brittany; she's Now a 28 Year Old Brunette with Blue Eyes a Rarity! But Maybe I should have trusted My Instincts that told me "Get as Far away from this one as yous can!" I should have realized that she was a Drug Addict, something I was Once Married to! That would be a Description of My 1st Wife, Carrie; Now that's a Road I would just as soon not travel down again anytime soon! But Problem was I wanted to believe that Brittany was telling me the Truth that she wasn't Using Drugs; that even though she had been Convicted of at Least I Dare say 4 Felonies that somehow she Cleaned Up her act; and was Ready to be in an Adult Relationship! Yet was I ever dead wrong about her! As It turned out she already WAS in a Relationship, with a Dirtbag named Ryan L. (I ain't gonna use his surname) because he doesn't deserve any other mention other than when I finally Beat his ass; and then I gave Brittany an Ultimatum; either Ryan had to go or I Had to! I never even got to fuck her at all! What the fuck was I ever thinking? I suspected that Brittany was a Junkie; but somehow; I never was able to Connect the fucking dots to Draw the Complete Picture. I Never could Prove that she was Using Drugs which for me is a DROP DEAD DEALBREAKER! Yet Brittany Cost me more than Just Thousands of $$$$$$$ but she cost Me My Relationship with My "Parents"! Now along that front I will say this; My Mother's Husband In essence Crossed a Line that yous simply DO NOT Cross with me; which is to Call me a fucking "DOPE TRAFFICKER"! Anybody who knows me KNOWS for a fucking FACT that I NEVER HAVE HAD Nor ever fucking WILL HAVE ANYTHING to do with Narcotics In My fucking Life! What's all the fucking Worse is the fact that he Put My Mother In the Position to where she "HAD TO CHOOSE" between her Husband and her 2 Sons! Well, apparently My Mother Made her Choice! But so be it! Now check this out; One Day he Called me an "Adulterer" Like I'm supposed to keel over and Die from that Remark! This coming from a DRUNK who fucked his Own Grandson's Mother while Married to My Mother! Now ain't that the fucking Pot Calling the fucking Kettle Black? Now did I give a flying fuck as to whether he fucked other Women while Married to My Mother? Is there any reason why I should have? Since when did we Revert back to the fucking Puritan Days? Since when is Having Sex with somebody other than your Insignificant Other a "Crime"? I mean I Openly admit I have had Sex with at Least 16 Different Women since I was Married to My Now Estranged Wife, Unfortunately Brittany wasn't 1 of them! But then again I wasn't about to PAY her for the Priveledge of having My dick inside of her! Especially not when she Never Made Ryan PAY for a Piece of Pussy from her! Now getting back to My Mother's Husband; this is a Guy who thinks he's "Perfect" and "Makes No Mistakes"; even though he's a fucking DRUNK and a fucking Coward! Now check this out: I Often wonder when he fucked His Grandson's Mother; how did he Conduct foreplay? Did he Snort a Line of BLOW off her ass? Trust Me I saw that shit once and when yous see something Like that yous Never do forget it! Just Like when Brittany was Arrested for Possession of Narcotics the Night My fucking Car was Impounded over that Weekend! I Guess I should have ended My Relationship with Brittany right then and there, but I also Knew that My Marriage was Over so In essence I felt as if I was on an Island? I wasn't sure what the "Right thing" to do was! Perhaps that was Brittany's Life Hitting "Rock Bottom" and from there she had only 1 direction in which to go! But was I ever sadly Mistaken about that shit! She Never did "Grow Up" Get CLEAN and get the fuck away from that asshole, Ryan! In fact she Kept seeing Him behind my fucking back and then LYING about it! Maybe I should have gotten her On the Jerry Springer Show to Get Rid of her for Good! How is it that you Can "Love" somebody if they don't "Love" you in Return? Even after I beat Ryan's ass; I Yelled in Brittany's Direction "IT'S OVER, BRITTANY!" Little did I realize how she could sucker me back in with an e-mail! Perhaps I should have Made my Break and gotten as far away from Brittany as I could have; when she had Originally attempted Suicide; but Having Never been confronted with somebody I Loved and Cared about attempting to End her Life; I wasn't sure what would have been the Right thing to do! Enter this Recovering Heroin Addict Named Mary, who I fucked Only 2 Days after I Met her and she Helped My Finally cut the Lead Weight known as Brittany from around My ankle; but I Knew other than a "Friends with Benefits" arrangement I had no real Interest in Mary at all and I Ultimately discovered that she was no Better than Brittany! It's Safe to say that Brittany caused me more headaches than even a Sledgehammer shot to the fucking balls can cure! To add I made more Mistakes with Brittany than I care to admit to! I guess the final Straw came after I Moved into My Current Home; and she Refused to Move In with Me, at that Point I had to Make a Decision; because she was Ruining me! So I finally ended it for Good with Brittany! Now that My Current Girlfriend, Jessica is in My Life, well, I'm still trying to recover financially from the Problems Brittany Caused me; but at Least I don't have to Cater to Brittany's whims and Always have to "Come Up with and give her $$$$$! Nor do I have to be Paying Upwards of $200.00 a Week on Seedy, Fleabag Motels to keep Brittany In. But to this Day, I still wonder whatever became of Brittany? Who knows? Maybe she finally has Realized that her Life is Worth Living and Maybe she finally got Rid of that Dirtbag, Ryan L. But I ain't in no hurry to find this out! Now a Little about Jessica; she's a 29 Year Old Brunette with Several tattoos on her skin. She also has a Son who will be 8 Years Old in March. Now here's a Kid that Most any Man would be Proud to refer to as "Son". Maybe this is a Chance at Redemption since I feel as If I had Failed so Miserably with My Own Son, Jonathan who is now 21 Years Old! Now I would be remiss if I didn't Mention about 3 Months ago the 1st True Love of My Life, the Mother of My Now 23 Year Old Daughter, Marjorie, as well as 21 Year Old Jonathan; Passed Away, she was 3 Months short of what would have been her 52nd Birthday. I really wish I had not wasted so Much Time attempting to Make her Life as Much of a Living Hell as she Made Mine! I Guess when somebody is about to enter the Afterlife it causes you to change your Perspective. But as I have said earlier I don't Owe anybody an explanation for how I have Lived My Life! Nor do I Owe anybody any kind of explanation about My Relationships and or any of the Women I have Nailed! I figure I ain't hurting a damn soul so I ain't about to change a Damn thing! Until Next Time this is Michigan's Resident Rocker saying Life's way to short to seek the "Approval" of Others! Live Your Life On Your Own Terms!
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